li . 3 ft' fii- ', Carolina Watchman TliUKSDAY, DEC. 1), Je'80.v Chang, the Chinese giant, fett high nnd vrell proportioned, Iian nrrived at New York. s ' 1. TlKpAXD BlUNEb TO DATII.-p-TVO d negroes near Laurinburg, having two small I grand children in charge, tied them bear the fire in the hearth, . before going to the fields to work, to keep'thetu ' oat of the fire and to keep them warm. A little jwhile aftwy the'house was pn fire nnd the old people returned to find tlie charred remain of the children jwhere they were tied. ' j : I ; -Is IT Tkce. We have seen a s para graph going the rouiids of the press for weeks to this effect: "Wolves are de- 1 roving the sheep in Montgomery county If Montirouiery county N. C, is meant, we believe it is an error. We have known u good deal of that County for more than fifty years and never before heard of wolves there. They have deer,1 plenty of - foxesJ 'possums, coons, squirrels bull anakea, musk rats, otters, "old hares," tec. &c, but no wolves. f '"'). I COXG11ESS v j ' ; . met on Mondiv.,rand the 'members neuti some tinie in handshaking and congratulations before the Speaker's gavel called them to order. 227 answered to ill roll call iu the House, and a com- luitteej was appointed to uotifjr the Presi dent of their readiness to lcceivo any communication he had to make, f Some ilinrnssion ensued on an attempt to call no forkctiou the Senate joint resolutionJ prescribing the method of counting . the dectoalotc, but it was permitted to lie over for a day or two, and will come - up as i privilege question Mr. iWeaver desired to offer the follow ing resolution : WirtKEAS. Grave abuses exist in the ' management of commerce between the States whereby tne prouuciug anu snip dim? interests otV the country are con stautly compelled to pay the most un just and exhorbi taut rates for transpor tation!: therefore, liesolred, That in the judgment of this llouso it is the duty of the general cbvernineut to at oace exercise its con stUutioual rights tit regulate commerce lwtweeii the States by the passairo of such laws and establishing such regula tions as will secure to the whole people just add impartial rates tor the ranspor tationjof both fiieght and passenger. About two-thirds of the Senators were present! The 3rst busluess, in ttiQ Seu- ate was to admit James Lu Pugh,' to fill i ths uujexpiredterm of Geo. S. Houston, dec'd.J of Ala j and Joseph E. Brown, in . the place of Senator GAirdonof Georgia, resigned. : At 1:30 the President's message was re? ccived and read, . I The president say 3 the ready ncqu i sence by. the pcoxle of the country iu the resullrtof the" late election cannot !fail to impress the people of o)ier nations of me strpugui ana superruniv ot iiepuou - can government, - ' ' He says the continued opposition to a full and free enjoy meut of the rights ot citizenship, conferred, upon the colored peoplejstUl prevails in several of the late ulaveholdiug States; that it has been manifested by fraudulent practices in conoection with. ballots, with the regu lations as to the plans- and manner of Toting' and with counting, returningjind I canvassing the votes cast, to the extent i of defeating the right of suffrage.. Wonder if Hayes speaks by tli book, or te-he ouly guessing. ; I Ho says it is the desire of the people of - the whole country that sectional ism aliould disappear) but 1hat it is depeudent on a strict compliance with the amendments totheticonstitatiou as the legitimate re suits o the war. in other words sectional ism will continue so long as the negroes fail tocarry the elections in those States of the South in which they 'are iu the ptajority.1 lint we cannot give a full abstract of this Message at present, will present ft in our Jiexc. , ... MuiBEST AHEAin-TRe stockholders ofv the li. li. connecting Goldsboro and the sea! coast at Morehead'iity, ' are cou siderifltWoproiositk)n3toi tease the road. tOnepropositioii is niatle;'byk J. F. Divine, , and U. JtridgersywiHi" the Wilmiugtoo, and Veldon K. 11 Co., as security, at au annual rental of $33,000. And ii r. W. J . Best, puts1 in a bid nt $34,00tt.' yar, with ciish ' or first tlass suretiesas ""securttyi The XcicberRhn mentions - it as "ft strango : fact iltiit the stockholders of the road have indicated decided' preference for- the $33,000 bid, and that too, iu the face of titer' evident