-t ! -! j ! i I li 1 s If I f u fi i f i V Carolina - Watchman. THUKSDAYV M AY 5, iedl. I)e Jarnette, the you 113 mail who uot aul tilled Lis sister in D.iirville, Va , tor lfM-rtiug lier home and tfoing tit prosti- tptioo, and 8ubsfcqueiiil.v fTul for mur der aud acquitted on Ihe pleiiof insanity, j pow in the Insane Asyluin at Ifaleigb. J)r. Griaaoro "he uiMjuestionabl.v f miBOuadlniud." It is reported that the British Govern ment has suppressed the circulation in Ire land, of the Irish World, an American pub lication, Patric Ford, the ed'tor of the unfortunate journal uays: "As if to excuse its infraction of the postal treat y, the British Government h us given out that "the Iriah, World is a treasonable publication." Mr. Ford has written -the Hon J. G. Blaine,! Secretary of State for the -United States and desires him to demand an explanation; to challenge rheir right to violate the Inter-nationaV postal treaty.; - : . - The prohibftiou 'tu&et waa successful " ill Charlote, last Mtfnday. PeWiofe wati rected over Jhu4tjj,!iy tweuty-ti.vj'. majority. The Coihifetionei'a are" ertuaU ly divided, to that; tfi mayor has the deciding vote, and, wilt cast it for prohp bition every tiiue. - j ' P.rS. The newly elected anti-prohibi tionisls refused to attend the town count cil and to qualify and so deliberately at tempted to defeat the will of the people as expressed at the election. Thereupon the Mayor called in the old board, which passed without hindrance, several ordin ances for the suppression of tho liquor traffic. - . STATU PROHIBITION COXVKXTIOX. Qne of the raost respectable and intellU geDt bodies of men ever assembled in North CaroHua was in session at Raleigh,, last -week for the purpose of taking action oii the question of prohibiting the manufac ture and sale of intoxicating liquors. Sev eral very able speeches were deli vercefby sonieof the most prominent men in the State!, and a degree of euthusiasm. ni.ayifcsted throughout the proceedings which afford assurance of earnest effort to, gi ve, success to tho measure now liefore the people. Wtj subjoin the News' report of Governor Jams' speech on the occasion which shows that he i9 squarely out in favor of prohibition. Also the remarks .of Judge ' Avery, and will give others hereafter: j The Governor was -gracefully iutro tluced by Major McRae, and sard that hi knew that a body of men w as here assemf blod which had the good of the State ait heart, It gave him pleasure to wUtiesj the proceedings, and to give his counted liauce and whatever influence hepossess ed. to the catse This call was, no doubt, as much to tiud out his view's jrsnnything else. 4,Th&pnblio think, no-doubt, that I belong to that class of politicians that regard this question as a ticklish oiio .But 1 have au opiuioa. Candor obliges mo to say that at first 1 doubted the ben efit of absolute prohibition,, thinking a rigid system of licenses sufficient; bafthe Legislature lias passed the lawand if . must take one side or the othei I ahould be false to the 1,400,000 people -of Xorth Carolina if I remained silent, and I must take my positiob. In taking it I propose to do just as I have done in all public questions since I first took oilj.ee. I have always, GodTcnows, taken a staudjor the best interests of North Carolina, and I propose to meet this question in the same way, I never walk these streets or ride over the State but I see. melancholy vic tim a of intemperance. Knowing what is best for North Carolinians, I declare for the prohibition movement, and for prohi bition I intend to go, Great applause, -continued for many minutes.JVhatever way ueriu the bill that ought to be out, or out that ought to be in, can be put there by; subsequent legislation or law. I think I kuow something about the sen timent of the people, ami how to w lu their good wishes, opinion or co-onera- tion This cannot be done by coercion uut by kindness and proper argunieut. Tho way to succeed in this matter is by going out and making friends of the lieo- ple, of all classes, religious aud opinions.