... i I, m i iiti i i----"-' MijiiiA n'nhcrrv-,'- - TobaccolA Paruble. theridc ftac.y)i.'L- A correspondent of the Grceusboro Patriot, sends to that paper the . ful lowing ingenius composition on the use of Tobacco, found in the course of his reading. Ve commend its care ful reading, first to the big Tobacco .lenlers of. Danville, Durham, Wins ton, Greensboro, Hickory, Statcsville, Mocksville: and to Messrs. Payn2 & Limn and Mr. Lanier of Salisbury ; and after them, sccouu. i A . ponsumers of the iue icwiisib " - h;,.1p wherever lo be found. " tThin shall Iho kiuirdom of Satan iTsL-pnM to a'trrain of tobacco iced; wliirtti. though - exceedingly srtriall, Hip rrrouiul mew, and became a "great plant, and spread its leaves rank and broad, so that luige and vile worms formed habitation thereon. And it came to pas, in the course of time, that the son of man looked upou.it and thought it beauti ful to look upon, andmuch to bfc de tn make Iad3 look biir and man ly. So they put forth their handi and did chew thereof. '" And some it fnadc trick, and others to vomit most filthily. Awl it came to pass that thoseNvho v he wed it became weak and unmanly, . .1 ..M p om enslaved, and icau t nP from cHewinsf' it. And! the months of all that were enslaved be i.nma Anil nn rl thev were seized with a violent spitting; and they did nit. even in ladies' parlors, Ah in the house of the Lord otjlosrs, And aaintu nf the Mast ilisrli were greatly plagued thereby. Ami in the course ot time it came also to pass - that others snuffed it ; mid they, were taken suddenly with (its and they did . 'sneeze with 'a -great amb"ighty sjneeze insomuch that their eyes filled with, iears, and they did look exceedingly silly. And yet others cunningly wrought the leaves thereof into j rolls, and set fire to the one end thereof, and did suck vehemently at the; other cod thereof, -and did look very grave .and calf-like ; and the smoke t;f their torment ascended upforeverand for ever. ' And the cultivation thereof became a great and mighty business in the jearth ; and the merchantmen jvaxed rich -by the commerce thereof. And it came to pass that the saints of the Mast High defiled themselves there with een "the poor who could not buy shoes, nor bread, nor books fwf their little one, spent their money for it. And the Lord was greatly -displeased therewith, and !said: ; "Wherefore this waste; - and why do these little ones lack bread and shoes and books? Turn now your J fields into corn and wheat; and put this thing far from you ; and be separate, and defile not yourselves any more, aud I will, bless you and cause my face to shine on you." But with one accord they all ex claimed : 'We cannot cease from chewing, snuffing and puffing we are slaves." Christian Secretary. : , Faithful unto Bcuth. Then was a niairiaze at the upper end of the DeUoh, Lansing - and N'orthern Road ; the other day. A great big chap, almost able to throw a car-load of lumber oft' the track, fell in love with a widow who -sras cook ing fort he hand Jin a saw-mill, and after a week's acquaintance they were married. The boys around the rain lent William three calico shirts, a dress-coat, and a liair of white pants, and chinned ma purse ot about fciU, and the couple started for Detroit on a bridal tour within an hour after be ing married. j 'This 'ere lady, explained William as the conductor came along; for tick ets, 'are my bridej Just spliced fifty Vis minits ago. Cost $2, but durn the ;ost ! She's a lily lot the valley, Mary is and I'm the right-bower in a pack of keerds. Conductor sa-lute the ,ride! ! The conductor jhesitated. The wid w had freckles and wrinkles and a turn-up-nofe, aim Kissing uic unuc was no gratification. Conductor, sa-lute the bride or V look out for tdrnadoesl' continued William, as he rose up and shed his , coat. ; The conductor jsa-Huted. It was the best thing h&coujd do just then 'I never did. try to put on style be fure.' muttered I William, 'but I'm bound to see this thing through if I have to fishtail Michigan. These 'ere passenger has gpt to come up to the chalk, they has.' j The car was full. 'William walk ed down the aisle, waved his hand to command attention, anil said : 'I've just been: married, over lhar' sots the bride. Anybody, wno wains to sa-lute the bride kin now do so. Anybody wJio don't want to will hev cause to believe that a tree fell on him!' One by one the men walked up and kissed the widow, until one was left. He was asleep. William reached over and lifted him into sitting position at one movement aod commanded : 'Ar' ye goin' tbTlust over thar' an' kis the bride?' 