Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, APRIL fcl, 1881. The Dead-Lock- Jfrr Blair offerT.(f the following resolution in the Senate on Tuesday, to wit . , .- Ilesolved, That in the judgement of the SeDate, public interest requires thatCon- Ex-PresideDt Hayes declares himself a gress be eon veued in public session ira total abstainer from the use of spirituous meumieij. liquors. j - The State Prohibition Contention will meet in Raleigh, April 27th, usr. f Hm nrnnnaed COUUtV of Durham have ratified the action oi me Legislature creatiDgtliem a &ew county. Bisliop Payee, D. D. colored, preached, on invitation, lor roe wnne jjwjiic Firt Methodist Episcopal Church South, lu Dan?ille, last Sunday. " J I The Banner," is the title of . a new weekly piiper issued from Raleigh in the interest of the colored people of the$tate J. H. Williamson, editor. J ' . Mr. Blair said; he offered it merely as information at. thi time. Subsequently he said the business affairs of this coun try were growing larger every year, ajid he thought cbn'tiuuous sessions of Con gress would be no more than adequate to the consideration1 of public-questions. He said De Lesseps 4as diggingliis (Panama) canal to-day, ani it was becoming a vest ed right ; and nukss it was stopped now by some action f of Congress, it would never be stopped except by war. And there' were otherfconsiderations why Con gress should be called in extra session. ' It i3 intimated that this is the plan by which the republicans will seek to break the dead-lock in the Sanate. State Prohibition CosvEXTioNRe- duced fare over tho railroads win oc granted delegates to the Stati Convention on the 27th nd efforts wilt be made to secure good accommodation to those who may attend, J - . Et-President Davis and his Book. It is generally known that Mr. Jefferson Davis has been writing a history of the late war between the States. He has completed it, and it is now in the hands of the Appleton's of New York, to be printed. A few leaves with the preface have fallen into the hands of the Mem phis Appeal, from which it 1) as copied extracts. From these its perceived that r. r-ia has notehansed his Tiews of the struggle in which he bore so promi nT a nnrt. He adheres to the belief that by the terras of the compact be tween the States the sovereignty of each was reserved, and that the powers not expressly delegated t the general gov ernment remained with them as sover eign communities. Ia his 'preface he says: "IV all free government the con stitution or organic law is supreme oyer the government, and in our federal Union this was most distinctly marked by limi tations and prohibitions against all which was beyoud the expressed grants of pow er to the general goverment. In the foreground, therefore, 1 take the position that those who resisted violations of the The Boston and Albany rafl road are in troduciug a new feature which will ope rate to the damage of hotel keepers. It is what they call the "lunchbasket." In other words7 they will furufoh meals on their trains, and a man can get what he calls for at 50 cents a meal. I "Wet or DryI -The Charlotte 06-erri-of the '19th', shows that the good neonle of the rising' city have a lively time on the subject of Frohibltoii. The compact were the true fneucis, anu mose Prohibitionists have a well organized and who maintained the usurpation of un- working Association, comprising amongjdelegated powers1 were the real enemies 'its membership- many of the most promi- 6f the constitutional Union." nent citizens. They held a stirring meet- The style is extremely simple and ing on the night of the 18th, to ratify the I easy, and we think it safe to say the book The Virginia Midland Directors met in Baltimore on Saturday last, and definite- jy decided to extend that road from Dan ville via MooresviHe with connections to Charlotte and to Spartjinburg, S. C. The extension will be made under the name of theXorth Carolina Midland Railroad. There islo be a meeting at Winston, oi the 26th, to arrange for commencing the work. ; '."," The Mahonerfreachery is proving to be a sort of pandora's box to the country. It Ws brought about angry