I i: -i? i:Si 111 i: i !i - Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, lc8J. "The total arrival of iinnt at New York last week wna f,EHf a lJirge excels for the corresponding wwk J former year. The merchant and 'manufacturers' Association of lialtiiuore heUl a meeting ou ihe 8th, in the interest of (he, Midland Railroad to Charlotte X. C. i Charles W. Shfll and' Jolif M, Wake field haverecenlly emigratwl from rMiwir, V. fiti Texa. Mrs. M. -iShcll is in 9VW WWT9 -- , ..r.i. . 11. in Lenoir.- CIIUTllU lur iaivuiviuvii rL i?ftnldi.n. doutls! ovtrreaclied them-elvJs ioiM..ing ti.4 Refunding v -- - - : I ; . - ,ii I mil at the late beswon ot,v;oiigress, auu - - r i .t liv HinrI CUUVil V Mfv imfv- -. T --0 - an extra session. Cepying lead pencils'? have proved to Wvery 'poisonous, A piece of tjie lead half the sue of . a ikki tau jujto the stomach is 'siiid to be sufiicieut to kill a robust man. : ,' I , The latest news of Redmond, the ilptcd outlaw, comes from Fraaklu, lacon from Fraaklin Jlacon . . - County. N. C,, to the Charlotte Observer, by which he is represented sis living quietly 20 miles from that place, making o attempt at concealment.! . The prospects for an extra session of Congress seem to grow, not so much ou account of government .ityas to save the Republican party Jroni damage growing out of the veto by llayes of the funding bill, ; r-' -Maaf thefarmeisof Cuiawcllcoun- ty tat the foot of the mountains) propose to raise cotton a this year, jrrevious ex- perinieuts have proved tliat it may: be nnf,. nr,.fif The N.Y. "Daily Stock Report" says the Comstocks are Io.st,inglheir attracr tiOn, fSliaies for the lasjj week have ruled Tower iu San Francisco than at any time since the increase ot snares. There was no doubt a great deal of harm done by the severe winter, i4 iouM present appearances inany ih'Ucii aud y otlier ' trees were killed especially 111 thecountry. The frost was not so severe in wn, where comparatively iitUo dam- age was doue. . Two or more men euered i large apartment house in New j York, on the 16th, filled w ith people j uud breaking into the apartments of one of the occu pants during hi temporary abseuce, stole $,00t),0;X) in "bonds-nnd 'valuables and got away without .detection. The late Legislature having passed a resolution against the lcase'of the Atlan tic aud X. CrR. R. except Vjth tle con currence of the Board of Directors, the Jfewbernian regards the lease question as settled, and says 'The road will uot be leased; let ns look the matter iu the face aiid govern ourselves accordingly." POLTGAMr. Pi esideut"! Garfield has expressed hi& detei nu nation Jtp stamp out the blot of Polygauiy established in the West by the'i ilormona, aud to this end invites the suppoi trof the good peo ple of the country iu his efforts to do so. He hopes to accomplish the work during his term, and will prncced speedily with the necessary measures. Another-1 point of oppositirton to the roufirmation of Stanley Matthews to the Supreme Court bench in. found in the fiU t that he holds adversely tojthe claim of tbegOvernment for annuity., u the the Central Pacifie-Railroad, amounting t inillioti; of dollars. The present bench is uwarlyequally dirided ou tho consti Jutioual question involved-, and Matthews interested against the claim of -the :o vera men t. A. The acquisition of; Mahone by the Ra fuilican party was not all glory, and ho.jor, and prosperity toj themr Like 111 actions of a. doubtful character, ghosts if evil portents rise to confront and-disturb the equinimity of the jwrty tThey wnuted Mahone to gi ve them- the organi zatiou, of the SemUe, but could not have him free of reproaches in his coquectiou with political parties ia Virginia, tuid llicse'arb now troubling them. 