1 J3!ast our bride, and you too?' growled the passenger WilliatfTdsewjhim over the back of the seat, iaiil him down in the aisle, "tied his legs in ajkuotpind was mak ing a bundle of him of a size to go through the window, when the man caved and went over and su-luted. 'Now, then,' skid 'illiam, as he put on his coat, 'this bridle tower will be resumed ins usual, and if Mary and me squeeze hands or git to hiv ing heads on each other's shoulders I shall demand th know who luffed The Census Bureau has pulished a statement showing that there are 43, 404.87G whites and 6,577,151 negroes in the United States. The bulk of the latter are to be found iu the ex treme Southern Slates, although Ohio has 79,000, Pennsylvania S5,000, New York 65,000, Maryland 209,0o0J Missouri 145,000 and Kentucky 271, 000. The Northern States have rel atively but few. Kansas, notwith standing the cxodu, has but 43,000, and Indiana 39,000. At the South the races stand as follows : Whites. Colored. Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Louisiana . . JUisisssppi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee lex as Virginia 600,249 210,622 125,464 724,685 483,794 650,337 531,351 604,275 402,991 304,001 631,754 The increase of exports; from the harbor of Xorfdk, Va., sinco 1865 is remarkable. It appears frm an ex hibit just published by Mrj Cary V. Jones, I the exports of 165, which amounted to but $1 1,538,! rose last year to 18,895,158, the cotton trade showing ah increase from Gi,174 bales in 1858-59 to 685,514 bales for the first six months of the cotton vear of 1880-S1. I ! ' ' ' .. 1 - .L -' . . - - - -. about it, and LI) make him- emagiue that I'm a hull boom full of the big gest kind of saw!-hg, an' more coni- rise. Now, Alary, let me git my arm 662,328 591,611 141,832 814,251 455,007 479,371 867 478 391,224 1,139,120 1,197,499 880,981 The greatest proportion of colored to white is in South Carolina, where two-thirds of the whole are colored. In Louisiana and Mississippi, from one-half to three-fifths are colored. In Alabama, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia, the colored form one-third to owe-half of the total. In Arkan ses and Tennessee, from one-fourth to one-third of the total population are colored. The increase in the total population of the United States-be tween 1870 and 1880 was about 30 ier cent., while the increase of the negro population during that decade was about 34.8, showing a relatively greater increase among the negroes than among the whites at large. But these figures are deceptive, for the census of 1870 was so imperfectly ta ken as to be entirely unreliable and worthless so far as the South is con cerned. The increase of the negroes between 1860 ami 1870 is said to have been about 12 or 13 per cent, accor ding to the census, whereas it was doubtless about 30 per cent. The fig ures, however, show that the negroes have increased at the South in about the same proportion as the white?, and that there is no prospect of a de crease in their numbers. Their iVr ture among us, then, becomes a very interesting question. 1 hey are to live side by side with us forever, and are to have a large 'share of power. In some States, as the figures show, they are in the numerical majority, ami if for any cause they should abandon their present political afso ciations and turn over to the Demo cratic party, they would hold the bal ance of power inside the party aud coutt'ol legislation. 2c ics tt Observer. Olivia, j a correspondent of the Philadelphia Times iu pen pictures of U. S. Senators thus refers to South ern Senators, in their treatment of women, as contrasted with the Sena tors from the North. "Most winning, dearest to the heart of woman, are the SeuatS knights of the 'Most cause. 'I 1 There is a deference and couitly grace whieli- tiiey bctow on the so-called weaker scjx which the cold Northman may counterfeit, but never succeed as an original.. 'Whilstfcthe nien of colder latitude japproach woman as though she were made out of the same kind of stuff as themselves, the Southerner makes her feel that she stands on a higher mark" in. the ascending scale and that if she is not quite "winged" she is almost an angel. - These uithetj men are singularly clean-handed where so many fall. They put the pure woman on a ped estal and! worship her, and if there are any bad ones they are carried off to their lairs alid devoured and no body hears of them any more. ALLOOSK'S POROUS PLA3TSB ; ja. Cdrativa Host la Itself. .Thirty rear' experience has firmly 'rooted Alli-jc' l'orou rlxsier in imblic evaluation. Their wonderful adaptability to the various syintlo.TjH of dirieae is -a marvel to muJ'uiat men of uU schools. For nervous persons ur.d luna lics, lone or mord applied to the ftpine produc