clashing between Senators North aud Senators South, whose speeches tend'to increase section alism. The Republican .party is gaining Nothing in the South by its corrupt bar gain with Mahone, aq,d by its persistent effort to compehthe Democrats to ratify the trade. Mesa while they are responsi ble for creating a'difficulty which hinders jthe public business of the countty. i .. - M'i m m A Good Features The ? Female Be nevolent Society," and the "Ladies' Chris tian Union," of WhitestoWn-N. Y.. which meet statedly for the 'promotion of their benevolent schemes, have' arranged to mix literary enjoyment with their labors by appointing one of their number to read aloud at each meeting, j Mrs. PniLo nominations, for! mayor and aldermen. Capt. T. S. Vail was chairman, and Col. (j. R. Jones, Secretary. Col. Ham Jones, as chairman of the Executive Committee reported the following ticket which he advocated in an able speech, viz: Hon. F. S. Wolfe, for Mayor; C. Scott, C. A Frazier, R. M. Miller, John L. Brown, kVm. Houser, A.'P. Hunter, D. W. Oats, H. Edwards, A. V. Calvin, John Wilkes, E. K. P. Osborne and D. P. Hutchinson, for aldermen. The meetiug was address ed by Mr, Wolfe; Col. J. .Thomas Hon. R. Y. McAdcn, Col. H. C. Jones, Bishop T H. Lomax, Rev. Mr. Price, Chas. R.Jones, Esq., and -several others. '; "The Wets" held a meeting at the same time iu the public square of the city and was addressed by Col. William Johnston He declared that he was honestly opposed to prohibition and to the prohibition law of the last Legislature, thougli not'oppos ed to temperance. He said there would be no tears shed for the women and chil dren who suffer by stopping the manufac ture and sale of liquors, of whom from 40,000 to 80,000 were dependent for sup port onthe business ; that Dr. Mott: has 250 nieu employed in the business who receive anuuaily-about $225,000 which is scattering around among the people. That it would will stand at the head of all the histories Of the Tar yet published CLEARED.Beaumont B. Burke, a Texas Student, at West Point who, it will be remembered, shot and killed John G. Thompson, Jr., of Ohio, also a Student at the same institution, in June last, has been acquitted.7" The cadets have had a fashion, at West Point, of subject new students to all sorts of hardships crosses and indiguities. Burke, it seems, sub mitted to it until submission ceased to be a virtue. He moved his boarding houso and quit school to get clear of the wrongs inflicted npqu him, of which Tompson was the principal author. But when pursued to his new quarters with insults, taunts and threats, he tired the fatal shot, and the jury trying the case have acquitted him. . ! eiri : THE 'IL&TEST WZWS ! We have now in Store the Largest and most Complete Stock we have ever offered. , OUR PRINTS, LAWNS ANl DRESS GOOI)S 1 - are handsome and at prices to suit all. , I GASSIHERES, GOTTONADES, DOMESTICS, NQTICKS. &C. very cheap. A large lot of SHIBS TO SUIT ALL j I AT BOTTOjM PRICES. OUR STOCK OF 1,1 0 3E!O'3tS-3E3C Z2r H 18 HEAT, AND WE MANTO SELL THEM AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. j We Nell Coals at 50 cfs. and up. j Wo Lave the best Assortment of SHOES we have ever bought and at the ' i ! "LOWEST PRICES. j HATS FOR EVERYBODY- At 10 cts. up to the Finest, i I Ten kinds of ' .' j. j . MOLASSES AND SYRUPS j EST And among them the BEST in the Maj kef. jgi j j Rio, Lagnayra Java, and Mocha Coffees - Very1; Cheap. Cut-Loaf, Pulverized, Granulated, White and Browrf Sugars at Bottom Prices. We have always on hand the BEST FLO UR in the City-try it. Also a Large Lot of Wheat Bran always oii hand. Full Assortment of ' ! TO B A.O O O, And everythuig nsnaU kept inj the Grocery Line. Be sure and. see us before you buy or sell. We buy all kinds of Country Produce for Cash or Barter, f With this bird's-eye view of what we have, we return thanks for past patronage and solicit future favors. lours very respectfully, ; i . i I KLUTTS & REITDLEMAU. W. y. Taylott, H.F.Atkins, Salesroeu. . ' April 12, 1881. 