Carolina W atchman. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, J88J. J ; . r The Brittish steamer White Star Liner ?ias just made the run across the Atlantic fn i x days and ten hours the shortest Jluie on lecord. . Self SuppORT.Franjce ' lias , been tjie twMct onafntnerthn TTnited: States bftl lUia aftex for surplus meat and bread, and we havo not IniG that Prof. Midden was the dis corerer, nor is lit right that he should hare credit, as in the naming or the gem, which does not belong to him. "We think North Carolina nariers at least, shouh shot and killed Hugh M. Dickson, Ins I and that now is the time to do it. The Imither in-law. on the 11 th inst. Cause, rem va first discovered by a native o Reduction of Thomas' daughter. Public thecoontyof Iredelj,J. A. D. Stephenson, sympathy Jtates sides with Thomas. $ ye or more years ago, who, sent epeci- 7 ' mm .' - mens of it to a distinguished savant in stands p?cw York to determine its character and IIiiMEXiTE.-.ThU is a new gem dja covered by Prof. Hidden." the history of the neiw gem has been fully been sending over to her Mormons jnan given by the Statesville 'American, "lit is tities ever year for some I time past j and . . . . v m ' ' il Jf: J.. a AAfifinnaTIv An tt) A riflP . Virginia, Bays a contemporary as which ing at your friend's house and finding no procured for him the honor of discovery, one at home. But' we think it is a mis- Abstractly we have nonobjection to the take:, it is not like Virginia, V irginia, says a contemporary, scanus y w..f aloof from help to the Yorktown celebra- Mr. Stephepsou himself conduct tion. That will greatly diminish the ed Prof. Ilidden to the spot where it pleasures of the feast, It will be like call- found, and gave him the specimens whicl name, but the honor of discovery belongs to Mr. Siepeiison, and our btate journals should not take part ju robbing liiru of it It is not altogether as safe for a Senator to tell lies ou the Sonth in the Senate linilpr n it ia for t Iir northern rdii.orft to publish Hhem. Senator Dawes of of Darhani, X. C), writes the Raleigh A Cotton Picker. Mri-D. B. Smith, o puoiiaii i inem4 fcciiatur mwes oi . Massachusetts tried it the other day, .but Xea and Observer in reply to the inqui- Senator George of Miss, cornered him, rics and remarks of that journal on the ' ji . - a anliisr f o sff-Mi-; nilri 1Inl1 t in and now the question is asked, is there a jiar in the U, Sr Senate, ; this paper a few days ago, Mr. Smith brought to the attention of the public an Oleomargarine, it is said, damaged the fori tllis PQrPoso everal dairy interests of this country last rear Fe;irs aS' " received little or no eu- About $13,0)b,000. Foreigners ref life our patter out ot lear oi getting a cneat. A writer-in the interest of beef tallow but ter employs the columns of the Scientific American to defend it against alLassail-antsf Reese's remarkable iron wheel for putting bars of steel without actual con- couragement. With some considerable pecuniary difficulty he succeeded in ob taining a patent for his machine and con structiug a Working model. Ho has test ed it for two years and until he has about worn it out. The lnachiue gathers three- fourths of the open cotton in going over it once. Takes in nothing but thopure cotton, and can gather a bale an hour where the cotton is well opened. Mr. . . i i . i wnere . 