ed sleep when opiates, even hydrate of chloral, had been of litll.! gervire. Ziovr, when one can not sleep, is the common practice to apply a PtUsU'r to the back. You scarcely tojicli the liillUw before you are sound asleep. DEEDS & MORTGAGES eul for all tiVA and conditions, usually only prodijnng a "blush on thefkin,anI moreccr tainly curative than linimenta or blisitrs, and witliout prostration or pain of l lie latter. Thin i true even in Croup, Quinsy, Pleurisy, LuH and Throat A Sections, and tlie utility of thLljfanitarv invention has been warntlv wel- riiey are largely sold in every part of Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgage, Deeds, CommiasionerV Dotds vjp-J Deeds, Chattle Mortgages, Farm Contracts, Marriage and Continuation CmitVat 1 Distillers' Entries, and various ptfcer fbruw for eale at tho - ' ! ' . I AVATCJ1MA-X OFFrcp sale- notices. K::; - ' -" . i - - T 1 Administrators, executors, commissioners-sheriff? coustahlc?, agents, &c, are advice It call on us tor printed sale notices. It is certainly great injustice to owners to imt leap Alieo-ks 1'orouw i'laslers nave tle curative - UD i 0 ...j...... vnucrs 10 imt,, efleci ot lha ripai.ish Ey blisters, yet inulie no their property at public aur-tion without first p:ivinp ample notice of the sale. TluTr? sore, and nevtr atfeel the kidneys : are ebnveni- qnircmcnts of tlie law on the subject every body knows are insufficient. Ptfmert,. ; olten sacnuceu iroin iniscnujie; wncu a uuiwi'i iw;m-ui iu advertising ui wlt 1 ' saved it aud made it bring its value. V furnisU sale Notices prompt lv 'and chean" 'aT1 - . 1 1 in down uu li 1 teli alon an arouiul vc ?' the Valuable Mineral Discovery i Davidson. lit One rarely meets with amore touching romance tlKt 11 is fonnd in the following story which comes from Wales : 'A number of years ago some, min ers were exploring an old jit that had been closed, found the body of a young man dressed iira fashion )iig out-of-date. The peculiar action of the air of the mine was such as to preserve the body so "perfectly that tlie body appeared asleep -rather than dead. The miners were puzzled at the eircumstauces ; no oue in therdis- trict had been missed within their re memberance, and at last it was re solved to bring the oldest inhabitant an old lady loug past her eightieth . vear who had lived single in the vil lage the whole of her life. On being -brought into the presence of the body a strange scene occurred. The -old lady fell on the corpse, kissed it, "iind addressed it by every term of en dearment spoken in the language of a bygone generation. He was her only love, sl;e had waited for him during her long life. She knew he had not forsaken heiv The old lady and the young maaJiad been betrothed sixty years before. The lover had myste riously disappeared and sheTiaU kept -MHinui aurmg the long interval J 4-nne had stood still with the . voting mau but had left its,mark oi tlie wo man. The miners who were present, were a rough set, but very gently and' With tearful eyes they removed the old lady to her house, aud that night her faithful spirit rejoined that tf her long lost lover." Effects of Prohibition -The people of Edwards county, Illtuois, decided, twenty five years ago that 1 o intoxicating liquors should be sold iu that count-, and since that time they have sent but one person to the pnitentiarv, and he committed the crime while" drunk with whiskey procured in an adioiu- ing county; they support but two paupers, and their jail is empty .most pr the time, Their taxes are 32 per cenf. less than the adjoining counties their terms of court occupy but three days in the year, while their tax rolls japw that they return more property than any other county in" thp "State of equal population. - Henry dllis, a well known rejuent of Norfolk, Va.r was ed in the harbor last Saturday. When t.seenlive hcrwas vury dVak Froma ..gentleman in the city the following particulars are 'learned iu regard to a valuable discovery itj.au old mine iu Daviidson county. During the past week Ciipt. Fred. H. Stith discove!n:d at his Ward Gold Mine two additional lodes-, one silver and the other gtild, -which now makes 10 well-defined jniamm'dh veins er: braced in a width of 1,000 feet. On? of them is 400 feet wide, and the shaft, only 8 feet deep, cuts n "rood ore. The silver s found in a very fine. granulated, white quartz, entirely dissimilar to any other mine in the belt, and both bodies ate mammoth in size, inexhaustible in quantity, for the ground lias been broken 20 feet in rear of the extreme western lode, and no wall yet found. A shaft was sunk 10 feet deep in 1868 and by ignorant; miners condemned and abandoned. On Easter a