- Injnicrt at Table, j . .. There is nothing so nflorislre to tho - innate lady or gentleman as iljrbreed iiur at table. It is not the drift nor extent of appetite that bespeaks re 's finement, but the mauncr of ujinister ng to itr X stilted affectation; of eat- 1 il'iintinnss. is 0.A Jilt f- Mil M-U- . ... . .. ' f 1 .. . clearly indicative 01 vmgmu.y a coarse j ..m If you have not- always beenj used to social elegance anu, epicurean; vnums, . . ' . .. -i : nn wnrtii winiA in nrociuiui iv by an unnatural fastidiousness, that Js as glaringly spurious to tne inner eht dilettante as bogus jewels to an Amsterdam diamond dealer, j tf all tlie arguments iiiaws muj. w offered in palliation of impure table : manners there is not one . that can hope for acceptance with the; reason cr. There is no excuse for Indecent . feeding at a-ciiltivated repast, There are some individuals ftho nev itojulifiat runt inn in table ctiauette. CI IIVVM ------ ' - - I They are those whose instinctive . .-.! 1 -ll! I.. ' discriminating and delicacy fn every kAirii-t1 ' anil above this braucji of education .'-from their birth. It may be inherited from oWlior n-tronf hilt nttPHPr it ia O. -rr'od- klll'l J " O a like endowment, and their puuctiiio is the same in their peasant home and the Dosom or ineir ramuy ai nneen ; most vjruiuic or ui ut-a u i at y thirty-six-ihe Corintihian - puriou when Fortune has transplanted them to the banquet hall. - - j - J There Is a certain classic nonchew with zestftil appetite aud. attention to others, that is the symbol of j the true lady or gentleman, From the time children are old enough to dine with their parenis, tneir conuuee snouia uecioseiv watcii ed, and they should be taught some- inrr of "lrtf mo? .1 ' '. i What a delight is one who not only understands how to gracefully feed himself, but tojielp those around him! ' Conversation at table is a "marvel lous refiner - ' " i A AVcstern journal announces the findinsr of a fine-specimen of the dis- coidai stone, a kind of stone imple ment rarely found, and deserving notioa on account of. the growing in tcrest in -American antTuitles; The , name has been given to this form of 6hape. It is said to be made of quartz very smooth, and it is remarked that its manufacture without the use of metallic tools must have cost the an cient mound builder who made it the labor of many months. Its use can not be accounted for. We are inclin ed to believe of such. stones; what the State Geologist of Indiana, Prof. Cox, said in a similar but elongated speci- V men exhibited at the late meeting of Th Amrifin - SccnHMtinf n li A vancement of Science, in Boston. c ' ' found in the Wyandotte Cave, and pretended to have been some kind of tool of theearly cae dwellers. Prof. Cox considered it simply as a natur al production, a piece of water-worn ! rock made smooth by continual roll ings; the marks of wear jupon its Vends lie declared to be recent, and formed by collectors of mineral specie ?men who found it a hantlv substi- i h(a T.... K... i i. . i i i buiv. v u iiuiuiucr to kuock.ou jneces of rock. He said that the tendency to : . stone as an ludian implement is run nint? wild, that evotv : siiUnfr ,f O ' t i V quartz js considered an arrow head, every small bowlder atf Indian ham- i!B?F. etG- an warned collec tors only to trust to undoubted marks of huraanIworkmanshin. Y - - ;- - tm - i TUeVestcruf. C. ItaUx-oatl, &c. " The.guage of the Western X, C. T7 rt 1 1 9rn ri l.. I I ' !1 AwiiHuau nas iktu cuaugeu irom 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet, so as to con foTtn to tho gauge of the Richmond & Danville and N. C. Roads, The change affects the Charlootte & States- mc naiuuiHi iu int.