- rarty Has uothiug to do with this ques tions If this movemeut meaus to organ ize a political party, I do not go with it, but if it meauH to do the good work of erad- icating vice, I go with it heart and seal. "Another question to which I intend to address aud devote myself is a similarly grand oue, and that is the education f oai people, both races alike. If thU i douef even if prohibitiou does not receive the poblix! majority iu this election, it will have to come, aud that soou. There is not a day that I do not have some paiu ful appeal for clemency, growing out of luteraperance. There is now on my own table a petition asking that a man, once a prominent physician, who, in a tit of druukenness, made a most brutal attack upon his wile, be pawloned out of jail where he now lies a prisouer. Yet thu ase is but oue of hundreds. My obser vation leads meJto know and assert that for very dollar received as taxes for the sa!e of liquorteu dollars go out of the public purse." Thanking the audience for their kiudnesK, he chsed. Capt. E. K. Stamps informed the con eiitiou of tho prest-uce of oue of the orna medta orour Superior Court, Judge AjC. Avery, of Burke, and calls were made tor .the Judge, who t ouce nscuded the platform. He said hejvas physical! v Uil ble to speak now, but it had been his inteuriou to make known his position ppu tlds grand questiou. The principle of prohibition ho had upheld, was up holding and ; would uphold. Je spoke with no uucertaiu ouq aud followed iu 5Vjike of Governor Jarris as a man who never dodged jny public question.. There is not a politician or public man in North Carolina who, if yon go down to the bot tom f bia heart, will admit the great benefit of prohibituM believe that before the fourth day of August it will be difticnlt to keep the politicians from com in ing right over to the qnestion." (Cheers and laughter.) The law. after adoption, can be amended s'as to cure any deficien cies, -This organisation, as fonnded hefe has the means of! success, AH that is needeI is thorough organiziitjoq g and earnest work. j . The New Orleans 2fmw, in a recent issue, has the ful Rowing "words to the administration :! h'Take notice that at this present wiitiug the South isconsid ably out of politics of the national parti san kind, Her m;iiu business just now is to raise the biggest possible crops of sugar, cotton, corn and the like, aud get the biggest possible prices therefor. Also, to pay her debt, j Also, to manufacture her raw materialliu good measure, and make at home thet things she needs. In short, the politics of the South is to get rich as soon as ; possible honestly, to have plenty of tho best to eat and drink, to wear good clothes and get a big bank account with the least ueedless delay." A Kctrospeet. On the 4th of Mijreh, nearly twa months ago, the. Senate-ofi the United States was convened in special session under the provisions of the constitution allowing the President to call that boly together ''foil extraordinary occasiou." Gen Gar field promptly' sejntfin appointments to be confirmed, audi as long as the Demo crats had a majority his nominations were considered, jf But on the appesirauce of Senator Malione, wiio was elected as a Democrat and WjiQ fcuppoVted Ifancook for President, tho Republicans claimed that they had a majority, aud they re fused to go iuto executive session for the purposeof oounriiiiiig the appointments made by the Kepriblieau President. And so " it happened that during nearly this whole period the party friends of the ad ministration lmvei refused to consider the matters requiring them to be convened in estraordiuaryj session. But at length they have-been forced to yield, audit is announced that jprobably they will con sent to beinn the business demanding their attention on .Monday or Tuesday. The deadlock U not, however, to be completely brokeii, aud an effort will b made to take up for consideration ouly those nominations that arefree from ob jection. - Whether that programme can be carried out rdua'ins to be seen. We anticipate that ilieir plan will not work. The IlepublScanjkncus which was held a few days ago is' said to lia,ve been the scene of great violence and passion. IJaw ley, represeutinj GenT- Garfield, beggtyl that peace and hirmony miglit prevail, but ConklingIttganjaud "Dawes were terri bleinthir wtiitli, and bitter retorts were made, which left jt he Ileivublican leaders iu a state of mind anything else than harmonious. Asia result, it is regarded hs. highly probable that Conkling. who seems to have feejeured Mahone, will, at the fiit executive sessiou to consider nominations, report adversely on Robert sou's name aud )h as precipitate a con- rflict with the adijniuistration. What the Democrats, will do we do not