i ; t ; i 1 i 3 i !1" 0 : r i ' 1 ' A, ! I S 1 f, ; 'it j ? i-H i hi plmnre! of Li f c. : , UeUUa JH r ihe rtjr lie should go, and Pjg )8 -sQ.wnjo.n feajtJuns f Tke QrltJ is Hk. Jantera fjen years convert fins populatiou of n1ionlt uitrt man and women, the young it fathers and " matrons make and mar fMrtune, and bury f. f.L u.Mt!A lm( Attn I and Twenty years convert infants intof, heea wmjng' for Jilni,' know- Joyerv fathers and mothers deeide pienVfjrtunes anaidisticfltiiins, con- vert active inieflT an wotnen into prawliig drivelers, anil bury all pre- peding:generations. f ' Thirty years raise an active genera- ion frdm nonentity,' change fa&nna f ing"; beauties into bearaole ,: , i old wo- wen, convert loyers into groudtatn- die in the attempt. i rs;andry thj active generation, lVe bet ten dollars that he can't, ir reduce them to depreptitude and f one of die group to the al fabecitity." i : dermanas he came to a halt. Forty years, alas change! the face Whyt he must be a fool V replied pf all society, v Infants - are ;growthg the official, as he looked from the man pld, the bloom of y yoijtli and beauty to the hay, - v -: -lias passed .away, twa active genera I can't. eli?L!querried the, con- tions have been swept from the stage pf life, names once cherished are for- fame have started from the exhaust- Imi xaeimU nf niitnre. i ' v I r AtlCf MHIIl 1OJO; I - - T I In TTrlrrliall fTIiriatl-irl UfritM Of nl , i. . . i came tpe? his observation. ' Cuming tVnm a rpiiaiotift maimer sometime I L 'JL r rtK;i;tv ttnl int re, v. ..v.-...v wrrv. . a private circle of friends one "of t . " . . . f .. fall na lohi-kiif vmir con whn tlirrl ml r" r. t " Africa.' L ' jis )qr4sl)ip narratetj the follow- ?nrr incident ? , i Car boy was the darling of his inothtr and his lather's fayopfe .il" i w ii i i i i . i a j i o ' u But he left usf and went to South 4 i in i ? Afnca, AV hen Ije Ie us he yas mi- ponveVted, and this was oqr ebief sor row. He had not- been Jong in Africa vheu we receiyptj a letter to the fol lowing effect: 'My J)E4i? Father: You will be erry to hear that J have niet an ac pidenti J am unable to write much. The doctor hopes that in a day or Jwo I shall be better, I will let yon jcnow.ina day or two, it I am able 'O.' said he. 'if there had oul Leeo in. itone sneh expression as 'by God providence or if the Iord VriU.'t ! , JluUhere was no recognition of God; andl the father grieved lest his son fhuW die in' the unconverted state B Which he left home Time rblletl on and another letter 17 i UnAt Alffir ll lnt the had writing was different. It h.' d'' L Ka wriiion Kir th nl,v turned out to bo written by the phy- .inian) Th fiubstanee of - the letter 1 - " . i I -I r.n... . - v lujivnoi . Yur lordshin will be irrieved to iW ,i;wi lw K- I Jiear that your son died by the acci- j - !.i.:a i.- : i. r " j Jctter, II lingered Jut a few days, le suffered greatly.' i lmii ui ww ii 11:11 Mir: itriru tzxa b aim idni SAWW i Wheu J reaa that (letter J.tuok it away with me anq ima tt aown betore tlie lard ami . pa,d Absalom, my son, piy son I would God that I had died for thee, lay son, my son ! 1 dared not hand t)p letter to his rtliny rokefi-l iearted, fqok it to God, aud after - ward told it to bis mother. -But there ras. jnot a word of God, or -Provi- Tuesday evenig on i "Hard pan and stringent anti-dueling bill in that lo (3ence, in the letter, and wa briog- the New Yfk U", instead of devot- dy, which he will endeavor to press ' l!-; " i a- il i r : I- .'