VOL XII. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY, if, C.,I FEBEUAEY Q 1801. HO 17 f he Carolina Watchman, 1 ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1832. SH . PRICE, $1.60 IS ADVANCE. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. if I FEBRUAKY 20, 1380. ' i montn s tnB sin's em's ism's one tor ilTwe for Tit rector - vi.nr for column for . . - : r - -.-y!- . . m . ..-f; t Washington Letter. f $1.50 $2.60 ($3.50 J $5.99 1 . 1 g.tm 4.50 ) 5.85! 7.59 J 18.89 : 4.50 S.Otfj 7.50 ll.W 13.99 6.00 7.50 h 9.5 I 13.59 L 18. W 11 S 1S.7S 20.60 25.59 40.99 , I " 1 - I w. I u -I I r It QQ 1 I " Tl.TTai rfl 111 1 --J pTUlE GREAT &0UX111S1&K' JL RE3IED Y tor tho car cr Kerur- Lw HUGH'S Scrofalou Taint, Kheu--, taitUm, White T7el.lapr,Got, Gttisrc, k.'oiicnmptlon, Bronchitis, Aervoan lc- Ullitr, fllalarli,Bil nil oiwaiseEriiunj from an i m pur o condition of llurfclootl, kkiaorRcslp. ' t i - (From Our Regular Correspondent.) ? Washington, D. C, Jani 29, 1881. r Preparationa for tbe inangnral fete on the 4th of March are fust approaching completion, and its spectacular and fes tive features have been fully; arranged. An unusually large. number of j visitors is expected at the Capitol, bent, tiot only on witnessing the inangural ceremonies, but also on seeing the city, its Animate and inanimate lions and lionesses. J ; It may be of interest' to some of your Readers to know about hotel and boarding .house accommodations in v Washington, and I will write briefly on this subject, iu iheir interest the readers, not.the hotels J and boartliBgliQuses, Comfortable .and respectable board and lodging can be hail hreW$ 1 4erfdsy , at? various boarding houseVnnd at ome few hotels.!. The ho tels that furnish board and lodging at $1 rier ilrir. nrp. of eonrse. not such as are called first elass, but for those' who are Brooklyn about three million pairs of old CURES 6CKOFULJL. Curc3 JSheumatlsnfc Cures Syphilis. ZJT. SShm Cures BSalarla. a jCures Nervous Debility. CURES CQXSU32JPT20X. fhaa Its Ingredients puWlfhcd cn every . 'packnKoTShonr It toyeur VtiySiClcn. anil ne win ten you n w ccaponea ji wo tronent riterativcs tnas czisi, tau w u xccUeut Ulood i'urUcr. BOSASALISls cold by ail Pmcrlsts. I MISCEIiIiAyEOTJS. I Curious Industries. The work of the staff of officers appoint ed by the superintendent mf the census to collect statistics relating to the industries and manufactures of New York city, is, says the Evening Pott now approaching comple tion, and will show, in the opinion of Mr. Charles E. Hill, the gentleman in charge of it. a very satisfactory growth since 1870. - In the course of the investigation by Mr. Hill's deputies some singular industries, were brought to light It was found, for instance, that some use was made of old shoes, but exactly what use. was. hard to find out. '. Large numbers of old shoes were sold by rag pickers Uncertain- men who disj posed of them at 'fcgopd price. It is welf known that bits "of old leather 'make the commctxial artictkno wn-a Prassian Woof but only few firms manufacture it, and the new call for old shoes was evidently for somcother purpose. . In New York city and Ifflt'S Fill PANACEA compelled to economize, a comfortable j are thrown away every year bd and wholesome food cau be had for timt price. No city, of its population, has sit man j , and i such good boarding houses as Washington. A larue , majority of the government employes live in board ing houses, and many of them have rooms which, can be secured Tor a short time by t transient visiUns, at a price of inot more than one dollar per day, for bed aiid board. It will ho impossible in tho space of this letter, to give the exact location! of these places, and tor those who desire, to come t the city, and yet feel it necessary to practice economy, it will be ell to write to some friend or acqntiintance, who will meet them at the station, and direct them