design of; Mr, Best to make- the rood a trunk Upe from - the mountains to the sea: and in the face of -the-fact that k neither jWilmingtoa uor Weldoti have auy. view, which does not begin trad eud : and hi tie advancement of tlieir interest Xo thti detriment' of Xewberu, and More liead tas shijng ports, The"qUeslioii, K liy'the action 6r tle Governor, has-been held back for the - consideration of ' the General Assembly, which' body, as -in j duty bound, will sltape thsir actiotywith especial reference to the " iuterestcf the State. . i - j It is said that atr effort will be made to induceGeneral Garfield, tlie -Prfesidgut-blectj to-put Senator Brace in Ills cabiiret us a representative of the colored raeei Mr. ILiytok ap Fred.-DouglaM; why fcliouldij't Garfield tke up Bruce iChar. Ubstrcer ' y S. H7frwinrof U4o Jreek, Colfax Co., Neiar Mixic4, says; My wilua been cur- id of a'cdugh iA thirty yuarii standing by weaving ku. Oiiiy Lang Pad." See adv. ' - Washington X-ettcr. The Capitol and Capital prepared for their Onetit$Xh0n'8vfoKTpeHge I Uncle Sam FobU theyiBilltlmportaii I . Com x. wmjf Chamjeg. w;the P.trsottcl of . the t:eo From out1 Regular Correspondent. Wasihxotox; V. C., Dec. 4, 1830. There is a bmy turmoil of preparation in the capital and throughout the capital f the United States. The hall of the House of Kepresentatives and the Senate chamber have been jvashed, pvlished, swept, dustejd.and recai-jjeted for the re ception of the.jational legislature. Coin mittee rocmsihave been pnt in order and made tidy for statesmen j who will plant number nines on cusliioned chairs, and squirt tobacco juice on velvet carpets. No government offices iu the world are so luxuriously furnished as1 ourarcand the severe piaiuess of the committee rooms of the House of Pailiament, in Loudon, and of the ofJcea of the Bank of England are in striking and suggestive contrast with the gorgeons talons thatmay befoiind in the United States Capital, Treasury, War, Navy, Stater Interior, d Office De partments. jThere Is no reason why a govern men tofiicc should be more expen sively furnished than "thie office of a pri vate individual, and the remark, so com mon with contractors and those who let the contracts : Whojires for expenses j Uncle Sam foots the bills," is no reason why the government clerk should be hous- ed as daintily as Cora Pearl or Sara Bern- haidr. : The arrivals of meuibers have lie-eii quite numeious within the last two days. Speaker Baudall has been in the city ice the firt of the week. lie expresses the opinion that there will be au exciting session, ; Members of Con sress l who have made careful estimates of thej results of recent elections, figure a decided Republican ma jority in the House. Tlie roll of the next Congress will most prbbablv show 153 Republicans to 14(? Delnoci-ats, giving the former a majority of thirteen. The changes in -the- ieroucl of tho House of Representatives that will conie in after tlje 4th of March next, will be ve ry marked. One hundred and four of the present Congress will have their names on the roll of the 4?th Congress, Kan sas, Maine, New Hampshire, South Caro lina and Texas arc the only States Iiavinn more than one represeiitative, that re elect their present delegations. Of the senators, Messi-s. Eaton, McDon ald, Bruce., Sharon, Randolph, Kernan, Thuruian, Wallace and Withers will not respond in-theOth, Congix-ss, - because their successor haA'e citiier been elected or there have been-.sueh political revolu tions as will certainly cause changes. There is, as yet, not much light on the question of the reorganization Gf the next Senate. It will depend on the so-called independents, Senators Davis nud Ma- hone uponluj neu' senator .to bo elecU'd iu Tennessee;; and upon Senator-elect Fair, of Neyadaio rumor iys, is now leaning Kepubliftm-wait!. - ' .,' J - ' " " Work on the Western North CaroUna Railroad. Personal Inspection of What is lie ituj Done. DesiiTug to inform j ourselves, and thereby the better inform tho outside world, on Tuesday we accepted an invi tation from Capt. J. MJ Jones to inspect the work he lias done on the Paint Rock branch and the Western division of tho W. N. C. R. R., since the first day of September, with an average fore of uotrS'The corporations who have got into more than 100 hands. Capt. J. commenced his work at the mouth of Smith's Creek, at