ill .1 f 4 m - - - I I Carolina Watchman. - TllUUSDAY. NOV. IjJ, 160. The, Electors of tlic different States will meet ou the first Wednesday id Decerns ber next, and will cast their votes. Coq gresl will count them on the 2d AVednes tit' February next. , - It is predicted that the time U Bear at liand Avhcu 23 or 30 gulloun of crude pe - trolenm, costing less than one dollar, will do more. to drive the machinery bf steam engines than a ton of coal, costing foar dollars. ; . At Fayette villo a negro was running I 'for constable against a white man Judge Buxton, itls said, voted against! the ne gro, and the white man waselected by one. vote. JYrtr U Observer, j The unkindest cnt of all, considering that the Judge was voted fur by : at least 80JXX) negroes, --' ; ' J President Hayes has appointed by pro clamation, the 25th day ot November, to be observed as a thanksgiving, as follows: V 'I therefore recommend that on Thurs day, the 25th of Xoveuiler next the Peo ple meet in their respective places of worship, to make their Htkiiowleugnients to Almighty Uod for His bounties and Jlia protection, and to' offer to Hiiu" prayers for their ooutiuauce," " ' ' West. X. lr,"KAiijtoAi Change of G uage. Says t he West. Carolinian j "We do believe that the change of goage, in its effect towards the w estern part of the State will be WueGciul. It will' bring us into direct communication withBiclimond und the North, whereas heretofore 'we have directly eouuected with nowhere.' - -- i The completion of the Western N. C. Barlroad through to its terminus at Piint Kock wjll mark a new era in the history of the section of the State west of Salis bury. This will be especially true of all I the country lying immediately, on the road. It will ilape us on a great truuk line, and instead of the two traiusn day carryfreight and passengers, as! at pres ent, there will be fast express trains and a number of freight trains. Every enter prise will be quickened, and new ones M-iltspringupiis the result of the increase m in our means of transportation aud the numerous markets that will beopened np to the country in the west. We look . forward with bright hopes to the comple tion of the road ; nor do we believe the time will be long till all this shall be brought about One year from tu-day, we have no doubt Irian, will be ru,nuiug through." - ; Tho way the. west thinks and aik8 about it is expressed by the Asheville Cit&pn as follow; "The gauge of the Western North Carolina Itailroad is being M ideued to correspond with , the conuec - tiotis in Xoi-tU Carolina and Tennessee. We win now have, for the first time iu . theJiistory of the State, the old idea of worenejta, CalUweH, Graham and others of a Nortli Carolina system, from Beau fort harbor to the Tennessee line, uuder one management, of the same gauge. When the road is completed west and to Paint Kock, what a grand line it will be: May the good work go on speedily." : ' The change of guageou the West. N, C. It. R.r has beeu coupleted, we think, od wo suppose, the trains will be mak ing regular trips the last of this; week or the first of uext. : The trucks of all the rolling stock will also have to bcianged, a work that has been steadily going on during all this week. The present management of the Road indicates confidence iu the future value otthe property, and we shall not be sur prisedif within fhe next 12 months it shall exceed all our North Carolina railroads in - the matter of freights. Members of Consrrcss. 1 Thp following is a list of the members elected from North Carolina ta the next Congress of the United States t ! y xjwnvi Jcwis atlinni. Dem. 2d 41 I. tl it ( i O. Hubbs. Reniililir-nv 3d 4th . 5th Uth 7th Sth J, W, Shackelford, pern. -W. R, Co, Deni. A. M Scales Deni, --Clement Dowd, Dem, , U. F, Armfield, Dem. Robert R, Vanee, Dem, The Next Congress, 47th, According to the classification of the Baltimore San of tho 8th iusti, the next Senate of the Unitetl States will be cbuw posed of . - . I 4 uuepenuent Democrats ; . 2 Republicans .1...,.. 37 The Independent Democrats are David Davis, of Illinois, and Mahone, of Virgin vote with tho Democrat. If Mahone should vote with the,IlepbH?us, a tie would result and Vice President Arthur would have the castiug vote. ; Iq the House of Representatives there will be, according to tho same authority Democrats . 