-extent ot com- , pellinjr a transfer at Statessvllli. u. m V - . -WW fricght intended for that IRoad, in- stead of running cars tbrough from one lload to the other. 1 Ao one should" be surprised, at the change of catisre. as it is to thft into;. t est of the own the Western Road to I make ithe change, and of course. they. Would do it, no matter wj.om it hurts.' Their uca j.-, uiafc u a through line is to be csUblished from the' Tennessee con, 'nections to the Ocean aOIorehead City,'N. C, and uointsl in VirL'iuia and ?farther North, ; th gauge of all connecting Rwads must' correspond. The Western Uuad Va3 sold to ' f . Best '& Co., without restraints on the tho -mob ana c.uuueu two iiuuuicu gauge; We favored tha sale, the Dcm- and eleven separate persons for crea ocrntio party of the State and the ting a disturbance.--San : Francisco leading Republicans favored the sale. Gov. Jarvis favoriwl the sale, anl, in . v ,i V .i p fact, nincMentha of the people ot tne State favored the sale (and the Leg- lslattirc made the sale; ana " e particular person more than anotner can . be blamed for any subsequent I management or movement of r Best & L,fi Co., the present owners of! the Hoad, While we do not like tne cnange oi gauge, we cannot jsee that either Gov J Jams or any one, else had tne power .j ft uejghbor sf)0uUl be thank to prevent it aftpr the Road passed fu, jfmine were a$ polite to me as A.... i ls uuilriLl rvf flirt Rfltt iiiiiii uiupi ' Governnint into) the hands of those who bought it. For whatever harm happens to our pwn immediate sec-1 lion auuweuo uin;uuiviHaic muun li any injury) we icei, mat we, nun- vidually,are as much to Diame as any one else, fori wc were among ine . ll. . ! first in the State the Koad and sto 10 la.oru.oba.eoi public appropna- Hons for it. k d not mean these I 1 . il'-.' . -.L . . I remarKs as are.y to uuat uuy uuc 1 I x L .i. . I nas bam auu (tu uii, w.r u wrote them before Ave heard any ex- I "I t A -11.. A. A J ... A I . ,)res.on oi Vniu auuut u. ii'i 'ii.. it: '!..:.. r n....i "lie" vrrg.uia .umnu x.uau s extended from Danville to Mores- vine or iiariotie, sn.nprs in Wn section win ue ,nuFe.,m,u ui Uichmond & Danville Road and its! Conibinutions. Charlotte Democrat. A 31 ud Covered Cabbage, The other morning two gentlemen were iooKinr ouioi tne window or a house on Market sstreet when they observed a cabba2e roll off a market wagon that wa4 passing. Instantly over a dozen welljdxess'Hl and apparent ly sane persons bemn vellincr -after the wagon as though .the vegetable had been a goIdwatch or a thousand lollar bill. The driver stopped about aiuarc off; looked back, yawned, and drove on, 'What an absurd fuss people in the Ml street make over trivial circumstau- ces said one of the gentlemen. , I? 'Sow I'll bet get a crowd of- a silk hat I could 500 persons around that cabbage head inside of thirty minutes, and vet not leave this room.' 'I take the bet said , his friend, pulling out lH watch, 'Arc you ready ?' j , ! 'Yes ; give the word.' 1 'It is now eleyen-thirty. Go I' The proposer if the wager led his aml went into a new part of lhe. onn friend tb the window, threw up the try il!,1 went to work ia. d sash, and taking his cane, pointed aml 1 1,ave aVfJ ""y '''"'a'" ' earnestly at tliejcabbage with a ter- ry ac,es of ,am'1 iUi rifled expression, presently, a haclc "XVo11 a Lm wh:it a,e y.ti driver noticed the action and began Soin'g to io nilh -vonr ,nn(1 ?" to stare at the ; vegetable from the "I will work on, it, build a log curbstone, then a boot-black stopped, ,,os0 anJ w,,eu lt is a!l ready, will then a bill poster, a messenger boy brinS falher an1 nothcr, sisters and -ami a merchant.!! " hrotliers to live with me. The land 'What's - the matter V inquired a 1 want for my mother, which will sr