TIJIHISDAY, NOV. J8, ISSO.' NEW TERMS. from and after tlie 1st day of January, laon the subscription price of the Watch STwiU be a follmvs: v One year, paid in advance, $L50 1 payment delayed 3 months, 2.00 tr: payment delayed 112 months 2.50 . , VAX NOW! y tern iudebted to this fflce for news paper, advert iing or job work, are re- Bested 10 C;,U and pay'1 T,,e amnle cot tua "u other crops of this, year have broatht money to all, so that all are able to pay- .-it o - - v ' Firewood. Those of otir patrons who .ii1It pay for their p" per in firewood, are gjfiitd tlint the time is at hand. 8end us mine wood. The price ef Wood this full has had the effect of turning some of eur citizens' away from the usual.source ot supplyf and arrange wents arc on fout to bring down several hundred cords from along the X estcrn IS r It. K. It can be delivered here at lower nrictt than wooo-haulcre re demanding. Vihk1 in demand but owing Cto' prices, dues but go off fast. 1 ' o The indications are that the coming w ;uter will be a hard one. i 'r ! "' The brides in i the city 'were serenaded by tlie Salisbury Hand last night. i vJi! : o : ' , Tho citv .father arc tinnng mtid in the streets uo reflections. ('' It r" ' Jts a rare thing to hear a man sjieak of politics; its mostly prospects i "in ugricul turr, manufacturing or gold mining. I v-ljjl - -o .; . ; Kead tile sketch of Heaver Dam gold .J'wiueiu this puiier, first page President ' Garfield is one of the directors. ,; r o -. Mrs. Reeve has closed the National Hotel and gne to Slates ville, where she protases to devote her whole time to the $t. Charles. - - I ' - o . Kittens do not thrive in pasteboard LoxeS-i-tuiless well ierfornted. When properly treated they grow to cat-like ' proportions. o " A trunk, the. property 'of Mr. L. Clem eat,! iwhich was in hi office, has been rifled of valuables to the amount of one hundred and fifty dollar. It i not kuowu .j at what time the robltery was committed. - - O We are hwiking for the man who thinks be can edit a newspaper ! tetter than an experienced editor. The ju-a-r time for v tiini tolH'giu'i.Hf'jtist nfter a 1'iesidential election now is tlie time. . Pitn Atljis x-t'sidenec in 'this town on 'Tuesday, Mi:.Akneu Pack, agetl aUmt years, lie was a respected niemWr mf the Odd Fellows, and as buried with the honors of the Order on Welne84la v. lJt Saturday evening Mr." I.. B. Cady? We toik flight at a pair of gray mules and rau away-j-throw ing that gentleman front the buggy, and brnUing his right leg severely f-the buggy was badly Orukeh. . " -o- Torner's X. C- Almanac,, by Jas. II. Enpis, is an annual of 53 pages. AtniutSO pages arechierl y devoted to matter usually found ia X. C. Almanacs, and the remain der are filled with advertisements, em -hractng a great variety of subjects. to-, ... VT hare filled our columns this week with Ww culled from our exchanges the best wccuuld.do, there being almost nothing of Jcil interest. We arc in the calm which always succeeds a storm, such as the elec tion we hare just passed through. - r o . - We: have been too busy for some months t pay. much attention to accounts,, but be tei this time and the end of the year we shall endeavor to present bills, and hope we Buy find our friends prompt to settle.. The " lunlant crops ot the year will, we trust, ; 80,ni country friends to 'pay who lipedclayed a long time. f " - ' ' 'ik WpODU beginning to be a sc rtoBii matter,! for some of our people. HM been selling as high as one dollar a quarter per load, aud small loads at tnatij This will be very oppressive to otir t?0 Ioople during the coming wiu fvjlt is said that wood can be bought , P e Western road at seventy five tfitk 'a cord, and laid down at the depot tet ofo dollar aud a quarter per PM If auch au arrangement can - be great iy relieve our'ieopler i i Aiditional elecclion returns from Row- r ancotiuty Foil County Treasurers - McCubbins. 