4 . , . . , , . " I Smith is now at work on ' a half machine ae, is to bo subjected to further test. , The Scientific American of more recent IOF T 1 CXPOSlUon' wlJere h data illustrates a bar cut in two bv the Pvto find njore eucouraenjent than he i.., i- r... ,ias received at home; br actual contact, and calls for further L The A"r,cuItHra Ptnient of the -f tha numa f 4i.Q r4state should look into this thing. its non-contact performance. : mm , j It is estimated that the use of intoxica- Our friend of the Durham Ikcorder re- tinS ,i(lU0T3 has cost the county of ?wan Voices that the Legislature made the 20th not less-than ten ' thousand dollars within of May one of the holidays to be observed the last ten 'ears- m.aT cd that in North Carolina, on the groumLthat she amount as we s,ia11 sec. wen the facts and on that day, in advance of all others, con fronted tho power of the British crown,&c. The Legislature did it out of respect to tho good" people of Mecklenburg, we pre sume, and in commemoration of an event that tdokplace on tho 31st instead of the SOth of May, figures shall be accurately brought . out The county pays more every year on account of drunkenness than she receives on the liquor licenses issued. As a money opera tion it is a dead loss to the county. And as the use of liquor neither adds physical nor moral strength to any1 citizen, and re pairs no roacls, buildd no bridges, nor yields any good results to; the community, com mon sense would say, put a stop to it, and throw the burden of liquor drinking and the I Blackwell & Co. are boring an artesian Well on their factory lot in Durham. Prother Cameron-grows eloquent on the noV"u" ?nnmZ and the .abject and gives utterance to some very T n u , . thSe Wh pretty thoughts. Take this: "Down in CtK-t?,em'. 9ubjeCt Wlil come UP the bowels of the earth, what mysteries S7mer' and, eachvoter will have a cannot be unearthed t Inch by inchthe ft? 7 at thc P0"9 at he tbiuka greedy nugdjr enters, and at every -Jnch i - "- " . i . ,. . ' . ,. TAVPrIh .t.llA'f -Ktartr rf 1 But further on he tells us of the nrnhn- . ReP froi Chip Island, under date ef bility of striking coal and petroleum, si-ns Apnl 7th' statetnelf,,le by the earthquake hf which the "greedy auccr" is brinirfu therC 8Q Sunday' APril 2d' bctween 6.0 rn 0 0 and 7,000. More than per c The county commissioners of Mecklen burg; as we learn from the Charlotte Democrat, had an offer from R. Y. Mc per cent ef the entire population, 7p',000, were either killed or wounded. Every house, 50 alone ex cepted, was destroyed. The shocks con tinued at intervals, so that the inhabitants were m constant dread. The odor of dead Adden to Purchase the conntv int.. were ln constant rea in tho Charlotte andtatesville Railroad. n the towD9 and citic8 was over 11 offered $10,000 for it-about ten cents Powf"nS' and n was feared a pestilence 0n the d-llar. The Commissioners de- would breaH out among the living, Thirty Aed to sell, but it is intimated that thev ? f thc first may! yet do so. The road pays the conn- ?fc ""d and- "t one escaped. Eng- ty nothing, and it is net likely that it ' , ' v maies anu Aust"an Trill do any bstter hereafter, ' gun-vessels in the harbor are doing all in I tiuwL-i m rcueye ine sutterers and aid tr - u I i'-""" "uuiuuucs. xne shocks are aioxumext to Gov. Caswell. The t i i j .)- fuuciiuuau reports IlKC Legislature made an appropriation of five heavy explosions, i hundred dollars for a monument in hon- m t t Xr of Governor Caswell, who a the first Fkictioxal ElectkicittTLo verv .of the hue. Gov Jarvis hasWatthe first manifestation of electric action ob- w JrSbUri'bUtfUDd SCnled h men RaXs the Scientific . imcn , no mark indicating the grave , The citi- can, namely, the! attraction which an zens of kmston propose to add a thou- electrified bmly has for liht obiects is sand or more dollars to the appropriation the last to be signdlly milked in the ar'ts and locate the monument ia j tho public and that, too, not in some new and square of the town, and it U said Gov. original art by some learned investi-a-arvis who has beenrappointM