; I'M ' : . ,: ' . - " ;- : - - ' - - " ' -H ' ' ; : ;. ' i -. ' '. " " -.." '.. ' b ' '. ' H - : i v V (uL 1 wJL J 1' i - ' - fill - '". ij f : ., I O O " ( .Ivy' ' " ' ' " ' --f-.- . :r- J: " "-"V 1 O IT3 dll 61 11 id i)L XM-HISD SERIES no ic . SALISBURY, HJ CM JAHUAEY 13, 1831. - 1 V The Carolina Watchman, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1632. PKICE, $1.50 IN ADVANCE. roNTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. - ..i.t- i tv n loan UhM T month 2 Da's 3 m's m's 12 m's M'V One tT ! i two tor jhree for your for column lor : 3 d ). l. M; dp. do. $1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 11.25 1S.75 $2.50 4.50 I 9.75 4.J J S-( 7.5 $3.50 j $5.03 5.V5 7.50 11.25 7.E9 11.99 13.69 1B.F-9 15.75 I 20.50 j 259 2C.25 S3.75 ' 4S.75 fS.D 12.S9 13.99 18.89 25.99 40.99 75.S9 hoi OMLIXJNICATED. ..ij pRS SOUTllEliK; f JL REMEDY tot tho earo ofefecrof- uU, fhllis. ScrofaloM Taint, Ehco- Efltt, , Malaria, U d jdBB from n impaiouuiMvi v kUaorKal?. CUKES SCSCFIJLA. Cures Rheumatism. Cures SyplWis II I' - Cures ESalaria. & iCares Nervous Debility. CUKES COXSUriPTION. fhast3 Ingredients rnUfned on eTery t Show it to your rnvBiciau. ecu Lcelle&t E031DALIS 13 sold by all Drafts. tflll von it la comTOscd of tl3 Ktroni;cst clterathrea that exist, and la aa 1 AKER'S PAIN PANACEA For MAI? and BEAST. I External and Internal. GREATEST PAIN RUEVETt OF Ta ACH. LM8 L i THE ilr , GREAT VEGETABLE CATHARTIC Vegetable VOlCI SYRUI y physicians a3 tho best . iijitoi P ended j For the Watchman, i , At Home:, Dec. 29, 1830r" jlfr. Editor : I seo that the two aruend njjents to tho Constitntion, submitted by tie legisratnre of 1879 to the voters of the State, for their ratification or jj-ejectiou, has been ratified bv a- inaiontr of the good people of the State, and by:. the pro- ' ctamation of the Governor they jare parts cf the Constitution of ; tlie State. As to t)o amendment in regard to the fraudav lent debt of the" State, that is final and peeds no legislation to make it effective ; . but tho amendment in regard to tho Deaf Mntes, Blind aud Insane of theJState, this' Legislature has the powerj and 'tis its doty by wise action to iuake.jt both eco nomical and a blessing to the tax-payers of the State witrwut-jinfiiugiiig on the' Welfare of those' unfoVtuhate'beingsas was intended by the mover of said amend ment in the session of 1879. ! And the tnovcr of said amendment feels it his du ty, although he can expect butlittle ben efit therefrom, being close on the "home stretch" of tin eo score years aiid ten, to ktate, for the benefit of after generations, that some of the most potent reasons that iproaipted said amendment are the follow iing: i - Under the Constitution as it was, the Legislature had no power to restrict ex penses within proper bounds and the outlook being so gloomy as regard the : Insane--onen to fraud most iiicantic and when the prospects of the State would have been completely damagejl by these galvanized philanthropists, the jcost in the near future would have been a quarter of a million of dollars yearly ; that the limit of taxation would have been entirely in sufficient for State aud county need, and I here say that these . pretending philan thropists will not be easily choked off. They have a hand in and they! will fight a deadly fight to keep their Isold. The present amendment puts it entirely under the control of the Legislature jvith regard to tiie indigent insane, and cits olf all those able to pay, as well as tho Deaf Mutes and lilind. We shall tiass by the , i ct . . i ti:...i Jii:.. t. ijear Aiuies aim uiinu , we. ihuik. case lias, upon the "whole, beeiijjudicious. lut not so with the insane. Kot going far back, but beginning with the Asylum at lialeigh : At tlic sessions of 1677 and '79 there was appropriated $00,000 a year, for two vear, and for 1878 there was a dsQcienev of $3,000 for about 270 insane. Say, tho