-Ji. Mo J 4- sti TOli XII. THIRD SERIES; POETRY. The, t $ rsf ABLIS11ED IN THE YEAR 1832. "J PRICE, IX ADVANCE. riirtTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. C" FEUKPAHY SO, 1880. k J , I month m's S ros 6 ms H til's ' I BCD' rofor Tar ff viir tor JeoWitor 1 . IllJ. : t do. do. s.oo 4.50 S.00 T.50 11.25 18.75 $.& 4.M. ' 6.00 7.50 9.75 15.75 S.25 6.25 .V 11. S5 80.50 33.75 T.5S 13.SS i.r 25.59 43.75 12.69 15.99 18.99 25.V9 : 40.8S 75.99 f a I IMMigfl tVIs. Ppcnnonla, Bronchitis,'' liuiiiunv i, - - Ai r FALL1NO. Jutp r huh The UtfUkm 4LJU l.t 14 f 4 i .)-- near tut: ripe not. rattling, falling . nor, taWf fl! tie tafcJ i f n,i , I m ' o All the autumn woodland round rrty, fc lU PtttiW j, fe4 I ! f!I h T!?tUf j 1 j CtmarlotiMS liiUtuJi gstkaat alrt f'jt : AeonifeuKt8 the Kik i irtitUiac iiiiKiru wiiii xue nicKorv tuait . i Cnickiii" Itiuil tli rfph rvnntt I t t.. t f a - - - m - v - - ..ww . 1 . m.iv it. .trarafcFf . m r . m ki nii-cureu corn For the gathering haud are yearning, 4--U the rich trpat ; I , fur tUtf tJorrriiotd.l ji at tb kain! f ill U t 1 uk r i wh?teJ.I1M,mw ff ' "'I'ttWicaii rt, iUm atttiVatet m p- aUa.4.t. th It loothcs ad fccal tl:3ll6uibrae;f . Se Xnny, lufluiacd ai;d poisoned 17 5t JiusL and urercnis the niglU rejrfs And thrkteesa across the chest Staatoi-urabSordadat is only Sfciarf t(T have the .rl.'fet remedy, SnStl.' BALSAM Is 1 hat remedy. DESPAIIV OF RELIEF, for tkuibenljrn sperifiq itIU cure yon, Teai though professional aidfcills. HENRY 51 eueoLi Aol Most roiOirful -GealinQ I i i Agent ever Discovered. '!jriiy' ? f ':.. ' Jlcmt'j' Cirho'-o Xr?V3 cures sov fi, ' llmrt' arlmUa t-inlt o j i7.;. JhV' e,.trbnlia fittlt-n fur mixtions. Htmry' t'irrM'j A.'r.f heal jiutph-s. UtHtjf' Curlmiia bulra hcuij iruv. . kfilcfor IJcnri'r.r.na'Jalio Iio Other. I I t,KAuno?couriTiir:iTiT. ci .5wefjiuf,r, falling down below. FiiUinil Fallingr all thing?! cnilinff, V... l...il..t.t - Where' the merry brook i brawliug. iHTou w ild festooned vineyard y ield Grapes and tun&eadtues nbtrmlunt, Huxelf Pinion and apiw, zi: ."-N i. Luttcious, bountifnl, redundant ' TrensureM which the snubeatna draw To thy full lap, fairy woman ; i Filling, child, thy liny hands Miia'd strong garner crowding ; human Hearts rejoice for fruitful lands. 'October, 1630. E. P. II. f For the Watchman. J WfflHI I8MI ttiJi-j 3 Ccat&7ioas Diseases Ccld., IZcrrtivrieca, I'Zraait to (Ac Tatic. Jl' feiVlspii life OltCAX CHURCH CJS3I ETERY. One lovely morutln early May, I pafetcd the irou gate,. While every sprouting'twig was gay Iu nature's nrt estate. And here with granite walls enclosed, Cunnuibered graves are laid : Of tottering age. they are composed Of youth the boy and maid. i Here infants from their mother's breast, .And masters trained at York, Are laid in silence down to rest. --WitlrGraeber, Lynn audStorck. In distance far from east to west, They came in oiie by one A father, wife, a Utcr bless'd, A: brother and a son. With vernal life the eve is turned ; T view artistic skill, And trace the hope divinely learned Tlurthese are living still. V - , . : 'Mi4 scented flowers that cheer. the sight, , -Dressed by a careful hand, Ynt see on Parian marble white The name of Ieilig stand. Anst us Vonng and,jGTeorge nt old Kind brothers lived and died. And now beneath the given turf cold TShcy Vc sleeping sitle. by side.. Here familv uanies, iu order.tell: '1 iIrct'ordof ibe-iwixt, - As when they rose and how they fell, While latc and marble last. plicable ta hint Lav 'Lr srtttMMr4 The preaa of th StaU atttl tt Utntrr-. tie sHakera hate by the record, rent let ed Iiim on several eceusiont cvadrd tlt demands of justice In char&ins his Jatles ft v t SJF ftftUt'- ! emit that urtttl U p I