German, approaching the innocent cure her from want in her 6M age." base of his national dish. "And what will you do with your Don't touch: jt! Lookout there! at'er if he continues to drinkT' standi back !' shouted the gentleman "0,, sir w,,cn xve Set him on t,,e at the window. At his horror-strick- far,n Iie wil1 A'el at ho,ne an1 he '! en tones the crowd fell back precipi- P-v a,ul 1 hope become a sober man." tately and formed a dense circle "Young man may God's blessings around the innocent cabbage. Huu- atteml .vou in .vol,r efforts to help and urttis came runqing up, and the ex 11 - citement increasejl rapidly. 'Look out there frantically scream ed the better, waving his cane. 5Take that dog away, quick !' Several stones were thrown at a cur that was sniffling around the cab- base. Tni-n'Aia i' -i t 1 pouceman, wno was snouiuermg ins waj inrougn tneimass. 'it 0 an inler- .1 l.ll - I nal machine, nitrp-glyceririeror siime- inins: Ml . t I ' '. 1 ! . 1 . . .. . I 'iueanwniietnesidewalk-vasblock- ed, women screamed and rushed into suops, and a store-keeper underneath began to tie a bucket on the end of a long. pole. vith Which to pour water OU thtt iPvili ihvontinn Tim ii,.m.1 . ...i.w.i. j.uc,(vvt oy mis time numbered over a thou sand. Thetwo gentlemen moved away from the windowjaftd sat bown. In a few moments, there was a hurried tap at the door, ajnd there appeared a man who had been sent as a deh- ' gate from the"- jnass meeting out side. ' "'."' - i - . ( 'I sjmujd like o. know, gentlemen he said, Hvhat the facts are.' ;-'.What facts V v ' 'Why, what is there peculiar about that cabbage out ihere V T . :' j 'Nothing in tlie worltf was the soft reply, 'except that it seems to be surrounded by about a thousand of the biggest fools Jin towinDo any thing else for you ?' -, The mau reflected a moment, said he 'gnesswl nnf and retired. Before 1 n jM.1it.t t.. I.f... M . . a I Captain Short's watch had diapewed .... v .... .uv in .up icjwu, uowever, -' . i t 1 t 1 . . ' I. 1 1 Evening Post, 1 , , . . Well Mannered Children, . ' y- . cThank V0U) Charley," said Mrs. iroffn as her little sou buded her a j was ren,,cst(Hl to brinff. Thank you Bridget," said the lit- ftjIow a rew i'nrs aflcr as he re- Leived a elass of water from the nurse. urell. Mrs. Brown, vou have the mamierei children I ever saw," yours are to the servants. Ion never gncml Jiaf as much time on your ch;Mreh'8 clothes a I do, and yet one uoticesi them they are so ij jiv' uWtf ajwv,y!j try to j treat our chil- IJolilely was the quIet re)v. T . , whoc .j WC ! j hcar parents prurnbling about the :rn;,,,ner;a 0f their chihtren. X aU yg h : r ask 4,ave vwu' alw -. - r-- trealwl thera with' politeness?" oncj knew a nian consitlered quite a enteman in gociety who xvould k , . chrhlren ; a manner that wel.instructea l(,g Would rCllt. He , T orJer , wUh t bring hissUpi)Crsor lK.rform ftomeolh er little service : and vet he eomnlain 1 of; tfic rudeiiejw a,ld disobedience T)f his children. u Home for Mother. Business called me to the United i States Laud Oifice. While there a ,ai1 lIareutly sixteen or seventeen 'cars f age came iu and presented a tificate forty acres of land I was struck with the countenance and general appearance of the hoy, aml enq"l of him for whom he was purchasing the land. ; or.myself, sir.' 1 1,,en enquired where lie had got the money. He answered, "1 turned reeling men an increased desise to know Srt,"elhin re l""l the boy . .. ..... ase d about himselt and li parents. He took a scat an(! Sslve nie t-'eTol lowinjr narrative. "I am the oldest of five children Father is a drinking man, and often would return home drunk. Findinir that father would not abstain from li quor I resolved to make an effort iu some H-uy to help my mother and brothers and sisters. I i-t an axe to honor vour fathor and mother By tins time the receiver ha.