if4i I : I- if 1 . ! i' f. i ! ! i I I: i -S S -t 1 r -rj f -is r it i- Carolina-. W atGhxaarii? TIlUKSDAYr IKC 2:j, c0. Steamboats are to 'be put onlhV Frpttch llroait The river is open from JJrevard, ! in Transylvania, "to Mint. Creek, iu lien iiensop coo nty, . j 1'rore'ssor Lai inter has reiiinietT- jfroni Europe aol will resnmb his place, inj Da vidson College its J'iofessor of QretU and German. T - 1 - Drj Deems lias sent r.fluother $10Q to Rtaf TTniversttr far tho benelit of indigent stndents. The House is notv considering UtO Con sular and Diplomatic Appropriat ion bill, which makes appropti;itiotisfr the year ending :JOtU June, J 332. ; TH" committee having the suljp t' iu cWrge, -make tio iHeieawj in the amount for t-hts service, Lblut propose numerous changes with ref erence to two principal aims, says Mr, Singleton, of Miss. the protection and extension of the commerce of the coontry, TIlpv are -nattinir-iron cas posts on - " " : - JJroailway, New Ywk, for the brusli elec niid economy in. the. jrisef of the public SlAKTASRUKG AXD AsMEVILLE RaIL- Koii.i--ThelObsc)Ter repor ts a recent de cision in the U. S. CircnitjCoiirt in Char lotte, Judge Uond presiding The suit was brought to recover I debt .under a inortirn"e for money bor rowed for con- trie fifihtv IWs twenty: feet .higli with UtructHm purposes; but Ihe contest was larire 'fflais fflobes on the 'top of theni. 1 between the laborers who did the work, .-..-"-. -;,';.... . y 7 v j claimiu'r priority under the Jaborer lien Gen; Grant visiteiVthtfGf. & Seriate a law1 as against?; tire boil d holders. The few days ago, and the Chicago Tunes Judge decided against the creditors ex thinks the Spnthern ujenibyrs showed the cept its postponed to the Mortgage debt, better breedin'r iu the courtesies extended . " f p '. u "b I,. pEjKeuTiox oi-TitEfjEWLoudon, December 20. A Berliu! dispatch says a Col. Ikaaroont, of Wool wick, England, n,eetiug of 2,000 persons was held yester- claims to have overcome uitnerto, uhd' 4iay at which resolutions were passou in cnlties in" running 'machinery byjeom- faVo'rof the suppression of the liberty of - presscoTair. He has i u vented A. machine, the Jews and to return no liberal to Par- - which draws sixteen tons a distance of hjatoent who will not promise to vote for sixteen miles without le-cliarging the 8Ucjr oppression, and to buy iiothin nir cylinders, ,f ? from Jewish shop or lirriis. to him. Mr. Hayes, savs the Chicago Teibuue.y . 100,000 people (iJPgroes) are s;ua to be i.torl nnnn ti,".i fit Ih of PinKimMit with KtarviuiT iu Western Kaiisas on account ' iMsrsbnal debts au. liabilities of $"l4ll,000f of failure in crops, and beggars for them During hw fnr .ars iu tie WhiWuiRC afe-liaving up hill work because the funds at $50,000 a year, he has paid.oihis debt sCiitout are stolen by those to whom they 75.000. which sum to coirii)iMh?3 s;iv- are entrusted. ings during the period of his presidency, "Washington jLettcr. 5 ' I v A horrible story empes from Mouroe j CaviUllX.CablnH and 8u county. Miss., Jec.vtsc. xo ineu r- Court chanfmn. Illvrt Pitches pven shelter . for the Right in a; tarm oy Qtacml Q fant ami M. tie Lessc House, ana were put.ro tt.,,. u.e b;r...e iMf JffnJ Ration. room Wltli tlie laniiiy, wiucji eousiifieu n ft man, wife and child, After tho family From our Kegular Corrtspor.dtpt. had fallen to sloeirthe :4ramps anise, Washikotox, D. Ci, Dec. 181830 cnioroionneu ino i epeif . iumuvu .v t, . . , , n, , it.ffiaiat;011 v 0 house, set jt on f;r'., and fled. The ten ants perished y i 1 1 1 the building, piro of j the offenders was -.-caught next day and dilitorv. at the Caoital.; In both houses of Congress the more important subject have been compelled tpjyield to questions WKenwiuciicct.eof m, .,..,., fVv- tLat arwuse l);llty autn'gt liisni and provoke orateoinayjie m ,m. endless delate. i , - On'Mouday Senator fiandolph brought The Charlotte! Umcnef records tlie par- FUz John Portei. hm in the Sen ticulars of the death of S. J, KoWland, ..te ana sen:vtor Morgdn's concurrent re PBt f years, ac tne ueiwc inniat city, solntioll for Coririting the electoral vote on the morning ot thk 21 st. He; was i,.,s bceii tUeJritful tljetiiopf bdk in the cnugltt betweeu ears just auer eonpiiug ijoage. . Later in the week the education them, and nis body iiuios. weigutj was aud the pens:ou bills were discussed, and crushed in a space of 4 inches.. .-. lie died ll(lioui nment iVomf the 22ud iust. to ' . : . Ki:V A?D GOOD 3IOVK. FridiS' morning's mail brought ns the following dKiiment oiv civil sefvice re- orm. We present the first four articles of the Costitntion i - Civil-Siirviee Ileform Association. COXSTITUTIOX. T. Thfl name of this orsniiintntiou shall be'The Civil Service lU-torm Association. 