- - ...... I. I . I I Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, J58I'. John Spelmnn, Esq., has revived hi JState Journal. "' Gen Grant sailed from Vera Cruz for Kew Orleans, last Saturday i Er-Goremor Keid is reported danger JDttsly ill from a stroke of paralysis M. P. Key, of Hautsville, Ala., is said to hare invented a gnu Jhat fires 3,000 hots a minute. , The Republicans of Ohio endorse Pres ident Garfield and strongly denounce Conkling and Piatt. The Democrats of Tarboro having to face two evils, took the lesser and elected tt negro mayor over a white radical Vance county is established, the voters within the proposed district have rati fied thect making it a county by a large hiajority A yodng mau named Wm. II, Salisbury, ill nephew of Ben. Battler, is to be hanged for murder at Colorado Springs, on the J7th inat. The Southern Presbyterian General Assembly has fixed upon Atlanta, Ga.f as the place for its next meeting.' The Charlotte Bar room3 are closed. It is said that the liquor men did a big busi ness for the last few days. President Garfield has promised to attend Ihe Cotton Exposition at Atlanta, if his of ficial duties will permit. ' "The North Carolina troops, under Gov ernor Jarvis, will be absent at the Yorktown Centennial one week. They will be in camp at Yorktown Oct. 17, 18, 19 and 20. - The anti-prohibitionists met at Raleigh, Jesterday, in Convention for the purpose of Arraying their forces to defeat the adoption of the prohibition bill; The National Anti-Monopoly League, f New York, are flooding the country with Circulars and other readings matter favora ble tbtheir principles. It is thought that if -Conkling fails with the New. York legislature, he will join the League. A lad of New York city found a valua ble brooch, richly set with dhtriionds, which he promptly returncd to the awner, Mrs. VV. II. Vaudeibilt, whose husband, piopcily appreciating the honesty of the " boy, has secured his employment on the N. Y. Central Railroad, and will so provide for his father. AV. F. Henderson "Windy Billy," it is said, has the inside track for the nomi nation as U. S. marshal for the Western LMstrict of North Carolina. Serious charges of gross carelessness in Douglas' accounts with the department, which if true should cause his prompt removal, f Secretary Wiudoni is investigating his case. At a recent anti-prohibition meeting in Wake county, resolutions were passed which declared that the prohibition move men t was a step towards uniting Church and State, a thing to bo deprecated, &c anades of departed ghosts ! Can it be that Bober, sane minds would resort to such ridiculously absurd a plea, and it too, in the Old or th State? Bah! her citizens are not all idiots. -Why has uo one proposed a dinner to uoniuinganariattt Can it be possible bun me umuer is iaaing out or American pontics i mis should be inquired into Cincinnati Enquirer. That New York diuner given to Dor sey, of the Star Route steal, was enough to kill all similar attempts for twelve iiioiuns to come, especiallyin New York. ltd. Star. Why not keep the pot boiling, and have Grant to preside with Conkling and Garfield as guests T Who knows but the result might be the burying of the toma hawk, and the re-issuing of the manifesto, "Let us hate peace;' briugiug the Tvhole Republican party to their knees before these political gods T A Bear ix Iredell5. The people in the neighborhood of Settle P. 0., Iredell county, were greatly surprised and stir red np two weeks ago by the visit of a huir. : T r i;l a . . . r - , "vi u iiujiuiiani uiiscuier, out the presence of such a visitor soon called together a large number of nieu and boys to capture or kill him. He was seen at points and bv various persons j swam Dr. J. W. Ellis' mill pond passed a school hous. imi r' . . 1 " "o OICU UV the teacher and others. But the hunt and chase was fruitless. Bruin was smart enough to get out of the way with safety. Toe Cherokee fcDiAxs to be Removed ashington May 25.