'Ta.iSE HAXGEP.farshaSl .naxterm if the negroes concerned in the m imlor of Boh HaBiiegan; coloid, iu 3Iechleuburg, January last, has lieeu senteuced to hang oi the 29th of April,r When asked if he , had anything to say why ho should not be sentenced to death, he said he had no hand in the nuirder, though he kuew Ross iutened to kill Ilenuegan ; that he heard the blows, aud afterward helped Ross Jo put the body iu the cieck. " ' ... -. ... - .. i ' - Peatu BrLiGitTXiXG.-f A Mr.' Best ear Floreufe, S. C wan walking across i field ou hU farm, on .tlie 18t.li, dnriug Hie- prevalence of a . th under storm. v A ash descended a ml struck jkim, and tore fl. deep hole in tlie ground jiuder his feet, jnto which his lndy-fell ainit was covered by the return of the npheaval. Persons lookiug from window saw him, the - lash, auif his sudden djsuppeanince j And "afterwards brought ylhovels aud on yeajoving the dirt found hi body ia the pptjorn of the hole, ; ' V i.MWn.tini.LifJihel ! ! plction of, an(U0,(XX) for the .jV..n. .... i' i;i.f t i th skin. 'The entire supination of the Jiiili- provide ndehnate clerical force eqnipments of thesylum at Morgi x-.v,, ill tun nnd i;:i.ii,ot!bedeiartiHlfrora with- annronriates the sum of SdOO annally for next twi years, for the support of, : The Hon. Sam'l J. Eaudall, late Speak - er of the House, ia a recent letter ad dressed to the young nieif Democratic Association of Philadcphia, laid down the following essential doctrines of the Democratic party;: , tku i niinir mtn nf illfi COll II I TT i llitll - - O .I. J. I tin-. Democnifie party uinst.-uepena lor w mw ... . - c , I its "success and the perjetnity of its principles. It islheiefore, ot the nigu- cat uniwirance iinai uiro Leonid be properly understood aud fear lessly ana nrimy upneiu. . . vj'4i secure ueeoiintaiuuiy ami ccouu- utv 111 the uuniinisiraiiou t"? Stnlw and Federal government " duty which should be zealously perform- i eti, .-. i ' "The rights and the sovereignty oi tne j41 rnt. shuuld be iruarded and detenueu r In- il l who Ixi lieVe In Ihe original l"ir- - , , I Z'r .t.m r..x .MV.P.....nr' ninntI llisu III niw - H ' I -ont endangering popular government. J . VT1!! Iln.BAj. u'hlli I fit I :IIT fill LI1 1 Hill liniillUS I 'i, "fi.f ,Vii.i-l ami tho Jefterso- -I .f . ... . I .. !:,n interuretatious thomu uo iaae ine r . . t ... i iMt nf Democratic ortliouoxy. , - , . 11" ATiempieu coinuiuuvu, . or otherwise, which seek to deplete toe j ft.- ti.H.il. ner. sonar or political objects rejnre uom vigilance to detect uud courage to pre- yent. u. il'J. tif , ' ill 1,'nl .lima rt advantages which are iecial iu their iterntion is neither wiseJior patriotic . I . in the public mind and pets at risk the iii the public mind and pctsi at risk the lewtiitiiirvaiv iiiiui iiim i u ! ii iiuiiini i i.ii ami , - f Z "T, 8ta,,le aud ,-UM, Vl V. i!T Ttoi.il 1 Rt:ilii itv of business, hotu industrial aim x-thfn aimulii be general, eouitable; philosophical a impractical, and Only in this way can it permaueniiy ieceie puo- He commendation. "I0". ti ...,u. .i !A..a will tinj their certain sjifetv io i-cgai-diug h h iifffii. sunt iiitruci tu uin inn tuiuiio - themselves as obedient servants of the W ; J tu't flm.