fragment was taken from the waste pile dud submitted to an assayer. and by his test and one made in iNew lork contains from $17 to $60 per ton. This, it is said, can be jminea, mmeti, etc, tor $1 per ton. A 'practical miuer, who was for years on the Comstock ajnd all over the West. nas examined these veuis, and de clares that whenj a depth of 200 feet is obtained the Silver -veins will 'rival in, richness and i quantity any mine in tlie world, anil hfralso speaks well or tne gold veinsras beinsr more nro mising than any ho has seen in the btate. j Speaking of the veins it should be borne in mind that at appoints of it- area is contained gold in surface, which is from 3jto 4 feet in bed thick ness. This surface gold varies in size from a pin point to 47 dwt. n 11 irro nearly crystal ine and some of it is I .. tV I ! flM . uuautiiui. lins mass is inter spersed with cjuart aud ferriferous i'""! urestui to ue morn valuable than the surface soil itself. Several hundred tons are now rp:wlv for the mill. Tljc development of this valuable mine, Hvhlch years ago was endorsed by strcli astute and practical men as uc. James Kitr it n,v v Tic Little Toa l. i i nave couic in "reat numoer He v,as an entire stranger to the girls present, and the boys, were mean and would r.ot 'introduce him. He finally plucked up courage and step ping up to a young lady requested the pleasure of her company fur tho next dance. She looked at him in nice. ".Well," remarked he, "von the world, and it is btlieved that not Itss than five hundred thousand persons are well, and att!diig to tlie dulierf of life free Iroau pain, wlihavcan Alleock'a Porous Plaster sorae whire about thetu, and who, but for tlie said jdatlter,-would be prostrate upon a bedof ago nv. Upside;!, a peculiar piny, plcasnnt od-or, halo. or (ttfiwzpkere exhales from then by the vximith of tlie body, imperceptible lo the eve, Lut which envelop tlie person in a cloud of thin vapory through which contagion cannot penetrate. In ract'j A IlCGck a Plasters supply an atmosphere like that from balsam orpine wood, .and no doubt allract ozone. Il'Aen cotiiagiou-i Or infect inuk dise-a.e8 are about, they should be ro.fa on the chart or back as prevent lies. THE ALICSCX'S P030U3 PIASTER ootlies pain, reanimates torpid limbf heeins, iu many case, to revive the powern; of life. The great demand proves them to be; used as a universal remedy. They are convenient of ap plication, and safe for all, being incapable of produfing-any injurious eut'Cls. . pr. V-iltntine Mutt, Dr. Johiipon, of Hart ford, and Dr. Myers, of .Savannah, havnpoken of them iu the highest terms. The great Motl mi id? "Tiicy were all that could he- hoped for in a piaster .-nnple, cleanly and adncatve; perfect as artificial supporters of the muscles; and for pains, because of their counter-irritant qualities, us u illy at once giviujr ease.'! Local weakness of lhe back, breast and i-ide, always benefited, thus curing lumbago in u Iciv hours, sometimes tn a few minutes. ; In serious heart and chest affections (heir use causes an absorption or evaporation of wa- surprise, and informed hill) that she i ter, by which dropsy of the heart and hydro- had lint the pleasure of his acqu.lint ibr have undou.ae.l.y been cnre.t : I ... 1 I lu-v ainionr to have a tiecu i:ir enect inon . I I . : the nervous, allaying irriial iiily while supply in jt wanoth. They seem to accmnUte eiec trility. and aid the circilaiion of tiie blood thouih the part where applied, by which lu-K'tby actions a re induced. !r jf he Porous Plasters are flexible, ai)d found of jgreat help to those who have weak backs or;iains in me suie. r.-iieciauv re inev vai- !de to th(je who have neglected colds. They olien preventives t eoisunip(ion ; nav, tliy are believed to have loosened the grasp of s terri!!e aflliei ion. a;i'l had been1 niniiuv initrumeiita 1 in t ill'cting a cine. In variable cliruaies they sltoiiKl bo won) on the breast, or between the shoulders, or over the kidneys, by thbse who are subject to take cold easily. This ssihple plan will soon produce constitutional vigcn- that will enable one to rtsist exlraordi ti:irv ch uigrs of temperature. Kx p'erience has proved the Porous Planter to be a blessing to HBO. BI T m it it) HEASQUA-TE.13' FOR Fruits, Cigars, Pictures, Candies, Books, And Pic t ur e-Fr au e a tf HA Soil A PI? An LI wv Aha t-.--El-.y.T-a 65- AND S?ERff:ATQ3HH9EA. . 5-.:-- i-t- ';- don't take an do." more chanees than 1 W 11 K X YOU II A I At Lov7 Figures on the underpinned I) A . AT V ELI. . C.Jnn.S If. A valr-) A Heir,. wave eCfoct t.a ttio SAxuil nt nrvousornanl the drain from the 8ystB,, restoring the iMnS to tjaltU and soua.1 memory, removing the Biavnesa Aversion to eociaty. etc.. etc.. and the aprViraSfa of prematura old. aso ususliy acodmriyW thii trouble, und restore irfet Sexual Viiror whera it b as been dormficl f or voars. 