-Arrangemen?s !hf JSf V? ? thC Indiceto effect Jbe removal of about seventy of the North Tcrritonr TMk 'f l the Ind5 xa ine name .of common sense 1 Who in augurated this movement 1 What haTe these Ioor Indians donewhen did thev commit a crime I Do the people of North Carolina want them eat of the way t If so, when 4d they appcafto the government to move Jthernt.. We arti opposed to mnlesUog them- they are dofag no harm and it will onW tenA tl -jexterminate the - - ujuv.e mem. it Should be a matter of State pride Jo pre scrve them-let them alone. No Jicbe. or bark-ache for ladie. if- VtThco.F,KIutlxs That Postal Card. The postal that Johu Carmichael sent to Senator Vance has become faroons, and its fame will gv on for time to come.. From theviudica tions, Mahone,) (the power behind the throne), will get the worst of it. Ve cannot give it all, bnt append what Gen Hauton said iu behalf of his client at the examination : ! Gen. Hunton made a noble' plea in be half of his client. He pronounced Mr Carmichael as !npright, peaceable, and honorable a man as there was in the country. The trouble is he is honest, and will call a spade a spade. This must not be, as the information would show, a prosecution in favor of Senator Mahone. If it i let the imforinatiou be amencd so as to read that Carmichael committed an offense Mu violation of the lights of Sen ator Mahone, and against bis dignity. This postal card does not taint the pub lic morals. It docs hurt Mahone, but he has, if he sees tit, a personal satisfaction, ora rcconrse to the State Courts. Crimi nal lawsarc made to protect the public, not to avenge the assaults on individual character. If the postoHice department nirna-to put a stop to the transmission of oltensive matter through the mails, why does it not stop certain papers, the iew York Her Jtal d for example, .daily filled with vile abuse of the President ten times more "indecent than the words of this postal card. Again, the word 'damn1 J a. it -1 If ll is not jrrevereniiai especially u applied to M&houe. The deg is certainly not en titled to reverence as to Mahoue's claim for reverence, you can come to any con clusion you please. This prosecution was started in wrong, and it ought to lie squelched. As to calling Mahoue a 'damn dog,' that is a matter of taste but it is no violation of the law. United States Commissioner Fowler decided that the words 'damn vdog' were offensive to the fine delicacy of the pub lic, and he therefore, held Mr. Carmichael to appear, under $500 bond, before the United States Circuit Court, to convene in Alexandria on the 15th of July. The bond was promptly filed. Here' is the card : "Senator Z. B. Vance, N. C, U. S. S Washington, D. C. : Please send me your speech on that damn dog Mahone. , Respectfuly. John Carmichael. Middlebury, Loudnun county, Virginia. March 31st, 1881." The New York Sun, ever on the alert for sensations, is nosing out a new fraud. From its Washington special of the 25th of May, we gather the following: Mr. Blaine has been cnusht in the Star Route swindle. Hence his business in NewYoik was urgent, as well as private and personal. Weeks ago Bradly and Dorsey gave Mr. Blaine notice that if the proceedings against them were not stopped, they would foreclose on him. i 1 conclude Blaine has not been able to.lstop the proceedings. Hence the begiuriiug of the foreclosure agaiust him. His! visit to New York was to fix things np. j But we have it fronijthe Baltimore Sun of the 28th, that Mr. Blaine flatly and iu diguautly denies "that he is iu any way concerned or implicated iu the scandal; and that both the Post Master-General and the Attornejj-Geueral assert that there is nothing to! show that Mr. Blaine has ever had anything to do with the star routes". Yet one thing is certain, all of Blaine's heelers and strikers are more or less implicated in the star joute contracts. j The near future seprns likely to bring to light still further developments heighten ing the uuenviablelreputation of many of tne great Republican stalwarts. The State Republican Executive Com mittce met in Raleigh last week, for the purpose ot consulting n3 to what action should be taken by that party on the x roniouion mil. Tiiero was no definite action beside the appoiutiug of a sub committee to further consider the matter. There was a want of unanimity in the committee on other j matters which were discussed, aud resolutions were offered, it is supposed, in ridicule of tho colored con vention, which was; held in Raleigh the week before. In brief the resolutions were, that as the colored people of the State cast the bulk of the Republican vote they deserve.a larger share of pat ronage from the party; therefore, where tho colored element perdominates no- mericaily, in the matter of county elec tions and offices, nono but colored mu should be nominated and elected to said omces. iut this was too black a pill for some of them to swallow and the resolu tions were tabled, aud another onniW. ed asking President Garfield to remem ber tho poor darkeys by bestowing on them a portion of the Frederal nnfrm,,, in North Carolina. T. M. Cooper resigned the c!.irmnn. ship, and Dr. J. J. Mott was elected in his place. j - j "A Narrow Escape," &c.