14l saife..;.4s::z::::; The Republicans will have th Speaker, ViucixuV VoTE,-The fall rotof irgima on the eUsctfon for PresldenYwas 211,758, ofwbfch tW regular Democratic electoral ticket reared JH,040; Readjas; ter; ticket, 3184. m the Repablkiu tcket, 83,834. Demoeratic majority over Republican ticket; 12,800; over Reaujus ter ticket, 63,350. ! - t X r , . , ; X . Relate Synod at Rmeigh, adjottrnod to hold its next annual wjiou fi, r.i-. Iun Nov.. Uth The FratuU In New York to bo i .investigated. - " .vr oK, Nprvmlr U.-A meeting of ijminenf; democrat. . w Jeld la ntght )n St. James4 Hotel to take action oti alleged frauds iu the recent electiou. CoUF. A, Conklkig presided, and among those present were General Smith, Gen eral M, L. McMahon, Sheriff Rome, Gen, eral Jones aud X, J. Waterbury. Jt was resolved tu appoint committees as fol lows: On frauds and Wrcion perpetrat ed in this city by Republicans; a commit tee to investigate not more than twelve election districts in order to thoroughly prepare a case for consideration by Con gress, and that they include in this in vestigation; the persecution of colored Democrats by colored Republicans; a committee on Federal intimidation to in vestigate the doings of Davenport and his wen ; a committee on prevention of frauds in the future; a committee on finance. Resolutions were adopted setting forth that there is good reason to believe that a large fraudulent vote w as polled in this city by gangs of repeaters in tho pay of the Republicans, and that bribery aud coercion were alsd -extensively prao-' ticed, aud that snob wrongs shall be ex posed und punished that the several ITemocratic organizations of the city aud county be requested to co-operato with the committees to be appointed in carry ing out the objects for which they are appointed ; and that copies of these pro ceedings be transmitted to the different county committees throughout the State, with a request that they similarly orgau ize and investigate, j 1 The Returns, Full returns front eighty -fonr counties, which gave Vance 1)2,643 and Settle 101, 483, now give Hancock 113,759, Garfield, 105,038. The aggregate Vance and Set tle vote in' these counties was 215,126; the aggregate Hancock and Garfield vote is 218,902; the aggregate Jarvis and Bux tou vote is 216,277. It would seem, there fore, that the vote polled is larger than that cast iu 1876. In these counties Hun -cock received 1,116 more than Vance, and Garfield 3,660 more than Settle. ' Jarvis received .1,404 less than Vance, and 2,520 less than Hancock. ! Buxton received 3,555 more than Settle, 105 less thau Gar field. Yauce's majority in these counties is 6,201. It is probable tlmt the vote of the State will be five or six thousand iu excess of the vote of 1876, and the Demo cratic voto will be very nearly as great as iu that year. In the 4th, 5th and 7th districts, onr vote is larger than it was in 1876, The figures that while the Democrats have held their own, the Re publicans -have cast about 3,500 votes more tlinn in 1879. These deductions are drawn from the figures wo have. " Other returns may change them somewhat, but we do not think to any-great extent.. Ac cording to the figures! received by us, Jar vis majority is 6,33l;jWitli' Watauga and Date still to hear from. It will probably be (3,500. AVir tfc Observer. The lnty of the South; Tho Washington Gazette gives the fol lowing opinion as to the i duty of the South,' which we may say is- "too pre vious"i " Now, then, what of the future what of 1884 and the duty. of. the South? Thrown on her own resources, rejected in her proffers of fraternity by the ma jority of the Nortlern people and taught by repeated lessons that her participa tion iu national elections is the signal not ony for rjbald abuse and unstinted ca lumny, but fpr vindictive opposition to tho candidate for the presidency whom she may chanee to support, the duty of the South is to retire hereafter from the field of party conventions and party nom inations, to preserve her political auton omy intact, to advance her own mate rial and business