to such places as are well known: to every resident of Washington. It will be diffi cult to procure cheap accomniotlations long in mtvance, for the reason that those wiio have furnished rtoiiis to let kue aux ious to rent them lor a longer time than they will be wanted by transientjvisitor, arid wilt-not be w illing to risk the possi ble loss of rental for a longer period by pre-engiig or the in Form erly, old shoes were plentiful in the gutters of certain neighborhoods; now it appears that they arc sought after as choice prizes in the rag picker's line. By dint of perse vering inquiry it was discovered that the old shoes were used for three purposes. First, all shoes not completely worn out are patched, greased, and after being otherwise regenerated, sold to men who1 deal in such wares. Some persons wear one shoe much more than. the other; these dealers find mates for shoes whose original mates are past hope. Secondly, the shoes not worth patching up are cut into pieces; the -good bits arc used for patching other shoes, and the worthless bits, the soles and cracked Effects of Strong Drliik on the liver, i ' ' The Family Phy$kum tells' us that when alcohol is introduced! into the stomach in the ordinary way, it nearly aft passes through the liver. Undiluted spirits, are much more injurious than when mixed with water, and produce greater irritation. Alcohol con sumed as wine or beef! is far less destructive to the liver than when taken in the form of ardent spirits. A hot climate intensifies all the vicious effects of alcohol. The symptoms of cirrhosi of the liver are in the early stages often obscure, but later they are sufficiently well marked. At firstj theier gets slight ly enlarged, and the patient sttffert from pain in t he right side, indigWion,wind, and cos tive bowels. ' He is occasionaRy feverish, his skin is hmt and dry. and he has a peculiar. jjiihealt hy, sal low looli whkjfc' bjk probably tiii 1 9 to imucc, uiu w ii icq is sumeientiy ob vious to his friends. The necessity of mak ing a change in his habits is forced upon his attention, and for a week or two he is under the doctor's orders, and not feeling able to drink any more, he consents to follow a re stricted diet, and to take a course of purga tives. Soon the mot prominent symptoms are relieved, he fancies himself well again, and quickly returns to his old habits. Gradu ally, however, he notices that he is getting thinner and weaker, and occasionally he has a good deal of pain in the side. He is nerv ous and out of sorts. lie has na longer the pluck he used to havejj his friends notice it, and then he gradually becomes aware of himself. He finds that he is not "fit for b;isi- The Truth Pay. A few days ago a train over one of the j railroads running west ran over a cow jnst Unrecognized Qualities Iu i Charcoal. Among the namerotw and varied properties possessed by charcoal there is one one, top, of the most wonderfulwhich floi nnt Bcem to be adequately recognized, orobablv tter was imported at hadqnartert, bat irnn us oeing imperfectly known except to , ooviue was noc physicists, f It is that of being able to con- t(l vf uutil Today when he en. dense and store awaV ia "its noreV man PwWDt't officeand remarked: times iU own bulk of certalb gaseous bodies. . I1 gq8 wfd better P ow for wnicn u retains, thus compressed in an otb- iT V i , crwise nnaltered condition, and fromuhirh . j Ah 1 f0 owned killed by oae they eanl withdraw a. reonirea.M dWyour tooktbe taskef a systematic examination W1 f ratchW bead, kitcbea I ?K . fi prove rorpHsinjr io the nerai o. J ;iw 4 " X brtther-in-Uw said MU "aS nones, tout W" lawi- erating with blocks of' fine boxwoodchar- . had.il,e ""P40 gotern blazes, and bays as ever a man drew rein coal, ireswy bomt, he found thatsimplv - "7 w mo wa.a new, mucn- over.r Un day ; I found a stnhin Stories put of the Whole C1oth j ; , :i..