-Som , writing in tho Monroe Exnre a thrilling story under the above caption, uauow escape &cv of S. J. Pember ton, W, T. Carpenter and Dr. Bctts It represents that Mr.! Pemberton and' Dr. tcW8 were dashed through tho "Nlr rows of the Yadkin" the former .11 way through and the latter about half the way, aud escaped -with onlv sli-ri, i,lin. ry. There are several inaccn .,. s description of the place. There is no 'fall' either at the 'Narrows' or at the 'Falls of 'one hundred feeti' fifty -feet, or even five feet. And these gentlemen were not sucked .into the 'Narrows,' but got into some little trouble at the 'Falls,' three nnles below the Narrows, where dangers u" uufc seem to be of shape. a very frightful in ew lorK city boasts a schnni h,h,. been kept np fDrV243 ream ' it u oldest in the new World- having w. founded in the :jear 1633, with Adam Eollandsen as the principal.- It Jiaa al ways been under the control of the Dutch and is called the "School of the Colle-iate "utcn Church, It U certainly a hoary institntion of learning; audfliaa just cele brated its 243th unuiversarr,. OPENED. We give below the! latest news, np to this uiorniug, relative to the contest now going on at Albany, 1 Y.t between the Conkling and Piatt supporters on the one side and the supporters of the administra tion on the other. The Republicans failed to get a caucus, and the prospect for peace among them is anything else than flat tering: ; - " ALtiANT May 31. At tho Democratic canons last night, Senator Jacobs was nominated for the short term, and Fran cis Keruau for the loDg term, to succeed Piatt. I The administration to en met for con ference last evening. There were fifty seven present and notes from thirteen more, saying they wijl vote for the men who will support jhe administration. Resolutions were adopted pledgiug all present to withhold: their support from Conkling and Piatt. ; There was general ;despondecy visible this morning among tho stalwarts, and an exuberance among their opponents. The next development will be a vote in each house at noon to-day, when the true situation will be demonstrated. - The balloting resulted in no decisive conclusion as to the actual strength of the numerous candidates; voted for, ... Later reports, dated June 1st, say that Conkling and Piatt are entirely out of the race ; and that "Cornell and Depew" are heard on all sides. Lies. Small pox lies are the order of the day. It is reported the disease is in Charlotte, but there; is no truth in the report. It is also reported to be in this place. But it is false There lias been no case either in Salisbury or Charlotte. Please hobble these! lies as a matter of justice. j mm iqn- Items from the Charlotte Observer. ( Tho next meeting of the Southern Pres byterian Assembly will be held at Atlaa ta, Ga. A uegro girl in New Orleans, a few nights ago, rushed into a burning room to rescue a white child. She saved the child but it cost her her life. A new cotton factory is to be erected at Aycock's old mill, in Richmoud coun A. 1 ! . 1 V ty, aim wm oe completed auu in opera tion by the middle of September. A German walked into a saloon in Chi cago the other day, drank a pint of whis key, and then wagered, five dollars that that ho could drink a quart. He won the money but gave the coroner a job. While European immigrants are com ing in, thousands of Americans are goiug abroad to see the sights across the water and deposit their loosenchange. Gen. Grant has a salary of 810,000 as president of a New York bauk, and has besides an interest in another banking institution. But yet he is poor enough to be the recipient of a money bonus got ten up by a number of admirers, which has been iuvested for his benefit. Texas Items. Galveston, May 31. The Kevra contains the following specials: At Corsicana yes terday a tire, originating iu the Key saloon, destroyed the entire row of buildings, one only of which was insured. It is supposed to have been the werk of an incendiary. JIixeola. May 31. James Burnes, fore man of the grading gang on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, was shot and mortally wounded by Lee Nelson, a cow boy, in a misunderstanding arising out of the settle ment of a business transaction. Dallas, May 31. A violent wind and ram storm swept over the city Sunday night. The rain fell in torrents, flushing all the streams, Trinity River rising so rapidly that it was expected to overflow its banks before morning. Reports of other wind, rain and hail storms in various portions of the State are given in the JSewa1 specials. In many instances the fruit has been destroyed, and the corn, cotton and wheat crops seriously injured. Waco, May 31. A fearful hail Stftrm vis ited