. . .'' ;- ' - . . i-i il 1 Ti .1 Jl '.l nj gray naira wau gorfqif iq me ing & cqiqmn ar - ftp .10 ,nis arjaress, inrougu. n pioYiues me ueaui jen prave; Tfelt as if . sljqqli iper lift grou ps - together h is': opiculated apho- ally fur any person who shall-kill an- pp my bead again. ' X lew weeks, qgujn clpseo fhen third Jettpr wiis brough, Mr-was jiibetgntjally tins j -.j 'Yoqr IpfsJiip will grieve tQ Ipgrrmf you can get no more,... pf the death qf your su. The mqnjenH I heafd flfhj illness I resorted o bedside wljefp found j qui) iij the He deepest atrijety about bis squl. was iiauoriug qnqer a sfntse on gttilt a deep load of sin. I noiQte4 1 Jinf to theUIying Lamb; told Jjiqj of fhajotte Sacrifice the one vipur;! and ypur lordship will be delightef o know Uat on the day before his .Ueparturc ljght broke iin upon his j fwfrt ... . r -rrjoiuiiig iu bu 1 qi pfiucipies ana goou conuuet, auumaue at u,e g""ic woikb iu resier forgiven. IJii last wdnls were these : I you-will be men of good uanic and I Iy Rhode Island. It is 13 feet and rrjlen roy Jt)& that I die In Jesua ana thai f ihall jneat him in Iieaven.' li.s lordhn after tell iugi. this af- i04n I evcrdqijbf my4od agsin ? Cap Xoqbt;lui: prqmispsr i have alwayf JtI.MrpaWl,pmi is4 If ye gliiill sk; anything in ir y name, x w -rj?ff-filf a fccJing Biorynieu tno -tears trom rnn.afieF humbugs. He has the ma- the t around to his auditqry in that private sood farmer is better ihnn n The .mrple, paid : . i . poor dqetor. a Rood horseshoer is bet- lMe of ... i . . rbeu he Aa old lie will not depart from it Christian Workman, Au Aldcrniau'tf ; Great Sorrow. There is an alderman in Detroit who knows a bale of hay w lieu he sees it as well as nay man living. He was passing up. Michigan avenue the other day, when! he came across a mail . irrniltl of- friends. Ther had ing that .he would pass ,j, that way about fo rheyere standing near a-ale of hay marked 2 10 (M)()I1 aud beside the bale stood a flat-chested, sliniwaisted, ciusurrip- ttve-looking youth of 20 summers, wha kent ! itnittinp on his hands and ----- x-- -i - caymor li would shoulder the bale or Uuraptive. Vou; idasn't, nut up $10 that I cau't slioulder this 'ere hay and Nothing but chain-lightning could ttnv hat tlu- mnvpmonti at tlmt nl- Idermanl in .pulling out an 'X' and I , . I 1 . I I. t I . f m H a. h.iida a m of. v I JittvllJg jii tic iMtiiua i m oiana- i 1.1.1 WI."-1L!, mJ.AL . S - I autuuiivc sinii uii mo iiauup.Biiituiuci- The I vug BXac auu iwa 7 tv i n Ami f 4l a o Kl aimi na frknrvtiA wia lit 1 j I 8and hia eyes could lave be;n : M "J"' w"k" turned to the curb! dropped the bale T . li !. I' ...1. tr,.v..1 I " I ih official as consciousness finallv re-Uf turned. He walked up to the bale, gave it d T T"t V f. t 7 . n"T r -r - cot reu uiear uuck io ine couar-oui- ton. and walked off without a word, . -.. . t The consumptive was only half a day ... .. 1 . i , . ; . ... fixing tip the sham bale with sticks and papers and a little hay, and $10 is good pay for half a day's work. Peiroit Free Press, The True Style of Spe&king. On the whole. When one a man is master of himself aud of his materials, the rule that can b given him is forget style altogether, and to think TllB more the rnind is intent on the realiiy, tire simpler, troer, more tell ing the style will be. The advice which t be great preacher gives for conduct holds not less for all kinds of writing: 'Aim at things, and your words, will be- right without aiming. Guard against Uve of display, love of 7 -cau.ug what Vou say, and aying what you m - t . mean.' When a man who is full of ux. ...u: ma suujwd aiivi iiui uwiureu ins iiuw J . l .. 