to super- tor in electrical science, but by a couldo intend the execution of the Sf.nt' ntri. fur, .t.i .1 s . . : UJM0 ,otic purpose, has assented to Z.XT WhlCh W M The papor quoted refers to what is x.uur iunnn, of the Scientific Ameri- called frictioual;-.;i u siazifcton. j. v. Juivi si oo U V I lllllllll r II. mwr n. . ... . " " I " m- ew JUly 4, 61, a 37. artA .V Set. Clnt ; Oettvshiirir mi. o ' ' , says "it is a pity babies have no (a poor conductor like amber, war "liss luo iCilSOu inac lour I - y anouicr like silk or fur. One of .ucU rrr cent more babies die in in. V light substances emploved to exhibit fan than pigs before reaching an age the phenomena of electrical attraction And size fit for the pork barrel. Attribu, and repulsion in i tho machines used for ug thw difference tojhe ft.that pigs this purpose is bran. The boys referred have commercial value and babies have to conceived the iidea of utilizinir tlS not, thecause for pity is apparent. "If," fact by applying frictioual electricity to Wsthe; "the life of pig8f or the separation of bran in the mannfac- Jambs, or colts, or calves, ways anything tare of flour, and devised a machine for precious, the newspapers would this purposo; and hence the electric! be full of discussions of causes and of bran separator to which allasion was ineans of prevention. Whek haf th made in thin n 1011 was ;7"vs ww WJUie leacnmg maturity we : -"-""'o vuiseiVM to toe (118- p.,,., I i - pensatioa of a mysterioM Providence Morgaxtox, The J3lade gi vea Andlt goes ou further to say that "the !?e Particu,ar of fire at Morgaaton ou ignorance of people in regard Jto the pro- 1T,uesda'V' API 5tli, when the wind was w.o nuu iucuiug oi ciaiurpnis simply """uol.Vi 11 orose out iu the ADnallinrl:nd th in.i;ffi. fl . J store house east, af tiu. n..- u ... vvui L ijLUUSe, OC- cupied by Messrs' Frazier & Turner and burned - orythiug east of it withiu reach. The losers were! Mai. Vii ... . - , " l""auiai UU Lies It . j v ' vu 111c without an effort to discorIti, - ! baildme in whir i t?. , tha trade was continually on the rise, But f ranco has conciuueu to put resunc tions upon it, pvidently for tho; purpose of encouraging home production, It is not at all surprising, fof the conditions which would indnee a $tate to fayor a particular trade iu 370,i might " have no existence iu 16SQ, and it would be to her interest to abrogate it. ( " At any rate, Faance has thought proper to lay heavier charges on the importation of previsions ana oreaustung, anu me cnccs ou tnis countrv it is thought, will be a larce decrease in shipments to that market. If her farmers fail to supply the market the suffe aers will be apt to make it known. The measure will secure to French farm ers a better price for their products in the proportion it removes American corapeti tion. , The last thing we have seen from Gen. Hancock was a neat letter to a little girl in Illinois who was so glnd that the Gen eral's birth iiUy was the same as her own, the I4th of February. This, like all his letters, shows a man . wjth a big, brave and true heart, whose happiness does not depend on high position and sounding titles. '!.' ROWAN COUNTY. BY J. E. APPEJJDIX, ROLL OF HOXOR. The following abbreviations are employ ed Col. colonel. Capt. captain. Lt. lieutenant. Sort, searjrent. Cor. corporal. Ord. seargent a for are. en for date of entrance into service. (Z died. 1 1 killed. w wounded. ! e captured. ' h d honorably dis- ! ; char?el. ordinance;; pr promoted. i tr transierrcd. d in p died in prison and a number of others. i! CO. E 5t!l IlEiilMEWT I.VFAXTKT. Samuel Scevcs, Capt.,e May 15, 61, a s$, Resigned arcii, sth, 62. RobL Meudry, 1st Lt m May IK. 61, a S2. j. r. iiuii xm L.i., en May, 16, el, 21, w. Fred li Uprazae Jr. 2d IX., en May lfi, 61, J 5. Jonathan wraliam, ltt. Sgt., en June 6, 61, SO, d ot John T. Ttodman, id Syt en June 4, 61. l. David Jtoivan, 4tU gt., en Jiuie th, 61, a 'li, pr to 2d Sgt., May o, 63. J?nu Uendry lst Corp., en July 1, 61, a SS, u at John K. Hunter. 