VOL XII. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY. H. G, JULY 7, 1881. HO 38 The Carolina Watchman, PRICE, $1.60 IN ADVANCE. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. t - FEBRUAUXSO, 1880. Inches On (or Two for Three tor vnnr for 1 month S Da's 8 id's ; 6 IS nrs $1.60 $2.50 $3.60 $3.00 $8.00 8.00 4.50 6.85 ' 1.50 -18.00 .4.60 4.00 7.60 11.00 15.00 4.00 7.60 19.00 13.60 18.00 7.50 "$.75 11.85 14.60 85.00 11.85 15.75 80.60 85.60 40.00 18.75 86.25 S3.75 48.75 75.00 v column (or I do. do. pEHEHBER THE; DEAD ! JOHH S. HUTCMSOH, Italian ana American Harble Monuments, Tombs and Gravestones, OF EVKUY DKSCK1PTION. Being a practical marble-worker, ii enables me of executing any piece of work from I he plainest to the mcwt elaborate in an artistic atvle, and is a guaranty that perfect MUilaction will he given to the most exacting patrons. Call and examine my ..Stock and prices be. i fore purchasing, aa I will selVat the veryjow I e'ftt prices. 1 Designs and estimates for any desired work I will be furnished on application, at next door ; to J. D. McNeely's Store, f Salibury, N. U., March 9, 1881. 21:1 j. . . 11 CRAWFORD & CO. AUE SELLING . , PORTABLE FARM AND FACTORY 'l SIEAM ENGINES. - . " - ALSO and Caps. - IT cs -A. " Tie Finest BIFLE POWDER mk 1ifaPDS,WapnSffag01S. I Oj our own and Foreign make and BUGGIES, From the Finest to the Cheapest. Jffler BelttEi Champioii Mower?, Horse Bakes, &c. Salisbury, Jan. C, 1881. ly -'" Z. B. Vance. W. II. Bailey. VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, CIIABLOTTE, N.VC. Practice in. Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Cknrt of North Carolina, Federal Cotlrts, and Counties of Mecklenburg, Cahirrus, Union, G:i'on, Rowan and David on. "" gsOfliee, jwo dors east of Indepen dence Sqy.ne. 33:tf - J. M. MfCORKLE Til EO. F. KI.CTTZ. McCORKLB 8c KLTJTTZ, ATTORNEYS AND VA) rjSELORS, J Salisbury, N. C- jOffiee.on Ctrim-il direct, opposite the "Court Hone. . - o7:tim KEUUCRAIGE, L. II. CLEMENT. CRAIGE-& CLEMENT, lUto ra rirs u t Satv. Fib. 8, 18S1. 8s L33 0. 0V3?.HJLHr ATTORNEY AT LA IP, SALISBURY, IV. C, Practices in the State aud Federal 4. Courts. 12:Gm I Biactaer aii Henteon, Attorneys, Counselcrp h and Solicitors. SALISBURY, N, C. i Jnny22 1879 tt. HVID IWPWTH 9078, PtilUtWpMsj fa. 1 'iK ! POETBXV A Sermon in Byrne. If you bare a friend worth loving ' : Love him. Yes and let him know -That yon love hitn, e'er life eveuiug , Tinge hU brow with sunset glow.' , Why should good words ne'er be said Of a friend till he is dead ! . X If you hear a song that thri Is you, Sang by any child of song, Praise it. Do not let the eiuger Wait deserved praise lung. ; ' Wrhy should one who thrill your heart Lack the joy yon may impart T . . j If yon heard a prayer that rnoves yon, By its hamble, pleading tune, Join it. Do not let the seeier, -' Boot before his God alone. , : r ; , , . -Why should tHt your brother share -The strength of "two or three" iu pray erf If yon see the hot tears falling -From a brother's eyes, j -Share them. Ami by sharijig Own your kiu&iiip, whh tjie skies. Why should any one be glatl When a brother's heart is sa'd T I' If a silvery laugh goes rippling j Through the sunshine on jhis fare. Share it. 'Tis the wine man's saying For bolh griefaiid joy a place. There's health and goodness in the tniith Iu which an hones tr laugh haj birth. If yonr work is made nwire easy - By a fiietidly helping hand, Say so. Speak out brave and truly, Ere thedarkness veil the laud. Should a brother workman dear Falter for a word of cheer f Scatter thus your seeds of kindness, All enriching as you go j " Leave them. Trust the Harvest Giver", He will make each seed to grow. So until its happy end, ' Your life shall never lack a friend. . Selected. . For the Watchman. Effects of Alcohol on the Ilumai. System. "By common observation the flush seen on the cheek during the first Btage of alco holic excitation is presumed to extend to the parts actually exposed to view merely. Il cannot, hswevcr, be t(M forcibly im pressed, that the condition is universal in the body. If the lungs could be 6een, they would be found with their vessels injected ; if the brain aud spinal chord could be laid open to view, they would be discovered in the same condition; if the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, or any other vascular orjran.or parts could be exposed to view, the vascular engorgement would be equally manifest. The action of alcohol continued