1 . ers ot expression sets Himself to sieak Li... - i . . there is in him of streneth or sweet-L - .. " - . m a u a. a. i ucsn, wi uigiin v ur graw, ui uuuiur or pathos, will find its way out naturally into his language. That language wiJl bo true to the man himself. Free fro(n . self-cousciousness. free from mannerism, it will bear the impress 0f whatever is best in lira indi viduali ty. Shairp. EVf Uoebt. Cqli.yer made, an address to the graduates of the Pack-1 lard iiusinpss Institute in New York, nsras in the fullowing effective style:! "Any kind of an. honest job is bet- Iter tlrti-B0 JotiilA'V'' ' fTake a dollar a !day for your, work I man's best friends aro his ten I fingCT? yleq t evil days jcorae,as evil days j will, nq pau Cfterves the title of gen fieman ji i)p qqes not taice nonest I of tQ rpgrdless of social in- fluenpesJ r: . N . " When cqqntry boys come to the city, if tftey will Jold on to the old seet ways,- they can defy the world. ".ecp your grip on the hard pan I good fortune. . . - When V boy fills a Jiouse with bugs he is ijll fight, provided he don't ter than a bwihop who preaches-ser- mons that nobpdy:wants U hear. IA gooaay's work of; what yon can let do ts the hard pan to which -r . - l HU' come. "Society says one thing, and nature ova millpr. ." . " -,-'t , v ' I r "Work is good medicine. "Only those who make clean money and do clean things win success. "The honest man who dies poor is rich if he only holds his own. Sleep eight hours put of the twen- iv.fniir ft three meals a d&v. and I v -r . , . ... " . I waiK Oil me sunny mue ui nc vuj . . "Have a reserve force that will come out when you need it. V "Don't wind np the solemnity of courting a girl with pj-ayer." Greasing' the Sea. The expression "to pour oil on the troubled waters" is geheraly retarded as a metaphor or figure of speech, il- lustrating the action of some persua- si ve peacemaking,. softening the an. ery passions of contending disputants, On the other hand, the modifying in- fluence of oleaginous liquids uiwn the waves was long ago demonstrated as etiontiti f.it. ili nuinrtml gales would probably have been kept in subjection ere now on the high seas but for the uncertainty of the weather aud the estimated expense of oiling f I Biscay. It would appear, however, that the aentlenien of Perth' has a.dv- ed the problem of economy as applied .1 j .1 . .1 p r ww o tl rw I li ri enn Mint I lut tn iu gtcooiiig mv ovu, auvi mat in iiiciu- r . liuiuuiuaincir lulling iAib.i 9uuk;icih supply of oil to nullify the rigors of tli ftornoor At? Inn a A - I Aitn v temporary states that a series of ex : i i : r"Hlcu iyic,.v WhC" rww the North Harbor. Peterhead, .with the most satisfactorv , results. The : i . i 1 1 i r.. 1 1 ml nA ,L- fl,.n m H,n lwtm nf the harbor while a gale was blowing. Presently the oil was released, and, "uaiI,' lv l"F l"c ra..iS u.- as"i")a'" as a coi As a consequence of this experiment, it is tho , , PeYth tl . . lought in the neighborhood of uit oil can be laid on con tin uously by pipes to the bars of all cx posed harbors, so as to enable vessel to gain port in safety in the midst of the most violent hurricanes. The in- ventioti would be invaluable if appli ed to the Channel passage in dirty weather. Day by day we are taught that there are no bounds to the con quests of science over nature, and now that we can oil out the ugly wrinkles of the stormy ocean we need not de- !pa'r ooner or crf to wtirin the North Pole with other wise waste steam, and fertilize the Great Desert by artificial irrigation. London Telecranh. Origin op "Blanket." In the reign of Edward the Third there were at Bristol three brothers, who were enlinentcioti,iersaiul wtM)!eI1 Weavers, n , . f .. D, .' an" "Osq family name was Blanket, ri i . r,,ey were the first persons who man- .. r .. 