tho western terminus oftbc bridge which is to span the French Broad iiamediately at Ashe- ville, and continues three miles down the French lkoad, skit ting the high bluff which overlook the river on that side. No work has hitherto been done on these three iniles7and embraced iiu.this dis tance is an .amount of heavev rock work winch would appal the strongest heart other than practiced hand ; but this diffi culty, together with the minor ones of leaping from bluff to bluff, Jias been well high overcome iu thre 'months under the eye and conti-ol of Capt. J. His force has been recently augmented tbmortvthan 150 laboi ers, agd henow asserts tliat by tho first day ofalinirlr he wiil have his three milees of "roadbed eady for tho iron-and wettjawwJia4'M Can do. . ::" --v-fv. ' The si x iuilesUelovj hiuiinuch of which has' hciSetoTorfr jbeeii graded- is ttnder the management jof Mr.. MacFar land, and the latter gentleman expects to meet Capt. Jones by the time ho com pletes his sectiou which will place the road ready for the iron virtually to Alex ander's early iu January. All this work has been done since the first of September, and the' bridges with which to span the Swannauoa and French Broad are being framed and will soon be ready to be put up and yet, . there are those who, for what puriose we know not, still assert that nothing will be done towards the completion "of the 'two brauches of the road, j In the meantime Capt. Jones has been working a part of his' force on the Duck town line near Clay touV. mills and his instructions are, as soon as he finishes ItU present section on the river, to throw 200, hands on the lino; towards Pigeon, and to push tlie Work in that' direction as rapidly as possible. The fulV survey of the roivd ,-to Pigeon Kiver has been piacel in his hands and he , knows what is U-foi-ehim. ' j " ! . Withih the. Jast woet the State has sent up u large nmnber of convict8,aiid within the next week or' two the Stated quota of 500 laborers '111 ie; placed on the two roads this quota lias never ueen full siuco the sale f. the road.'.?--"t- " For the tiret tiin'tf in tho history of the road-siiicc the comnieucemeut of work by the State.. several years J since those in charge of the work ore furnished with necessary tools and equipments in order to prosecute the work prei-ly,' and con sequently the same amouut of labor can now- b worked to 50 ier cent, advantage over what was formeily done. ' , -Parties -are now in New. York pnr chashing jron for the road, with tho view of placing it down as fast as! the bed shall be prepared ; the general order along the whole line is forward ! Aud wo may confidently expect to sto the ro;ids to Pigeon River and Paint Rock graded as rapidly nshumaii energy can accomplish tho wrk. Ashevilk Citi:cn, j . : Judge Black on Railroads. - i The business of New York being so de pendent on the railroads, the question of controling those greiit winks which tend towards that city has ussnmed pressing importance. The New York Assembly appointed a committee to investigate the matter two yers since, and! we were sur prised to find that the chief officers to whom' 'were, committed thc responsible function of fixing rates stated under oath that the rates agreed on were. tint found ed on any principle, nor ooreany relation to the cost of crrriage.. Of the actual cost of transportation, these officers stated they were ignorant. hnrely they were incompetent and ought to have been t oiice displaced. Railroading is not only a business, but a most important business, and every ele meut which affects the working of a road ought to be understood by j those officers charged with fixing the rates of carriage. There is no mystery in tho matter it merely requires attention to details. Be canso of he powrrful influence which these corporations, exert upon tlie business prosperity of New York city, its chamber of Commerce has appointed a torn mittee on rail roads, and these have obtained from Judge Blacli his opinion on the question of the control of railroads bv State au thority. Judge Black takes an extreme view, but his view is getting to be large ly entertained by thoughtful lawyers. In what is known as the Dartmouth College case, Mr. Webster insisted that charters ot incorporation were con tracts. Thecourt long hesitated, and it was supposed were about to decide adversely to