2d Corn . jiv i m j Jere M. M.l'.er, ad Corp., June -rtJ.'ei.'o ri,'w Seven Daniel tiaslnger, 4Ui Corp., t June 14, 61, a, W tr at Privates. Beaver Daniel, m J!in ?o i . Beaver, Munroe ea Juue 2,6l, a 2T. w at Wilderness. """v uue is, si, a:, tr at, wilaei- Basli. g?'r 'Nfinry en Jul 15, 6 a 44, tc atNvUderness Baslnrer. John .i Jni-p 1 fi .51 Baalnger, James J. cn July 6, 61, ' S5. Brown, Adam7 Juae '9, 6J, a 3. b- V ' 3 61 ' 20' at WI1Uam3- Boyle, John en June 5, , a IS, Beeic, in. e jnne 11, 61, a 81. Balnea, Levi ea Jyjy S, CI, a U, pr 2d Sgt., w at Cold Harbor, w at Cham-pnn svillo E&1Cittt J' en J UQe 18 61, IS, ir 5th Sgt. Aug. 31, CibdltCr' D E. ' June 29, 61, a 21, u at Wmams- Clutts Jere cn July 3, n, 22. Ciodtelter, Win. C. July i,'61, a 26, dot disease. OctUUiUJ, iots. Cr?J wLe,1iJli?,e 61 a 25 w at ChanceUors vlile, pr Corp. Aprtl so, 53. G tvD?.i??Par- Juue 5' 61 a 18' of at Get- Duke. Geo. e Junp 11 i . k Dickens, Thos. en July 'ju. ijuuivwtirui, j. w. ew juiy 4, 61, 2. Ellar. Win. en Jnlvi :i t. File, Ivy V. en June 13,'61. 2?. Hrlit. Samuel J .inno uu GlUeSDle. John f a Jlino Rl .. 00 .. ... 1,'ini m 5 v k 'o A " ai uuamsuurg. Hartman. J.innTt A n Tuna on ,n Johnsjn, Calvin m Juiy 2, 61 30. Johnson, Green ,i July 8, si, is. xviuc, ai. a.. e June s, i, 23. n.eui,duun jane 1., 61, 31, d dls. May 5, 63. Lane. David jniv j i - m ' t .--j -1 " . , iff. izrr. r ,".. """ 01, zd at wnanceuors- ii:t. 11:1 V f- ?wGat?eyJSSSry191 2' CorP" Au" 31 McGulre. Mike M,dZ'iiJa0lJ ';,iune,5' 61- a 20w at WliUamsbur- m!!' U V1 July 6' 61- a 21- Of dls., 62. Mauldln James, June 22, ei. is. O'Donnel, Francis June 15, 61 , 18. Porter. Jas 11 inr, oq ' A., Pence, Jake July 4, 61, 44. rarker, John i July i,6i, 24 dot dls 62 Parks Jas. o. jmV 1 A' ' oi lus" Peacock, Wm. L. c. June 19," , a 22. Parnell, Frank June 24, 61, a h. - i-"t ?1 - w J 6I 43. w at Seven Plnea. KlutV. G. W fn Tuna 10 Klnwn, J" JU' en 61' & d at Bull Run July LATEST HEWST Ve hare hew in Store the Largest and most Complete Stock we hare ever offered. V pURiPRINTS, LAWNS AND DRESS GOODS l ; . are handsome and at prices to suit all. i I&IERES, COTTONABiS, DOHEStlGS, very cheap. A large lot of SHIRTS TO SUIT ALL .i AT BOTTOM PRICES. OUU STOCK OF - , IS XEAT, AND WE MEAN JTO SJSM THEM AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. I r We cll Coats at SO cts. and up. We have the best Assortment of SHOES we have ever bought and at the " V LOWEST PRICES. HATS FOR EVERYBODY At 10 cts. up to the Finest. I j iu Kiuus oi MOLASSES AND SYRUPS rp" Aud among t Rio, Lagnayra, iera the BEST in the Market, Java, and Mocha Coffees Very Cheap. Cat-Loaf, Pulverized, Granulated, White and Brown Sugars at Bottom Prices Ve have alMrnvs on hand tho BEST FLOUlt in the Citr- try it. waUUiiii, Vl trmuturau aiways on Hand. Full Assortment of ' : TQBAO C O. Ana evcrTtliinfr nanallv kfnt m Mia P.rnurir t . :i . - i iii , iiV r "'""-v "'" uo omo huh mi; ns oeiore Ton out or sen. we luv all kind of Ton Wlt-lk tlllll l.tMrl'j A.-...... . . .1. i , . V ,. . T,cw U1 wuh wo nave, we return tuaufes for past patronage ...v,.M.n.,v,ii.ivi., . .; wuta viy lfsjjpctiuil V, - W. W. Tailor, H. P. Atkins, Salesmen. "" ' ' April S6;3m. ippallingjand the ludiflferencicomnim,ir luauuosicu is not unlrequcntly murder- iUC5sr8- A' nuier & pus." j Robt.X. McConnaoghey, aud We quote further, as follows : ?nre nf iif:inv h,n. MdertakeiirnorantlvthM.LaA! ?e..iJo3rfn i Means property. $500: Mull Warehouse, 100. ,Mr. pM J ncine : and we trust th ,:n . .