know, but Conkling is sanguine of preventing the confirmation of tins appointee, on whose defeat he has i- staked his political for tune. Tlie result injty therefore be to tie up the Senate in executive session, a3 it id now tied up! ia open session. Bat takiug the other view and assuming that the Kepnblicans can confirm tho" Presi dent's appointee the question arises, as to what lias b?eii tho ieault of this long struggle iu the) Senate. The Supreme Court has "betiijkept out o a member; the courts in 'the fifth circuit have been deprived of a judje ; the Indian Bmean has snfierod greatly ; the United States criminal courts have been suspended ii the District of Columbia, in South Caro lina and elsewhere, aud the efficiency of every department lias been . impaired, ...... iu? 4. jti-ivtvui-a. aumiuistratiou lias been greatly embarrassed. Three hun dred nominations lie on the table await inglhe action of the Republican Sena tors. These facts are patent. Besides, now, at the openiug of Garfield's term, when Hie entire South was inclined to sustain hiiir coriliulh; in all. non-partisan work, a politicajl storm has been brewed by the Radical Senators? which has ten ded to alienate! all Democratic support from the administration. It has evolved dangers and difiiculties of no ordinary kiud at the verjr outset Garfield's term. And, niore than that, while the Demo crats find in the receut elections at the North much to give them hope aud con- -. v(Ftiwiivatia, uu rue otner. hand, realise that they are losiug ground before the coitmtry-daily, Mahone and Riddleberger re offensive to the thuik iug people of he North, just as they are oftensive to g(od people of the South. The average Northerner detests Mahone as a rebel detests him for his smartness in using the words "liars" and "less thati cowards" so. flippantly in the Senate chamberdetests him for his scheming purpose to rido into power on the ques tion of repudiation, and, along with Mahoue, they detest his man Friday "Capting Riddleberger." As odious as thesa menard Jit the North amoug all classes, it is generally nnlerstoHl "that the Republican Senator have made the tight to Htlvaufe. them. As a consequence their Republican' supporters partake of the odium attaching to these worthies, and the Radical Senators themselves find the ground slibpiug from under them. A ,view of the whole matter fails to show where that party lias made anV politicl capital, or in any manner added to its former strength, but, on the con- trary, clearly - discloses that the Demo crats have gained ' at every point and reaped all the benefits arising out of the struggle. 1 We do not believe that the deadlock is ended, but (even if it be. it leaves the jDetnocrats in jgood position hopeful, triumphant, solid, harmonious while the Republicans,. who brought it about, areldivided, irritated, angry, dis irruntled aud defeated. fAricrd; Obaerrer. ROWAN COUNTY. BT J. R. APPEN DIX. ROLL OF HOXOli. The following abbreviations are employ ed : - - ! -Col. coloneK I killed. Capt. captain- ;' vt wounded. Lt. lieutenant. ' r captured. Sgt. seargent. ;f h d honorably dis- Uor. corporau charged Ord. Sgt. 1 ordinance; seargent. j a for age. j en for date of entrance ; into service. i d died. ! pr promoted. tr transferred. d in p died in prison aftd a number of others. : STH REOIMKNT CO. D. i ' OFFICERS. Win. A. IIouclc. Capt Septl 9, 61, S3, pr to LV Col. oh reorganization of lieg., resUf nil. Jno. Oraaaia, id Lt., e Sept; i, tfl, m iX, pr to 1st Lt, wi. za, ex, resagoea. i Jno. P. Parks, Lt. en epi. W 61, a 8T, pr 1st Lt. Ap. 18, 62, below tttehmoaa jijiaa ai, ;. Root. 8. Coiran. 2d Serge, e.a Sept. , 61, ii, pr to d Lt. Ap. IS, 6i, k balow Ittouuiond i uue 3u. 62. James Basinger, ad.Sergt. !Seyt. , 61, a 30, pr to id Lt. July ii, 62, dot a red'd at Saarnsburg Sept. is, 6i. ; P. A. Sloop, 4th Sergt. en Sept. 9, 61, a 21, severely w at Chanc-ellorsvllle, i VV. A. Klipatrlcfc, 6iu Sej-gt., je Sept. 9, 61, a 26, teat ChauceUorsvllle. i C. K. McNeely, 1st Corp., en Sept. 9, 61, a Z5,pr to Lt. July (a, pr to Capt. Sept. f, 6. James B. Parker, 2d Corp., TSept. 