interests with all the strength and vigor that lie in her condi tion of hontogsuity and political solidi ty, to establish within her borders, boun tifully blessed as she is with the lavish ed riches of Nature and with a moral and conservative imputation, an" imper ium in imperh which shall restore to her wasted energies wasted by war and un fostcred since that war by, the national government the life which they should exhibit. - Venality. That' pjeefjou in thW United States are getting to ho controlled mpro and more by money, is a sad and an alarming fact. When votes can be purchased by whole sale, as Was done in the late election iu the Nortli, the government parses iuto tho hands of the wealthy classes, aud ceases to be a government of the people except n name Ij becomes the govprn, nient of an aristocracy of weiiltlr. The great object of the plijtocracy which rules this country, is (o shapo the" policy of the government so as to subserro their uhjss interesU. - They caro little as a class for what is known as pqbljc virtqe. yiat they want is a strong gorernment, will, ing to favor them in jts policy, and able to protect theiu in the enjojriueut of their priyirtesl-.Gnints administration W to them a model of 4xceence, and thpy would like to see- it j or a similar one re, stored to powers If they are ableo bur votesfnough,toput into imwer their favorl ite caudidrtto for the presidency they arA ablo Jo control the voters of. the country and ibuy their acquiescence iu a re vol a tioa whleh shall conyert. our 'republican form of government iuto a ilespotism J We are uo . aUniiisi, bnt we waijt the people t keep it in j " mind that -'eternal vigilance is the pi j pf liberty -.FuV summer, v Hancock's Defeat Viewed TUroiiffh South Carolina Spectacle. ; , .1 - a.. .. (.- ni...Tuin. Y... I . cj,. C)iroli-on . ' - . lull nBKtl I II V ICNVU iui ,4wwak vvtf lie thus explained it : . 'X:-.-'Z'.': uOh, there are a multitude of reasons. I thought at one time that he certainly would be elcc-ed, but -I was anxious from .the be ginning about the immense amount ef mon ey that the Radicals could command.. You see, there is a large. purchasable vote at the North, that can be -carried for anylwdy or anything for money. Our people know nothing about it. I saw enough in New England summer before last to satisfy me as to how elections could lie carried at the North. In political contests of high excite ment this element is always afloat, .and the party that has the most money as a corrup tion fund, and will use it, can get them and they turn the tid' . Whv, every lanre c Tit ration at the North sympathized with and actively aided the Radical party, because the Radical party believe in centralizing everything, making the strong stronger, the weak weaker, the rich richer and the poor poorer. The mammoth railroad corpora tions, as tyrannous over their employes as any petty principalities in Europe, with president-kings, as fond of power aud wield ing s much of it as many of the subordi nate potentates of the Old World, prefer Radical rule because they can purchate what legislation they want when the Radicals are in power, and they cannot when the Demo crats are. I would not be understood as saying that all Republicans are purchas able, but they generally are of easier politi cal virtue than the Democrats." Qn the subject of investigating the vote of the State of New York, he said : aIf New York desires to investigate her election, why should she not do so ? Why should the country get on its head because New York proposes to purify her election ? If the Radicals hftve colonized voters or cor rupted the suffrages of that State in any way the people ot Now York ought to know it; and if they want a Cougresaiona) committee to make the investigation they ought to have one. I am opposed to any revolution ary measures, or to any measures which, by technical points, wuuld revet sc the popular vote; but that New York has a right to in- vestiatc I have no doubt." The Reapporllpnent. JIuic it i promoted to Count the South Out. Special to Baltimore Sun. WA8HIN6TOK, Nov. 14. It was stated sometime since in this cor res jmnebnee that the superintendent of the cemms would en deavor to send t