I. VOL :XII.-THIRD SERIES :T 1 SALISBURY. N. C;, DECEBIBER 9, 1880. NO 0 i ! kiriorniinflW'atchmaii. I rtJuHJSHED IN! THE YEAR 1832. E I, PRICE, II JO I ADVANCE. ' lf PRICE, -TRACT ADVERTISING RATES. 57; i ....... ijf on 1 ttsul CO : ! month 8 id's smSm's Urn's r-- I' ttor ti rlo.r' I $1 .50 ; 3.00 i 4.50 I .60 7.50 -1 f ii.50 Ta 450 .fi'.OO 7-50 ! 9.75 I 15.25 $3.50 5.99 $8.19 5.25 7.59 12.89 : 7.60 11.89 15.99 9.5)9 13.59 18.99 11.25 16.59 S5.99 20.50 25.59 40.99 . 33.75 48.76 1 75.99 JT..i.:fnr r for 11.25 13.75 i 9 MLntH, iuflamciiand poiscned by the disease. aim j iMti and "tightness, across the chest Kan incurable waladT. It is only SiUsnrr to have t&e riVht remedy, ffifih'.S lUISH Is that remedy. MVTT)CSPAlrt OP RELIEF, for tur beaten Epwifia will core you, But mi thouza proressiomu aia laus. erea thou IEMRY' In 0 -JOT-P- "Von 1HIH jtprut ever pisc&vcrccZ. n't Carhi i& SnTpa Jicali burnr. Henry' CnrhQflo lltlva enn-a sorc.t. UtMt'f VnrUolic tiufya t;Unj3 Jlntrn' ' i'nrbolta Str'.iui rf r. . rrf t;ra. JTrnry' r hoi io A'--fr' l-ca! pi in pits. tlcmry1 Varhu.Ho Li:ivo heals li-uiitcs. Ailt forrjepry's, ril Ta!co N outlier. ST ICWA'RE Gl? C0l!rNTIIIl5TITC. ' 5ownsLey?s ,: ,'- In In CIJUES IN ONE ISIKUTE. Edsyf s ; Carboli -Contarrions Disease Coldn, iZcr.y. 1CJLT . f i J'Unuant to ili Tunic. TOR SALS BY ALL DRUGCI3TC I0HK P. HEUTiY, t CTJIlIlAaf z CO ; fi i BOI.B rKOETOR8, 24 Collr Place, '4 Xow Torli. lf..c.i.vfi n Wttttw t 'to 'xr K' r if 1 " , , 1 JAMES M. 'GRAY, and Ooinsellor at Law, SAMS uu 111', x. c. Office jn the Courtllonse lot, next doo to Squire Ihiughton. j Will practice in all the Courts of the State. "3 wY2If AT Lj1M Prac "... t ices: in tho State and Federal Court! 12:6m J ItERR craiqe, at f aiu, E ita aji HeniersoB, Mtorn eys, Counselors and Solicitors. SAhlSnUIiY, N.C 1 f22 1S79 tf. . i rown, SALISBURY, H. C. J?er ia Tin Alt low down i m sr STOVES "TC8 in fnll fti i 'fi'j"r.l 2 af- ISSrt. drf"you can luy I. lrwb- .i .1 . ' - . ' 1 ygfanywnere eise f"in this city. 10 the., best. old stills on i - Short Notice, f " ' ol: i j .; V . tf IF! YOU WISH YourlWafnhes and , fc- Clocks, Sew i ng M ach i ues.&Tc, WoL ' 7 ?d chiap nd responsible X',TJl!ea leave them Villi Messrs. 4Vii. Tcuuieman, alisburv, U. l i " - 4 R.L. BRC BROWX. ! . An. ou fSascscf Vjo Breathing Organs. Is tho Memonino I tlfilOL HI Whis. CUap Chattel MortgaLCf pother' blanks or sale here - POETRY.1 My Lost Self. vMMAnYAINGETKhE You wonder why uiy eyes are dim with Uill Then, shall I tell you it-Long and ldn aero u u uiue cuna 1 usea toknow- And every day and niirlifc mill rniv hour We took life's gift together, sad and And saw the rainbow shining thron . shower h the And lieard the talk that building robins ? made. - j Wc thought tlic world was ours, to conW ami ro Aboutits,JiisjixTay9, Cndiag trea$are4 rare; " ' ' ' , ' Wc thiHlt all heaven wai our, and fashioned so v - Grand castle after castle high in ajr! Ah! now I find 'the world .1 desert wild; No room in all the sky for tower of mine ." ' ' - .J ' morjt of all I miss niy comrade child. iter brave, true cooraige and her faith divine. I Dead T i Chansrcd T I know nor. rU-k 4 r' . 7 T ' i ouiy Know 1 hat sometimes from tlio mirrnrTA uliin iag space. I my iwn features, worn and faded so l catcji a glimmer of the bright lost face. . f - i will naloiirer wonder thnfc T wUaVi My little. girl with 'eyes so grave and rlear. t 1 AYhatcyer tr-easnre. wo mar hold or 'keen. 1 o loe one's happy self U saddest djeai ! ; Christian Unidn. The lluoks of the Bible. G eu cftis tlm world was made 1y God's ereiM.ii ve hand : JJxodu$ the Hebrews marched to gain the promised Laud; Leviticus contains the Law, holy and just UIHIglMHI. Xumbcr? records rtie tribes enrolled-UiH sons ol Abraham s blmid. Moses in Deuteronomy records God's niTgh- J n... :li ri.Jl of Israel leiids. In Jmltjes their rebellion oft provoke the Lord to smite, But lluth records the faith of one well pleasing in