i' til t t 1' v' ,-l .. v". '' - both tree and fruit proved totally (lis- .t nrrwirr " i" 1 "" ' """" --- will make ho misrepresentations TRUCK. tinct. The Lc Conte grows some 'hnn snulYiml much has what in the shape of! tvLombar- been written about IorloiK anu iu itv poniar, tne urancaes buuutiug i truckinff interests. It is a vast mterp straight tin; ami tne Unit is giossy, l est that yearly increases in inapor large, rosetingctl and telicious. The Stance. 1 Its history dates from 1842. Chinese sand-pear, however, grows when on the (arm of Bates and Hatch, a,0re in tliD shape of the braiige, peach Jersey men, located on the Western and ordinary apple ; the fruit is a i Branch, early, vegetables lor- ship- rusty-Coat," small, tougli and good lUant nrpo first ratsed. neas and cuMnh;PfW for looking nuruoscs. But the l WWiv www - " - 9 & ; I"" J X " I ymbers were the first articles pref ix Conte is of the saoie family, Sliced, and since then the cultivation h0th grow from a cutting. Sand shipment of vegetables to Siortli-1 K The parent trees, owned by Mrs. I rn markets, has steadily - progressed I Har.len, attracted very little atten Huntil now for a distance of miles on tion . anrl about the time it began to liboth sides of the river we find a con- bear, thei war broke out! and the tree ' tmnons line of truck farms; in fact! remained unnoticed foria number of T I 'the whole of Norfolk tunty may be years. Then, 1869, Capt. L- LVar j considered one immense garden farm. nedoe, .who had managed for Mrs. MBat the cultivation of truck is not Harden previous to the !war, removed lnn minfined to Norfold county. It from Liberty cbuntv to this, and is carried on to a considerable extent brought with him a number of cut In all the contiguous connties, J?rin- tings from the tree. Of these, about icess Anne, Nansemond, Elizabeth jiajf a dozen lived and flourished; and City county, Warwick, orthhamp-from these orignal trees many others ton and Accomack. Besides the cul- bave been grown. Mr. H." H. San- ; tivation of vegetables for market has for(j proCured cuttings from Capt spread to tne souna counues oi xiutui varneiloe, and now he, as wen as SCarolina seeking an outlet at Nor- Capt. N., has extensive5 orchards and folk, for shipment North. j nurseries, which arc paying a fine in- t' The value of immediate truck farm- come. Many hundreds of young jjtng, that is of the productions of the trees are sold every year, and large I truck farms of Norfolk county, may numbers of people are! embarking in f1rJ etimftfrt1 n rp-iolllncr tWO milHoIlS ..noKalclni. oo n U pcinacc I 'of dollars, as follows : Apples, $5b,- As remarked, the Lc Conte IIOOO : asparagus, $50,000; artichoke, crownTrom a cutting twelve and fif- i a - - - h. jj- I - w -1 111,000; beans, ?120,000; beets, 5V teen inches long, whichiisset down in 1 1000 ; strawberries, $250,000 ; black- tie ground so as to leave only about berries, $700; whortleberries, $800 ; two eyes or buds out. These cuttings Sraspberries, 800 ; gooseberries, 00; are placed in drills as close together 3 Ichetries, 81,200 ; cabbage, $180,000 ; as oranjre trees in a nursery two or tfcitron, $15,000 ; cueumbers, 30,000; three inches apart. A good many of :i. It.; " I llll All t? W llll III III IIIJIVC1 M M Li w lj M K-M U auliflower, $200; kale, 836,000 ; thera die, but sometimes nearly all of Uq woud make her dress t.- etonnn. , fttnnA. . . J -n i-Vl , o lrVfj- : v--.-y-HWi.ai proport.onoi mem wui i.ve 4 . dresshl2 different from the peas, 812,00 J ; Irish potatoes, fcOUU,- sometu.ies it is one in five, and some- l ,1 ' :ki 0 i.;a mi:,A Jw x . , fto7nnm. .. ... J rlc iucM.uwu , i3aa, owcv puu., V.", - uines nine m ten. n;, l,nlw ,! fm1m"-,f ish, 830,000 squash, ?1U,UUU; spin-J They grow with wonderful rapid.