2&3ni. Killed. Arthur Foster, in Massa chusetts. Arthur and his twin brother, aged 21, entered the house of Abiel Wil son, on the night of the 13th inst., for the purpose of robbiug, and went prepared for desperate work. Mr. Wilson heard them in the house and when, they burst open his chamber door ho tired on them with a rifle. They fled, but the dead injure the business of body of Arthur, who it is said was pre paring for the ministry, was found a short-distance from the house. . The sur viving brother made a coufessjou of the facts as related. Wilson had a larsj; amount of valuables uuder wo other pro tection than his rifle. Charlotte; aud tend to iucrease crime. This meeting was composed of negroes, in the proportion of about three to one, and was cheered by the music of the ne- cro uami. it jermiuatett suddenly : a half-drunk and wretched victim of intern IwrnncB (rtj nn in unpnlr nlipn nArrrn White, by allotment, read an ssay on 1 , ,,,., , , . , ir - It. nx i. , r,i boy pulled the box from under him and "True Merit," before the .-"Ladies' Chris- ; J r xian union" lastweeK, wno, tnougn per- sonallv unknown to1 us, is the consort of a highly esteemed former citizen of our (town. T- . . ' - Sad iKcibEVr? 'A citizen of Randolph countyj'aged 75 years, subject to attacks tof billions colic, was out with his wagon land team of horses, and feeling an attack . coming on, hitched his horses to trees nd spread a blanket on 'the ground, and it is supposed; laid down bn it. There were-marks of a struggle, aji a man writh ing, in pain.- His dead bodyj . without marks of violence, . were 'found in the 'woods, as if he had started in. that direc tion for the house, but fell : exhausted on the way. v , . , ,1- . . DEATH OF LORD BEACON SFIELD. i The telegraph reports the death of" this distinguished "English. Lord, statesman, and orator. No man in England has ex erted more influence in the' . British gov ernment than he for the Jlasl quarter of a century having several times been the -chief counselor of . the Qaert. He arose from the humbe walks of (society, which in a country where titles and inherited (honors have such potential influence, is the strongest evidence of his greatness. : There are two important . problems to be solved within the next few months, or years at the most, by the .scientific men of the country, and upon which they are uow laboring, viz : To provo that steam ongines, for the ocean, for railroads, and for many other purposes, can be run at less elpense by fluid petroleum than by coal or wood." It has been said that four dollars worth of petroleum can be made to do the work Of from sixteen to twenty dollars worth of coal j but the experiments in this direction have as yet been on a small scale. The other question oow on trial in Washington city, by Mr. Gauigee, the inventor of i what he calls the Zero- Motor, is to determine whether or not machinery cannot be propelled by gase ous ammonia, which requires no heat, and consequently, no consumption of coal, wood, or any other substance. President GarfieUt an other dignitaries of the city have inspected the engine of Gamgee and ar6 of the opinion it is a success. But timo and real Work are the best proofs, and these alone can establish the value of new things of tbisnature. The Korth Carolina Presbijterian : It ought t6 be generally known that the last Legislature so changed the law iu regard to granting liquor license a$ to leave the matter optional with County Com missioners. Countv Commissioners are legally authorized to refuse all applica- ' tions for licenses to sell. In response to a request from the central committee of the Prohibition Convention the board of commissioners of Mecklenburg county passed the following resolution s Resolved. That this board will refuse to grant license to retail spirituous liquors to any ami alt , applicants, being ot the opinion that such rei'iiwal would prove a saving to taxpayers ot this county in the way ot costs mcurred in the prosecution of crime and the upport o( pauperism. As by the "revenue law no license can be granted for less than a year, it would seem that this eonrsep which is strictly lawful and proper, is vlso expedient. If we are to havo a fair expression of the people at the polls iu August ; next; and the