his-sight. In First and Hceond tktmuel of Jesse's son I o we read, - , Ten tribes in Firxt and Second lung re vottetl trom Ins eeu. -! Vhn Fiht and Second Chronicler, i seo ' dah captive made: '' - ;' ' Ju- But Fzra leails a remnant back by pri nce- lv Cvrus' ind flic eitv walls of Zion Xehemhth binlds again, Whilst Father saves her people from dots of wieked men. In Job wo rejid how faith will live beneath afilictious rod, And David's F minis arc precious songs to evm emm 01 uwi. ...A -I "1.1 Tb Froverb like a goodly strings of . ..1., .... ..M Et clcsktfttes teach man how vain are all TheMysTic,V" t eet Sharon's Hose; - . Whilst Christ the Saviour aiid the King things l?re, the "rirnt IsaUthn shows. TJie warning Jeremiah, apostate Israel scorns r His i4aintivo Lamentations their awful downfall mourns. Ezelhl tells iu wondrous words oM daz- zlinsr mysteries : I Whilst kings aud empires yet to come, Daniel in vision sees Of judgment and ot mercy, llosca hives to tell. . i Joel describes the blessed days when God with man shall' dwell. Among Tekoa's herdsmen Amos received his cill : 'I Whilst Obediah prophesies of Edom's final fall. - Jwi&Wu ines a wondrous type of Christ . our risen Lord. !, MieaU pronounces Judah lost-lostj but again restored, Xahuvi. declares on Nineveh just jndg- ment shall be nonrod. . ... - , , 1 ' ' TIL. 1..1. A view of :.Chaklca'a coming doom Ilabak- Ink's visions "give; Next Zejihaniah warns the Jews to . resent and live. turn Haiuim wrote to those who saw the Tem " lile built asraiu. And Zcchariah prophesied of Christ'4 tri umnhant reiirn.- 1 . Malachrxeiin the last who touched the hiirh nronhetic chord i , r Its-fiual notes sublimely show the coining of the Lord. JafZrt'ir'nnd JWri- and'H-tfiteand John the I fl v fJosnel wrote. I . ' .t J ...i i 11! describing now me oviui -uicw-r-..- -.- a mm- . j 1 In and all lie taujini. . 4nrovftl.owGMUhe Apostles oWued with sisna in every place. St. Paul, in Jionuxns, teaches us how mau is saved by grace. The Apostle, in Corinthians, instructs, Galatktns shows that faitirin Christ alone the Father loves. Ejicsittns and Fhillipjuans tell what Chris tiims ougni. ro oe : Coloi&iuns bids us live hGod for etcrui 1 rhr'ienliniiaHS we arc tanirht the Lord ..-ill iviiin fVitni IIi':iV'll ; I Iu Timothy aud Titus a Bisliop's rule is gfveu. s Fhilemon marks a ChristianVlove, Which . only Chgstians know.1 ,j 1 llcbrevcs reveals the Gospel prefigured by tho Law. - ! . ! . James teaches without holiucss faith is but vain and dead : : I "A.V Titer m.inf s the lUllTOW Way 111 WlllCU the saints are leu. John, in his threelEpistles, ou love lights to dwell. 1 ., dc- St. Jude gives awful warniug of judgnieut wrath and hell. f that trcmen dous day. i : : .iv- i i I-- llie .11 lUI flllljj DiUUVi O DlJ . COMMUNICATED. ; . For the Watc&m&n. Church Choirs Their Rehearsals, ; ,It continuation of what I had to say last week in regard to the components of cnurcii choir organization and their posi tum and behavior in church; I will as j was promised, say somethi ng of the ec- , centricities, peculiarities, &c of' choral singers. ' Now let us quietly steal into a church and hear aehearsal. It is a rainy." bad night. The sexton has lighted the church, but failed to make a fire. The Bass, who j is in love with the Sonrano. urrirea fimf. ! with that important individual on his arm. ' They throw. off their wraps and proceed to the stove. Discovering' it cold, they 1 it cold, they seat themselves near itand begin achari- table conversation. These two parts are always most charitable in fact they carry- the charity of the choir, aud display it ou such occasions as the jiresent to all con- ' ceivable advantage. In the midst of this j delightful conversation, (confined wholly to the. weather and the sexton) the Tenor arrives, and to the surprise of the other ; two, the Alto is not with him. Upon en- j quity it is discovered that "the Tenor has a headache, and does uot feel inclined to lailuvtfnnin.mr tliiorii:n.I.n Pf!.