-ded him his receipt fur his forty acres of land. As he was Ravin" the office he said : "At last I have u home for inv mother." Exchange, A Body hi a Clo.i. - Chicago, November 9. About 1 o'clock this morning two women who hi(i rented a room in the house No. 306 State street, in thiscitv. were nre- " ...... arinLr for bel. when thov were at- tracted bv a smell, aunarentlv eomino- from a closet in the room. The closet being forced oncn. thev discovered the corpse of a woman in a partially de- 1 . . ; .. 'composed state. An examination ny the police, which followed, revealed the fact that the deceased had been killed bv blows on the head, from i which blood had oozed out on the chet floor. A careful inspection of the room was made! and blood stains' were found on the wall. Suspicion points to a notorious woman nametl Kva .Loycd, who lormerly occupied the room, as having coininilted tlie murder and then placed the body in the closet. She was last seen on the premises on Tuesday night of last week, when she brought a woman in to her room, with w'lotu late at nijrht .. .... i . e she was heard quarreling and fighting. The cloak worn by the stranger was found iu the room 'with, bloodstains on the colar and down the Mdes.rhe body h?iH teen identjfied as Doradar-? cratjc electors on the Cafifruia tickei, ence, a woman of tje town; and Eva i was scratched so bodly that, the elec Loycd has been discovered serving a) to being close, lip asjdefettted,.- term in the Bridewell Prison; where she was committed the latter part of! last Week. Her portrait has beerf found . ..i- -i ' H " tn the Rogues' Gallery. And She IS identified as "Iirooklvn' lill.V a Well I '.. ' i ' ; known New York thief, who Came to - I Chicago some months ago. Good Humor,1 Goo1 huuior is rightly-j reckoned a most! valuable aid to happy home life.! An equally good and useful faculty is a sense of humor, or the I capacity to have! a little fun along with the hum drum cares and works of life, i We all know how it brightens up things gen- j : ( 1 crauv to nave a uveiy, wmy compan ion, wh(i sees the ridiculous points of I things, and can turn an animyance into 'an occasion for laughter. It does a reat deal letter tolauh over some lohiestic mishaps than to cry jor scold about them. Many homes and lives are dull Iipojuim ihpv nri h1iitvn1 tn ' ! i so simple and plain-that anyone can great pro become too deeplv iin pressed iwith the Ms from the very start. Xoone can fAiliwhols wlu i - . tne to work. Women are ah successful as men. Boys cares and responsibilities ;ot hie to re- cognize its hriirht and esneeial v its w0 u i its uniii anu c?peciJiiy mirthful sidf Tn :iifh h hrtuhitld which they are able to make money, ioucanen lUiriuiui bine. xn SUCII.a nouseilOUl, Up.inthlsbaslnessdurtngyoursparetlmeatgre.it 1. ...!. .11 i. ...1...; uuiuuu, iin? uuci ui u wiuy, l .v, ,t, i :".. t i:i. J i . . .. I iiuiwuwn menu is mc uiiiiiuu uu u ..I. ....I.. ? :. :J pressivil -to hear" persons constantly striving t, axv wil.tv r fiiiin'tlimira F n - J J V ""' I it ia miiAlrtiitp. 8win( vlwt. U bt - i ' f " " enor u iittie fun is to make -in i'Hiirt ciiLf a ijiuic iuii is, to mane an tnoit to make some at home. I, i . , 4.... J. .... Lit 111 Kill. .Ill 1 1U 1U I It'Ill IIIISII Wll PMUU time aiid to regard it from a humor- ou point instead of being irritated hy it. VVi"f !! ta 1 1. i i.n.'nh I , " " ",v- Mori uu find a clean shirt?" exclaimed a ijood. but rather impatient husban.l after looking all through the wrong draw cr. His wite iokcd at him stcadilv f.ir a moment, half inclined to be pro voked ; then, with a comical look, she said, "I never inie.