1T. The obiect of the Association shall be to estabiislt a system of appointment;. promotion ;uid removaHn ne ctvtt ser linnn tlie nriiicinle that pub lic trust, adoiission to whicli should de tvpnd ninin nroved fitness. To this end the association wm tieiuaiiu mai uin, uients to subordinate exeeultve olaees, wttii eiii-li p-eeutions. as may be expedi ent, not inconsistent with the principle already mentioned, shall i tnade front fierRoua whose titness has been ascertain ed bv competitive examinations ojen to all annlicants proiciiy qnalitieU,ajMi tnat reinovula shall , be made for legitimate canse only ; scc!i s dishonesiy , negligence or inefficiency, but not tor poimcai opin ion r vefusaL to reuder party, service; and the assoi iatioji wilfadvocate all other n.nntini-i:ite measures for securiufl: integ- ritw mteliiffence, emeieucy, pwm iuu and due discipline in the civil service. III. The association will hold meetings, raise funds, publish and circulate appro ini:Lt information. 'correspond and co operate with .associations elsewhere for therrdiiects set forth in tins uonsnuumn, and snpptu t all executive aud legislative actlou which will promote its purposes.. IV. Conditions of membership shall le wholly independent of party preference. Questions shall not bo discussed in the debates or in publications of the associa tion upon party grounds, tenner rue name nor influence of the association shall be used on behalf of any party or for procuring office or promotion for any per son. But nothing in this article shall be construed-to prevent the association from opposing any candidate when iu its opin ion, or in that of three-fourths of the members of tlie Executive Committee, such course is demanded by the objects of the association. .HUM i ca Paris letter. . ; i ;: For the Watchman, j iron, and dissolved them.- These soln Itovuiji County 'Teachers'. AsAocia- tions were then washed oiitr the gold prc- itioit. given n4.mmnts. ceutia. u., vrns-jns na- the 4ti, proximo was agreed upou. ' . tire place' " Bur, if it has been dull at the Capital in From the same sonrrd wc learn there tUe iegjsiativc branches, the Cabinet, the . vaa a sucdair;u)(lHg:'f ?Meckjeuburg Supreme .C.(mrtthe lobby, and society, i PriiihvtApV' in -flhaefott.il on thh 21st. - - T V i .1.. j ... ..... " - . . T-r . ' i nave iurmsueii au . aounuance 01 mo iuu called to couik$ falsehood gaiusC't the present su Thecasewas referred fr the XfiJtville reail tLe paperS) 8 Presbyt? of which tlie accused is a li- tllp. 'nai nnuat aclrgofarjilec and materiaWrom ..which news is made. he Rev, J.T4'hinkett, fc Io uJ-ifcL aw inVly of Steel Creek Church. , e f.iu;niar to tIiOSe w centiate. We tender to the patrons of this paper tho cougratiihtrtions of the season fa pleas ant Christmas aud a happy new jear. It has been our.privilege to do1 this for many mora years than we can hope to repeat it. Those.to whom it was extended the lirst year oi our connection with the", Watch man ate few and wide betweeu, 4ihd their , bent shadows reach far back. Jrtany of the ptTWis of to-tday afe the descendants of those wbose names then made up our rolls. Scarcely one iu n-huudred of the list of 1840 remain. And so lc.t us re mepibithat not exceeding one in .a hun dred of ui who are here to-day will read or wriJte anioug thp ;ictive tenants of this arth fortyyears hence It is our part to be joyonsfaud thankful, and prepare for H lougin.igli.t of silence, wherein .we shall be fofgoiten oftlie busy world. - iKGAl) ACCIDKT. Nor -women ho 11 nd; who are here on i Station; of the sex on the suffrage question. I heard them speak their trie'ees last -night at Lincoln Hall, and, for a change of entertainment, they furuisii an excellent foil to Congress. For some reason Mrs. Atty, Belva A. Lock- wood," Sarah J. Spencer, Dr. Msry Walk er, and otlier local celebrities have taken no part in the preseui convention. Strife has for some years been brewing, aud the enthusiasm of a great cause is not ardent enough to weld-flaws: and chasms. Guess they are mad about spmeihiiig. The resignation of Justice Strong of the j Supreme Court of thcrlluited States had been long expected, but the appointment as his successor, ;f Judge Woods was very unexpected. The appoiuttce is a native of Ohio, who, a few-years ago, emigrated with his brother-in-law, Ex-Senator Wil liard A. Warner, to Alabama. Ilis ap pointment is resented Jii the Senate by many who are jealous of the somewhat wholesale preferment of Ghioans to places of h'bnor audeaiolunient.' Nothing, how ever, of a persona If character has been (Regnl.tr Corrtsponderee.) Pauis, France, Dec. C, ISdO. In