-... fyhe whispers. to the Bass: "the Alto spoke , wuth a sneer 011 Ijerflice to the Soprano while I was singing my solo last ' Sunday, and I'm sure she was laughing ' at me, and you know what a cold I was ' sufleiiug with at the time." The Alto and the Organist must come or there can ! be no practice. The Bass compromises he will brin" the Alto if the Tenor will escort the Organist, and with thisarrang- lrarc t,,e corrniors ot some remote cliurcli unr it is unwise to give up uray iu aes ment, iu the 'course of half 11.1 .hour the j sa-V. Xva Scotia ami let us desig. pair; by persistent well directed efforts quartette aud organist are ready. The nate lhc discordant, or inilitaut element for his impiovement, he may sometime Organist who is always a meek aud good natured iudiridual. and who ahvava at-! tends to busiuess, selects such music as will suit tho sentiment of the hymns - ,liarwe,i All is ready now for tho oractice. The onanist be2ins--the Bass hopes that that old wornout tune is not to be sung again." The Tenor speaks up, ' "find something else." Aftd" SO loll" a time soniethiu.' else is found, aud while it i r -.i i e . gH, wen couiposeii piece in music, : it does'not suit the-seiitiment of the hymn, i iu fact is so inappropriate as to destroy the effect desigued by the pastor; yet they have all had a baud iu its selection and it must go through. Then they turn to the next, wheu the Soprano exclaims: "I'll Hot. Rllinr that, its siwtul low. illlll old - - f-f 7 7 Mrs. Singlonder, who always sits close up to the pulpit, and sings with her cracked voice kuows that tune, and she'll drown out everything." And so it goes all through the selections, until the organist, who has hitherto been acting as would became Job's daughter, suddenly loses equilibrium, and that calm and tranquil 80 noticeable a moment since has vanished. Tunes are now played. with a recklessness as regards "time and expression" that would shock the musical taste of a barbershop guitar player, or bring to tho cheek of the conventional hand-organ tramp the crimson blush of mortification. There was nothing said at which offence could be taken, and the choir meeting adjourns. Each one, how- ever, feels that it would have beeu as well had they remained at home. T, fc gUIMiav n,,in: and in con- , t sequence oi me u;...a.u. ,ent u.s... oefore, the music is not goou. i ins m.iy Uot be because the choircannot reuder it, I luil lwiinan tliv will not. lit themselves r nntltim by 1)alicut Btudy and I ... ... concerted action as io ino proper exprcs- sion. guct c,oir meetings as the oue just de I :t i .i . i I SCriOCU ililll Ull-Jr lltUI IIOIUCIIIII J . J CI USii out me music ui mo siiiiciuiirj . I The situation is deplorable a choir, aud vet not a choir even Deacon Jones, or good brother Brown, who nsed to "rsiise the tunes" are debarred that -pleasure, (?) and instead of either choral or congrega tional singing to the praise of God, there is a vai u -glorious display of poor sing ing. But this is wholly iu keeping with the usual style of choirs. To recapit- alate: they pay no attention to sermons, I tlmi ivli!tiifr vrritM notrfl nml cttrtrn rlii ",VJ o-eo . , nluivn mniiiof. I 1 111 I'tfl I - - - - . . .. it any wonder then, mat tuey turuisii withxevideut satisfaction, meagre music for the praise of the most High ! Human ity has been endowed with vocal organs, and we are commanded : "Praise ye the Lord : for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant ; aud praise is comely." Is it . right 1 Is it comely, to offer meagre praise to our Creator t He has bestowed on us so abundantly the gifts which enable ns l? praise Him ac ceptably, that it must be dispkasiug, if not sinful, to offer poor vocal praise. How cau tin evil lie remedied f That i a question that must have a chapter to itself. In my next, I shall endeavor to throw some light in that direction. promised to say something of