i&rWvd Vuxn thr a i - ' laltr sid (itnmt V av rycet a S 1 tMU t ; . ' i ? .. Vj ft . . tsts,' 1 i.t 4 " ti is t -If fx f in ir U ca H J a"uo4 -.it - 11 -4 - f t ! t 5 lu many other ways, too, ho has exercla ed his judicial prerogatives in favor of Kepublicans and in the oppression of those who differed with him politically. Then, again, during the Holden' Kirk War, when an organized banditti was called out for the ostensible, purpose of suppressing alleged violence in certain counties, but really fur political effect, when Joshia Turner, then the leading Democratic journalist of the State, was arrested and incarcerated iu a loathsome cell, application was made to Judge Bux ton displaying a most revengeful, vindi ctive partisau spirit, indicating thereby a disposition to oppress a fellow citizeu for no other apparent reason than that his suffering subject had denounced the ... ft .. ft. - ff .i . .:.-. 1. - sitting in jnagntcniupoaMiejierf ftHftts. a t tfc gwu pu.ry. m i h-iiU f - i I " La I.I . I . ...t. . .. i.l ! I 1 . t. j !....' 1 I.. 1 - - - - " " tmrtr . In nnmeraus Initiflrrils Laa 1 Mrtr f TLU itiirtv U ltt Lua4iBtf tkat ! U ' i tf I ' ' j i , -0 - i - - - ( : i t . a imposed heavy fines nuon I)eniocratscon1 nrs have tesamnl iiri pajafuf, aIi,u4 Clf turj f.? 4 victed before him of misdemeanors, wli Us .claims the credit f it, IU pt mmi, km h J m UU tlcif rraI faot! of Ufarm at the same term of the court lis released j a it Is, must ba anrrlbnl wbwlly t tto 1 Um nttt ontalJt ef lh cvnvtBtioiit) Republicans, guilty of the same offenses I scanty harvest rwMl sua llt auaau-at j tpjt E0J 'wfU.jHwtfJ tevs, upon the payment of " peuuy audcosts." j harvest liere.. If are pra!eiit. wa , i . . , , . win, wuuoui innner uriay. waw ururr . . preimratloo than we have jet made for uU liivt titWr or niotbtf HboU crisU that must ere long occur. enoogli toMf Ult with them, and lavish itRJtsTs to cuRruRATioxs. who l not keep tltelr test mcnUl Prior to ISO, there had never been the Mn, social gtfUfor OOUU friends, donation of an acre of laud directly to a ghow ua ft tnr who nm Mf ndlroadcorratiou. Acconling t land storics OP jokci to Udi ht tUe j,- office estimates, the ltepublican party, , i J since 18C1, has grantwl to railroad corpo- c,ro,c ftcr, upper who lias an eye rations more than 137,(XX),0(M acres, about out for new facta of travel, discovery, one-twentieth ot the whole United States, science, literature, art or religion with larger in extent thau New York, New Jer- which 0 stimulate conversation at i J f sey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio and honie -who talka with the little chaps Kentuckv: larger than the German em- . i . . . . , . , ! i i i o - .........v ii about their studies and plays, and the pire, including Prussia, Saxony nud.nll . , , . . HiHtf sf 4 tf fc5sJ I.H A A u 1. - I3t:4 tui tU Stt t tS8:t tl- rRfMi wUcli tl ejsvtLrt tf smr Mti tcri!f al trr 4ir.ts ty hef firtt tnmfe. I i mU era timr, t!s hktury tf tlrUilAtiiiy cufitatot the Mittiry of the tmandpa Uba of wwiaetu Where th quicken lag words of Ilia who talkrd with the woman of Samaria, ami released Mary of Magdala from her thralldom, have not been tcard, there has been no real amelioration of woman's con dition. These considerations lend great interest to the following facts concerning the condition of women in the distant East : "As time progresses, the. condition of the women of the orient rapidly 1 1 bo considered impartial f Upon everystump Judge Buxton extolls the virtues of Gariield, and is to "His faults a little blind," and he, also, prays his-auditors to elect him. Garfield is the man who sold his influence iu Congress to tiie DeGolyer Pavement company for $5,000, and also suffered himself to be briled by the Northern Pacific Kail road company. A DistiiiguUlied Union Gciipral on Hancock. the Dutch principalities; larger thau oiuer ones aoout uieir uuues, amoi France and Belgium, and innch larger tious and labors who keeps before j improves. Japan has taken the lead than Great Britain and Ireland. It be- big daughters an edeal of a gentleman j in this respect, and to-day Japanese exert an ould have century l l .1 . J 1 ' 1 .! 