1 his mode ji tre!tt " meut has ctood tt isst la very severo cascsl and is cxv a prannuueda success. I:uga aroloo mnch prv icrtbed In these troubles, d,'as many can btar wit- ' i:i n.i .oaflcsso alxjut tU'5 l'reparaiioa. Prurtlfjlok. t.rr lil irl"- t,, i!. Call S;tlishut v X aaj iluu iMtioi lit .aw, Tltt& TA til A'. WBSTSStlT- H. C. Hailroad. Takes enect M'-'n-lay, ii.Zi o'clock-, A. M., AnM! AitmvE. i.F.vrr. SPA VI' U0 AM. saiiH.mi s fv a.mi APTilVE. -J : li.lll 1 4 1-i ; LEAVE. I 3 I'O V S2 i ! I'l . ! 10 ;.s ; n it ' 11 ST 12 14 p.rrj Ikiot 1 It ! 1 H ! ; 2 S3 i :. ' ' i 4 42 j 4 33 ! r.u ! 5 20 1 ) 1 Sti i .".I 3'.' !5 p.ni il -10 3T0 Tmva i rt-i- Kl.;i ()'.-( ;.Sint('b l .U' i Nov. ton i-1 kory loai-.l ;.!.rr;r.iiion ;ri ; aur rl ;Marto.i ;!'" j. ijrl Kort j ,J 4" ''Hrnrv j 0 3T iRl k Mountain j s 41 'r',iO').T's : 24 9wxnn.ir.oa ! s v'4 A-.hevr.i-c JuVf. u !As!iovi.le I 11 1 1 in i i sooti.ir. Toad: the summer heat h-iyino- hrouoht hosts of insects upon which they j'etd. At dusk toady is ahroad, collectii o his supper, and a fine banquet he en- ivs. iSomet lines he sees u moth lin- ;ering on a brick Wall, contemplating, the morrow, when it shall deposit on the lindens ail the eggs it Uvts brought to this market, and thinking how prosperous evtryihing.will look when two millions caterpillars occupy every spray of the shade trees. Toady is at the wall in an instant, and, with a clumsy leaj) ami lightning thrust of his tongue, he takes in mothy and the whole caterpilhuvcolony at once. No linden le.ives for that family. Jt was the sparrow's business to eat this moth, but of course that little humbug is nowhere to be seen, for he is on his roost. The moth had been flying about under his nose all day, but he was too much occupied with his own noise to give any attention to any thing else. After loady has swallow ed the moth, he goes and sits on the brick walk, ami yon can -ee his tongue darting out every instant, but can not see what he is getting per haps pissmires, for he frequently goes to the ant when he is hungry. An other day, -however, brings sorrow to to toady. Asie is half burrowing in a cool place in the grass, tne lawn mower comes along and the cruel knives disembowel him with a stroke as lightning-like as that which brings, him his own food Louisville Couri er Journal. Aye, and if not a lawn mower, a black snake comes along and takes iii toady and the moth both, or the hard-hearted small boy smashes him with a brick. C3r-Tralns run t. t'ly. s mrUys e'xccpte.i. r Gfnger, Bdfha, Bandrake, Stilling! andt mny oiner ot f'tc poi fim:uilhici nimwn arc tom- bined io skillluny iu "auker s oin.er l omc as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the BestllealthaadStrenglh Restorer eTcr used. It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sleeolestness. and all disedes of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungt, Liver, Kidney, Urinary Crgnsj and all Female Ccmpiaints. 1 It you are wasting aw.iy vun i,nr,imptmn cr an v disease. use the Tom-, to-day. No matter what your symptoms may be. it will s-urely help you. i Kememiier! x nis iomc Curts oruatenne". is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely different from Bitter. Gmcer Preparations and E other Tonics, and combines the best curative prop erties of all. Euv a oc. bottle of your druccist None genuine without our signature on outside 4 i , r u -m ; . v.. m II t :.rt .i.u ;.,i:.. . . ..-.i,.,.. lurnlsat.-i -Aii.i it.---.--- in tlie ni'Kt roiii :rU:i:le luiatt-nicut ol the worst syniptom. Prin'iioal A?caeT. 331 Canal : Street. TTewYork Ct; ail for Sabi by ail Bmists, 2Cjlv-il. iTTll Ti Voi;ri-lves by Tu.iMipr money v.'jnn Ul U a koI.kmi ;..!' I oi'forofj, ilierohy Si 1 1 1 1 1 i'l.v.us i;ei-;; p.ivrify tnia yo.ir UUL1 (lr.r. Tho Wm :m'..-.i;. s T i' ivi- vdjiita'-a' ct thegi.ict cli.iiiv.;' rr infont-.v that I oaort'.l. rfPU'Trii:.ni!'fi1if -altr.y, til.U' Ihofc,' vsio no no. liapro t- .-u.:ii t ii-.!i:- - rtm:'In ib j -overt . I Wp v t many tu-n. vu:n:i. l.:.vs na-i ti to work toi- ns njiiil In th ir o.vn i;et'.!tl s. Tiitj Iu?ims I Wt'.l p iiion than tni tl'uc-s r uri..ry wrf. s. Vi I iurni-'i! an e.pfii.-i o vc.C.u .-ivl all tU-.n 1m u uf.' i, . frf . "o on'. won i :-. tails to n.::ikf (mmey v i r.v ri:ilh". in rao : ',c i:ur w :i: ; i fiis r- to T 1; vi:rK or only v:ur :); iir"''.u':;i-. Kii:i!iroriiiatI.ju j an I all thai Is ntvii'il ben; i: -. AiMroMt. ! si-lv Sri.s-st & Co.. 5'.,iti.n.di Vaine. OADIrDiC UA1D DAI CAM Tb btod mfBt eeo- bouucaI lUir Drttiuij lo.lv. FIRE! -FIE r, FIRE !!! 