- , , i iwui ywiwv .wmi.wo)v'vj . w , I ly . Alley one u iiituiu u mtry s HELP Be Youriielve3 by maklnr tAncy wtin gJlaen caance .3 ouphm. laprenv ys Keepinr povcity irom your loose wuo aiwavs ia.se uu- is the principle grower in this con hiq 1 5 000 beautiful VOUn tree3 which vantare or the jroo.l cliance for rouklns money that nas iwvuuaiui;juu0 lV-3W are off ere.1, generally bcome wealthy, while those Trrr t I who do not lm Drove such chunces remain in uoverty. ,.VV',!.. ;r-r..!uY " V- Wewftntm,invme?kwomn.tovs.aBdfflrmowpr ' - ' ' ; . . for us rtgiit la their own ncaitfies. The busiatt-s f u. . I will pay more than ten tiuiea ordinary wages. We ft i lie j.,AtKliTii jl uniiK ..m j ju i rurmsu an extensive outnt ana nu inn juu uwj, t Tree ro one wno enjrages to ranse monej ve- i ry rapidly. You can devote your whole time to the work or only your spare moments, ruuinronaatioa and all that ia needed sent free. Addre. j . 61:ly . Stinsoh it Co Portland, ?Jalne;. CURES iMDtOESTlON, BiuousNCsa BiokHeadaohb DYSPCP8M, t" - Coua w www y &w L 91 Dl f (fiTfMh. CURES Lost Appetite Sour StomaqK, - Foul Breath .. Low Spmrra, ENLARQIfrTor 1 SPLEEIUd WSJ. VEGETABLE Behold her at eleven. Her limbs unfettered.-' by the long skirts of conventio: ality, she runs,shc ijoaipF; sne snues n u.e ice ponus, she rolls hoop, she climbs fences, she kicks, she rjins races, and is as fliet of foit as tlie hoys, j" Her appt-tite is good, her cheeks rosy, and her move mcuts unconsciously graceful. Behold her again at twenty. No more does she inn or jump or roll hoop, run races or slide on the ice. It is not "proper now nor lady-like, and she couldn't if she would, for she is fettered by long skins, tight shoe?, and tighter t-Uys. Hor movement has no longer the free- V - . U .. 4 and eirls can earn large sum. Many have made at dom of Unconscious grace OI C 11 Kl hOOCl,- tho business over rae hundred dollars In a sinjrle y , . . , , fees. Kothin? like It ever known before. All who for nnw whpn she walks it IS to D J lOOK tvno-.o-n sn snmrised at the ease and rapidity with , ... !i I whlnh they are able to make money. You can pimiat Ms It la SOyean the oldest, mnd only premitae Sha nons Medicine now in market. Prepared only by C. F.SlMMOlf 8 A CO. 2810-1 J Clark At. St. Louis, aaccesaor to M. A. Simmons, M. D. In2&c and 1 bottle and packages. Sold by all DraKglata. 1 101 Outiit furnished free, with fuU instructions for conducting the mostproaiaDie ouaine -a that anyone can engage in. The basinet Is & eaty to learn, and our instructions are 80 simple an I plain that anyone can make great proj Uts irom ins very suiru iu uuc van iau uu liyr to work. Women are as successful as men. lioys AROUND is CORNER TO THE PUBLIC GREETING: tulian&fraLey, Ca&t Makers M Carpenters! : Their prices are an low as it" is pospihle lo make them, and their work not interior to any They dil onlern in two departments. Their read made stock in hand comprises a 5ener.1l aMortment of house furniture Bed Bteadi. Bureaus. ! Clothes Presses, Lounge. ll:ck. V.irdro!e8, lJ.H)k-Caief, Cupboard a nd Chirm Presen, Candle Stand, 1 in Safe, leks. Tables, Washstands, Chairs, &c.' They also keep an assortment of j COFFIjSrS j of walnut, nine and poplar, from $1 upwards, L Also, Window Sash. They fill order without vexatious delays. Will contract for carpenters work and warrant satisfactions Will take good lumber and country produce in exchange for naAY'& SPFC1F1Q MED 1 2! ME. Tans MARXTheureat EngliisuYrtADE MARK r tatilnff cure tor nr Bemlnal Weakness, - f ' Knermatorrhea. -. I J'ZTi fM TmnnlnCV. and Oil - f i " diaeases that follow lrw&! 