-V---.. , .! I It is of no nse for an Eastern man I beyond the Grand Trank Janetion. Thoftolr7 to teU a b'g story when tbcro I- a if csiern man about. .,-i.v.sr : "When I was a yonng fellow," said Colonel &, an eastern man, "we live ; in Pennsy Iranian The ftrm haxi Jeen ! weir wooded, and the stamriierov pnrtly thick. Rat we put the corn in among them, and manased to raise a iair crop. i be next season I did my lacingaoco; gases they absorbed them in the following proponions: - Ammonia 90 volumes. Hydrochloric acid gas... :...85 ' suipnurous acid 65 bulphuratcd hydrogen ,. .55 Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) ..40 Carbonic acid .35 Carbonic oxide Oxygen , Nitrogen Carbureted hydrogen.., Hydrogen j It is this enormous absortive power that renders of so much value a comparatively slight sprinkling of charcoal over dead ani mal matter as a preventive of the escape of rne ouors arising Irom decomposition. A dead dog having been placed in a box in :es.' 9 42 9 25 6 50 5 1 75 M a it it u u . u u - I & T' . . . - ", . But my wife, said I had better say that V a word to tlie.team j: the eow was not worth over $50.' . H ana, it 70U will believe it, they just 4Yes. Well, how was it r walkctl that plow right through tliat ghat's where the stick comes in. you stump ss though it had been cream - see 1 want all she was worth, and yet I cheiA " ' . r t don't want to swindle auy body. Fact is J 1 , , . she wasanoldcowdry L a bone, and 0t80Ul fP Bbrprige. llut worth about $15 for boarding-house beef. MaJor S., a Western man, who had Yet; she was took away kinder sudden, been a quiet listener, remarked quietly; and it made a bad muss around the place "It's curious, that -Ihad a similar ' and l reckon you might add a little ex- experience mvself oner.. Afv mnif.M tra." I . 1 ... 1. aiwaya raaue our ciolhsir in those 'Let ns say $25.' 'That's plenty. I 'spose I might hava had fifty jnst as well as not, but I didn't want to lie about it.' o, never tell a lie. 'Oh, I wouldn't have lied, 'cause 1 know 'unnoru nro rtnri.rfpii iiirn Jiimilfia mill I.I . ness," and he is afraid to see people. The u,c warm l!ltratory of an eminent chemist, and covered with charcoal to the dnth of 1.5-r.;i. .,n,ifi,.m.,.:. between two and three inr!,e onnUi f 1, U011 Nnt a nian ou' there to get all the debilitv increase. lie tries all kinds Gf K01 to ,iavc emitted any smell dur- Ct "tho replied the man, ns he iui? several mnnrha u..,!k Jm iwweu au uruer on me treasurer lor Ills C7 "iiivil tllllV Mil IA" amination showed that nothing of the ani- check. Detroit Free Fret. r For jJAir and BZJsiST. ; j External and Internal. . it 1 KIXCIiEA.TEST PACT EELnrTTP. O? ACU. mm a m loffslir THS GKEAT VEGETAELE CATHARTIO i : Vegetable SYRUP H ! i:. tantly Acsitcz-n V.'CPV.T. rrsd ' ; r.-vrjea(lcl ,tlJiys!c!aai3iiio best i 0..i 2J.iCiIx.'- r j rr ' ; i 1 j ii tTTorwio by nil Iru-pI.--? : jonvr. ixr:r:nY. cuhiiax z-, go., "I m sou: rncrKirroiia, treatment, but neTer sticks to one loner at a by a process known only to thenmnufaetur- time He consults evi.ry of an , , crs. It is said that they are boiled in pure London but (lerives iitt0 if any benefit mal reniainctl but the bones and a small por spirits and allowed tostand fora few weeks, from tu,ir B,lvic IIc m Jvc t tiKn of theskin. To the large excess of oxy- the product far surpassing the Jamaica rum drink if,e could .but heran't. His self-re- Sen ovcr the "rogen in the atmosphere, made with essences, burnt sugar, and spirits. I iin.e i sonc. the al cohol has stoh-n .v.t w,,ich according to the above table, was X gentleman who doubted the trutUof this us wiu? aml ,,c Jg uttc.v Jncapable of giy. alworbed by the charcoal, and which thus story stopped recently at a low grog shop ing up thc (iangerous f-inHtion. He will reIlderel harmless the noxious vapors given in the neiirhborhood of the factory spoken ,,, i. ,, .. t,.t. off by the carcass as thev were beinrr nhsnrh. - 1 MnX Utl Lt VKV lll II II I lir I ri IUIlt.il I M wvvb . . I I 1 w h. T A t I m t. 1 1 rits and will nrobablv H is obtless owing, to the fact above OWT wme8 -"Alter me ceremony was Know." r I ! 