last named year, $0)00, at the' rate ot two luuulteu and utty uollars a money, when, if it takes 17 silver dollars to weigh a pound, she lias grabbed 5,000 pounds, or five two-horse loads of silver, 1,000 pounds to a load. We ask will you make the Insane wait till they are dead T It seems so. The money is what they are after. What da thev care for the Insaue? ' SA.nd now. let me advertise, that these same galvanized philantrophists will twist, wrangle and howle in onr Legislature, jto make the laws nudcr the Amendment, in their favor. to keep on grinding the blootLand bones of tho hard working people of the State for their special benefit. Will they bull doze the Legislature T We shall see; The Amendment says, the General Assembly may provide - that the indingent deaf mutes, blind and insane of the State, shall be cared. for at the charge Jof the State Man provide. it jsivesth Legislature discressjoirio make thlFprovision or hot as they may elect. I how the General Assembly will not undertake to provide for them at the charge of the! State. If they dotbat Amendment is aud will be worth less. " j - The General Assembly should recur to first principles if they do. (The grabbers occupation will be gone, and in the near future it will save to tax payers at least 50.000 dollars. The Legislature should enact laws m.vking each I county pro vide for its own indigent deaf mutes, blind aud insane, that tho State Treasur er acquaint the commissioners of the sum required tor their maintenance, and remit the amount to the sheriff wheu they make their returns of taxes collected tor tho vicinity, are now makjog active prepara-j tions for constructing a hew, and much larger school-ouildiug near tho site of the old one, which, when completed, will no doubt, afford the ahf pJes accommoda tions, and reflect honor on Jail who may contribute, either in ihoneyniaterials, or labor, to its construction. .They do notj intend that this school shall, like many other in the country, go down, but that it shall be perpetuated:; and, with annu ally increasing educational facilities, ex tend its enlightening; influences to very remote parts of our country. ( The writer of this was most agreeably impressed with the evidences of profound interest in the school manifested by the people of tho neighborhood.; All, even those whose heads were whitened by the frosts of more than seventy winters, were in - attendance by ijit awellas day, gi viug ; their ; ii n d i v id ed af letrtiowto al i that transpired, and tendering theirhos- pitalities to th.oso from a distance. Dif ferences in politics and religion had.no power to alieuate them from a common brotherhood in the great cause of educa tion, the only true foundation of enlight ened Christianity. There seem to be two elements essential to the success and per petuation of any school. They are these: 1st, a good Teacher j oareijr able to vote when the war may, be found anywhere, and bf. the e oseJ. They were young men who aid of wax easily cut ont a larr4 ho1 in physical and moral manhood, In (without the slightest sound) insert an SOcial stand in or Ir nil ram!!- lJ.I 1 l -. k bt ... iuiuim tiui7. fcuc via me nan or caiciu raise anu 111 lUture nrosnects. had nn sun. Ifhn nrinTr fl-, fP tUi. 1 .-ifotctl Forsrers. Exteusir OixratiomM o Ttrn rViM;. j ; Their Arrati. riots in North Carolina. Yet to-day, are1 ! ready for operation. A sraallj: New York Jan 2--t Wednesday ( -.oi.-w.il vu- itw vouiiaissioner j Smith from Consul Crosby, at Florence, t m1vi-(1 ll 1 111 rT fli Mnfn f 1. m within half.a dozen years ! ing,! can then go through room after three American forcers who were trav.l- I Well, what shall be done ? To oar 1 room, selecting every thing of value, ' nS wit their wives under the names of mind the only thing that can be done while the owner with his wife andeo,W Ashton Colbert, Henry Wills and is to stop the manufacture of liquor, babies lies in blissful unconsciousness. Jamc J-J"1'0 V Nothing but a to, declaring all kinds Usually, the rogues by watching I wi-f Amerifa nf ,i-:u. ' .,a u. 1 ut t? r8 were foand in Aeirj possession .