law if ratified by the people is to be come promptly operative, every board of commissioners should follow the example of Meek lebu in order that their little savings in the mean time may be gobbled up for the benefit of "loyalty J'? That is what think it means. Speech i the. Senate, April 4. "A FREE BALLOT ANI A FAIR COUNT." The Charlotte Observer, the Monroe Enquirer and the Greensboro Patriot, all report that the blackberry crop has been spoild by the severe cold of the late win ter, in their respective sections. We have heard no complaint in this Couuty, but think we shall have an average crop. The raspberry canes in our gardens were not killed but ou an examination of the blackberry briers near town we find they are mostly dead. ri 0 T I 0 E ! ! 2 Office of the W. X. C. R. R. Co. SALissuur, April 13, 1831. An adjourned meeting of the Stockhol ders of the Western North Carolina Rail road Company will be held at the Office oi the Company, iu Salisbury, on the28th of May, 1861. - G. P. EUWIN, "26:1m.- Sec'y & Treas. MB ADD -TFHtll OUR stock! of spring goods! is the largest and most com plete' we have' ever bougie Ladies'Dress Copds ATrimmin Lawns, Plaids, Ginghams, Silk Handkerchiefs, TievIfaniburgS, Corsets; aaa Ilosierr All ,the Latest Styles, and will be sold at as Low prices is any one. 0U3 STOCK OF FAHCY HOTIOHS DEFY COMPETITION I , Oar Ladies' Trimmed Hats, from 75 cents to $3.0 are beautiful, HANDSOMEST STOCK OF CLOTHING . Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Hand-made Shoes, ' and Slippers in Town. tot . Domestic Sewing Machines : The lightest running, best finished, and simplest in the market sold by us. . - ffgrfl Full Stock of fit kinds :of-JMachine Needier and Attachments on hand. - i fffiT You can get your Money's worth of "Honest Goods" in every article we ielj you. Examine our stock and try us. " - ; - JONES, McCUBBINS & CO. 23:6 m P(fTjf1i (TP yJif Will Thrke Black Sheep. The republi can party of North Carolina was exceed ingly unfortunate in the selection of their delegates, to the General Assembly last yean One of their members was accused of larceny, another of forgery, and now W. Muuden, of Pasquotank, still another member, has ran away with J. A. Johnston's tvife, carrvinir with '"them -a large amount of Johnston's money. All this since they entered the canitol at Raleidi. When shall then three meet there again. The horrors of the earthquake disaster on Cuio Island continue to excite the concern of the public. The people there are still camping eut in the fields, with nothing but the clothes on their bodies still panic stricken, aud in constant dread. The first shock, seems to have been vertical : dishes on the table seem to leap up and fall on the floor, succeeded by horizontal oscillations. The walls of houses tumbled into heaps of ruins, kill ing and crippling the occupants. The Neicbcrnian claims that Newsbern is the principal corn market of the State. Slie keeps her railroad busy carrying it scarce, as The Midland Railroao. As; indica- off. Shad are still a little ted in the published reports of . the meet-1 compared with otherseasons, but plenty -ing receauy uem in isauimore to consider 18 UV "o ior ruernngs. l lie sems are catching all that can be wished for. he same paper says "there are now 12 inexhaustible artesian wells in our city. t is the intention of the authorities to double their number, as it is chenner tn ' - bore wells than to buy hose for our en gines. -The pea crop is. a subject of en grossing interest among the ''truckers." ... ..i ' aronna the city, and fears are entertain ed of damage to it by the severity of the weather some weeks . airo. Th Triaii tj w potato, cron is? looked forwrnd - a. - - VU high expectations. A very large crop was planted Craven county is becoming a vast truck garden. Thiufc of it : her truckers sowed 600 pounds of raddbh seed this spring, auu oiuer kious in proportion. the question -of pushing this enterprise to I completion, it was unanimously resolved to build the road from Danville, . Va., via Salem and Winston. Mocksviile and Mooresville, with connections ta Char lotte, and to Spartanburg, SI C. The business men of Charlotte held a meeting Tuesday evening,, and adopted a -resolution inviting the director : toruu; their road to Charlotte, pledging themselves to endeavor to. secure material. 