2.0S7 votes. Utf Vile3, S-9 For Coroner r K.H? Webb 2jm ytw 2,082 V0D tt 'P'A 4 ' For Surveyor j 7 c Reruhardt. Miller, H it ;$k York Observer is an inter Snnd valuable family paper. .-.sinnjend it to our readera wbo fJgSJ t?kea New York paper, as pure I iffe PuWisbers have this year 1 A:i volume of Iraas letters, with I otWPrtraitof tl,e antbor; whieh hey tti , .w.o. AQjone can gee uie 7 New York, J Enochville Items, j " ' The election at this precinct nasacd off very ouietlv and the retu ma wilt alinw tve are not an overbcarinor 1 people, for -we came: out just like the old woman did with : her corn sbuckinz sunner. about even. Thero was an excursion run from this place to Salisbury. Thursday eveninr after the election. ,Time,72-18. . Any information as to the whereabouts of the tnud that dis appeared on that occasion Will be thankful ly received. : - ) . Rey. W. A. XutZ, late of Winston, moved to this place last Week! Re Is to! becnm the Paster.of the Enochville charge! consist ing, of St. Enoch's and Trinity Churches. The Installation sermon will be preached at mis piace on use 4tn Sunday oT JioTember, by Rev. V. R. Stickley. 1 i here were 30 names added to the roll of Oak Grove, S3 the result of the labors of the Rev. Mr. Creecy, during the late protracted J uicdiuy. , miicru were suuui COUTerSlonS in all. " I -r -- - ' Mr. Ievi A. Dcal,went down in the vicin ity of ConcoftJ last Thursday, and returned on Friday with a'Miss Brown as his bride, j Married nt Oak Grtlve Church; Kov.llth, by Rev. Mr. Creecy, Miss Janic Rodgers and MrJ James flowlen. ' ' v'- f ! Enochville now has one actual and loni fide colored citizen. . . - -i -. W.' rfewdind OWrver. ; ' I- Kynol of North Cnroliua, i Jwria day'i Proceeding , x Tlie last day 'proceedings, are ntwayfr iHieivsiing juougn very crwueu Several animated discussions occurred during tlienlaj-. The report of Rev. C. M.-Piiyne," agent of evangelistic-labor, awakened an earnest debate.' Rev.lj, Rumple Rev. Roger Martin," Rey." S. M. Smith and Rev. Joseph Evans spoke on the subject. On the subject of the evan gelization of the colored people, Rev. S. II. Chester made an interesting speech. Aud on this matter thero was more than uual interest developed. A colored min ifeter was introduced to the Synod and made some remarks with refereuce to his work, aud was followed by members of the Synod. An event of more than ordiuary'jnterest was the reading of a memorial of j the dis tinguished aud useful uiMwriiinrr, Rev. Daniel Lindley, I. D., for forty years a missionary in Africa. The Symid heard with deep attention the" tributes of va rious brethren, and the paper was adopt ed by a rising vote, and the Synod was led in solemn prayer by Rev. Dr.; Ho tart I left Chapman. The .statistical report to the! general assembly represented that the Synod con sists of 115 ministers. and 227 churches, aud has under its care 8 licentiates aud lti candidates. j - ; Many of the members left yesterdav, but the closing exercises were, as usual, demu aud impressive, and quite a uum- Ik;1" remained to the close. The; singing f the Synod in its parting hymns was noticeable, aud the voices of many Chris- .i t i an men joined in the magnificent dox- - - - f 4uirv. . ; Rev. I)i. Joseph R. Wilson, lof Wil- itiiiigtoti, preacliwl at 7:. o clock, and notwithstanding an exceedinglyj inelem- enr night more than a hnudredasseniblid for diviue worship. Dr. Wilson's sermon was on the text?" And this is the recoid, rliat God hath given unto us eternal life, aud this life is in His Son." It 'was rich in thought, aud the drapery of the thought wuSi exceedingly elegant and lieautiful. His rhetoric and diction are most faciua- ting, his 'manner impressive and his dis cussion vigorous. From the News & Observer, Nov. 46th. This body has been in session in our city-during the past week, its meeting be ginning on Wednesday night, and the Synod adjourned, after the transaction of the ! usual business, on Saturday