1 1 i in ti'ne antl rrpare yourself too late, by culling nt B. Wilder and thers is awaited with interest. Charfotte Observer. fThat esCon(ederate"officer who re cently attempted to commit suinidp in Canada because; charged with .stealing turns nut u h rhpirintt; iew Or!ea:is wljo t'e amped with $7, u00,ieayinghiskvife behind and mar rying another woman. Now there is not qmtc so miicii fympathr felt for 1 liim. : As the new liquor law of Nebrska is exciting much comment every where, we give below some of tlie principal features of thtsane: A license of 1,000 per year for each saloon iri cities of over 10,000 people, and 8500 in cities of liss than 10,000 inhabitants; the saloon-keeper must must give a 5,000 bond, and must present a petition sigued by tbirtv free holders before he can obtain a license; no bmdstnan can go upon more than one bond ; no liquor can be given away ; no screens are to be permitted: exceptions are made iu favor of the sale and use of liquor for medical chemical and scientific purpose only; druggist do not have to take out li ceuse, but are obliged to keep a verv complete record ot all sales. Another law known as the aiiti-trealrn? bill was passed. It prohibits one man treatinganolhfir.and make it a misde meanor punishable by a fine and im prisonment,:' Both of these laws o into cCect within nine da vs. TIIE IN'SUItANCE AG OX Y OF J. ALLEN BEOWN, anil obtaining Polify of Insurance Miains! los or (la.iiai;e by FIIIE or L10IITNIXO. This is tlie LARGEST AGEMSY IU Th'E STATE. A NEW KIND 0? WATCH CASE. j New b;'? ius U Is ;inly within the las' in .v y.-;irs t i'aat It Uxs ! l.u.).-ov?l a 1 1 brought wir;iia tlx ! i-!a'.':t oi i'Vi".'. o:a'; ol,l in priucis'le beeaiisf the ;irst ti;v:iti-! wa- iaalo an-i t;i nr.-' piuai t.ik-n jnt. irl.v t'.v 'ii'.y years ajo, anJ h.i.v.-j uiafle at tu-it tliii' aril worn Vfr sla.-i-. aro :;''arly a t;0.".l n.;w. Ite.i'1 tht; fail r.vln? which Is only unv c.f :n .!. liuaircls, your jev. eicro can tell .01 siuill.tr ones: M N5riEi n, Pa., May.ss HI.?. I li ve a ("iroair w'i h is , jri1-l- '. of Ross' patent e.riw littvi'ii ymti-s anl I l-ncv. it two years bi'forc He ct il, and it i.ov." iippcars tfmNl for ten ve u-s longer. K. E. )LXEY. lrciambcr t ;ir t .las Piw' Is tlie only patent qase Tnail" of f.vo pl.if.-s of solid ;-oiJ (ow vyv.Me m! ksp 1'asi.lei i-overiu every prt exivis:l to v. eiir or sui;t. tne nv it 'iv. mtaue of these plates over ,.)0,.iV;..ojliliii is apparent to everyone, p.o.ss's Hie only p.iU'til e'.st'v. jtii wlueli there is alven a viitti-n vanaiit, i.i w'uli ii tlie lollov. li.j; id a fue i 4 T H a r v it ! a-if: i THE inn.i:: AIJOtKlNi Ti;E tl'iiTKOVf.E. j i j owners of (;o!J Mir.liej .aa.isa:)'l T;i:.vf :v, put l i ' ; o'oiiiiair.:! ..!-.,. All miA'i.: i-rtom-ts ir.;-et ymv.?'. atfrati i - X3,os.;r,oant::.e-Al:.:ua. I f J sflit".. ;. n i U'.l liianer.i ui .. i..:i,:i:.i;.uvn Ercecut nr. s'ttH-.l j Inn 1 1 ail uv.vrr iithrs c ircfuily i;u.U-,-a1.'.l. j REAL ESTATE AGE-ICY, I . : : : 3 s irr 1 .. 'A :' n ! an-.l a-tj i:i-.r; :oii:ii:- O-Juziit i.i: v Cimr::r.L';;tKa t-.iicHtd :h to : bny or .: d. AiT.iti rt-ni'-nts ma'ie to pitroL-.'e :)(-. latu?s 1ft ' Fl.n-i ii. i .to 1 ttrf.- a a .i-l r-. k.iO u , tilO ppljli'.'i.-M U!nt;. : I I.aii's for tile m Iiiluot.-, arri nl.-H tli; J.nr.ci i river m Viitaia. j I Par'.'.' s -P to .'. :. or ron. ' t-. North C arc! In a IUrili-a'."l All. L it-V'-.-M.. i..;-ii;ii.-.H. t I n .-'-- ; -hi - ir -i!i l o!.l ;.! r". r-ie rro'V:eil j ; line of tb- .Va i :-al s.i.io try r .li.a.!. vtfis; I r.u 1 f b- ii"ii;;vit"; tier Ao-o:i. :.. ant .'.)-; . I a"n on i::i -s ; ! i 1'. e m'!1 .-i.u- iu! or t.' "t . 'i i.t orer r. ! . ..... .1 . ..! ... -i i '..(.:- e - i:f Tie ! . - I pi: ci t.ics: . w.i'ouo o i i -i-i i . A ri'aa-eir.'T'ts i-ic: iTeil'-ri't' 0 to p'o towu.'.otj. ia S.insbuiy :.:.'. ct oiin-r p'i!:,:.- in m.'"'. i. . I P.s. A '.o.H'.o i rea l;. I : s o. il :'o s'.r .' '..".far.-w jtr-oa -.t -. .! f.;:i-. : s r w:; i:.-.- ;: I rr"-Tyy a R ri A '...H 1 ffSi-fS!mi Si. kivj cattef.-.cwon. Uui-ias vit eicht vr th.. i it uia beta (3 KCficratnsa.Wo tave tiinusacdsuf teU I ii-.o.-.ia! as 1. 1 lis vpitjo, tad it is now coareaej by tba ' r-JW.,.I I'r.Vor.iicn to bs tho most rritirir.i.1 n.i.n. lltO- Q, -raMi :"5v-jrtof risr.ciacaadctiriat'iisvrjrpreralent ' t trouLle. is well kao-.rn ti) be tbo oanso of untold . n-S-rv io su rif.nv.aad ni?Ti whom O'lacks nr,.yiriii. their n-.?:i!j ci-..r ims eil bi faca. TU Uimoif ii f.i 2i ir. iint bixes. of thnra sires. J"o. 1. (enourh t- tjir.1 Ror.is,) S 3; i-o. 2, isuiiicient to pfsctaper-r:i:i;-rt cura, unless i.i navi-re cases,) SSiNo. 