VOL XII.-.-THIRB SERIES SA1ISBTJEY. H., C, HAY 19, 188L no 3i K The Carolina Watchman, "ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1832. 1 . rjUCE, Jt.30 JN ADVANCE. CONTRACT AD VI RTI: 1NG RATES. FEDKUAKY 80, J3S0. jncbes 1 monitor 8 m"s s aa's larn One ror i Two for fruree for -Four for "K column for w do. do. I do. do. s Co 18 CO 15 00 18.00 85 tO 40 to 75.t 6.25 Z.60 .to SS.io 20.C0 33.75 25.10 4S.75 JOHil S. HDTCHIHSOil, . DEALER IX Italian and Americaii3arble Monuments, Tombs and Gravestones, oK EVKUV DESCRIPTION. i Being a practical marble-woikei, if entile! mo ,.f oTM'Tiiin anv piece of work fnmi lite. IU V v . - n - .. plainest to the most elalor:ilt m an :uii.tie jtvle, and in aguaritnty ihtit perf. i witifiaeiioii itlll He giren to the most eiciinVu r",lf I Call and exnmine my Sun k and pi ice be fore purchasing, us 1 will Hell ai li.e vt-rj- low est prices. ! Designs and eetimate for nny (leered work will be furnished on ajpiicatiwii, aX next .door td J. D. McSyeelv' iorc. - - SalUburv, N. U, March 9,1831. 2l:lv. it E. B. CRAWFORD & CO. ' ' !j ARE SELLING I " PORTABLE " FARM AND FACTOEY WMU. -ALSO Blasting PY Cartriflges I - and Caps. " ALSO The Finest RIFLE POWDER rie. ' TTT Uj our own audiorelsn in.ikc and From the Finest to the Cheapest. Hors3 Eakes, &c. Salisbury, Jan. G, 1331. l v BOSTWICKJ GIANT TWs WonderM Impmed Saw MacUne h WMTtntd ta raw . tvrM.Aw lAn i Mt. wica. and more cord wood or low if nT :ze H diy " lw no thoTi t mw ihf w. reru VAHK)tH' MMTA TritlNW Col . lf Urn feUxct, ClacUuUkU, Qi KlaCRA GE, L n.CLEMSXT. I CRA1GE & ttovncvt3 at Saw, SALISBURY. N. C. -33 s. cv3?.::.VvT, UTTOIIXEY AT IA IT) -j jPractice in the Stat and Federal ,). Courts. 12:Gra AiS " : S32S- SEEDS S BEST 1001 Vkfcug the BtO I li IK sold ia your tmra, to ansetthemt.ym.vL lt"p btn8!nlpjw f"' Vard ioT Cat. 1U Ul aaJ; HeiSerson. AttDraeys,Counselcis . and Solicitors. . SALISBURY, 2T. C $1.50 $2.50 3.00 4. SO 4. SO COO 0.00 T.60 7.50 S.75 11.25 15.75 13.75 : 26.85 EEMEMEER .THE j)EAD ! SB r : - V T 1 1 I.VM. ' " " I S!' -GX ni ! iLAMDRETHS5 I ii 1 1 POETRY. Marcli of the Deathless lead." - BY-PATH ES RITAxl' 1 Ue.nl at GreriisWro vu Memorial Day, May lOtJT, 1861. f '. j - Gather tlie Kilcieil dat j "j - Of liu wju rioi rt irietl ami' title, r Who lre the ti.i of our Peaj.lrf trtiftt Ami IVU in n caiitf, tlioali Ijat ulljut '.And died i'or tuts uud yu. Gall.- tlicm one and all ! - -From the Private t the Cliicf, Ctum- tloy from lio' el m piiiut-h hall, TJic.v fell I'or u, jind for theiiT tdiould .all J lie tear of m- iNaUoirrtgm-f. Gather the corpse strewn . OVr iiwiii v a battle i.laiu : oin tii.iiiv a uiave tliat lien feo Innpi Without a jutuieiMMl vifliMit a stuuv'"' " U at LOT tlwi Soutfft-i-ii-lihint.1 We care not wlienee thVy came, 1 Deal in their liieteis cla.v ! Wlietliej""UuknoViiJ or kuotvu to fame, Their eattse mid couiitry till the same They died ami wore the Gray. Wherever tlie luave have dicij, T.iej should not let apart j . Living they t rubied MK liide W hy si. wind the hand of Death divide A .in;le heart fn.lii heait. 1 Gather their scattered clay, Wheret-vt r it may rest ; " Jot as thrv ioai cited to the IimmmI' fray ; Just as the,v tell on the lutt le da. ; Buiy them bieast to Licaht.; The .'tie man need not dread ! Ti.is.theriiijj -of tlie brave j W.Mio.it vorl or tl.ig, and with sound? less ti a. j We mus e once more our deathless dead; . Ot.t ol tacJi luncij ui.e. j The foemnn need notfrown, ' I'nev -a,iv all poweilewH mnv-4. We gather them heie and wef lay them do" n, And team and prayeri are the only crown , We bring to u lea tlie each brow. And the dead thns meet the dead, W hile Ihe Living o'er tlTem Weep ; And the men by Lee and ."Stoiiewail led, And the hearts that once