Congress at the next ses sion complete tables of the population of the different States, in order that the new apportionment for members of the House of Representatives could be promptly made. Prominent Republicans say that even if the tables of population are furnished no new apportionment shall be made at thispession, because the Republicans in 'both Houses will oppose .every movement to that end. Tjie Republicans it is said, have determimled that the new apportionment shall be made entirely under Republican auspices, and will therefore se to it that it is postponed until the next Congress. It is said there is a scheme in hunt! to reduce the representa tion of the South. The fourteenth amend ment to the constitution provides in terms that when the right to vote is denied to the male inhabitants of any State, "except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis for (representation therein shall be re duced in the proportion which the numler of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty -one years of age in such State." The claim will be made that the bulk of the colored voters in sever al of the States are prevented from voting, and the effort will 1 to reduce the repre sentation accordingly. There i9 no doubt that this idea has been brouched by Repub licans here high in the confidence of their party, and it is to be expected that an effort will be made to carry out the idea in Cou gress. But for various reasons it is verv questionable whether any such plan can be made to snccecd. The New York ballot law prescribes how the tickets shall be printed, and provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to cast any ballot printed contrary to the pro visions of the act. There arc 20,000 elec tion districts in the State, and commenting on the protests against the counting of un lawful votes now being made by the Demo crats all over t he State, the World asks what is there improbable in the assumption that at least one Republican electoral ballot un lawfully printed as to "caption' or endorse ment, and of course, therefore, unlawfully cast and null and tuid. and of no effect to make a President, has been connted in each election district? Cood citizens will see this, and frown down all attempts to get up a riotous'and revolutionary spirit in oppo sition to the calm and impartial operation of the law. For oar part, we believe in the enforcement of the law, ami in maintaining the purity of elections. If there were fifty thousand illegal Republican ballots cast in New York, we would urge their. being thrown out, and we shall not urge it the less because the result would le to elevate that peerless soldier and devoted friend of the constitution and law, W. S. Hancock, to the Presidential chair. Nats and Obtcrter. ,Tu Pbesidext-Ei-kct to Judge Touh oejc. Among the congratulatory messages received by President-elect Garfield was one from Judgo "Tourgee, the author of "A Fool's Errand," who telegraphed : "The family of fools send greeting,' Gen. Gar field, replied by letter; "Dear Judge: I would have answered your kind telegram by wire but for the fact tlgst for the past two or three days the wires have been too busy to gjrp nje a chance, j I thsnk you for your kind . greetings from tins 'Family of Fools,-sad in return express t he hope that the day may come when o$r Country will be. a paraduc for all such fools. v - How to Ilreak the Solid Soutli. And if the Northern icople could ouly realize tho fact Southern people canuot comtent to surremler their State goretn ments to the control of tho negroes and thna allow the degredatiou of the moral pnrity of tlieir society r and the ruin of all their material interests; ami tb soooer the Republicans learn tht the soooerwill they find out the way to bviak tp solid South. They canuot do it by flolidizing the negroes agaiust the white i:ople aud eudeavoiiug to place them iu pohtical power here.) Let the ' Republican party find some methoil by which our State aud c tv irovernriient in tl.l .MtiH ua always kept nuder the control of the best element iu our society, and they will ltavs discovered the true key to the solution of the problem ot the solid South aud the means by wjiicli to break that