beyond the first stajje, the function jof the spiual chord is influenced. Through this part of the nervous system we are accustomed, in health, to perform automatic acts ef a me chanical kind which proceed systematically even when we are thinking or speaTting on other suljects. Under alcohol, as the spiual centres be come influenced, these pure automatic acts cease to be correctly carried on. That the hand may reach any object, or the foot be correctly planted, the higher intellectual centre must be invoked to make the pro ceeding secure. There follows quickly upon this a defiV cicnt power of co-ordination of muscular movement. The nervous control of certain of the muBclcs is lost, and the. nervous stimulus is more or less enfeebled. The muscles of the lower Hp in the human sub ject usually fail first of all ; then the mus cles of the lower limbs. The muscles themselves by this time are also Failing in powers they respond more feebly than is natural to the nervous stimu lus : they too are coming under the de pressing influence of the paralysing agent ; their structure is temporarily deranjred. and their contractive power reduced. The alcuholic spirits carried yet a further degree, the brain centres become influ enced ; they arc reduced in power, and the controling influences of will and judgment are lost. As these centres are unbalanced, and thrown into chaos, the rational part of the nature of man gives way before the emotional, passionate or organic part. The reason is now; off'duty, or is, fooling with duty, nnd arfthVinere animal instincts and sentiments are laid atrociously bare. The coward shows up more craven ; the brag part more boastful ; the cruel more merci less; the untruthful more false ; the carnal more degraded. In tino' verita, expresses even indeed to physiological a curacy, the true condition. The reason, Jhe emotions, the instincts ail are in a state of carnival, and in chaotic feebleness. Finally, the ac tion of alcohol still extendingrthe superior brain centres are overpowered; the senses are beclouded, the voluntary muscular prostration-is perfected ; sensibility is lost, and the body lies a mere log, dead by all but onc-iouith, on which alone its life hangs. - V - The heart still remains true to its duty, and while it yet lives it feeds the breathing power, and so the circulation, and the res piration in the otherwise inert mass, and keeps the mass within the domain of life, until the poison begins to pass away, and the nervous centres to revive again. It is happy for the inebriate that, as a rule, the brain fails so long before the heart, that has not the power nor the sense to continue his process of destruction up to the act of the death of his circulation. Therefore he Jives to die another day." Medicus. Thc New York Triluue says: There seems to be something rotton iu North Carolina when a government contract call ing for $! 5,000 is stopped by a United States Marshal because the work could be done for $150. Explanation wanted Europe lias a comet which is claim ed to.be two degrees larger in the tail than our et star. Shall the effete kingdoms of the old world coto-et over us in this manner? i It is a foolish . mistake to; confound a remedy of merit with the quack medicines now so common; We have used Par ker' Ginger Tonic with the happiest re results for Rheumatism and Dyspepsia, and when w;orn out by overwork, aud 1 now it to be a sterling health restora- mSCEIili ANEOTJS. I . Wnr He Didk't take out His Paper. -The following official notification of the failure of a subscriber to take out his pa per after it has duly arrived at .his post office leaves much to be desired, but not much to be said: -, J "Postoffice at Bozcman, Sfate of Mon tana. Dear Sir: Pursuant to instruc tions from the Postmasier-Grenerai,T beg leave to inform you that your paper, ad dressed to JB. Douglas, Bozeuianj Mont., is not taken out, but remains dead in the office. You will please discontinue the same. J. A. Tatlor, P. M. "Reason : He was hung at Virginia city, last Friday." j The increase. values produced jby the aggregate industries of the United States in the last ten years amouut iu rouud numbers to the enormous sum ot $2,625, 000,000. Iu agriculture we have beeu busy during these years, and the above large increase is not : by any means to be attributed wholly to tuauuf act tires or railroad building. The yield of wheat aloue has advanced from! 287,000,000 bushels in 1870 to 459,000,000 in 18d0, a gaiu of 75 per cent. In the latter year the yield of corn was l,772,(JU0,00p bush els, to 760,000,000 in 1870, an increase of Vi p r cent. I; -'The railroad earnings for; May, J831, show an average increase of earnings per mile over those of May, 1880, of $16, in spite of the fact that nearly! 