togetlier bled, Together still shall sleep. I Going: log-ether. Going together and slianng . The wealth of an intiuite love, Lo k n; together through shadows Up to tlie sunshine ahove, 'I h rus, for the rose, forgivirg, Stt by the still waters led - Up to the laud of the living, Ui from the laud of the death Gih:j together, unheeding, I The H lit of .he beautilul years, Ile.iveiiwj.iu, prayerfully leading, vV tjhiu.; ih o' 1 ive's Miiih s and tears, Darlings oar Father hath given; To biighteii the pathway we tread, Up to the laud of the living, Up trom the land of the tteadi i Going togef her, my darling, j Looking tor all unto one, Our heaven, our home in- each other, Our only one tinder the suu. ! Going together, and ever Together, love, st ill we shall tread, Up to the laud of the living, Upfnun the laud of the dcadi CO 31 31 V N I C AT1SD . . For the Watcbman. 13ILE5VILLE. Stanly Co., May 6. '81. A very pleaaut eutertaimuent took place at the Maiiney Academy, iu this county on the night of the 4th iust. The t'wliowing was the piogramme : 1, nehiml the Scene. 2, Conimentator on the Acts. 3, Mush. 4, Uoaopreciat el Geni.is. 5, Flower of tlie Family. fi, Music. 7, Keeping up the Apjtearaiice of a Gentleman, (three act.) 8, Dove Look not with Eyes. 9, Music. JO, Tableaux with Variation. II, Printer and Dutchman. 1, Music' 13, Pocahon tas Saving the Lite ot L'npt. smith. 14, Sleeping Beauty. 15, Music, lb". Oyster Supper. 17, Matrimony. 13; Musical Burlesque. Id, Music. ; , After the programme had leen carried out Mr. IIL Clark deliveretl a few very apropriiite icinaikes, followed: by a few until Ails Cora Maiiney, the, teacher, j Altogether it was a very enjoyable af- lair. Busteu. For the Watchman. Teachers' Association. - Witlirut ttr.i iissing, Mr. Editor, too fieely on our yiluable ace ty giving ahy thing tike ti lull tutuiuii oi the many interesting thing said antl done at our last meeting, my duty a Secretary re quire tf brief synopsis thereof, and I Mibntit the following. ! M r. J . W . Ke i ste r, of M t. Ul hi Tow mhi j, wits elected to active meiuleihip. The topics previously jusigiuil for discussion, yiz;r. 'Drawing," aud Prize,'1 were opened i by tlieir respective leaders: MisM's-lteytiohl and , Kutledge, of the first topic, and Kev. F. J. Murdock and Mr. J. li. MrKeiizic. tf 'the second, fol lowed by a general discussion freely par ticipated iu by most of the liUMUoers. The stil joined resolution relative to the second topic was adopted: jliesolved that this Association considers that the prevalent system of prize giving i pro ductive of more itrji ry than gomt. Several Qiu-rfe ou dittertutj nliject were then presented and disjuW-d of iu dtileient modes. After a reces, for din ner, the Association went into an election ot'tliicers lor the ueit six mouths, result ing a follow : ' President, Rcr. F. Murdock ; Vice President, Mosrs. Wilborn, Davis and Moaer t Seci e.ary and TreanrerrM i Loreua Ueyuolds; Critic, Geo. U; McNeill. Ou motion the following resolution wa adopted : Keolved, That we, the Rowau TeiicheiV Ass.K-iauou, in meeting. a fienildjwf, do most respectfully rttnumeml Mr. Geo. U. McNeill,, an educated .and practical teacher, as a suitable prsu for the ptisitioii of Con niy Superintendent of Public Inftti nciimi, for Uowan Comity, a iMiMition to le tillecl by the Commis Monein and Maoist rate, in joint conven--tioii assembled, on the first Mouday of June, 1331. Pi-enident M unlock npoint etl Dr. W.A. "WilUirn a Committee of j one to prenent thia resolution to the said AManU on that ocrasion. On motion, an invitation wn extended to the Connty Biwrd of Education Davie, DaVidAm and Stanly Counties unite with n in bold nir ft idnt Cottntv Teaichers Inatitnte, a. provided- for in rnu. , B , inean fi. next meeting 1st topirr Meth.HU in tocography. Leaders, Messr. bhtnti and GiNHlinau. 