the good in choirs, but as yet have not readied a; poiut where a good thing might be said of a poor choir. If there were any reason able excuse for a poor one aud iu this country there cau hardly be ; for every town of any size or pretentions has its I 1 Mti&ic Teachers I shonld uk excuses: mcutal laziucss or waut of men tal capacity. The former is a drawback j and hinderance, not only to the music. I but to the church itself. ! The latter may j be imnrovml I.r t I.a mnlt; nnl!. I tion ; but even in that case, there is little 1 ggests t the unhappy" Brag thought ntonl;J to. find at IWta, Daman hope. 1 i lofimportunatemonkeysgoingaboutwith TtSt V7ithe Srt The thouchtless mavS T) resume from 1 dirtt littl rn linr for nl.l, IT fair al Tntah. a great quautity of cotton what has been said, that I a in one of your : leather-headed, sourfaced. Wsinionious 1 "jM coousw who are opiHtsed to vocal nnd instrumental music of a fine order in church, or any where else, because, per- ' chance, it may cost a trifle to have eulti- vated.church music. If the bare shadow of such an idea has flown athwart vonr . imaginative brain, dispell t at once ; for j I am a true lover of the "affectionate art" : wherever found, aud esneciallr do I love artlstlc choral music, wheu- expressively rendered. t Sekexade. t. iT-'T.i?.v.. .T . aurcucn ; Conertlonal Sinsi.igr. Editou of Watchman1: Whiio your able correspondent, Serenade, is drubbing church choirs, in general, father severely, I think, permit me to pay; my respects to a musical, or rather, unmusical, element, of more-or lees force, in the composition , of every congregation, whose besetting "piety" is a palpable and pronounced op- i portion to the fine music; of cultivation being used in the service and worship of fltul. i I As my remarks are suggested by long ai, w'Iti-l'eail observation aul consid- erau - ' experience in rdiffeirnt fields, and arc deigned for general application and entirely without referencejto any place or Persons, it is hoped that hone will take u'moraS n'm them. But, in order to -preciiMlo all iMissihility of isuch a deplor- .... a.. aoie fallacy, just let thojuimrs-cye peue- IOUI, merein, y pseudonyms, suen as, Mr Sl,ort 1Jra-v Mr' Voeiferato Shout- I,mvl M'' Urnnwiegrowi, Mr !lsul '. aiso juss nqueaKio- v. 1 vr 1 . r 1 o 11 i! nri.!..!. . rn... t i ! tin. ' " , PtH Ms Purr.e Felne,all under the P Mr' Monotone ButlVh.ze, in favor lHlHIHrSU, UUUUieU COIlreai iOllill Slltg- - ;'St" rorrnHln,iuajp1..umo irlanui: vanities and rank immelies. train- " I eu cnoirs auu organs. i Dr. Buskin said, "Music is the )nly nn- faUeu angel,among the mcjc humanities." Meaning that good music, indtxrlf, is pure and purifying ; and although, in general, 1 Uts influence is emotional,! it reduces tho minds and feelings of those under its con- trol, to a plastic cuiditioni susceptible of j the deepest impressions. To insure this, however, the music must be of such an ' o? order as to wholly occupy the mind dur- ; ing its reign. But if the whole musical scope is confined ton few simple tunes, incorporated into the very being, without mental effort, from childhood on, and worn bald by constant us, the bawling or droning of them can be done with the whole thoughts astray, j AS IN LITATl'JtE, musical composition is exhaustlcss in quantity ,di versified in quality and varied in value from most worthy to most worth - less : And iu the mere vocal performance of it, although we are all gifted by the Creator with voices, tine and correct sing- ing is only attainable by . art, study and practice. This truth is rarely understood in theory or recoguized in practice: for any one, gittcd by nature witb a tair voice, is generally considered capable of singing well without any special study of music first time. The clergyman then proceed or the "vocal organs : Yet in that, as iu ed with his prayer. He had finished, and all knowledge, excellence implies hard grinding, continued work, and even