1 .... . I AVir tilt lJriailnf tvonf tliA noiA k Romotimes lie wUhw sa ana tne mrtner lact of the charcoal . 1 ""'" l" receive company, anu mere no was visit f rental for a longer period by - " -r- taice an oatn to-day tk - ., - , . e u. , of and inquired if they had any rum trora .mother ilron'nf tii ging them for the bnet interval .....,..,.,: anotntr cirop 01 spu ? 0 . .- . j o d shoes. "No," said the bai keeper, "we )ro..u ;t tnjiiorrow uiuugunition. If the .weather . , . ' , 1 . . ireaK it tomorrow. I Scenes at Jackson's Inaiigurntioii. Mr. Webster, writing from Washington savs : "I never saw aneh a rrowl liprn before. Persons have come five hundred Uust saket the stump out, root and miles to see General. Jackson." Judged a" Something had to give you I s days, as well as the cloth they were j made of. The old lady was awful proud of her homespun said it was the strongest cloth in the Stated One" day I had just plowcil through a white oak stump in the way you speak of, colonel, but it was a little too quick for me. It came together ; before I was out of tho way, and nip ped my trousers. I felt mean, I can tell you, but I put tho string on tho ponies, andif you'll believe, it, they : 1 . ... . (.. .1 : .. . n 1 I ; 1 -1 I . - -J ..... uontc Keep u mucn now: inc uru-gisis, 0 ii. ! .... never uecwiuinjr saiuratea. I till-ill 1 it' tlH llllllllMir OI VlSllOIS Will I . 1 iuvii iiiiu uii in mi asy- I I 1 i , . ,U ". ' S , lio want a nure article, all sell it, and the 1(mi c ' A reader of the Scientific American. tt.ho ed by immense crowds of all UUUUIU'SS UC large, nut 1 uuucrsuimi niiiu . ................ Dv... x,. ,iv, j . . I nle from the highest and 0 ' . . .i. . . nriee has ironc un. But we have had it, , : t .., 4 .... J has been trym-r certain exDerimcnts of thu MC irom uie u,gest anu the mihtary organizations wuc, it ' . fica ' e if vou want it." "r"'- "ut value of charcoal as a eonUbu n to the most vulgar and id. will nggiegate S5,00() men, will go 7 , . , . n .r u,u lu "ms, uul,cr r- , . x "V ,7 I nation I never saw such a 0 r 0 I TT.r nmnv tlil alnt to trillion Ol mm I . . . ,. I Ktnrinrr flTVfrpn ri-wrrta funnnM. o I uuiiwu. x uevr saw MUCH U into t.n. iw,iin .ni-immiifiit uinlwill not J straint. Alter a tune the liver gets smaller, I 1 0 t i .r , , intot nU.o,aiye.Kampment,ai, ' results. In a box or case containing one "W of K,,,fi Mob seemed trencli inemseives uio 11 ine quunersoii , . - , , . .. . ..... , 'e-, - 1 j . I I waa friari to tuan from tl - . 1 .1 . Vi-v ... It has been noticed Iv some deputies 1 hat K.wl. : 4i.:.. ,, , cubic foot of charcoal, mav Ikj stored, with - 1 wat 6iau i escape irom tl 14. .. ...wi i.ifu iim itikiiikf thitiiKU 111 1 0 - 1 U4ts viivt iui vwiJiinviiiiu. iiu nuuui 1 1 1 ri k 11 j.inn. iiiiir. m mm. . uii iiiiul i aaaaoaaB sorts of peo- most polished gross iu the Sand-Bags for the Slck-ltoom. ho vK : j jor Sale by X. F. KLXITT2, Druggist, l H ulti:ly - Siilic liiirr, C. JAMES M. GRAY, J ' kttom3y and Counsallor at Law, :risj' SMJSJJI'ILY, X. C. - 4" 0 iij the Court House lot, next doo tubulin', llau-litun. Will practice in all tli&Uiurts ot the blate. i Iks ample necouimodajiqii for all u h ' 1 tf'' . t A- ..1. ... cne. nsniiigion noieis are numeious and goHl, and those w ho are abl to pay 'higher prices will doubtless go to theni. ffhere Beeiiis to bo a. lull in cabinet )i-ogiuwlii;aiii). U'e are go do.c ujmhi ih; tinie tl accurate knowledge jthat po litical propltetM are not so much disposed to iik their guc&ses as they wereja montli - ? , f 1 .11: 11 ...III ui. it is said mat mi: uraiuriu win ctrtne to the city week after next, and then doubtless, there will be a boisterous revi val o political gossip. C.X. A Stanger's Mistake while manufacturers arc quite willing to put a valuation upon their manufactured pro- willingly enough consent to knock off drink now but it is too late; the mischeif is done, duet they hesitate about stating the value the ,ivcr .g Jn of tirrhos; am, no .. . ?! -9 . .1 I ' ATTOILYEY LAW, Practices in the State and Federal !. 