-A.va.tug uuuiiii mill- iiuisuii, I l vuim viim uuusc ak ucvi-iiiue, can leu. I of action on the part Of himself, the trus tees, and the people generally of the vicin ity, in its support. The school at Min eral Springs is evidently blessed with these elements, and 1 ence its success. On the above occasion, tho writer had the pleasure of meeting intelligent geu- and therefore under the ban, and sub-1 by 'the lights, uot only what roorasare ject to destruction wherever found, sleeping rooms, but also precisely win cto any good. We know by per-1 w,"re the door, the bureau, and . the smial experience, that no, moral re- bed, in each . room are located This stramt, no appeal to manhood, no ex-lis less diulcult in small'towns .where ertion of will-power, can stop tlie gas is not used than in cities: for large majority of intemperate men when the inmates carry a lamp it is from taking the fatal cup just as long to tell by the reflection the location of as they can get it. And so long as it the bureau, mantle-piece, and bed, so is made they will have it." Telegraphic correspondence with Consal Crosby developed the fact that Colbert ' -wasalias for Peten Burns, Wills for , k Wflken, and Julias for "Shell" Ilamiltea. who was out of prison for nine monthf. V A dispatcli was then received which .as . nouncetl that evidence had been founds the police of Florence implicating Charlt- 1 Becker and Geo. Engels in the vfbrgerie " and asking for their arrest. Eogels's tli ' j as, as discovered by the Italians; w I .i Lt: .:..: ...... State. And further, the whole matter of "emen nom u.e u y,i.n..K u..tjr u. c.n.HnrrMu, fortnmitP to the Assvlum Montgomery, of whoiki he sought informa- bo left in the bauds of the, county Com- man as he was descending the steps of his residence, and took him also to the police tion concerning "that wolf" which was missioners, with a skilful physician to constitute the Board. And further in any y- Organized and Ready for Worh-Lut ,,ea1a"wters. The Florence authorities jt f.h nm were advised of the capture of these men, ojine Ufficera. and they sent word back that extradition C7For ealo r.-i all Iirurristn. John f. henry, curhan co., ! i - kilt: pbopsietous. A. l.l Tf- ' killed about a mouth lago, in the big wood a few miles iiortheasi of Troy, and of the; Court where a crimiual pleads insanity as true wolfekip of which many were, for a a mitigation of his crime J the physician time, in doubt. Having seen the stuffed; should be'tendercd to give impartial evi- hide of lie animal ill question, he was; deuce in the case, that the comity may satisfied that it was! that of a vertiable not unjustly or wrongfully sustain dam- wolf, but desired to know the thouguts ot ... i .1. .It 1.. I .ttl.mo lTcftYT-naiiift!l'liimlt1tlf lwtfljltlllta age: aim tnai tiie commissioners; suau ue uiuws. " - required to advertise in ! their ! several any longer exist in the part of country counties from tiie 1st ot September to near wueic uie aunniu im.iv.u , the first of December, in each and every the best judges, and,!amoug them, gentle- year, who the county sustains and pro- men who have resided in countries wiiero vidts for, and the cost. And the Board the wolf is common, junhesitatingly pro-; so constituted should have exclusive pow- nounco him a wolf; jJiat since the one re er to send or not, as they may think best ferred to was killed, jjthree or four others for the insane, or keep them at home, have been seen ; and that one William: For one of tho assistant physicians at Hurley had recently lost more than a Raleigh in 1879, said, that) two-thirds of hundred head of sheep, which, though, thfl inmates of the Assvlnru. had no busi- killed by carnivorous animals, were