a leading article on Eastern affairs, the JiepnbUque Fmnmlse significantlyre marks that tho special interest of Fiance is peace. Not only is France detet mined to avoid making war on her own account as long as this can be done, but it is man ifestly in her interest that not a gun shall be tired in Europe. What renming of the European equilibrium wouhrbe shattered thereby, ami, nentiality having become impossible, Fiance would bfc compelled to abandon reserve, Now, this is just what France wants to avoid, and to pre vent it she must play her part iu the Eu ropean concert a part absolutely dMn--ferested, seeing that she perse.es only one object, namely, peace, -and that -she has but one ambition, the removal of irrita tiui; questions. A profoundly melancholy and touching and at the same time strangely dramatic toryVi9 that related in the Paris newspa pers concern iug-the end of a leader of the. Paris Commune. Among the rebels of 1871 Was a "Commissaire Central" name Parmentier. This man after the collapse of the revolt, was supposed to have fled, aud he was condemned to death "in eon tumasiam" by one of the courts-marshal sitting at Versailles. Hut Parmentier had rot run away, lie had not even left Paris. His wife, a work-woman in a match fac tory, -sheltered her husband in a garret, on the sixth floor, of a house in. the l!eu Pojtincourt; and this garret, during a pe riod of nearly ten year's the prescribed Communist never left. The concierge and the neighbors were wholly ignorant that Madame Parmentier had any oue liviug with her. About a month ago the porter became aware that she no more passed his In response to the invitation through the press, a number of teachers from different sections of the county as sembled at ithe! rooms , of the 0iade4 Seltool in. ;Salisbnry ou Saturday,! the 18th instant, anu proceeded at ouce to organize theiuselyes'iuto a Teachers As sociation, by calling W. A. Wilborn, principal of j the Graded ..School, to the the Chair, and Gjeo. II. AlcNeill, of Unity High School, to the secretaryship.f ; Ou motion, the chairman appointed ft. committee ot three to draft a suitable Constitution and By-Laws for adoption by the "Association. During their ab sence the Association was -entertained, by educational discussion by dilfereut teach ers. . - -.-' '-!. The committer then submitted a Con- stitntion aud UyLaws for action,; which, I after sundry amendments, was adopted. In accordance with the recommendation of the committee, -the Chairman appoint ed n committee bn Permanent Organiza ttonvwho retired, aud after a brief inter val, let ii rued with the following nomina tions for officers during the tii-st,;terni, which nominations wet e confii hied by the Association f. j - President XT A. Wilborn, of Salis bury." ,; '.- j - lt Vice Prepdenti. V. Moser, of China Grove. ! ; 2d Vice President A. W.-Klutts, of Rowan county. ! j ! Vice President-A. W. Owens, of Salisbury. ! j Secretary and Triasurcr-Gco. R. !Ic N'eiil, of Wood ! Leaf. 6V7e IL.MJ Davis, of Salisbury1. The Association then took a recess, af ter which the Executive Committee re ported as suitable topics for discussion at the next meeting the following : " 1. "The Text Rook Question;" W. A. Wilborn to open the discussion 'with R. M. Davis as Alternate. 2. "Common Schoolsj" Geo. Rj McNeill t ojHin the discussion, and A. V. Kluttz as Alternate. Under tlie head of New Easiness, on notion the. Sticietary was instructed to furnish an abstract of the minutes of this meeting io tlie Salisbury Watchman and tlie liawan Citizen, .yith the request that they publish the same; Til so to extend through their 'columns a cordial iuvita tiu to all friends of education, and es pecially to all teachers, both male and fe male, to attemjl our next meeting. After some other business, tlie Associa tion adjourned to meet in the -Graded School bnildiiig in Salisbury at Jl o'clock. A. M., Saturday, the 8th of Jiinuary, 1831 V. A. Wil:ioi:x, President. G;:o. R. McXkim,, Sec'y. cipitateu wiin snipnateot iron uiuu j or brownish black 'mass, and the copper with scrap iron ns cement copper. This method is tibw largely employed ih the West. , Another ttiethMt Uiat has now come into nsa of lateV and bids fair, to prove successful i the treating the ore with" chlorine gas under pressure, j Rut these methmls ,w ill. come up Iiereufter. Wh et we wish to ..speak of especially is the necessity of employing a process that applies ns well to low grade ones jas -to high grade. The mine that will give $50 per ton right straight along is a wonder ful mine. Some of our North Carolina mines have paid a great1 deal inorjJhan that, or rather the ore contained a, great deal mote than $50 