'1 " (i o -i: 0 H tpA'I 1 nil cd ' ) Ql1:rs niiTni 5si in - 11. THISB SEEIES SALISBURY, N. Ci DECEIIBEE 2, 1880. 110 7 v i4" If:: ThelarolinaWatchman3 LiBlJSHED IN THE YEAR 18327 ( I: -. CTADVERtlSING RATES, It moutli sm's'sm-s C m's 12 . f . .. 4.50 3 5.25 i 7.59 fro I 9.75 U.25 16.59 85.99 is;-5 I 26.25 j 33.75 Us.75 75.99 : W ! W Ifiirm. Wblte Swelilnir.Coat, Goitre, Cmtf. MalirU, a't til diseases arising romaimp"'vv"" Lkl or scalp. !- s CC3E SCROFUjLA. Cures Bticnmatism Cures! gypbllls. - 2 .-k-'iy - Cures' Slalarla. e ;lf-tflfl- ' - . Forth Watchman. Cburcli Choirs., j. POIiITICAli. JIC" .Ig"1 "' 1 . 1 ' 1 Cures Xerroas Debility. CURES CTaJMPTIOM. has Its ingredients pn&Ufhea on every ipackapo. Bhowlttoyour Fhyslclaa, aa the -will tell you; it Is composed of tho fctr4nt!frt clteratlres that exist, tad U an Itxcelleiit lilooU Puffier. - , BOSADALI3 1 sold by all Dracglats. iir pain mm. i ' rTTtprnal nn j Internal. T ISUt nr4? iTfcT T KTV T!T.7.1 !".V KTl f3" TII15 AC2. Miwyi - - Poif $ liver Pi TEE GEEAT VEGETABLE CATHAETIO Vegetable WORM SYRUP Inrtantly dcstrc73 T703.rs, nnd rwoTimemioa It phTskaa u t!io licst VOIUI iEtilCIKJi. . i C7For fifcla all Draer5s' J0II3JF. HENRY. CUI1RAN & CO., coLS.rrtoraiEToaa, lor Sale by T.F;KLUTTZ, Druggist, 1 16:1 - ' f baiirtburv, i?. C. JAMES M. GRAY, Attorney, and Counsellor .'at Law, -- I SALISDUJir, X. c. Church choirs arc strange things,8trahge in possessing strange rights,! of which Jfew morUiIs can boast. Yet thet are hanian. and aref f composed cenerallr sneaki males antl females, without regard to age; On this Ssnbjectj a book might bo written, not onejof yotir insipid, milk and r water style, bat a regular big thingi souietling like Webster's Unabridged, with gilt edges and handsomely illustrated pages. Wo doa't propose to write a book, nor say anything about the maii who started the first choir, nor how long choirs hav been in existence i nor anything of that en timental sort. Choirs are always organi zed by an order f roiir tlo officers of : the church,or by a committee appointed by the same artthonty. In either case itisentit ely satisfactory to those ,ylaifortuDate enonghjto beeleeted prjseleeted tofilithe next place in importance to iho xulpit. What is left of the congregation outside the immediate families of the "fortunate" considerjthemselves appointed or desig nated musical critics, and devote their Sunday gossiping time to the" choir j its members, their faults, and occasionally their music. Church comuiittevs are proverbial for their musi calknowledge, always making the most judicicins and auspicious selections-fem-bracing those males who" are of known musical endowments, and those females who make known their "ear" for tunes. I This conglomeration of humanity isjthen taken Into custody by what is known as the "leader," or "director," who quarters them,! ordevides them into four parts. Fhesei parts are respectively : Sopirano, Alto, Tenor and Bas3. These four parts mny liavenny where from one to any uum ber oii each part. Jt is uevcv entirely! safe. for it multitude of reasons, to have over one to each parti With one siuger to a part you have what is called a quartette choiri They are always good, because each singer is esseutially a soloist and soloists arc always happy j resulting nec essarily from a Species f self-llattery and a feeling of importance" unattainable by average humanity. Gentle dreader.! con sider that there are four soloists in a quar tette choir. Now, with .these lights be fore as, we are hardly ready to look a choir straight in the face, however one might venture a glance ami see how tho .' ..j CllOlK UKI1AVE8 IK CIIUUCH. i As a rule, and Wit understood, I speak f tliiurs in cfcfteral. and of Hothin" iu : j O i ' particHhir, choirs nrc'xVclHwluvmlJcou sideriug the importance of their jwork, and their exalted positiou too high for most ju-eachers, or any other chUs of teachers to reach they are remarkably well' behaved. Tlmir .position is nearly equal t4 the ministers, with some trifling diiierances only. Tho miuister must be a moral guide for the flock, abstaining. from all semblance of worldliness,j while the members of the choir may with im- The Deuiocratie party of this State has a Governor, two United States Senators, and seven out of eight mejnbers of. Con gressj amajorityoftwoTthird8 iu tlie Leg islature, and a Democratic Board f Coin- Not Dead by a Great Deal. Says the Charlotte Democrat : Con-' sidering that the population jf the United States is about equally divid ed between the Democratic and Re- large majorr missioners in Very . iiwfc county 1 in the puhlicau parties (a very btate, -and therefore we are confRnL ltv of the white nmiilo and' tormvprU orth Carolina is just as solid as need be. being Democrats) it is carioas to hear ' b tales vale Lanlmstrb. . ; I . 