solidity; but nutil then, in self-defence, we honld preserve somo sort of unauimify among our white people. Richmond State. Our readers must have liccn struck with the excellent common sense embodied in the report of Gen. Schofivld in connection with the Whittakbr casoand the failure of the high prcssurp system adopted at West Poii.t to break dotn the barriers which the God of nature has.set up.. The effort to force whites and riegroesinto social equality has Tailed and wjll fail always. The purposes of the Radical .party, as manifested in their past legislation, to force social eijnality up on the Southern white people are not by any means to be ignored. Its course in that particular should not Iks forgotten or for given. It is in fact one of the greatest re proaches to that corrupt party, ami betrays a lamentable ignorance of human nature and a total disregard of .the wishes, preju dices and rights of the white people. Rut, say some, let us join them and break up the sound party of principles that has been the salvation of the whole count ry.-i 117. Star. No nxorv politics for the next four years,. Let us address ourselves to the develop meut of our material prosperity, aud to the improvement of ou selves m a people morally and intellectually. ; Materially we are advancing rapidly hero at 1 lie South, and in a few years, if ive are true to ourselves our population will be so in creased, that we hs masters of the situation iu every respept, 4tt the ne groesfgo if they will, ami God speed their going. We want to hear uo more con temptible talk of the nrgries being a ne cessity at the South. If white men are too lazy to earn a livelihood without the aid of die negro, the sooner the country :., ..e ..n i. n... i . . . in i in ui fin Rut:n int; iH'iierior if. .Uirio Saxon brain aud mucle must develop the Soutli, if it is ever greatly prosperous. Rut iiiuch hivs already pecn done. Our agricultural prosperity never was greater thau at present. Went. Carolinian. Mkxicax Wah pKNsioxs.-The survi ving soldiers of the Mexican war and their friends will make one more effort to get their pension bill pased In-fore the expi ration of the present Congress. The Sen ate bill now stands on the calender of the Senate a a special order, and the House bill stands at the head of the calender in the committee of f he whole. All through the last .session the. Republicans iu both house threw obstacle iu the way of the passage of the bjll whenever it was taken up for action. The principal i bjection made to it was that Jefferson Davis would be included iu its provisions.! Now that the election is over they may pot care so much about this, but as Mr. Davis has suid that he did not "ire to be a benefici ary of flie bill, the Deimcrats imay sutler him to be excluded, if the point should be again made by the Republ jc?ina. Gen. Schofield, in his annual reports about West Point, adverts to the Whita kercasi', and says that the fraudulent character of tho outrage was fully demon strated within a few hours after its dis covery ; that West Point cniiuot be made a favorable place at which to first intro duce social intercourse between the white and black nun. . He say to scud to West Point a young man who was born in slavery is to assume that half a generation has been sufficient to raise a colored man to the social, moral and intellectual level which the average white man ha reached in several hundred year. Ah well might the common farm horse be entered in a four-mile race ngaiust the best blood in herited from a line of English racers. Records of Hthk W in." : Washington, Nov. 15. CoK Scott, io charge of the pub lication of the orHcial records of the war of the rebellion,' reports that the work has steadily progressed during the past year. Important additions have been made by voluntary contributions to the records, both Union and Confederate. Among the con tributions arc valuable papers from Mr. Davis, Gens. Beauregard, Ciuilinerj, D. II. Hill, Bushrod Johnson, S. D. Lee, E. Kirby Smith and P. P. Stuart, and from the repre sentatives of Gens. Branch, Breckenridge, D. II.' Cooper and E well. It is expected that the Grst two volumes will be issued next month. Over three thousand immigrants