4,000 miles of new road were built, mostly in new aud thinly settled country. The increase on forty -five roads was $2,466,457, or 18.3 per cent., but teu roads repot ting a de crease', which was of small amount. In 1870 we possessed 44,615 miles of railroad carrying 110,000,000 passengers; iu 1879 we hid 86,497 miles of road, carrying 193,000,000 passeugers, while during 1880-81 the increase of railroad bnildiug and railroad business have: been enor mous. A Few Words About Advertising. The history of the world demonstrates that very few merchants or manufacturers have ever attained to any considerable degree of success, without judicious aud persistent advertising. Oue of the most successful business men our i country has ever produced has said that two tilings are necessary to success in any business: First you must have for sale something that is good, and second you 'must let the public know by advertising that you have it, and we know no business cau succeed without complying with both these rules. Gathering Them In. Albany, June 30. The grand jury this morning brought in an in dictment against A. D. Barber, charg ing him with paing E. Rj Phelps $12,500 for the purpose of bribing State officers. He was admitted to bail in the sum of $3,000, after plead ing not guitly. E. R. Phelps was also arrested . n a similar charge and ad mitted to bail in- the same amount. He also pleaded not guilty. (Charles A. Edwards was also indicted for re ceiving from Joseph Dickson; $5,0 0 for the purpose of bribing Slate offi cers. J. Thomas Spriggs, or" Utica, appeared as counsel for all the cases, which are held over till uext term of court. "tlH The PIu: Hat. Considered as a Consercatir of Law and Order. The plug hat is a sort of a social guar anty for the preservation of peace aud order. He who puts on one has given a hostage to the community for his good behavior. The wearer of a ping hat must move with a certain sedateuess aud pro priety. He cannot run, or jump, or romp, or get into a right, except at the peril of his headgear. All the 'hidden in fluences of .the wearer tend toward re spectability. He who wears one is oblig ed to keep the rest of his body iu trim, that there may be uo incongruity between head and body. He is apt to become thoughtful through the necessity of watch ing the sky whenever he goes out. The chances are that he will buy an umbrella which is another guaranty for good be havior, aud the care of hat and umbrella perpetual aud exacting it must be adds to the sweetuess of his character. The man who wears a plug hat takes nat nrully to the society of women, with all its elevating tendencies. He j cannot go hunting or fishing without abandoning his beloved hat, but in the modern en joy men t of croquet and lawn tenuis he cau sport his beaver with impunity. In other worde, the constant tue of a plug hat makes a man composed iu maimer, quiet and gentlemauly iu conduct, aud the compauiou of ladies. The inevitable results is prosperity, marriage and church membership. When a hen sits on an era ptv china esr you cuu ii ouuu insunci. nat do you call it when a girl sets her affections on an empty headed noodle f Bostou Transcript. Down this way we call it exceedingly corar&oc - i . - - Found and Lost. Big "Finer? of Gold in Warren $1,000 in Six Hours Its Owner it Mobbed of it I ; aU tna Few Minute. Mr. Edward Alston, of Fork township, this county, 13 a most fortnuate man. He has long known that there was a good deal of gold oa his place," but has never systematically worked it. Recently a Mr. Irwin, from Onslow county, this State, has been prospecting there without ma chinery of any kind. Last week, between sunrise and sunset, Mr. Irwin fouud what miner 8 call a 'pocket,' twenty-six feet iu the ground, and took out in pure gold 1,113 enny weights. A pen uy weight is about niuety-aixceiitsso there were fouud iu less than six neurs over $1,100 in cold. During this work he took out one pan of dirt i in which there were $150 in gold The largest piece of gold fouud weighed forty-nine . penuy weights and numbers were found weighing from ten to twenty pennyweights. If the mine hold out like this,! and it is not unreas