.. - : ,. - . - " - - I'- - .( ' . ... ' . - . .J. GUITKAU WHO 1112 18r Concerning Gnifrmi tl tloinrrs in beat finally 'sot into the papers; The " ttHt J" ls a dinggur, apothecary or New York Herald wrote him up ex tensively. .1 his seemeu to lre the AVihliiiigton a cli.jwiteh from.thatcit Ichonre that Guiteau had long ftoitght. . MV i- Charles Guiteau -came here with other oftJcc-j-eekcrs at the time of the inauguration of General Garlic M, and tit once began, to imjwrtune the presi dent for office with unusual persisten cy." ttU effrontery knew no bound. Jle approached the President! friends ' rght .ami left for ,4indonefnent' whether they knew him or not, and was especially persistent in bi efforts to 'get Colonel Ingersoll a influence, though the Colonel did not even know him by sight. He, in fact, made h'mself , a . nuisance generally, and n'out three weeks ago was excluded from the executive office for a .viola tion of the rules in pushing past the doorkeeper, and entering the Presi dent s room .without iK?rmission. He had not presented himself for admis sion since Jiis "exclusion, nor had he openly sought the President's presence but continued to haunt the vicinity of me iiuc j louse, siiiinff on inc benches in Lafavctle square, directly opposite the main entrance, and oc casionally calling at the door and ask ing if the President was in. So longer ago than last night (the night preceding the shooting) he call ed, as he had frequently done before, and asked if the President was in, and; being answered in the affirmative he went away apparently satisfied. He has lived most, and probably all, -of the time since he has been here by swindling boarding houses. About six Mccks ago he called at a fashionable boarding house in fourteenth street, kept byMrs. William L. Grant, and by giving President Garfield's and Secretary Blaine's names as references Previous to that day he had not ap peared in the public prints, but when thtt Herald denounced him at length he proposed to sue Mr. Jieuuet for li-j tihyt-k-inii in it he, count v where such ai plication Is niode thr place where he sells drag and mfdfiiies or regularly praHic medicine that h desires to kcp and Htll sueh Iiqnjra only for medicinal, chem ical or iiieclnjuical purposes j flint hi: will not kiioxvingry keep or sell moi-Ii liquors otherwise, not in greater quantities than as by this neti allowed, and that he will NOW IS THE TIME TOi SCKSCUIHE FOR THE WATCHM AN IF VOUj WISH Your Watches and of YalnaWe Tom 'Property j JilijJiS Conveniently Locatsl Bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Rowan County I will sell at Pub lic Auction" at the t:.irt ITousa .1 ir in ClockH.Sewiitii UaiitiiieM.iJlii-. hepairtrd bv a uooil. cheap- wntt resoonitilile Salibburr on Mttnlnv it- f kI- m I I .1 " . i J m"," piease irave uiem wnn yicrf. FIRST Klniu & Keiidlemne, alihnrr, N. C. vxij n.'u nnowx. DAT OF AfOUST. 188 1. j a valuable IIon.? ami Tot the houc now ! oecupied by D. A. Goodman sitnnJn on Main street, adjoining the lots of Martin v.MTbr mnvi . ! Rich wine and Mrs. I. P. OW'eUI. a froldea chaneu in offered, tberebr alwajs keepin? poveity from your door. Those who alwars tate i1- Viintaife ot the pocxl eliam.-e for mating inonty that ! airuunru, (fetieniiiy uocnme weaiinv, wane those wiio do not improve such ohaucee remain in povertr. for 'usiijjhlia their own hieaimea. The business . MtYPT.Cra frnTloO'la frtfi coin Tin-nn will pay more than ten Umes oinnry wnitea. We : qOK D iOOvlS 1QT SdI8 UGrG HELP H bel. and did institute proceedinj: I well. truly aiid fakhfullv keen and ob- agaiost him,1 which were compromised wri-o the provisions of this net so far as in some form or another. - lf"? 