arrived at Castle Garden from Europe ou Monday.' The total number of immigrants who have arrived thus far this, yeat is above 290,000, and it is estimated by Superintendent Jack son that the immigration this year will ex ceed that of any previous year in tire history of the countryl The largest record of im migration was in 1854, when the arrivals were 319,000. Ia tho opinion Of the com missioners 0f emigration fully, 60 percent, of all the immigrants who have arrived this year have been of the most valuable class for the materiai'developnient of the country, . A silver lining to Hie Democratic cloud of disaster conies from far off Oregon, The Democrats have elected a Governor of that State, although it is now . con ceded that they lost tho electoral vote. The Difference. St. Lois Post-Dispatch. m- r ; , lu 1870 tho election was close, and the DeuMM-rat were siiccvssfnl. : The Repnb-lk-aus thereupou proceedotl to stealth presidency. i In 1880 the election i still more close, and. the Republicans elect the President the Democrats have the same opportuni ty, and even greater power. But they sebmit without a thought of residence. That's one difference between tho Re publican ami the Democratic leaders. In 187G the election was sik close that vt.w..w .. w rro i iorgrry .Tamtl d veriurv to couut in their defeated candidate ttfter the election: Iu Idii) the election wu again very dose, but this tittie luouey bushel of it !;, uumei oasv tiKtgnilicf Dt ami infamous, and the cotirentrated power of 100,000 officehold ers, 2;f)60 banks and 1,000 Mwerful cor porations, unnopTfe.H ami money inter est, did the name buiiie before ihv election. That i au)br diffi'reiire. But where i the leal pirit f the Re public f Where-is the true essence of a free election T YIa i the difference bo tween obtaining. t he presidency by! frniwl after mid fraud U fore tbe eWction t Oficlal Tote of Cslitorxla. Sax FnAxcisco. Nov. IS. Full official returns of this State shovr that Henry Edgerton, Republieau, receive: 50? nHrr vote than doe Judge Terry,, tbe lowest on the Democratic ticket, and is rleeted. Theother Democratic elector have ma jorities ranging from 87 to 143. Eijf.ction Contests ix Locisiaxa New Orleans, Nov. 16. United States Marshal Wharton in an interviewwith a Times re porter stated that the Republicans proposed to contest the seats of Democrats returned asjjleetcd from the fourth and fifth congress ional districts; and may also decide to eon test the first and second districts. He nays the late election was a farce. What a writing, reading people we must be. During last month the Post-office Department issued 119,04i,313 stamp, 20,731, IMJ0 stamped envelops aud 40,964, 000 postal card. The revenues to the department during the fiscal year ending June 30, were $33,315,479, about 70 cent per capita of our entire population, and the total expenditures $30,103,820. New York returned the largest revenues, $6, 200,1135, and Alaska the least 8453. Sxow Stohms. Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 15. After an almost continuous rain for twenty-four hours, a snow utorm set in about 7:30 o'cleck this morning and still continues. Heavy snow storms ar reported at Fayctte vill! and Gold.-boro. Christ, Gerber, Wholesale Hardware, Toledo, Ohio, say ; The Excelsior Kid ney Pad ha accomplished - more for my wile in three week than all the medicine lre ha taken in three years. Refer all skeptics to me. See adv. 10 Stop Organs, Sub Bass and Coupler uuij $oj xc8u iu iue u. o, OPEN YOUR EYES WIDE ln'tore you Rend Xorta tor Instruments. Spread eale advertisements do not always tell the exaot trutb. BETTER tiratru ments at mm or price can be bad nearer uome ee these offers: OhGANS-15 st p, 4 tet Heal, Sub Ha and Voup'rr, Jieautiit! OnU5;S Stof 4 met Jteed, anl't 5H59; 7 titujm, S ets Heed, f55. lool and Book Included. PIANO -7 (M., lartje ize, Jiich llimeirmxi Cane, only fl"9; ., : lurgext ize, only 'im; J,' Oct., Square, Grand, extra tanj; Magnijiernt Cae, onlp 2i. " stool and Cover Included. All from old and reliable makers, and fully guaranteed ; 15 days test trial. We pay freight if not satlsfatory. Posltlrely the test biinjains lu lite, U.S. . Mitake about this. We mean business and coui petition with the world. Send tor Full Prices is--. It will pay. you. Address, LU3DN & BATES' SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. SAVANNAH. GA. 3:41 THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTBATED. 