1 . i . some people talk about the Democrat- The Superintendent of the Census at Uc party beine dead. In the State of Washington has sent some special agents Pennsylvania alonOj 407,428 white ceniuWthoT to see if the recent men voted for Gen! Ecoek, and in census of that State was fairly taken. ... . 0i . . !w The miserable feadicalsof the North are tuet6reafc State ( eMr5Tork, Han- unwilling to believe that the: population I000 ge nearly one-halt of the pop- oi boutu Uarolina lias increased within the past ten years. They may make up their Hancock Weaver and Dow is only i r 1 I oXt 7 U.JCar8 a 7'139) J and 80 other Northern and still . larger -increase m the South in popiw .vct JM tr i lation and business, and a corresponding es er es, Hancpct gets nearly decrease in Yankee New England. Cwr. one-ha of tIje popular vote. . Democrat. , 1 -tii tact, Hancock has a majority of all the individual voters, and would be President if the count was made South Carolina Census to be i ' ltetaken, h Washinqton, Nov. 22.-4 The South Carolina census is to be overhaul ed once more. The stalwarts have uever gotten over their disgust at the i iicrcase of the South's population Alexander Hamilton's Statue Tue Unveiling' Ceremony." v, mage said : "My friends, who told you that there was an nnbridgable gulf be- tweea science and the Dible f You Lear the names of Mill, Darwin, Tyndall, Ke nan. I can give yon names of men high er tlifin tfinttn am TTnnnf V,.liI.inn A.u y and tIl0 Himaiajas are Ligher. thanrtho jonn KJ. Hamilton, tne son or me j Kidgewood reservoir. There were Her- statesman, to ths city, took place this I schel, Kepler LiebniU, llos9 and Isaac afternoon at Central Park in " the I Newton. At the time Voltaire said that New Yozk, November 22. The; ceremony of unveiling the statue of j slmwn lv tliA onti?. nnd cannot bear togivPthecryoffraud,whMthey ff raised as soon as the figures j were tors. The Society of Engineers, St. fifty sllopil in ParU vi;cre goId wa4 heM made public. The thorough inyesti- icuoias oocieiy anu ine xxamiuon in .olotion. When there Is an appareut Ration! which was made a few weeks Literary Society and other organiza-1 discrepancy between science and the Bi- afterwards did not stop the howl, and tions Were represented. M 2 p. ra. ble, all that is necessary is to wftit.B. I .1 ,w . 4 . S . 1 (hey still protested against the idea President Jbtennan ol tne pane depart- leased within the vote (Garfield's ; m,ajority over.Jptirjg tjlis increased pobulation went introduced Mr. John C. Ham- Bismark's Last Scheme. Too Late to Do Axr Good. Chicago, Nov. 24. A disoatch from Imlianinnlis: says that B. S. Parker, the Republican m tliafc wa7 hut the Unfair plan of elector nominated in the place of Gen, "Electors" prevails,, and hence a mi 'I Tlmu.o. XV T tt. 1. J.l. .1 I I i , . T officers' and their " oouus ",,u winmruwn uuruy man Decomes irresiaent. in- i llvknankA r. m . I - 1 - T1 tvu0ui u.8 aiiegai connection wiui a (eeiij the Democratic party lacks a FederakoiBce, has been defeated through ij 1 i 1 j i . ,. , 'e .... ,. . " good deal of being deadi the blunder of omitting his name from . nr the Republican tickets in Ferry, Floyd 0o! John AV Forney, an old Lin Bartholomew, Putnam aud Well coun- coin and Grant man, biit a supporter ties, in which Parker did not get a single of Hancock in the late election, thus vote. rl lad will elect D. W. Chambers. k.mL- "n tho Plill-irloltilfi Jmnw the Democratic elector by about 5,000 majority. 