- . . . .....k,:.,,-,! tfiafc tlm Federal Congress, is equal in authority to the British Parliament will, f established as tnie iiiterpietation, leau to u.e nosi, f f J iH3r"S deie2atin5 ii,itcd powers : Parliaineut ,4 the unwritten Constitution ot ureal f Britian. There! is,, therefore, no j coiuparisou between the wo, i.ov i After aU that has been said on the sub- hect of General Lee's surrender of his sword to Gen. Grant at Apponiatox, the latter gen- tleman has been ap)ealed to in the interest ot tire truth ot history and without hestia tion settles the ouestion. by savin" "There no demaod maUc for General Lees Sword, and no tender of it offered.' All .1... ... : i i.i.. .i i. t I klilb nw niiu auvuk unuiu uiiuw vwiiibi' LnWw.n t,M wa n mmln-yr l.v Opn 0rant for appearng without his ownwhich had been sent ciwk the baggage. Diabolism. Straugely enough, close ou the heels pf the assassination of the Czar of Russia, we have au attempt to blow up the Lord Mayor's House in Lon- don, aud why tr It is a mystery, as it is impossible to conceive of any good to come to any pa-ty had it succeeded. A package of 40 founds of powder and a ligthed fensc were employed iu this at- tempt, Vnt it was fortunately discovered in time to prevent the intended mis- chief. : 1 Jim Harris, the colored republican ifi-i n iiiimiwii i-i v uv 1 leumurujnrii- 1 es auu ireem w vuuo nu lumis. interested. 1 E! 1 Z r in the Treasury Depaitnvent. This act and the m i,fl5,0OQ per uniinn, fort orator of Wake, j wants to oust Holdeu, l ies abqye Wayne aud JoIiiimhi coun Postmaster at lialeigh, and secure the ty lines.! Ratified March 1. office for himself. The Raleigh Observer Au act in relation to the fraudulent dis srys Iloldennnakes a first rate Post in as- position! of certain public documents. ter and that Ikj ought not tobe turned I out, Retam2 faithful officers is a safe rule. The Wilmington Star and The Western Nortli Carolina Railroad. (Cor. of The JVeg and Observer ) Raleigh, March 21, 1881. The Star Is unhappy lest the Western North Carolina road should fall back into the nanus ot the btate. A year ago the Starl was unhappy letj the road should fall out of the hands f the iStateo unhappy indeed that it preferred Ito tax Jhe people for its completion rather than tarn It aver tiBest and his associates. A year ago the Star de nounced the transfer to Bes and all who favored it ; now, however, it is in rief lest the ejephant should come back on our hands m . i I iorsootu as it said vesttrdar Ux-niKA u special session that got rid of the elephant w : J v--v tllV I cost $20,000." As nsuak however, iu girlng its reason for its grief, the Star does not tell the whole truth. Suppose the special session did cost $2O,0OO,iuid snppWthc ehpiianf snotild comeback to us, jvould the State be a loser or a gainer ? Let nssse. The account stands about as follows:! - , Cash paid by Best and associates - For convict labor ....... . ; . . $30,521 21 Cash paid by Best & associates for interest ou jjnds ... .34 70S 33 Cash now on deposit in Citizens' ' Bank 4 ..30,000 00 j , , ' e 1 $101,229 55 Deduct cost of special sessiin 20,000 00 Clear profit in Cash. . . . 4 . . . .$81,229 55 Add to this 50.000 new railroad ties 20 miles, worth at least $15,000 and 600 tons ot iron, worth at least $30,000; 'twenty-one o?A f mi.l( f Sllug, worth at least fdl MSl total of at least $250, 000 (all ofvhich jjMits are matters of pub lic record), and it wilt be seen that even if our elephant should come back to us he will bring hp sheavesiwith hiin ; that is to sav provender enough to.support him for some time.. i". All these farts, however, the Stah sup pressed, but that Is not a matter for surprise. What motive canjtheTAR hare for its per sistent suppression of the facts in reyaui to the affair of the Western North Carolina Railroad? 