ninht. We have, given daily reports of the busi ness of the body, j-et such reports are but! bare statements of what was done. There were several discussions pf unu sual interest that left a profound impres sion on the comniuuity, making our more cultured and earnest people imuder. Among these was the able address of Rev. Dr. Wilson, the secretary of foreigu missions. His venenible aplearance. his manifest earestnes8 ami zeal, hi solemn ami; urgent. statements, his past services, his tender devotion to the cause,! all con spired to make his address one to be re membered, which left its impress not on ly on the Synod but on the community. Another notable address was that of ReV. Dr. Hepburn, president of j David son College, oil education, aud chiefly on college education and claims' of Davidson College. Ho clearly defined distinction between a college and a university ; his exposition of what a university really is in the European view; of it : his presenta tion'; of tlie claims and advantages of Davidson College so modestly and brave ly stated; his defence of 'denominational schools not to teach deuomiuationalism but j to educate and drill the miud ; his plainly declared views' of the uses of au education and the value of the human mind to breducatcxl, and many other poi tits not here noted, were all well put and! produced af marked effeci on the largo and exceeding intelligent audience gathered to hear liim. - j One of the most intoresting discussions of the Synod was that evoked by tlie report on evangelistic work in the State, engaged in by Rey. C. 3L Payne, of Wilmington ; Rev. Roger Martin, of Shoe Heel ; Rev. Sv' M. Smith, of Washington; Rev. Joseph Evans, of Robeson, and Rev. S. II. Chester, of Lowesville. We were interested not only in the tiews presented in these able though impromptu speeches, but in the illustration of readiness and freedom, of earnestness and candor which they afforded. Mr. Chester! remarks eu the. evangelization of the color-; ed people awakened specUt attention and were full of interesting statementsj : 1 The meeting on foreign . missions, tlie re-" ports en other enterprises of the church, the sallir of jc embers on unexpected issues added variety and life to the bttsineBSof the venerable body. : - J The Synod adopted, as we believe is its cn8tom, a resolution of thanks for courtesies shnWn heard uttered, we are sure it was no unmcar-, ing foruv Many special "courtesies were ex tended which were appreciated. The prin cipal of Peace ' Institute gave on Friday evening, between 5 and 7 o'cFock, an jex cecdingly agreeable reception. ' And the at tentions of the citizens in other ways were agreeable and enjoyed. . We are sure such expressions of appreciation are grateful to our people, and it has been a pleasure to the whole city, as well as to the church in which it met, to have the Synod in Raleigh. To have so intelligedt, learned, useful . and de voted a body even though for so brief a time, is a privilege not to be undervalued. Yesterday was spent by those who remain ed in sight-seeing. 3Iany visited the capi tol, the penal and charitable institutions of the State located here, the gwlogicat muse um, Peace Institute and ether places ; We regret that the weather was so unfavorable much of the time during the sessions pf the body, and that Raleigh was. seen in its least attractive guise - with muddy streets, bare trees and dead leaves, and so many flowers not blooming. We hope the cordial wel come within doors has obliterated the cheer lessness without. - , . We forgot to mention specially, as we in tended, the commendation given by this venerable body to the Oxford Orphan Asylum. Presbyterians have not been, be hind in extending substantial aid, but kind words, too, are worth something. What the Present Kate of Immi gration is Likely to Lead To. New York, Nov. 11. The American consul at Zurich is alarmed because of the present emigration to the