3, 0...ui o-2t t'-.iC cirnjtbs, will e:p em:ssions anl r-tor-.i-v;t;.iT in tbe wor.t casesO $7. Spnt by mail, s-;..!, ;t i laia v.Trirs. lull DIREC7iC5T3 for u'r. r v. ill ftconincny EACli BOX. fj '(" 7'fZtin? it, irititli it-iil (onrinrr a MAf:3 KZttZDY CO. KPO. CRISIS. f.'nrct rr i C!h tits. f?T.. LOUIS, Mo. ii.'' '..-i.-.f ;-cr-m I t!uit tliryttin l:s. t i ft t'j ;'Vrt ntaklk.QutiM:h fit- re,; fa- tn:' 'tlicn af fi. Htnne. an if mm Treut r.HCtronia DIsear?.'. nnd enjoy nation, pi re;.;itHti.i tliroui;h-:ha c tri:cnf cumeUttKtt'dk-KKc !N0!SC7STiOPiorEK:po.SUHE1-Jw- ; mertyj-iiCtiStiCMX. .-r ..ir iTif-m -hgr f. f -tioiH of taa l.looil. bkiir i;..u. trwiUnt i(ti toe. CO, without nsuu Mo.n uo or i'tuxncuo Mdkion. YOU Pi C M E N T,iJO 1 r'-v ritfBfrom tbepSerts fr-:srTii;si.,w1jui t -. !si - that u.-iit its vic t:.us for tFn-t-w-a crJr.n'ri-T-n. I ( rniRnpntly enrpd. A T 5 E W T ST -T S A T E r aa a ei-. j-.-rwa:ii io.ivt-.:';'oa pr 'trrt-l, ;.ici and ir.vil- f !. Livl' i -tftiirii.il lo tr :.s-AtTi-1 uy f U dcpiriog trial riit-n! m.i t t Ir-e n aty r. lorc-s :: 3;-i'Ii-iiijri. j iai Ir::r:i oit lb.:.,- !t ! cii tlan!ii:r. II It not a triits. Co c .1 --tjii.:iiy ririijt-! till, -t d ihtmi.i irt4r5U,i Vicsc's IIXU5TEATLD FLORAL GTJIDE : P-si i :m IflP.int Eock of l-.'u Pajres, Cne C'ol- v er I'iaie. aiel Caa Illu-trai lous. with U:.- (,'t.ihe bt fct r lowers and Veeab!is, anl riio;,.s fe,r crov.iiiT. Only lo cei.ts. In Ktr- I , -.. e.r iV-iaiMi. II you afterwards onler svts tie c;.: ; i ;.( v.. i-eijts. VicK s. is are the best la tlie world. The L i Ol iliEl'. ill tell l.O V tn f et'f.liil jn'OW tliOID. h;:c-; flowed ani vk. k ia m.ri oai;ik.v, r: ik,ix". t". ickivd I -i.it rs. 5m:i l-aisrayintrs. Korirt .Uu :Hii j- ov.rrs; ;i.ou ja ti yaat: cioiii. jo .rVm '-r i'lj iOf-ii. . !i -. K i-. S tl i.Lsi (I AT KI) :n.NTi:i.Y MA.AZISE ?.: i'.-..-s.u ,o!'ifd -Plate in every npniljer and inv tne KnraMn.-s.. 1 ili-e fl.vs a-ieurrFite . e, r ;-..ea. sp-. iiiivii Nuinbeis $cut for;i9 - : s t.iai eo. i: inr ercts. j J WES Vii'K. lioehestjer.N. , Tin HEW TOEK OBSERVES. rarest and Best Family paper n - tho World.11 r : Ml ft k Si-3 t- Ll 4 CI L'-j v.i -1 n r-a W ' ' lllM I ' --m Agreyate Assets represented over 900,000,000 All First Class Cos.. ineludinir English as well as Ameiieim. anil our own Statu Cos. All Policies written here at tills Agency. JT"Loss(.5 promptly scttlf.fi. SPECIAL RATS3 made on ;ood Dwellings, Furniture, and Farm proportv, tor a term of 3 to 0 veins. Feb. 1G, 'SI. . tf 3 tit s c - S 141 a. 5 a KJ - - W I 7..- . ,4.-7-tv imt vKf.cunr'UcrM w.J See that you pet tne jruarant.ee with each case Aslk your Jeweler lor iiltiiDrateit c tf aiogite. THE BEST PAPEil ! TRY ST. BEAOTIFULLYLLLU3T2ATED. 33 th TTSAS. DEVON BULL. I have a fine De on utoci animal tor public sor vice at mJra;e raoi. A,-?;!y 10 SallsU-ryj o TV AT7J3.L. yTije 3rir ntifsr 3Lmiroa.' The-??ci: JTFic Amkrican is a large Fiist tlas.s Weekly Newspaper of .Sixteen paj;es, printed in the most beautiful style, prufuszly illustrated with splendid en'jruvtn'ji, reprcseiiliiig die newest inventions and tlie most j tietit Ad vanees in tlie arts ;:"i;tl siitiiceRineludiii" new and interest!! faets in Agriculture, llottictil ture, tlie lloaie, I lealtli, Medieal Froyress, -Social 65eier.ee, Natural History, JeyIo;y, As tronomy. The 'aiost val-iable praelijjil papers bv emhient writers in all departments of sci ence, will be found in llie Sc.it ntiiie American. Terms, 3.20 per year, $1.C0 lialf year, wiiieh includes postage. Discount to Agents. Single copies, ten cents. 6:old by ilC news dealers. Ken.il by posial order lo J A uxx & Co., Publisher---, oT Faik llow, New York. PATENTS. Iu connection! willi tbe Scientific Amekk ak, Mmsrs. Miinn & Co. are .Solicitors ot A n.i rit un and Forei u Pat ents, liave liad G5 year experience i.ei now have llie largest ista!!iliuieiit in the world. Patent are obtained on t lit best terms A spe cial notice is made in tlie Scientific Aineiicr.n of all inventions patent d tlirciigb lliisagency, with name and residence of the paler tte. Any person who has made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free tf charge whether a patent can probably be 'obtained, by writing to Miinn & Co. We also se nd free our Hand Hook about the patent la Win, patents, caveats; trade mark, their tl, :ind bow pro cured, with hint for jiroeHring advances 01: in vention. Ariifrt ssior me pnnrr. or concern ing patents. MUNN & CO. 37 Psiirk Eow, rew lork Branch O.licl:, cor. F & 7th Sts. IWashiug- on.t D. C. Is made troin a r.a-.i:e ironical Let 01 ...ire Value, uiifl Is a PObi 'f iVE hEKEDYior all 1110 cil-vMso.sUi.tl c.iii-f ;vi 1:1 t ae lower i-n ! (i! lae bo ly- tor l'.i.