JULY 14, 1881. NEW TERMS. TVoni onil after tlie 1st day "of Jan nary, the suDscripiiou jjiicc u nic wict- ! ... I f..llniri . One tear, paid u advance, $1.50 ' pavment delayed 3 month 8,2.00 j iifivment delayed 12 moutlis 2.50 JflSTOUY OF KOWAN COUJiTY, ! The printing of this work is now fln isiicd, and the sheets will soon be sent to the Unfcr. It will be a book of over 600 page?, Only 350 copies have been printed in book form, consequently the supply 8 very limited, is proposed to Bell jthese, bound in cloth, at . . -. $ 1 -25 By mail ao uu ... Iu ope-half calf or morocco .... I ti- nfinil' do do 1.35 1.50 1.C0 persomvdesiring to obtain a copy may rnd in their orders, accompanied by the price, and the work will be delivered as soon as made ready , - & J. J. Bruxek. Last week, taken on an average, was the hotest term ofnair days ever recorded here. . j The next session of the North Carolina College will begin August the 8th, 1881 t See potice in this paper. . ; ". - O- . i R fttl. of Mr. J. F. Ross. He desires to get two ood young men. : This is splendid chance The negro preacher, J. C. Price, spoke here j one day last week. His effort in hehalf of prohibition wa3 appreciated. , ,. j! O ' v Capnon & Fetzer, Concord's most en terprising business house, call attention to their Van Winkle Cotton Gin. Their ad may be seen iu another column -. ! ,. - - 0 ' - , br JF. Griffith and Mr. Adam Clod felter haye purchased theold Bason prop erty011 the corner of lnnUa and Church streeK It includes the office aud resi dence of Dr. Griffith and the property Lon w liich Mrs. Butledgo lives. Hob F. E: Sliober and Capt. Chas. Price i are aunounced to make auti-prohi-bition speeches at several points iu the 'counjy. They w ill most likely confiue themselves to the defects in Legislative Bill, 'hut the people will remember that they would oppose prohibition iu any .fornv ! Norsial for Colored People. The Salisbury , Normal S school for co ie. here in An dored teachers will conven mier Kev. J. 0. Crosby, Principal. The assis tants have not been -selected. -The school will continue open for three or' four jnonihs. This Normal was established iy7 the Stato for the better training of colored teachcrsjf . i A load of watr melons in this week from Souto liivcr fine lot. There is consn lerable "dif" between a Water mel on and a cotton blossom. Vc are nl wars reaieuiberetl with cotton flowers, but early melons are supposed to be danger ous food for editors. Cotton flowers dou't -hurt; 'em. 1 o- Gaiifield Post Office. Some of un cle anis agents between Salisbnry and tlie altpv'e named post office are respousi- ble for. the failure of our package to reach tnatofbee at the time it is due. We as hore our subscribers that all our pack ages are seut to the post office-in this place regularly every Thursday eveniug. If they fail to reachthcir destination the cause of it does not rest with ns. ' Annual Picnic at the Shoals. The Annual Masonic Picnic, for the benefit of the' Oxford Orphan Asylum will be held at the 'Shoals," in Davie Comity, July 22d, (Friday.) A chapter of tlie orphans- are expcctedJ io-oo present. James N. Eeid, Esq., of Rockingliam County a the orator of the occasion. Grand Master Granger is also expected. Very respectfully, J..1I. Stewart, i H A? A. Harbix, V Com. I C. Saix, ) A petition to close the Dmroods and Haid ware stores at 8 o'clock until 1st of September, was circulated this week, and failed, because two merchants refused to sign. The merchants of Charlotte, Con crdliiid Greensboro have adopted this plan, for several reasons the nightlrade if very slight; and it Ogives their over orkej clerks some little time for recrea VPQafter stan ding-behind the counter throughout theheat of the day. It is hard to keep meu at work for 14 or 15 hours such weather as this, and it is to be-re-greitea that the measure failed. MitUxDNORf h Carolina Ra it. T"niT. -pCapi. Wm. Cain, the engineer iu charge, , ill. start from the Depot iu this place this week,' to make the preliminary sur vey of this road. They will goby Miller's Ferry, Holmes' Mill on Abbotts Creek, euce to Asheboro, and thence to Pitts rov The other par under Col. F. varoeocr have already run some 40 Jles from Goidsboro towards Pitts ooro.. ! , J Capt. Cain says ihat the line will be located. irumerii;ur1v .