- eoiiuminifo.s ; i tTive if tip, j. lie ia.ieii, nun they botii wiU-lieo, nw.l .siie vent';uid got his Uuirt, and no lelt ashametl d niaisc r; :id .ucd lur; ami tluu r-!. ieit hajipy, and .o what might have been tiic occasion lor hard words aiul unkimi: leeliugs ijecaine just the con traryaii tlirougu the little vein ot hunior that cropped out to thcMii Tacc. Some people have a peculiar faew'; for giving a iiumoroiift turn to ! - wiien t j.ey are reprove I. li dte.-Jum ;b well ot'temiioo to laugh things oil' as to sctdd theoi oil". Lunuhter is bet ter tiiaib ie.irs. Let us have a i u t o tiiuro if lt lit iioiuo. MortAL. li fai-'ii i a- class wm ii-t take ao i; .' re ! ii pi:iic aifair iney ma cxp- i io nc preyed up.i i the ruii; i.i'i-?. Kaiiroad men now boldly.; advocate a new principle of fixing charges viz: "what the trailic will liear;" i;i-ical of the old one up on w hich carriers' charges were based "cost of service." Once recognize tlie nev ti eoiy wiui watered stoc-U for an excuse and the new ji niliny; system 'fiirmhing the power ihe pro duction-5 f a continent are largely at the tnercy of the corporal io'ns whu ii the people have created. In. order to perpetuate this system railroad man agers naturally seek political power. Both the Chairman of the DetnoCrat'c and liepuhlican National Committees at this time are railroad men, and railroad noncy is largely relied upon to ru i political machine. Con gress, ti-o jnany of pur "!t it- Li islati.rt' (ic ' i iiie ia; io;ul; i V-!t Nn-iii:; t-ii;e'i"f or di rectors, v. ; !;.' -ouie legislators for tiiat purp' eo,i ami V ei ia I? rncue iii'.v, inrougn me'inioi tne i . .i i . i . . i legal pr:!. -sion who are also legisia-j tors, aua arc retained as "coui.el'' by the railroads ; third, thro!:gh sp.-c;:,i fTtvois shown aii the nniuibc. Is it not about time that the iarm ers, who constitute by far .the largest single interest in this country, and whose productions are the basis of all our prsperiiy, so jiiot have something to say aoout the a-.u- l i.y a;e tax ed tor traaspoftai oii '! iu Dagiaiid ; the Farmers' Alliance held iiie oai- I ance ut Puvr at the list genu al c. ee- I tioil- What is to prevent their or gaz"g n every .. Assembly and lane Congrehoal Piir o an interest in politic i j-re, a.iu wl.ich would' i not ouly protect their own interest but lie uu ellieieni. ciieck upon the tie croaeiiiueut" of corporations which I "ave n so Sreat f 'ae thdt l,a triolic citizens uiut view their increas ing power with alarm ?- N. It. Daily Grnphia. j ! j. i j ' . Tile votes of Nevada and of Gil i- fornia have been secured tt Hancock, but Julg Terry, oe of 'the Dtmo MP Yourwlves toy matlnjr money whetf a goliea cban;e Is offered, thereby Hi way: kwpJa? poveity irom your Tamau ot the gooJ chiace tor utatlnj money that are offered jrenfrally become vrealthy, while thos wn do not improve such chances reiaalDtn poverty. aoor. Tao3 who always take aa lor as right in their own Uwalitiei The iMistnws will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We nlsh an expensive outfit and nil thafyou need. r ftailk III lllb nl iiim'ii. pr T k n Till J II I n t II K. free. No one who enjrajres falls to make money ve- rj rapiaiy.: - iou can aevote your wnoie nine 10 me wore or only your soire m jinonts. nil inroruidUon and all that Is neetai sent free. Ad4rH. M:ly i, . Stinhos & Co., Portland, Maine. D3H.A-SMM0US CURE8 CURES IMOIQESTIOK, f I APPETITg. BiuousKESS. V J Soim Stomach Biok Headache o -Jl fouu breath CosnvEMEsa. . Low Spirits, CNLARGM-T Of COUOp V VEGETABLE iBi , It IsSOyeara the oldest, and cnVr renvf ne film tnons Medicine now in market, rfep&rrd only by C F.SiHMoys 4 Co. 2810.1 Clark At. St. Loots, successors to M. A. Simmons, M- 1). In 26c ana 1 bottles and packages. Sold by all Iru ffgist $10 Outfit furnished free.irtta PX1 Instructions for conrlucUng ttre morit nroniu!e business is su easy to learn, and pur instructions are gfiSSSffK week- Nothing like it ever known betore. AH who en?ase are surDrtei at the ea-se and rabidity with luroiiu iou ao not nave w invest ctmwu iu n. e take h11 the rtsk. Those who iieeilrairty laoni-y, should write to us at once. AU furnished free. Ad dress. Tkis & Co., Auudta, liaiae. 