1 Stl ! . I i' il. 1. waste? The "oveniinent loaned to six irora tne resi oi ins xnowieuc, sinci- ago. vnina is ucmg laugui me ica- of these railway corporations more than ly for their use, and we'll show you son, though more slowly than Japan, $64,0U0,XX). When the bonds mature a rtXre man, we are afraid. If a home and women are entering to-a limited the. loan, Pcipnl and interest, will Q be gomething raorc than a board. exteut into ihe world 0f business and of , gteed g;V u for , - ...nm-elOTI OWI Oitfl .Tina ltiffTw Infill I . I ! . . , vandal horde of cut-throats then abnsing j longed to the people; it was given to a wj,0 treats laJj wjtl, sincerity, rev- women occupy a position and the Mate ami ner people uy. tneir lawless , iew inu.T.u..n.a( .r .- flnJ M . inflljenCe that few of them w depredations. ganized themselves into corporations, is -, r .i r ri e i i i ft ..ii !.':,,... vfi...,.u f his ''small talk in a separate package dared dream of a quarter of a In Him f;io nf t f;Kfa r:ili tin .lllilirn ! tllPrtk 111 :lll lllKtorV. HtlCll iltl CXaiUUie OI I 0 I m W.sp i aror Sale by X. ; KLUTTZ, DrngiSt, -v-'--J Sliva Isp' pala and TlLonKicsa. , j ; rir fob sale by all dkucgists. " 1 fi i kwjs rROreizToiu, l lH. li AMES M. GRAY, Attbrnsy andjDoanssllor at Law, 1 SALisnrnY, x. c. 5 Office? in the Court IIone lotText do tsSqnire Hanliton. Will practice in all we Courts of the. .State. - UTTOnXEY AT L1V, Two monuments together stand. With -ros and iH'iiduntK dieieii ; They Miut ImvoikI the stormy strand 1 o maiiMous of the blessed. Thrv bring to mind two sifter's graves Two tipirits round the ihrone; The lir-1 who passed where Jesus saves, Her work on earth well done. i . - The second shaft, with virgin grace, Toearihlv visions lend,- While high it stands r mark the place : Where grace and beauty eua. Close by a little child is laid, And oer its sleepiug iunt. A human form of maiblejuade, Guards welt the sacred trust. 4 Soon all will hear the angel's voice, An l move iu grand array ; Then how will every grave rejoice fii that great using day I ! CALVIX. i r4 tiw M ti It i, 94 U m-iK t st. Unl fcf Udf44 tHitt !!, at4 at tJ lis Ur .U jib sh fcad ta kt -M.ioa g taatHHi kill that was d i Out battle. Aaat lVtly has vrr I73chiMrrn, grand -cbildren and great grand -chUdren, and what Is a tittle rt-, markable, she was never twenlyvflve" miles from where she a as born and rait- . ed. A horse owned by Mr. Thoa. It. Camp ' bell, a prominent citizen of Page county, Va., ' deliberately committed suicide . by ; drowuing himself in the Hawskill river, a 1 stream running near the houso of his owner. A son of Mr. Campbell drove the ' horse to the river to water him and while in the stream the animal laid down and permuted himself to be drowned, alt ho' strougand apparently well. The animal resisted every effort to rescue him, and , as fastTas he was driven out of the river -he would return, till ho was finally per mitted to end his days in the manner' in which he seemed to desire. The owner ing house, a mere convenience or so- J politics. Merchants of Canton, who had suffered from a form of indigestion, amount to $390,000,000. This large loan w.ia iu.iUk ov ...x,., ; , 1. , .1. . .i,:i. 1 !.:.. ..1,1 . but its priority has been surrendered. t