1 1 a .it . . ufiictured that comfortable material ... . . , ,, , . wh,ch has cver s,nce been iled by their name, and which was then used , . . . .. lor peasaiu s cioininrr. At tne same period all the brewers and bakers mn. nA ' gau to engage in these occupations it WAS tlintltrlit sit fitrsincrn llnf l!iv vvnro a 0- ...... j - 11 1 K 1 I I laneu lueu urewt-rs uuu nieu uaKers. Scottish American Journal. tn Anti-Dueling Bill. Col Edward MeGraw a IphIIho- voi. Xtuwaru j.ucvjrarf a leading member of the South Carolina House (of Representatives, lias introduced a other in a duel, or shall inflict a wound from whicli any person shall die. within- the space of six months from such wounding. Another sec tiou provides that whoever shall car- ry. a challenge to fight a duel, or be present at a duel, shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for two years aud fined, the amounts of me nne 10 ue nxcti uy ine iegisia- ture. A very strong anti-dueling Ueutiment'seenis to be developing in South Carolina. Pbepabixo to Die. Hon. Sam- uel lilden has had a monument 4 'inches high, and 9 feet and 4 inches by 7 feet and 4 inches in size at the base, and. made of blue granite. From an roomers rise columns, on which cap suriuouuted by a cross. name-"iiiueu appears on oie the base in polished letters. The volume of everythim in life depend on its power to -lead us to God by the shortest road. F. W. I 5 iFttfter. .... . - ' iHMMBIMBMBLi Mr. Bcecher RPveH Jils Colore- . ' . .. . .1 I ... !.,' Among the attendants at the: Sun day morning services in J Plymouth church ijras General Grant, who, in company with Senor Romero, sat in II. B. Claflin'a pew. General Grant Aiitamd tVta .-.liiiiv.li nKr.nt trir minntaa .. i . . i betore inc. service began. ! ins pres- ence was booh noticed, and the whis pered announcement went; fronv pew to pew, and soon he became the cy nosure f all eyes. At the close of the services lie sat down to wait until the audience had gone out, but so great was the desire to see hint that naruiy any one went our, ami tnose who did so passed around to the; rear door in order to see the distinguished visitor ly.-uer. as mere eeemea no prospect pi the ciiureii being emptied, plr. lieecher remounted the plattorm desired the audience would) pass out. lie addetl : "A special service can be hart it you wish to worship a man. This is a house forj worship of God." At this General Grant rose,: and started 'down the aisle. The crowd of prsoiis then gathered in front of the cnnreii. and an waneu uniu ne was driven away in his There was HO Other demonstration. N. Y. Tribune, Vice stings us, even in our pleas ures, but) virtue consoles us, even in our pains. Oofton. Falsehood, like poison, will gener ally be rejected when andniinistered alne ; but when blended with whole some ingredients, may be swallowed tin perceived. Whately. The mind always influences physi- ; . I.AI!.- ca ueailu- 111 w nra.o. one must ue inoruiiy jiiiu nnu gtww. Uonsciousness ot sin always uepre- eiates the strength of bodily func tions. TRY the NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. The Ingest and B33t Family Paper in the World. Seiul for Sample CopyFree. NEW TTOHir. 