6 as a sequence or . a self-Abuse: as Loss of Memory, Unlver-5- -i sal Laasituue. rain " . .... ... ' - muai an I frtTS ' mm-irrra TiillS. x healthy village, fonr mile imrti, ..r c. .? 1 ELrUKK laiaa.1" r..rr.Ti TT rA,i".7.r I K. :n ------ , oa u iioivwoii,"S,Z on me 1st Mai...i- Dlscases Uiat ieaj w uauitj uf w-, -, ngnst, 1830. i ll 'TuUparVtealaraln our pamphlet, whlcnwe vri- trt.v.,i rrp hv innJi to every one. GriTue specmc tr.r nr wr.i ua sent free ed at, whieh now in her esti .nation teffihTO Watchman Ls..a" ri.i ii.r- ci..:J-Y2?J" JULIAN &FRALEY. 13 the-main object of walktng. She IS take nil the risk. Those who need ready money, ' I mrit tr n nt nnf.ft. AH furnished free. Ad- al read V" in delicate health, and has a drew, tkck & co.f Augusta, Maine, doctor who prescribes expensive ad- r-r - vice and prescriptions for her, and A BJiW. Hiiw ux vvniua uoi, , i . .1 Kew becauseJtla only within the last few years' ascribes her Complaint to any tiling tnat Uuasbeen Improved and brought within the and everything but the real cause. jnrst invention w made and the first patent taken . . , " , p.. . . "" ttn out nearly twenty years ago, anu cases i maae at This IS Slinply the let terms; OI the that :tlme and worn ever since, are nearly as good . , ' ,,! , , m: . as new. Reail the following which is only one of body With fasllionable Clothes, liysi- many hundreds, your Jewelers can tell of similar cally she is a prisoner. At eleven oaes' mansfieij, pa., May as, sxs, ... - mi i i i i I have a customer who has carried one I Boss' She was free. 1 he doctor advises patent cases flfteen years and I knew it two years , . , , - , ' i . before he got it, and It now appears good for ten travel, but he does not advise her to years longer. k. e. olney. . i 11 k lou Remember that Jas Boss' Is the only patent case take on -and and keep on lier lash- made0f two plates of solid gold (one outside and lOnab'.e letters, bhe WOUldU t CIO EO 8gutj the great advantage of these plates over . , , electro-gilding is apparent to every one. Iwss'is if he did. and he WOUldn t atLVJSe the only patent case with which th re l given a , ... , i lit f e written warrant, of which the following Is a fac- her if he knew it would bring rehet, simile: 4:ly for she would no longer believe in a 1 l.i. J i OK AAA . ji K AAA .1.' 1 I t' I i I unjj,iiitf,ww , naiciuicwuo, vivvy iweive icct in a single pu miner. five years of f! grapes, $10,000; other vegetables, one year ac,e they may be trans U$I5XX)-iuaking a total value pf pWetl into orchardsj and at five y i vne imuwn mne nuniu w uu iui i years out tney win oegiii to pay. -Liiey : j wmsand two hundred dollars a very bear before they reach : respectable sum when we consider tha age. ! in 1857, acconlmg to the information AVhcn transplanted, tlie young trees i furnished by Mr. G. F. B. Ueightdn, should be set out iu twenty feet squares, president of. the JHorticultural and f Pat 9" common land; but if the land is IPomologicaf Society, in the last spe- f good qnality they shbuld be placed j (Cial issue'of the Virginian, that there L aud afterwardd pruned cai.efllny : l irere only about half-dozen differetit as they grow, the pruning being done L Varieties of vegetables shipped ; that with a view to make the j branches grow the report of the Horticul- outwardly. In pruningt;the frnit-spurs ; ttural and Pornological Society record- shonld not be taken off. All of the clip - : . . . , . . . - pings may be stnek iu the ground and j ed only; eleven varieties, in