per ton. Whether it Tin ill that or not is a ouestton. lit Colorado the milling ores average about about $32 a ton, and the smelting oro S140 per ton. In California the aierago value per ton is about $15, taking the average of $20 per ton. Rut money j is made in California on ores not as pich as ours. Why should it not be made here 1 It can bo made here if the business jis coit ducted on the right "basis. Any one work ing on a process fiir the extraction of gold from sulphurets must bear iu miijd that it must apply to low grade ores, or it will not do for North Carolina, nor iudped tor! Colorado or California. What wb need is a process for working pre rnuitiug from $3 to $17 a ton. If there is suchj-a pio- cess let it be widely known. There are few or no bonttiats iu No.th Carolina. None claims this, but we can claim, and wo do claim, that wo have vast quantities of ore that will run from $8 to $17 per ton. There is nothing gained by attempting to couceal any process for working these ores. The public is a shrewd judge and not easily deceived, and has but little difficulty in discrimina ting between true and spurious profes si his. If it is sometimes blinded, it gen erally conies right after awhile. And on the other hand nothing is gained by mis representation of the value of ores. We have plenty of good ore, some l'Mic. ore, and some poor me. Rut skill ami busi ness principles will find no insnrmoiin ta ble obstacle to wealth in working our aulphfiretu, - W. R. PaiLUPs. L O ST Shares of Stock in Salisbury Gas Company. Notice i herebT glen, that ; I shall at ; the proper time make application to have iued to we a certificate ' for Two Shares of. Stock in the Salisbury Gaa Company, i lieu of a certificate for the sameamount which has been lost. ANDREW MURPHY.Adm'r t of T. G, Haughton, dee'd. Dec. 13, 1SS0. . . 9-4t : MSETIHG OF THE r -.'SaCK-MOJLliJflBS- And Hoard of Directors of the Yadkin - Ttnitrnad (lomnafTH: ' " v.:- -i.r.kr aivpn ihst a. meeting of n.-Sini fel.i.ideraofthe Yadkrn Railroad Com panr will he held in the. town of alistnry on Tuesday the 2Ut clay of Dectuiber, l80, Jor the nmmwe of re-orcaniiing said company, and for other purpose. - . - , At the same time-and place will be held a meeting of the Board ofDifectors f mm! Vom psny. A full attemhinee of Stockholders and Directors is earnestly drsirtd , t , P. S. KEILIG, President. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. ), 1SS0. -4 THE 323T PAPER! MQY IT BEAUTirrJILY ILLUdTAATED:' 06th "SBAIt, ' jc:rinilipfluttiuon. The SctKSTFic Amcaicak i a Um. W Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen i printed in ihe-mort-beaiHlfidfwyle; illustrated wilh.sptctdkt enqraviriag. rpnm., ' m newwi iiuiuvuauu most recent A d T : ' vances in the arts and science including!,. " and interesting facU in Affricuituro H..: . 1 tnre, the Home, Health, MedirtrBrojrrttili:f 1 cial Science, KatuTal Hhiot, UcokrlT11 tronomy.- The most valuable piactical ifac by eminent writer in all department if ; enee, will be found in the KcitntiJIc Areri!!,l 1 - Terms; $3.20 per-yrar, $1.60 naif which includts potase. Iittetunt to Acetit Single copies, ten cents. 8W by aJl " dealers. Remit by iKistal order to Mi-T! Co., Puhlhet., 37 Paik Row, New York. PA.TSrS. In conntctien withtU i Scientific American, iiessri. Jiimn (V ' ar Solicitors of American ami Foreign pj enls, have Iad Syear exjerience. a4 hare the largeFt establishment in. tlie worh) Patents are obtained on the besttertuftrA Jll i cial notice is inadejn iheScienlific Atneri?iai ......... ......... ,....v.... ...mm-jjii "OKajencT with name and rcMlei;ce of tJiv atei " Any person who "has made a new .15J.-- 1 obtained for new inventions, or tr improve- or invention, can ascertjiih. free y fj ments in old ones., Caveats, Infringements whether a j.alent can probably be obtainwt' by writing to aiunn Srt. We k MnH t.' -F Our Gold Eiines, Cor. of the Nen anl Ouserver. Ciufi'KL Iln.i., Dec. R, 18S0. An unaviidable 'absence from -hume compelled this delay iu the third letter about our gold mines. It will he remem bered that in; tho last letter we ditseussed ' the inability of mercury to take hold of gold when: it was shut up in the very small particles of ' the sulphurets of iron aud copper..! This is tlie-'ieasou why so many of our mines -have gained an unsa vory reputation, because 1 lie operators tried to d.rttu impossible thing. They tiied to force, a union between mercury j and gold V"h' it was opposed by nature. Having founjd; by bitter experience that the stamp mill could not be used on raw sulphurets, having lost money on every such attempt, it was at last concluded to roast the ores to get rid of tho .sulphur. The