033SEHVEH, 37 Park Row, IVew Vork. HYMN BOOKS, WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, ALL STYLES AND QUALITIES, INK, PE'S, PENCILS, &c.t IN great variety, and Cheaper than Ever. At ENN1SSES Drug Store. The Friend of Delicate Ladies- Yarrifr, Saie Kidney and Liver Cure 1 tll fltlllKli V tll!lf tl'lll t'lll'W tllM Ill-Ill V J diseases jwculiar u women. Headaches, J '..v .a.'i.. ..v ... - ........ I iieunilgia, disordered nerves, weakness, I iiiwur-il u iiu'L'u jiii . I L nil lul ?iiliiinru tiru effectually removed by its use. The Sloth- er MOtjazmc. n o tv srt Vfc'n iwn Iv! II ill COl'PEK, AND ZINC 1 1 K KS l'HIilMI ASIII) FOR CASH. Ti,s Xew York and Xorth aroUna SmelUng Company at Charlotte, will pay the best Cash rnces ever paia in uiu country iur ORES. No cUar'o will bs made for sampling and assay lnjf ores pun-hased by as. Specimen assays for Gold and Silver, $1.50. 50:2w TUE0. BJEliBlUM HAS JUST RECEIVED FRESH CRACKERSIAND CAKES, Fresh liaisin?, Lemons, Tapioca, Peal Sago, Cauuinl good.- nf all kinks. A line lot of good and fancy stationery.;' novels, Cigars aad Cigaretts. The largest and best assorted stock of French Gaudies. Theo. Bocrbanm. ; ! ' JAMES M. GRAY, gttomts anil CounseHor at fat, OFFICE-- TIIE BUILDES0 ADJOINING ThE COUaTHOUSE. Owners of Gold Mlnlnz Lands and Buyers, put Jo communication. A U Mining Interests meet prompt attention. Notes, accounts, &c. collected. " J - Estates, and all matters of Administrators and Executors, tc settled Land and all otner titles carefully Investigated. ' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Lands In Kowao and acaimug counues bought and sold. Communication solicited with tnose destrlnc to tmyorseU. j Arrangements made to purchase cneap lands In Florida, Texas and Unneota (that part known as the promised Land).. Lands for sale in Illinois, and along the James rtverin Virginia. . . . Parties desiring to Itnv, or cam to, North Carolina nirrasnea wiua necessary imormauon. . N B. Lands bought and sold along the proposed tine of the Wadexboro and Salisbury railroad. This road Hiunt be built whether Anson, Stanly and Bow an counties receive outside aid or not. The progress of the day and the awakening energies ot the peo ple of these counties demand and mute hare itj. . A rrangements being perfected to put town lots In sausoury ana at-omer poinin m market. . P. 8. A market ready for small desirable farms. E37Call at omce, or address Lock Box sso. ' ' OURES ' Lost awi iii oor8tomach ; Foul Breath ' Low SPWtTt, -ZHlARQitTer mi I VEGETADLT Mmt Medicine now In market. Prepared only by C r.SlXXOXSACO. SSltt-U CUrkAT. St. Loals. aceemon to M. A. 8imB)oBft, M. D. In tie ana UbotUeaanapackasM. Sold br all DnuuUt- A NEW KIND OF WATCH CASE. New because It is 6iily within the last few years that It has been linarovea ana Droiurni witnm me reach oterery one ; oia inpnncipie Decause me nmt invention was made and the first Da tent taken out nearly twenty years ago, and cases made at that time ana worn ever since, are neany as kuuu as new. Read the following which -is only oue of many hundreds, your Jewelers can' teu oi similar ones: j ' .1 MANSFIELD, FA-, M&J ' I have a customer who has carried! one of Boss Patent cases fifteen years and I knew It two years before be irot It. and It now appears eood for ten years longer. K. J5. OLXEY, Remember that Jas Boss is the only patent case made of twoDlates of solid smld (one outsld? and one inside) covering every part expose4 to wear or sight, tn rre-it ndvantage of these plate over ejectro-gilding is awn rent t . kss'l the oi ly patent case with which there Is gi en a wrttt n warrant, oi wmcn ue rouowing tsa iac- slmUe