onable to suppose that it will, it is worth ait immense amount of money. The above statement we get from Mr. Alston, and we know it Js true, for there is no more reliable geritlemau to be found. But, while telling the good part, we must not omit something else. Mr. Irwin, who . lives iu a house to himself, had the same broken open a few days afterwards, daring! his absence at the mine, aud nearly lull he had stolen among other things, the gold he had fouud, oue twenty dollar gold piece, sev eral two aud a half dollar gold pieces and other things. It s supKsed that the thief or thieves, as they knew nothing about the gold, the finding having beeu kept quiet, entered the building only for the purpose of petty pilfering, but after getter iu, found and carried "off more than they expected. Mr. Alston offers a most liberal reward, we think oue half of the amouut stolen, but are not posi tive, for the recovery of the money. As it is mostly crude, uncoined gold, it would seem that the thief, if ho ever of fers to sell it, might easily be detected. As we have before stated, the above is beyond question true, and we hope aud believe that the mine will be so worked as to yield much money to its owner. Warrenton Gazette A Itclic of Pocahontas. From Biit Nye's Boomerang. The editor of this paper who has made the study of the Iudiau character a life work, has iu his possession a letter writ ten by the well-known Pocahoutas to her father, aud published it below for the ben efit of his readers. Although we have, as I we said, made the Bubject of the Iudiau J character a life study, it has, of course, beeu at a distance. Wheu it was neces sary to take some risk iu visiting them personally, at a time wheu they were feeliug a little skittish, we have taken the risk vicariously iu order to kuow the truth ; Werowocomooo, Suuday, 1607. Dear Paw : You ask me to come to you before another moon. I will try to do so. Wheu Powhatan speaks, his daughter . tumbles to the racket. j You say 1 am too solid ou the pale face Smith. I hope not. He is a great man. I see that in the future my people must yield to the white man. Our people now are pretty plenty, and the pale face seldom, but the day will come when the red man will le scattered like the leaves of the "forest and the Smith family will ruu the entire ranch. Our medicine man tells me that after a time the tribe ot Powhatan will disap pear from, the face of the earth, while the ; Smith's will extend their business all over the country, till you cau't throw a club i at a yallerdog without hitting oue of the j Smith family. My policy, therefore, is to become solid with the majority. A Smith may some day be chief eook and bottle-washer of this country. We may want to get some measure through the council. See J Then 1 will go in all my wild beauty aud tell the high muck-a-muck that years ago, under the umbrageous shadow of a big elm, I pleaded with my hard hearted ; rureut to prevent him from ma.shing the cocoauut of the original Smith, and eve rything will be O. K. You probably catch my meaning. As to loving the gander-shanked pale . face, I hope you will give yourself uo uu jiecessary loss ot sleep over that. He is i as homely anyhow as a cow-shed struck by a club, aud has two wives iu Europe and three pairs of twins. Fear not, noble dad. Your little Poca houtas has the uceessary intellect to pad dle her owu cauoe, aud don't you ever forget it. Remember me to Btindle Dog, and his squaw, the Sore-Eyed Sage Hen, and send me two plugs of tobacco and a new dolman with beads down the back. At preseut I am ashamed to come home, as my wardrobe consists of a pair of clam shell bracelets aud an old parasol. Ta, ta. Pocahontas. Joe Snell after a big two or three days drunk jumped from the bridge across the Mississippi at- St. Louis, Sunday night, but was washed ashore a couple of miles down the river where he was found sitting on the bank next morning. ' His escape is remarkable as the bridge is a very high one. Bob Ingersoll says Conkling looks like a man who, in a fit of insanity, has swallowed poison, aud running! around asking for a stomal h pump. ' New Tone Milling Record. . Gold Fields of the Southern States. "F rom the geological reports of Georgia, I find that there are 180 prominent streams in the gold belt of that State, that furnish in the aggre gate 26,000 cubic feet of water per second, the capacity of each stream varying from two cubic feet upward as high as 3,000 feet per