6:y A NEW KIND OF WATCH CASE New because it is only within the last, few year: that It has been iinsroved and brouxiit wltbln the. reach ot every one.; old in. principle because the ttrst Invention was made and the first patent taken out nearly twenty years ago, and- cases made at tnatUme and worn ever since, are nearly as iryod as new. Read t-he foilowinsr wlileh 13 oniy one o: ones Mansp:ku, Pa., Miiy 23, ISIS. j.. I hve a customer w ho has carrie-i One of Boss Patent cases fifteen years ami I knew: it two years Snee0rtu' nu K mw PPV IolxV Remember tliat .Tas. Boss' is the only patent case one inside) covering eveiT nan ' exoosei to wear or tue jyrejt rtvanta'ife of theo7 plates over X" I l,U j..- M IV V.1 --r- T V 1 i A'. VH IV I !l H siiniie" Wiin'jnt' w"ith tKe loathing lsatae see tnat yon t:" u:'.rar.t-?e wit a e.cu ease Ask your jeweler- for iilu.n at.-.j cai.ii:-ji:e. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Rowan Cou.nty fn the Suptrlur Court 'Richmond Pkaksox and Joiix M. l.'i.ofo, Air.'ii'.ist A. II. Ho (iL-n'iinli vidutol v ;i:id Bum incms for hs Ex. of X.-Uliuniei IJovth.-n, N. j '; Relief. A. Bovden. John A. liovmn, i I t'olunibia Bovden and Willie ! ; il.le. I" ; It appeariai; to t!i.' sfitisfartjon of tiic 'otirt, that Oo'ainbia Dovdcu and Willii 5I;tl' of the deiiriidaiits above lji.iaied, are - t residents of this Slate and rjiimot after i a.' di!iiue;i; e be found: It is ordered that ; f... :ttio i Iu- madef- r six su.-eesive weeks i i the Carolina WdtcJmiKn published in Sa!i!'.i:'y North Carolina, notify inx said de fendants to be and appear beiore tlie Judye f our Superior Court at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, onthelith Monday after t tie 4th Monday of September, 1H.S0, and answer the complaint which wil! by deposi ted in the o'Hee ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of -said County, within the first three days of said Term; and let the said -Defendants' lake notice-that if thev fail to answer the said complaint during the Term, the PLvi'itiff wil! apply to the Court lbr the re lief demanded in the complaint.. 2d of Oct., 1SS0. J. M. IIokaii. no il:Gv. C S. C. -323223 UV. KS Af!0 SPEKMATGRRHEA. v vual;ls Kswi-n' .-a .v &cp.irtre tn JW. ' .1 l-iiem-e, , t.tu-.y Mhv an J pot-itivoiy ctfi-ctiva ,a:nef! fic.rj L i t;: 'n iy aatl j-cruD-.tr'a 'uj-i ,jf B.ni r - ! :ul3S!w.ii f.:,-i Tnijotc";ty i-j ti o ouiy truo v z,v, viz: r.'j-. r i ryKualiou ij t.i.o vrin-.-ijial St-st rt i Dice.. , !;,' Ascrs:ilu:. and eiortia- !" : -:K.-cui;ta,':, - n'C t!i3 rscaiiu.".! vesi.- ios. Ejac-utv-oi v ri -. - osi-!? Gland. ml Vrdtra. XUa i j - of the e L tended with no palu or ir.con- .lisuc, iu : .. s rx:t ir.terfei-e wiib. tlia ordinary rusaitacf lit,;; it ia qnl-kly Uissolv-.l aaJ boo a b-; -6.-!jedprxi acinar -ii.i:.id'a:oEf)t!.ir.(;.oa lestor- health Kail Bound memory, ronoving the Himness cf Siht, Nefvovia Itcbiii:, ConfuKioa of Icia&s. Avereioa to Society, etc., etoT, iuiJ tb aranco of prematura old ajo nsoai;- arcoamiu) tfci trouble, and rw' rin? perfect Bti uai vifcor, whera it lias baaa dj.iiicct fcr roars. modoot treat iceat hs 6taod the t-?t in vci y sovera caieu, a ad is now a pror.ouBcad saccoa. lnicm ro too uiucli pro ncribed Ja tl'sa troubion, &ad, s.s rate; ca boar wit re:j t-o, with but litt; if any jw.rranentc(Kd. Thero is co Nonsense tboat t!iis l'repanit ion. Irs.ctlcf.l ob-' sorvctiua enables us to msitiycly jfuaronte that it vitl pivo satisfaction. LurLQ iha eight rears that it lws !;ec.n ia (recprai uso, to have thodaaads of t?