See that yon get the guarantee with, each case Ask your jeweler for Illustrated catalogue. JOHN P. WEBER, Practical Blcaksmtili H0RSESH0ER. SH O P connected with Brown Verble's Livery stables. f3Pl rtf signs of tho, to suit any shape of toot. AllKlioelngontrletlyclntincpr1n clples and WARRANTED. AH kinds blackamlthlng promptly done. UMy or FALL GOODS A 11 E DAILY A R 11 1 V I N O. t-PWo have every thing yon want.Fj THE L AUG EST, HANDSOMEST AXD JiEST SELECTED STOCK THAT WE HA VE EY Ell OFFEUED. Call and see us. : ROSS & GREENFIELD. Sept. 2:, 1880. 23: ly NORTH CAROLINA, ROWAN COUNTY. IXTHESfPE KIOU COLUT. Alfred Goodman and others, IVff. Againrt Noah Goodman and others, De"'fa, 1- Summons fur Relief. Petition to ell Land for Partition. Upon the affidavit filed it in ordered by the Court that publica'.ion be made in the Caroli na Watchman for six Riiccefive weeks, notify ing Abraham Goodman, John Kller, James hller, Mary P. hller and Grant Kller, Defen dants, who are non-reoidanU of this Stale, to appear at the olhce ol the ( lerk of the Superi or Court, for the County of Kowan on the 10th day of December. 1880, and answer thecoin- plaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of aid county, within ten days from the date of this summon, and let them lake rotioe thai it they fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the Plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Given under my hand, this 16ih da? of Oc toler,.1880. J.M.IIorah, C. S. C. 2:fw ltowan Cotiiilr. REMOVAL ! McGubbins, Beall & Co., Have removed from No. 1 to No. 4 Mur phy's Granite Kow, where they are opening a large and well selected stock of Fall and Win ter goods consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions. Leather, Hats and Cans, Boots, and Shoes, Queensware, Clothing, Cotion baszinc s ues, xc iney are Agents lor th sa.e ol the best French Burs, Bolting Cloths anl Eu reka Smut Machines. Don't fail to call on them. WHEAT FERTILIZER ! i Call on McCnbbins, Beall & Co. for ihe best Wheat Fertilizers iu use. SEED WHEAT. 300 brshels of extra clean Seed Wheat foi sale. Call on McCubbins, Beall & Cov Sept. 26, 1880. 24:ly Toorselves by makinsr innnev vhon a golden chance la offered. U,wajrSJ?eeDln Pve,tr trom your vantage of the good chance tor making money that ui. i Lirr. ' n ill I aiviiTm T!iLa mrt icvuw,KruCTiui uwime weaitny, wntie those who do not Improve such chances remain in povertr. We want many men. women, boys, and girls to work lor nsngnua tueir own locaUtles. The business yJ tuure iiuo wn iimes ordinary wages. We famish an expensive outfit and an that nn .uh tree No one wbff engages fails to make money ve! ry rapidly, ion can devote your whole time to the , ' " ".,uur moments, ruutniormatton and aU that Is needed sent free. Ad tress. :ly STUtsoii & Co., l'ortland, Valne. CURES tNotozmoN, EtOKHCASAOKC CornvcMcss. be mm f t! : . f . . & JhrffijyWBffrrnjawSOUSX : .6au mum i""vr OUR If STOCK 1LP DEEDS & MORTGAGES, Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds In Trust, Mortgage .Deeds, CommfssionewV lrJg ' gi ' t i irnrMnM "Piiriii f!ontnicts. Marnaire and Confirmation r. cni nitillcra Entries. Mid tarious other - ' . WATCIIMAK OFFICE SALE NOTICES, Administrators, executors, commissioners, sheriffs, constables, agents, &c., are advised t call on us for printed sale notices. It is certainly great injustice to owners f0 tZ!v their property at public auction without first giving ample notice of the sale. ! ftf quircments of the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient. Proper?