not ness .there. Then it is uselessto send them killed by dogs. .Now, whence came those to tho A-ssylum, and it can't benefit them, wolves f Ave they aborigines or the w liv not keen them at home, and save at county of Montgomery, or aretney immi- head, and yet there was a howjf from Dr. , ton0 ,tmrth of tho coJ Wjiere thev grants from other pints, settling there, p Grissoyi for more money, while the Stato ft t inalignunt theiri friends would and claiming the lights of squatter sov- of Georgia's inRano cost her about oue 1 lT,1.n.. Tmi . i ' m . . i. i I --, -i.ino ncrasei once ior rue T lltlf 1 11 a 1( nm nor mn ra iwIah u in littlA I 0 1 0., 1 i. .! wu uu triuar vu' cAouaiige nst is very uauger 01 suiinuiing on me wrong usht Enffea Wfla nrrofltt atiA u,. " . -M-l1 .! A 1-a1 t I .A Tl ' 1 m I It . 1 I - . - - . oiiiuw, mm uuuuiiess many oilier pa- spot, xi is wen ior me puDiic to Know at the police headquarters. Detective and, 2ndly, concei t . pers arc in favor of the measure ; even these things, as ths cold, hard whiter were sent to Becker's house, about tio of our exchanges we may have over- up North is drivintr swarms of tramos I u,,es back of New Lots, in King's conn- " I j w I ... .1 rri . .'-'.. looked some who would like to be and outlaws down South. Fanner V' ""'J- waicnect tne I I bklio-i nil tl. .. 1. t. !-o;r,i , :.. r.... ,1 1. L.i iri..-. - ...iiSiL uic buow storm, anu d I I on r nil.ir innrmnir tliiir iinw.f-i 4l.a r ;n 1 11 1 1. 1 .1 . ft ue win giauiy puDiisn tne names on nv l,af.,n..n n 1 i.-i egisiavurc. .. umii ihuj tuiut lj uui nuun icugCi The Methodist, Baptist and Presby terian papers are committed to 1 1 , 1 I - mm iiici ocut worn oacK inac extrauition 0 ' - f I I n.nnera frnnlil Ua fv-.ll . lb. aurch JTeHayer, the Episcopal Kaleiqii, N. C, Jan. 6.-The TT r--- ZZZ - In .1 w i i,v uvi ivu .- 1 ' 1 T 1 It . .1 I konntA mi si Haiioa v---f 4 r I . organ is tiecKieuiy lavorauie 10 uie rs,,rtW-,,u "WUM ",Bl vyj as the man who perpetrated the SG4 000 movement. day A quorum Was present. I he forgery on the Union Trust Company id members were sworn m by the clerk 1873. He was arrested, and a plate of a of the late House, Col. John D, fwrgc clicck was found at Ins house. He nainprin. nf Hnrliam. W&8 ,PtBO,lcr m 0-omb and LndlOW Canon Frfrrar, in a recent address Notices were given of one contest 3"T i 7 8 V. ? . . ,T I o I nHul&hrYlP1ir I totnrn thnf ! 1 a1 Kaah 4:i.i 'p t i .-t. ,. . .. t " wtH vuulicu iviu iiei uiivo anu ienisia- i mo senate aim two in tne nouse. n i. r e . i mniiiouucu in uusianuuupio ior lorgmg tion," published by the National Tern- W. T. Dortch, of Wayne, was Turkish bonds, and broke jail with two perauce Socity, referring to the cry so chosen president of the Senate pro confederates, "Joe" Elliott and "Charley often made, that "You cannot make tern., and C M. Took, of Franklin. Umcr. He is, according to information , -j . . . , , , fionnlo snbpr Lv Art nf Pnrlinmm P TT., . T? f g'.ieu uy ll.e po.lCC, CliargeU Willi COm I I. ' I mitt in rr n m nnlpr t4.iiirA onma rAii ,. . ur?,.i . i. on i . i i. 61 im; . ucm.aun., .3 no. u ue mat man, oi liuncomue, cuiei cierK oi uie afi0 uaward Born, is a iinQor ueftler tt you cannot, to an immense extent, Senate, John H. Small, of Beaufort Mercer aud Houston streets in this city. make people sober by Act of Parlia- reading clerk of the Senate; Thomas MIe 3 under police survillance ment. You can: it has been done C.Evans, of Reidsville, reading clerk aver vast tracts of America. It is of the House; John D. Cameron, of being done in wide areas of onr colo- Orange, principal -clerk ; J. S. Tom nies. It is done in hundreds of our Hnson. of Catawba, en crrossina clerk. English parishes where the land-own- " 1 .... vi VI - V-Vf k WIV V.I - 1 M uu oaifli V AO cr lias the wisdom to shelter his peo- fcenator Morgan, of Alabama, in a $2,500, bat the judge has to pay his trav- licTV Ycrk. !' far Sale by T. F. KLUTTZ, Druist;: i JU;1V tDUiLsuiiry, j. . . AMES M. GRAY,! I i J Attorney and Connssllor at Law, SALISBURY, X. C. )lucc in the Court House lot, nextdod to Squire Haughton. WiU practice in all th e -Courts of the State. m ATTORXEY AT LA f) Practices in the State and Federal Courts. 