2d topic, The IJest Met I -od of ,Coudnctiu4t Teacher Institute. Leader, Messrs. McNeill and Wilborn. Place n nd time, Salisbury, 2d Sa t uni ty in June, 1831.- Asking j in-Whalf of. the AgMocjathm, ;n fulHtttendAfice of teacher at tliut i1hii I-uirf -T7,Ii'i.. v - - f , - "ifrty 9 SEcnjETAKT of'II". CJ T. A. Washiiig-toti Letter. An Armistic in (he Senate, Propeci$ of an Limy Adjournment Nominations Con- ' firmed and Treaties Ratified. From onr Regul.tr Correspondent. ! Wajhixgtox, May 6ih, 1831. Thcdead-lock ha been broken, or at least relaxed for a little whi.e, but there is as yet no prospect tfiat the lion aud lamb will lie down together, aud nothing, not eveua Summer session, it is believed, will end the struggle between the so nearly evenly matched parlies in the Semite. As for the President and the Senior Senator from New York, each feels that he has too much principal and interest involved to yield iu the issue be tween them, and one or the other must fall, for neither will retreat. The talk among senators to day is that the Senate will adjourn about the 21st. of May, but the action of the Senate iu goiug into executive session does not signify that the col test over the election of officer is terminated. Some Republi can Senators are known to be in favor of resuming the fight as soon as the more i in junta nt Executive appointment are con tinned. The plan of actiou ratified by the Republican caucus looks to this end, and we may have the Senate with us all Summer yet. Should the senators remain "Through the warm season they will, no doubt, become impressed with a realizing sense of the nuisance of the Potoniae flats, and will perhaps be in clined to give some atteuti ju to the mat ter of abatement. 1 f We are not precisely on the verge of a revolution, tut we are near the culmina tion of small events and petty crises. The President has withdrawn all the im portant nominations from New York ex cept that of Judge Robertson, w hich in dicate that he ha no disposition to com promise with Senator Coukliug, but will attack him where he is weakest, availing himself of the immense vantage of his superior Kver, office, and influence. In tliis,ontesf,Seiiator Con kl ing must fall. A majority of the Senate will sootier or later vote for Robertson's continuation, and, this important case settled, the situ ation will be much simplified. A large numlwr of senator visited the President yesterday iu the interest of harmony, but their ministrations have been without avail. President Garfield has had sufli cieut time to calculate all the chances aud resiMMisi'biiities of the course he has taken, he is no amateur politician, but a old and a able a Coukliug himself. He doubtless realized that any coin pro mise in the beginning of his presidential term would lie equivalent to an nbdiction of the prerogative of hi office, and a source of embarrassment to his adminis tration for four years. The Senate transacted a remnrkahly large amount of business iu its executive session yesterday, cleaning the calendar of treaties, and also taking final actiou on eighty -four nominations, in alwuit four aud a half hours. The first matter dis posed of wn the Chinese immigration treaty, which, after a continuation of Wednesday debate (lasting three hours, developing no fresh points of interest) was ratified without amendment by a practically unanimous vote, there being only two Senators recorded five. iu the uega- Thc Caiiulug Establish meat. On visiting tlie wharf yesterday morning every one was busy aro'uml tjie caiuiiiijj establishment, receiving the machinery, material, ett:., and getting the same in position. The Clyde steamer arrived Tuesday nijrht with all the . fixture.", and we were somewhat surprised to see so large a quantity as was brought out. In two or lh re? days they will be ready to commence canning operations. We know of nothing which will add more materially to the interest of Newborn than will this establishment. We safely say that in catching aud bring ing oysters to market, in picking and shelling was, and in preparing vege tables; that from. 300 to 400 persons will find employment for 5 or 6 months in the year.