1 SlGitJU Gray Hairs are Honorable bnt their permatiire appearance is annoying. pr kers Hair Balsam is popular for cleanli ness and promptly restoriug the youth fpl color. Mar3toApr3. Captious and Summary of Acts of that the prosecution was frivolous or ma Tlie Legislature,' Passed at the licious, ! i -. V Session f 1881, Y . u 'H.:, I An act to incorporate the Rutherford- tou. Marion' aud Teuueee lUilwuy Com- V . . . m ' m . . 1 - An net autlionziiig tne employment oi oi convict labor upon the highways and wit streets in the counties,! cities and towns the in this State. This act -.authorizes the commissioner of an v county or corporate authorities of any city or town to con- tract with the board of directors or man- gcrs of the State Penitentiary for the for employment of audi convicts ns oy oxisc- awg M1y hired to railroad com pa- . UICH. mr IIIC lilllMWiciiiiiit nm vuii'iii mv - i . . i . . . ? . . . i tioil of tllO DllbllC highways III StlUl conn- . j I additional clerk hire iu the Treasury De- iartaiet. l ' I - A" act to protect clients iiinst fraud- i i.. ' - PI.: . .1.. I qieni, aiiornej . inuiuiu. irunr nioncva li collectea bv a imicticiliff . ..... ... I . J - - a. w i nttmev. and lie shall fail to account - fori .!... r .t L.i 1 te same, ijuugmeiK ior uio aiuouui; ;roi lecieu nun ibiwtm u iuc b.huc to rendered against him and he shall be de- barred from practicing! in the courts of ILitified IVbruarv 23. I An act to secure the better drainage of ! i a- i r i I tributaries iu the county of Davidson. - tributaries iu the ci-iiuty of Davidson. Au act to authorize the towu of Salts- bury to aid iu the completion of its grad- ed school house. j An act to prohibit the sjile of jntoica- ting liquor within two: miles f the court thonse iu the town of Tavlorsville. Alex- lander county, i -. w i u ct 0 establish and provide for or S'nS he couut Durham, An act for the better protection of por- tjous of -Rowan county, where the stock j. now i,10vails. This act is qmendutOT to au entjtlea ftAu ftct for the pro. tection of crops iu Rowan county." Rati- tied March 1. An nct tn earrv into effect, cei taiu nro ; ..(.i.. e i. .. o . ..... ;.. VIBIOII9 H l(IC CdUKllLllllHU OI lilt) OliUC I.I reg'ird to the University. TJiis act ap propriatcs the sum of $.5,000 to the Uui- versity. liatihed March 1. :Anuct:t em power; county surveyors and their deputies to administer oaths in certaiu case. This act relates to persons required by iaw to b sworn iu when making partition of real estates iu laying off widows' dowers, &c. Au act to incorporate the North Caro- i: , t ....1 .1 t? ...l fi. I ' M . .. fe . . CT '" TP Tv A" aC 0 V! gesiing luu imuuu bihiiiic i.i iu uiis state. . 1 his act npitoruts a comuussiou, This act apjxirnts consisting of William T. Dortch, John Maiming and John S. Henderson, tocmlifv the public statute lav$ of this State, aud makes ail appropriation to pay these coin missioners one thouiLiud. five hundred dollars each pel annum. Ratitied March . j An act to regulate the size of tlie meshes of drag iiets and seines to bo used in xcase and Trent Rivers and their tribu- turies. This act requites the size of the itiPsliAA nf piiw .Hill iut tn lif mt lent I than li inches. This net does not apply (to the waters of said rivers and tributa- This act makes it unlawful for any per- sous bavins tho enstodv of the acts of the Assembl v. Snnrenie Court Renorts and If s - - s " other public documents, to wilfully or egligeutly dispose of the same by sale or otherwise, or refuse to deliver over the same to