12:6m KERR CRAIGE, gttanun at Sato, keep them and they would not be incar- 1 1 1 1 11 .1..1IL -.1. UUimmi anu um-iy-uvc- iiuimis eacu , . , - . r:sontfi fwr life. .t - 1 I.. !.. ii OA. -A- ...... - "- I I year, l o me, mis iooks in pus ouiie, Lfcfc ho hiXVC lxn t m,lty an be is ereigntr ? U'llTIIVOPllAGOS. insrcaioiBaiyaiiiu-p....aui..py mko am, enjovment of frecdolu that they e thieving philanthropy! Dr. Grissom took , GoJ . theni. To for Sm more than feorg.a per hlMreerated : au AliSvlllIU for life capita. Shame. j horrid. Worse a great deal thai! the pen rrii T.risl:if.iiif. of 1 &77 nnnronri- I . . .... --j -i ifpntisirvi in it n, ar?re niaiorirv oi cases I 7 o U MISCELLANEOUS. PKOHIBITION. ated $100 tor each outside ihsane, and before the session of 1879 adjourned the Treasurer paid out swine forty thousand have hope of liberty at some time, and in a large majority they are sleak and fat; and with the colored, they seem to be dollars to them, some counjies taking L Bnt look at most of the inmates in taxes they paid in for their insane. .A very large crop of insane, I think. Under this From the N. (j. PreKbyterian. In another - column we publish a card "To the public," on the subject of a prohibitory laiv for the State of North Carolina. It will be observed law the commissioners in each county in the State made a general, grab on the State treasury. Why, they would ran sack the poor houses ! I knoijv that one commissioner hauled a two-horse load of Temperance and Legislation. The Poor Judges. "In the first place any lawyer fit to be a judge is apt-to have given op a practice worth doable the salary. The salary is pie from crime and pauperism by the recent interview, gives expression to Uling aud boarding expenses. Under our simple rule which hej on his single a sentiment which has gradually gam- present system of-rotation, he has to be autl.ority,can make, and make un- ed ground since the election. It is away from his family nearly six months questioned, but which hundreds of in effect that trade, not the politicians, S J year, and if he should live .in Pas- lich sort the movement seems to 4e growing into enthusiasm. The I JSorth Stale Press Blasteer7 and Msm; lAttbrneysCounselors and Salicitors. SALISBURY: NC Jan.iv22 1879 tt. ! ... r . .11.1 P.. tho Asylums. There is iio hope when it that a State uonvention is caueu ior shall end, it is misery multiplied; who the 12j.li of January, prox. The time can solace it! Is it any wonder that like si,orfc am ;t behooves the friends of the bird robbed of its freedom it pines mnnr;inpp trt k pt;tr themselves. Let i ,i; c ,1.. T,i !.. it " 1 1 itWilJ ituil lilbii I ou uu iuv l m. r uuui tvi . til II - , " I A I. I ,1 I nrt i 4....n. nil rnitwiltc a.' ii . . i ' inere ue iieieaiuj nuui an i a creation's blot. Aud sometimes thev are incarcerated by mercenary j motives, of the State. It k pleasing to note nifiii jind women who are sane, are in for that secular miners' arc co'minir out in them to Salisbury to get them on the nfe fe tlieir enemies r relatives to get favor of this measure, and that the cnaige oi u.e ouuc, u .u u.a.0 u ()f the Qf whjc tueni ; lor it was merely a snanieiui grao game, and allthe way they Jcould get a half showing to grab too. They got five through, and most of them, I jhave been credibly informed, were as good hands to work as could be found auy where. By this wholesale grabbing, jas the late Chief Justice said on another case, the State treasury became "exhausted," and the hutLLegislature could not. as nmch as pay fifty dollars a head. T.hi Treasurer 'being before the