-ifr : fvey is made, and that gra.li..g be wgnii as eoon as several miles of the road Hocite;I. Tlusridiand h been a jN t jf'en of Mr.; IW.V for along time and . UmMM:mi ihat hi liH.-i uul be ic- fthztll. U 7" THURSDAY, i ' ; -1 Cqffxe ox the Tkes. ot many per sons know how coffee looks on the tree, and the elegant lithographed picture of a! coffee, tree, which we were shown this week and which Thurber & Co., the great coffee mer chants of New York, present to dealers who sell their coffee, is ornamental and instruc tive. It may be seen at Kluttz & Rcndle- mans. o- - lite occasional reDdrt of n slmf. imn warns ns that the citv dorra are fiillinir " . . a -j 7- o victims tothe law Tis hard on the dogs, buf it is bctterso than otherwise. If it were possible, the same course all over the county would prove beneCcial. This killing of .the dogs remiudf ns of a happy hit made on one of our bar keepers by the town lax collector, j Bar keeper meeting tax Collector on the street accosted him thasly T j Barkeeper How are you, lit. dog killer t . j Tax Collector Fintrate, Mr.j man killer, howjire you f That answer is like a poem or a picture the more you took at it, the more yoa see. KEV. J. C. PIUCE, the able and gifted colored orator, on last Thursday, delivered a speech in the the Court House in this city, on the sub ject of Prohibition to a large arid at teutive audience, composed l&rgtly of some of the best citizens of the commu nity. True, as he asserted, he is a genu ine negro, as his black skin fully proves. The ease of manner and Sound logic dis played by the speaker, as be took up the various objections brought gainst the movement by the anti-prohibitionists, showed the ability of the man, and that he has given the subject considerable thought and study. We shall not attempt a report jof the speech in detail, but think it appropriate to note a point or two made against those who object to the measure. One was, on the plea the antis advance, that civil liber ty would be endangered, and certalu indi vidual l ights destroyed. " He said this was all intended to fool and mislead the col ored voters, for ho felt certain the whites had too much sense to believe it; but the colored men had moved from where they were ten or a dozen years ago, antl were now able to judge for themselves what to do to promote their own best interests, aud knew no power could take from them their liberty. As to rights, they simply had no right to use a thing that would injure them and their wives and children. And again, that a number of tiie most influential anti-prohibi tionists claim to be the best kind of prohibitionists, but the bill passed by the hist Legislature was so objectionable they could not possibly vote for it. This class, 6aid the speaker, ad vance this objection to cover thfeir true seutimetits, for the simplest mind can see, if he but read the 7th section of the act, that the voter has nothing in thp world to do w ith the bill, ns it is already a law, aud all that is required of him js to vote "For Prohibition," or "Against Prohibi tion. His whole speech was conclusive and bristled with strong mnd well made poiuts, and we regret that every colored voter in the State cannot have an oppor tunity to hear him. ' ! I For the Watchman. From Atwcll. Mu. Editor The Atweil Township pro hibition committee met at Coleman's store on the 25th of June, and made arrange ments for speaking at that place on the 8th of July on the subjectrof prohibition. " On this occasion J, K. Graham Esq., in troduced the Rev. J. A.-Ramsay, iwbo ad dressed the people for half an hour, favor ing prohibition with arguments from the Bible. Rev. .W. S. Crecy followed with a Speech of one hour, takingthesameground, and producing such arguments as could not be successfully gainsayed or resisted. Two other speakers, Messrs. Shober and Price, of Salisbury, opposed to prohibition, were present. They were invited to speak, being restricted to the same time-aHowed the other speakers. They said that they were not satisfied with the arrangement and therefore declined to speak. They said they would address the people on this sub ject at some other time and place, j Lee S. Overman, Esq., and Capt. R. R. Crawford, of Salisbury, followed, each with a speech of about half an hour, showing very clearly that liquor as now used in North Carolina, in various ways greatly increases our-taxes ; also that it produces a great deal ofsorrow, wretchedness, premature death and insan ity. W. A. Wilborn then closed tlie meet ing with a few very appropriate remarks. i s. o. For the Watchman. Locke Prohibitionists.! As previously announced, a goodly n umber of the Prohibitionists of .Locke House num- Township met atCowanTs School on last Friday night. The crowd bered from sixty to eighty, and was large ly made up of well-to-do, intelligent men. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. J. A. Ramsay. Rev. Ws S. Crecy then proceeded with an earnest arid Con vincing appeal in .favor of prohibition. Ho was followed iu a soiyid and; argu mentative address by Rev. Mr. Riinisay. Time and space forbid extended notice of these speeches. Suffice it to say they were received with marked attention, and your correspondent believes that prohibi tion votes were made, while he is quite. certain that some of the "stalwarts" were i siiaKen. . In reply to a general invitation, j Mr. Jjinies F. E. Brown made a funny Speech in opposition to the popular movement. It was uo htll work with him. He seem ed to the writer to be one of those who oppose more from reluctance to give up than from stroug convictions of the justice of his cause. Ins arguments were weak find inrvM.sistpnh hut nevertheless: as strong as any that can be produced against prohibition. The faet is. Mr. IJrowu wa4 on the wroug side and knew it, arid was i a An 1 ouiv trying to Keep op appearauces. This Association hdlds its next meeting at Owens' (Phillip) School House Friday eveniug, 15th inst., at 3 o'clock; Pi' M. Mr. R. R. Crawford and Lee b. Overman, i Eq-f will - be ;p resent to addivss the peo - j pk-. Kcs. MINING INTELLIGENCE. ' -- -- --- - ----- -! - T. K. 'BRU2TER, MANAGER. ' For de-snb-pulvcrizing, in report of Phoenix mine, last weeks .paper, read ; desulphurizing. Such errors are haniilia ting but to err is human ; we belong to that class. i Quaker Crrr Gold Mixe, Cabarrus County.- First . clean up of five tons, yielded 5J oz. Second run of 4 J tons of No 1 ores yielded 10J oz. This last was from the 3 foot Eldorado Tein. j PHoexix Gold Mine. A card from mining Captain, Judson, says: "you place the capacity of the Racd drill at 12 inches in 20 minutes; CO inches per hour is not an uncommon run ; I have cut as high as 12 inches in 8. minutes. Work is mov ing briskly and the quantity of ore is steadily increasing. The glorious fourth passed off quietly not hill." a drunk on the CROWELL MINE. The Daily Stock Report ot July 7tb, takes occasion to slander the Crowell, cither through malice or through iguo rancei "The Crowell company are em barrassed with' every thing except gold" to this we would suggest in xeply, that the company meet promptly 4 their en gagements in this State. We saw a few days since a certificate from the Register of deeds of Stanly County,! certifying that uo claims were recorded agaiust the company. As regards veins ofj gold bear ing material, there isnopossibledonbtbut that they have plenty, and they are daily demonstrating it by the results obtained from the mill, which is now injoperation. We have no personal interest in this matter, except that the Crowell is a North Carolina mine and the Watchman feels an interest in the welfare of all our mines. In this case the Stock J?epor(over step ped the bounds of propriety j and made statements very foreign to jthe facts, therefore we contradict them-f our per sonal knowledge bearing us out in these statements. i HIDDEN MINE. The famous Hidden mine lis situate four and a half miles from Taylorsvillc, the County seat of Alexander. There are two tracts of land, containing respec tively seventy aud eighty acres, which go to make up the entire property. Five years ago, Mr. Warren, who then owned the land, used to find pale green spodu mene on tho surface. Mr. Hidden begau prospecting tuere just about a year ago and after five weeks of patient toil was rewarded in finding what is known as a blind vein, i. e. one which which, does not reach to the surface. This one: was found twelve feet from the top. The yeiu is de composed and soft to the depth of twenty- eight