the l.st of wfll make new treesU : ; vegetaoies ana irniis, wun an esu- The fruit ripeus as 6tatd) iu Jtlly BlU mated value of one million of dollars; for shipping purposes, it should be gath- 'M that in 1878, the list reached thirty- ered ten or fifteen days before "it ripens. five varieties with a value of one and SteP ladders and other convenient contn- r t e a nnir miiimn tlx 11111 :i rs i. ivmx .. . . , , . . , is pajeked as soon as gathered. It is first graioiyiug jui wiw r -"j1 wrapped in ordinary white paper (news- to record the value ot the truek crop paper) and then packed in crates twenty To "dress" at all after the stvlc uses tin " 9 L ' .1 i ... up hail a. woman s tune aim two- thirds 'of her strength. New ork Graphic. T li , ,tfc i , -3 I WUaitiMi!5y I BINGHAM SCHOOL, MEBANESVILLE, N. C, ( Established in 1793, I Is uow Pro-eminent among Soutlter- Boaiding Schools lor bovs in age, nnmu bcrs and area patronage The. 173rd Ses sion 'Wcin s July 21)th. For catalogue giving full particulars, address M.VJ. K. UIXU1IAM, Sup't. 35:3t p IF YOU WISH II Your Watches and Clocks, Sewing Machines, &c, liejHirel by a jiootl, cheap and responsible workman please leave tliern with Messrs, Kiiittz & liendleman, bahstairy, A. C. 45: ly t K. L. BROWN See that you g ?t tbe guariutoe with eachcaae. Ask your Jeweler for iUuti at;d catalogue. For sale by J. & 11. liOKAH, and all other Jewelers. 22: ly las reaching 81.751 .645.34. It is ad- j ditionally gratifying to present the value ot tne crop oi loeu as wiinin a fraction of two millions of dollars. ( -The great advantage of' Norfolk in the matter of truck-is its admirable location,, as a shipping pointy Mr. Xieighton.has correctly stated it when ! in his letter the Virginian last year Ihe stated that "no section of our At lantic coast is so favorably located i for reaching the various"markets, aiid ; none are better supplied with a rapid I tmnsnortatinn jip! nties'' Tht rrrnf improvement to our roaas naa great ly advanced our progress in the cul- j tivation of market gardening. We i' have now splendid shell and well 1 graded roads running in all direc ;itions, enabling the trucker to reach the city with his shipments in a short time after he has gathered it from his, j iliarra, so ; that he-can place it in the I f markets of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York- next day, at an early hour. Norfolk Vtr ainian. . two inches long, twelve ami a half inches deep and eight wide. These crates con tain about seven-eights of a bushel, or an average of ninety pears j; they are made of bass-wood shipped hero from Bangor, Me., which is used because of its light weight aud uniformity. The cost of each crate laid down here is ten cents. The shipping qualities of the Le Conte pear are unsurpassed. The skiu is very tough and iwill not easily break or rot; it will hold the inside of the pear after it has become as soft as mush. CaptVarnedoe showed me a bill of three crates of Le j Conte pears, which he sold in New ! York a week or so ago By this bill it showed that Mi The Le Conte Pear. Thomasville, Ga.', July 1 4, 1 880. f ; -and trouble to" run down here and in- IS : vestigate the famous Le Conte pear. Its headquarters, so to speak, are here fjin Thomas county, and it is .attract fling as mnch attention in this vicinity 1 1 as the orange in Florida. ! ; A brief resume of the history of the Le Conte pear may be appropriate. , ;Maj. John Ce Conte, from whom; it , takes iu w name introduced it into -Liberty county,. Oa., in 4856. He found it in a Northern nursery, where - it was labeled Chinese Sand-pear, and I he sent it to hisiieice, Mrs. Harden vha li veil in Liberty county in this : State. At the same time he told her pHt would growirom a cuttinnd , f . ripen lawe hi iuc x i. wui Jly proved that it : was not the sand-pear s ! lor. while it would grow from a cut J: ting, tlie fruit " ripened in July aud A n Outnt sent free to thostvwho wish to engage l la th-. iatet pleasant, una ronablc badness fll . I tnowa. Kveryihli;;,' :.ev. Capital not re Vj J quire 1. We will turtiis'; you everything. 