their successors, and declares theiti guilty of a inisdemeauyr. Ratified March 2, An act to authorize the commissioners of Cabarrus county to levy a special tax. Au act to sacure the better drainage of the lowlands of tlie counties of Catawba Lincoln, Rowan, Davie, Iredell, Mecklen burg, Csildwell aud Burke. This act pro vides for the organization of a commission to be form etl of land-owners through whose lauds it becomes necessarv to cause Urains tw be n,de, whose duty it will be to ta e co2'za"ce of all matters pertain ? a. . . a. I . f 1 m '"Si" mo runuiug or -urains from one loint to another. Ratified March 2. Au act to amend an. act to incorporate the North western Railroad Company, rati fied the 23d day of February, A. D. 1857. Ratified.March 2.. I t -.!! 1 -A act to charter the DauvilleaudXBw River Railroad. V- ".- - An act to authorize the construction of a turnpike rcuul from Cooper's Statim and Black Mountain Station, oil the Western North .Carolina; Railroad, iu Buncombe county, to Mitchell's Peak and Crazirv.iii said county, and Green Pond, iu Yancey county. I An act to authorize1 the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad Company to ex tent! its road and tjo build brauches there of. -! ! , 1 . An act to amend section 1, chapter 212, laws of 187a, an act to drain ceitaiu lands iu Liucoln couuty. Ratified March 2. An act to prevent, live stock from run uing at large iu counties of Dare aud Au 8011. I ! ' '' An j act incorporating tho Dauville, Mocksville and Sonfji western Hjiihoad Company. Ratifieii March a. An act to prohllt t 1 Bale of spirituous or malt; liquors within three miles of Con rad Hill Goldjind CpHr Mines iu Da vidson county, North Carolina. - An act iu regard to costs in criminal proceedings. This act provides that no prosecutor shall be imprisoned for the nonpayment of costs; except when the judgep court or justice of the peace, before whom, the case was tHedr shall adjudge An act to Incorporate the r rencu uroau Steamboat Compan v. . i .. An act to change the sittings of the Sn- preme Court. ? Thi act provide tliat the Supreme Court shall convene at; tno . seat oraw Kuinumciiv m i ri! i i... ... . m. m. T . I . A.. : on the first Mouday in ebruarv and hrst Mouday in , October. An net making appropriation for the several Insane asylums of Xortli Carolina. The following sums are appropriated : $50,000 per annum for the next two years support of, and $r,50 per annnni for uo jranwr ments otj.nml 551,400 for the recoustrnc F tin wsttrrivrntka of the iisvluiu at " - - .- i. si. J. .i .i" ':.. r m nirt naieign ,-inui "e ui " vu,vw !ri r .1 . . .1 Hiecessary in ton ; he 1 lid $3,000.19 for tlie payments of it ho debts already tiiade bv the State 'Trcsurer for the support or patients, ana u,uuu per . .. . I - - nnnnm ft tt li n.rt tun -ni-a ftil 1 1 if ... crecuou ui an auuiitoiiut w ms mo . e i t'i! ... 4 mm ac uouuuoro. uariuetx iuarcu u. ' t- 4-mm' mmi n ac f ik I kit kill ta .... v. -TMw"nM " r.,..n...,wapVv.v.M.....0.....- and Statistic, nnd forthe euconrageiueiit of sheep; huslwudry, Ratified jMaicb 4 An act -to lay olFi and establish a new county by the name of Viii-ce Ratitied V "I. I An act to incorporate the Clinton and raison railroad Company. An act to amend chapter 41, section 10, lines 3 and 4, Battles Revisal, by striking out the words thous:iud" and m- sorting in lieu .thereof the wo. ds -one thousand.'7 I Ins act relates to the bonds of county surveyors. An act to establish a graded school in Goldsboro township, in Wayne comity. An act to amend an act entitled -An act to incorporate