61, a 3T. Edwani Sloop, sd Corp., e St-pt. , 61, a 34, d of d at moliinoad July , m. j raiVATis. Atklnsoa, Tlioa. J., en Sept. , 61v 21, pr to Serst. Ap. t2, i of d. At ell, n. M., en Sept. 9, 6T, a 18, J of u ree'd at "KlcmnOiirt. i Atweil, Oeo. A., m Sept.! 9, 61, 4 18, pr to Sergrt- ilajor Feb. 03. pr to Lt. Co. E.. nr to Caul. Auz. as. Atweil, tieol L., en Sept. 9, 6l, a iT, d 01 d Ap. id, 63, at Fredericksburg, Va. j Brown, llem-y T., en Sept. 9, 61. CorrlUer, Joel, en Sept. u, 6iJ 25, ir. ClodielUT, Joan T.,en Sept. i, til, a 19, tat Peters burg. Va. Daney, A. L., en May 15, 62, d of d Sept. 62, at Dan vUc, Va. Eiafiiaion, A. II., en Sept. 9, CI, a 21, u. Eiier, Green, ea Sept. , 61,' i9. Eller, ouedlaa, en Sept. , 6 ; a 1, pr to Scrgt. Sept. 1, S3. i lli.s, John VV., en Sept. 9, 6:i a 20, pr to Sergt. May 2, d3. Elliott, Win F., en SepTh 9, S'., 19, d of d In hosp. Oct. 24, 6J. i Frieze. Allle3 W., ev Sept. 9, 61. a 19. Cilover, James, en Sept. a, oii " l Harrill, W ax., en bept. t? 61, a 33, d of w ree'd at Kijaiaond. Fo.-te;-, Uec., en Sept. 9, 61, dt 16. Jauii.sou, 3d. S., en Sept. 9, ty, ST. Klsiler, 'i'. j., en sept. 9, si,; ao, pr to Corp. July, 66, tr at Maaaaiaa. d or us ftet at Culpduiier c n. Le.user, Vm". A., en Sept. 9, iii. Lovrrance, J. C, en Sept. 9, 20. Lo a ranee, F. A., sept. s. ibi, a IS, pr to Sergt. k at ObauceliorsviUe May a, a. Lowdr, ian 1 K., tn Sept. J 61, a 18, arm amputat ed at ox am. Miller. J. A., en Sept. 9, 61, a 21, at Gettysburg, jililer, J. F., en Sept. 9, 6i, a a, u of d. Martin, J. S. A., en Sapt. 9, 61, o is, d of tr ree'd at Mecanlcsvllie. McLaoguUO, S. -.V., en 8?ptj, 61, a rti. MeLauyiiiln, E. C, tn Sept.ls. 01, u s, v. ..IcLaiiguiin, J. a., t n sept. 9, 61, a so, u'at Ox mil, at saeppard&iowu. : " McNeeiy, s. e. Sept. 9, (h, a 24, k at Rl2hmond, July st, 62. McNeeiy, James K., Sept. 9, 61, a 35, rto Corp. trtOiCi:it. i McNeeiy, Jaines A., rH Majj 15, 6:?. a 29, d of rf. uvereas'a, K. A., tn Sept. ,'il,o 19, pr Q.C6vp., vveicasii, n. ., en sept, ci, a 23. OveroxHU.0, M.,n sept, 9, ir, a is. w at Gettysburg, tc at Wil Ifci-ness. Overeaslu obn J., en Sent. !9r si, a 27, d of d at Hhrh Point, xV, C, Aug;. 2, 61. I ! Ovemisli, II. J., tn Seuu 9, uru 21. Overcasn, S. S., en Sept. 9, 61, a to, dotd Ang., R2. OvereaaU, 11. F., Sept. 9,i6,i, a id, d old aly 11, 6, at lileiimond. i Parks, B. C, e Sept. 9, 61, h 2. Peuel, Led, Set. 9, ci 41. Piukler, DavU, en Sept. 9, di, a IT, d of w ree'd at ldcamoadJ Stlrewalt, J. F., en Sept. 961, a 2. Sloan, Junius J., en Sept. 9, 61. a 25, d of d June, 62, Seckler, JoUn F., en Sept. 9, 61, a 40, d ot ree'd at Kicliinond. i ' ' WilliIord,lJi)hn A., en Sept. 9, 61, a 62. WUUford, James F., e Se.it. s. 61, o, w at Rich mond. Vo:l i, Jackson, d of rf. Bostian,- j Barnhardt, Wm.. k at Petersburg:, a. Barnuanit, "t'Uey. . vVaygoner, Fraak." j Bater, lienry. 'l'orrence, Samuel, d cf d. : Freeiand, James, i Miller, Franklin. Yr'eaver. John M. lioagins, Martin, leg amputated, Davis, v(m., of d at Jilga Point, N. a Dosiglas, Kamat" U pr to 3d Lt., d of d. ' Douglas, Joseph A. Douglas, A Ugusr us, d of d. CO. E. PSIVATES. Atweil, G. A., en July i9, 63, pr to 1 1 IX, 35TH KfliaiMKNT. CO. I PjmVATJSS. McLaughlin, J. II., en May6, 63, a 39. 42D EEO. C3. ; C Pill V ATES. Blacfc, John, en March lsjto, a 41, ur at Petersburg B:aci, ihouiai, en March 1, 51, 18, dotd oci.i 04. Co. D OypicKKS. -Joseph M. RoarV, Capt., Feb. 23, 62, a 30. Uobcrt Crawforflt, 1st U-, n Feb. is. 02, a 22 r Capt. NOV. 545, 6. : - Leoaid is vv. Crawford, 2 Lt. en Feb. 23, C2, a 21. pr to 1st Lt., e at Cold Harbor June 3, 64 Edward A. Ku.iher, id Lt; en Feb. 28, 62, a 80, t at Petcrisbarg. j ' PKIVATE3. Altoiand. Archlld, en March 15, 62, a 23. Jrad4hav, Le vi, en March 20, 6i, a u. Boer, iiooes, en Marcn 4, ea. o 22, e at Cold Ilarb. i.arringer. iienry, en March 2 6a, a ss, k. Ba-sinsier, John n March 11, 6 , --8. ba.fla.icr, Henry, en March 11, 62, a , w severely. Casper, Munroe, en March 13, 62, a 21, Duvid, Martin, e March i(4,- G2, a 41. JMlei ,:'fobia.s, en MaiCh 24, 6, a 30 Euer, DavU, en Marcn st4, .4 3 Luer, cwaeli.w, en March 24, 62, ?s, rf in hosp. Dec. Xo, 62. i Fuiensider, Jno., en March 18, 62, a 33, aesw, Wm., en March J2, . M. 1 iles. Caleo A., en Marcii u, 62, a 19. UOiimau, Henry, en arch S2, 62, a 19, HpUhouser, Jeremiah, i March 1, 62, IS. 1?.: L-evJ ew March lis, 62, a 36, d of d March iu t.. j Koon, lUchard M .. en March 18. 