Mr. Web ster's argnmeht, but it is now said that some unusual influence was brought to bear niton the couit, aud a decision was made but little anticipated, which has been very far-reaching in its effects. For half a century the country has submitted to that decision ; but of late years it has been greatly questioned and the tendency of tlie courts is to emasculate it bv uiviii" prominence to the well settled priuciple that property used in and about tlie pub lic becomes impressed with'the character of public property and is subject to rea sonable control of the public expressed through the Legislature. And just as the records of our courts show that tho old time judges and justices used to fix the price of drinks and of board at the taverns so now the right is claimed for tho Legis lature to fix the price of carrying the public and its grain upon i the railroads. Judre Black takes this view and savs: "A public highway cannot bo private property, and a railroad laid out and built oy the authority of the State for the pur- Mises of commerce is as much a public highway as a turnpike road, canal, or nav igable river." And he again savs : J the habit of calling themselves 'the owners of the railroads have no proprietary right, titlej or claim to the roads themselves but a mere franchise annexed to and exercisa ble thereon. They are the agents of the State for the performance of a public duty. If tiio franchise be forfeited or surrender ed, or if it expire by efflux of time, the State takes possession of the road, and runs it herself, or employs a new agent. The company cannot keep the road any more than au outgoing collector of u port can' appropriate' to himself the custom house where he did his official work." Speaking of the unlawful practice of granting rebates, he s.ays 'Suc!i wrongs as these' are done, not only in a few sporadic cases, but gener. 1 y and habitually on a Aery large scale. Certain oil men, whose refinery was on Long Island, got rebates amounting to $10,000,000 in eighteen months ; , and seventy-nine houses (I believe that is tho number) engaged iu the same business were broken up" In conclusion, he remarks : 'I maintain that all the. States have a clear and indefensible right to protect their people against such wrongs, and to exercise tlie power as a sacred duty. .When that duty is properly performed the inter nal trade of each, State will ceaso to be enslaved and crippled as it is now. "But the coiunierco between the States will still be open to inequalities, aud liable to oppression aud plunder by transportation companies unless the national Legislature does something to save it. Congress has power 'to regulate commerce between the States.5" "' .. "It is not strictly within the scope of tliat authority when it makes a law for bidding carriers through the State to in jure, impede, or destroy the general trade of .the country by extravagaut and dis- cnniinaung cunrgesT ii mat ue not a regulation of inter-State commerce, what would be I The power bing conceded, an effectual mode of righting the wrongs now complained of can easily be devised.?, . Baltimore. Md. J baveosed Dr. BulPs Cough Syrup ersoualiy aud iu my fami ly lor two or thrtns years.' and am prepar ed to say that there is nothing to compare To it us a remedy for Coughs, Colds, etc, James Come, Dentist. t Conference AppoIntinctt Greexsbo&o Dxsxbict Wv JL? Bpbbitt, Gretnboro D. R. Bruton. j Guilford T, li. Edwards. j Pleasant Gardeu--J. B. parpen jteiy; Frnnklinaville-UV. ?. Hales. liiindleman's Station B. CV Philips. Randolph C.jL Pillips, I, F. Keraus, supply. - ; , j Trinity B. Craven, Thomasville aid High Point J. J. Renn. Dnvidspu MjssionS. A. Cecil. : Wjuston C. C. Dodson. , Forsyth T. H. Pcgraui. . Stokes P. L. Groom, S. H. Helsabeck. Madison rf SI, Campbell. . Dan River Mission C. W. King. Weutworth P. L. Herman. Trinity Collegb B. Craveu, president. Salisbury District Wm. S. Black, P. E. . " J Salisbury L. V.. Crawford. Salisbury--Wi S.. Creasy. Mocksville T. A.Joon, W. C. Wilson. Davic-J. W;MRandle. ; Concord Station T. W. Smith. Concord Circuit D. Earnhart. Mount Plctswt Z. Rush. Albemarle-C 3L Peppfcr, W. T. Cutck- Staiily J. D. parpen ter. Lexi ngton Station r L. E. Tliom pson. DiVidson 'J. W; Lewis; Uwhanie .R. M. Brown. j Statesvlke Pst. R. G. Barrett, P. E. Statesville Sta B. R. Hall. Statesville Cir