south McClellan and the north part of Bell counties Saturday night. A number of farm houses were torn down, one lady kill ed and two men badly hurt in Leon county, several houses were unroofed. Fatal Quarrel Between aud Daughter. Mother CixcixxiT, May 27. The Cincinnati Tunes-Star say : "Advices from Cochrane. Georgia, report that in Laureus county, about twenty-five miles cast of Cochrane! Mrs. Tiny Garrett, wife of a respectable farmer, told her daughter to prepare din ner. The daughter refused. Then Mrs. Garrett said she would inform Mr. Gar rett and he would whip the daughter when be came to dinner. A quarrel and struggle followed, in which the girl used a shot gun, firiug both barrels, one of which took effect in Mrs. Garret's head, inflicting a mortal wound. A little brother struck the gun, preventing the second shot from being effective. Mr. Garrett return- i ing, chastised the daughter so severely mat it is believed she cannot recover." Fire at St. Louis. St. Lours, May SO.Loss by the bnrn- of the Collier white lead and nil works $120,000 to $150,000. Two-fatal casualties resulted from the fire-one was a man run over by a runaway team and killed, and the ether death was cvi heart disease, of Louis Co hen, connected with the Westliclr Post who was overcome while running to the fire and died after being carried to the city dispensary. The company is inwred for $203,000 in sixty.fiyc companies.-C&ar. Obnrvtr. THE BAIX A Word About Immigrants. Charlotte Observer. We hear it stated that in some Instances the German -immigrants who have been brought into this section and hired out, have been badly fed and housed, and as a consequence have become dissatisfied, and that some of them in consequence have left for other parts and others Lave written to friends not to come. Some one iu Rowan county has called the attention of Mr. Pope, tho immigrant agent: to the ill treatment of some of these people by em ployers in that county, and he lias writ ten his agent at Salisbury tn in vestigate and ascertain what trnth there may be in the reports. Vre know nothing about the facts, but only know that such reports are current, and we regret itj whether true or false. No better class of laborers could be brought into this country than these German., for they arc thrifty, in dustrious, law-abiding people.! If they are well treated aud like thej country, these hired laborers will in a little while become the owners of farms, because they arc sober, economical and will from their earnings lay nway enough to purchase homes for themselves. In many sections of the wesfthey wn and cultivate large tracts country, almost exclusively oc cupied by them, and are classed as the best of citizens. It will be so here in time. ' Bat they will not be satisfied w ith corn meal and fat bacon as food nor shanties nor dilapidated negra cabins for houses. They have been used to better where they came from, and they have come here to improve their condition, not to make it worse. It is the part of policy then, as well as of justice, to treat them well, if it is desired to encourage their coming hither, which wc take for granted is tho case. We would suggest the appoint ment at points along the railroad at which they are landed, of committees to look after them, with some one who can speak their language, to counsel with them and give them such information as about the country as they would naturally desire to know, which would enable them to find employment with good people, and secure places of accommodation Unem ployment could be found. It i3 our in terest as well as theirs that something of this kind should be done, for the tide has set this way and it depends on; ourselves whether it continue or be checked. When they learn something about the country and itscustoms,and the language we speak, they will be abundantly abl to take care of themselves, aud each one of them will become an immigrant agent himself to induce the friends ; he left on the other side f the water ro j come and settle near him. Every year will add to the number already here, aud wo will find them among the very bestof our industri ous population. Let us treat them well and encourage them not only to come, but to come-tO stav. Mr. Best to the Front S gain. We clip the following from a comnauni cation in the iWwa and Observer of yester day in refcreuce to the railroad scheme which Mr. Best now has in view; Exactly what he proposes, or how he is going to do it, we are not informed : i Mr. Best has uow asseciated with himself a number ol wealthy gentlemen, citizens of Boston and New York, who offer t recon struct the North Carolina system