6?, a ;s antler, Oeo. B., en Marh 18. a 25. Lo:uq, Undaay, en March ID, ca, 35. MorrLs. James, en M ireh! 17 Piakston, ueo. W,, fM March, 13, 6?,'a et. 1 inssion, Maihew L., enjilarch i8, 6a, o liM?e' l8acA- Marfch 18, 6i, ' U4. e at Cold Smith, Michael, tn March 4, 62, o 2P. feheets, John, en March 17, C2, 30, In hosp. April Trexler. Hearr A' tn Minh is o 1 Teftr0 U " '' " Ma?"cfl ls' ll4. at Butler's yv;aUe Jesse, en March !4th, 62, a 49 )Vihieii.i, Y, m. A., tn March 4, 82, a 22 Shields, Joeyh P., i j uiy 4, e, j. : . 42TH JiEGUIKKT. CO. G.j-4)FriCER3. James Ar Blackwelder. Capu, en March 15 62 a 40 'V.A'fe."". ren, lo, CJ. a IS). Au'. 3, tH CmSSfr,MW-!"'May8' " merely at Dir1B!eU,1StSefSW'AprlU1' &' a 19 r 23, Alononzo L. Atweil. 1st mm' M uar.h m John c. Leazer, 8d CoFp.ahll 81 ! " Jfnea F. Hunapie. M (Lrp., March 23 tl so JKeBaMmPle' M jCOrP- March 29, 62.tr to Jesse H. Albright. Musician. e March 15 ci aa. l ot d at Weidon, N. iCarch, 5 ' ' George A. Cooper, Musician, en March IT, 62, w. PWTAT18. ' - 0, 62, a IT. SjfSft iroia prlvat in Co. 0 1 th kW-, twice m. L. Atweil, 24i Lt., jmy 2, ci, a jhj," resigned S f s private A arch is.w.fofd Z! March il fiS,a4T. ' At PetfcKburt' JnlV aii cj THE AYe ha?e now in Store the Largest and PUR PRINTS, LjVWNS re nandsome and GAS! ulgBES, G0TTOKAQE8, NOTIOkS, &C. j rery cheap. A larjie Ioit of SHIRTS TO SUIT ALL AT BOTTOM PRICE& OUR STOCK OI C3 3L Of k 2" IS XEA?r AND WE MEAN TO SELL We Sell Coals at We have the best Assortment of SHOES we have ever bonght and at the ! LOWEST PEIGES. . i HATS FOB EVERYBODYH-. At 10 els. up to Ihe Finest, k I I Ten kinds of ' ? . MOLASSES Mm SYBUPS j And among them the BEST in the Market, Rio, Lagnayra, Java, and Mocha Coffees! Very Chear. Cut-Loaf, P-nlrerized, Granulated. White and ttmwn Snfnv at Dot torn Prices. We havo always on handthe EEST FLOUJi in the Citv- try it. Also a L;irge Ltt of Wheat Bran always on baud. , Full Assortment of T O B A. And every thing nsually kept in the Grocery Line. Be sure nn,d sec ns Ucfoje you bav or selL . Wc bny all kinds of Country Produce for Cash or Barter. iy un mis jiinrs-eye view or what we nuu ftuitt iuiuiv wvuia. i ours cr respeciiuilv, j. ' KLUTT2 & EEHDLEHAIT. W. W. Taylor, H. F. Atkixs, Salesmen. Ajuii 12, 1831. AtweU, Jnh C, en 5Iay IT, 62, a 21, d of d at Lynch buiir, VaL Auir. id. 6j. At wen, Vr llrt. A., en Jan. 10, 3, a 15. " Atweil, Joiepii E., en Jau. t, t, u IS Brantiy, W in. W., tn April ii, a 30, pr to Coro pr to Sergt. ; Biackweluer, S. T.,y May ir, 52, a 16 lilaekweUlpr, Heaiy C, r Marca 24, " a IS lieaver, Ltjvi A., en March ii, m. weaver, j.ijuob a., n Nov. i, e-, a 13, k near Fort l-'idnc-r. A SC., Deo. . Beaver, G d. F. S., tn May 5. 62. a 24 Bak.-r. John .'.1., t Marcii l, 6. a zi. iMjsLian, iuarew, en .viarcn i, st, a SI Boatian, win. .M., tn Muica i, j., a if Bostlau, jUioo J., tn Aiarch is. . ." irirm a Boatlan, Jimies M., ei June 6, 62, a 17 Bastian, jlio .M.. en Oof. 8, 6J, a IS. Bruwn, Win. L., ru ilareb i9, , a 29 Brown, Joppii, en Mareu i7, a, a Brown, j.ilih M , en Marca tt, 6i, ,i io. Brown, Uiia A., en .Maroii Si, 6J, 2?. bro wn, Jaliucs L., eit May 5, 62, a is ' Brown, Laurence, en AC;;, as, G3, a is. corrlticr, henry c, tn ;uarcii p.t, 2 pr toSert Coi-rtner, lauies i'., Marea ls, 6-, is. pr to cor;. Coburu, JijQOo, en Marc a la, w, 4. ' coojier Joiepn B., en .3 arch 8, tw, a 13, k at Peters burg jalpiO, ti. ' Coopt r, A. Corriher, i'lus. V. . March 19, a, a .. forreil. iila'l. en Marc a IU, a Cleaver. II m l Al., en Jiarca 7, on, a IS. l)e a, j.i.jo, Sea., en iiarcu is), 8i, a -t-J. Deal, Jajqb Jr., -n .Uarch !. 82.. a ss, d of d "A Deal, V. A., en Muion In. ti;, a o k Deal, Ale.., en Marej i'a, a s.i. Deal, D ivlJ, e?i Maivn is), i2, a a-;. Deal, 8.u4;-l-l. -'larch I'j, h, a .?. Deal, Winl. ii., en May 1, Oi, ,j 31. Deal, Jno, L.. t April la, t3, a S7. i):al, Jno. A., th Dec. ii, :, a is, k Oct 3, 61, bv acci dent on V. i v". i. it. Deal, KraakUn vv., fn MareU 19, 62, a 28, dot w ree'd at Petersburg Jul so, w. Fonts, Win. a., en Amr;:u !'J. C , t 1, r 10 Corp. i'ouis. Jn 1. 1., ( March tS), rt, a Foiits, Ju,aes 8., en adv. 3, 02, a id, j'uly S4, 64, Ot a recVl fic i'ei.ers)urg. Freese, CWt-b M., c i March 19, 62, S. i'ieee, 1 el J.. March 1:: Cj. ,t 14. cniy K., t M iron yj, ,1 31. ! feelanl W III. J., fii OS.H5. '.4, tii, 1, it . a Fr"iCi"U k, i of d at Lvnchbunr. Va.. ta. i'espeiiii F tv'ennir), Jom A., t-.-i Scui. !4. ii'j. a l. ie3peru4iij juu. Ai., ;lars.u. ij-', a is, of d at Ly m-nUlurg. June 32. Keloher, WicnUwid V, .. tn Feb. 2. ia. 1. pt. (Jarver, ij.. B., en jiaich iv, a s. LampLoh, Joan v ., , .v.u.-ch 19, o.', .22. liami.