sulphur being driven oft it was thought 'that 'the great obstacle to "the amalgamation of gold was removed. Not so, hovrvcr - Por rhe snlphuivt of iron Ijtfjral Advertising1. ! :TUe XhftilottQ Observer says aklrcadfu! A.ccidejit on the pharloft'e and Rutlicrford I urged against Jndgo Voods, and there is ruRrpad occurred -on U eluesdayr at the, urtie aouut tnat ne win ue conarmeu oy trestU oyer Indian Cixek, SJVmlles west tlie Senate. , ' --- pf LointpnV- Th! trestle, 55 ffet high, Secretary Thompson's resignation, iu gateway. and fell with a crash,carryiug connection with ben. Grant's visit to vith it 2 passenger conehes and ,. bos AVashington.jKU been the subject of much 'ears. 4 Very soon thfy caught jire frotir gossip in politieaf tiad diplomatic circles. tho.sfftantTwifcotisuutedj with all General Grant lias, Without much effort tlieircontents except three passengers ' parrj -lecopej identified with a ri ' who wtre rescued jili ofrom tlib debris val wateinqnte betweenthe oceans a hun-r-Tizt (Jipt. HrrJoi"isp:vlchajdLime- died or iwo ;niiifc jnorthwest of . the ooe brickUnd S, II. Gritlin, of Y.J. F. "at M. 7 Lesepsjproposes toxut, but. Bloom; Bill McReuzie and James War- il- le LesepJoises his pick in id air,: ready to br&ik groand. backed with al most limitlesdcapical,and by the prestige of a Unitwl SJites Cabinet office, with a sailary of $23,000 tier auunmr as eliair uiau of the American branch of the com- Trside-Matks, and nil patent busineim noip- ly attenned to. . . , Inventions that iave been Rejected mav still, in most cases, be pateJited uy tw. Being opposite the U.S: Patent Omce, and en- sageii in Patent Business Exclusively, we can secure patents in ie tinie than Utov who are remote frotii XVashington. When Inventor -Arfd "ld orketch,e nmtci. ssardi in the Tatetu Office, and advise as to its patenahliitv free of charge. Corres pond nee confidential ; fee .reasonable ; nnd Ho Charge Unless Patent is Obtained. We reter tv permwion - io me ' mnster. and t'o the Siiperinleiulei t of the Post Offire Money Order Diviton m ashsngton. . . . For ppwial leferer.ce?. e ircnlar, iwJvice, terms &c,addreR- C. A. SHOW '& CO.;, OpHwte Patent Ofiice, Va.--l;ipgtoii, p. U OpMwle S:lf t stoOB PENNED! fo-inn :lr:iint RtKk Under the geiH'RU Stock Laws and ordinances of the townr of Salisbury, I have been under the ne cessity, for the protection of growing crops! to pen up a number of hogs, and will continue to do so as they come upon my premises. Persons missing hogs, may come and sco if they are in my pen, pay charges aud take them away. 7.3t iS. R. II-VRftlSOX. out Hand Rook ahout the r.-rttnt lawn mi.,.. caveats, trade-ma rk. their iocIp, and J,ow i(J j cured, with hint for procuring advnncMODhr--ventionft. AddrsB for ti e paper, cn-orri, 1 ing patents. UTOK & CO, 37 Petk Hci' ! BranVh-Officc; cor. F & 7ih Sts. 7asITn ton, D. C E j IMS LATEST JEWS! THAT n fi I nrn nn mm m Ulli Have tho Largest and niost conipleto S7CCIC OF HEW GOODS ': they have ever idlered. Just ip:idmwi Considering th.nt 1 am entitled to pro-I get a bird's-eye View of what they now Jick.d.,) F. W. Smith, of. X. Y., S. W. (joodsou, of tiite.sviHe,' N. C, bnd some j others-were probably killed iii i the fall, nd destroyed in 'the burning train. j ' " Z ia ' -J' t An Englishtnau who has Wcjt making pany, Gen; Grant uiT Admiral Amman fi "tour of the States.recehtly has given j have not yet organized n company or done anything litit held eoufereuees.- 'anama haj certainly got the start of Ni- earaugua in this ditching business, and he musty Monroe Doctrine is no longer urged agaiust a gtaitd enterprise in the cause of commerce, uf civilization and of peace. - otervations of the peopief whom he l paysinove a if the very idembu of jnirtibir.S'as'f1hhYl; them." He pays a complitiie'nt which every true gentleman will jpreiat'eP when he says "But let i it .be. said to their honor, that they are , jjever in so great a hurry as to neglect any opportunity of -being, polite o women. ' Arid tliii roVsC lVaivgelieTaily piof the tJuited States,' 'Theirnatural gs'dfantry toward the;ex their Iconsidera--ttoifor women of every ds&sj&d Station, pift to sluimo the most iAjliahedi mrtiotis of-Europe: A xvontan tiiay travel from -.ode end o: tlie State to unothery aud - cTTey man senisjdeilgeii to r her safeiy awl-i;oinf6.rt. ' The" fact that she isnlooe tCves Uer jtnmuuity from tOsnlt." -V,; Those "Jaiiies,'patIifiigtorr,:nglandt;Myf: Tite "Ouly Lung l'atl Kbeipj thorqngh- ly fried heie, 0n hidyh;is already te ft ived great lr neflt, who lias isufferedifor " a i-ars from Rrom hitis and Asthma, ntu yt v. - i- - ' ongesliou of right Iu:ig. fjee adv. The Democratic party iuay well heave a sigh of relief over the defeat of Boss Kelly, in Xew York. It may, be too late to Bliut the stable nloor after the huihe has been stolen, in the interest. of reform, it is not too late to clear out tho Augean stable over which Mr. Kelly has so long presided. The man who thinks the De mocracy of this country is dead is simply mistaken.' Barnacles like Kelly will lie cleaned oiT - the hull of the Democratic k ip, which will yet ride the count ry into the peaceful harbor of Constitutional l jl- erty where wc can all enjoy a ha rmonious union of these States.