the Elizabeth City am Norfolk; Railroad Company.'7 Atl act aiueU(atory to an act to provide for keeping in repair the public roads of the State. Ratified March 5. j Au act to it peal chapter H of the laws of 1S7U, This act repeals au act entitle "Au net to abplisli private seals aud -pre senile a short form of deeds and foruthe purposes An act to amend section 9, chapter 7 B ittle'S Reyisal. This act relate to prac ticiug attorneys at law, in any courts ol which they may perform the duties of u denutvior assistant cleik. Rowan nnd Stauly counties, heretofore excluded, a now included within the provisions o of this act. Ratified March 5. An act to prohibit the sale of spirit 11611 liquors ;witlin two miles of the towu o; Dobsou, iujtbc coiuity of gurry. An act to incorporate the Eastern N01 1 Carolina Insane. Asylum. This act change the title of tho Colored Iu atie Asylum, near Gvldsboro-, to that .of. "The Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum." Au'-aet' lo prevent felling! timber iti Hunting CreeS'iii Davie county. Au act !o airo.v J. II. McN i!, adminis trator of G. r, McNeil, deceased, former tax co! It-ct or f r Wilkes county, to collect arrears of taxes. i i North Carolina -A Per C'euta, Ralkigji, March ID, The Iegislatme, which ndjiiuiiicd ou Monday laxt, lev Jed a special tax of six cents 011 the hundred dollars'; valuation on real aud personal property to pay interest on the bonded debt of the State. The act of lt?71), un der which the debt is'being compromised aud adjusted, provided that all State taxes levied and collected from profes sional trades, incomes, merchants, and dealers in cigars, and three-fourths of all taxes collected from who'.esaly and retail dealers in spirituous, vinoasjped malt li-qno-s, should be app!ieiiTrjruc payment of the in tei est ou tho 4 per cent, bonds, which was insufficient without taking money from otlier sources. Tho additional levy of C cents will raise $14:),U00, which will be sufficient to pay the entire inter est if the whole debt is funded in 4 per cents. The amount of 4 per - cents now issued is $2,500,000, aud the funding is proceeding rapidiy every day. The Leg islature also vote $'3,000 in aid of the cele bration of the battle of York town. PRICE., CURRENT. j Corrected by J. il. lvxox; 0c Co. Mar. 24. Cottox good Middlings, JO Middling. - , ii loy, do . 8 . stains - 5 Bacox, County, hog round C(&10 Butt En- 20 Eggs . . . 10124 tJmcKESs pcrlozcn j $1.50(2.00 Conx New . 55&60 Meai moderate demand at 65(j70 WnEAT-r-good demand at j. 1.10125 Flock best fain. 310325 i-i extra 3.00 j I super. 2.75 Potatoes, Irisu 50 Oxiox8 50 Lard 10 Hat ! 75 Oats . 5C55 Beeswax 2021 Tallow 5 BfrACKCERRIES 6J AppLts; dried 34 Sugar ! 10! 24 J. B. WA.TSOj3, SALISBURY. N. C, ; I MANUFACTURER j OF Mattresses And Brooms. Work and Material superior to any in the State, and at prices lower than for Northern work of same grade. Work on sale at Meroney &. Bro.'s,! arid orders left with them will be promptly tilled, Give length and width of Mattresses wanted. Prepared to tune Pianos ou short notice at reduced prices, and if satisfacr iioti not given no charge will be njnde, 23:1 m, ; . ! mm ?S1 ETBL1SHED I860. RJCliMONp,.VM We intend to make it to the interest every Planter in 1 he cottosi-growiuj' I touse tins hrst-class lugii-grade standard its Standard sni uiufomitj are Fertilizer. ;:iars.!iteei. We again offer this finl-chi Fertilizer to Cotton Growers as being, in all respects, worthy of their patronage. It has stood tho test of thirteen years' use among us, and has been brought to its present