T. L. ' Triplett, X. S. Norton. .j Mooresvlle J, T- Harriss. Iredell J. Saiifonl.. Rock Springs M. V. Sherrill. Newton P. F. Stanley. Alexander S. D. Peeler. Caldwell H. F. Wiley. Lenoir Cir To be supplied. Wilkes E. J. Eudaily. Roaring River: Miss. J.F.Craven. Surry C. G. Little. . Mt. Airy N. Ei Coltrane. Yadkin ville J. C. Howe. Pilot Mountain Miss. J. Wilson. A Collar of Fire. PiTTseynG, pec. 2. A thrilling acci dent 'occurred at tp American Iron Works, on South Side, this afternoon. Wliile Robert Moore was at work at his rolls his catcher failed to seize with his tongs a bar of white-hot iron, which had been placed between the rolls. The iron twisted itself thrice around the rolls, forming a "collar." The catcher struck tne iron, when ttiere olew oil a piece in shape of a ring with a. stem twenty inches long. Running oft' at right angles to the circle the band flew back and fell around Moore's head, resting on his shoulders. Quick as thought he grabbed the long stem with his tongs and the white-hot ring with his hand, and with steady nerve and gentle movement lifted the fiery thing from his'shouWeTS. His 'face was badly burned ly the; heat emitted from the iron and the rlesli of his hand was cut into the bone. Afterwards he put tlie ring over his head. It was but tnro inches lamer in diameter than his head. Railroad Matters. Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge AorA Carolina Midland General Xotct. Maj. S. M. Vhiger, of Newton, was iu the city yesterday, returning from a meeting of the board of directors of the Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauiie Rail road, at Dallas. Tlie directors boarded a train night liefore last, and made the first trip over the Simth Fork river bridge, just completed. The bridge is descrilied as a substantial structure aud a credit to the builders, private contractors from Atlanta. At a meeting of the board the financial condition of the company was discovered to be : such as to justify them in pushing tho work forward to com pletion as far as Newton. With the ex ception of a half mile, or something of the kind, in the vicinity of Lincoluton the grading is completed to Newton, and the building of the trestles has heeui pro- vidd for. The company already has sufficient iron to lay the track to within four miles of Newton, and this has al ready I ecu pai tly distributed. It is ex pected that trains will be running to Newton by tho early part of the sum mer. Char. Observer. a '- One Need of Knnutactorles. A few days; since, we spoke of the need for Victories iu this city, saying : "What could not Kaliegh do if her eo- ple had some enterprise t When we . sec what other places have done aud are doiug in a nmuufueturiug way, we should remember what' might be done jhere. There are now about twenty lobneeo factories in Winston for manufacturing the leaf iuto chewing and smoking to bacco, and three large warehouses for the sale of the leaf." I Commenting on this that excellent paper, the Fayetteville Examiner says it hopes we are mistaken in the implica tion of a waut of euergy on the part of the people of Raleigh. . It goes on to. say: tlie statcuieui is certainly true as to the immense value of manufacturing to a section or community. Cotton mills, woolen mills, tobacco factories, .Jron foundries, and other her enterprises of like character are the great motive pow ers which build up towns, enhance the value of real estate, put capital to work and money iu circulation, and contribute to the general proierity by the employ ment of skilled and remuaerative labor. lialeigh Observer. .. . . . ... ' Show may be purchased, but happi ness U alwaysa home-made article. Tho fatal Feast. Fit liner PartieuUirt, of 'ait " Unfortunate Occurrence in Tennessee. ' . , . " ' - ' . . KsoxvitLK, November 29. Further particulars have been received of a terri ble ioisouiug case in 'this State. The marriage of Joel Hambreo and Miss Jane Dale, of Roune count v, drew together a large company of tlieir friends aud . rela- tivus, who belong to the prominent fami lies Iu the viciuity. The' wedding bad long been talked of, and was the social event of the year. Aftei the ceremony the compiiny was invited to the hospita ble board of Col. Dale, the bride aud bridegroom iu the menu time withdraw ing. The table was bountifully supplied nud all ate heartily. Tlie evening was 8 