-jii t i.i.vr- -I'C'Vl i i'e.-s .lautfilc Vl-:v.iu::. tH-av.-i. Me! ilia, an i al ii!i' ul: les ot th Kiip.ev. i.ivcr. as; 1 Urinary -rj.ias. 1 t.r F ALE DtStASES iy nMnuiien-.au.iu.i. Frei-ii-in -v. ii u-t." ri: c ;n .1. It rosier s tne i.i x.iai that i.f,!.'' ; he Lliiei. .. -vi li.-noe l.-til-.- b.-.-t RLOOD PUfilFISH. It.ts 1 e- i! k.M.. a i'e:i! .! U.-i. -.vrs B.-ISHT'S DI-t.ASS. l-'T I'tabetes,. U.e iAUN Eirs .;. Ki" DIAHK 1 KstTl.T.. F,r s-a.- by l'ri'r:i.s .;i:! P-alers a! $1.23 r.cr b:)!t:.e. l-ar--et 'Milt- ia Use ii:;i'.-:et. in a. H. H VV A H H E R & iJLl'l it ():m';T fr-.-e i" Uu i i ttie lil't-t c.-1 :-tlit : .1-., : : 1 'r.i:is e-.v. v'.ii-i J J insir-ii. V.'e v-.-iil :.ir. i.vi yo;: er iiil.r. la a ta.v aul n.i-.var.'l-. H a-t.y ma v.-iI:h-jii..;.mii awav Imui ltotiii- over mii!.. 'o 1 1 '.; wiialcv.-r. Manv now wvtiij-rs v.-.ia-c.i :t .v.e1. .! .my ate raa. kintc f )rl!inf-s :-U tie tji.-)M s J . j - 1 - i.i'.:e ;isi;.ik !i at.s men. and your.:;-t-oy,- a .at uli'.-i. e.:..e jit at V-Qf-XooiiP wao 1.4 . lili.'iS? to v... tK 1 li'.s 10 aa.c i-i.r-' tnutiey every day Una c rt iu"!.o In u lui--. at auv ordiiiarv e:-,i,)!.-'.v .'a.-i:. 'i '...-e War. ut once will liud a Ms-il re- ' ten-n..j. Add.es., ii. tlAi.i.-:ii a. v-o., l o. li.llstl, Maine. ti:!y :'i ;ivi ta 1 -1 1 : r t"c ,:y:e b im s U 11 a i;-- S-7 r for Sa iii pic Copy--Free. -rvj ptosis oBsunvsit, "1 nutr.t. f'lrrt-.ried tree, willi fj 1 lis struct tons 5 g .,reori(l.!Cti:ij,' the m':-t prii:ta!e baslnc tt i-iUV'..:if cm ei!?-i;e in. m ' ......... .c nra li .o c.sy to le.ii u, ;.ii,i e.'irn.Miii' i' " .;u plali. tli.it iliiveneean niaU: great pro-.- l'ts tiiaa '.!: i rv si. .n. nonec.in l.ni wimm lux t. v. . c'aina-m ah s'i-eesMii; asraen. Bay nifl "iris t-srt r ; r.i ! ire smns. .Many utnc iuauc t tite't?:sv;-"v... over one h'.-ndnd i!.,!!ars ifi a &intf ; u oi-H- :.i!il;i; lll.f li i-r 1-nown lsetorf. All wno . e-i v--r itie MiiMrtscd at the ease al KfM'My wlIB ! wiii 'ii thev ::r? :iVS. r make monrv. Vu eun t-D- , rr.,o- ., t 1 i.l uess l 'i ri yoo r sj A re t lrne t giwt j t t vuu, 1.01 h:: v! in 'Invest rflta Iu It. I ikaYith'v I-1.-K-. TLO.-.0 wlio r-f d reatly iacD-y, ..-,..... 1 .. .(.. 1. r.Ti..,. Al! fernl-l.efl free-A0- i.vt iv. 1.. u. . ......... TKL'K S. CO., AUUfcia, -nai" 1 U.v. 5'i:ly -fJUST RECEIVED I- ; AT liICHMOHD PRICES: obtained for new inventions, or for improve-! ments in old ones. Caveats, I nfi iirgcmci.ts, ; Trade-Mai k, ami t-Il patti.t biisiiu-n piumpt ly attended to. I Inventions that have been Rrj-oteJ ' mav siiil. in 11111 ca.-e.-, be ji iu-iiUii by u. Ucinjr opposite the IT. S. T ;!cnl l.Tl. o. and en- ira-ed in Patent Eusin?55 Zsclusively, ! wecanstcme p.ittntsin lir- t ime than dboc j who are remote from Wa.-hi; tm:. j When Inventors -end mod I or sketi h,w-e ma'ie search in the Patent Oifice, ami advi-ej as to its patenabiiity free of charge. Cirre- pon-U-r.ce conJWriitial : !Vt s r; -:isnable ; and; Ho Charts Unless Patent i-j Obtained, j We refer bv permission to the (,'ity Pii!-; mns'.c-r. find to tlie Superintt nd I.I of tht I'ot i ( If He? Mon y Order r i v i s- ? . : 1 1 in Waiisnt.n. ' For.-pecial icfeienecs. t ire!.': 1. novice, tt-rms, . &C , addre-s 0. A. SN0V7 & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Wa. liingtoir, D. C. 1 8:tf - ' Red and Sajilcn C'lovor, : ( )rciarl ( inis, Timothy and AtENNISS1" GARDEN-SEEDS, JUST RIXEIVKD: ; ' idinlretliV, IluislV. Fon-yV, Johnson' Koobins' tve, t Wh.okalo and Krtail At ENHISS I ciaOH SETS For Sale ; ri CURES ,i S'JUB Stomach, J Foul Eseath Ckeap Chattel Mort various jCir blank for sale l.ere CURES !mc!Cestiom, b!ckk.acac!:s C03TrENESS. - ykiiJ t-cv Splits. Dyspepsia, lpftfS'--.- cnlarcsstw ! 17:if Onion Sets At LNM It 5s31rrM 1 11 r Mpst, an1 ou'y rnnlna Firs inons M iliiine now in market. rfefar-d only ty f. K. S 1 MijONsi Co. 2ai0-li U'k Av. St. I.011K, mwuH to M. A. SiHinipns, M. I. In'e&e ami il li-jf.lea ani packs;.: &uii hj nil DruRgliti- IS LAN The nn'Urd,ned, having been - rHj .uperii.r Court of llowan ,um..v-.-or, ..11. behind owned by 3. U BONDS To make Title to Land, nml LuUoim an 1 B L AKK ADIIIIi I3TI. A'L Olt'S son cm Fot 5;.!o at lliih Olfuc. tbe k. j i n r G. U. Loop. , ami 2. m, common, will, on thc'-Uin o?j jor -it bein, .Ue J... day o. . ? n -j Court of.tr a.t piioue s.ne u. , lraC,0r in Salisbury, il.e.folluwinjt der.lad rl 8eventv aries, hi.mc - . r .. 111. I 'r... L' ilU '- land, to wit ing on tiie water-; o .i. i i, .a T ..... WoodMile untl ml- ca-n, :ind oiie-lhiro in twuve (illf U'l montrs, ami ...u,ii.Uioner. :iV of .mIc A. Kum . , 4,m Apii! 2.., 131. ' r" !' . l : Bit rd-Tasb, one-i .ir-f )iiin-