in its in tegrity. They propose to build a new and straight line or railroad from Ra!ei"h tn o --- Salisburj; to immediately complete the Western Railroad to Paint Bock and to Ducktown ; to lease the Atlantic Railroad and to form a consolidated line frem Tcnn esseee to the ocean, connecting the North west with the Southwest with water trans portation. Do we wish the scheme to suc ceed ? Suppose it shall fail ' the best laid schemes gang aft sglce." Shall we not give a eliance of success T Certainly, provided the State it lept safe. When this project was communicated by Mr. Best's associates te the Governor, and he was asked what assis tance could be expected frem liim, his re ply was : "Gentlemen, assure me of your intention and ability to carry out your plan, and I promise yoa not the influence of the administration alone, but the weight and momentum of the entire State and every man in it." Did not the Governor gitre voice to the sentiment of the State ? If the scheme succeed, who will be so bold as to say tried to prevent iU" If it fail f success, who will be hurt? The Governor being asked) what do-nionstratiou-ef -inclination and ability woam satisfy ui m, replied, "work and labor done and deposits of bonds or money hero in North Carolina as collat eral security." It is understood the par ties are willing to comply probptly and satisfactorily with this demand. There are always those who are ready- to suggest the -existence of difficulties when in fact they do not exist. (The great flimculty suggested in this ;aset upon which the whole enterprise seems to hinge is that of again getting control of the TIT - - i- . . efetern roaa anil making it a part of this scheme. This suggestion implies that Col. Andrews, Col. Buford, Gen. Logan and those associated with them will re fuse to permit this grand enterprise for me development of North Carolina to be consumated. We will not believe it till we hear it from their own lips. Col. Andrews is a North Carolinian, so is Col. Buford. North Carolina has made Col. Andrews whathe is, and tho Richmond and Danvile Railroad, over which Col. Buford presides, what it is. j When the commissioners of the West ern road become satisfied of the ability and intention of these Boston capitalists to carry out this scheme, they are pre pareoUo give it and the capitalists their hearty co-operation. We will nor be lieve that the present owners of the West ern road will refuse to accept jfull com pensation for allnheir expenditnres and Midland VchVuie. 7 '" V'mo uver ute roau 10 the - - ' - , ' j ..... Rev. John S. Price, as black as tar, spoke here last week on prohibition, and .whites and blacks crowded the court house. 7 He is a fine dcclaimer, his language smooth, emo tional and musical, and temperance his theme, a good old-fashioned temperance talk captivated the whole conn house. Some of the first men present pronounced him splendid. Oue said his speech was un answerable, but it was simply a' declama tion to arouse mourners, with very little, hard fact and common sense reason address ed to thejminds. We thought this thcugh, that could the Yankees only look in there and see that crowd of many of the finest white men and old slave owners of the country sitting attentively and respectfully, and applauding with generous Zest every manly sentiment that fell from that negro's lips, they might well blush for shame at how they slander the people of the South. Reidsrille Timet. A General Swindle. The shipment of damaged corn from the West to the South has been generally complained of, and ad vices from merchants and farmers show that a general swindle has been perpetrated. The matter is made grievous from the fact that when shipping, a bill of lading is sent out from the West, which is collected on re ceipt ef the corn. Thus our people have been paying full prices for damaged corn, and no remedy appears. Avgmta Evening News. The best remedy, or rather preventive, for swindles of-this kind will be for South ern planters to raise their own corn. Coxklikg's PnooRAsniE. It is said that Conkling's programme is, in the event he is beaten for a re-election, to go before the people as an exponent of the anti-monoply party; which is now assuming considerable proportions inNew York and other North ern States. The anti-monopoly league now ia New York numbers several thousand, and ' among them some able men. It would be a good bucking to start with, and Conkling will show some sagacity in falling into line with them if he parts company with the con cern of which he has so long been the brain furnisher. Anti-monopoly is his best card. But won't it look fuuny to