- v ii til VOiUU I i .. !; - "When It Will be nnnnlnrltr t I Sier also laat. liia fi.,I- ... luiteas criminal. That , good time for notes, &c, valued at W W 1 mti NUliea would not have been flayed UII The Miuin i-t Jif V " iil now if they hud been, like iilc- rlfl T LV fnTmt : Jwel, tbr of commerce. . j1 -, -iac- regalia, etc., valubd at 500. Ko insu- If there are so manv rliililrnn ti. i ii ranee at all. on either !tni!iin, ai ( hem reaaire to Im L- nj t i 1 ! . ' : portumty to the rest, the killinir oaeht r- xn ; M ' - iif least, to be done with disctetibn, pick' " 8 re IIonrable nt the ing out the least desirable specimens for l,rraature appearance is annoying. Par- Ihat fate, as we do with kittens: j To lose ker's Hnir Balsam is popular for cleanli. lialf, and that at haphazard, is as nesi and promptly restorin- the vouthfnl I uneconomical as . is morally'mtolerable. color. Mar3to 4irh youthful t nt, (IPttvahun,' T, StOUD. ThOS J ITi V J CI io j eTaTGettSri01'0- pr U3 Corp ' 31 wTPvPl6- ew July 4- 61 l9- w at WUllamsbure NV llhelm, Jesse r June 88. 61, a so "uaurs. ,Wrafi&!jSS S . a 18' pr 10 "ce. co: ff & Sk" 10 24 Lt-Irom tot." fffiy1' a23-wat e"urg. Hewitt, D. H. ea or w at Gettysburg Julv c? bSS-May 5?nH SePt" J' C1' " 2!' at WuUams MUler.' Calvin en June 6, 81. a 25 Newson, C. C. en Ang. 19. i, 19, w a wmiama. burs ana Chaneellorevtlle. uuams-Parks- Jesse A. July 20, 61,o24, wat WUllams- burg and CUancellorsvllle. ' uiiams- bu: A" W ew ,Uly 15- M 0 22' ngat Sharps RijTsbev, c. C. en July 15,62. a 29 kltlbey, Wm. u. M July 15, 2, 25, Co. 5tn Kzgiment. tt ... OFFICERS. rami, nnftK : . .7 ." , CancrtioravmA' IS" e" AP 2 33, w Geonre Mlllpr iit. rv-.i-r, . .. t., '. Franklin 1. J ullan,' Musician, en July l, 61, a 16. I KIT ATE8. iSvSriSftjiM 3lar 6. ism 7 : 25 VUllamsburff, Cs,CalTta,jjury,61,akdrachmon. -KSSN" Li.n. . pr to 6tH Set. Dolan. A rrai inn q , " 1"- Fry, Pleasant, en 1 June 10. 61. a"i9 nr tn m rv of disease at Rlchmnnrt aSJj ' i"" Corp. d Fink. J. F. jiiba i - ioB" OarveJienJ.eJuyl,V.'lS Carver, John 1. n Julys, 61, 21. 1 Hancock, Thos. ; July 5, 61. 28. j utmg, juuuse june s, ei, is, w M'lUiamsburo' and pr to corp. lor gallantry. i-. Heller. Kdward uJiiii( ui, m ., , lluie, lillas J. eu June 17, 61, si. 1 Letter, u m. ru June , 81, n 21, w Gettj-sbur?. uiyw. 6i, i so, d oi disease at Slcbois, Columbus in July 5, 61, a 19 i Fcchel, Miles June 19, 61, a 27, d of disease at KiuUmond. i . . . . j Potter-, James en June 21, CI, a 41, d. Rimer. Reuben II. r. .Tnlv e.i m StUeieatber, Alex, tn June "w, 61, 21, k Cold Har bor. June 7i rt- Stlreway;, Jawp en June 20, ci. a 35. Slkes, J. P. en July 3, 81, a 36, rf May 62, ln enemies nanus uiw.u - . - . - ' Swlnlc. Jas. e-n June in. (?1 19 Snapping, Jna A. i June 17, 61. a 27. Wade, euj. F e June 14, 61, a is, d Aug. 62. at tamp v iiaii. Winders. Abner en June 12, CI, a 22, d ct disease at liiciimond. ; vest. v.'m. July 14 81, Krown. f'uas. June 12. i .- Scott, Win. . Jane is, 61, a s2. Ataiustin, j . ii. en juiy :n. 51 ,t 34. Beaver, 11. M. f n Aug. 8, b'-', 2S, d at Strai.burg, Va. oi disease, Nov. 11, ("2. Iteavtr Simeon Aiig. 8, 32, 33, d near Caarles- town, V a., cn march. Reaver, .rereml.iu A'.ig. 8, 62, n 27, w CUancellors- vllle. at hoine. Ansr. r. t:s Beaver, Jos-'vn ev Aujj. s, as; a so. Ileaver Kui'L-iri AiKr.s. ;. Beaver, Davldf.- Aug., S2, a lwavcr, k. m. Aug. s. 6z, a 31. Heaver. L. A. ii Aw. fi. rfv. r v-a . lJo.