the finest talents and best opportunities are nothing without it. Aud the pretence of iMtAisEAvoRSiur. ot the creator with a minimum mess ot the most threadbare insipidities ot Music, his highest gift tohnniamty from sheer mental laziness, culpable 'difference and self-righteous' egotism ciiu only bo re ceived by him as the ungodly mockery that it really is. If then music is such a good thing, all churches ouirht to have the very best of it VOCAL AXD lNSTRUlIEXXAL. We have ample testimony'! that the mu sical efforts of the angelic- hosts will not b confined to mere vocal exercises, Tho Seer of the Apocalypse says: "And I heard u voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and s the voice of a great thunder; and I heard the ;voice of harp ers harping with their harps." Certainly these are grand orchestral e fleets. So also, all t If rough the Bible we read of in strumental and vocal music combining iu the praise.of God : As, for Instance, when, "David" and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, aud with timbrels, and with j cymbals, and with trumpets." Such a combination of musical instruments, iu most of modern churches, would fill nine-tenths of the worshipers with holy horror. The pious Liheart of : SISTER STIFFXKCK would be wrung with auguih, and she would sweat great drops of - the soucrest kind of viuegar. Why I Is there not fnl ly as much of the divine essence of praise to the Creator iu the thrilling themes and chords of a-graud'-Syiuphuy as iu the nasalization of Sister.Austeref 1 , -. There is nothing so bigoted a iguor- auce. Brother Bray can uot distinguish between the solemn grandeur of the church - organ and the asthmatic crindins of the street coueern. The admirable prelude ' by! the orcanist. on a Snndav morninff. cannot understand bow the hearts of some mriv be trananilizeil bv tlm sweet an,i sotemn tones. He obstinately repels the mere approach of such an emotion iu his own breast. So he attacks the orcan as a ! 'base and carnal device for distracting . the mind from holy thimrs. Ho will have no instrumental music in the church, be cause his own knowledge of the tone language is iu the dawning state.where he is hist hecinuini? to hnv a dim rarrpn. tion of the sen time timeuts of. jigs and the simpler melodies; and is just able to spell ont the meaning of thinrbnllad mnsic, with the aid of distinctly enunciated words accompaniug it ! If you are a true musician and confess to fra.v t,,at itead of having the words interpret the music, it is the mnsic that SiTes new meaning to the words and 1,,Jlt t,,e music would have the same mean- IUS to and ellect on you, witU or without words, he will uot comprehend yon and wi" undoubtedly suspect you of the ini Pty of preferring Memlelsshon to Sandy Anld, tho inventor and patentee of the buckwheat notes. There can be no con- trovcrsy that, in a whole coxoueoatiox of bkays, it would be a great mistake to introduce mnsic of a high and heavenly order, Therefore, if the stroug meat of good music causes Bro. Bray to offend, let him and his kind, teed ou musical pap till J tiino snail enl wlien. u perclrmico he fill a gets to neaven, ne win taKe a uacKseat. rencu a umigaieu siaie 01 semi-savage musical existence, when the knowledge wil) dawn upon him that music and words 1 - ....... .1 . 1 : a. : . i : t vu h.. uwmu ,.ii.....cJ..ce, l ti. .. I .. . : . .. i. V " " ,,,us,t t,lii u,l cet potency," distinct but as legitimate as praise by articulate language. Then he will astonish his own mind by discover- S lii.ic mctu is ,mnjr oni-n . iuiUg as i,",,M, v'"l "uu"" "l the flute, the violin, tho cornet, iu fact, every instrument capable of adding volume to euphonic harmony. It may eyeu be possible for the Brag brethren to see, in the course of time, the unutterable silliness and ignorance which crop Out of the sarcastic quips about "fid- dling to the praise of God ! I have no room left at present to advert to the many evils flowing out