ciai necessity, it ougiu louraw oui. me woum nave seciuueu uieir wives uu,, , u,? mav be considered as lost, and should be best gilts of each inmate into tne luna with, the utmost care a decade or two " " -e---;- - r-- charged to the Kepnblicau ynrty. of common enjoyment and mutual ago, now permit them to be seen, and - ; .. , Our aggregate expenditures the last m iuist rations. GoWm Utile. what is more, they allow them to con- knAnrn' ti,, 9unwthpr i. .i . i rrt a' ll - n.K. uritn nthn. mon . nov iravni I " . . I 1 7. n ItU. VIUVI .ihiv. i irmniKiimr ui r, r . jw.- jmr Mglit Life of Vwine-Hen. ,(- Jn-.t."...!. taava. fe.1 Practices in the State and Federal Court. " i 12:0m - xax : ill KERR ORAIGE, j; j"-;3lttattttj ato, Addison, X. Y. Advertiser. Gen. . U . Averell saui in reionse to an invitation to take partin a grand Democratic demonstration, at Bath. New York. The apprehension is expressed by some that Gen. Hancock if President would be manipulated or iuduenced by politicians of whom the icople distrust. To this let m say I have known Gen. Hancock for twenty-three years. Ilia character has been a growing model. With the vigor that comes from perfect health, he has been au ardent student and a cIomo observer. His mind is constantly on the allert, and lie gives to his well-formed opinions a prompt and clear expression. An excellent aud experienced judge of character, he is tho last man to be de ceived or deluded, and I know of nothing in life or death that could change his resolutions or purposes with, regard to his duty. He is a thorough Democratic gentleman, fond of cultured social iu- Oue vinorning when spring was iu her tcrcourse, but iu different to the bright- teens- ' - larta f filfitliotl- flllll dPKIliMlllIf the - . . ' ., . . im.fr i J v. g 0 A morninii ro a imwis wisiuns, , . ., - m n.. i. l an ilium i" ' iiv pn- ...... o- --- I ... ,, - f. 1 . i . Miss lUsJc audT went fishing. mighty dollar enables gifted snobs to occasionally set forth in American so- I, in my rough aud easy cloths ciety. v No oue represents him but him- itu my lace ni m huh-uui hivh, , i L-n tat 1 1 or I the will of the American people under nineteen yenrs, omitting what was paid as interest, have been mom than-$5,800.-900,000. - The aggregate expenditures the preceding sevcuty years were $1,000,000, 000. The last nineteen years we spent, One nilit often destrovs a whole gate the Chinese rivers and the waters life.! The leakaw of the nicht keeps Ulong the coast," and it is said that The chronicler of Lient. Schwatka's re- saiy, $4 ,200,01)0,000 more than ""ring all , p , f " N- , . Mme of them have gone so far as Co cent expedition in searei. o tne remains the balance of on, national life. The a v- JlZ allow their wives to sit with them at f Franklin records some inter- erage civil and miscellaneous ex,edi- B V",".""" ,bbi;,t,bW Similar nro.reSS is "? " T tures of the ltepublican party, the last are committed in one nigiu man man r , 1 . Arctic regions, j ne lowest leraperaiure nineteen vears, have Ken $52,000,000 a the days of the week. This is more ooservao.e u.uou5 u.c - met witn oy me company was itMuegrce. year. In the nineteen years before they emphatically true of the large towns other eastern nations. Ihe world below the freezing int, or 71 degrees I 1 . I , I below zero Fahrenheit, a decree of cold were lesHiuau ?i,"u",tnu. 1 ""Ko'o'" mi than those of the country. i , ., , A . .- . ... Indian exnditnres, the last nineteen V fil Mj!L - impossible to imagine by the pea- reara. nmonnte,! to 07.(K0.000. for the The strpet IamPS 1,ke a fiIe of8olt,,crs An Enormous Concern. pie of more temperate clime. The effects ..... a.rorwi mtn 1 1 with torch in had stretched away in I of such intense cold nnon the human " .1.1.. - ! 