Legislature,; said there was no money for them, it was exhausted. Now;lets peep into 1373, and seo what it Asvlum at Raleigh may not bean excep- flnn An,l T think t.if i reasonalilo e,,u,Mau,s,M cround for tho Legislature to create a says and we coiild expect nothing committee of experts, to examine' aud if else from that quarter: anyare thus incarcerated jgive them the lib- "Let every Christian man, woman erty Godlias given theui to enjoy. And an(j gjjj taje a y.XQi aU R00I1 our to examine the roll and call each one, and - c, . ... XA M rUU twr. Pms - i Brown SALISBURY, IT. C. . j-ealerift-Tin ILL All low down ard Conner W-Jin fac t I will ard Stills, - " Sr-sell STOVES tovds in full 3P2 J?"cl.caper than anetv. Par- rZ Iftsft. vou can buy lor,Uoknd 'mca, lrora I' Ndt: ;iny where else Pr"in this city. -4- jhe Cheapest OtlTW" WiU rvV'r to the best. old stills oh Short Notice. Mi jt- ; 1 W31 :----j:fi tft IF YOU WISH j Yoiir Watches and Clfu-U-s. Spw in?? Maehir.es.&c. Kepaired by a ood,- cheap and responsible woricpaan please leave theru wuii .lessrs. I-Miiti & Kendleman, Balisbufv, in. u mr ! -Il-'L. 1U.( II. L. BROWN, f Cheap C hattpl IMortgagcr ariou8 other blankB for sale here report the actual number in the Insane Assy hi in at lialeigh. One other commit tee to examine whether the outside insane received the one hundred dollars for 1877 and '78, or how much and what! was done with the baltancc, and if their monies were misappropriated by commissioners cost the Sfate for the insane ijn that year, b . theQ. to puni-ji.heut. and making provision for tjiCni in the future :' The Asylum at lialeigh, $03,000; outside lunatics, $40,000 ; Mojrganton As ylum, $30,000; Asylum at j Goldsboro, .20.000 in all for 1878. $158,000. Is it any wonder that the treasury should be D. ILvilKIXGEn. ity and the courts! will be rid of two thirds of the business that pile upon the docket of evcrV" county, aud mon ey will be save toj the tax-payers in the way of bills of cost fastened upon tho liermle bv the result of Iinuor sell- I I -J 7 1 ing. Do a good vyork; and you will never regret it. And the Durharn Recorder: "The questiou presents itself, and Jackson Hill. N.C; Dec. 25th, 1830 Ei. Carolina Watch ji ax: On y ester- the question of tle hour shall indi come exhausted worse than tlie late Judge day came off the closing exercises of the vidual freedom war against the best Ilis rifijht to a living is Pearson's judiciary. Now, six years ago, fall term, ior tne enrrene yeai, oi tne ;ntcre9ts f the wole? One is grant tin. Legislature became very jjnucha gal- school at Mineral ftpriugs institute, n, i.j . ftother a j .1 I A. I .rm a-h rm aI . . I " vanized. philauthnqnc boily when tney cxaniy couuit, wuium, 3 ia ""! ior i:.i i,:.i t k ii.io that, institution, marked evidences of the lJOC 1J lllll HOI. UI IHCICUUCU liwu iu u -v. ...j ' - . j any interest on the public debt, appropri- until ing energy and skill of the Teacher, thus guaranteed; j Hut may it not be, ated only the small and insignificant sum aud the good deportment, zeal,jand pro- that this right to ii living involves at "ft .... nil I 'L - . of $75,000 to build another; Asylum at gress of the studeuts. ine ony circum- tj,e game t;me tJ1D ,Jeath of his patrons, Morgantou. Two years thereafter that stance-calculated to mar, in the least, the the turmtlil 0f coihnmnities, the ani i t t. r.....J,l:-.. 