-! Xewbern JSTut Shell. , The Baptists of New York have in O ntempiattou the erection of a de tiojunatiocal beadquartcrs, on the plau of Tremoot temple iu Boston. j . TOWH HSANOEi Report of thd Xlnosca Committee for the Tear Ending It ay 3, 1831. . To Vie Honorable M.i gor anil-Board of ComoiueioMr olStiUnXury i - ! Gextlemen: Wf, yonr. Finance Coat- fl " " , """ '""""Tr""" to 1 ,,f ,,,t account ami vonchewof ! the Clerk. Cttton Veigiier. City WeUilier. Ulayoi, Tax Cdlector ami Treasurer, for the year jnnt ended and ieitfully uU mit t,!e ftwiS report. IJu-. accoun of the officer of the city are a follows: , Eli C. Miller. Citj? WYighei, in account with Commissioner f Salialniiy, i i Dr. To anion nt recM z $220.45 i Cr. By dinr.Kl Ie4r $110.22 j . Commission; 110,23 220,45 Henry C WilHanii, Cotton VeL;aer4U D rT a m'tiec -f veil ft372.1if Cr Bv am'c imI tiWr Si 30.05 i Commisaiou 10.1)5 372.10 The Clerk exhibit vouchers from the treasurer lor $140.34 the amount of mon ey pussiug througn hi hand during the jear. I . I ; i j -John A.'Itaiusny, Mayor, iu acct. with the Commissioners of SalUbury. i Dr 'I'o line collected " $137.03 : " a.n'r drawn on salary 267MQ -.4 cj,eck bill, sahuv 25.71 Cr-j-By Kalary as mayor $500.00 S50U.UO Geo. A. Klutts, Tax Collector, in acct. Willi Commissioners of Salisbury. Dr. ; To am't collected tax boks I87ttol3i0 $261.18 " ciil'td on inhI N. C. li. 11. 5-5 " general tax books 5,477.24 . " special taxes IdiO 595 44 44 beef tax ly7 05 unlisted taxes 1330 49 dO " wood W. N. C. K. R. 3J 80 ' " Gas Company 318 10 ' 4 hogs sold iu pound 4 UU Total $0,9Gb' 86 Cr. By insolvent taxes on book 1330 $124.94 " uncoil. ctaUle special taxes '80 WOO " erroneous taxes '80 138 29 4 t .4 II. & L. Fire Co. '80 3150 Fire Co. '80 69 00 double taxes reduced .to single by order of Commissioner 54 70 propel ty sold and puichas'd bv town ' 28 30 credit on vouchers JUJoiJ am't pd treastirer 6,233 89 bal. commission UOOit $7,001 15 34 ii4 Due collector Orrin D. Davis, Treasurer, in account with Commissioners of Salisbury, 16S)-Sl. Dr. To bal. from last year $M.i3 Cash from diguing grave (52 50 33 00 11817 186 05 103 34 99 197 05 63 55 31 10 5023 34 uog lax citv scales cUoit scales Clerk Mayor (for wood) beef tax Ta x col lector wood ) Gas Couipiiuy M. L. Aiev's sureties D. K. Julian : it 44 44 boi rM ou murlg.ige 2,100 00 advucMbvSll Wiley 155 63 Tax Collector 5,710 19 Total - $10,05178 Cr. bv cash per vouchers No. 1 Bill Davis, work on street 2 Wilson Davis $120 1 80 1 51) 1 30 1 80 1 60 3 Henry Jenkins 4 Bill Davis 5 Wilson Davis 6 Milas Mm pay 7 Stephen KirK 8 Jones Hall work .4 (4 4 ti ou School House 9 D A At well, hardware 10 G J Long, special police It J J Bell, sexiou 12 Jason Hunt, w'i k ou street 5 00 14 54 1 (hi 13U0 4 13 1 5J 1 50 3 3J 330 3) 3 30 10 00 1 00 5 60 13 Jack Litaker, 14 Alt Kcdy 15 Israel Simmons 16 Rol.t. Russell 17 Wilson Davis . 18 Bill Davis 19 Win. Smithd.