-lo i, Dana A.,ii .ia.vii z, 6.', 0 s.0. ivlutiz, iv:ej;...i'..iui-a ii, a, ,1 25, d of d p.t Mch- miTld Ac. 2a. Jt. KlUlU, Jl-sj A., tn Aiig. V3,"S3, a 13. Kairtivcrj, vt ;a. A., i ii,ircj ;f, 02, 21. KarriUe'j, j.-jo l., tn dj, a ;i2, t June 15, C4 at Peters 1 r. Karrl:;e9, Jtun A., ( March 3, 64. a 18. ILarrlker, Jhc. b P., , Juarvh w, iii, A i- June 18. C4, at jfesn-rtDurg. Lcazer, James W., May 12. 6, o 37. Leazer, iav!d M.. en iurcu n. 2. m Leaaer. UHx. K Marcii 19, 62. . 21. d Sent. 21 cf w ree'd at i't.-t t-i-sbuiv. Lea.er, tViu. -i., , yy 1, 6.-, 2:5, it at New Port B.ii raiks r'eb. 2, 64. Lltakcr,! Win. K., e,( Mar.-h 19, 62, a 28. l.lpe, jitc-q t.. tn Mrca 9, St. -.5, .r to Corp. Upe, lu, A JiUy s, "S., a as, it- at Petfrsburg twice.1 Llpe, E.jj.,.- April in, 63,-1 26. Llpprcf, jbo. T , - May, tj, 5. La-A renU'. David a.,1 Aug. H, 61, n 19. :.j nch. Audr-v J., . Jii;vj is?, 62, S2, of d July 13, 64,jat I'.'icisbuig. Miller, kndrew A., , March 19, 52, a 19. Miller, John D., f . Au?. 14. t3. ir:. Jlhler, SATuacl A., July 27, til, a 13, d of d at Oolrisborj, X. C, oct. l-j, -u. Martini Le.l, A. c, f Aug. 17, 62, 18. Ovt-rc tih, tox ii::u W., ,- .May Ii62. a 23. Overcaiih, Basr.'l, mj M iivii Is."62, 21. overcaWi. .oc-o F., r au. n,"6 :, 1. Peci:eijxo:o:ii')n, 'en M in n 0;, 35. Pichel John, .March t',i, ,t 4o. P echel K. M ., tw March :9, 8., 37, d cf f at Pclera- buigj sept .,'J2. Pecht-i; A. J., .- Oct. 17, a is. Kogers. tieo. K , e March l, i, 34 tsogersj, jeremi'iG. en Mtuvix 19, 20. KhimeK Tfio:5. tl , n M Kosc, .laa. A ., ni April: Pctebbiirtr. March 1J, r, n u. a iJ, severely tc at lUf.Ue'., Juj. It., tn M:".r-jfl 3, 4, n 3. hl'ibc.v. jao. h., : Jiaroli 3, u, n n. KHdinlt,'. KuilM M ., tn FcO. i0, 63, 37, J Of (f at GoMMimo, v., -July ?.. e.i. Sloo;, 'lienry v., i'l'u., March 13. 62, ?.2. Sloop, ilenry o., Jr., tn MarcU 19, 6-j, is, w t Petersburg-. Suiltiij He r.ry C-, en March 13, 6?, a 19. Smlihj Jno W., en M-ireh !9, ii, a 3S. Smithk Joseph V., en July i7, 63. 13. Sm:Ui, Sam 1, March 13, 6-, a i-, d of d at Kla- 8toni, N. C, Sept. l ;, 53. Smlthi Thos. 11., en .March 19. 62, a 32. S(v'olfr, Ja?. P., r M xrch it, 6i, si, severely at PeUTsbur:, juiy s, C4. SliupUlr, Ahsaloin A., en April 2, C2, a 8S, dof d Aug. IS fi!l,"t reterebursr. Shaping, (Aft -Irew j-'., en April 5, 62, a 22. Shnltaba'rjrer. J. I.., tn Augr. 14, ca, a iu. I'pris'ht, V.ln.. cn April 2. 62, Wakher, James L.. .n .March 13. 2, a 2. Yost, F. M.. m March li), 6, a ss, of d May, 62, at Salis&ury, N. f. 4r:i REfusijiNT OFncEPs. -3 L. SauaJera, Capt.. ., to M.j. Oct. 1. 1 jXHTuT M'T&tet pnto Lt. Col. J.ia 1, &,- to Col. Jau. l. C4. te at ' Ul l,earUi in a,'a lo lhe followuig real pruper Frederic kriiiii!''. ! tv. viz: -luiu ju ji. i'iiuin?. i si- Lt. April 3, 62, a 80, ;w to v-ait. ui i, oz, : ui aiiarpsDurg, jiay a, C4, al Georze Uoi-ab. 2d Lt.. a o. r lf. t.t.. M.fc on . t May 5, 64. r ' - Jaeoo Kfutl, ad serxt., t May 19, 62, a uc, to 2d , LTOlffiriiBW." Feb. 1?. 62, 24. ,r , Joiia v- Agner. 5Lh Beigt . May 19, 6i, a 9, arm ' amputateil at V lldcrncss. Chariest;, iiarryuiin, lat Corp., en Dec. 20, 62, a 33 , pr 4ih Sergt., jr id Sergt. i at Wilderness. Benj. HolshOiiser, id Ccrp. en Feb. k9, 6, a Z,pr to 6tb Sergt., d of u Nov. 62. uip., pr ova ycigt. I PRIVATES.' V Barringtr, A. M., er. April o 37, f. liasmgcr, Geo., ' n alaich it?, 44, t of tr ree'd at N llderness si ay s, C4 . Beaver, Jes, , March 9, 61, 1 8. Beaver, John P., en March 'iv. ffi, 25, k at Wilder ness May 5, 64. Bost, John J., en March 22 , 62, a 20, missing since Sept. T, 62. Bost, W. H., en March is, 62, a 19. Brown. Jno. I). A., e' March i0. 62, o 23. Baslnger, Munroe. tn April 13, fci, a 3i. ' Basinger, Joe, en Feb. 15, C2, II, d ot v. Barger. A.,! April l?. 6:', a 40. i Chandler, Daria, n April 8, 62, 3T. Crawford. P. c . ,n AnHiT. ea. a n. Win. B. A. Lowrauee, 1st Sergt , en May 13, 62, a 20, 1 adjoining the lands of Moses L. Holme Ja rCia, pto KnU and others; it being .he sani,rroP: 1st Hersrt. a.-t. T. &s. i.r to id ia. An.n a &t. ' eriY whereon Mararetta Beard lived :ii i!.- Dunn, Wm., March 20. 62, a 30, c. Earnnardt, Eli, en. Feb. 19, 62, a 23, dot d at Peters burg June 3o, 62. Kagle, David, en March 19, 6, a 35. Goodman, Geo.; cn March 15, 62. a 30. GuhivAbner H., n March 15, a SO. Guhn, Milas, en April 13, 63, a 40, d ot d Feb., 65. Grady, James, en March 1, 62, a 40, d at Drurys Bluft Jan. 16 62. i Grady, Wm m April 1, 62, a 18.1 Gardner, James, tn April 13. 