second. This amount of water would give, with an assumed head of 100 feet, 285,640 theoretical horse-power or 190,426 available horse power. Again, 26,000 cubic feet per second would be equiv alent to 1,500,000 cubic feet per min ute, and this volume of water confin ed in a ditch would supply about 700,000 miners! inches. - "North Carolina and 'Alahn not behind Georgia in the supply of J w.uer, auu me most ot this vast pow er is running unused in the sea. Prof. Kerr, State geologist of North Caro lina, has given in his report a full and interesting description of the valuable streams of his State, and in some in stances gives the estimated water pow ers. It would be interesting to read this report in conuection with this article. "Custom mills should be built at intervals thoughout the region, and this water utilized for not only wash ing down and concentrating the ore, but also transporting it if possible, to the mill ready for crushing and amal gamating Upon actual experiment in Georgia, it has been found that by such treatment ore cau be profitably handled that yields but seventy-five cents per ton. Lust year the mana ger of the FiudJey informed me that where the ore could be reached by the water, he had succeeded in mining and crushing at a cost of but twenty eight cents per ton. This was the case, however, where the water was made not only the mining but the transporting agent as well." ! We extract the above from a paper read by P. H. Mell, Jr., of Alabama, before the American Institute of Min ing Engineers, as worthy of notice by those seeking opportunities for mir ing enterprises. From same paper we also extract the folio wieg : ; "Those who have bad the opportu nity of exploring the region mention ed above, will readily recall to mind numerous localities to which their at tention was directed by would-be miners, as rich and desirable proper ties, in which there were but few quartz seams running in every direc tion through tine grained talcose slate. Most of the'gold in such formations was always found disseminated thro' the slate and but a small percentage in the quartz. Such are the deposits I propose to discuss in this paper. "Of course, there are many excel lent quartz mines iu the South that are paying the owners good profits, and many more to my knowledge that are not being worked for obvious rea sons. But it is out of the question to suppose that these slate deposits can be practically woiked by the same methods adopted for extracting l before from well defined and pominent quartz veins. It is true that in many instances these slate formations are quite rich in gold, but this is not uuilormally the case, and as there is nochanceof sorting tTie ore, handling so much crude atnl dead stuff in the ordinary way of mining and milling would be ruinous. "It has been my privilege to exam ine quite a large number of these for mations in the South and as a general thing they were found so thoroughly decomposed as to render it not at all difficult to spade the slate, and pulver ize the whole mass between the fin gers. These formations are sometimes several hundred feet in width, extend ing to unknown depth, and varying in length from a few hundred feet to several miles.-" In fact in every re spect, except as to composition and location, they bear a striking resem blance to the ordinary gravel deposit. "Now, why cannot these slate for mations be worked by water, some what in the way as ore is concen trated in gravel beds? This plan has, in part, been adopted by N. II. Hand & Co., iu working a property located near the Pigeon Roost region, Lumpkin county, Georgia. The idea seems to have suggested itself to these enterprising men trom the surround ing circumstances. It is well known that for a number of years this com pany have supplied their mine with water from u well-constructed ditch over twenty-six miles in length, and by means of this ready agent they have successfully worked the slate vein mentioned above. Before N. H. Hand ct Co. took possession, tnc pro perty. was very thoroughly tested by the old plan of driving-shafts and ex tracting the ore by means of pick and shovel. Very extensive auJ elabo rate machinery was employed but without success, and the property was eventually abandoued with consider able loss to the company. When the present owners, iherefore, litook pos sessessioii, the past history of the mine contained by little to encourage them in the prH.cution ot the enter prise. There was no