pent iu festivities, j Another supper was served. After the second meal several guests began complaining of illness, but it was laughed off and the gayety contin tied. About 1 1 o'clock a sudden lethargy seemed to overtake tho whole company and in a few minutes 27 were unconscious. The few who retained consciousness set themselvels at work to resuscitate their companions, but without avail, f Twelve were removed to other . houses in ; tho neighborhood, and as the news spread the whole country-round was aroused with excitement, as nearly every promi- nent family, had members present at the fatal feast. Such medical aid as could be summoned could give little relief, and two days after the occurrence six of j the w eliding guest were dead. Robert Dale ii .. .1 Ai .1 . a. .1 ' me onue s lamer, uieu uext uay. .uiku May, a relative of i the groom, died in a few hours. Albert Gallagher and Miss Mattie Lovelace, well knowu young peo ple, died next day. The young girls, Emma Peters aud Kate Lowey. died within 24 hours. Col. Dale aud his wife arc very low, aud their death is inomem tarily expected. The cause of the trage dy was the use of arsenic instead of salt iu seasouiug the chickens. Col. Dale purchased a quantity of arsenic a day or two before to kill crows, and carelessly left it iu the kitchen. A blundering ser- vaut mistook it for salt hence the fatal results. Only those who partook of the chickeu were Risoned, A Modern School Dialogue. The following incident ought to have already occurred in some of our public schools : Teacher Class iu arithmetic fall in. The boys fall in. .Teacher Now, 0038, what is this I have in my hand T All the boys It's a dollar. Teacher Yes, it's a legal tender dol lar. It is called the dollar of the fathers. How much silver does it contain t Small boy 4 12i grains. Teacher That's right. Now, what do yon call this ? It is also a silver dollar, but what U it called? Small boy (after examination) It's a trade dollai. TVacher That's right. (ow,hov much silver does it contain 1 Small boy 420 grains, Teacher how much is it worth T No answer from tho boys. Teacher Well, it is worth 90 cents. All the boys It is worth 00 cents. Teacher Now, boys, tell me why it is that the dollar containing 412 grains of silver is wjrth 100 cents, while, the dol lar containing 420 grains is worth only 90 cents T Head of tlie class Dam fin o. Teacher The class is dismiss ed. Come to" Gut kf. Elsewhere in this paper will be found an account of the vil liauies of Charles Anchisi, who is reported to have swindled parties iu Giccusboro to the extent of a thousand dollars or more, besides doing an extensive business of the same kiud in other sections of the country. From the description of the man and his name there can be but Utile doubt of his being the same person who some six or eight years ago, was a con spicuous character in the Courts of this State, taking an active part in having persons arrested and furnishing evidence against them. At that time ho was re cognized by tho United authorities, here abouts as a most valuable auxilliary of tlie department of justice. Char. Ob. Charlotte is to have a singing elass. Good. W. A. Titus, Of? Ashland Avenue, Tol edo, Ohio, says :' My wife is now as strong as ever, her regained health being direct ly due to the use of the Excelsior Kidney Pad. We can lieartily recommend it to all kidney troubled persons, See adv. Poor Shooting- Taking pills and potions is like shoot ing with the eyes shut. "When you are Languid, Gloomy, Sore with Sour Stom ach, Pains in the body and limbs. Yellow eyes, skin nnd tongue, a bad Coiigh, Dis pesia, Diarrhoea and other miseries, take no doses nse Dr. Flaggs Improved Liv er aud Stomach Pad and be cured. POST OFFICE HOTIGE ! From January 1st 1880, Box rent will be due 1 dollar per quarter, payable in ad vance. . D. L. Urinous, P. M. i . ' TRUST SALE! By virtue of a Mortgage executed by Eph raira Heilie to Alfred Hoiftboum-r. dird Mar 25th, 1878, andresixtered in Book 54. ! inure .M6, and apon which default has been made, I will sell at public sale at the Court Hnne in Salisbury, on Monday the 10th davof Jan- nary 1831, at 1 o'elok, p. m , One tract, of V 1 . ; OA .! . J . . Liana containing ov acre, adjoining me undH of Alex. Miller, P. A,(uble, Chan. Holahou- ser and Jee M iljer. Term el. ; ALFKKD HOL8IIOUti2R,Trurtee Dec 8th, 18S0. '. 