-'al, hanlware 20 Henry Benson, spec'l police 21 G Steel, removing dead hog 22 M R( mlieiuau, cleaning lamps 23 J A Riiuisay, puiht'g School ii. 18 0J 24 W C Fraley, repaii'g lamp 4 :i bit m Curler w ik on street 26 Jas Brow 11 2 rom Henderson ; 3 Henrv Bmichelle 4 29 J D .ilcXeely, shingles 30 J A Miirpliv, police 31 R W Price 32 E H McL.iuglin, printing 33 S R liariissoit, rent of school room 31 Wilson Davis, work on str'ts 3 3) 2 70 150 60 83 30 0 30 00 4 75 15 00 3 00 2 40 300 2 70 3 00 60 2 40 2 40 3 75 25 3J-0 60 331 360 4 20 360 3 60 360 2 00 330 339 2 40 330 300 120 2 40 150 4 13 2 70 25 1367 35 Bill Davis 3J Jack Litaker 37 RiciiM Powe 33 Israel Simmons 39 Alt Kelly 44 Ai lici t Lord 41 AI lici t Russell 42 Jason Hunt .43 Wm. Black m or .4 4; 1. i 4 44 44 4. 44 E II McLaughlin, printing 45 Alhert Lord, wdik on str's 46 Bill Davi '4 47 Bb Russell 44 4d SaiuCarter, whitewashing 49 Henry Jeukius ' 50 Lee Cowan ,4 51 Tom Hemlerson 44 52 Rich'd Powe, work on str'ts 53 Jo. Murphy 54 Roht. Russell 55 Wilson Davis 56 Bill Davi 57 Juo Litaker 53 Jo Jordan 49 Julius Slater 60 Arthur Fisher 61 Jason Hunt ft! Nat Pharr .4 63 G A Klutts, rrmov'g dead dog 61' commission Sam Carter, whitewashing C5 Lee Ccwna . 1201 S3 o i onv Henderson M ! 95 vs iieury Jenkins " 85 Wil J Bell, sexton 18 00 70 Jason Hunt, work on stru 1 83 I Kobt Utissell a ---ISO 7'4 Jo Murphy " ; 50 JhIiu Slater 1 50 74 Bill Davi . 50 a v 11011 Davis 150 '76 RichM Powe 1 50 VL ?-vlvauu Hanes, clean' 2 wells 2 50 o m n uut, work on str'ts 2 25 .79 . ; . -M 80 XI A Smith, witnesH in court .81 W'ilson Davis, work ou str'ts V82 Jason Hunt 83 U H BrtKidtlehU jndgw eTectlou 84 G A Klutts, reiuev'g dead dog 85 Jo M nrphy f work ou stit 86 Ktdjt Russell - 87 V " ' ' 83 Israel Simmons . 89 a A Klotts, reniov'g dcal hog 225 210 150 400 25 .330 90 90 90 50 1 50 3366 90 4000 60 188 150 TW j A Ramsay, salary v ,7" vz warren Kuox; wojk on str'ts 93 Aud. Murphy, listing taxes , 94 Robt Russell, work on str'ts 95 Jason .11 nut 96 Bill Davi 97 J A Brown 1378 1 50 2000 93 J J Bell, Hextou 99 J M Knox dil'ii. 625 100 J A liauisay, money advanced 1000 101 K It Ciuwf.Md St Co. hard ward 7 23 102 J M Knox & Co., shingle 21 25 .103 Willie Palmer, work ou str't 1 80 J04 a inert L.011I 105 Jacob Litaker, 106 Arthur Fisher 107 Uich'd Powe 103 Jason 11 uut 109 Henry Jeukiu 1 10 Sam Carter 1 1 1 Tom lieiide-sou 112 Lee Cowan 113 Israel Simmons 114 Uol.t Russell .4 120 360 2 40 300 450 3 IN) 300 360 360 55 330 200 90 90 225 1 25 30 00 153 32 60 3 07 25 33J 60 90 3 75 2 70 1 5o 150 13 50 1 50 50 75 2 50 2 00 200 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 6U 360 30 00 33 60 3 30 90 75 90 44 44 44 4( 44 4( 44 it 115 Dick Wallace, mak'gdiig house 116 Dick Powe, work 011 streets 117 China Slater, 1 18 Jason Hunt " 119 Dick Wallace, clean'g well 120 J A Murphy, police 121 G A Klutts, dog net J2 J A Caldwell, part rent May or's office 123 G A Klutts, commissions Iz4 Willie Blackuier, removing dead hog 125 Bill Dais, work 011 streets 126 Ricli'd Powe 17 Ed Foster ' 123 Jason Hunt " 129 Boh Russ II " 130 Jackson Henderson " 131 Sandy Hargrave ' I3i Edwards, Broughton t Co.. tax nook aud blank 133 Ed Shepherd, hauling i'.ii Jim Brown, clean'g windows lo-') 1J A Davis, ink 136 W L SautMlers. copy school bill lo XV H Hotah, repairing bridge 1.13 J A Brown, clerk election 139 Dick Taylor, Work on streets 140 Albeit Lord 141 Sam Turner 4i 142 Dan'l Smith 44 143 Albei t Lord 144 Jo Miirnhv 44 145 R W Price, police 14U J A Ramsay, salary 147 Bill Davis, work on streets 143 149 Will Black ni r, washing lamps lot) Biil Davis, work on street 151 U W Price, police 152 J A Brown, lime and cement 30 00 13 75 9 45 139 3J lo-i W H Hull, blackMuithiug l.4 J A Ramsay, cost 155 George Morgan, printing 75 156 J A Lemly, sttmui'iig witnesses 1 50 157 Chas Pi ice. iitt'v .Mon isoli ease. 25 OO 153 Wai ien Kelly, cleaned la boose 50 159 Bill Datis, work on street 3 3.1 loJ Ld Croweil, blacksiiiillung 161 Jno Henderson, spec'l police- 162 J J Bell, sexton 163 Jim Brow n, remov'g 4 hogs 164 W C Fraley, repairing lumps 165 J A Ramsay , salary 166 F D I i v in. clerk election 365 1 00 20 00 55 5 5 10 10 2 00 1 SO 3 30 3 6J 3 J0 300 2e5 SO 00 330 4 13 90 100 1 65 23 66 3 30 30 00 27 73 3 75 2 40 2 70 2 40 330 30u 1 00 1200 4 13 167 Robt Russell, work 011 streets 163 Utclrd Powe Ilk) Israel Simmons 10 Warren Kelly 171 Joseph Jordan 172 Warren Kelly t. (4 44 .4 4. 