ad.uirable condition only by the liberal expenditure of lalor and money in a continuous effort tn improve.; Iu standard and uniformity are guaranteed. The result of its application to the cotton crop for .thc past tlurtcea years has proved it to be equal to any fertilizer ever sold in the Unite! States. During this time thousands of tons of it have been used by tlie farmers of Virginia and ;orth Carolina, South Caro lina, and Georgia with highly satisfactory results. Whatever may be the merits of other fertilizers, no one can go "wrong in using one which is so well made, so fully guaranteed, und has been so long and so thoroughly tested. ALLISON ADDISON, . Manufacturers sxlPicixictcic cf the "Star Irrxd" Ccnplcte Manure, Eichmond, Va. For sale by J. Allen Brown, and by agents, at all points in North Carrlina. - 22:2m. "i".ii. notice: To Georpre Leonard and Josephine Leon ard, O. F. Brown, Alphcus Brown ami Jo seph Brown, non-residents : You will take notice that the lollowing summons has been issued airainst you : DAVIDSON Ccmtj I IX SIPERMR caCRT. N. B. Orrell, Adm'r of Jos, Brown, decM, PWff. A gain at Geo. iAionartl and wife Jo- J Summons, sephine Leonard, O. F.Brown, Alphcus Brown, Jos. Brown, W. C. ; B ro w n , nnd Clw rl es Bodeuhamer, Deftfts. STATE 07 NORTH CAROLINA. To the Sheriff of Davidson County ;reet im: You are hereby commanded Jo suni mon Georjjc Leonard, Josephine Leonard, O. F. Brown, Alpheus Brown, Joseph Brown, W. C. Brown and Charles Bodcnhamer, the defendants aldvc nained, if to be found in your cpunty, to bo and appear before the Clerk of our Superior Court, for Davidson county, at the Court House in Lexington, within 20 days from the service of this sum mons, exclusive of the day of serviee, und answer the complaint which w:ll be depos ited in tlie ohioe of tlie Clerk of the Superi or Court of said county, within ten days, and letthesa;d defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint with in the time prescribed by law, the praintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint. Hereof fail net and of this summons make due rtturn. Given under my hand and seal this 21st day of March 1881. C. F. Lowe, C. S. C. of 23:6w Davidsou County. " HORTGAGf jSALE By Tirlue of a Mortgage Ded executed to roe by J. C. Wilhelm and wife, recorded in! Ihe Register! office, Book iw 5o. page SCo, 1 will expose fur nle at public auction, on the 2nd day of May, being the First Monday in May. 1881, At China Grove, a House and Lot, adjoining the lot of Jaroe C. Carter and wife, and the land of I. F. Fatterfon, containing about Two Acre; the name being the house aud lot now occupied by J. C. Wilhelm. S. A. Isesiiocb, Mortgagee. J. M. Gray, Uty. March 23, 1881. i 3;lm Tr rh W Emm1 IT WILL PAY YOU ; IF TOU W1TT0 RAISE A LARGE CHOP OF COTTO ' x- TO USE OUR 4--: j;"Star "Brand" Compkts Hasnrs. It is rich in Soluble Phosphate and Ammonia. r i i 1 It affords a constant supply of plant i;iooii. It contains no inert matter. It is an improver and renovator of worn-out lands. It is fine, dry, and in the best condi tion tor drilling. It secures large crops and early maturity . - It increases the ouantitv andouali- n. . . . . i ry oi lint. . i j! It contains an ampleqnantity of all j the elements necessarv to make Cot hton, and a large surplus which will show itself in the improvement of i :t he. land. .It is prepared from tie best and inot approved materials, in the most Ail onl tl. of i , . . States unuer our personal supervision. T I E 'N A V As fi A GUANO Ilax-hern extensively :iul pr fi4al.lv n el aiid ihoronjrlily lerttd in this roiu.ly i-.ml lliri:gl. til ihe dunlin 1 n-.w-inn on 2 ! 