'Courts. 12:Gm J, -AS M SEEDS K BEST 10 01 ll not dd in yonr town, you I 1 1 ill cut get them W mail. Crop 1 1111 1 n. . Pomtl Card iat Cat. K Vwataarrioes. TfuitHdat and wtott xtuiSi ilAVID UVNUUKTHt SONS,Phiida.JPa. Mm aM Heiisrsoii, Attbrueys, Counselcrs and solicitors. SALISBURY, X.C nay2i 1879 tt. Wms rown? -SALISBURY, U. C. ' - P?erin Tin Jarcv Stilly wuiVCS in tnll KCt;,k:UI : ?';i: Irom ! p-tKcivbest All lowdown l"in fact I will ltr Iu.,. .! t lnn v ... ....... vnery, lrr- .j-T wca. Py"vou can buv t?iny where else Jtl n tins city. .B-l.H.Vif Will repair "A'.kA - p old stills c Short Noticed tf t IF YOU WISH Your Wafches and L" I c k ft. S e w i n si M a c h i n es . & c -jkMii... t. ..- r- w.,Ji - y aJootl; cheap and responsible Vi....!n!Lnti,ejt!a leave tlieni with Messrs. i 4- 'z lendleman, Salisbnrv, JJ . C. . of the raw material and even return the schedule with the space for the value of raw material left blank. In one instance a man ufacturer of tomato catsup returned a re port giving the value of his manufactured at $18,000 and the value of the raw material as nothing. His explanation was as follows: Every year in the coming season he sends to all the wholesale houses which make a business of canning tomatoes clean tubs, with thc understanding that the women who trim and peel shall throw the skins and par ings into these tubs; every day the tubs are rcmaved, the stuff in them ground up, fer- mented, flavored, and sold as toniatocatsup l few days ago a western merchant w ho wanted to do some sight seeing and buy his fall stock at the suuio time, en- to tne extent of $18,000, tered a dry goods jobbing house o(i liroau. way, New York, and accosted the first person Jie met with : Are yon the pro prietor here t' Not exactly the proprie medicine can restore it to its natural condi tion. Is there an remedy for this horrible complaint ? Yes, one, tcetotalism absolute abstinence frsm alcoholic liquors of all kinds. This rented v must be applied earlv If he waits till his liver has undergone 6eri ous organic change, it is too late. measures will suffice; he must give up drink of all kinds. If he docs this he will recov er; but if he goes on in his old plan an ear ly and paintul ueatli is the inevitable con sequence. The Habit of Self-Cbntrol. out mechanical compression, a little over nine cubic tect of oxvtreti. rcDresentinal C7 I O mechanical pressure of a hundred and twen ty-six pounds on the square inch. From the store thus preserved the oxygen can be drawn by a small hand pump. From the fact of the charcoal absorbing The New Yonc " "Post" tells its mixture. The I readers that one of the most conven- triumphant, ient artfcles to be used in a sick-room ie Scene as I Jg aarMl-bafir some rrl pan finA soon as possible." No doubt Story was t v . . , A :. k. tin A I sand, dry it thoroughly, in a kettlo-oir"' glad to escape, he Was a bitter opponent ' J i , . T , ' of Jackson, and it was not to be expected u,c Mwr u,aKJ a uaK aD0Ul eign that he could enjoy these festivities, inches square ot flannel, fill it with Uinc UUie lachrymae ! "A profusion of I the dry sand, sew the opening care- refreshments," writes a participant, "had fully together, and- cover the bag been provided. Orange punch was made -th tton or r!ftlll T.. oiygen in so much greater proporthm than J IU J wu open- . , r . nitrogen, we have here a means of utUizig Ud the doors to bring it out a rush was J . No half its diacrirainative powers of selects in ob- luaae' tl,e S1 brwkeD' t,ie P18 of - 7" 7 " " taining unlimited supplies of oxygen from I qv. upset