11- il.. will sav nothing of onr war and naval long lines on eitlier smewaiw me gay Krupp's steel and iron vorks at 1 gysteia were not so marked in the case of expcmiitnrcs, or pensions and interest, colored transparencies are ablaze with Essen, Germany, pay $2,600,000 in the lieutenant and his companions as f.r they are notfairly the subject of com- alwct5uM . the saloon and billiard wages annually, average of $311.- miglt be supposed, and even during a .i " 1 1 .1 "II . ......n. I Gf .. K 1 nv nn o Kaia tt .I N I I ' halls are uriiiianuy uiuminaieuiiiiusiv. ou per. uuuu, u . j parison. Two Fisliers - . "l . 4Vl. I.aI frit Afl i i a . I sia s j w . ,, . ...f! a fh. iifftcrrfeft iM'iiiw ZAfitt iuo iivaiiu va 1 wentr years ago our rauroau imeresw f . 4Ka cmv nrbinr dvs in a vear. 70 3-5 cents " o-i.- were managed exclusively; in the states; kdu .w , " 7 i e 7u i i e rr, lue pny. reumiu -""r"- ' now these interests are lobbving in Wash company begin to gather to the haunts per. day for the whole force. I he av- mcn adapted themselves as mnch as pos ition. Twentv years ago education was and houses of pleasure; the gambling erage daily wages are really 69 cents 8ible to the habits of the imtives, feeding acknowledged to a home concern and deng are aflame with palatial splendor; per man, the most skillful forgers and upon blubber and fat meat, by wldch the left exclusively to the states , the theory wide open . thc raiH8 puddlers receiving about double this ua "JLT . ' ... I ... i mi 1 1 1 I Was IOUUu 03 iunumi,uino,wv.... of destruction are grinding heaitn, average, wmie unshiiieu laoorers aWe tw Mcnre with tIlcir Testing rifles honor, hannitiess and hope out of ceive only $2.88 a week. The work- . jujee,. at one time to last.theui thousands of lives. The city underling men at Essen have a considerable for KV-cral days. The difticulty of ap il.n fislicrhts is not the same as under offset in the way ofvery cheap living, proachiug these animals was often very O 9J GckI now hsserteil and beginning to prevail is that the general government must see to the education of it children. Albany A rgn. peril i nose, And her nose tipped vice rcraa. t I, with my roil, my reel, and my hooks, And a hamper for lunching recesM-s j She, with her bait of her comely loks. And the some of her golden tresses. the constitution and the laws, through an administration such as those living have not seen. tier asi BMerson, Attoifzieys, Counselors vm : !. s : ' I and Solicitors. So wo silt down on the snnni dyke, .... .1 1 . t I:,.!-.. . wiifii 1 no wnue ooiui-iunc tc-n-i , Anil I weut to fishing like quaint old Ike, And she like Simon Peter, A Singular Coincidence. A New Jersey paier, the Patterson Onardian, in the following article di rects attcntiou to a rather striking coin cidence : Garfield admits that ho "borrowed , 1 SALISBURY, C 34y22 1879 -tt. All! the nnon I lay iu the light of her eyes COIIlCIUence ll was, 10 wmir, umirwtii- aLother lneinbers of the House liorrowed tlv the same amount of Oakes Ames And when the time for departnixMttiuc, a . , imttinir out .. I..... no fi.tllll.lfr I V 1 " ..: .1.1 i,.w.iui ii..r omA Imonev where it wonia uo .ne inosi IlUR in.c'iv .. ".1 a 1 - - rise. aud the baiter alone was baited. PI ow A hundred and fifty pounder. The Hancock Cock; VK I WHEAT. W'su? H lhig atTested statement; from riiaVi Priait,'Vf the .Valley of Vir tion r J'!8 beeM 8e,,t u forthe" iutorma m thuse who wish to use a SA?lE FERTILIZER FOR WHEAT. WIT, er some 500 Tons diffierentl U,m oipj tn fotAvl'et and a foir pronor rd tit? rancl wicU hss given Piichgen WoCVon U,at we Pct o dooMe onr wah.f LrnU 'hi'ason and it will have ItEH!8"1 t,,i8 Bection of lle Valley" ttlli?a8u,ficentlT l'"" For term, &c, TIi fa is the cock that crows tills morn, And wakes the racis wun eiarioii iiom, ; - a. 1 -!..!.. ... miim.. ftiirA Intra Anuoticing wcuitwii,iu"Hic ?.ftu v w.m. " Hurrah for HaiicocK : Thij is thc cock that crew last night, And'woke np edrly for the fight-- j Wa spurred and eager by'dayliguti XI Ull Mil V . Agents. - Oil THE WATCHMAN j This is the cock that crew in Mainet Aud signaled Democratic gain j God's justice showered like the raiqr- ! Hurrah for Hancock J I -L I'' ' ?