regularly defir. . , ' w 1 vein of quartz, but Simnlv-A T.irtro 'nass of fine grained talcose slate throughout the length and breadth of which good pannings of gold were obtained. A twenty.fiyc stamp bat tery, run by water, was -erected one half mile from the mine, at the lowest point accessible. Ou a hill in the neighborhood of the mine a large rerse voir was supplied withjvater from the ditch above mentioned, and by means a littje giant, iu connection with the reservoir, playing under a pressure of 150 feet head, the vein of decompos ed slate and quartz was driven through riffled boxes towards the mill." ; 3lr. Venuor's Second Guess at t - July. j Mr. Henry G. Veunor, in a letter to a newspaper in Ottowa, Canada, of the 23d iustaut, says: "I believe that the present summer is one in a triad of simi lar summers, probably the middle one. It is likely to resemble that of 1880, and to differ iu some of its minor details. The approaching mouth of July will give a great deal of rain, as in 1830, over a large portion of the United States and panada, while iu . Great Brittain the Weather will in all probability be like Wise stormy and wet. The storms of ind, thunder aud lightning are likely to be severe aud frequeut. The heaviest rains for New York and vicinity would locate after the 20th, and probably on 21st or 22d dates; between the 10th and loth days an exceedingly hot term is likely to be experienced in both the Uni ted States and Cauada. Within a few days from the close of the mouth, proba bly about the 27th or 23th, a cool wave" will occur, carrying frosts in Canada aud cool weather generally, with storms of wind and rain throurghout the United States. Where storms have been severe ly felt in the Western aud Southwestern States during June, there also will the severe 6toruis of July be experienced. Notwithstanding the frequent and severe storms during the month, frequeut alter nations of fine hot weather will- counter act to a great extent the damage dono to crops iu general in the West. The en trance of July in Canada, and also to a considerable extent iu the United States, vi ill be cool and showery, and the present look out for tho fourth is uot ,a very promising one." The Tobacco Crop. Census office returns published last week disclose the fact that the tobacco crop is much better per acre in Northern than in the Southern States. Thus in pounds per acre : Kentucky yields 75G Virginia yields 573 Pennsylvania yields 1,340 Ohio yields 1,001 Tennessee yields 767 North Carolina yields 471 Marylaud yields 680 Connecticut yields 1,620 Missouri yields 773 Wisconsin yields 1,234 Indiana yields 742 New York yields 1,327 Massachnsettc yields 1,539 Illinois yields 699 West Virginia yields 564 The average in the Northern States is 1,150 pounds per acre, while at the South the average per acre is stated to be about 00 pounds. In other words, the North grows two pounds per acre to our one. These are the census figures, but how re liable they are "we caunot determine. Our plants are probably not so large and the texture not so heavy, but then, ex cept in certain cases, our tobacco is fiucr, of a better flavor and commands a better price. This census showing, however, is remarkable, and will doubtless attract attention at the South. Is it true that the average yield in this State is only 471 pounds per acre! We think there must bo some mistake, for the census put the production in the State at about 27,000,000 pounds, where as Col. Cameron, a frera careful examina tion, arrived at the conclusion that we produced last yeai about 50,000,000 pounds. Let us haveTa little more light ou the subject. Keics & Observer. A Whiskey Wreck. Augusta Chambers, known a few years ago as an actress of considerable ability but more extensively as a wri ter of poetry, has been arrested in Buffalo for drunkenness in the street. Four police-men found it difficult to subdue her, she fought so desperately, and it was necessary to draw her to the station in a cart. It is said that she is the daughter of a former Gov ernor of Nova Scotio. Beauty-and talent gave her an auspicious start on the stage. An even sadder failure was that of the Countess Karaly, whose recent death has revived mem ories of her brilliant American debut as a prima donna, in 1851, with the famous Grisi-Mario company. Du ring the latter years of her life she lived in squalor and degradation, earn ing a living by playing a piano in a bar-rHm, when sober enough to do anything. Kulcs for Comfort at Home. 