3Gtb 7X3 AR. Uiljf 5ricntifif Jlinnkan. The ScifXTKic Amcricak U large Fimt ClasA Weekly Newspaper of .Sixteen pages, printed in the most beautiful style, pnjtitly Uturtrated tciih tjJcndUl engraving, repreeiiting the newest inventions and llieniot rei eni Ad vances in the arts and sciences; including new and interesting facts in Agriculture, Horticul ture, the Home, Health, Medical Projrrw, So trial Science, Natural llisiorj, (Jeohtgv, As tronumy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent writer in all departments of ci ertre, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, $3.4Q per year, 1. half year, which includes postage.. iJwcouni to Ajiento. Single copie, ten cents. Sold by all news: dealer. Remit bv MMral order to Minn A Co., Pnblisberf, 37 Park Row, New York. PATENTS. Id eonncction with the Scikntific Americas, Messr.. Munn & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Pat. ent, Have had 35 -year experience. und now have the larceFl establishment n the world, Patents are obtained on tht best term, A spe cial notice is made in the Scientific American of all inventions patented through this agency, with name and residence or the patei fee. Anv person who has made a new discovery or uivenlion, can ascertain, ;r oj enarge. whetber a patent ran probnblv le obtained. by writing to Mnnn & Co. We al send free . our Hand Hook about the patent laws, patents. caveats, trademarks, their ots, and how pro-' cured, with hint for procuring advance on in vention. Addrepg for the paper, or concern ing patent. MTJNN & CO. 37 Park Row, New York Branch Office, cor. P & 7lh St. Washing ton, D. C. THE BOYDEH HOUSE, SALISBURY, N. C. TDK Leading and only First Clas3 Hotel IS TOWS. . I am happy to inform my friend and the Traveling Public, that I have; again leased the above named House for a term of. years. GIVE ME A CALX. and I am satisfied jou will be; pleaaod.J . i A First-Class Livery Stable connected with the Jlouse, and accommo dations ex peditibua and good. , .' i C. S. BROWN. Nov. th, 16S0. 4:tw TRY THE NEW. TOEK OBSERVER THIS YEAS;' , The Largest and Bsst Family Paper ia . . ' the World..: Send for Sainple Copij'Free. ui: w irons observer, 37 Park Row, IVew York. Ik made frrui n' .iijiiMe i mpteal lent oi Kare Vatae,andtsa POSITIVE REMEDY for all the thai cans? uilcs in the lower part or the body fw TorpW liver ireitdaeHes Jaundice Dizziness, tiravel, .Vol.irta, aud all dl;II-utttes ot the Kidney, I.tver. and Mrtnary onoiits. For FEMALE DISEASES. Montiilv .Menatraatton. and dartnjr Pjejpjanuj. It huh no equal. It sesios the organ that mi flie blood, aud In nee fethe best SIOOD PUR IFISIT. n U toe trfv ttnnvn rtneOy Hut cures BRIGHT-SCHS KS Vor IMabeied, use WAKJT KR'S FK B.Ea?TErCl'll: For Sale by imisfsftsts sn.l rHnlers at $L2S per bottle. Iirpest hott-; in the market, 'irylt. H. H WAWNER & CO., Khesster. 2J.T. THE LATEST NEWS ! Is Z'SZk.T Elttttz & leiiem Have th Larer and iuoit " wiu.ilete STOCK OF HEW GOODS they have ever o!1V-i-I get a liirds-ey view ! have in Mrc : Drew liood, from- Sk tij; I ot. lomexti l"nni i. . Ckimere., Jeans, Fl;ihiit-t what tlii uw Wrf,i Dtd;ri.l ( iicot-, Lent 8c. Liii!ey, Shawl?, Clo;ifcs and a foil a.-fniu ul cf 1 1 Sry Goods csd XTotioss. A complete idmk l I. Jc Ki, boBgi-J) of .M:niula int. the cheai-efl. NVe have the i.e,xrelkd liar State 'and -Wetmore -Sin te, A iii line of Men' Hats, aud L.-oli s triiiin; tl aasr ki trim med Hal very icheap. V fall aHMtn)t ntiof, CLOTHING TORY CHEAP. Tlie hirgest m-l. of Shirts iu the plat (Jroeeriet at hutlom 1 iii-tK. 1 ta; )i t y ta ....... ., w kinds of V'oifee from J'J.'i? up n the lei Mo - cha. Kij:ht varit-lier-01 Srnp j.r.d .V lais very cheap. A, n I ar; nu'i-t if S.nj ir a .w a can be had in tt.e placi; 'Ju 14 kind of I ohaceo, t htiapel ' II e htt li he Imd in 1 . .j ........ ... any marKci. uacon, inni. nn, r iiniry .Meal, leather, Ac. ! We a I nrjre h.l of Ute roP Potatoea now on hand, veiy Ci.e. A larire stot k of Ta - hie Ware, and iMuy ueful ar.Me at !ic. We Ihiv uivNel! fill kind of t!)iinirv Pro- t. i,..,..