-U- . P1G3&13 as to its vbiiie, tud it is concoued by tha Modicui! I'roies.-ica ti bo the rr?t rat ion:-1 means yet Cs.cov;-rc i ot rei liins eo-i curia.i 1 his Terj- preralent t''abie, that 1? v-iU tauvra lo bjtljorftusof untold n '-:ery to go iosny.tn'l ur- n wham quack prey with tbtir u-loss ECvTp.mi rcl bis fees. The RemHr ti jTj! up in nx- to.J.cf thru eiys. K. l.(eaouch to ix.i a inoatn.) Ko. 'suat;ir.ttofact aper ncr.rnt care, units.' i i r.- ,ero c?.-; i, 4 6; No. 3, 'Usiiaff over t-iree H3 - -s Jl r.t' p cmirr-ious and ' t'.:Ml, in t.iaio wrapp. r V,,il 35rREC2iOSf8 tor i-.r'G: v.-iU twomr rny T;-.CiI BOX. i ' enl f.r Sent'-,- f-.-r-rspfli-m I,ft-mpJi- 4 , ? f;irty .! tv.'f ?, if 17tntf rolion . i:J 'J'raliinett'.j. -i ii it H tfill &tiiwtrm ; , . .r-.i -; -'.-ri t.Kut tiiff fttih ht 9 y -. ?,-,:. ; -tvfi i;;rf.i?jf,utl f- H .i- s'i-.- .r-- c.'. f if fey ras-k.-.ta.-.-'v.aiis. o r Loytpi Mo. A a-waiid ecmrtrt. GCIDK Tl HKWjOt'K, runtnoin Ciiapiert oa A torl Wwu. . Ml 1 1 1. . hiMl. "if; htH.J. tv. kiwiii. i Ymnm CNMn ' tj"l (.- '- .. t . O l.pWM- .. . il i I'm "Private Mccical Advir"o dmaws ret o!ti hanr impure ri'Jl asneuliaH. uadaa tr'f ltriwt tin ' mm. h4t .w 4 ffr. .fw Irf mMJIi4.l. fin. MlMUm, ' .j J I - .iini1ll. mM.niiMMx.toi'mmMi'.iw. - --. J lU)rwrafcMrvJ'wi. fi.nM. (!.. - r-TTf . "n T r 'r mh-i ' CH."BfTS! g?SPtW S ART. sltw.wo bum. Iw. f mi mm. Wheat. For Sale at i " 1ISS T J. H Enniss'r K I few III fliB ii i b t ir ' 1 mm DEEDS & Pee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust;,3Iortgage DccdsV CoTmissioncre' Dceds,. SW. tDeeds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Maraagcand; Confirmation Certificalii. 1 I other forms for sale nt the : -U- -i i". ' ' . - WATCnirAJTOITlCE - - SALE NOTICES. , Administrators, executors, commissioners, call on us for printed sale notices. It is nrnnrv of mitttin onrtinn xi ?tliriit quirements of the law on the subject every , bod v knows are insulhcient. Phrtt?. t i often sacrificed from this cause when a dollar or two spent in advertising might ha! ' I saved it and made it bring its value. We furnish sale notices promptly and cheap." ' THEOllEBMff mm H ;abqus!1te FOR- Fruits, Candies, Cigars, Books, Pictures, A n d Picture-Frapea 3-2: if . WSSErV YOU WAXT H RD W A 11 B At Low Figures Call on the undersigned-at JJo 2, Granit Ron. D A . AT WELL -Salipbnri N C.Jnnt-S if -1 fir.- 11 Practical Blcaksmtih AND IIOUSESIIOER. QHOP oou.tfH-ted wtt'a Brown & Verble' Uverj O otibles. 14 deals Ua ot Shoes, lo MUt UD iu.ipeot tuot. AllsUoeiiiji ou htrlttij rkuenillie prtu jlyksamt WARRANTED. All iiuus oueksuiltlilDif .jroujptlj dote. is:jy Subscribe for the VVyfehiniiii only 8 QSAY'3 S?CiF33 MDiCJ.t. T.ADS MARKTbe '0at KiigllsliTRAOE MAf?-' CSSK tailing ..cure tor nthuyi ; . ii 111- ff'gl? npenaatoi rnea, luipoteney, and isU diseases Hut follow as a stnttienee of e-A tm.se; as Loss of Memory, Univer sal Lassitude. Palo CCS CBE TAIIia.la tbe Back, Dim- AFTER UIIS?, ness ot . i-emature Old" Age, and manv other Diseases that lead to Insanity-or Oon.sumptlbn. and a r'nature Grave. J-full pirtlcalarstn our pamphlet, whleh we deslr? ti s?id trea by ra ill to everv onv. trvr ti spvlfti MjJietoels s ld by all dmvirlst'at $1 per by milt ou re-jelpi. of tie n mer tv adircsslmr CRAY MEOICINECO.. M-tc;oev rti.ocic, Dxthoit, Mirn. t"Sold In Salisbury and eveiy where by all jMwghiL 7;ly. SMITH'S WORM Oil. Athkics, Oa., February 22, 1878. Sir: My chlM, Hveye.r ol.l, liadnyDiptomn of worms. I lri-iLealoniel anil oihr Wnrm Metl: iitea, hut faileil to exjel nnr. Seeinjr Mr Hain't certifie.iie, 1 jrot a vial t.f vowr Worm wu, nnu iiie tirst Uohc brought forty ... worm, anil the KeeoinI iiMe,xo tnariv were issued I ilid not count tl.em. " 8. If. ADAMS. Prepared l.y Dr. E- S- T.YWDlI-r,- th;ns, Ga. For Sale by J)n. T. F. KLUTTZ. Salisbury, X. C, Aud Druggists general. 