-' ' -1:; ' j - -This is the cock tells Garfield's loom, And heralds the Democratic ."boom n De Golyer, stand asidemake room ! H arrah for Hancock ! . - N .. . 4 This is the cock whdse crow blends tears For Southern dead with Northern cheers And welds a wrong of twenty years j . . Hurrah for Hancock ! j ; - ui-Ji'Ffln7e- CowWerv AlO ".' ' --J.'-'V 'A -ir " i": '':: good." Hero is the little list: John A. Logan,. $329 William D. Kellcy, 329 James A. Garfield;.-;;. 329 We have noticed that this qneer cir cumstance has not yet beeu explained by any Garfield stump orators. Nor is likely to be. Armfield says in his speeches that no mau in the world ever Vborrowed" just $329, and that if he could get an indictment against Gar-, field he could couvict him on these figures, before: any petit jury in the country. Akdersox, Oct. It The old resi3mceof John C. Calhoun, in the southern portion of Pickens county, was burned last night.' This residence was one of the oldest in the county. The place now belongs to Dr CM Doyle, of Toceoa. Ga. No insurance. Loss aliont $3,000. The fire was the result of ac cident, - : - . ; Gov. Vance ox JIattkrs of State. One of the most effective parts of Senator Vance's speech, night before last, was that in which he spoke of State affairs. In refer ring to the saleof tho Western North Caro lina Railroad, he said that aside from the material relief it afforded the people of the State, it was his profound conviction that the road itself would have proved a cause of disscntion more deplorable than that which tears are divided the people of Virginia, causing us, as it had-caused them, to entirely lose sight of thc great issues of the present campaign. It was the wisest thing Gov. Jarvis everdid. Charlotte Olterrer. great, for in the still cold air the step of a man npon the snow could be heard two miles away, and the grating of the sledge runners resounded like the clothing of 's sunlight. The allurements and which thc proprietor guarrantccs them. Is and nitfalls of night are a liun- There is an immense bakery in con- drwl fold deencr and darker and more nection with the works, where 15,000 - - - ..1. . . , . 1 . destructive. Nightlife in our cities loaves of bread arc made every day temncrei Ktcel. It was not an easy mat is a dark pmblem, whose depths and aud supplied the workmen at cost. ter to keep guns in working order in this abvHsesand whirpools make us start There are stores to supply clothing, climate, for at 60 degrees . and ' 70 degree, back with horror'. All night long dry goods, groceries and provisions at s falline. blood is streaming, cost, schools, reading-rooms a theater, -V. .t'-lth tLe kinZ of Make a record of the nights of one etc., and the workmen when sick, are iks. When the enns were brought week. Put inllie moping paper the cared for in a hospital without cost, jnto the varnl atmosphere of th huts to names of all young mcn, their habits receiving half wages also. The work- be cleaned, they would at onco become and haunts, who are on the street for men also lodge in houses owned by - sinful pleasure. Would there not be Krupp, at a nominal rent and ,n these had IMb firMntnmv.ivfithat Hancock is a UWrne and confusion? Some