1 kiml ol Cin s fr tin p;t Ll.l.VKN Yeaus; in 1 1 . : 1 1 1 v iiistniK e.i more tri;ni 'ThiiiLliiiS tl'.- j iciicct, Mil is- nor.' well known ami tirmly tstatlislud :is Mnong the VERYBIiST 11 USE and as such we recommend ai.d yiiarnn tee it. Chemist Valuation, per ton 41.17 If further ttPlimony is requintl. we bes to refr titoce who wMi informnlion to any of their iuil:!ois wl.oharc ever used ii, as we nreq:tite willing to rly 11 jMMi 'Their Jcogmext as to ihe Val ue of our gooil. J. ALLE1T EEOWIT, Agt SALISEUliY, Jf.C. 23:1m 8! (PEUVY1AX AND LOSE DUST.) Just in, A Car-Load UPSHUR GRANO. Proved entirely Kitisfatory last season by those who tried it. BEST IN THE MARKET ! CjSk-SiO.OO cash, or 450 pounds of Cotton m tne ail 100- BtiHRBLS -100 . VIRGINIA 110 UK LIME Onlj $1.50 per Barrel. . A Lot of Good Second-hand i3T TrLriT.itrQ.?1? In Good Order, Cheap. Also a First-rate Two-Horse Democrat , With three seats, And a Two-Seated Photon and Harness t Am receiving my SPRING GOODS- Everything in the line, nnd at price to suit tanners. Come nnd see. me lor low prices before trading elsewhere. Also, Agent for WANNAMAKER & SHOWN, Clothiers, Philadelphia. Suits itiade to order. Call and examine samples. 20:6w R. j. HOLMES. DEV0X BULL. I have a flnn Devon stock animal for puWt&ser- Vk'e ai unmcrawj raiea. Appiy 10 Salliburjj O W AT WELL. BONDS To make Title to lind, aud Laborer nnd BLANK ADMINISTRATOR $ SALE NOTICES .1 ' For Sale at this -Office, Cheap Chattel Mortgager variotiR other blank for tale heff " , A 3Cb FIREIFIEEir-piKg. Rfh. TP life 0 frtehit y l J- " nMer uetore it t kg THE INSURANCE AGENCY 0p " J. ALLEN BROWN and outjin.ng Policy 6flnsUra against loss or damage v FI'rp UQI1TNINO. ThiefctL , KB. LARGEST AGEFICYIHTHE STATL Aggrrgate Assets represented oyer boo,ooo,ooo ' All first Class Cos., including iu,- well as Amencan, and oar wh Slate C'o ' -All Policies written here atthi-A,,,.. fTLosscs proniplly settled. SPECIAL RATES made on good Dwellings, Pernitnre .t A-ill 11. tliin-il, ll.l l 01 3 tO 3 tM Feb. 1C, '81. tf ft JUST RECEIVED AT BI CHOHD PRICES: Red rind Saplch Clover, . . t- Oreliard Grass, "5 Tinioihv and , . Blue Jrass . ' - AtENUlSSV,r4 ; GARDEN -SEEDS, - Fresh ni Gcntdns ' ' JUST RECEIVED : 1 - "'. LandrethV, Buist's, Ferry's, ; Johnson -Bobbins'- &Qt. At" Wholesale and Retail. At ENNISS'. " ONION SOTS For Sale At EXNTSS'. WAITED, 17:tf On .on Sets -;- At -EXNTSS' -:-o-: Haviiiir boiiffht" out tne lnierestor iur.urocn--field iirour former busi-. ness, I will ccmlinuc as heretofore- atthc Old . Stand. Thankful- .fur past lavor.s I respectful ly ask a continuance ot your patronage, r I am Atrent for. the Call and sec mc bdforoj you buy. ;: Kespectfiilly, J J. f. ROSS. 2.":U- llll! IIEIARIIEII I am Agent for the OLD RKLIAHLE ii FERTILIZER ; For Cotton and Tobacro. ALSO - ZELL'S CUANOi' s0p These are the Best Jj ; hrand.s made. A FULL SUPPLY ' . FOlt JiOTIf OX HAS!). CALL AND SEP: ; ' J. F. ROSS. - mi DEALER IX ' r Italian and American Marti? Monuments, Tombs and GravesV or ev:uv DKSCtiirrioN, , !f, Ik-iiiK- a prlical TOHrble-worker, it m 4,( fxeciiline any pieee of wprW " . v j i.lainenl to the most elaborate In'"1.. . .. ..irWl catlMS" ntvle, anil 1 agnaram will e given to the nio4 exneung V1? Call and examine my Stock "LPV fure pnrchawng, as I will self at tb verj . el price. - . j v0r1t Designs and eHtimaten for nj , J.it will be furnished on application" w to J. D. MeNeelv'aStore Salibnrr, X, C, J4rch 9, ?8S1' 2i:l;, - llll! - . I - . i ill 0 it HUTCHINSOH i I 1