4- A New Democratic Platform. of the vote of the whole country : "About five millions of the Ameri can voters, comprising a majority of one million of the white voters of the United States, supported Gen. Han- as a basis - for the reappointment of ilton, who made the presentation ad-1 Failing to find among thes members ef Congressmen. In- order to remove dress. Hie statne was aCted on rrnss.an igiaiamre wiw isnowieag: it . i... - r iU.. .J the behalf ... -f- tU citr bvMavnr on pohtiiO-economic subjecU which leal4 tue iwucun ur uuu.ug - g v iTj'-ir J to the enactment of wise laws, Prince Bis accuracy of the census,-and not at all Cooper Secretary Evarts delivered nmM tte- because he personally sees the slight- an oration on tne lite and public ser- ha8 proposed t Uie King, andjtbe latter est necessity for such a performance, vices oi narauwn. x-jovernori has issued a decree establishing "a coqn RiinprtntPndnt Walker, at the sutr. Bullock, Massachuseetts, Chaunceylcil of the people," seventy-five in number, f:B nf hn P-c,Mnf i,nc ,i;0ntnh M. Jpew and uenmmin narris w "uu" ivp,ui! ed a force of special agents to South Brewster, of Philadelphia, wereamong Carolina with instructions to make lDC 0luer sPeaKers- thorough investigation. They are to visit a number of places where the gain of population over the census of 1870 was largest and make a sort of re-census, going from house to house and seeing whether the people whom At a racetimr of Democratic editors of Northern Indiana, held. t Fort Wayne, on Friday last, it was unanimously agreed cock in the late election, and their that the following points should be press- frce amj independent suffrages only cd upon the attention of tho American : r m i i .. ' . - 1 . ,. -.- , . - . , failed . to achieve an overwhelm- li ircr. A clifinrm in Him rtneti tn timi nt v the United States nrovidintr for the elec- -u.u9C a u..u.v.. i News and Courier. tion of the President and Vice-President officials and their relatives, and of by a popular vote. workmen employed by bulldozing Second The election of United States manufacturers, were driven into the benators by tne people ot tne several Lnnl.ufnfiai,l i. n'u !,: ,lwxci n j ; Drink foe the Sick. The sick, especially those afflicted with fevers, often suffer from intense thirst. The quenching of this without injuring the patient is a matter which requires knowledge and good judgment. Dr. H. the enumerators reported are to be H. Kane says that plain water, when taken found. No doubt it is entertained that this second investigation will only confirm the first, and after such inquiries as are now to be made it will require a man with monumental imnudeuce to further dispute the , South-" Carolina relating to commerce, manufactures and agriculture. One-half of this council,of experts is to be appointed by theKing, on the nomination of chambers ef cona- merce and agriculture throughout the kingdom. The remaining half, of whom at least fifteen are to be workingmen, are to be appointed on the recommendation of the ministers. All government measures relating to the subjects are to be submit ted to the judgment of thi especial coun cil before they are introduced into tho Legislature, and the council is also to t 6 beyond a certain amount, is very apt to disorder the stomach and bowles. esneci allv iu fevers, where much fluid and but empowered to originate plans of improve- little solid food is takeu. Enough water n an7 X ose branches of business to oucnch the thirst would certainly be dramaj card 0!5oe in the Court House lo next doo to Sqaltc llauglitonj. Will pnietikiu all the totirte ot t lie State. If!. - I "1 AIT, jipn&EF at ljl tt; ! - t-t i - State and Federal Trictiees in : ''.! -!'. - Counts. 12:Cm KERR ORAIGE, Blutaer as! Mem, ; Attorneys, Counselors i and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. C ITT ;;' L TZ" wms.! d rawni ISALIS3UET, U: C.; ' ' Dealer in Tin 1 1 jWarc Copier tovea in Ttttl AH low down irv??k3"m fitrt I will "-sell STOVES gFeheaper than punity attend the iqera, table, Ealoon,daucc auddo all other things of doubtful propriety, and when the preacher warns the congregation pf the evils of those worldly deeds, the choir has the:8traugo and peculiar right to smile, to look at each other as much as to sdy, "lie doift mean the choir," and when the last prayer comes, they "gaze from the gallery juto'the congregation and "pity" such and such an individual who "caught it" from the sermon "he or she