of the lack of proper culture, regulation and di rec tion of church music ; but I can tiuish this letter by relating an incident illustrative of one absurd phase of it. In a small town in Iowa, there is a church in which the singing had, to use their own word, "run completely down." It had heen led for many years by one of tlio deacons, whose voice and musical powers had been gradually giving out. One evening, on an occasion of interest, the clergyman gave out the hymn, which, j Was sung even worse than usual, the deacon, of course, leadinjr off. Upon its conclusion, the minister arose and request ' ed brother S to repeat the hymn, and try to do better, as he could Jiot conscienti ' onslv trniv after such sin inn 2. Deacon ! S .very composedly "pitched it to au other tune, 7 auu it was sung again with a manifest improvement upon the . and taken the book to give out a second , hymn, when he was interrupted by dea con S gravely getting up, and saying. in a voice audible to the whole congrega I tion, "Will Mr. L -please make aaoth er privcr t will be impossible for me to ,ilr after 8UC, praying as tfcail" Kesjiectfully, Memoriter. MISCELLANEOUS. Shocking Railroad Accident. Col umbia, Nov. 25. J. W. Jowhnsou, con , ductor of freight train No 19 ou the Greenville road, while ou tho roof of one of the cars of his train, which was com ing down, about 200 yards south of New berrv, at 3:55 p. in. to-day, fell to the ground and was instautly killed. He was not missed from the train until it had gone a number of miles. The agent at New berry found the body aud took it in charge. It is supposed that he was knock ed off by a bridge uuder which the train wasi passing. The body was terribly mangled, every bone being broken and the head badly crushed aud severed from the body. Cause ok Failure. The sudden fall iu tile stock of the Copper Knob Mining fminaiiv in Ashe couutv. in which a gentleman of this-eity was interested fron 72 to 10 cents has already been re ferred to. A New York despatch says "The failure of Mr. William Brandreth, of Copper Kuob Mining Company,; caused a stampede iu that stock to-day; It went from 72 to 10 cents a share, and demora lized! the' entire miuing stock market by destroying a good tone it seemed to be gathering. Thw stock was the nearest par of any on the list and there is no change iu the mine. But Mr. Bniudreth was too heavily loaded with it.'4-Char- J luttcJ06rrrcr. v- - i Fraudulent American Cottons, I ! -: - ' DaBS recent tour .through Lower an Amarican correspondent was oods; offered for sale purporting to be of 'American manufacture. Tbett goods cen 18te".ofa wretched flimsy fabric, filled np in ing. A large iwrtion of UKm uore w,e wom "Mexican" iu large At.' t At . EC"V Ie" and underneath the word Amef,can ln arge Arabic letters. The iravcier iouuu en consulting the official report of the Director of the Egyptian Statistical Bureau, M. Amici Bey, that no American cotton goods have been en tered nt the regular ' Egyptian custom house during the past five years. A small quantity of American t cotton goods have entered Egypt by way of Smyrna, where the greater part of the duty was paid; but all such goods were found upon inquiry to lave been of uniform excellent quality. The presence of the fraudulent "Ameri can" goods is explainable only on the theory: that the English manufacturers. who now monopolize the Egyptian mar- et, have found a new way of "spoiling the Egyptian." by palming off upon them their "cheapened" goods as American, and thus momentarily avoiding the con sequences of their cheating iu the fabric aud at the same time doing untold harm to American manufacturers. Morehead City Hotel. We are glad to learn that Dr. Black- nail, proprietor of the Yai borough House, las leased the mainmouth Morehead City Iotel for a term of years, and- will opeu the same on May 15th, as one of the lead- ng seaside resorts on the Atlantic coast. 