see Conkling Grant & Co. running on that schedule ? Charlotte Observer. The American line of steamers to Bra '. zil has been discontinued, for tho reason that it did not pay the owner. It is much to bo regretted, for it was a really valuable ngeucy to the commerce of this country, cheapening by several niillious ! South Americau products in our markets, : The strenuous oppostion of the Canadian line, subsidized by the British Goveru- incut, is assigned as the cause operating agaiust the line. The Paramore's of Pitt county, N. C, two brothers, who have been suspected as iustigating the assassination of Geo. Grimes, have come to grief. Oue of them who has for mouths been hiding aud pass ing" under au assumed name, cut his throat from ear to ear iu a hotel at Che raw, S. C, about two weeks ago, and the other is a fugitive in the woods. The Garfield set are ungrateful. The j talk is that Mahone and his tribe will be allowed to take care of themselves as best they cau. Little Mahone begins doubtless to wish he had never been born a Republi can. Born out of due time, he died before he was three months old. The infant's epitaph suits : ' "I wonder what I was begun for If so soon I was to be done for." Wil. Star. It was Tilden who predicted that the preseut Administration would be the stormiest time on record. Springfield lie Xniblicun, Ind. Dem. While Mahoue aud his fuglemen are conferring in Washington, the Virginia voters are conferring together at home. When their decisou is announced. Ma hone will be outlawed. Washington Post, Dem. Postal cards arc unmailable if auy thingbut the address is written on the address side. This is an important de cision lately promulgated, and Bhould be borne in mind. The age of giants has returned. With iu six mouths seven giants over eight feet in height have appeared iu New York city. The latest addition was Hen rik B rusted, a Norwegian, who arrived Mouday. He is eight feet tall and weighs 400 pounds. The Charlotte Observer interviewed Sena tor Vance to ascertain whether he was aware of the fact that Mr. Carmichael, of Virginia, wanted a copy of his speech on Mahone. The Senator s.id he had seen some intimations of that kind in jfee papers lately. . Forty years' trial Lai proved "BLACK DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in the world. It Theo. F. Kluttz's Z. B. Vasce. W. II. Bailey. VANCE & BAILEY- ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, CIIABLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Snpreme Conrt of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal-Courta, and Counties of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Union, Gaston, Rowan and David sou. tc&OfSce, two doors cast of Indepen dence Square. 33:tf Iforth Carolina, In KOWAN COUNTY. S J Probate Court. May 30, 18S1. To Jacob Morgan, Nancy Hodge and Abram Hodge, Levi Casper and wife Mrs. Casper, J. D. Thompson, K. E. Thompson, M. j' Tt i? r: j t . . iiiuuiwiii, mice xttiB ana l. a. Ltixit ; Heirs and next of kin of Ally Morgan, de ceased," you are herebr notified "to appear be fore the Jodre of Probate cf Rowan Ckmnt on the 23rth of JuW, 1331, to contest the nun. cupative will of All Morgan, decM, if you think proper. J. M. IIorah, 33: Judge of Probate. : In addition to our of GEXEEOUS jERCllANDISE, we have just received a NEW BEAUTIFUL STOCK OP M LAWNS -& DRESS GOODS A FULL LINE OF ' gsi v fi eh snat 3 BEST LIE OF LADIES' CORSETS IN TOWN. Our B&d&TF at 50c. Can Not Ik, Equalled! I hTB wonniiit C.ir t I lnve won tfca thr darn nail -t buue or it the Lips n lrkf?i. & VJ fv V'- -. V . j ! Ili.rC-rt-srtthre montuaui v if i m is MUl lriect. ws?M m 1 sr?M J-See our CHILDREN'S SUITS Ladies' Linen Will have in a few days another line of- LADIES' TRIMMED HATS A PULL LINE OF MACHINE NEEDLES AND ATTACHMENTS ON 25:6m o-O-o We have now in Store the Largest and most Complete Stock we have ever offered OUR PRINTS, LAWNS AND DRESS GOODS; are handsome and at prices to suit all. OASSSiEHES, 0OTTONADES, OOiESTIGS, KQTirjKS, &c. I very cheap. A large" lot of SHIRTS TO SUIT ALL AT BOTTOM PRICES. OUR STOCK OF ! O Zji O -3E XKT I IS SEAT, AND WE MEAN TO SELL THEM AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. We Sell Coals at 50 cts. aisel up.