United States. He sees that one-fifth of the pop ulation of - America is already composed of foreigners; that if this proportion con tinues there will be JO,OUO,000 in twenty years, aud this ratio is liable, to be doub led or trebled, and he fears lust the con trol of this country may already be slip ping out of the hands of the American people.. He thinks that the Hood which is bringing prosperity with it. is under mining the foundations of the national government aud sweeping away all ves tiges of historical development. "How long," he. asks, "before there may be no America except iu name, no Americans, no Plymouth Rock, no Hunker Hill, no Gettysburg, lio fixed remembrance of the past f Our iiuigratiou is drowuing these things out." In the restributiou of the population of the world which is now going ou, the consul says, the lion's share of the ignorance and poverty is settiug down in the United States, aud that America has come to be regarded by EurotK?un economists as a cheaper poor house and jail than any to be had at home. He asks : ''Is tho end, then, eveu for self-ptotection, a standing army and a kiugf The consul proposes the sub stitution of the passport system in the place of unrestricted immigration, so that no alieu shall be allowed to laud unless he ha, a certificate from some American consul to the effect that he is neither a a convict, fugitive from justice, uor debtor ; that he is able-bodied and has means for self-support. Arctic Exploration. j Report of Capt. Hooper, of the Corwin Two Ships of which are Lott Hut the Jcannette i Saje. Washington-, Nov. 14. Capt. Hooer, of the Revenue steamer Corwin has just submitted to the Secretary of the Treasu ry his report of the explorations of that vessel iu the Arctic Ocean, North of Dehr iug Strait, during the past season, in search of the two missing whalers aud of the Arctic exploring steamer Jeaunette. The Corwin made three several trips du ring the summer through Beh ring's Strait into the Arctic Oceati, going a far north and east as Point Harrow, on the Ameri can side, and to a point within twenty five miles of Wrangel Land, ou the west, sailing and steaming altogether about fonr thousand miles within the Arctic Circle. Herald Island, near which the missing whalers were last seen, was thoroughly examined, but no signs of human life were fonud on it. Capt. Hoop er is of the opinion that the missing ships were crushed by ice and all on board lost. No trace or tidings of them could be found in any part of the Arctic Ocean. Capt. Hooper reached a point only twenty-five miles east of Wrangel Land, aud had n clear view of its coast for thirty or forty miles. Nothing could be seeu of the Jeau nette, aud a heavy ice prevented a near er approach. In the opiuion of Capt. Hooper, the Jeannette is safe, and has probably found anchorage ou the Wran gel Land coast. He says the line of per inanent ice comes farther south in Si berian waters than any other part of the Arctic Ocean. L W e can stand it if they can. True, we . will get no appointments in pbstofiiccs, custom houses or in the " moon shi lie" bu siness, or as foreigu consuls, but we can make corn aud cotton and rice, and make sorghum 'swceteuiii" and live at home like "fighting cock,'" and that's more than many who are now crowing loudest can do. Go on and enjoy your half ra tions on a slim salary. We will accept the situation and make the best of it. ATct and Obsertr. Ax Economical Floor Covering. Lin oleum, being composed of cork, is as elastic as carpet; is warm, waterproof, accumulates no dirt, and will out wear the best oil-cloth three or four times. - It is manufactured in handsome - patterns, and; sold by all first class carpet dealers. -None but the genuine article hat the word "Linoleum" on the back of every square yard of cloth. : ',; PrKs6xAL.