1..I.1 I -iimvmonf nf th wlmli- .nv:iinh. wna tlm small sum snoweu ine iuuiiuuhuh knvi. . hjv.j i . .., The Iecislature of 187G-'77 appropriated inadequacy of the size ot the Academy to for 1877 and 78 $00,000 more for complo- the accommodation of j the large crowd tin" the main building and one wing, present. This iuconvcnSence seemed to bo Was it done? No. But thefmoney was uuneticed, however, and, notwithstaud- cone. Then the Legislature! of 1S79 gave ing the chilline of th weather, all en them $50,000Tuere, and at the called ses- jjiyed it hugely. Those living at a dis- sion thatfwas spent, and the building not tauee set out for their respective homes ready to accommodate one lunatic; and to-day, traveling over bad roads, and like the lTorse-leach the cry if as for $25,- through a most blinding snowjfall, feel- 000 more Yes,' morel but they did not ing that they hadTbeenj richly repaid for get it. Anybody can see that Morgan ton all their trouble, and carrying with them nuiRt. bn insane, or they think: the rest of their hopeful sons and daughters to eee the State are,-to let them tilch the hard loved ones at home, and te jenjoy the earnings of the people. Mrejfldy one bun- Christmas nonuay s. ii nnd irlitv-five thousand dollars. It The teacher, Mr, 0. " -C - - - I I . At . . ' wonder Morganton has o plenty, of Trustees, ana luo.neop. I I . is no C, Hamilton, ; the o .generally of the mosities of indivtit they do ; aud shil uals? We believe make no objection 1 1 I li. 4 nln K.MonfVit. Tii inei.i n a poor men anu poor women ana poor .w iu.c x - ni.-rokec district. h irubl b.v fcw,nn. children on his estate cannot make, question as to whether Garfield would hpoi -tuuities to pay even a flying, visit however passionately they may desire pursue a pacific course towards the home. He has sometimes to travel twea it and however deeply it affects their South, or attempt a coercive interfrr- ty or thirty miles in an old open convey- . , , i i ir I ,M wUh nr nffiirc Iia aiid "The ance, no matter how bad the weather is social, moral and religious welfare ence with our auairs, lie saici . ine . ' o I . - ... I un1 nr ion Ii arriv.i in TliA v 1 1 1 il rr a Iia namely, that there shall not be a sin- people of the United fetates willreg- .ftt Dd . . gle liquor-shop on his estate. Not u ate that matter on strictly business tuIt shades of Eccles and Blacknall de- make people sober by an Act of Parlia- principles, and Mr. Oartield will 101- fenj ust Thero he has to stay one and nent ! Why at this very moment to! low 'the course of trade.' Tlie inter- sometimes two weeks. In his room you nal commerce ot tne unueu oiates is mji iu w...u&.t by far the most important interest of The liuen-we mean cotton-upon hi. . . , ii'i bed was clean when it was new. The the American people, and that is be- intended to .unnlv. ing conducted in the most friendly but tl,e gaVo out. Tho biscuits possible spirit. The merchants of tempt him, but when he breaks then- New York would sue out a writ of open he finds them all "sicklied o'er with lunacy against one of their number the pale cast of" soda. And so on w j. 11 -a a ! might mention other discomforts ho is who would write to his customers . , . . B,Ur j f . subjected to occasionally in the smaller that he regarded them as a set of bar- towllg barous bull-dozers and an unchristian And he undergoes all this, gives up a skt of peeple, who resort to force and practice worth twice the net salary for their immense benefit, you are mak ing 20,000 people, among whom are the very worst drunkards in England, not only sober by Act of Parliament, but absolute teetotallers! Who are these? Why, they are the poor pris- oners now in our prisons, not one oi JL " whom from the day he enters prison, is allowed to touch a drop of alcohol, and who, in consequence of this re striction, arc as a class, in spite of all their other disadvantages.so complete ly the healthiest class of people in England that there is a lower rate of mortality among prisoners than there is among, professional men, and that as the death-rate stands highest of all among publicans, who sell alcohol, so it stands lowest of all among thepns oners, who are absolutely deprived cf every drop of it. to laws, which, not founded on tem- perance intolerance but on sound so cial principles, shall come in to say that prohibition Isnall be the govern ing principle of future State legisla tion. The Farmer ana