--.tlan, Aaroitwi Aug. s, , 02s, I-July 1, 61, Gettysburg. Bosilaii, A. J. r Aug. S, 62, 81. Bostiiin, Anilrew en A'ojj. s. 02, C4. llostijn, EH e. Aug. S. a bv. itostlan, V.'m.'m Aug.' s, 62. , 24. Bust, Allison Aug. S, i5i, a 19. Bust, o. :i. Aug. s, Ci, , 44, rf Xov. 29, 68, near imlon.svlili?. Brewer, KUja& cn July J5, f2, w at Gettysburg. Bray, J. F. July, 15, bi. Fell out of ranks, Aug. Bra ista,v, Francis e"Fcb. 25, Cl corp. lor uie lOi-ioustroa'aUc-t. ', , CasU. A. it. e( Auir. 8. 62 I Carver, Kyle in A-g. V2, C. ; tToiemuii. J. A. c Aug. Ci. Pi-pss. A 'ns;!1.!) !! 1.-1 h 'riiB tvli:ia titr 1:,', :i n:.i t--fji?iw. t..i--, .'o Cruse, Joscp'a i-. craven . tit j uiy la, ci', .1 en out oi ranks Aug. fiCv .UIU lirTM Uf'ilU tiU.Il. Dc'berry. Win. June 18, 62. Meal. Lc-vtnjAug,e, 8i. w .fvreiy at Oettvsbu'-g. Eurnhart, Isaac en Aue. s, 6.', k July 1, w. Getty g- burs'. F.arniiart. Darld. en Aug. S, G2. Earnaart, curia m Aiy. s, oj, d Nov. 6, at Gulaea Station. E.irnli:irr, j. C. Aug. 8, ?. ! n.ner, uaim.toii .'. l eu. .. s.', r. severely at 7 Pines. Eller, Chas. A. t. a Feb. 7, t:-.-, w severe y at Vllliau:t barg. Fink, j. C. en Aug. s, C2, -i April, 1, y, of disease at Fredericksburg. Fink, j. Ai. en Aug. S, 62, d of disease, Feb. 21, at iviciiuiuuu. : File, Noah Aug. S, 62. Fesperman, s. li. r Aug. 8, 02. Gardner, J. W. Jury 15, ci, d May 3, 6T, Guinea Station. Ilellig, J W. en Aug. S, 62, a 31. Helllg. J. 31. f Aug. 8. r,-j, a 24, k July 1, 63, GetTjurg. I1U1, Ei 8. en july j5. Dec. 81. i. Guinea sta. Hill, jesse en : july 15, n?. Fell out of ranks on march t Mao land, and not heard from. Hill, W. 11. ei, july is, 62. 'Fell out of ranks on March to Maryland, and not heard from. Hardester, E. li. cn July 15, e. Fell out of rauson march to Md.. and not heard from. Hardester, L. W. cn july 15. 02 w at Sharpsburg. jnnps 1 pvl . Aiif in hi m Klultz. Joseph, Aug S, 62, a 35. bee", il, 62, near L.n. tf.4., 1-1,1 k'lnftv .h Ann C Leutz, L. B. en Aug. S, fij, ,t 5.3 of disease, Nov. 14, . n .... - . Llppard, A. L. J. ' Aug.s. 62, n 21, w Gettysburg. Llppard. E. S. P. tn Aug s, 02, n Leach, D. V';. en July li, 6i, o !.. I.eath, E. E.itn July u, 62, 35, w Gefburgdot vv July, 15, 63. Luther, iieorge en July 15, 62. Miller, Jesse en Aug. s, 62, a 34, w, ana amputated, itotnt, B. F. en July 15, fo, a 19, t Nov. 1, 6i, ot dis. Nance, j. Si. en July 15, C2. Nance, II. II, en July 15. C2. Phillips. 1). j. en Aug. 28. g. a 23 Powe, Hugh T. eu Aug. s, 62, a !? severely w c, a 1 'vieiivhiwrg aau o in enemy's nanas. Ouinn,' Michael en July 1 ';:, a 7, r to a S. C. Bat. Hose, R. A. en Aug. s. 6i. o 20, d of disease Farm- ..ill..: 'A t .i v ii.r v. juanu Rose, j. Ai eh Aug. 8, 62, 22, d of disease March 5, Cii, at home. obinn,! j. M. en Aug. 1, 61, a 27, May 57 62, Williamsburg, Va. : Seaford, Edmund, ea Aug. 8. 62. w severely at Qetts. Sa.frir. Mii pn Aiii'.S. C-A. iv nM4Att.vvhi,ro- Sat rtt, Moses en jiay la, 63, o 37, w Get'burg, d of w lUljr IW, 1M.S. j i Sugart, wj Ci en July is, 62, severely at Getts Steed, c. tn juiy is. . Fell out of ranks, A Snider, w.iL. en July 15, 62. Fell out of ranks, Aug. 6. not'ttlndo bepiil from Thompaon, 8. G. en July 15, 62. Fell out of ranks Aug. 0?, 1 1101 anc uearu irom. 1 Varner, j.I Gi en July 15, 62. FeU out of ranks, Aug. oz, noc since uearu irom. ratson, Mlchaet-en'Jirty Mi, 61, a M. -N 0 T I G'E ! ! ! Office of the W. X. C. R. 11. Co. Salisbuut, April 13, 1831. All ulinrtrnetl nieotinnr nf tLo'StL-lmi ders of tiie Western North Carolina Rail road Company will be held at the Office C A. I . t . . . ui mc company, iu Salisburv,on the 28th may, 100 1. (J. EKWIN, "i Sec'y & Treas. Are now receiving a Large and CAREFULLY SELECTED Stock of S?n!8 AHO SUMMER GOODS Which they are offering to the trade at prices that canuot be discounted by jmy housf. We 71enn Biiiiicss! And nil are respectfully invited to call on us, u;ul we can convince them tjiat we a iv willing to meet all cnniix-tiiion as to quality of our goi'.8 5uiI low" pi kes. We have Sam plea of CARPETS and MATTINGS, OF ALL G HADES, whic h wo' can furnish in a short time, aud at lo vcr juiro th.