-rShould this meet tho eye of tbe individanl who created a disturb ance in ciiurch last Sunday by his contin ued coughing, r he . "wiV confer a'favor on the congregation by procuring bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrnp, which will cure him. . . - ; ' ' Tis very . easjr to j recover" an bid umbrella. . ' ' "l The man who "threw up hia hand'? must have been vcrv sick. :r v . There are cHlumnfes against which even innocence loses, courage. . . . To live long it is necessary to live slowIy.-CTcerd. ! - COTJET CALENDAR For Fnll Toinjt of ttownn Superior Court, 'l 880C1 "vtl Caes Before TIlw Hon or, .TiMlgro A.." A. MoCojr. AVedneseat 1st week, December 1st. No. 5 Jno. Y. Bryce rf Geo. M. Brown, ndm'r of Jas. Callownr. ' 9 Margaret A ReeVesrM L A rey. 10" A II Hoydeu r Geo Achenbaek. tt tt 14 Luke Hlackmer curving adin'r of Jno McRorie and other ex parte. (Shober case.) u 15 Luke Black mer surviving ndm'r of J no citorte afl d tthersf tx parte. (Myers ense.)"r.if 1G M L Holmes rYHs Caldwell. TllUUSDATj 1st week Dec. 2. 20 Jos. Dotwou r S McDowell Tate. 24 James Krider It A Ramsay. 25 State ex rel. H 0 Arey and wife rt t Jim S Henderson, ndm'r of A J Mason et al. 2fi E II Marsh r$ T J Meroney. 29 Tobias Kesler ft Iaae S Linker, 31 M L Holmes t W L Keistleraud wife and others. - Fridav, 1st week Dec. 3. 34 Jas B Woods and others r Oba diah Atwell and others. 33 W A Postou r John Rose. 35 JolTn Heard r S II Wilev. Edwin Shaver r E II Marsh. 311 C H Hotehkiss r Ann McNeely. 42 Abrnm Menus t Pharaoii lropst. Saturday, 1st week Dec. 4. 43 J W Matincy, receiver of Win Overman v John D Brown. 49 Luther Hubbard re Hosniuoud Hubbard. 51 Rich'd II Cowan vs Jas S McCub- bins. 53 Jas B Lanier rs Titos J Merouey aud Stephen W Cole. 54 State ex rel. Wiley J Deal and others is Chas A Miller & others. TlesiaV, 2nd week Dec. 7, it it it tt il it it it tt it it it it it it " 55 Hess, Rogers &f Chambers v$ R F Graham aud others. " 5G J D Koouce ra Jemima Piukston. " 57 State ex rel. F II Mauney adm'rof Wm Rough nt Isauft Eamhart and others. " 58 Kate C Foster f Tho J Foster. " 59 Merouy & Rogers r Mrs. M L Chunn. ' GO Thus J Meroney rs Jno L Wright. AVewnesdav, 2nd wkek! Dec. 8. M C2 J C Lentz r W A )oton. " IM W A Haniirrr lichmond&: Dan ville R Ii Co. i " G4 W II Leonard and wife rs J H Sheltou et al. ' G5 Alfred Sappenfield r Richmond & Danvillo R R Co. Thursday, 2nd week Dec 9. " 66 Jesst! B Hodge! rs Barbara Ann ' 67 Hetty Lethco r Win M Lethco. No OS II A Lcmly and Edwin Shaver, admVs rs Marcellus Wliiteheud. , " 69 Potter & Hoffman r The N C Cold Amal'g Co. 44 70 N B McCatiless ts James Stewart. 71 J PEarnhanlt et nits Jno Lingle and others. Friday, 2nd week Dec. 10. t 72 Ambrose Leutz rs Hebecn E Lentz 73 R A Caldwell, surviving adm'r of Chas F Fisher rs Western N C R R Co. 74 Joic.iy GLinn. gd'n rs A Hender soii and A II Boy den. 75 Pearson & Cloud rs A II Boyden and others. Margaret Tarrh rs S C Pharr. Motion Docket. 1 -Clarissa Julitu, et. al. Ee parte 2 J II Newnan, H. al. Kx parte. No. 3 R A Caldwell, Surviving Admr. of CF1 isher r. Christina Fisher,et.al. 4 John Hughes, Admr. of J W Ellis, rs. J G Fleming and D Fleming Exrs. of N. N. Fleming. C AVm, H Horali, Admr. of James Horah r. John M Horah et. al. 7 N C G A Co. r N C O D Co. 8 R A Caldwell r. G V and Thomas Symons. 1 1 E Mauney rs. T J Crowelf. 12 E Maunev & Son r Joseph Marshall. 13 W C ileans ts C N Waggoner. 17 John W Fisherlr T II Webb. 18 Anna Macay et al. Ex parte. 19 Anna Macay etj nl. Ex parte. 21 T C Houser r McDowell Tate. 22 Henry Cowlesir Richmond Danville R R Off. . and 23 The Comrs. of The Town of Salis bury ts D R Julian et. al. 27 The Comrs. of The Town of Salis- burv ts J Henri' Heilig, et. al 28 Johnson Clark"& Co. ts C II Bcrn- hcim. 30 John II Long ts. Louisa Mason, Admx. 32 State upon the Relation of Samuel C Stycrs and wije et al. r George II Feeler, Admr. of Charles Eller et al. 33- The Comrs. of Guilford Co. rs W B Marsh, et al. 37 E W Hovey .:W F Buckley, et al. 40 George Achcnbach ts. T P Johnston. 