10 i ay and upwards is easily raacte without staying jway Irom liome over ni?ht. No risk whatever. Manv new workers wantea at once. M:ny are ma- icing fortunes at t'ae oultu ss. liUles make limiiscu 3S men. and j'ounK boys anil eirls ia.tKu giat pay. No one wuo is wiidng to wors fans to ni tie more money every day than can be-mae In a weeic at any ordinary employment. Ylio.se who eagUjfe at once will ltna a siK it roua to icnxine. Address 11. Hallkit & Co., romand, .Valne. 61:ly It Is the best Blood Portlier, oad stlmul&tes every function to more beaithiul action, &nd La tboa a benc&t in all diseases. In elinilnatiiii? the Imparities of the blood, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrof ulous and other Skin Eruptions and Diseases, including Cancers, Ulcers and other Sores. PyspepRia. Weakness of the K torn ach, Consti pation, Dizziness, General Debility, etc are cored by the Nsfe Bitterm. It is unequaled as an appetizer and regular tonic. It is a medicine which should be In erery fam ily, and which, wherever used, Will save the payment of many doctors? bills. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, SO cents and HjOQ. Warner's w Safe Heme g?U) dies are sold and lfealers in Medicine everywhere. Proprietors, Mm, kares for $5, or will be sent tree oy Bauressuig CRAY MEDICINE CO.. -V package, or six packages iot ml VPU a Vli K niiH fSGld la Salisbury and eyerywliere by all 4-ugtst. - . t 'W' IMPROVED PATENT LIVER ?AD I Nitn Gm Rais. . da bs Mass ai Strkkoth Dzsiaio. Last Xwici as Lose. i ,, SUsuet Cured vfiteut Srsssg lit Syttsa CluIIs sad Ferer IdTer Complaint, Ehemalisa, CosSrenes Female Eick t Kerrou Beadacta, I WAY JS"V 1 1 Just received at A. C. lUnm . a fine lat-of No. 1. Cigars and French Candies. - FBAlIEDf AEADEfiT Tin a RpTirtftl vaA in v ... SZYv " ueauumi aril alU 7 it Itev. ILil.'BRowx, A.M., Principal o., H. C.Pisher, Assistant! DEST IN THE WutiLD! These JSds Cure all Diseases by Absorption. No Noxious Pills, Oils, or Poisonous Medicines are taken into the Stomach. The Pads are worn orer the Pit of the Stomach, eorerinir the Great NerreCentres. 1st the tiirer and stomach. A fentie vegeuoJe Tonic is absorbed into the circulation of the BJoodand Lirer. purifying the Blond. timiilaUnR the Llrerand -Kidneys to healthy action, and strenfttheninK tbi etomach to digest food. Pkicb or Pads X and tt iach. Solo bt all DHtrooiTS,or sent by Mail or xpress. Alanufactared at 39 k 41 North LlSXKtr Si BAXTiUORK. Mo. For ale at T, IT. KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. 30:6m. V - Aw . M appeal seir. CHIT tlie il'crcncc. of a f Wjilfe, eTm:iM 1.. See llft jrr.r T?kTa ir,'-, . t food. t ,,rn,l n k .t; V " ;?n$ until all m iiiunx.fi-;, (.,.., m", 2 ,..1 . . . v J-' bo sho-arn r t.,t!:r.i-. m. ! sooner, ir tb ni.lkv t :( ..... . cor-IIa, to :ulit7 1 . J Be sure and asl.