feet, below which the vein bindings are solid gneiss, and exceedingly hard to penetrate-quickly dulling the best Steele. Tho division line at this point (28 foot water level) is very sharp and distinct. A drift was rnn from the foot of the hill to the shaft for tho purpose of draiu- age. Tho vein, a fissure by contraction, is filled with quartz crystals, routile, feld spar, mica, pyrite, emerald and Hidden ite. The m gems are found embedded in these minerals. Tho vein is at present, ten inches in lateral extent and three fourths of an inch in width. They are down 32 feet and hoist with a whim. The entire "expense of opening and working the mine has been paid by the sale of gems. The finest stoue yet takeu out weighed two and a half carats and brought at wholesale, one hundred dol lars aarat. The Hiddenite is of a green- ishcoior the crystals,-sometimes pale at oue extremity, gradually deepen to n rich emerald at the other. When cut and polished tho cem has a beautiful, rich lustre. There are other veins within twenty feet of this, which Prof. Hidden will ex plore at an early day. Ho has had many offers to stock the mine, but prefers not doing so. Prof. Hidden has our thanks for a specimen of the hiddenite in its natural, or unpolished state. The Baltimore and North Carolina Gold MiuingCompany are increasing'their facilities. from five to twenty-hve stamps. Ten staui ps arrived yesterday aud were shipped to the mine. Work has begun on both ends of the "Jayne Vein," about 5 miles west of the city. The south end, where the Capps mine is located, is now .in operation, and at the Hopewell mine, the nortli end of the same vein, the work of reopening commenced yesterday. At the McGinn mine dry pulverizing machinery is being substituted for the wet stamping p:oct 63. Tho stock of the Hopewell has already advanced in anticipation of tho. impor tant work -Just commencing. Mr. J. R. Stevenson has discovered what promises to be a valuable gold mine on his farm, some distance below Mat- thews' Station. Some of the ore has been left at the OBSERVER for examination. Charlotte Ob. Joe Ross one of the principals in the murder of Bob Ilennegan, continues to be a bugaboo to colored people in the country. Dozens of them in different portions of the country are ready to swear that they have seen him, fully armed, lurking abotit in their different neighborhoods after dark. Char. Observer. . Torrid Heat Numerous Sukstroxes. Cincinnati, July 11. The United States signal service thermometer here registered 103.5 at 3:15 yesterday afternoon. Ordi nary thermometers registered . from 7 to 8 degrees higher in the shade. The heat was the greatest on word here. The coroner was called to attend 13yfeaths,:all from congestion of the brain, supposed to have been superinduced by excessive heat. There, were 12 sunstrokes, though no fatal rases were renorted un to midnisht. IirCovin?r- j ton, Ky.. there were ft cases of funstroke rtcrdy, four of them fatal. THE 'ASSASSIN ATIOW" " OP mm PEICES HAS BEEN MADE AT - II 11 SROWWtS PRICES REDUCED 25 PER GENT OH SUITS, SHOES, HATS AND 1 ' - IE We are closing out our Spring and Summer Goods in order to make room for our Winter ru ' i i !ll ! it siock, wnica wm iar brought to this market. You can now secure at a Great Discount, Bargains in HSTSr All Styles and Patterns : - 9- mwm .... ( SUITS, COATS VESTS, AND PANTS, Any Way to Our line of Shoes is ivett assorted and can not jail to p lease ai me Ladies' Sandals, Cloth. GENTS' HAND-MADE SHOES, GAITERS, TIES, LOW QUARTERS, ALL GREATLY REDUCED. A lot of Cloth Sh,oes to be closed not fail to examine this line. TRUNKS, VALIOES SOLE LEATHER, Large line Dress Shirts, Undershirts, Call on J M. S. BROWN". For the Watchman. Wedding Festivities. Ou Thursday, 7th inst., a large party assembled at the resideuce of Dr. A. Fuller, of Randolph county, to celebrate the marriage of Miss Alberta B. Stith, daughter of the late Dr, W. Stith, of Chatham - county, to Mr. J. Howard Jones. , Ceremony was perform ed by the Rev. Dr. Watson at 12 o'clock M. After the usual congratulations, the guests partook of au elegant repast, at which tlie unfailing hosnitalitr aud cour tesy of ilie Doctor and his clever lady were fully evinced. Com. Deputy Collector D. S. Burns, of the 4th district in this Statex said he "was d n glad Garfield w'as-fihot, the Grant men will have a show now," rfhd was suspended from duty by Collector Young. Char. Obfcrter. DIED. At China Grove, on Tuesday morning, July the 7th, Lillian, daughter of Rev. B. S. and Kate Brown, aged 1 year 6 months and 21 days. Because it adds to personal beauty by restoring color and lustre to gray or fad ed hair, and is beneficial to the scalp, is why Parker'a Hair Balsam is such a pop ular dressing. Bt-auty, health, and hnppiuefis for ladies in "WINE OF CARPUI." j i' At Thco. F. K!uttz8. A Grand Reputation. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has reached a reputation frhat is not lim ited by tho confines of section or country. There are no injurious substances, nor false and temporary stimulants in the preparation. It is purely vegetable, and compounded under a formula that has passed severe tests, and Ion endorse ments from some of the highest medical talent in the coantry. N. f. TrorW. esr LOST OR MISLAID ! AW persons are hereby cautioned ngainst ne iroMairrnT r.prtifipate No.43 for Seven Hundred an I Fifty Shares of the capitjd stock of the Sam Christian Gold Mining Company of North Carolina, paid certificate having teen loft or mislaid, and application hasjb.n made to the Company for the issue of a nevjr certificate in its place. J. P. Stockham. Mt. Gilead, N. C, Maj 9, ISil. 38:2t Greensboro jfnnale GREENSBORO, N. C. The 51st session of this well known In stitution will begin on Wednesday, 24th of August. TERMS PEU SESSION OF 20 WEEKS: Board and tuition in full Enjglish course. $75.00. Charges for extra studies moderate. . For particulars apply for Catalogue to T.M. JONES.lPresidcnt. GrcensboTO, June 24, 1SS1. 37:5t-pU lune (to llOBlil SANDALS exceed anyming ever Suit Purchasers. greauy reaucea prices. Shoes and Gaiters. out at very low figuere. Ladies will AHQ UMBRELLAS ! ! BEST QUALITY. 0 Drawers, Collars, Cuffs, and Ties. BUSINESS LOCALS Fresh barrel of Mott'a Cider just tapped at A. Parker's. WANTED I Two good Salesmen. None but expe rienced Tonng men of good habits need apply. "Call at once. J. F. KCJSS . i l?f II MYEFl A saddle horsby the mouth, at cheaper rates VmilltU. than livery men can afford. A. PARKER. FOR SALEF0R CASH I 1,500 Sheaves of very clean oats. A. PARKER. Srayed or Stolen A liver colored Setter Dog with leather collar. Absent since Monday last. Will pay a resonablc reward for the return of him to M. S. BROWN. Late potatoes and FKESI1 LEMONS Just received at A. Parker's. Peerless, Peach Blows & Soowf ate For Planting at J. D. McNecly'i. Also ji Large Lot of Fnsh Pine Apples just received at J. D. McNEELTS. "LIFE INSURANCE" MADE CHEAP. Table Shoicing Actual Cost io Members of 4,000 Insurance for Cme Year March 1, 1879, to March 1, 1880).- First Class, aged 18 to 30 years. .$17 00 . 2125 . 2550 . 3400 Secoujl 30 " 40 it Third Fourth Fifth Sixth n u i it 40 " 45 45 " 50 50 " 55 55 " Go . 51 00 . 63 00 J. D. X&cXffeely, Ag'r. PRICE CURRENT. Corrected by J. M. Ksox & Co. 1 July 14 CottoS good Middlings, Middling low do 10 staim Bacon, county, hog round Bctteb Eggs CmcKEKS -per dozen Cors New Meal moderate demand at Wukat good demand at FtiOCR best fam. extra super. Potator, Irish Oxioits Lard Uat Oats Beeswax Tallow Blackberries Apples, dried ScCAR-i- 57 910 202.1 10312i 3.00 70 85(75 1001.10 290(2,300 2. 2.73 50 50 8540 81 202I 6 !34 10ffil2J THE BEST No plow ever invented lar as these have. They uie most prominent tarmers with all the popular, plows of Western, Northern and home manufac ture,! and have, by their work, proven to be as we represent in every particular. Thev have in competition with all plows in the Southern mar ket been awarded FffiT Preminms as ABINGDON, WYTHEYILLE, CULPEPPER and LYNCHBURG, 71, Virginia State Fair at Richmond, AJSTy at tho GEORGIA STATE FAIU at ATLANTA, In all other trials where quality of work tind general superior ity have been the points considered, thev have established their superiority over all others. A full stock of - "" . WATT'S PLOWS, ALtL SIZES, -AND Genuine Trade Hark Castings - for same at lowest prices. Every Plow Warranted or no sale. A trial is solicited, with privilege of returning if not working as we claim and giving entire