- j We have the best Assortment of SHOES we havceveF bonghkaud at the ' LO WEST HATS F0!5 EVERYBODY- Ten 8 1LASS E3T And among them the Rio, Laguayra, Java, Very Chan. Cut-Loaf, Pulverized, at Bottom Prices. Wc have always on Also a Large Lot of Mn at Bran T O 1 5 And everything usually kept in the Grocery Line. Be sure and see us bcfore ron buy or stll. Ve buy all kinds of Country Produce for Cash or Barter. With this bird's-eye view of what wc and solicit future favors. W. W. Tavlou, II. April 1, 1331. W. A. KOV. KRT. T. II. MOWKliT ! ff LIVERY STABLE ix.J- We have opene.i a Livery Si-vble on Council, be tween Main an.1 I.ce Streets, whc we nlllw pleased to serve the public. Our turnouts are all bright and new, aiul cur terms reasonable, (ifve us a can. May 25, SI. tf W. A. Mower j & Bio. s i EE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a Mortgage or Deed In Trust, execut ed by Farrow fropst to Tobias Keller, dated I lie i:th day of December, 175, ;tnl registered la the oOlce ot tlie Kel.-ter ot Deeds of Kowan County, In Book No. 61, page li9. tc.,an;l upon which default has been nvide, I will expose for sale at wubllc auction, at the Court-Hou&e door tn the town of Sallsburv. on the Slst day or.Tunf, lssi. at 11 o'clo3lc, A. M the fol lowing estate, to wit : A tract of land consisting of 70 .teres situated In I.ltaker Township, adjoining the lands of Kebecca Tropst. Peter Koseman, .1. A. ,wnclth, and others. Terms cash. Dated at'Saflsbcrv this 21st day of May. l(si. TOBIAS KESLER. My26to.Ju2i:pd - Trustee, VALUABLE )gf I By virtue of a Mortgage with uower of sale executed to the undersigned on the 2d 1 day of July, 1881, by John W. Weed, lj will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, at the I Conrt-Heiisa Boar in lEUHCTORi Davidson County, N. C, on MONDAY the 20th Day of June, A. D. 1381, a tract of VALUABLE MIN ERAL LAND, bcins: in said countv. on the waters of Abbott's Creek, adjoining the; lands of Obee Miller and others, containing FORTY-SEVEN ACRES, uuu uurczoiwre Known as "NODE MI2IS." the For more particular description of the boundaries of said tract of land, refer ence may te had to said Mortgage deed recorded in Book G, page 337 of the office of the Register of Deeds of said county. Said land has been opened to a consid erable extent for GOLD & OTHER METALS, and is believed to be valuable for the same. A large and valuable amount of MINING MACHINERY attached to aaid land as a part thereof will be 6ld with the same. Terms oVsn Title unquestionable. BEHHET NOOE, " r ill. nn, ' tin, lOOI. JMort . MyiytoJuU "o o ifllil llil i 1 Bi N'OWIS THE TIME TO SUBSCUIBE FOR THE WATCHMAN - - tj FltxiL! all sizes, from two to Ulsters and Do!ri?r years.gj HAND. it fourteen J ONES, McCUBBINS & CO. i T NEWS ! PRICES. At 10 cts. up to the Finest. kinds of L AHUSYBUPS BEST iu the Market.- and Mocha Coffees Granulated, White and Brown Sticnra hand the BEST FLOUR in the Citt- ti v it always on hand. Full Assortment of A. G C O, r have, we return thanks for past patronage lours very regpccuuiiy, KLUTTZ & RBHDLEHAU. Atxixs, Salesmen..' - 26:3m. WELLING HOUSE Iff STATESYILLE FOR SALE. ' The Dwelling House formerlj occupied by the undersigned in Stateville, adjoining t lit? lot of W. F. Hall and Newton Andrew, ia for nale. Perfcns wishing to purchase, may I address me nt Salislmry Tr Mu Vernon, or call on Mr. W. II. Hall, who will show the . property. Myl2toJn2 (J. C. KRiDER. ( Lana mark requested to cojuj.) TAX LISTING."" The Commissioners cf Uiq Town of Sallf buixbir. ap-Kiinted ine to Ul-st the taxable jjropertj and pxiis in the Town, this Is to give notice that books wld be opened at the Tin Shop of (C. F. Baker t Co. oa the 1st day of June, issi, and remain open for days for that purpose. All persons concerned re . advised to make their returns wtrnln the time spec- ! ltled, or lay themselves liable to the penalUes of the j law E. a, WEAVE, C. B C toJul May ll, 1S81 IF YOU WISH Your Watches and Clocks, Sewing Machines,&c,. Kepaired bv a ood, cheap and refponsil workman please leave them with Mwr. Kiottz & Rendleman, Salisbnrv, N. C. 45: ly R. L. BR0WK. OPEN LETTER. 'Those Goods Have Arrived.'1 We have the pleasure to announce to our many friends and customers, that w aredaily receiving the most complete aud elegant ljue of . Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Domcriie Goods, ic, ic. that we have ever offered. Our stock of Groceries is the most complete in town. Our stock of Boot?, Shoes, Hats Furnishing Goods, Clothing, &c, &c, is full. We buy our goods as cheap a any house, anu positively wm noi - undersold. We have added to onr stock a large line of Ladies trimmed aud untrimnied Hats. Call aud look over our Goods. With thanks for past patronage, we so licit your future favors. Kcspectfullj-, &c, J. F. ROSS. SALESMAN : Fkaxk Yolxo, Archie Young, Eddie Overman, April Cth. ( Mortgage Deeds for sale here -. Also various other blaos. DETON BULL. I Lare flne De;t.a stock animal for pubis vtco at modrate rates. Apply to mi 0 W ATWS X 5-UUIlU7