62, a 38. Harkey, Christopher, en March 19, 62, a 60, a d . Holhouser, J. k en March 26, 62, a 26, d of March 2, 63.1 Holshonser, W. en May 6, 62; 19, d of d Jun.4, 62. Horah, Itowan, t March 13, 62, a 24, d . Hurley James O., en March 15, 62, a 22. Hclihouter, James, April 13V 63, 31. Honbarger, Jacob, en April 13, 6laU. Honbarger, Eli, e April 13, 3, a 26. Johnson, Wm., en April 13, 6-Vs 23, f of f tr Kluttz Jeremiah, en April 13 63, a 22. ( - : 1 : . I i . ! . . most Complete Stock we have ever offered. ANDj DRESS GOODS at prices to suit all. ; AM HOT FIGS, THEM AS LOW AS TUE LOWEST. 50 cts. and up. C G O, have, we return thanks for past patronasfe 26:3m. Canup, John, e March 19, 02, a 18, d of d at home N OV. 24, 62. ' . Toblas' March 19, 62, a 36, k it Freder-, Canup, David S., en March 19, 62, a 28. It is reported that tlie star route "ring" are goiiig to open fire on the administra- tration j (hat they will charge that mail contractors were assessed last year" to raiso money for the republicans in In diana at General Gartield's request, and that tho latter knew how the money was to be raised. The rumor a!s:i alleges that other attacks will be made on the Presi dent, some of them going back sohie years. The truth is undeniable that Ooisey, the secretary of the republican National Executive Committee, spent a large amount of money in Indiana aud at a grsind dinner given in his honor alter the election. Giant, Arthur, and all , pave, him the chief credit for elect hi" Garfield. He is the. man who! has the big star route contracts, and it is his ling that threateus to blo.v on Gailield. The New York l-htn says: What is known as the Dorsey branch of tho poCtofhce ring held twenty-five contracts ibr star ser vice, all of tliem in tlie reiiiote Territo ries or Slates. Those l egions were chosen for those operations because thy-are far removed from jmblie iew, ami more readily managed by collusion with post masters and wit!i t!ie accounting office. Those contracts, according to the sched ule prices, footed up iJi ,343 when awar ded, Jin t when Brady manipulated aud "expedited" thein tliay aggregated VM , a year, or nearly eigiit hundred per cent, 0:1 tlie original bids ! No wonder Dor.sey did not want an odic-e. A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is furnished by.Parker's Hair Balsam, which is de servedly popular from its sorei ior clean liness. Aprl!)toMayl!) 15IIO Wi & GWA1, t'oolc Stoves of all sizes and styles always on han.l at lowest prices. caMake a specialty of the ACORN COOK STOVES, tlie best iu the world. -A flrst-cl.as3 stock of Tin and Granite Iron Ware. T1H Af!D COPPER SMITHING. All fcinuis of House-Rooan? and Outterlagdone on short notice and la the best style. ,V'e kpep constantly on hand a comnlete stok of Sheet-Tin, Sheet-inm aal Slieet-Copp'er. which we offer for bale cheap. M.iy5 citf SHE RIFF'S SALE 1 PCT Lvviritieofon order or execution i.wued out of the Superior Court of llowan Ounuiv in favor of Stephen F. Lord, -Adiniintralor of ot Annie I . Lord and olhtrs, againpt John Beard, Adminislralnr of Mr;:ietta Beatd, for colleiiion, I will Red .it public auction, at Ihe Courthouse Door in the Town of Salisbury, on the lft day of June, 1881, a.l the rixl.:, A TRACT OF LAND t r io i . 'SUI -"-."ore or le, wiua'crl 'is! ins of 12 acrec, more or Iv, nil n 1 1' time of her death. TERMS CAH ted at Ral.sLury, the 2d dav of Way, 1881. . May5Jun2 By M. A. Smith. T). S Steaf s Sals of REAL ESTATE. 141.1.U11UU i!sueu nut oi i ne superior L;ourt ot Kowan Coun ty, in favor of Stephen F. Lonl, Atlmini: trator of Annie C. Lord and others against Thos. J. and P.- P. Meroney in ! my hands for collection. I will sell at public auction, lit the Court House door ' In tho Town of Salisbury', on the 1st day of June, 1881, the following real property, viz : A tract of land consist" ing of 23 acres, more or less, situated in Salisbury Township, Rowan Countv, ad joining the lands of James M. Grav, Mero ney and others, and now occupied by Tt J. and P. P. Meroney, lying west if the town of Salisbury on the old plank 'road, being the same' property purchased by fcaid Mc roneys from Lewis Hanes. TERMS CASH. Dated at Salisbury, the 2d day of 3Iay, 1881. ! C. C. Krideb, ShflF. Rowan Co. May 5 Jun2 By M. A. Smith, D. S. : BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer and BjuANK ADMINISTKAlOR'S SALE NOTICES For Sale at this Office. sa In addition to our of GENEPwOUS JERCHANDISE, : - JiiliAUTlr LAWNS v& A Clfl l 7 ft I WhWi; mm BEST MS OF LADIES' CORSETS ffl TOWN " Our at - Wc. Can Not Be Equalled! T liftTA worn thim C!im.