-m anv house van fnruisli them in 8tM-k. Call and see samples and hear prices. 2(1:1 m Aug. 62, To the Iagistbatks of Rowan Couxtv, liHEETflXU. r GciitUjnien : Through your kindness id sutFraires 1 was electtxl fohr rpnrs ago a nitfmberof the Inferior Court for 11 term of two years. At the end! of that time votf kiiw fit to re-elect nu. bv .a large j majority, for another two years term, ijliaye uow served out to tho end of the tej-tji' 'for which you elected me, having served four years in all. During these lbu!r:year8 I have honestly and im- paniauyj ;enueavoreU to discharge my unpleasant duties, to the best of mv nkill and humble abilities. That I have com mitted manv errors I doubt not. I flimirr!, 1 , rr...l "o 1 am Sure thev-vrpra errora of th 1i4-.kI aud not of the heart. I deem it i due to myself as Well as to . my j, brother! Magis trates, to notify them now that' at the cicvimu ui luemtfersoi ine ijjienor uoart- to take p ace this fall, it is my fixed and determinid parnose. uot to be a candi date fiirj re-election. There are very many Magistrates in Rowan tnnch more competent to fill the position than I am, and should I still continue to act as a Magistrate, I will take great pleasure in castinir mv vntA for nm nf tUm Thanking yqa for yonr partiality and past favors toward me, 1 remain your grateful and humble servant, ' "i Apjil I2th, 1881. W. R. F,ualey. i 1 j Cleaning Combs and Bcnsnrt -Wntii well with soda and set in the son to dry rinse theui well and do not let tho lnrL get wet. : ... EX LETTER. "Those Goods Have Arrived." We have the pleasure to nunoitnco to our many friends and customers, that we arc daily receiving the most complete and elegant line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions! Domcstie Goods, Lt It.. that we have ever offered. Our stock of Groceries is the most complete iu town. Our stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats Furnishing Goods, Clothing, &c., Ac, is full. Wc buy our goods as cheap as any house, and positively will not be undersold. We have added to our stock a large line of Ladies' trimmed and nntrinirned Hats. Call and look over our Goods. With thanks for past patronage, we so licit your future favors. Respectfully,-&c, J. F. ROSS. SALESMEN : Frank Yoinv,, Archie Youno, Eddie Overman, April Gth. PRICE CURRENT. J Corrected by J. M. Knox fc Co. p 1 - - OUR STOCK OF SPIOTG GOODS is tho largest arid most complete -.ire have over boiHit - - Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimming Lawns, Plaids, Ginghams, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Hambnrgs, Corsets and IT ' All the latest Styles, and will be sold at as Low prices as any one ';ery' OUR STOCK OF FANGY HOTrONS DEFY COMPETITION! Oor Ladies'. Trimmed Hats, from 75 cents to $3.00, are beautiful r HANDSOMEST STOCK OF CLOTHING Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Hand-made Shoes and Slippers in Tovn. m ' - - Domestic Sewing Machines : - - i . . . The lightest miming, best finished, and simplest in the market - us. Full and Attachnwnts on hand. r t i n -wit ' ococii or an 1 unas of Machine Xeeclles JOU. You can get jbur Money's worth of "Honest Goods" im every nrticle Tre 11 25:Gm JONES, McCUBBINS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1865. fBMm complete um M i IT ViLL PAY YOU W TOO WJ jf TO RUSE A LARGEf ICf OF COTTM, i TO USE OUR fc :-'Star Broad" OcajUto l'a-, It affords '!. constant supply of ,,aDt It contains no imrt inatt( ten. 1 fl ,RICfclM.QNDrVA was 11 is Wn m f,rver and rtmivatorlf -. 