- frr f h roh C -i f '-t ,v roe tl.Ht t!..'ir lump is i-u ;he fri-u.t , i 7 will i-tliO nice. i.d wl!t. v. ni,,,, 't lhn trrh bur mi k. j 1 )rotet-i.i:tt lo hi. l ewder, !.wvi3 ii ii:y tiiise i.a cist. See one po n 1 pt!r!i.e I r v. luaMe i-.ifo-L,. tion and reml r..it: !ly. SHOW 7:i!3 T3YCUa 12:5m i,rf t v t2i Just received a Nice Lot of MASQAT'S IISPSOVBD - IIAl.F GALLON AND QUART f f Jara for sale r.t lS:tf EXXISS'. L AT 20 Cents per Gallon Practical Blcaksmtih llORSESHQER.. SHOP connected with Brown & Verble's Livery sfcuoies. ifu dotiigns of Slices, to suit auy bUdue or loot. All shoeing on strictly scientllic pnn clples and w A R K A N T ED. All kinds blaeksmlliilng pi-oinptiy done. i:iy Subscribe for the Watchman onlj $ ARDWARE 1 j-St?. 'LUBS-a Ifi AKE UP YOUR XlTJ-AK UP YOUIl roa THE The BEST Weekly in Western Xortli Carolina. Only $10 a year iu advance. ou 5 Cents per Quart at EXNISS'. 1Siimmor.8 lUlitf. for C8nd for Pamphlet and Testimonials. reread . W Bl - Ui T-A A AxJmT m. fff TrtdeMarlc? V AGENTS WASTED rnhe best Book lo Rtli The HISTORY of the BIBLE. ftPI-ESDlD oTEEL rSGUAVlNG ZX2 IIKjitHj FRKE to every subscriber. .jjt:nts are making $25 to 3100 per week. Sen.I for Special 1 erms lo Henry Bill Publishing Co., EtaMishad 1S47.J . Norwich, C;. 50:4t NORTH CAROLINA, ? In "'c spo- Howan Countv, s rior Court. P. M. Gootlni ill oiiu others A'jaint Sarah Goodaiua anti others PkTITIDX TO I'lViTK L.N!. Upon the aliiil;tvi of Piaintiif, it is ordered iy the Court lli-tt nhhiication ie ni.i.le in the -'Carolina Watchman" Cur si xsuceeMve weeks notifying John Eller. Jaiuex C Eiier, Marv p. Eilerantt Grant EMer, dtfentlanis, who aiV noir-iesidei ts of lh htatf and wlii reside j at New Grand Chain, Pulaski County, Illinois, to appear at the olhee of the Clerk of the Hn iMTior Court, for the Conntyof iiowan on the 20th, day of October, 18S0, and anwr the the complaint, a copy of which will Le depos ited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within ten days from the date of this summons, and let 4,hern take notice that if they fail to answer the said com plaint within that time, the Plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded in iIm complaint. Uiven under my hand this Cth day of Sept. 1880. ! J. M. lion ah, C. S. C. 200 Empty 200 Molasses and Whisky B A R R E. L S To arrive in a few days. As the demand for CARRELS will be great. Call and leave orders at EXNISS' 5! i z W r'SsiSy 155 f 3S Lb Her! THE0. F. KLUTTZ. HAS JUST JvliCEiVEl) A CAli-I.OAW BTlSKf3i': CelsisraMHC'SsFerfc!. The Chemicals for making 1 Ton will be sold tor $14, or 200 lbs. of CcUcn in Xo- v ember. No Cotton Seed or Stable Manure required. This Fertilizer is fully equal to the high priced, so-called Guanos, and at less than half the price. I refer to the following well known gentlemen, who used it lat season on cottony " John V. li:trrint(er, Jas. li. Gibson, V. F. Watson, Tl'.os. C. Watsou, R. T. Cowan, W. Ii. Meares, A. Tait, J. G. Cauble, J. F. E. lirown, E. C. Lentz, S. J M. Iirown, and many others. Call early for your supplies and save money. T. F. KLTJTTZ, Druggist. WfiSEiVYOIJ WAXT . II A El D. W A !l E At Low Figures . Call on the undersigned at Wj. 2. Granit Ron. D. A. AT WELL. Salisbnrj-.N C.. JnneS" if. SMITH'S WORM OIL ! Machine Oil, Tanner's Oil, Terpentine and Yarnish AND S?HMATORRH(EA. A T!abl Discovery and Mew Departure In Msd- rtal Emissions end Xmpotoncr by the only truo way, viz : jDirect Application to tbo principal Beat of tha li903Ao, actlus by Absorption, And exerting ltspccifif! miloenoe on the Samiiiai Vesicloa, Ejae ulatory Bu eta, Prostate Gland, and Urethra. The nu nf-i h. Tinniitfi.la a . Vnn ... I 1 vonience, tod tlces not intarfore with th ordinary ui liio; is is quicKiy aissoivea ana soon ao eorbed, producing a xiuiniediivtesoothlnK and restor " ativa elact upon ttia sexnat-and nervous organiza tions wrecked from self -abuse and exemssrs, eteppin w unua irom us system, resionng