8:lm-pd .-; MEBTING.OP THE ". STOeiCHOIiDERS And JBoari? of 'Directors of the Yadlin t Aiuuroau company. Notice is htrebv given that a meeting of the Stockholders 6l Ihe A'adkin Railroad Com pany will be held in the town of Salisbury on Tuesday the 2lt- day of Decttnber,-1&80, for the puipote, 91 reorganizing Mid company, and for oluerpurposca. At the same time' and place will be held a meeting bf Ihfc Board of Directorx of i-ald Coin- pany-i A:Aiiattendance of fetockholdt-rs and birectorats erneftly desired l-'T K HEILIO, Prwident. SiliBbbry;X'U.,.Dee. y, lbU. obtained for new inventions, or for imnxove menw in old ones. Caveat, - Infringementi", Trade-Mai 'kndall patent bt:s!nei piompt ly attended tov - ; - . . -'. Inventions . that h ave teen PvCj scted may still, in mol cae, be patented by iw. Being opiwlte the U.S. Patent Office and n- KageU; t Patent4 Buines-Ezclnsively, we can secure patent in le time than those who are remote from Washington." " When Inventors send model or sketch, we make search 19 the Patent Oiliee, and advise as to its pateWbility- free of charge. Corres pondence confi'deKt'ial ; fcf reopcnahle; and No Charge Unless Patent is Obtained. Wewfer hermirtion to the Uiiv I'wt mnrteriJind tpih, $njyfun.lefldcnt ofthe Pol t)ffice Money VVrfler JJi.vlf ion in 'Washsngtuft. For aieinl Ufen.'"c4i,cn'tftr.-Jii'lvice. terms, &c , addres-r! k- SHOW & CO. .Opposite PatgQt Ojcej Wa.hington, D. C, S:tf . " ' 5- - AUIESTING Ot the StocMioiderof the "Western North Carolina RaU Road company organized untir An Act oi the General Assetnhty of North Carolina, rat!3ed March th. ldSj. will be heW at the otnee ot- the Company In Salt5tury, Wednestt.iy, Dec. iid, lseo, at la o'locK. M- .' - J. P. CAUDAOAX, Sec'y. T:3t HOGS PENNED! Considering that 1 am entitled to pro tection against ,'toek under tho general Sttck Laws" nod ordinances of the town of Salisbury, I have been under tho ne cessity, for .the protection of growing pen up a uuniber of hogs, and will continue to. do sons they come upon my premises. Persons missing hogs, inay come and see: if they are in my pen, pay charges and hike them away. 7i3t S. 1. IIauuison. 15 Stop Organs, Sub Easa and Coupler Only S65 3est in the U. S. OEN YOUR XYSS WiO brforc you Fend North tor instrument" feirt'ad eKlo advertisements do notalwaysteUttoeexrtct truih. BETTER instru ments at mm Orli fr&xHcjin be had neiirer home Hee these offera; QRQ4NS-lst.p, 4 eto Heed, iub Ila tind Coupler, limu&fnl ltxe, (hthj $iK; 6 SUpa 4 mt lleed, -onfoWif; t St , 3 neti ;eeds, 53. btOt)l ftiwl Book lncluae.1. PIANO -l Oct., larne ise. Jiieh K(fird V'taci on!f4; V-Ct, urflrtt ttizis, anijt fH; Ort., .Syimr Uai.uU extra Utrg", Magifict Otic oivf25. stool and Cover Included. Alitroni old and rfllaWe toaUers. juid fully $ruarantee.U 15 days test trial. ve pay fi-elsrht II not satLstaUiry. Positively the host h:ir;ii us tn the U . s. .V Mixtntr about thi. We. nuenn tusnPis and competition with the. world, SenI for-t'utl Vrt.-tH isst. it ivlU pay you. Address L.5JD05N BATES' SOyTHE.RN MUSIC HOUSt. SAVA'NaVi.'GA 6Ut ' : i hi .Vi:v--. : TkB:wwm: hotel, . . SALlSBUOTvN,0., IS FOR RENT! Tne nndersujreir o'Ht-ri tlie above valuable nroiiertt'for mil' ftir tine tr more ears. It in miniated in tiievce-hicr'tif. ihe bnsine portion of the city, ;in ilnnniUy futed in all respects I'or a pnljlic lio:ise. It lias been for years the most popular Hotel in the city, readily com manding the iprcfcrt-nce of visitors of all classes. . Xefjua I'iUthI, Address, ' M. L. HOLMES, Agt. 6:1m LAMDRETHS J m SEEDS li bo said m voor cab rot them bv ibtL xm a. Iutal Card for Cmtm. ka od Prices. T Oldest adnoxUlSe Orotrrt in Ol fMtn States. s best mm toii.Tna mni fD I I II I I AUVJL notiuy until you have seen it t2T FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. OCT CO x ULi Li.. yureriic And all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs by wearing the IMPROVED EXCELSOIR KIDKEY PAD It is aj Mar vcl of Healing and Ecliei Simple, Sensib Painless Powerful, It CUKES where all ele fail-. A EEVE LA.TI0N and REVOLUTION In Medicine Absorption or direct appliclionras opMwe! to nnsatislactorv internal loeuicines. send foi our treatise on Khlr.e? ironbles, nent free. Sold bjr druggisui, or aeht by mail on receipt off Tnta la tbe Uqm, p q Original . "O yv' time Kidney rad. ' Ask for It-fund 1 raiiains Block, k Ache take no ether. -vt - - DETROIT, MICH THE BEST PflPtHTT: BEAUTIFULLY ULUSTBATEfl M)t Sfitntiir iitftjfi Tlie Sciistfic Avcricak N a UrtJ - -" Clans. Weekly XrWr of SiJeTV printed in the most beautiful Rtyip ' lges, illustrated with splendid tmoraeuJtljS Ibe newest mventiona and themiilfr vance in the art and science? ini.r "r. and interesting facts in AgrictJiure 11 HF tnre. the Home. Health HUd.v.i ,f l,0ru . , -" ""i ro2re tronomy. : The most Talaable'braetirl7, ' by cminentwriiera in.ll J,Je . wiir be t,nd in lb. JStZSt'- 5 T whicl .v.. . i Aicount to A sen i - .17 'r-'. . . -y,v U p.