17.1 J A Murphy, police 14 Rich'd Powe, work on streets 175 Jason Hunt 44 176 Rich'd Pwe 44 127 Dan'l Fraley 44 178 R L Shaver, draying 179 J A Ramsay, salary 10 Bill D.wis, work on streets 131 John Murphy, police l.?' (i A Klutts. coiiiuiissions 133 J:tou Hunt, work on streets 134 China Slater 185 Bill Davis 186 Sandy Hargrave 137 Ed Foster I 44 It. ill Ruskidl 44 44 ( 4( 139 G A Klutts, remov'g dead hogs 190 W H Horah, hauling 191 Jason Hunt, wo.k ou streets 100 44 44 4 50 net And. Mnrnhv. sal'vcrk4 mo's 3:1 ."13 194 Jim Bernhardt, work ou tr'ts 300 1.45 Eil Shaver, ur. ou juugmeui; 1 11 in 196 C Plyler, 197 Harry Cowan, gravel 193 Geo Murphy, work on streets 335 2 25 2 40 300 3 60 199 J Hemlersou 200 Bob Russell, Dili l TT Uri.... ii,it!(n t. 4 30 00 50 OU 25 00 VI Ik .1 tl-v, j.- -. . 202 J M McCorkic, at'y 3Iorrison case 50 OU Z)d tltas. 11 ice, 204 J J Bruner, printing, 205 J D McNecly, salt 20ii Robt Russell, work on strcts 207 Smith Jasper, cleaning well 203 Wesley Jones, work ou streets 20a Julius Lindsay, cleaning lamps 210 Jason Uuut, work on streets 211 Dick Powe 28 50 2 00 8 30 1 25 300 1 20 4 50 1 20 2 10 8 SO 3 GO 330 360 1 00 330 212 Sandy Hargrave 213 Ed Foster 214 Bob Russel 215 Bill Davi oifi I'lihi!! Slater ii ti ti 41 44 21? L E Vogle, special pdico 2ld Jim Bernhardt, ork ol str ts 219 S J SwieegmHl, Uoard'g houe 2000 10000 300 300 300 300 300 210 I 80 220 T F Kluttz. Chairman Graded ScIhmiI 221 Bill Davis, work on streets 222 China Stater 223 Samly Hargrave 224 Cha Allison 225 Eil Foster 226 Giles Corrrll 227 John 0born . w ti 4 4 ti 4 a 5 Jason Hunt f ays Aiex. AUisou, work on well 300 G A Klutts, commissions 33 3 231J A Murphy, ixdice " 3000 f ilell, sexton 2t)fX hi ai a lienciui. sjH-cfal pdrce 175 ; 231 W HJIutT, blacksmithiug n ro 236 Ed Foster 3 qq 237 Sandy Hargrave ' ami 233 Giles Co II " - S una Allison l mi 01. ... oow Ainert r oster ii enry isrannon " 2 4ti m a eu beu 31 i tche,H " gQ 244 Jason Hunt ija -w Jianuei liruwn, w'k on School i iionse I On mil ii- ..... o v iu tteui ick, " 1 80: mi una Allison . J2(l 243 Albert Foster 1 to -lif juo Henderson, tjecfl police 1 00 250 J ,A Ra iuay; salary 99 Gi 25! Alex Allison, diguing well : 1070 252 J C Shepherd, chi enter work 1 tX) 253 J A Reiidlemau, j'dg election 4 00 254 Wilson Davis, work 011 str'ts 3130 255 China Slater j 00 256 Jason Hunt 413 257 Ed Foster 1 50 253 China Slater - 331) 259 F D Irviu, clerk electiou I 50 260 Kluttz tk Remlieinaii, supplies 1 55 261 Murphy and Pi ice, costs, 14 20 262 Tlieo. Mau tel, work on str'ts 1 80 263 G J-Loiig, special jiolice - 1 5() 264 E l Croweil, blaeksmithing 61". 465 WG McNecly, btwid detective 10 25 266 Lee Cowan, work on wetl 2 80 267 W F Knox, detective 75 75 263 J A Ramsay, pd detective 21 25 269 SH Wiley - 4 3037 270 Henry Williams, spec'l police 1 50 27J-Mis L Reynold, school tuistr's 3000 272 Julius Slater, jvk on School 11. 1 80 273 Theo. Manuel 3 45 274 Julius Slater " 3o0 275 Andy Mack 44 1 30 276 Leu Henderson 44 2 50 277 ii A Brown, special police 1 80 278 John Shaver 44 150 279 Moses Fultz j 5() 230 1 F Murphy 44 150 231 H H Croweil " 1 00 232 Charles Kraus, hauling gravel 19 60 233 George Morgan, printing 1 50 234 D F Ritchie, rock for culvert 40 00 235 Jim Bernhardt, d'ggiug well for G. School House 19 82 236 J A Snider, gravel 1 00 287 Theo Manuel, w'k ou 6chool II. 2 10 238 Leu Henderson 44 3 UU 239 Sam Brown 44 3 (jo 290 China Slater 44 3 60 391 B ib Lord 4 1 50 292 J XV Henderson 44 - 5 00 293 Tom Henderson, w'k on str'ts 1 50 291 Win Newland 44 25 295 Peter Swink, mak'g wel -rramo 450 2l6 Sandy liargiave, work ou str'ts 2 70 297 J Henderson 44 at cemet'y 2 00 Hiram BlacK .vell 4 ou S. H. " 3 00 299 H Branuoii 44 street 3 00 300 L Sandy Hargrave 44 44 3 60 301 Sam Brown 44 3U0 302 R W Price, police 30 00 3U3 Jo Billiard, work on school H. I 50 304 Audet son Brown 4 2 40 305 Will Sloan 4 1 50 . 