must feel badly ; for what tho preacher said just j suited him : you know he was seen to j take a drink last week aud played cards with the 'clubVbovs Friday night" or 'slio Went to thcpera, and was at the ball uight 4e- fiire last." You see, good friend, they are s0 high up that the preacher canj never reich them. If, in tho courso of his dis course, he chauces'to life his'eyo to the cboir, he sees the Tenor and Alto iU a close conversation, the Soprano leisurely turn in' the pages of a note-book, wlfile the Bass, if not asleep, is wn ting a uote,or par in" hia finger nails, or, perhaps, sketching This is perfectly right and legitimate for I the choir,1)at the individual who would behave that way in the congregation be iJ.w ti,nl,l lmrenroved. but its"rto good" TmtiirA 1 choiri for 'they never hear IU I I J' V v . 7 - anything, and their position is too in tho church to be reached. j I They look with commiseration on those Ringers in the congregsdion wlio-have weak voices ; aud for those who have strong voices they have feelings akin to disdaTu the idea that any oue; should presume, should have the arrogance to sing fall and loud when the choir of soloists 'are entertaining the congregation is o them, " person of degraded taste; a voice rough o,t hnnrish and onl y tit for corri-shnck- in"- frolics, and tho like." States instead of by the Legislatures thereof. Third A judicious revision of thepres ent tariff iu the interests of the producing aud industrial classes. j Fonrth Vigorous opposition to the in troduction of cheap Mongolian labor.' Fifth Appropriate legislation by Con gress for the taxation of greenbacks. t Sixth Opposition to the coutrolliug of elections by tlie dependents of the nation al administration, high and low, aud against coercive measures on the part of corporations interfering with the elective franchise of their employes. Seventh Securing tho holding of elec tions iu all tho States on the first Tues- day after the first Monday in November. . i t . i?. : l i : .. l : Xiigniu i roiesuiig ugaiusb iiuiwuiiiig with the finances of the country and ex pressing unqualified condemnation of the presumptuous proposition of Secretary Sherman. ! Ninth A demand upon the present Congress to institute a thorough and searching investigation of the charges that the , apparent majority of Garfield by which the quarryslave is scourged to his dungeon. The will ef the peo ple was temporarily overruled by the abuse of the powers they have given to the desperate leaders of the Repub lican party. But while we work, watch, and wait for the time when this great wrong will be right ed, the South should remember that several millions of Northern Demo crats are subjected to the domination ot a horde ot venal and tyrannical ad- tjie bccinnin as l,e venturers, scarcely less despicable than i to-dav When I enough, in most cases, to disorder diges tion, or rather further disorder it, and so census. Charleston important is tho little that remains of this function that we cannot afford to abuse it. . Small pieces of ice held in the mouth and allowed to dissolve, sometimes an swers the purpose, but not in the majori ty of cases. Up to a certain point, the action of wa ter taken internally, in fevers, is excet- leut. Aside from allaying irritatiou by kidneys, What John Brown's Brother Says. A correspondent of the Chi caga 2W6 une recently hid a conversa tion with Edward Brown, the only surviving brother of old John Brown. quenclling thir8t it flQslie8 tho Mr. Brown aid : "It may sound ve- carrvirig off much of the effete with which they are laminar, bucn an inni vution marks, on the part of the Prus sian government, an appreciation of tie;' necessity of bringing itself nearer to the people, and by leaguing itself with the best minds iu their particular industrial spheres to give its measures the sanction of a popular council which will thus di vide the responsibility for them with the government. As a nicaus ou breaking down the influence of the socialists it is shrewd and wise, but the salutary effect of such a council, if the selection of its members is judiciously made, promises to be much more beneficial than this. As material ! rv harsh and cruel, but I say it with produced bv the Irish temperature. l..s Mro t!rn nn d bnnwino. hist I It has been found that the addition of representative body, trained to under- ,UifmMn, l, T affirm that I certain substances to water greatly in-commercial , financial aid ia- -..J -1.