- " rlnllnr or two soent in advertU;n : . .v : i !4 j j. vain. W savcu auu ujaus ! Miiug Mm - ITOTIOSD POP. POSTIITG HEADQUARTERS FOR Fruits, Candies, Cigars, Books, Pictures, And Picture-Framea 32: tf HARDWARE wiiEnr YOU WAXT HARD WAR E At Low Figures Call on the undersigned at No. 2, CJrnnit D A. AT WELL. S.ilisbnrv .N. C. .TnneS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ItowAX County In the Superior Court. Richmond Peahsox and John M. Cloud, Agsiinst A. II. Boyden, individually and as Ex. of Nathaniel Boyden, N. A. Boj-den. John A. Boydtn, Coluiubia Boyden and Willie Summons for Relief. IlMle. It apncarinjj to the satisfaction of the Court, that Columbia Boyden and Willie Hal", of the defendants alove named, are non-residents of this State and cannot after due diligence le found: It is ordered that publication Ik; made for six successive weeks in the Carolina Watchmtn' published in Salisbury North Cufo'ina, notifylnir said de fendants to be and appear before tlie .Iudire of our Superior Court at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the Uth Monday after the 4tli Monday of September. 18S0. -and answer the complaint which will be deposi- teti in ine omce or me oierK oi tne Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of said Term; and let the said Defen dants take notice that if thev fail to answer the said complaint during the Term, the Plaintiff will 'apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the tin plaint. 2d of Oct., lbm J. M. Hon ah. no.jl:Gw. C S. Qr. AHD SPERMATORRHEA. lnble Discovery and New Dennrtnrs hi MM. vL?SteJ,c',a n"",'T nd posiUwly eifccttvti aifortbepodr and prmaoeat Cure of Semi, nal miaaipns and Impotency liy tbe only trua l?.tr!,S''ctln "Ttipp, and Merting Its pocifio lnaoenco on tha Seminal Vcsiclea. Ej.-v;-UlaUiJ7Di'.cU' Prostata Gland, and Urethra. l'h9 of ibo Eemedf is attended With no pain or Incon woiaooe, aud does not Interfere with (the ordinary f"u',U WS i quickly dlxmlred aad soon tb !?flr:'iP"iduelns.t.n la'"'lle soothing and restor auve eaact upon the sexual and nervous orvaniza ;!fa!iWr5S'c?1 from oW-'no nd excess, stoppina the drain from the system, restoring tbe mind to 5RiK?dund mtm2FJ' "5;oU- b Dimness V Bt. Nervous Debility. Con fun Ion f ideas. Aversion to Bocipty. otc, etc, and the appearand of premature old a pre uTOally accomrujing thU trouble, and restoring perfect Sexual Vigor, where H hu been dormant for years. This mode of treat ment Has etood the tt la rcry serore cases, and is r pronounced success. Brum a.n Inn mnoh frSr k"4! f"b'?' anJ mo J n bear Wit ifl!!. Ii bu.tt.le, Lf, ? Permanent irood. Ther la no Ijonsense about this Preparation. Practlcalob- m "'ol eruaraate that it n has been la reneral uee, we have thousands of testl- to re 5I?5- ,???", alondlti now conceded hy tho Medical Profeminn 1a th. m.t - i -M I tirlS1 ..recJiF and nn th ery prevalent trosbl that is well known to be the cause of untold misery to so many, and upon whom quacks prey with their sseless nostrums snd big fees. The Remedy s put up in nest boies of throe sires. No. l.fenouii tolast a month,) S3 ; Na. ft, su2ii cnt to effect a per aianent cure, un!es In s-cre ca-tts.) S5; No. 3. (Ukting over three months, Kill stop emihsiens and Wftore Tit'or In the oil cskmO 7. Spnt hymsU. Bo.imi.ia i pisia wrappers. -uu DIRECTIONS for usln win accompany RACK JMxT U th ntmt Hitt-pfieat that thry rot tut ee- ajfeettxl. tialtl UXL. i by J nAKKIS REMEDY CO. MF"i CHEMrSTSL v. MarketandStliSU. Qj. LouiS. Mo. A -w sod coorlcte criliK to urnriu c roataiatBC Chapter sa