1 It is fine hT. aul in the IjiWcmdi." Mm or t!i i!i:!i;r. -- : Tt scuri ln.-e rr.);w .,,, 'ii.i? n::i y. 1 , ;Ir,i:if'i'e;M,,H 'h;-,r,antt ni:l,1iu!i. 1 If t-o-ntiiiijs lULajiipUMjiiantilv ofa!l . t : .-v .. .. v,try. to mHj!,. to i, and n;;o surplus wl.idi will vli.nv irsclf in the iuipmvcim ht f ;n.c liiiid. We intend make U 1 MVSt Cottox good Middlings, Middlinj; low do stains Bacox, county, hog round l OTTER Eggs CiiiCKEXS per dozen Coiix New Meal moderate demand at Wheat rood demand at Flodh best fam. extra suner. Potatoes, Inisn Oxioss- Lahd Hay- Oats Beeswax Tallow Blackberries--Apples. dried - Suar Apr. 14. JO 9i 84 57 9&10 20 1012i St.502.00 5560 6570 ; J.10125 ai0325 3.00 2.75 50 50 10 75 5055 2021 5 Ci : 34 ioai2i BOINTDS To tpake Title to Land .and Laborer and SALE NOTICES For Sale at this Office. every Planter in flic 'c:tt.):i-::riwin St.ifcs io use i u is Fertilizer. first-chiss liiii-i:r:;do .uiiiluiii from. thc Ust ami; mo'-t iiojuoicd !i:i:(-r in tlu-iin. enrciii! eua tlionuTuli irhviut, ami ; iiili;- our pcrjsotiiti siipi: if"n)ii. :ts Ctaadafd an! Unifsmity cia V We again ofic-r this firM-ehm Fertilizer to Cotton Growers ijs bcin, in all respect worthy of their patronage. It 1ms tooil thc test of thirteen years' use among .jS, ntr' has been brought to its pn-sent .ilmirab!e condition only by the liberal expenVliture of ' lalorand money in a continuous effort to improve, ltd standard and uniformity sre guaranteed. . . The result of its application to the cotton crop for the past thirteen years has proTcd it to 1)0 equal to any fertilizer ever sold in the United States. During this time thousand. of tons of it have been used by the farmers of Virgin and North Carolia, Sutii Caro lina, and Georgia with highly satisfactory results. Whatever may be the merits of other fertilizers, no one can go wrong in using nt which is so well raadc, so fully guaranteed, and has been so long and so thoroughly tested. ALLISON & ADDISORI, Manukctais tnd Picpiclcrs cf iU "Star Erand" Cecpleto ltaan, Richmond, Va. For sale by J. Allen Brown, and by agents at all points in North Carrlina. H 22:2m. TIIK NA VASSA GUANO Has. been extenssively nnt prcfiial'N ed ajuV thoroughly tested in tliisoimty ' nnd tJ'rofyjhoiit the Southern State oi. all Linds of Crops for the j'jist Kj.evkT i Yeaus; iu many triPtnnees more thi j douliling the product, nnd in now well j known aud lirnjly established uKamooS': the VURY njRST IIV USE : and a anch we recommend and guarath tee it. . t Chemist Valuation, per ton $41.17 If 'further testimony is required beg to refer those irho wifch information, to any of their neighbors who have erer use1 if, an welare qnite willing to rejy; upon Their Jcdgjiext as to t"e At"; t'E of our gooda. j J. ALLEN BR0Wtf,;A$ SALISBURY, X. C ! 23:1m - - MORTGAGE SALE! Mortgage Heeds for sale here AIsp various other bljapij. Ly virtue of a Mortpaire DooA cv,.io,i tuiwrnmu me by j. u. Wtlhel the KeKisteri office, Book No. 55. page ?&. I I BickHeadaohe will excose for pule nt nnli;,. ' I r.or.-Ut-i.i. ..A- 2nd diy of May, being the Pint Monday in May, 1881. At China Grove, a Hons nA T the ot of Jamea C. Caper and wife, and the land of I. F. ratterppn, containing about Two Acrc-j the same being the house and lot now occupied by J. C. Wilhelm. " ' S. A. Isenhocr, Mortgagee. J. M. Geay, itty. fee. March 23, 1881. 23:lra B3M.A.SMM0HS CURES CCSTDEKESS. Dyspepsia, VEGETAQLE Ihw in B irn Mi 0 V CURES! LosTAPPrrrrtr oub Stomal Fout BREAni . Low Spirts, v- CMLABGM Tor- !S. IIIUMJ Air n mm " i Itla80yerttheolrtet,ndonlyiretmln"! - non Mrdiclne now ln market. Prepaid "2,7 .1 C. F. SIX OW8 CO. 38UW Cl w AT. S t. LAln i lbotUesaadpackagea. Bold by all VrW .-

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