satisfaction. - J. D. GASKILL. SALISBURY, N. C. . .. - Enochville Academy! MALE AXD FEMALE, Be-established on a firm basis by a Board of Trustees, and under the supervision of the former experienced Principal, Prof. R. G. Kizer. This Institution is located in south-west Rowan, (N. C), in the midst of an industri-1 ous and prosperous community. The third session will commence July the 11th, 1881, and continue forty weeks, divided into two terms. The advantages of this school are very superior. Healthiness of location, mor al tone of community, and excellent church privileges make it a desirable place for a school. Students prepared for the actual business pursuits of life, or for the College classes. A very attractive feature of the school is the establishment of a Music De partment, under the direction of an accom plished teacher. Board in the best families at from 50.00 to $7.00 per month. The terms for music and tuition are very low. For particulars address, at once, the Chairman of Trustees, Rev. Ym. A. Lutz, or II. M. Lf.A7.er, Scct'y. Enochville, Rowan Co.. N. C, June 25th, 1881. - 37:4t North Carolina : Mlm County. In the Superior Ccnrt, June 24, 1SS1. Dr. Joseph Wilkins, Plaintiff, againit John J. Workman, Relecca J. Work- man, Daniel ljOitin, jlnnan L.oltin, ana George C. Irwin, Trustee. Action to recover real estate. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, by the Sheriff's return, and the af fidavit of Plaintiff, that George C. Irwin, one of the Defendants in the alove entitled action, is a non-resident of this State aud is a necessary party to the final determination of this actian in reference to real estate in this State i It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made once a week for six consecutive weeks in the "Salisbury Watch man" a newspaper published in the town, of Salisbury, uotifying the said George Ce Irwin, trustee, to appear before the Judg- of tho Superior Court to be held for David son County at the Court-house in Lexing- ton, Si. V. br, 1881, , on the lit Monday ot beptem and answer or demur to the Which will be filed during first complaint three day of the Term, of said Superior Court or judgment will be taken according to the praverbf the complaint. 37:Cw; " C. F. Lowe, C. S. C. TIME TABLE WESTERN K. C. Railroad. Takes effect Mondar, 1 55 o'clock, A. M., April lsi. AKKIVI. ttaVB. STATIONS. ABMVS. LSAVX. . Tsoa.nvSaUsburT 4 50p.ra 8S3a.m tTUlrd Creek 4 04 too lmwoo4 Z 4 i Suteartue 3l . 10 19 Catawba 2 32 loss l Newton 149 till oonova 14 H3I Hickory 12 51 111 1114 p m (card 13 is pan it si jMorgranton m 40 lis oienn Alpine 11 1 w Brtdg-e water . 11 07 tot ' ' Manou 10 29 1 53 Old Fort 9 47 SOft 39 Henry 9S7 ! 4 so BITc Mountain ft 44 449 Cooper'8 8 94 4 93 Swannaooa a 24 sit -Vnheviiie Ja'ct 8 07 SM lA&beTllle - i 8 00a.tr; 5 r5""Trlas ran dally, Rortay exefpt- A. B. ANDREWS, oea.snpt. PLfliifSIW USE has become as zonu have been tested by me Best Oyer ALL ! Oils I Oils I Oils ! Cheaper than ever.. Machine Oil, Kerosene Oil, Tanners Oil, Spum Oil, Lardbil. Spirits Tnttnthi Mill be sold loiccr than ever At ENNIS&. Fresh TURNIP SEEDS t JUST RECEIVED! Orange Jelly or Golden Ball, Large White Flat Norfolk, Seven Tops-, -White Globe, Improved Purple Top Strap Leaf, White flat Dutch Strap Leaf, At ENNISS CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE! Warrautcd to care every timo WITHOUT FAIL, If given in time, or money refunded. 25cts. per Sox, or three for OOetf. For sale at ElffXTZSttV TMs Wonderful Improred Saw IuMis W warranted to nt twrt tec la IkiM I Mtr. and r cord wood or lon of any m la adaf nn sow mmrm ' u cnup or m utm war. iMfa err AHtft m " -tTT rm lUn rAUUfW M4NCFACTCRllltt CSt. 17.-6a. BONDS To make Title to Land, and Laborer ant BLANK ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE NOTICES For Sale at Office. n R OW & GO WAIT, Cook Stoves of all stza and styles always aa hand at lowest prices, rsriiake a fepecUlty otja ACORN COOK STOVES, Ue bm ta tka world. A nrst-claaa stock ot Ha and Graaft lift AHU UUHHtH sniTHiuo. All kln1s of nousp-Rofflnfj and GotiertpsdoBt o short notice and In tlie bebtatyle. e lcn p poBstontly on habd a complete stock et Sbcft-Tin, ihe"t-Jron and sam- cypc r. wbich tier tor fcair cLvp. Mt till

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