4aidv &c. 'There was a meeting appointed to be held at Statesville-yesterday fwith reference to the route for the roadnd iu the in terest of Statesville.. ."The. main point; to wit : the building of the read, seems to be settled j and so far as we- ban see at pres ent, there is nothing likely to prevent it. It is a subject involving ! weighty coiise qnences'to our town . aud will doubtless receive the attention it deserves. The disturbances1 in iBnssia have not been subdued by the "execution of the murderers of the Czafii The Nihilists eem more determined and desperate than ever, and are menaciuar tlielifeof the new Czar. The association pejrmeats all ranks from the highest to the .lowest ; aud the seizure and imprisonment or the execu tion of suspected person! intimidates no ' one nor seems to diminish the number. It is thought nothing short of granting a constitutional form of government can :eave the Emperor from the fate of his A mad cur, pursued by the police, made things lively m Philadelphia, the other day, A youug woman , was encountered on the streets. She gathered np her skirts, displaying beautiful calves, and rau witli all her mi2lrt: but the dosr rove his teeth into her stocking, and she was dragged into a drug store half dead. Spectators were, crreatlv relieved. v r however, when they found that the dog tiad only torn the saw dust pad which filled out a pair of very lean shanks. Mahoxes Reward. He has been placed on the committee on nostoffices. which bnng3 him in close contact with the P. O. department. If he can fill all the country postoffices of Virginia with men of his stripe, it is expected to ac complish much through them to control the politics of the State. The disturbance ca'used br a misunder standing between the Kev; Mr. Plunkett and some resnectahl mmLr. r . v. Viiv church m Mecklenburg county, was bar moniously settled at a meetinir of Pres bytery held atilluntersville on the 16th. Mr. Plankett was received as , a member of Presbytery, which, owing feothe misun- otumimg reierrea to, bad been held in suspense ; and a committee was annoint ed to install him as. pastor of Steel Creek church.- ' . .( : . . - ."t ChaR. K. kunter; a colorW man formerly a teacher in the colored graded school of Raleigh; has a clerkship in the postomceuf that city. -i; - . ' Mr. S. J. Hinsdale, of Fayetteville, has been referred to by the Examiner of that town, as prepared to analyse sugar (so much of which is now adulterated), to determine its value. I In some samnles . there is said to be 50 per cent, of gluecose or grape sugar. There was a meeting of Irishmen and those friendly to the Irish cause in Brook lyn, N. Y., on the 11th, in which very Hi . . ' uura-sentiments were nttered asaiust landlordism, one man declaring an as sassination , of - landlords as the best remedy j , ; Senator Friday. .1 Vance was in Charlotte last Read what Gov. Vance has to say on this new republieau watchwonl, to-wit: Mr. President, Dr. Jolnison is credited with sayiug tliat patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. So it would seem to me tliat leaving Born bonisia and turn ing their faces toward tlie 1hyh, ia the last refuge of n needy and dissatisfied pol itician iu Virginia; ami however mucli of eloquence tbe republican Senators here .1 ... i. . .: . iiKij uuueuime iu jiour upon uus naiisac- lols;p tion, aicev-aji is simpiy an endeavor as was candidly con:esod by tiio Senator from Ohio Mr. Sherman to stay and strengthen the hands of a waning party majority. That is what is the matter. 