20:1 v c AKE UP UP YOUR , YUUK LUPS3 F02 THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, . j The JJliSF Weekly in Western North! Carolina. Ouly $1.50 a year in advance.- Attention ! Attention MOivERS! MOIvERSL "Ashevillc's Girl of The West," "Sitting Bull" received to-day. My as sortment of fine and common Ciirara for the Wholesale and Itetail trade i the most complete in town. CWAHETTESChevrUig Tobacco in great varieties. ; 32af. TH EOBUEEBAUM. ASEKTS WAriTEO for the let Bimk to -elii T h HISTORY of t& BIBLE. KPLEXDID Stkel Esgbaviko 22x28 iiirlienl nrv 8UiH.ri;er AgtnlsreuMkin FKf'E to j Term lo Henry Bill PuMi$hinir Co.. I . 50:41 ... HARDWARE ' rC " Pill Mill' 1 M MORTGAGES 1' Ci X. sheriffs, constables, gent,;:&c.i are atlTWdt certainly great injustice to owners Wijutii ' first ClTin!? amnio notice Of the ftal ' Tl P f THE0. F. KLUTT2. : MAS JUST lTECKIVED A CrAlt-L0AD : ?5i CelrateiHsieForfflir!!, ' The Cliemicals for making l .Ton will k -old for SI 4, or 200 lbs. of Cotton iirXO Tenibcr."- " " " r -- . :, .:?. ;'.. No Cotton Settlor Static -Manure rf quired, Tliii FtTliliztr is fatly equal l the high, priced, -inlkd CJiiamm, nrttt al ltii than half " -the price. " -t refer to the follow i wtH knon jciiiinuriii uu ii iirj KruMHl on COtt;H . John V".- Iifrinj;er, "Jas IJ. GiUon, f Watmui, Thoi. C. Watson. R T. Cowan, W jf? Meares A. Tuif, J. (i Canl.je, .1. V. E. brown K. C. Lenlx, S. J I'rown, and manv othrm! Call early for your sujjilift xiul sarp money i T. F. KLUTTZ, In:S6irt." ' GARDEN SEEDSlI .1 FULL SUPPLY OF j u Bu;sts Celebrated Garden Seeds! U KEMEMliEU THAT . ' . B U 1ST . is the only Seed-Grower i ; who WA IiHAXrS his "Seeds. Look at every paierofTeiy V, LaiMhvth'8,Sihlej V, F &c.,.&c.,aiHl see if yon tind any irrtrrjiii upon them, lleware of wtntlilcss, nn; warrautetl coniaiiion Seed, and eometo -KLUTTZ'S tut Ituist's which mo warrant twl fresh and gen n'ilie. THEO F. ELUTTZ, Drnffi8t i 20:1 v. .. . 5a - - 'Friiift--. Jatsij - - . Jusf received a Nice Lot of j ., MAS0FS IHPHOVED HALF GALLON AM) (jU.UiT Jars for sale r.t ;18:tf : - : I -: - i Machine :()il, TatiHcr'sOil,' Terpentine and Varnish , At EXXISS'. TURNIP TifllNiS3 SI SEED! :D!! Just Received A Largo Stock, of ."-Fresh and Genuine - Turnip Seed U of Different Varieties at '. ENNISS' .5s AliUUNU tie CORNER TO THE PUBLIC GREETING : J IULIAN&FRALEY, CaMna Mm ani Carpentersu Their price are a !or an it in powillf make tlie.-n, and llieir work not inferior to fn- j Ther fill or Jem iutwo djwrtments. T ! Their ready m irieRtook in Imiul compri a general .tfttortirient of home fnrnitnre ixr : Htead", Bureaus Clothe PreH-w, Loa"?' ItrckH.Vardro!ePok-C,C.iplordB- China PrweCandleSlanilTinafe.l"-; Table, Wasb-tand -Chair-, Ac. The keeo an nsAortnicut of 1 '1 i of walnut, pine and poplar, from $1 "P Al, Window Sarii- Tbey fill onfert witb vexatiow deiay. Will contract for csrpenlff' work aud warrant Katisfaction. Will Uke p" Inniher and cxMitrfry pr6tnce inTWch" ; furniture. Shop neariv opporite Wtcb Office. J CLIAN Jt FB A 4:ly . " . -j V; PERUVIAN GUAN01 Person wishlng-Pcruvian Guano f WHEAT j Will do xt ell to call on me on of j thejst of September. - Lj Aug. 13, 1880 1.5.1100112 : Cheap Chattel Mortgagee arioiu other Llankv for aale hert r ! ilrsiliier! . m fffijat Little