3J6 China Slater 44 3 00 307 44 30 303 J J Bell, sexton 20 00 309 Ami. Murphy, 2 months salary 16 67 310 Wm Smithdeal, brick 400 00 311 W H Horah, hauling gravel 6380 '11 2 J H Eariiharf, special police I 00 313 M L Arey, Cr. on Shaver jmlm't 3 60 314 OtK-d. Bell, work on school H. 3 0u 315 Theo Manuel 44 30ti 316 Josh Murphy 44 IzU 317 Ju Hum Slater 44 2 40 313 Leu Henderson 4 3tK) ai9 Jerry HuU' . an, eleaig F. eng'n 225 30 Chas Kraus, hauling ' 10 00 31 Diin'l iiailuiiiu, lumber 15 322 W H Trexler. hauling 11 6u 33 Leu Henderson, woik on S. II. 2 40 3:1 Jasoa Hunt, special police 1 00 325 O J Long 44 1 0'. 326 Juo Fraley 44 1 00 327 O A Kill Us 44 . 9 323 H Murphy, work on school H. 31. b2i) Bill Davis 4' 3 3u. 310 And. Walls 44 2 4o 3:jl S II Wiley 44 86 46 Klvi W A WiliM)rn, tearcher G. S. 60 00 3 3 Jack Henderson, spec'l police 1 00 334 C Slater, work giavel pit - 2 40 3&5 Ed Fo. ter 44 street 180 6 Jason Hunt "4 do 337 4o7 Chas Kraus, hauling 1 00 3'13 Win Smithdeal, haidware 75 12 339 Bill Davis, work on streets 3 00 34 0 4 4 44 school house 1 80 34 1 44 44 streets 1 50 342 Alex Parker, half barrel 25 543 Julius Slater work ou str'ts 33 ) 344 C E Mills, barrel 110 315 A W Oweu, Teacher Graded School, 3000 346 Lorena Reynolds, " 3Ju0 347 J 1 Sharer, special police 1 00 343 Henry Cauble work on school II. 1 50 349 Jim Bernhardt work 011 well 2 75 350 Jason limit, work on streets 4 50 351 tiiles Correll, 44 44 44 2 20 352 Lee Cowan, G. S. well 4 18 353 Walter Manuel, wotk on school ; House, , - 3 00 314 Fiauk Bradshaw, 44 44 1 60 355 Charles AUisou 44 44 1 20 3j6 Jasou Hunt, 44 streets 4 50 357 Sand v Hargrave 44 school house 2 40 333 Jason Hunt 44 4 50 339 Walter Manuel 44 360 360 Frank Bradshaw 44 360 361 Jas Brown, clean'g fire engiue 75 362 J W Clarke, special olice 100 363 Jasou Uuut, work ou streets 300. 364 Oled Bell 44 2 40 365 Julius Slater, work school H. 2 40 366 Theo Manuel 44 2 40 367 Obed Bell, 44 30 363 Jacob Cauble, spec'l police 1 00 369 J A Munihy. iolice 30 (XI 370 R R Crawford it Co., hardware 15 83 371 W Chambers, blaeksmithing 1 35 372 John Shaver, drayiug 325 373 Jo Ballard, blaeksmithing 75 374 J M Kuox, hauling 4 62 375 T E Browu, horse and baggy 4 75 376 R J Holmes, supplies 6 00 377 C A Krans, hauling 11 00 373 S R Harrison, rent schoolroom 2J00 379 B J Blackwell. hauling 1 50 330 E K James, sand 37 50 ' 3311 Wins Brown, stove pipe 30U 332 Giles Neely, special police 1 00 333 Geo W ashiugton 100 334 G J Long, special police 1 00 335 Amos Owen, work ou well 1 95 336 Sam Carter. 44 streets 15) 387 G A Klutts, Cuinmlssious 43 37 333 Fraub Bradshaw, work on school house . 3 45 .339 Walter Manuel, 375 1 05 375 375 w 1 ueo Alauuel, 391 Leti Heudelon, 392 Julia Sinter, 393 Bob Hdent 394 C A Kh.il J . u M U 270 M IfJO Si H,,,r; uriihy, work on streeUl 50 397 Obed B. II, 330 -393 China Slater. a. .399 Bill Davis, - T 400 EtToier, , . " 330 401 Jasou Hiiuf, . - v . 413 402 J XV Henderson. iai 404 Jso lleiiuetson, " 333 405 Henry Borivhelle- - GO 4 W Jerry Huffman 330 ' 407 -Moses Wren, . . jjq 403 Hiram Reeves, ?: " 75- 409 Bob Rnssrll, ' i ' "" 3001 410 Alliert Foster,- - , - 330 411 Eil F4ster, 333 412 David Heuderson, Well at G. l St hu d Hon - v :, , ; 3 Q0 j3J8hiter, woikonG.S.n. 360 414 Ed Forter 330 415 Alliert Foster streets 1 80 416 Eil Forster 44 G.S. H. . 