Mechanic, of lial eigh, comes out ing the liquor traffic in the following weighty words : "We cau give young men, who n the names of thirty favor of suppms- There is little safety in locking doors when professional burglars are in town. If the key be taken out of the lock they quickly fit one to it. If the key be left in the lock, they use a small pair of nippers, of the best steel, with a sliding ring, graduated so that when they have clamped the nib of the key have an outside handle, land can unlock the door as readily as if the real handle were outside." The best protection is a thumb latch, with a nail above it, the latter to prevent its being raised by a long, thin blad ed knife, which burglars carry for the purpose. There is, also, little securi ty against professional burglars in fasteuing the window with a nail, un less driven very tight, and one on each side. The scoundrels carry a ball of wax, which they press against the window panejintil itsticks. Then, 'jj; fraud to keep themselves in power, and that he would neither- sell them goods nor buy their cotton." j Mr. Nordhofl' writes to tho New York Herald : the honor of beiug a "judge." -Anson jfllMC-. This we suspect is a neat bit of irony. There are very few lawyers who make more than $2,500 ayear, even in the three "cities" of the State. We have heard very eminent Counsellors say that . r jl - 1 ,. !. 4-.11 "ihe nonincrp negro i umouuu , . .., 4ll fnm:iv .TfWnRP. io most docile, ami, on the whole, the " . I. . - i.f i...:i..i.t laborer in the world; but And if there be lawyer in tne tawy the Southern white does liot kuow how to strictly dependant on his profession for a manage him." livelihood, who will not jump at the I This is modest. The Southern people c,anc0 Df being a judge, even at $2,000 who were reared with the negroes .and gaaryf xve should like to see him treat thoroughly understand them "do not ft vacancy , then "watch tho Pro Icnow how to manage them." Of courso fegsors" jf yOU wish "td seo a rush for tiie Northern man knows all about it. $2,500 salary, and sour soda biscuits! this reminds us of the hundreds of Norm- Fanner & Mechanic. ! a trlirt HI irh.'d their teuts in the VIUV10 w I ' - - like ourself, were they use a smll glass cutter such as hien allowed to go to seed nth immediately after the war and rent ing or buying farms began to show tho ignorant Southerners how very little they knew about cultivating the soil. The re sult can be summed np in a few words: tlie despised Southrons own those farms noiv, and the boastful orthcrners nave long ago "busted" and departed "to parts nnknown." And now the .Northern ise iien are to teach the stqpid Southern tlhites "how to manage" the race they i.Iiva nlnred with and been on terms of kindness with from childhood. All the lissons the "colored mau and brother" hive learned thus far from Northern Apostles have uot tended to make them wiser, happier or better, and this is the hUh, the whole truth, and nothing but tile truth. Wil. Star. Clover-roots contain the most fer-izin"- matter after the stems have Krixg is Axotiif.u House. Oneof the wood haulers, who have all been baring such a fete chanipetre. so to speak, for the last week, yesterday came in with a two horse -load. As the supply has been considerably better and prices off in con sequence he asked only $1.75 for it. A Hebrew citizen, his only taker, offered $1.50 and I ho trade fell through. The wagoner couldn't staud the racket aqf drove off for home with his wood nnsohl but overtaking a sympathizing friend jil the creek borrowed a horse from the lati tei's empty wagon spikwl it before his double team and returned to town in all -the glory of a three-horse . load. Tlie Bame citizen watchful for a bargain, hail ed hiir. Tw ad- a quarter was de manded. "I takes dot trce-horso load for $2.25. Drivp him to mein house, Dat.U. wie4S like' it&trhtU 06- $trver. t 1 -I 1 - ' ll r r 1