'he Morehead Hotel has the capacity for entertaiuing fire hundred guests, and the company owning the house has given out contracts for thoroughly completing the Imildiug, ten pin alleys, billiard saloons, ritcheil, laundry, bath and boat houses, wharfage, and such other improvements and modifications as the new lessee deems necessary aud desirable for making this one of the first summer resorts iu the country.--Areic tfc Observer. i Good Work. Mr. J. H. Pike, who moved from Guilford county to about a mile of this place some time ago, has done a good j business with tobacco since he came into our midst. With the assistance of two hands, the past summer, he raised eight splendid tobacco barns, cleared ten acres of land aud made about 8,000 pounds of tobacco. He says that his entire crop is eared very nicely and thinks that he cau realize an average of $10 per hundred, at the present price tobacco is bringing on this market. Mr. A. S. Aberuathy had one-half interest in this farm, but it was entirely under the management of Mr. Pike. There are a number of farmers who have recently moved into this section, taking a great deal of interest in this line of b u si n ess. Fiedmon t Fress. The fast, indifferent and careless mode of life which we Americans pursue is well illustrated by the small number who live oil their incomes from accumulated capital, or who have investments iu seen rities. Of the former the number is esti mated at a million, while of the latter it is thought that 2,500,000 is about the fig ure. Frauce. with 37,000,000 population, has two millions, who rest coutent to draw their dividends aud rents, and 7, 500,000 who have money in bank and "securities." But then the Freueh are saving, frugal people, always with au eye to the inaiu chance, aud have rcdac ed the cost of living dowu to n mathe matical poiut. They talk politics, and live ou nothiug. We talk politics, and spend all we cau get. Xetcs d Observer. A Sxake Charmer's Frightful Death A tragical story comes up from Rock Hill, Mr. John M. Howe, a citizen ofotha place and a liquor dealer, was.kuown ns a snake charmer. He had no fear of the most venomous snakes; and indeed had a rattlesnake for a ict. Yesterday he took the snake ont of its cage, aud. was amus ing himself by allowing it to coil about his arm as he had been in the habit o doing, when suddenly it became vicious and sank its fangs into his finger. In thirty minutes Howe was dead despite the most-persistent efforts to save him. Char. Observer. Henry Lemon, a young man of Read ing, Pa., who was arrested for larceny. declared his innocence, saying that he hoped tho Almighty would strike him dumb aud paralize him if ho was guilty. In a little while he was so stricken. Wilson drawee; We learn from a pri vate leiter that the man Parker who isiu jail at Washington, charged with the murder of General Grimes, has confessed his guilt, aud W. B. Paramour, who was suspected of having instigated the vruue, has since lied to parts" unknown. i . A soap-eating match was a diversion at Springfield, Ohio. The quiekest attr of a bar of yellow soap got a priae of $5 The winner performed the feat iu less than, an hour, but was uiuclt longer in the hands of a! physician iu cousequeuee thereof, nd had besides to pay tho doctor 10V He think lie can't .affucd. to wiu.auutiitr match. . . -' ' r - Fast Mall Train; The fast mail arrived Sunday from both directions Richmond and Atlanta. It stop only ten times between Charlotte and Riehmond as follows : Junction, Sal isbory, Greensboro, Benoja, Daayfllo, Barksdahv Drake's Bmnch, JetervflU, Belle lale, making the whole distance iu nine hoars and fifty minutes, the fifty initiates being consumed in the stoppages The trip to Atlanta is made in 9 boars exactly; or rather in 8.5G comin pp and 9.04 going to Atlanta, including a loss of thirty-one minutes in stoppages, which are made at the following places : Ua4 tonia, Spartanburg, Greenville Sea era City, Toccoa City, Lulu Junction, Cow pens, Westminister