would several ways the wages 01 tne xsen . fin(1 U8tl e8a block of ice - 7 ; . - I w - - m mm m I il 7 -A 1 tl . - vain, weak, ambitious man ; that he not dare to go to their places ot tousi- laborers are saiu 10 ue auuu. uuuu, Wn nn Knllipr .luring tiro war and iiess: some would not return home at eflectivc value. " " - o - - - 4 1 will be a mere plaything in the hands at night ; some would commit suicide, of the noliticians. I On naire 300 of J Remember young mcn, that in thereti- Russcll Young's book. Grant express- La of the AU-ecing eye there is noth- Perhaps the biggest horse in thc The "White Horse.' a iu his hands. A bottle of wlnskey wuicn was in the stores was cougealwlo the consistency of thick syrup byUe intense cold,, and the cup from which one of 4h travelers essayed to drink actually froze -- . .i.t- fa his lins. The low teniperniuio 01 uui . - . . jt, I ... , ,, f rt i I w " . ed himself a vear ago as follows: ing hid but shall be revealed on tne worja ls the "white norse 01 .oerK- latituae permitted wune of the Esquimaux .Hancock is also a fine soldier. At last day. ... shire, England. It is one nunureu . the to pract.cea "n,c - and seventy yards long to tne enu 01 nM,n some . woivca .- The Epizoona The New York , ; , fi cnt in the gide thcin. They sat upright in the ice sever- my personal preferences were for SchV tel ranl Mys it was estimated that . A long way off it looks as 1 keen knife blade and .WJ.J - fiif r ! H.,v.L. bd oMmd . i i fi ' b. . .. . Uitt. LIimnI. These the wolcs licked. uciu, .. ."lucre are o,uw uor ouut..6 thoneh drawn n chalk lines, but tne but being prevent-. the promotion and gave his name to- . . . Uv and the ira. LtHongu ura A hrtW.Wln Stanton. He wrote me a beautiful -i" 4. , ..outlines are re..j ... wl hy ,Mlwwi.K...bi---" i lL. ..a nresiiion prevails uiai me m...... , letter on iiie suujcui,, uoi ic4i..w..o . j ;- . .. i w ! i i. . I ?fi ...,tii nf.rv miimal Til n ft, m m mm. mw m mm avmi aMftiBi m m k mm m w w has m f -i . 9 a.i.Aa sml and kept clean ana ireeirom tjic time, aud tncir own warm uiouti crrass by the people, who take great tempted, tnem 10 co,u...u ... S in it The ditches are six yards tongue, were so scarified that death, was pr., IC ,B Tl.o i ,f inavitable. The natives also Uund n, Wide anu iw tew I irtTr .trins of wluilebouo with pieces oi sassins, Imvo i1upjiv remained on . " J - I . . V. 11. cordial fiioting. I have great reiect i,, affected. The horses iu urooKiyn for Hancock as a roan and a soldier. d Jersey City are also affected. Not oat. news a; i l iMfh has so tar occurred i . i . . - - a Tl. . .. . . m mm i ffe- . the norse is lour icvi, crp. - - jncat, and after allowing tiieni w irerw:, In speaking of General 068 as- aiming the diseased animals, ine ciis- tiic horse is four feet across, anT dropped them into the animals' way. , the Wilson Adance says the mier uas ------ " thft ,8 fifteen yarns long, x-can Ti,ese v won," ,,u'" . ' "V."- ' I et-t.---Vw Rrunsiriek. It ore- i - . . m. - vt. I .t.- ..m! into the intestines of the IhA seen for sixteen nines. icu mc wvj i - ----- . - I.na I00! seen lur T ,..i h meat havin"L thaweI, states that he cut the road and Par- vails, aiong m time comes to .clean out tne : uitcnes vottld 8pread open and , appeared in x uiiaucp...-, lhc raake ton o - . dea(ll. nnuter. . -playbill som 01 " rnuS is bad enongh fof Vnlfor.thnnnfenanecofman. ' have fine times, uno.iuaie i.c ... .vw -r-----r" t - 'i ; - ... . : mfl ....I rr i not tnown ' woives.-ouv .... . .r the beauty of -lxve, uae to ; . w!Vr 11 mauxonght to satisfy any one, . . , danscrous wnen it co-ncfiaie. "-y , - -. and quickly destrovs women. ; I . 1 :

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