- Char Observer. . Tr" it; -forJtnejr iftsappotnts.- Dr Dull' Cough Syrnp. Per bottle, 25 cents. - . .- I - .- a. ... .-. . --. . ,. .... . lodge. lie waited for a' few days, think ing that she might be in the country ; tlie.n he made his way to the sixth story, fear ingjest his "locataire" might be ill. He knocked repeatedly at the door, but fail ed to obtain any resposc. Ry this tune thoroughly alarmed, the concierge pro ceeded to report matters to the Commis sary of Police of the quarter; and that functionary, accompanied by a medical man and a locksmith, speedily made his appearance on tho scene. The door of the room on the sixth floor was broken open, but at first those who sought to en ter wcio driven back by a fearfully noisome odor. When they did enter a shocking spectacle presented itself. On the, bed 'lay ihe corpse of Madame Par mentier, and by her side was the dead j body of an unkuown man. Ry the papers discovered on him he was, however, speedily recognized as the Communist Commissaire Central Parmentier, con demned to death in 1871. It further be came manifest that the unfortunate cou ple, who had been many days dead, had committed suicide by sufi'ocation wth the fumes of charcoal. Roth husband and wife were on the' verge of sixty years, aud it is conjectured that the poor woman, (hiding her health and strength declining, aud nimble to procure sufficiently remu nerative employment for the subsistence of herself and her husband, had at length yielded to utter despair and persuaded or been per&uaded by her husband to put an eud to the existence of both. A Sp Death. Little Robert Thurston, son of Mr. X. M. Seigle of this place, was playing with .his little idster Wednesday and while eating, some peanuts oue got into his windpipe, and before it could be removed he was choked to death. He was about 17 months old and was a bright, health and promising little boy and the sadden death is very much lamented. The physicians did all in their power to sus tain life but all to no aa.-lliciorf Press J. R..C:iirns, sheriff of Lenjiwce.connty, Mich., ays : I have worn an '0uly Lung Pad" for Bronchial difficulties, and Imve not been troubled with U cough litgljts since wearing it. See adv. was changed by the roasting to oxide of iron, and the gold was still inside and could not 1)0 attacked bv the mercury. Some of the gold was set free by the roasting but by no means ;tll. What, thenT would take all the gold out, or if not all, nearly all? Years ago Plattner, a German chemist, devised a method by 'which nearly all the gold, the silver and copper would be absolved out. This method was by the use of chlorine The success of this method depends mainly upon two things, viz - the state of division to which the ore is crushed, and the completeness of thedesulphurization. The tire must be. crushed line, so line in deed that it looks like meal, and the sul phur mstst be entirely driven off. If tho ore is not; tine enough tho chlorine gas will not be able to attack the gold, shut up as it is in the oxide of iron, and if the sulphur is; not en tii ely -driven oil' there will be a waste of chlorine and gold. In deed, in both the great methods for ex tracting gold from sulphurets, by mer cury and by chlorine, the sulphur must be eutirely driven off. For in the Hist T . Ml . 1 M t I case tne mercury win "i.oin ' aim ue wasted, aiid iu.the second place. thc.chlo riue will I be ! 'Wasted and the: gold lost. The veryifirst thing to be done with our Xorth Carolina sulphurets after they are taken from the mine is to partially dry, then crush, then pulverize, then drive oft' the sulphur. After that conies the great question"; how to get the gold out when there is i)d more than $13 per ton. This question ;lor higii grade oresj t. e., ores that run from 25 per ton up to $50 and $G0 is not so important as for the low grade ores, i. e., ores that run from S3 to 818 and $20 per ton. In these care is needed tbcover expenseseven. Rut for the others the operators can stand a los of from 15 per cent, to 30 percent, and even 50 per cent. So far in Xoith Caroliua the best paying method for low grade ores