300 41 And. Walls streets 30 413 China Slater 240 V?n C,f f tanning lamps 3 83 420 J no 1 Jen. hi t on, work tui well 5 00' 421 Jerry Huttuian, 4 422 Walter .Manuel work G. 5. II. 3 00 423 Leii IJeudersou 210 424 Julius Slater 300 425 Hiram Reeves, trim'ng trees 1 50 426 J Henderson, work ou well j 1 50 427 J XV Hendersou- 44 stieets 350 423 Jasou Hunt 44 375 429 Jordan Murdock 44 4 210 430 Eil Foster 44 4 1 20 431 China Slater 44 " 270 432 Bill Davi 2 10- 433 Amos. James 44 75 434 J Murdock - j jq 435 CliiiiiuSlater . . " 150 ( Continued on 2d page.) MISCELLANEOUS The man who iroes into butiiuai with the Devil, soon finds that Liq partner is soul proprietor. The elephant has betn known in die of grief when, in a Ftiddeii fit of madness, he ius killed his keeper. The way to nrotluee a smile on thn face of nature is to plant it with seeds of flowers. . Tickle nature in that way ami she will laugh with blossoms. S inie linn has iintK onrntinraJ rOti- row-inindeil peopje to siuiajl necked' bottles, because the los tlrev Lave In w J J them, the more 1104; they make in pouring it out. . i A srooil book and a fool worrmn are excellent tilings for those who know how lo justly appreciate their i tft . value, mere are ineii however, who ii'lge of both from the beauty ofthe covering. Hev. .Hpury V. Vorhces, seven years pastor of the Reformed church, of Nyack, Ni Y., has accepted a call to the Monokiu Presbyterian church, .Priiict-ss Anne, Maryland, which was tun 11. led in 1705. If a girl bus pretty Icpth she laughs often; if she's mt a pretty liwit she'll wear a short tlress, and if she's got a neat hand site's fond of a game of whist, and if the reverse, she dislikes ill tho: e utTairs. One of the modes of punishment irT China is to compel a criminal to die of deep I ess no, by keeping iiim awake a week, night and tlay. "Ten days is -ure to prove fatal, and is icrrible agony for the victim. He that gives gMJ advice btiitdg with one hand ; he that. rieu trtuA F b-"-" counsel and example builds with the other; but he that give good admo nition and had example build with jncT band and pulls down with the other. The two most precious thing4) on this side of the grave are our reputa tion and our lile. But it is to bo lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive 11 of the"one, and the weakest weapon of the other, Au old soldier's overcoat was sold at auction in Pennsylvania the other day for 75.50. It was worn in the war of 1812 and during a part of the first winter of the rebellion, and is still in a good 6tate'of preservation considering its long and severe linage. , Tt'..'..-:fi . 1..1 i .1 . me hwiiicm utru, prooaoiy, is ino agle f the sea, or frigate bird, often measuring sixteen feet from tip to tip It hoyers at au elevation of 10-, 000 feet when a storm sweeps over the ocean. If it wishes to travel, says a French natural ht, it can almost a'h nihilate space. It can breakfast! in Afiir-a and tfine in America. This, bird reposes on its great motionless wings, literally, 'sleeping on the bosom of the air.' An old miner, who has had fifteen year's experience underground says, that he has observed one peculiar fact, that between 12 and two o'clock 1 I lin tl. .1 fllij... ta ' . . . 111 iitv iiioi, li iiivic 19 a lottjjc e.uug or a bit of earth in tho mine, it is sure to fall. Says lie : About tins time it. seems that everything begius to stir, and immediately- after. 12, al though the mine has been as a tomb before, yon will hear particles of rock and dirt come tumbling down, and if there is a caving piece of ground iu" lie mine it U sure lo give way, - !T' '-I - ' 4U :- m:

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