-1 ti.f Tu Tinwn w. b;nl crcases its powers to quench thirst. 5.a um, w Th.a ig egpecial,y tbe caso with add. just When lie was ana just as ne was. Qne AMim of hydrochloric acid added did, and as we say that l am the. carpet-baggers who temporarily La(i that John Brown was executed, ..r-..l -ill t l" ' . I know that I express his own feel ings on the subject." overran the South, mainly because the Northern Democracy were unwilling to countenance every form of outrage upon the South that the ingenuity of pluuderers could devise. dustrial needs of Prussia, and conversant with the points in dispute between em ployers and their workiugnieu, it may act Of course it' was a great blow to us &1U to a quart of water, will give it sufficient no uy as a council of reform, but also It nearly crushed us at the time, but acidity to accomplish the desired purpose, a8 council oi conciuanon. was preo nf eM't1in .nl from while at the Fame time, it adds to Us ably In both ofthese senses, but more es C VUU1VI 1VJW kUl. - I I 1 ... .1 T Tf pleasantness, and sometimes relieves peciauy iu uie iaur, mat rnnce uisraars; nausea. I urged its organization, It is a bold sup The use of acids in fevers is highly to take, and if it should answer the ends .nmnioi w nrP nntliArR. and this i. tor which it is to bo created, a similar Qualified Suffrage. MISCEIiIiANEOUS. Freezing! Freezing!! and Arthur in the State of New York was obtained by fraudulent aud illegal means, to the end that justice my be djue to all parties. ' j South Carolina Ceu'sus. A rrival of the Special A gen ts in Colu nibia Thar plan of Vampatgn. j Special Dispatch to the News & Courier The Charloote Obsei-ver comes for ward with a proposition in which we heartily concur. It suggests that the next Legislature submit to the peo ple, to be voted upon at the next election, a proposed constitutional amendment, providing hat no per son in the State shall henceforth be Snows and Intense Cold Several Lives Lost CanaUand Rivers Im.- Columbia, Nov. 23. The special agents entitled to the right of suffrage ex of the census department to re-en uir.erate tho State census have" arrived and have established their headquarters here. to!. F. G. Butterfield has charge of the re-.eiiu-meratiou and is accompanied by Jj B. Burt, O. P. D. Stone, J. B. Issler, Timo thy Quiun, clerks of the census office- in Washington, and sworn as special agents for this work. It will be done over again from the beginning. ;The agent hopCs to the. enumeration m three through hig votes of their betters, or it would force them to contribute something t " i ! r i.. :.,o: weeks. Col. ButterfieluThas telegraphed . ua'.-v v to all tho supervisors for tho State,! re- tutions wliicli auord them protection questing a meeting of consultation j be- in their rights and education for their fore beginning the work, the whole rl, ; id ren. Taxation without reureseuta- a Winxepeg, Manitoba, Nov. 23. The thermometer here marks 25 below zero. Father Hert was frozen to death yesterday while hunting near Battleford. Loxa Brancii, N. J., 23. John Conk, a man of intemperate habits, was found frozen to death this morn ing on the piazza of the Sea View Hotel. Uovitdout. N. Y.. Nov. 23. The now pay nothing toward the support Hu(lson river at aud aboveCoxsackie of government, and yet. Kill uie . 1o.,i w;h iep. and dace flatulence and diarrhoea. w - II M 1,11111 If ILUI W W vft .... I L- rf ' I 11. cept he has first paid ins poll tax. This would be just and T-ight. It would either excludo from the priv ilege of suffrage a class of worthless vagabonds, white aiid -black, who I think, the best way in which to admin istcr them. Tho same amount of sulphur ous acid may be added to a quart of wa ter when the bowels are loose, or there is a.tendeucy that way. In these cases acidulated barley water is nleasant and nourishing. The same may be said of toast water. In constipation, oatmeal water may be used in the same manner. A few tama rinds added to a glass of water will often assauge thirst and open the bowels gent ly. Theory