- i .i ... I5e utie ai.d see na 1:3m. hefore von Imv inr sell. ' Oi-t. 20, 1880. Adminislralofs Sale I On Saturday, the 4:h day of December next, at the Court Hque door in Salinlmry, 1 will otter for s;ile t le revt-rsionary interest in the John McKorie Ilouu-.-n-ad, on Fulton Street in the North Wnr.l of .vlislury, being 4he House and Loti oppos-ite F. K Shober'a resi dence, and now'occ'pinl by ( -.arle 1'riie. The widow ot John Mi-Hone had dower at in(d her iiu-ludin tl.ii pr. petty. Ttrmsof caU Oue-lhird of the purchase money must be paid on day of nale, and a credit of six and twelve month hr the othtr two-thirds will be ;iven. with iiittiesi from lay of aJe. Ilonds with apjroved fet urity for deferred pay theut will Io required, and title reserved until ;di the purchase money i paid. Uv order of Court. LUKE BLACKMER. Oct. 23, 1S80 Cw fommisHoner.- Dot buy until you have ttu 1L VT FOR SALE BY ALL LEADINC DEALERS. ' S3, ' SSi Cure 1 lack flclic And all diHasc.t of the KidnevK, Bladder and Urinary Organs bv wearing the , iiiDonurn cvrciCRia xiRurv air. - . it u ajjiiarYCi 01 neaiingina neuia,,u ",mE ;euinw.. m Simple, Sensible, Directjy111 Painless, Powerful. It CURE? whee all ehe fail. A EEVE- IKTrVltr ItlflWATnUTflW!.. 1 . au axivuiiu xiyit in Aieuicine. Abfturplion or direct application, aa opposed jo unaiuiaeiorr internal medicinei. Sena Tor nnrOHtit nn Kilnv I rntiKlM uni f.a. B..I.1 by druggiiits, or sent br mail on receipt eft f? -Tli8 li6tif Lung Pad Co. vv- r T, atlCU. nine Kldner Pad. " WWIams Bloct,' AUt.for 1C aa4 N! - 4 - " tk no other. - DETROIT, OUR W5 mi FALL GOODS . XJLE. DAILY AURlviijQ ' nave evcrv thing yg waat. W THE LA RG EST, , JIA SDSQ31BST A M JiE&T SELECTED STVCX ! THAT WE HAVE EVER OFTH Call nml see usv ' y't ROSS & GREEHFlELDi : Sept. 23, 1880.' 23;l 1784lillIIE118Bl HOBTH GftROllHA,?ixTEW UOWAX COUNTY, $ tWM. AltrtHt ijoouman and others, Again Summons for Relitt Noah Goodman and j ttlier, Deft. Petition to fell Land for Psirtition. f Upoit the aflidavit filed it i ordered It ( -Joiirt that iiitdica;ioii W Hindu in the Canrii- na Wait for six nuccwiv eek. rmulV. inj .thra-ham tioodnian, Jhn Kiln, Jaiit Kiler, Mary 1'. Eller and Grant Ktler, Def. dantx, Hnre non-renitl-iuis of U State, i appear at th- oflicv of the Herk f the Suiieri. r CiK'rt. tut tr.eCtMinty of Rowan ontlie I0fb " fday .f ! eernl.-r78W, and answer lliert'tiw plaii. .1 i pv or which will be (ieponitrtl in r lUe i-Kice id le 'lerk jf ilie Snjjoif l uiiUof .";i'f tixutt witnin ten !nys fron tnr dateaf tUi kh!iimwb. and let tlieaiisike rtite what If " hey fait t answer the naid coirplaiat whim ?f'J" in iHe e,,m,.lnint. Uiveii-m.der wv Hand, huh uUi daT of Of -!olerr J5ft " J..ii. IIokaii, C. S. C. lirTw Kowan CoiintjR. ) M fy fill toil ( 0 w fei Jm1 j B Jt, j 'i P I - i o i I. 1 i I McCUbBillS, Eeall & C(L ! - w vaj I r i - ,, , - r '' . l Have Mmri fp.m X. J t y 4 Xas phy's (irauite How, where they are openiaf lar;e and c-Ll selected stork of Fall and Vi. ? ter jb;omJi ct74siM5 t.f Dry miUi, tirocerir,'? Notions, Letukf-r, Hair and Caps, HooM aai S!ioe., Q-tteiiware, Cloihifc, Cvtun baspGr ' & Ties, Su'. Tlv as A.'v4.u for the Kale ki the Lest Fremh I'.nr,. l:ivin; Clollis and E', : reka Smut MachfRex. F)oh"l fail toxall them. - v ' WHEAT FEHmiZER! Call on MrCi.bhtA, Ceall A CKifc It. Wheat Fertil'rztrn in use. ' ' SEED WHEAT. 300 brsbrls of extra" clean Seed Wheat fcl ale. Call on . ' McCubbins, Beall & Co. Sept.!G, 18S0. 24:lT B. C. BIBB & SOW Iron Founders, BALTIMORE. MD. Mura&ctor.-. dwiraUlc line of - C.ktMf lii.T... iucl'.niiug tlic Nmned The atMt perfect in operation, ttrrtlv av apoeanuice. and atneqnaletl for durability. D LUNG DISEASES, TOT? n A T TITSE A8IS BREATHINGTBUOBIg I It DriYM Into the vRtem curatire "- I . T T .1 : nartl I' I hoT,o,, lYfla i'ai Bb BeW M Cil Don't deatiair until Ton liave trhd thifj Srt. Mo. Kanilv Ai f.lil Xt ASIC i EFFECTUAL Bfniedj. Sold hr DnurffUt-. nr aent IrT nU 0t , ciit of Price, $2,00, by U!K; The "Oaly" LrmgW . iMentrrce, .1- . m 1 ail rV flT"W E HWl YJ 1L 7

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