1 hey say they want a tree ballot and a fair couut, and that is to bo the' watch word. . -V- : Mr. President, when did that free bal lot and fair count become liecessarvt lias it not always been necessary f The honorable Senator from Virginia- says that he fell out with the Bourbons some years ago, aud if there was any cheating of the people in regard to their votes any where in Virginia it must have been done some tt .i.e ago, for there has been no election thero for over six months, and how does It happen that uow for the first time tins question of a tree ballot and fair count becomes necessary to be intro duced to the American neonle t I have noticed perhaps my powers ot observa tion may be at fault that a man gener ally supports his weakest point. If a man is conscious ot any particular defect in his character, ho is always trying to fool his neighbors iu regard to that ; aud that is why a coward isgeuerally a bully. Yon will observe that old farmers goiugarouud their plantation in the spring of the year do not lay rails up where the fence is high enoug':. I hey lay them! up on the low places. The commauder of a fortress always strengthens the weakest poiut, aud it is said that the strength of a forti fication is equal to the strength of its weakest point. 5o when I hear the lead ers of tho republican party iu this coun try break out on a tresh trail; tor a tree ballot and a fair count; I always Jouk out for soine extraordinary outrage upon the ballot-box. : Why, Mr. President, you: remember very wen that the words Which through this country like tite sound ot a trumpet, "Let us have peace, just pro ceeded the time when, all the Southern States; were deluged with troops. And again it was aunounced and paraded with another sound of trumpets iu regard to the election of 187b, that neither candi date could afford to be counted iu by fraud, jand that proceeded; the great, gi gautic, climacteric fraud of eight to seven. Always look out when a politician turns reformer. There is something going to happen just as sure as time permits it to happen. Aow the cry of "a free ballot aud a fair count" I say is raised by the republican party either because they can not raise anything else, or because some extraordinary outrage uponj the ballot box and the freedom of tho citizens of tiie South is in contemplation. I have heard jt whispered that they iwere going to raise committees to go downi South and overturn a number of elections down there and unseal fifteen or twenty per haps of the Representatives from that sec tion. I do not know whether that is real ly so Or not: but I thiuk lit would have been so if , the President had, seen proper to call an extra session of Congress. At all events I warn the people of my coun try so far as my voice can go that instead of this being au alliance for the purpose llllillif iiSS ESTABLISHED 1865. is mw w I ft;. V?T A a r JPtfUM 0mA IT WILL PAtYOU IP YOU WIST TO RAISE A URGE ftor ' OF COTTON, TO USE otm "Star Brand" Complete.' Us j Are now receivii a Large and OAPwEPULIiX SELECTED Stock of" SPRING AHD BUWAm GOODS Which they are offering to the trade at ! prices that canuot bo discounted by auy We 31 can Business! And all are respectfullv invited to call on us, and we can convince them- that we: are willing to meet aH competition as to quality of our goods aud low prices. We have Samples of CARPETS and MATTINGS, OF ALL GRADES, which we can furnish in a short time, and at lower prices than any house can turmsti them in Mock. Uall and see samples and hear prices. 26:1 in 1 "ill It is rich in Soluble Phosphate mi Ammonia. It affordVa eonstanf snnnU nf ,i.V It contains no inert.inatfcr. " ' It m an improver and renovator of worn-out land. It is fine, dry, and ift4hc best con Ji. fiou for dri iltuyi - I - . : - ; - - i I It jnV-reases the ntwutfiy sml fiitali- y of lint. ' 4 : i Lbs." K- It pontains anampIcquaniitjsfT i'lviw :vj ye sfmy to make Cet-r .,to:i, nr.d hirge surplus ' whldi'v ijMio land. . " . .-I 1 .: j It-13 prt-psred from t l.e lK?taB4 ' no-t iirt-jUNivl matcrirtTs. ii: tin-mwt we intend to make it to mo intriv-t of j . . every Planter m i he ctto:i-rov;n h-taU-s j . ' . to use this hrst-clags. hurh-irriule stantlunf litS 5ta2aara ana- UnifcriSlt7'J. Fertilizer: : jiiarantscd. - "..'! J 1 ;,RICHMONDVr! x oor lor the i5ram and Nervea iht will invigorate the body without intoxi- of nromotinrr th nuritv of the tuillot-lMtx eating ia what we ned in these dava of and the freedom of the citizen, it is an rnsh Rnd wmrr " lsi rlro-a ni.... t i 1 - a. .. 1 a. l . 