uhu mic uiosi paiuiui coniusiou 1 ." j "'"g "ji the atmosphere, which contains "nitrogen I prevailed. To such painful degree was the oven, or even on thc top of tho live times in excess of its oxygen, or twenty this carried that wine and ice-cream could stove. After once using this you Iter cent; whereas by the separating or selec- not to bronght out to the ladies, and tubs wU, nevcr again aUenjpt;to- warm the tive powers of the charcoal the mixed liases of Puncn were tokcn froiu t,,e lower 8tory . .. - uu capable of being extracted from it contain "ie crowd from " " 1 over sixty per cent of oxygen. It only suf- tne roomR- Men with boots on iieavy I "Vfcl, 7 ""fc ""ct U1 u.. ficcs to withdraw this now hi'dtlv oxven- with mud stooa on tue uamasK-satiu sanu uoius me neai a long lime, ana If there is one habit which, above all otli-1 iz4j Rjr jnto another vessel of charcoal by 3lara in their eagerness to get a look at J the bag can be tucked up to tho ers, is deserving of cultivation, it is that of t,e further exposure to which the Drnor- the President. Letter tn the ashuifjtOH i)flnu xvitltont ltnrtinrr tliA invalid, ft 1 Tn funf St Sndttliino in 11111 f I I .' ' f ... it . . .... I Vfsii. I is a good plan to make two or three tor,' was the reply. At the present I am acting as shipping f clerk, but I ani cutting my cards for a partnership next year by onmniziiiir noon nraver meetutsrs! in the " - O v baseinent.' The stranger passed on to a very im itortiiut Uniking iersonage with a dia- iiioud pin, and asked : 'Are you the head of the house V ' 'Well, uo; I can't sayas I am at pres ent, but I have hopes' of a partnership iu January, pm only one of the ; travellers just now, but I'm laying for a 2U0 pew in an uj town church and that will mean a quarter interiwt here in h'sa than six months,' ' j The next man had his ft-et up, his hat back and a twenty-five cent segarj iu his mouth and looked so solid that the stran ger! paid: . . . j "'You mustrun this establishmentr jilc? Well, I may run it very soon. At preseut I'm the bookkeeper, but I'm ex pecting to get into a church choir with thej old man's darling faud become an equal partner here.' , f The -stranger , was determined Snot to make another 'mistake. He Walked around till he found a man with his coat off and busy with a case of goods, and said to him : j 'The porters are kept pretty bnsy in here, I see.' - ; j Yes,' was the brief reply. j lint I suppose you are planning to in vent a gospil hymn book and sing tjie old imm' out of an eighth iuterest, jareu't youf 'Well, no, not exactly was the reply. 'I'm the old man himself. And all that the stranger said, long minute spent in looking the Another singular anddecidedly pernicious business is the manufacture on a large scale self-control. In fact, it includes so much tion of oxygen will be increased to a still I tor of cheap candies from white earth or terra that is of value and importance m.lile, that greater extent. This indicates a most feasi alba mixed with a little sugar and glucose, it may almost be said that, in proportion to hc mean9 by which atmospheric air can be ! A gentleman passed np the road this K the bags and keep them ready for TiftJpnntT who invest! iratetl the confec- it power, does the man obtain his manlioou aecomnosed in such a wav as to provide a WK irom Kaieigli wiiere lie liad spent uae, tionerv business reports that seventy-five and the woman her womanhood. Theabil- ti,Cap sunplv of oxygen. I some days and mingled more or less with " I . ... . . . ... 1 m m w w . 