tne ltiiau to health and sound memory, removing the Xfiinness ie realized a net profit of $3.95 per LiA3jSS crate, wtucn is more than lour cents a piece for the pears. ! Year, before ast, his net profits on twelve trees were $410. His crop this year will aver age ten imshels to the tree, and he Ji ,ip r xt , l I health and sound, memory, removing the Xfiinness says it is not halt a crop. Neverthe-1 c Kervoua icbuity. conruiion or ideoZ 1 essr: at ten bushels to the tree i t v i 1 1 ho ?L?fmAtxtT9 ld. esr f uujr oco.mJ(ii,i u ' - - I uvuuw,iaa raswnnjpenect ecxuai vifcor.wcdra ..rtr, !, : I l i I it has boon dormant for years. This mode of treat mai mis ia aiJLiecii eiciies, WI11CI), being sold at the rate of profit men tioned above, gives a profit of over sixty dollars to the tree. Now, with seventy trees on an acre. That sounds "fisher," I know; but right now and trouble, and restoring perfect kSexual Vifcor, where it has been dormant for years. This mode of treat ment has stood the test In very sevore eases, and is cow a pronounced snccosa. l"-iuge are too mnch pre scribed in these troubles, and, as many can beer wit ness to, with but liLtle if any permanent rood. There ia no l-Tocoenee about this Preparation. Practical ob servation enables us to positively fruarantoe that it will give satisfaction. luring the eight yaars that tt has bon in trenerai use, we have thoasaodi of testi monials as to Its valno, and It Is now conceded by the Medical Profession to bo the most rational means yet discovered of reaching and curimr this verv urevalant trouble, that is woll known to be the canse of untold muMiry to so many, ana upon wnom quacxi prey wild their useless -nostrums and bit; feeo. The Remedy Is put up la noat bnxest, of threw ftizea. Z?o. 1, (enough r i -r i . . . I - lsrutuplano3tlxxe!i,ottrire.ze. no. l.tenouxU 111 Capt. VarnOdOeS CaSC it IS Certain-I tolast a month,) S3;No. Coefficient to effect a per- IV trtlt tnr I hour cnan il.l UUUM over in Eonias, w bob epusiinn uu j --- w ... i vuv iuc . restora vwe THUSTBE'S SALS OF AEAL ESTATE. By virtue of a Mortgage or Deed of Trust executed by Thomas J. Crawford to I?. U. Crawford, dated the 1st day of JuIv.lSCB. and registered in the oflice of the Keyister of Deeds for Howan County, in Bok No. 44, page 35, and upon which default has been made, I will expose for sale at puhlic auction, at the Tuourt House door in t!ie town of Salisbury on tlie 2nd day of Oct 1880, at 11 o'clock, A. M. the following real j estate, to wit . An undivided one-fiith part in 739 acres ot land, known as tlie plantation belonging to the heirs of Col Win. H. Crawford, ad- joining the lands of Asa Hiblin, the late Jno. bliuman, Jr. and others. It li. Cnxwr oiid. No.48. Sept. 6th. 1880. Trustee. r m tao wont cassj 7. Mpnt hymau. .1 , , l . i .ii . sc&ieu, m Via.:n wrappers, xuu uiAau.iuxia iw gathering, the crates and the bill, and Jfrpt I speak from the 4ddcnce of my eyes. irl -vr. ' t i f fee ios .-Jl ru wm 6 S jow, your readers are rcadv to ask. 1 rfj uinuwcHi in ti ..... . r-J ofbF rfhfiroo-1' wme ad I will rln-Jno4-9 T T J M Vnewi-af ecicd. t-i!il O.VXi mm m m m. LuuiiiL i iii vs. iiiii i irnniir i J " . , rr,,rrx.v nr.' I nHHtiiu uuntuw . Mil w. Marketed th Sis. CHEMISTS. St. Louts. Mo. .a X s-w sad cesirlrt CCIDB TO WFntWX. rmtxiaisc Chaplats oa A CmiMI Wmua. bsod, SclcctioB ef wifs. CviSsmm ef Vtnna. tr. T.ammMals. JlmlitT. m 4. torn tm tn4s But will your orange business last ? If so, then the Le Conte pear business will last and continue to pay. In my opinion there is as much promise in the Le Conte pears as in oranges. . It seems to require a sandy soil with a clay foundation, '-.but Messrs.1 Sauford & -Yarned oe say it will.do well in any sort of sou that is not poor. Those who wish to know more on this sumeot ' T rwnmmonrl tlioi . 