and experience both show that drinks made slightly bitter and somewhat acid, slake thirst most effectually. A weak infusion of cascarilla or orange peel,; acidulated slightly with hydrochlo ric acid, was with Graves, of Dublin, a favorite thirst-allaying drink for fever patients. Raspberry vinegar is a useful drink. Sucking ice is very, grateful. Sweet fruits although at first agreeable and refreshing, must be taken with care and moderation, for they often givo rise to disagreeable taste, and are apt to pro council will probably be suggested to re view similar measures on behalf of the empire. The experiment is a novel "and an interesting one, and the result will beT watched not only in Germany, but by other nations. Bait. Sum. ' The in trod uo variety, Par- gf 18S0.B?"you can buy tion of another member into a quartette State will not be canvassed, but agents will visit certain townships iu various parts of the State and iu this way (esti mate the correctness of the returns from the whole. In Abbeville, Due West town ship will be re-enumerated; Laurens, Wa terloo township ; Fairfield, township Nov 8; Barnwell, Willistou township; Lex ington, Broad River township; Chester field, Steer Pen; Marion, Cains; jVYil- liamsburg, Joliason township. These are selected because their increase is large. No fraud ischarged against them. tion ia commonly accouuted the great est injustice, but is it worse than re presentation without taxation? We repeat our faith in the justice of this proposition. It will ; require a three fifths vote of the Legislature to sub mit the question to the people. If it cau be passed there it can probab ly be carried before the people, but it is more than likely that the Corn- is continually and rapidly freezing. The thermometer along the line of the Ulster and Delaware Railroad ranges from 2 to 4 below zero. Bordentown, N. J., Nov. 23. The Delaware river is frozen over here from shore to shore, l here 1 raorj in the river than at any time during the past three years. Reading, Pa., November 26. The Schuylkill river here is nearly closed with ice, and the ice caual is three inches thick. Talmage on Ingersoll. lie Defends the BMe Againtt the Attach of Infidel Enemies. ,Ar,0ok and f5?"any where else ffiic, from : 0T"in this city. the Icheapest Jmt$rgW win repair w me iuat i vda'ii niti suns on ' 1 Short Notice. tf IF YOU WISH Yqup Walches and nifM-kK. SRwine Machines.&C Paired by a 'good, cheap arid reaponsibl 1 - mm clioiris the sure precursor oi a oigrow mat must come sooner or latei. There are numerous other points the eccentricities of individuals; the peculiarities of the organist&c. &c. number of note wurthv facts might also be submitted, but this paperis already too long; so J will dose, and resume the subject on (ntnro fwcunion. when I shall en- J3UUJt iuvt w f deavor to contrast differing opinions, orknian plca8 leave them with' Metars. ami try aud say something ef tlier good in Kliuti & Reodleinan. Salisbnrv. N. C. :ly j R. L. BROWN. choirs; together, with some suggestion in regard to the improvement oi mose musically inclined.- Sekxade: Mortgage Deeds for sale here I Louisiana has set aside $20,000 m suP- 1 I O Qw- vwt . , :ifi eiililipra with" wooden i. - t r' u . . . I V'J MV "ri: . Also various other blan?. ' limbs. munc, which is to Say the Radical . . .1 n i . 1 . ?. : ItJ A circular has been Uiiied from! tho I party, would Stanu against inn sunu "Prohibitory Liquor Liw Association of columns. Statesville Landmark. . .1 - ? Ka rn Ann rn. Aonn Carolina, auvoiauug uiv ji.-?oai4 of a law prohibiting iu this State the sale of iutoxicating liquors' as beverages, j The association has been formed for the j pur pose of giving definiteshapeanddirettion to the agitation on this subject. Leghorn, Nov. 24. The steamer Orti tria came in collision this morning with a The largest cotton mill in the country has just been opened at Willi man tic .Con necticut. It is only oue story high but covers a space of 820 feet by 174, all of which Js in a single rooraliglited at bight by fifty-one. electric ' burners. - Eighty thousand persons could stand at .once in this buildiug.KrcwH j French steamer Orcle Joseph near Spez- zia. The Orcle Joseph was so much in ihred that 6he soon sank. She had 