aud Bel ton. Conductors Savage and Ranwm wjll 4we charge- the train on the Air-Lin . and Capt. Spraggins will conduct it thr to Greensboro on the Richmond & Dan ville. " The running time is not much, if any faster, than other schedules which-have beeu operated on the road, provided the trains have a clear sweep ; tour-times out of five they do not, having to wait on oth er trains that may be delayed, and meet ing with other delays resulting from una voidable accident, which will necessitate still faster running to make tip for lost time. CAar,-Obscrre,rt ; - Memorial to Rev. Dr. Plcmek. It has been determined that some tribute of the most substantial character should: be made to the memory oT Rer. William S. Plumer, who died recently in this city.' Revs. John Leyburn, W; U. Mnrkland. John C. Backus and J. A. Lefevre- of Baltimore, have issued a circular sug gesting that, as Dr. Plumer left but little money for his surviving family, "it is be lieved to be the most proper and worthy recognition of his eminent services to raise a sum of money as a Plumer Me morial Fund,' to be invested for the ben efit of his two surviving daughters, who shall share equally in the iutcresC thereof during their life, the survivor to receive the whole proceeds after the death of one and the fund itself to be riven, after tho mmr m death ofthe last beneficiary, to the heirs at law of the two daughters per capita.' t is projiosed to place this fund in the hands of Rev. Pev ton Harrison and Messrs. Hainiltou ; Easter aud W. W. Speuce, to be managed and finally dis posed of by them. Mrs. George Patter son and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Palmer, of this city, have undertaken the burden of the woik. " os ' " . - There are 207 tobacco factories in North Carolina. Of these Granville has 42. - t w Rockingham .11, Forsyth 30 and Stokes 2d. There are twenty-fire counties reu- w - resented. JVir tO Observer. No Exodus. The Southern papers i are unable to ascertain anything about ' the reported colored exodus move ment, wliicli, it appear., was based on information furnished by a Philadel phia who claimed to have just re turned from Alabama and Louisiana. The Alabama papers do not seetn to ' know of anything of the kind going on in that State, and the New Orleans Democrat says : "If there is any basis for the statement as far as it concerns ; Louisiaua it is not visible to the nak- ' ed eye. The colored people who went to Kansas eighteen months ago have , reported their experiences to their, friends home, and there is little likelihood of another movement of the kind, eveu if it was less pleasant and profitable to live here than it is." ' The Democrat says ordinary planta tion hands are not to be expected to flee from $2.50 a day. That is the price they now command in the su gar fields of St. James, and, pel haps, other parishes. . aa saoaoBBio - - n The Standard Sller Dollar. Washington, Nov. 29. It Js un derstood that the Secretary of- tl.e -1 Treasury will recomuieiuTtliat thesil- ver dollar be increased in weight fronT" 41 21 grains to 450 grains of silver aud that existing laws be repealed or, modified so as tu allow the recoinage of the rilver dollars stortd iu the vaults, the increase of value aud coot ' of coinage, to be paid out of the seign- j orage which, oh the silver already ooiu-' ed, amounts to over $3,350,000 and which amount wo;i Id pay for the in creased vajueof tUt silver dollar." The Secretary urges this as the iuot hoiiet way of making t he silver dollar a part r ofourcn rney. A btq in the right direction lias beu taken by the tltreelwrs of tho Paris, Lyons,' aud Marseilles, Kail way, who have brought uuder con sideration a proiosal lol enable every .servant of the company to have a half or a whole uat ot rest every oeek, !. and, if iiossiWe tli.a.t it fcUajt "i? ct Sunday. . - - -.t i --!; i r-r'-" Ti S i t f l : ! nt- 'A-"ti"t h i 1 ' -l r !! I 'I' :! ft . -. i - M.K.- i - i -I 1 i V -I