has been the chloriuntion method This is on the supposition that the free milling Ores have been used up from most of the mines, and that only sulphurets are left kith occasional strings aud pock ets of brown ore, and free milling quartz What will hereafter be done in the direc tion of a slow motion fine seived battery mill retrains to be seen. Rut it cannot be denied that for low grade sulphurets the chlorination process is the besfsofar. In the early days of the process it was condnctetl! by passing chlorine gas into a false bottomed vat coutaiuing the crashed, roasted ore mixed with water. Thechlo riue acted upon the gold, the copper and We hope that our Legislature, at its approaching session will enact a law iu reirard to "le-ruf adveltisin,, directing the publication in sonic newspaper of all notices that are now directed to be post ed ";it the Court House and three other public places." We do not not under stand how any man ean doubt the propri ety of passing such a law, w ho will ci i oiisly consider the matter. We presume, of course, that the object of posting no tices "V.t the Court House door and three other public places" is to give publicity to a notice. Xow, wo ask which would ;ive greater publicity to a notice, its Ihj ing 'posted "at theJJourt House door and three other public places" or its publica tion in a newspaper that is read by hun dreds of persons iu the county. Pittsloro livciu-d. - It would certainly be a benefit to both debtor and creditor to advertise .ijl sab s of propeety in sonic newspaper, especial ly when it is sold under execution, or by administrator, executor or guardian. Sales are often made under the present system where persons interested I never heard of them until tho whole thing was over, and some one cheated or defrauded out of their just dues. The Legislature should make some change in the manner of advertising legal sales. Charlotte Democrat. 15 Sto-3 Oreaa, 'Sab' Bass ani Coupler Only 805 Best in tht U. S. OPEN YOLH Y3 WlOE before you sond North for Instrument. oi-J c j, advertisements no not always tell the exa..:t truth. BETTER lnslni ia nt h ;it mr.e. or n-c ew, be hitd nearer home See these offers : O'; G V 1 ? -13 p, 4 et H!, .inh ltoad r;-frr. Il:t:u f-'? 4 ft onlti f"; ' 'iS'iif'. 3 rf.-'N l.etf, $5-. Wool anl-ttook iaclu letl. PI A NO -I Oct., Uirae size, hup i:,.m-u-.xl Ciiu!,uniuSTv; T'i 'it., lanjet ir-7s K Ort Srtuni-e ,'inni, enter I'tf , UuflMjurent (W milu:h'l. '.stool fir,J fover tnciuded. Alitroia old anarrti iiiie makers, an.l tully pUiiranteed ; 13 rtays test trial. Ve p;sy iTetrfht it not satlsfatory. I'ovtUvcly tro tfsf hiir.m.s til the U.S. A Xita? ahoiit tUi. Ve iwm r;.sMite.ss un-.l competition with the world: Scad fur. 1-nll mees Iss... It will pay you. Adlress, LUOOEN i RATES' SO'JTHESK MUSIC KOOSE.SAtfANNAri.G.X. 5:it l Deljinn.t ; t'illilOlH. I.PSl S.. . : f'-' TEE -ITATIOITAL HOTEL', salisbuky, ll a, FOB E3NT! have ill store : Dresx GooiJs", from 8c up: loc. Domes! in from re up. CKimere, Jeans Flaiuieli', Linsrvn, -Slialn"H Cloaks ai;l a full as.sorthtent of - 'I ! fi 3Bry weeds ani rotwns. A compute slock of t.oes S lioou, bought1 i of MHiuifjcii:n i, itd wilt he nU .is elifMim the chwij-eft. We have the unexcel'IH Ifcf 1 H Staif and Wcliiioie 8he, A full line fjf AI -' ILils. .-toil ln'jcH trinuim! am n'nirini- " nied Hal vtry cfittip. f;:! nssorluieiii of cioTnina VEPwU cheap. ' The hirst-si lw.t of Shirtxiu the lc.. ft!i (li weiif s :it bottom prici'K. Kigl-t or ten -1 " kinds of t wi'lVe frojn I2ic up to the Itent Mi cli.-i. Kiht rxrifiieHoi Sj-rnp hntt MtrhiMieii j ! very che.j. A ;ol assort inent of Sitgara l ! low as can be had in the place;- ll'ioll kind fi of To ha ci li -apeft ' ll e l.-l io he Imd hi any mark-!, ilat oii, Lan'i, Salt, Tloiir, Meal, j Leather, Ac. - '' We have a l re lot of Lyte Crop Pntataoi' I is now n Ijaini, vciy fine.' A liire simk of Tl- ble Ware, and many useful arueles t oc. We Un v ami fell all kinds of Country Pi duee for cah or hait r. Pe mie m.d sie u before von Im:v or f i II. . i Administrator's Sale I IS LAB3DBETHS' Of course every potter praises his own pot and we can all toot a little Ion our own trumpet, but some blow as if nobody ever had a horn but themselves. Some drink because 'tis wet, i And soaie because 'tis dry ; Some drink another glass To wet the other eye. 'IIc that promiseth till no man will trust him Io that lieth till no man will believe him Ie that borroweth till no man wjll lend him, jet him go where no man knowelh him.'-' If we dance to every fiddle we shall soon be lame iu both legs.