4 . V . . V percentum of someandics is composed of ity to identity selt with the highest parts 01 0lJC cannot readily recognize thc fact, t,,e meinuers 01 uie legislature. lie thfP snbstances. and such candv. notably our nature, and to bring all the lower pas wnich js nevertheless true, that the condens- thinks they won't pass any law looking - - . ... . ... T. I - I . i t. i f'guni drops," contain still less sugar. The into subjection, or rather to draw litem an ng powei of charcoal as applied to am-1 10 promoiuou. c iieam 01 one poor effect of white earth upon the stomachs of upw ird into harmony with the best that we m6nia is equal to what would be obtained 1 W aoWu l,,ere wl, l,,e cueme Lrftw. for the Million. A note dated on Sunday is void. If a note be lost or stolen it does the unfortunate children who buy these know, is thc central power which supplies by subjecting this gas to a pressure of near- in just calculated and intended to kill. not release the maker; he must pay ItJ candies is yet to be determined by future vitality to all tne rest. How to develope y one thousand two hundred and sixty He says if he voted for it, it would kill I An endorser of a note is exempt . Tt 1 1. ii. 1 us tit ir 11a vniAii n rm 1 11 ir ir if xcn ii l'iii .,t,iaina what is called a nne brand or mis in me cauu mrv wen aosoru me iutk nniimls on tlicsnuare inch. .. - ' .., " "."I-- - I r castile soap has been found to be composed j of every parent ; how toculttvatc it in liim ..hioflr of this white earth and crease, but I self may well employ the wisdom and en- J . T Playing "Dead. thc evil effects of such an imposture are thusiasra of every youth. Yet it is ne mys trifling compared to the results of turning terious or complicated path that leads to Hiildren'8 stomachs into miniature pottery this soal. The habit of Self-control is but works. the accumulation of continued a'ts ofsclf- Amon" the new industries which have I denial for a worthy object ; it is but the re- sprung into existence during the last few peated authority of the reason over the im years is the system of finishing in this city pulses, of thc judgment ever the inclinatiens, foreign troods imported in an unfinished of the sense of duty over the? desires. He . . ... . .a I. . a t I ttnntiltr mF it'lildL'iil condition. Foreign articles composed ot who lias acquired tins iiamr, wno can gov- fect uppermost, in sncli a way mas iieii'ij " j . painful had no doubt that it had fallen a victim iwetteru Varolimn. and if he dodged that would kill him, and he did not know what to do. That is about what ails the most of them, while 1 they talk about the constitutionality or from liability if not 'served with no tice of its dishonor within twenty-four hours of its non-payment. Each individual in partnership is several parts are now largely finished in this ern himself intelligently, without citv the parts calling for hand labor being effort, and without any fear of revolt from ;ni.tol wliHo thnu rftllin? fnr machine his annetites and passions, has within him IIUpVIrV I ft I 1 a t . a. I L . - m From tbe Carsoa (Nev.) Appeal. i legality 01 tne people voung on uie ques- r res,ponsibIe for the Whole amount Of ........ tr e :.i it . 1 . ,. 1 - . . A gcutlemau who took a trip into tho ou. uej a .,m .. WCJ tM uw the-debts of the firm, except in cases law tor absolute promuition tne ieopie . . , . , mile from anv house, noticed a cat, a will pass them into private life and if r t huge one, almost as large as a fair-sued they : submit the qnestion to the people J . Ignorance 01 ineiaw excuses. uu one. do-'. It was lying UPOIl the ground, Its I wey are mram hicj niu io nwaj I ."-b'vw. whiskey, u nat a diicnia. I tion IS void. Signatures iu lead pencil arc good to some vicious dog. Around jt, feeding j avr nanaiieetinirlr. wasaflock of small birds. JJinrneu aix oniu. " 1 O f work are made here. In this way heavy duties are saved, although the articles arc sld as imported goods. quiet afttr mer chant over, was: 'Well, duru wyj but tons.' I. ' ' .'t.l-A mxPF bis ! When you see ? .ears service as President with nine- hnt la you it U sign that he resets tt We d not yiuj but when he .. see., d.vest.ng heJtoU put on the himself of his coat, yotf can rne up IifeAra ....J H.ot he intends-you shall i ;. . New York is getting uneay about her commercial interests. Philadel phia has made inroads on her traffic. Baltimore has diverted a large por tion of the grain, Norfolk has' vastly increased in the export business, but more than all Chicago's commercial importance is looming sip beyond all anticipations. It is now realized that her mammoth elevators are but 4,045 miles from Liverpool via. Montreal, and 4,442 milea via. New York. News & Obs. Andrew Jackson, it is said, went out of the White House after eight ! 