41 Thomas J Meroney tt John L Wright. 43 Dr. W M Campbell rs William A Poston. - 44 Nancy F Kirk, ts Agnes Eagle, tx x. of Solonmn Lagle. 45 James F Carter and wife ts Agnes Eagle Ex'x. 50 John Graham et al. rs. The Comrs. of Rowan county ct al. 52 Daniel A Goodman and wife r Jno, n Mill... A .i i 44 J J Jlott ft John A Ramsay. In the call of the Calendar, any case, not reached and. disposed of on the appointed day, goes over to be called on the next day, and In precedence of case set : for the next day. ATitncsses not allowed fees until the day appointed for the cases in which they are aubpoened Cases on the Motion Docket will be heard according to the convenience of theConrt.. " "-(-' ... . . - For the YVatchmanl Oh; What a AYorld this flight Be. "Oli, what a world this might be,w " , 'If all the fools and knaves. ; Could banished from our sight Ut, " And freed were allhe slaves ' Of petty (coated) tyrant k ' - And Mammon's bull or bear; -And of no proud aspirant j For honors we could hear. "Oh, what a world this might be," , If friends were always true; And things would nearer right.be ' If e'ers twixt me and yim r -Our simple "yea" or -nay," sir Were all-sufficient bond ; , If folks their debts would pay sir. And of the truth grow foncL- "Oh, what a world this might be," Were we a little blind ; Could our far-reaching light be Brought near by angels kind, So that, ourselvcs'the lens, sir. On others we looked through, E'er from our tongues and pens, sir, The judging words were lew. Oct. i wo. E.p.n. j II. Richardson, Sae and. Fox Agency, Indinu Territory, says : The "Only Lung ad" has restored me to health, and I shall be glad to recommend ittoany oue. See advertisement. MARRIED.. j At the Methodist : Parsonage on Salis bury Circuit, ou the 28th of October, by Rev. W. S. Creasy,. Mr. Benj. F, Jacobs and Miss Ellen Morris, all of this county. j Obituary. i Died on the 7th of October, Mary Ellen Baker, aged 1 year. She was sick only one week when her spirit left these mortal shores to join her mother who preceeded her to the glory land a tew months. Thus while earth becomes joorer, Heaven becomes rich er. "Death loves a shining mark" and gen erally takes the dearest one of the house hold. May the Lord comfort and sustain the bereaved husband und father, and help him and all her loved ones to meet her in the better land." (I take thc?e little lambs suid he,, And lay them in my breast. Protection they shall find in me, In me be ever blest." W. S. C. I I HYMN BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, INK, PENS, PENCILS, &c, IN great variety, and Cheaper than Ever. At EftHlSSES Drugstore. The Friend of Delicate Ladies. Warmer' Saie Kidney and Liver Cure is. the remedy that will cure the many disease peculiar to women. Headaches, neuralgia, disordered nerves, weakness, mental shocks and kindred ailments are effectually removed by its use.-;27ie Moth er's Ma(t:ine. flAI li SILVER, LICAD I I II ill COPPEK, AND ZINC UUIJlj OKES PURCHASED FOR CASH. THE New York and Xnrth Canuaa Smelting Company at CUartoite, wlU pay tba best Casn Prices ever paid In thl3 country lor ORES. No charge wlUbe made for sampling and assay ing ores purchased by us. Specimen assays tor Gold and Sliver, tl.50. 50:2w ' Til EG. BUEHBAUM HAS JUST RECEIVED FRESH CRACKERSZAND CAKES, Fresh Raisius, Lemons, Tapioca, Pearl Sago, Cauued goods of all kinks. A line lot of good and fancy stationery. novels, Cigars and Cigaretts. The largest and best assorted stock 'of French Caudies, Theo. Buerbaum. JAMES 31. GRAY, ! $ttatncT ani Counsellor at $ato, OFFICE-- THE BUILDING ADJOI.IX THE COURTHOUSE. Owners of Gold Mining Lands and Buyers, put in communication. J All Mlnlnsr Interests meet prompt attention. Xoies, accounts, Ac. collected. Estates, and all matters, of Administrators and Executors, so. settled ; Land and all other titles carefully Investigated. PEAL- ESTATE AGENCY. Lands in Rowan and adjoining- counties nougat and sold. i communication solicited with those desiring to buy or sell. Arrangements made to purchase cheap lands in Florida, Texas and Mlnuesota (that part known as the promised Land). . Lands for sale in Illinois, and along the James river In lrglnla. Parties desiring to Uzrr, or emu to, North Carolina furnished with necessary information. 