- .11 Co., Pnblh.hers, STrkioS PATENTS. I connectiM, SciKXTinc Americak, Messrs Mara i? are Sohcitbni ol American and lor.uJp. enU, have had 33 year exirience li t hare the larger establishment in tL iT Patents are obtained on the bet lernm A cial notice is maden the Scientific ii, of all inventions patented through hu "C ' with name and residence o fib e p..,,,,, ,ten(ly - Any person who has made a new diseWtVr or invention, csn ascertain, free of thS ' whether a patent can probably ,,hi;7 by writinpto Mn &U, We . i our Hand Itook about tin rai.urUw paienk cured, w.lh hint or procuring a.lvaesj vivtina AHilroui ,.11.. . vt MTTNH & C0 37 P;;kl; ' Officccor. F & 7th St, Wt': Branch ton, D. C THE LATEST JEVSJ - Is THAT ! i Klultz I Reiinn Have tho Largest and most complcto " STOCK OF new goods n they have ever offered. Just read and get a inruu-eyo view ot wliat t hoy now have in store : ' ;4 Dress Goods, from Sctip ; Wool Deliijaii at 15c. DonieHlicn from 5c tip. t'alicots, btt 8e. C.ssimeie, Jeans Flannels, Liusi-yK, Shawl'-?-Cloaks and a full asorlim-iil of " jj Dry Goods and Motions. :..v.. A cuinpltte tlock ol .Sl, tj li()0(St ItougLti ' of Manufacturer)-, and will be .ol! js Hiei'p ji the cheapest. We have tlie unexcelled Biy State and Wetmore SI.oik, A full line of; Mcu'h llals. and Ladion trinininl a ml nninn,.'. -med Hats very clrcap. full .aworinient of CX.OTHIKG VERY CHEAP. ' The largest ftK-k of S b i ri t in tbe'jilace. " ' " Groceries at bottom prices. F.ihl or tea7" kinds of L'oHVe from 12Ac up to theibwt Mo-' cha. lCij;bt variclicKul Srup ami Molarnes . very cheap. A good assoruuent of Sugar I. w. as can le had in rtie place; 1-to 14 kind! -of Tobacco, cheapei-t m tbe bol tu be Lnl hi': ' any niarkcl. Bacon, Lard, Salt, F!our, Meal " V leather, &.c. . ' !,k We bave a lar-je lot of Late Croj- Potatoen ., . now on band, v-eiy Ihie. A iarj.'' lock pf'ff ble Ware, and many osefid crit ics at "m." ; We buy an-.l sell all kinds of Coimtrr l'r -diu'e for cafh or barltr. Ue uie at)l "ft u ' lefre vou bnror il ' i ' Oct. 20, 1S80. . l:nm Admin istralo r s Sale I On Salnrday, the 4lb day of L'trembef next, at tbe Court 1 louse, iloor in .NilUbury, j will, ofler for sale tbe reversionary inwrcl in , ... John McHorie Uoinsl( al, on -Fulton Street 'Z in tbe North Ward of Saliwhury, being the Ilouxe and Lot omwisitt V. l- fluili.-r'ii rt. i -. oeoce, ann now occupied oy nane i rue. ! H Tbe widow of John McHorie bad dower as signed her including lb.ii pro'ierty. Terms of fait Oie-tliird of tbe piircliace ' money must he paid on dan-of sale, and a credit of kix and twelve month' Tor the other' : two-thirds will le giren. with interest frory -..j,'" day of sale, liond with approved warily . for deferred payments will be required, and ' title reserved until all the purchatie nibiicy 1 ; '5 paid. V By order of Cotwt. . LtJKE BLACKMEB.; ' Oct. 25, 1SS0 Gw C'onimishioner.! . SOW-IS THE TIME TO SUnSCRIS FOR THE WATCHMAN B.C. BIBB & SON Iron Founders, BALTIMORE, MD. Manolactare a desirable line of ll-ntlp and Cocking Stoves, including the renowned The most perfect In operation, ttrclT In appearance, and UneqnlI for durability. Vo ,f j Cures ly ABSORS-TIOH (Natarei waj.f- ITJNG DISEASES,, TEEOAT DISEASES RTlEATHINQTRnOBIg ALL It T)riv TnfA the rvstem cnrative S and healing meilicincs. n. . 3 It Draws From the diseased part UI re ClKlx'hJ"s that cause death.. . -t r'4 CS5.Thonsands Testify to its VirtutK. Yea Can Bs Relieved Ai iDon't denmir nnlil you have tihd hi B; , '1 de. Easily At lied E A D I C A I .: J EFFECTUAL Eemedy. f j Sold hr Drrgsists, or aent by mail on rti j eipt of fnce, .uu, j . v-iv The "Only' Lung Pad CJ. VllllamsJoJ00 Send for testt nonlalsandour l)OOk "1 HVKK ' sent free. A fli -I i 1-V