- Good; nature may be a great misfortune if wo do not mix prudence with it. On Sa'.urdav, the -bh-dav of Ieeemler leifi" Tne iiiub-ivired offer the above valuable afthe Court i louse floor in Salisbury, I will propertv- for retil for one or more earx. It in offer for c-aie the reversionary interest in tL situated I in the eenler of llie bnsijie-s portion j John Mcitorie Homestead, on r niton Slreel of the eitv. and admirably fitted inall respectsl in the North Ward !' Salisbury, beinjT the for a public. houe. It has beon for years the most popular Hotel iu the city, readily com manding the preference of vihitors of all clasnei. Jcrms lil f rai, A ddress, G:lm II. L. II0LH2G, A st. 17841 seeds; "-BEST 11 If not acid in yoar town- you I f i get tham by mail. I Imp i ns a, rnntcti Card tor fJata. ' oga and Prion. Thr Oldett and moit txtenrive Seed Grmrrr in the Vmitrd State. DAV1W UASOKKTI1 fc SONS,Phiuiex.J,A. House and Lot opposite F. Jv. ShoberV rei denre, and ifw orenpifd by (Jbailes Prhf. " Tlie widv of Jo?::) Melforie. had duweru signed her iiu"lu!in; this property. ' Term of Kale One-ihhd oMbe pmch.nt money ranst be paid on i' ay of wile, and a credit of Ax and twelve incn'ili" for I lie other two-thicda will be ;iven. witli interest from day of sale. IIaols wiTIi approved feciiriiy for d!A-rred payinentx will be required, and j title rei-erved until nil the purchase ni ne w. paid. . ; I)v order ff Court. LUKE BLACKMEIt : Oct, 23, 1SS0 Gw .Commissioner.--! SOW TS THE TIME TO SIToSCRH FOR THE WATCHMANI B. C. BIBB & SON Iron Founders, BAtTirohn, rD. Mannfacture a dasirable line of Heatijijr and Cooking Stoves, including the -renowned - m 1 RG1NIA mri mm 0H00L! T'he -Spring "Session of this School will open on Monday, January 3d, 181 . Address UEO. K. AlCAEIL, Noodleuf, .tJ. I0:3w VICK'S ! " ILLUSTBiTiD FLOSAL GUIDE For 11 is an Eieeaut Book of 140 Pasres, One Col ored Flower Plate, and &X) Illustratlous, with De scrtpttoiw or tae dcbi t lowers anil ejretapirs, and Directions ior growing, oniy i eeatH. ; in Eng llsli ortermun. If you atterwards order seeds de-UUi-t the 10 cents. .VICK'S sEKDSaretne nest in the world. The Floral CriDE wm teil how to get aod qraw thom. VICK'S b'LOWEK AMI VKUfcTABLK GARITKN, 175 Pacres, rt Colored Plates, 5txi Engravings. For 3 cents la p iper covers; fl.w) ia el2gant Cloth. In German or English. ; VICK'S ILLLSTKATKD MONTHLY MAOAZIXE 32 Patfes, a Colored Plate In every number and many nne-Katfravlngs.---race a year; Five copies for S-Mm. swcliaea lumbers seat tor 10 cents ; 3 trl U copies ior as cents. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. FARMERS, LOOK HERE ! Blake Your Own Guano. Shun these guano dealers, and manufacture your own teruUzers. Most of the material is on your farms and easy to be had and the balance can be bad at your nearest, town. One receipt tor quickly manufacturing jwanp, far better than the spurious stall sold by unscrupulous aeaiers, wm De maxiea u you on receipt or. - . One Iollar i .11 The directions are simple, no tools or apparatus needed berides wnat a farmer already bos, and the cost does mot exceed THREE DOLLARS per ton. Three hundred pounds put on an acre will make a better crop than any iruani you caa buy. Jtend your oraer ana one aouar or man io, at my fisEi with Post-offlce plainly wrliten, to R. J. EBrFtKj.n, -Wadley, (iefiivfa. The most prfrct in oiieration, tmftlv in . appearance, and wiieqnaletl for duiuLility. 1 " - not buy until you have teen it. t2T FOH SALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. CO '-J . Zip 15 Cures ty BSCRPTlOfi Matures VqV i mm km And all diseases of the Xidneyp, Bladder and Urinary Organs Ly wearing the IMPROVED EXGELSQLR KIDNEY PAD LUNG IISEASBr f THEOAT DISEASES - ilBSEATEn.TaT3TOBlgf "CnLungPadCo. William Block,- ; , It Drives Into the fpum curaUve t& It is aMarvelof Healing and E-tlteif and tieaiitig niefikine.-. i " " . i. ,1. nrl . ... . . . B It Tlreer Frrm H'C uw t- bimpie, bensibie, Direci Painless, Powerful, It CITIIES where all the f;Wl. A BEVE LATI0N and REVOLUTION in Medicine Absorption or direct application, an oiMMmei? to uiisalisfactorT internal medicines. Send folH our iresune on rvmney irounies, eni lree.; roIt' by dmggut8, oreent lr mail on receipt oi price, $i. . ADDRESS j. This Is. the Original andGen ulne Kllney Pad. Ask for It (and tase no other. DETROIT. Micir. sent frw. It Tlrmsrs "Frrm the ppiisoii lliat csrtise deal h. - "Ca-Tltoiisands Telfy to its Virloc. Yon Can BD: RelioTel Aii Don'l despair rnlih you 1 sve it -de.. Ea.ilr Al JUd - R '.A D I C A - EFFE CT IJ Ai Ken to; Sold lv Dn gsifis, or Kent ly n,, , of Price, $2,00, by - Send for test!- rrri Unnv LxXZ n nontab and ocr -tuu v iim.mtl XK)1 llir.EK - i 'I W , AH- "-ill

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