1" N.B. Land bougiit and sold along the proposed line ot the Wadesbdro and Salisbury railroad. (This road must be built whether Anson, Stanly and Row an counties receive outride old or not. The progress of the day and the awakening energies of the peo ple ot these counties demand ana must nave uj. 1 Arrangements being perfected to put town lots In Salisbury ana at otner points in mantei. i P.8. A market ready for small desirable farms. recall at ofllce. or address Lock Box 390. Hygienic. The Express, Chicago, say a of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure: "It is, in the highest sense, hygeuic, and can be used by j'oung and old with equal advan tage. It gives the only relief yet attain ed, that can lc termed permanent, in Bright' Disease, and this alone should rank it higher iu the list of medical tri umphs." Poor Shooting. j Taking pills aud potions is like shoot ing with the eyes shut. When yon are Languid, Gloomy, Sore "with Sour Stom ach, Pains in the bodyandiimbs Yellow iyes, skin and tongue, a bad Cough, Db jepsia, Diarrhoea and other miseries, taki 110 doses nse Dr. Flagg's Improved .Liv er and Stomach Pad aud be cured. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUB; R13 FOR THE WATQHMAN FALL :ST0CK OF ' v v immw llllll I III IT r Gent's FurmsKing' Goods,' &e. - " AT PRICES to SUIT ALL. ' " Sts can ssll lower fcr CASH tiaa I aa selHoV sr ' " WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR THE RUSH OF TAJBjLl.?AVING' Look and see for Yourselves. ALSO, GIVE XOTICE WATT'S CHILLED PATENTED -44,- 7 ' THE BEST PLOWS IN USE. Xo Plow ever invented has, during so short a period of existence, become as popular as these have. They have been tested by the most prominent farmers with alj the popu lar Plows of Western, Northern and home manufacture, and have, Tiy their work, proved -to le as we represent in every particular. They have THIS THEIR FIRST SEA60N in competition with all Plows in the Southern maiket been awarded- FIRST PREMIUMS AS THE BEST OVER JUL' At ABINGDON, WYTHEVILLE, CULPEPER and LYNCHBURG. V. Virginia State -Pair at Richmond, A.ntl nt tlio Gooiyia S4nt5 Xair, at Vilnntn. . IN all other trials where quality of work and general superioritv have been the points considered, THEY HAVE ESTABLISHED THEIR SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHERS. WA full stock of Watt's Plows, all Sizes, AND GENUINE TRADE MARK CASTINGS for same at lowest rniCKS. Every Plow warranted, ot no sale. A trial is solicited, with privilege of returning it not working as we claim and giv- ing entire satisfaction SALISBURY. N. C. CONDENSED TIME NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. TRAINS GOING EAST. Xo. 4", Dally. No. 45, I XO. 6, Date, May 15, 1SS0. Dully ex. Dally. Sunday. Leave charlotte 3 o0 a.m 03 " 7 81 " 8I" 8 20 " 1043 " 1102 4 10 p.m. 5 54 " 7 OT " 7 37 " Salisbury Hlsrli Point Arrive at Greensboro Lea Ye Greensboro Arrive at Hlllsboro o oo p.m. I 1D 1 1147 a.m. 300 " Durham " Kaleiea isxopm 3 30 " 00 " Leave " Arrive at Goldsboro coo a.m lo oo I:::::::::: No 47 Connects at Salisbury with W. N'. H. R. for all points In Western North G'arljna, dally except sunuays. a; ureensooro with the n. c v. Kaiiroaa lor an points North, Kant and est. At ooldsioro W'. a w. KaUroad tor WUmlneton. - No. 45 Connects at Greensboro with the R. & Railroad for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. I Xo. 43. I Xo. 4i. I Xo.5.Dall Date, May 15, ISSO. Dally. I Dally. I ex.Sunrtay Leave Grenb)ro H lo a.m. 6 34 a. m. 85 p.ra. 10 45 " ArrlTe at Raleigh LaTe 9 4H " ; 4 54 ... .' 