-t I T tt-rc vrvm tltA tlirca unilfvt ry hiu I II !i Corset tbre?ioafth&3i i"vsf Hf.;fcW El - -A ' ij - ' ft - : YJ - ' f i 4 isBmrnm Mm l :,: l-;:: g?-See our CHILDREN'S SUITS all sizes, from two to -fourteen ( Ladies' Linen Ulsters and Dolmans.- 3 carH ' Will have in a few davs another line of LADHSSVJ'KIMMFD n vt 1 v A FULL LINE OF MACHINE NEEDLES AND ATTACIIMEnW OnIiUD I 25:Cm ESTABLISHED 1865. 5r "JOtta ' - ARD C-UAR 7 RlOHiVlONDA ! "UlUYIrW'.J! j yy V e iiileud to niake it lo toe lui.'-rest -every Planter in ihe c..ttmr-.Kli.,-Su.les,! ,n'K'r 0r.lual uperki,io.i. ton.se this first-class hi-h-ra.!..' .::.'mLu(1 jits Standard and Ufonni Fertilizer, izrrci "VVc ajrain otTer this f, ml -rim J-Wtilh-r to Cotton Growers ailieinj;, iu all respecti worthy of their jiatro:):!-. It has stood the test of thirteen years' use among us, smT lias been brought to its ireeat a I nir il.U; condition only by the liberal expenditure of labor and money in a coiitina v-is eiVoi b t improve. Its-standard .and uniformity. re juaranfeed. 'i ; The result of its application to the cotton crop for the past thirteen years has provelil to be equal to any fertilizer ever sold in the United States. During this timetfuiusani of tons of it have been used by the farmers of Virginia andJtiorth Carolina, SoHtlrCar lina, and Georgia with highly satisfactory results. - - Whatever may be -the merits of other fertilizer, noone can go wrong in using ne which is so well made, so fully guaranteed, and has been so long anl so thoroughly fesieA -ALLISON- & .ADDISON, : Mant&clursrs snd Prcirieicic cf the 'tt:.r Irand" Complete ItezzR, HiclimondVa. Foi sale hy J. Allen Brown, and by agents ot all poin ts in North Carolina, OPEN LETTER "Those Goods Have Arrived." Wf. have the pleasure to announce to our many friends and customers, that we are daily m-iiving the most complete and elegant lino of Dress Goods, Trimmings. NolioKs, Doracslic Gseds, ie., kr., that we have ever offered. Our rork of firoceries is the most complete in town Our stock of Roots, Shoes, Hats Fnrnlshln? Goods, Clothing, &c.,&c, ' is full. We. buy onr pood. as cheap as any honse, and positively will uot be undersold. - ' We havo added to nnr ti..i- i.r. i- ' of Ladies tn mined aud tin trimmed Hats. l.all himI Inok over our (ioods With thanks licit yMir future favors. - ' UefjKctfiilly, &c, ' J. P. EOSS. SALESMEN ; ) Fkask Young, ' Akciiie Youxg, ( Eddie Overman, j April Cth. MortgageDeeds for sale here Also various pther blans.. ue have just received a NE and UJj bTUUii OF RESS GOO J IMC HIT - O' (1 in ur irtnvti'. J ONES, McGUBBINS & CO. f 8T WIU PAY YOU :jlF I3U WANT 10 RAISE A LARGE f(0f CF cotto., ' ; to use ourL. ! Star Brand" G:npkte LTancre.- ; Jt is rii-Ji in SoUiWcPSiropha-fe,.-Ammoma. t . u lrdsacoytitMipplvU, j it 'contains no inert matter; ' j Itjs an improver and riT.ov;itin.f I nrn-oat lands. I It is fine, dry, and in the best con, ion for drilling: Ir seeia-es large crops and ear! iiaturif v. " ; V It u'-m-aacs llKMjuar.iitv anilaujtll. y ot Ihu. 1 ::. if contains -an a-uiple quantity of H he. eh'im ns necescsirv tn Wl- fnt. :,!h1 'targe surplus whicliiil 'now. itself m the iumhiveiiicnt the land. 1 . It 13 rTiraued fnmthe iKstsd t!0.-t approved materiuls; in he iihikI o riretul una thonuh laannerand i 22:2m. a ii si ii SI ft EH mm j Are now receiving a 'Large a I CArtEFULIiX SELECTED- 1 ( Stock of I- Which jthey are orleriu to the traded . prices that cannot be discounted by,0, i hoiifie. Wc iTlcan.l3iinic'' And all are respect fully i11'" on uu, and we can con viuce ihein t'at are willing to meet all coiupetiu"0 ( qualify of our goods and lnv pi ictf have Samples ofr CARPETS and MATTINGS. OF ALL GHADM, which wft c-in furnish iu a short ti and at lower prices than any house t'urimh them iu Stock. Cull samples and hear jiiiccs. I ' 26:1 m -itWXV tV TITP- V. N'.CL li.4'1 Cmrur Al'llil IOj-1 - An aujonrned meeting u ders of the Westeru 01 th taroi r ...., .. in hu. irhl at ,,e jj,k mail v'"u uu ! . of Hie Lompauy. iu ouuo"j May, iaS. ' GJ;,a of 2(:lm Cheap Chattel 310- various other bianK ior bib , 4 :! sr. is a ii im m A It .4 f i . i f !