300 persons on board only about fifty of whom 8ianWhter and massacre New York, Nov. 22. Talmage preach ed yesterday , on "Ingersoll ism versus Christianity. He said he had no nervous auxiety about the overthrow of Christian ity. ' He spoke of the Bible as the book of which 250,000,000 copies have been printed the' book that adorns the centre in ths table, that is found at the bench of jus tice and is placed in tho trunk of the young man just leaving his country homo for the city. There were four chief ob jections to be made to the Bible by iufi dels : It is an impure book, a cruel book a contradictory book, an unscientific book. As to the charge that the Bible is a cruel book, full of laceration, man Dr. Talmage From. Old Fort. Wo clip the follow ing from a subscriber at Old Fort, which, 1 however, was writteu some weeks ago. We presume it must have come via tho Sandwich Islands. "When whiskey was banished by law two miles out of our village we looked for brighter days, and we yet have hopes , of a better state of things. A few of us sre making all the efforts hi our power to build a house, to be used as a temporary church for all orthodox denominations ; also, for tbe use of public and privstA schools. We hope we will soon succeed. Even those who blockade whiskey ipte tbe place and drink it iu the form lager beer, &c, appear very attentive to preaching ; and contribute more liberally to preachers than some members of Ion j established churches do. Prof. , York preached here Thursday night, 5th inst and lectured the next night on "Educa tion, the Kation's hope." On Saturday and Sunday following Tlev. W. B. Lyda, held a two days meeting. The attendance very respectable order very goed. Tell me ye winged wind, r That sweep o'er hills and plains,' Do you not know of some pleasant land, Where whiskey never reigns t Can you not name some Justice Court Whose officers are true, Good, wise, and houorable enough To give each man his dueT The winds replied "Ohone! Ohone! We do not know of "ary one." i Viedmontrreu. . . . . were saved. The Ortigia has amvcu ai Leghorn, having also been severely dam aged. An inquiry has beeu ordered. asked : "How many of your acquaintances have learned cruel habits from reading the Bible f Do your children learn from the Bible to tear off the wings of more flies or to pin more grasshoppers, or to rob more birds' estst Oh, sirs, when can make a rose leaf stab like a bay- tii- : u..nrLin. mnntr. Knndav mzht. lontiOI ine BOUUI iuu, j 1 1 IM.i. . IU v J 1 - w. . .. punished. While at common law a dead . ' ey and notca 0f Brown were poison the tongue from a blossom oi uuck- body was not property and stealing them foUBa i the prisoner's possession and wheat, then you cau find cruelly gotten . : - . . . . .i.L- 'Il. . , c.nti.Mf. Intnfibi Bible As the auegeu uu was lormcriy no criminal ueuc,jri.iiuw uioou inarkH on iu .- uwy-o There is much just indignation felt iu Baltimore over the abstraction' of the bodies of two persons, Mrs. Annie Carter and her daughter, a young lady of 19, from their craves in Baltimore cemetery. . . L 1 1 1. n.-aofoii nml inilwl at Roirerville for I youi The medical . o,leu . .. rJ' of B"row ad ioet, b joa can .anafacture licl we hope it will end in somebody s oeing ;" . . i Knoxville, Nov.24.--A stranger nam- i itorrU snnnosed to be a tramp, uas . .u.., I 1 - - cau the case is provided for by statutes. are made of lynching him to-night. scientific character of this Bible, Dr.Tal- Theyhave a Steam Laundry in Wil mington, and it U doing a first-rate busi ness. Charlotte needs one, and it would pay handsomely if properly managed. Besides that, it would increase tho sap-. ply of field hands, cooks, house-servanU See. Negro o.ueu who squat abbut - the suburbs, eking out a precarious existence by a little washing, would go to somi betteremploymen: if. a steam Laundry wal in existence here. Chaar. Democrat. - ?'My boy' said a father to liii . young son, Hreat every one with po liteness, even those w ha are ruda to you. For remember that you stoow courtesy to lothers not ' because VLy are gentlemen but because fou, ui oue. : !.--"- 5 ' , 1 -i " Tr in - ; I-- . ! 5 fey . TT '. J r ... i . -" t t I. 4 !'H . ! -

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