1 restores the vital energies., soothe th of th SonthAi-n States whi hav h.n nerves ana onngs good health quicker freed long enough now to accumulate a than anything you can use, Tribuue. See little inouev to subject them once more A nrl tjiMnalQ -. . L . .1.. j T . . . t7i...- : - 1 . f 1 w 1110 uommaiiou 01 uie carpei-oag ruie. ad. OPEN LETTER. Those Goods Have Arrived."! We have the pleasure to announce to our many friends and customers, tfiat we aro daily receiving tiie most complete and elegant line of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Domestic Goods, &c, &r that we have ever offered. Onr stock of Groceries is the most complete in town. Our stock of Coots, Shoes, Hats Furnishing Goods, Clothing &e.j &e. is full. We buy our goods as cheap as anv House, and positively will not be undersold. We have added to our stock a large line of Ladies' trimmed aud nutrimmed Hats. Call and look over our Goods. With thanks for past patronage, we so licit your future favors. Respectfully, &c, J.F.ROSS. SALESMEN : Fkank Young, AncniE Young, Eddie Overman, v April 6th. ' TIIT1E TABLE WESTERN H. C. Railroad. Takes effect Monday, 8.65 o'clock,' A. M., April ! 4 1S1. - LEAVE. We again orier tli'n fi,t( rlta J", rtUhfr to Cotton Growers as being, Jn all respect! worthy of their p:itronaeJ It 1ms stood the test of thirteen years' use among-us, and j nas oeen orouirnt to its nrcseni a.iuiiranie conuuion oniv ov tne nocrai cxnena tureoi I ml . ! labor and money in n continuous effort 'to improve. Its standard and unifornuti-af8 guaranteed. , f The result of its application to the cotton crop for "the past thirteen years has proved it - to be equal to any fertilizer ever sold in the United States. During this time thousand! : -f 4-rxrta mP if liorn Iwton tl2orl Kit flia ftirmara rtf r?r!rio rT Til pAvl!nn Cniit h f'flffU ' wi luiio ' ii iiai I'vn v ivv MJ initial iiiwi.i J l 1 itiuia JkUfli VAl KJlkUCk uwwVf Una, and Georgia, with highly satisfactory results. " " " ' 1 ' I Whatever mav he the merits of other -fertilizer?, no one can iro wrong in using mo which is so well made, so fully guaranteed, and has been 60 long and so thoroughly tstl ALLISOrM -ADDISON; Manufacturers and Prcprietcrs cf the "Star Erand" Complete .Kara:?, Hichraqnd, For sale by J. Allen Brown, and by agents o, all points in North Carrlina. -r J '. 22:2m. . GUANO Has been extensively and profitably ed and thoroughly tested in this coontr and throughout the ifoiuhprn S'6 all kinds of Crops for the paAt-ja.s" YEAKsjln many instance more tl doubling the product, and i do" known ariil firmlv Mlahliidltd as l0n the ' '" u VERY BEST II lEr and an such we recoraihend and grt tee it. ' Chemist Yaluation, per ton If further tectmionT ia required; bes to refr thoie who wi8h iniorm"' to any of their neighbors who hare n-ett it, live are qnite willing Miv nion Their Jcdomest a to; theY t of our goods. I : ' : J. ALLE1T BROWK, m; "J SALISBURY, ;j 23:1m . L I AKBITE. STATIONS. ABHITI. i T 50 a. bi Salisbury 4 5U p.ra 8 3Sa.m Third Creelc 404 900 Elm wood 8 4a 9 23 statesville 3 21 10 10 Catawba S 35 10 58 Newton 1 49 till Conova 134 . 1137 , Hickory 12 61 13 14 p.m (card is 15 p.m 12 51 Morgantn 1140 113 1 Glenn Alpine 11 go; . 128 Brtdsrewuter HOT 2 09 Marlon 1129 2 53 Old Fort 9 4? SOS 8 30 Henry 9ft? 4 30 Bile Mountain 8 44 443 tcoopert 4 53 - Swannanoa 8 24 512 Asheviiie Ju'ct sat 5 29 I lAshemie - -J FAMILY GKOOSRIJSS! in 80a.nj (Terrains ran dally, Snndaya excepted. " A. B. ANDREWS, Gen. Supc J. J3. -WTSUJ' ; MANUrACTCRKR OF Mattresses AndJ3roox Work and Mateuiai.. wrioj J in ie State, and at prices lower tn Northern work of M me grade. sale at Meroney & Uros, b rv q with theui will be promptly ll Cheap Chattel Mortcacer f .!.. . . Wr," "I . . , TanouB omer oianKB ir sale here Best Svrcps. at Xoi7er Prices than can be had anv where else '? in the City, t It will be to the interest of Housekeepers y to call on " ' :'. . . P. W. SK11TH. Where they will be sure to recetre for their money all nrst class Groceries, at lowest cash prices : Such as Floor. Meal, Bacon, Lard, Fish, Sausages, cot tee. Sugar. Rice, Crlts, Molasses, Kerosene OU. 1 vmwu,, tc. can ana De convinced, f