5 30 j 7 co a. m. i 11 07 8 45 p. m. ArrlTe at Durham lllllsboro " Greensboro Leave ' 820 855 10 IS 18 87 t 6 .6 a.m i " ! 7 30 " 9 15 ! p.mH17 Arrive High Point M . Salisbury " Charlotte No. 4S connects at Greensboro with Salem llrnth. At Alr-Llne Junction with A. & C A. L. Kallrond to ail points South and Southwest. At Charlotte with the C. C. & A. Railroad for all points South & South east. At Salisbury with V. X. C. Railroad, dally, except Sundays, for all points in Western North Carolina. No. 48 ConnecW at Alr-Mne Junction with A. & C. A. I. Railroad for all points South and South west. 6" Pi ca o tr. o 00 S CP? P B o CO 3 B3 - o W o C3- 1 P CD o CO t CO W o X 0 r t x s : I ' x : a M - : I? Z. ; I OO OO CT5 13 CD 3. ca 0 g CD 1 PS o w o cs CO CD pa t-3-3 CZ3- $5! Outfit sent free to those who wish to engage Id the most pleasant and prouaUa busfneasi known. KTerythlng new. Capital 14 re-' a day and upwards Is easily mad without stayiog away from home oyer night. Na rfrdc whatever. Many new workers wanted at aooo. Many are m-i-klng fortunes s t the bustoj, Ladias iaak as much as men, and roune boys and gfrts make great pay. NooncwholswilUnto work taUi to makeirror maer every day thao con to made to a week at any ordinary eoipiojraeat. Ttvase wha nzoze U once wiuandaKOnrt road to fortune. - , Address ILuxirr Ccu PoUodw Matoe. aisvjf --. 'r. jf; ''7:.-y To make TW to Ljand, and Laborer and BLANK ADMINISTllftirORS SAZG NOTICES - For Sale at.this Office; auirea. m wui lurnisa vou Mmtur cm TO THE FOLLOWISO : PLOWS I FEB. 17, 18S0. I. D. GASKILL. PRICE, CURRENT. j Corrected by J. M. Kxox & Co! Nov J8, CoTTox-good Middliags, j.4 Middling 10 low do . 9Cf stains & Bacon, county r hog round Butter Eocs. Cuickexs per dozee Conx New Meal -moderate demand at 10 20 12 $1.50 2.00 es 1.10Q125 310&323 3.00 2.75 50 50 10 40&43 :. 43 202t ft 34- V heat good demand at Flour best fam. extra super. Potatoes Irish Onions Laud Hay- Oats Beeswax Tallow Black-berries Apples, dried -ScoAn WI5ST0X tobacco mariet. Winston, N. C, Nov. 4, 1880. common lark.. $3.50 $5.Ct ..5.00 C.00 ...7.00 (a HM .12.00 . 18 00 . 5.00 h 5.00 . 7.00 (4 8.H0 .. COO S$ 70 Lui:, common brislit..... Lugs, yool bright, Lugs, fancy bright, Leaf, coiumon dark,........ Leaf, good dark,.... ....... Leaf, commtt n bright,.... Leaf, good bright, 10.00 (4 120 Wrappers, common bright, 12.50 m 15.00 Wrnier, trood brlglit, 25.00 S0J 00 rapper, One bright,.. 85.00 (a 50.00 H ra pliers, fancy bright, -. .50.00 (?) 75.00 St. Louis Market (Juotatloa. Nov. is. Prices given arftfor goods aboard cars-or boa ready for shipment to Ucstluat ion. nolla. Cta, M pss rr.i k . Ter bbl. is M ury halt suoiutlci-s Per lu. ' " Ctear Rib Sides.. V: V M - It IS Clear Sides Bacon .Shoulders Clear l.'lb flics... " Cloar fiides Hams Plain Canvased IAT1. .Mess Beef t'lo'ir Extra Kai.cy Per bbfc-U .... r ... M s .... - a . . . 9 . . . . noic" -. . ... " Family... 7 - Klne " Corn Meal.-. Grtta.. .. Corn White in Bulk.. rer bu. " , ."Sacks ......... " MlKedlnBalk.. '". " "Sack Oats MlxAdtn nmfc.. "Sock ... M M as TtK -a M 4t M ' tt a Prles on Uoises, M nlea. Wagons, Machinery Fam Impleuienta, ritkl and iraas .Seeds etc- given appllcatlOB. Wm. Jt PRICE & CO. , Hi. Louis, Mo. TIME TABIE WESTERN N. C. RAILRPfD T-aie tffetv jiouUay, Ovi. , 5.-40 A.M. lb, GOIXO WJ5JT. UOINUEAT LEKVR. 4fl r. m . 8 V a r, la i3 - 10 jaor. 11 Si , IN - its 13 a 00 4 S5 - 4 5d 5 C5 . .. SallsbtTiy .... ... . T hint Creelc.. Laa. 4 U r.imwonti .,..:v...8tatesfint... t r .atwba.t,w..w.., t 4a ",V"";OBOT- .1 as -....-...flctnrjr.,..i...... - ......'-i.lCkrt.,.. .i..:JLMJ ta ,CVa Alplna,..i. U at unoswaef,, - 1a 4 .......Old WXt.ym.i,., v. i. . Heftrjr..,i ...... .vr, ;. . Mack M&QDUIa .a V T M T ' til- cooDers. nwbnnanoa.., ...- J'.s VI "VWIi...,,,,. i rains run datrr. ttundar mrxtA 'I i A !- : a " m -1 11 ! V ii L .A-. liJ 5 11 ; !;I i f t - - 1 - Ik f -"T V ; C. '' r-'i . 1' ' i f i - -! ! it 1 -