1 - ........ tv rfwrrsa wriie-io iur. 11. ti. banlord. TJiomas-l , TT 7. J . . OnU.; aW' 0a vUle lliomas county, Ga. Ue is per. LTiAT1TP -K Y ?tttttqtt r ,i - , SALE XOTWES Yvr fate at tlti OZct. li u alw Private Medical Ad vises " s.mm t. ttitmr froai unpur. Kiaal uaneiMMM, a4 a wf His tmm fci .MmM. imqpm m tiM.. gm mi. 43 10 . (P.. 1 .iH.irtl fmi i nail!) ! II miinwi Sl Mi J .III... nUlM !! m l I f J?fiyi'SMirttSt, we. i r w. st. us. ws VALUABLE Mm FOR SALE! The nndersiznul oUcrs for liin TaluaU plantation sitiiati1 on the waters t( Krr Creek, near Tlijuiira f'l.un h in K.ait Hun- tjr, cotilaminff bout lhr hun.lml acrt a f land, of which CO acrra r fine Wtlm. rtil Uraiiun. On this tract LfwJ (IvcIUmk oit ana Bil nerwary out-l.fuis ttvd fcnilUtfipi f ' eter dcrijtini Ali lot wlBsird am th Crom RoL willitn (.nfoittU tf a lull the Idwtllinfr. Uon mUUU i fin lftt nI r na aorznam mill ah i ptrtu rmnj itte and on th unt a U a writ f watrr lit also f!r ta m It a rami I'.mUt ouwrr and bt drill, i OKUIZ SCOTT I!th.!.t.t f'i .!.! -i At EXNISS' TORfii? R- U S e9 U W. r-'na m 8 Just Received Largo Stock of Fresh aud Genuine Turnip Seed of Different Varieties at ENNISS' Easls Cotton Gin For Sale, t-o-l utdrrHijrnl l.avr n wm.1 fcard SAOLS QZIJ which thry viii cU theat. TtiOKO wihiic to mir t!.e may call t tUw or nddit tr.t-tu r. .LiiiwtHMij I41 i v A off auth. I'k-t "AC0HH C00K STOVE i SEEDS! FULL SUPPLY OF Bui st's Celebrated Garden Seeds. liEMEMDEIl THAT BUJST is the only Seed-Grower who WA Ml A XTS his Seeds. Look at evt'i v oanerof Ferv's, Landreth' Sibley's, ice, &c, :iud ee U yon una any warrant upon them. IJeware .of worthless, uu wnrrauted commission Seed, aud come to KLUTTZ'S for Blast's which are warran ted fresh aud genuine. THE0 P. lOiUTTZ, Druggist. 20:ly. . - Atiikxs, Ga., February 22, 1878. . Sib: My child, fiveyearajId, had symptoms of wonnx. 1 tried cafoniel and other Worm Melii inen, hut failed lo expel any. Seeiji? Mr Brtin'rt certifituite, I got a vial of your ofm Oil, and the lirst dos brought forty werrh, and thesecon:! doe,FO many were pawed I did i:ot count them. SHI. ADAX8. - Prepared hy Dr. E- S- LYNDON, Athens, Ga. For Sitlo by Da. T. F. KLUTJZ, S.dUbury, N. C, ; And Druggists general. 2ti:ly Cheap Chattel Mortgages irioup other blanks for sale here THEO. B & ba ra U DnUlUi) UL1U ARTERS Fruits, - Candies, Cigars, J' Books, Pictures, And Picture-Frapvea DEEDS & MORTGAGES. Fee Simple Deeds, Deeds in Trust, Mortgage Deed, Commissioners' Deeds, .Sh"j gDeeds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contrad?., Marriage and Conlinuation LiTtiticties, j Diatillers' Entries, and various other forms for wile at the WATCHMAN OFFICE. . SALE NOTICES. Administrators, executors, commissioners, sleritTif const aides, agents &c., re i call on us for printed sale notices. It i certainly great injukc to owner tojpw . r t heir property t public auction without frt gbwjf ample notie of the wle. H ' quire wents of the law on the Mtbject every Unly koowa'are insuRUteot. "fjV often murriflcetl from this rau wltcn a dollar or jrnt t lvwtMS saved it and made it bring Sts value. W;t furoUU aak aoiitts promptly and iasWU a Wi a wWsmiV dM s si e 0 3MI though tlcalinglii Lc Coutc .tree?, he KOWI 111 r. 1 tUfl n M rt ri' K- f it: w - wM f 4 'nut SXhrn laa tm mml W PEflWXH C!lISi: irt ffetf it ttt H VtttFtM mni. It tsAi. ft. sfcwtt tsa M.i', f as4 it tV? tl" t - . 1 t i .1 f s -. . t. Jf -: $ !' S M