A Compete Wnrntm. hwd, S.ltctios of wir,Tdencea of Vims- tn. TT$' HSFtM$ABT,.1.n. sust. iu. BLUE STONE, i or Host ii Wheat. For Sale at J. H Enniss'- Outfit furnlsheil free, with full Instructions for conduct ing the most nrontable business toat anyone can eag.ise la j Tbe business Is so easy to learn, ana our Instructlons a! jample and plain that anyone can make Meat pro iS e XZ 8tart- Ny one cau r who is will r5..!?rt' Woainareassuccisrurasmen. Boys ?2&T)? earn lare 8Ums- Many have made at thebTuaness over one hundred dollars Id a Kindle week. Nothing like u ever known before. Ail who 2SSaRi?PB 8Ur?r ftt the ease and rapfiHtv with which they are able to make money. Vou i can en Ra?e in this biwlns durln-your Bpare time at Kreat FPn do nof have 10 lnvest Pltal la It - We take all the rUk. Those who neel readj ? money should write to us at once. AU f urnlshed fre A. H:l & C J AuTlsta. Maine. BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer and BLANK ADMINISTRATOR'S S4LE NOTICES . For Sale at this Office. 1 ePbe WW . "- "1 ' ""P"enu, Birroay, Advice to Bride. ll U ml "PriTate Medioal Adyiser- mi dZtxZ, '. trV ""P"r' iwiUot. sl os wILabBW-lbs rf;w a. l . afUral - , , , ...... 1 J W - : , 10 forms for sale at the - i fiirnish Rule notices nrnnintlw ti - . - ; i i j vneap, LAND PPTSS" Home Fertilizer! THEO. F. KLUTTZ. HAS JUST ItECEIVED A CAlt-LQAD 4-OF Celebrated Home Fertilizer ! ! 1 1 The Chemical for makinsr 1 Tnn Will I : nold for U, or 200 lbl. of CottOtt in priced, the pneer I reler to the following Wfcll kno.J gentlemen, who ued it lalnesw.n on cotioan. John V. Jiarrineer, Jan. Ii. G.btKin v i Walnon, TUo. (J. 'aiKn, R. T. Cnwan W? tt1 Meareii, A. Tail, J. O. Cattble. J. F. F Hi7,T E. C. Lenlz, S". J M. Drown, and many othrn! I Call earljr for your pnppli.-s antl save inonev i i M T. F. KLtJTTZ, Druggi,t. GARDEN SEEDS! X FULL SUPPLY OF M Bulst's Celebrated Garden Seeds. KEMEMIIEKTIIAT- . 1 B UIST . w a i J is me only feoea-u rower ' who W AMI AXT8 Ma Seeils. Look at every pnier of Fery's; Iaiiflrct'hV, Siblcj'i &c., &c., and see if you find any rnrruai upon them, lie ware of worthies, nn waiTanted connnissiou Seed, nmlcouiet KLUTTZ'S for Dnist's which are Marrau. ted fiesh nud 'eiinine. i THEO-F. KLTJTTZ, Druffriit 1 20:1 v. . 68 T Fniit Jars ! Fruit Jars ! I Jiist receivetl a Nice lt of MASON'S IMPROVED HALF GALLON AND QUART Jars for sale At KXXISS'. ia.tr ; Machine Gil, Tanner's Oil, -Terpentine and Varnish' At EXNISS, TURNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED!! Just Received . A Large StiK-1 of Fresh and Genuine' Turnip Seed of Different Yarn ties at - - ENNISS' : SMITH'S WORM OIL Athens, Ga., Febrna r r 22, 1 878. Sir: My child, fi ve.vears old,liadymt of worm. I trie. ealnfr! and t iher Worm Medicine?, hut failed to expel any. Seeinf" Hain't, certificate, I got a vial of your Worm Oil, and the first doe brought forty wrjj and the second dose, so many were pawed I not count them. S. II. Adams. . Prepared hy Dr. E- S- LYNDON, m Athens, Gft For Sale by Dit. T. F. KtUTTZ . .Salisbury, X. C Anil Druggists general. 2j:Iy. ATTENTION TTENTION ' SMOKERS! MOKERSl 'AshcvilJe's Girl of The West, ... "Sitting IIulP rcceivcJ to-day. . Mr -ftortment of fine and com mou Cig. the AVbolesale and Ketairtrade m w most complete iu town. ! CIGARETTES--Chewing Tobacco great varieties. i i ' 32:tf. . - : theo BPgBBAgt: Mortgage Deeds for sale here . Also various qtUcr blans, ;, No Cotton Seed or Stable 'Manure reooirJ I TliiFertiliru fully eoual t I i ' - fO-callHl (iaaiio, and at lew lhn hi t .... . .7