'ri. , . . , IPap.-Chaltpl Mnrt.nfrn. the source of all real jtower and of all true apparently lifeless cat was within happiness. Thc force and energy whicii lie rj.n,0 f the vision of the observer for l A census taker, whose name wc hasut forth day Ity day, and hour by hour, some tiuu.f aiM jugt as he was thinking were reqUegted not to disclose, related u not cxnausiea, nor even u.u,.n...cu, u ho mncb isicr it would uo lor me am- thc fouowing an illcidentin his ex the contrary, it has increased .by use, and ,uai to feign death and catch a bird by . . f? , . , has become stronger and keener by excr- Jinl it was astonished to see the cat peneuce while taking the recent enu- cise; and, although it has already complct- I1(1.ini. 11 over auj grab one of the meration in his district. cd its work in the past, it is still his - well- rtUx tUhn that wm very near. The 'What does your husband do V tried, true, and powerful weapon for future otUer birds flew off a hundred yards or so a6ked the census man. conflicts in Ledger. higher regions. Philadelphia & Observer, Up to Friday last 981 tickets have been purchased at Goldsboro for col ored men who during thJ,past month had been cmploypd in the Eastern portion of the Staje to go South and work on farms and in tho turpentine business. Nevobern Nut Shelf . The Memphis IpaancAesays j Ten years ago the present site of Birming ham. Ala., was a cotton field. Now It is a brisk manufacturing town, with a population of 6,000,! and bright prospects for the future. So much for the manufacturing industries. and alighted. The cat only made one or two moutlifuls of the game and then crept around to the windward of the birds laid itself chit again aud once more suc cessfully played the dead dodge. The gentleman drove away without seeing how niany birds it took to satisfy. A fight is reported to have occur red in the Baptist Church, Pulaski, county, Ky., last Sunday, in which knives were used. One man was fatally cut. The row was started by tho deacons attempting to sit in the same pews with the ladies whom they had brought there, wbtpji is contrary to rule, 'He ain't doin' nothin' at this time of the year replied the young wife. 'Is lie a pauper?' asked the census man. She blushed scarlet to tbe ears. 'Law, no!' she exclaimed, some what inditrnantly. 'we 0 married morc'n six months.' am t been A Cincinnati paper svers that "women dress too hastily This clearly is 'sarkasm' or else the edi tor never sat for two mortal hours in a hired cutter, waiting for Angelina to "be down in a inoment,--Cats-kill Recorder, A receipt for money is not legally conclusive. Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. A contract made with a minor is voidable. A contract made with a lunatic is void. Checks or drafts must be presented for payment without unreasonable dc- lay. . - A member of the New York IIonser from Chatauqua, docs talk queer. Ha has introduced a bill requiring all suL stances sold as butter and not a dairy product made from cream ai d milk, . to be plainly marked and branded "imitation butter," and coinpeli all '. hotels, restauraut, lunch counters, amj boarding houses using such articles to post conspicuously in their places card bearing these words. "Imitation. but-' jleraerved here' JVurs d Obkrw, VUUi UJ IM . - . - w respect him.. ""Iier Hank, for salt here

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