'V t- . - -- - . . , $ ' -. ' " - i - - "--i ' ,-4 . Put self last. Take little annoyances out Tof the way; i When any good happens to anyone, re joice. ! . WhepP others are suffering, drop a Word of sympathy. . . - Tell f your own faults rather than those of others. A place for everything and everything ia its place. Hide your own troubles, but watch t ueip omers out ot theirs. Take hold of the knob and shut eTery door after you without slamming it. ' , Never interrupt any conversation, but wait patiently your turn to apeak. Look for bcauty in evcryrtimgj-and take a cheerful view of every event. Carefully clean the mud and snow from your boots before entering the hsnse.- , " If from any cause you feel irritable, try the harder to do little pleasant things. Do not keep your good manners for company, but be equally polite at home and abroad. When inclined to give an angry answer, press jour lips together and aay the alphabet.- . ' Always speak politely and kindly to jour help if you would have them do the same to you. - When pained by an unkind word or act, ask yourself, "Have I not done as badly and desired forgiveness. Our Platform. " .. The Burlington llutckeyetiius graph ically states his platform upon the girl question, and we -arc of tne opin ion that there are but few men who would not be willing and more than pleaded to stand upon the same plat form. Philetus and his brother, who are at our elbow while we pen these lines, say they heartily endorse the platform of the Ilawkcyc. But here is the platform : Give the girls a fair-chance, an' even start, a "fair field and no favor" in the school, in the sanctum, in the workshop, the studio, the factory, on the farm, behind the counter, on the rostrum anywhere, everywhere. Then if the girl can and does beat me, why God bless the girl, let her go. And I will throw tin mv hat and hurrah while 6he sweeps under the 1 wire ana carries away the purse. My dear boys,. if it wasn't for the girls and women iu this world I wouldn't want to live in it longer than fifteen J minutes, borne day you will know about all that is good and noble and pure in your life you will draw from your sister or some oilier fellow's sister. On the Verge of Starvation. In some sections of southwest Geor gia, the people are reduced to straits just now that they have not known for years. An exchange from Cuthbert says: "Many of our people are redu ced to straits Just now that they have not known for years. e might re late many circumstances that have come to our knowledge that would awake the liveliest sympathies of our readers. 1 here are people in .our county who have not had a mouthful of meat for two days. Terrible! But there are millions of people in Ireland and on the Continent, who do not taste meat once a month. Some that have not had bread for that time. Many horses andrmnlcs are plowing now that had had neither corn, fod der nor oats for-two weeks being plowed till dinner and then turned upon the swamp grass and canebrake to graze till they are put to the ploT again. A Scotchman living in Japan went otttto buy a screen. -The merchautlold him to come nsxt day, for, as it was Suudav, he could not sell them, being a Christian. The Scotch mau said, "I felt, as if I hasi seeu a ghost. I felt o insignificant auu so cheap that all I emild do was to slip out of his shop and tart for home." Auothei Japanese Christian about to sell soriiOj articles asked the customer, as lie was; about to pay for them, "Have you j noticed this defect, and this, and this? The purchaser Jiad not observed the defects, and decided not to take the articles. This Is the sort ot Chris tians converted Japanese make. - We could well afford to exchange a large number ofa certain sort of American Christians (?) for Japanese Christians of the kind referred to. Selected. The Courier Journal has this hit s "Every time llauni tliiuks he is in dinger he gets out a statement of his department alleging that he has col-j lected so much money during the. year, and 'not a dollar' lias been miss ing. Of course, not a dollar should, be missing. It is no virtue for Itaum uot to steal the money thatr cemes tnj him. He. prints" his honesty as if it were a very rare thing at .Washing ton. Perhaps it is. tt Joaquin Miller said he wept on. reading some of his own poem.--When a man shows such, signs of re jnorse there 13 some hope for him. . j i r it- i .

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