1Ir V, ' " ? p- u r ;j .. s a rt iiouer snaii Rinwrnuo anu m-ar to ni8 ana rammed ins career ot UcaU-bcjit- mt nreKerved amon; the imitera and re- : IJ 1 t it.. fry I . .r.t " . - uii Jiie was eiojen. uy iuje j itrus l corus ti uif cimnij vHiiunisKioitera oeiore two or til rot times, but conl nnw nn io preaenred. Jiut no I.:.MnM' Il hVi.wl drnffgist, apothecary or uhjKieian shall v m i le lieene to sell any of the spirituous or v i.hi i ci tue limes otnee several times, malt linnnt4 tiii tiumt inntid lv His visits grew tiresome, and one day has executed nd given to the 13oard iw Kfxoon?w1S he was 1 veil the orivilese of woini? Comniwsioneiis of the county wherein the irrP?,y Yon cau devote your whole lime to the IUJ""I l llirjiirsru .F ue KI1KI, U UOIU1 securitv. to be preferreil gomff dowti the cufcicst way. five hundred dollars ami not wr ti.nn and did not bother the office again for flve fbtisaiul dollars, conditioned that ho months. " will fathfully Comply with and perform GnifMii'a wini W.i divoron.1 fim4n t,, 1 .mT eme,lt 8 aml conditions of - - viii ii.:. ..i 1 l i it . c i . , i mie iir sjim uumi Kiiaiu oe worti- im on account ot neglect and bru- Ud nml filed id (.'ias nF lfiSl luimlo tality. He treated here rudely and and whenever the said coiniiiiKsionf-r about a-year after thev were married j shall nave reason to believe that thepar deacrtcd her and left her to cam her ty 8i ,.5ce,l8el !,as violated any of naid Terras made known on dar of sale. Moses II Holmes, Commissioner. 38:4 1 lofn stairs in double-qiwk time or h9"or8 a? l,r,I,T1 to i r .1 .. with CmI and Kunicient bemg thrown over the railing, He duly justified in a sum oi own living. A Slaughter of Pigeons. conditions or proinie8 they may pnt the same in suit and prosecute to iiidnieiit and in addition thereto they may for good cansj revoke said license, first giv ing to the holder thereof nt least two days notice of the time wheu a motion to revoke will be jiuadc. Skc 4. A dragist, apothecary or phy Ten Thonmnd ftUM or Maimed at Coney Island A Cruel Sport. The ground around and about the j ieau having i license to keep ami sell in nig point at me Drigision rseacn . , , 1 , V. 1 : : "Cl iMlJ" racetrack is literally covered with L "V1"" tSse tW P- it, rU i.mi- i i.. ""-"y"v v,ugiirrqnaiiury man luyiun.ui inc jfigvuna jiiueu uu- one gallon, nor in anv qnantitv. unless ring tne progress ot the tournament, the person applying to purchase the same It Js estimated that fully ten thousaud ,,al 1 .Preeut and deliver the certificate oiras nave been slaughtered and as " oucucingpny nm,,v mnM r!ll lw. i.r..- K:,aff: not !l housed deiler under this , . ..... c-aviiuwu UV1UII- fir crlvi.ii unon : Ii c ... .1... ... .1.. f.l.MI .i t i... i I . . . i iiiiji , mi tuv yiii-n iuc wi stvui at iiiarKsuiansuin ana tuat sued snintuous ohoir n , , so-caueu spori are concluded. JJirds ftie ,n 'aci required tor medical purposes; nl.tIt.I rom. l uMi a w""c, ave ctiert without the bounds ' " "V"HC? m : fi0lvrv rpecta- of the first month, in lien of nnvino- a-c frequen tljrj found by the idle lua in do rcvriHni i j me wuiuiir ui ir:ii nnrnosrsr ir m .rtiti..f. ,c & I nr. VI llli.IIIU III the track, and that many of them sober, respectable . mechanic that such died lingering deaths from shot RP,ritnous liquors so required are in tact wounds there can be no doubt. The u'n.ui1e,l ("f "uchanical purposes ; and if work- orouly your spiire moment. Full Information anti :ui luai is newiHi srnt rree. Adtlress. 5l-iy 8TixsoN & Co., Portland, Maine. Also various other bhns. Subscribe for Carolina Watchman, only $150 per year in ad vanes. & MORTGAGE Fee Simple Decd. Deeds in Trust, Mortsa'sra Dcedn fonn: t . tmeuf. L-nauie JiortgageP, larm Contracts. Marriage aud ( t,fi7 Si Distillers' Entries. -ind vnrimm nth.r lV,r.. r.t ' . ' 1 0,.,bralion cv,,..:.'1 ' . iui au. al jjle '"iKiif, " SALE NOTICH -' Adiuinistratoni , executors, eommissioner, sherirTs constables, a r i .. .... ri5,.ic umia'. it is- eertainiv great iniiisM, . 4 1 c a,HW1u their pro,H.rt.v at public auction without fiwt ffivinj amol,: 0't i -o . f .?viim l Nt 7 qnirrmenN of the law on the subject every bodv knows nie in , I- -hc sal(?- ;u .i. .i .if. ' !umcieiu. n. saved it and made it brio., it vlni. v i. 7. P.C,U ln (verti).fr1p .O ...a . Diue notices nromntlr IV""1 tr, - cue; Ms bill, he resorted to the swindler's usual excuse the non-arrival of ex peeled 'fundi. Guiteau surreptitious- iv got his baggage and sneaked away from the house. On the day of the snooting, when Mr. Urant called at the oftice of a morning paper, to in sert this little advertisement, she heard lor the hrst time that her late lorder and the assassin were onc aud the same : t WAXTKD-Cluiiles Guiteau, of Illi nois, who gives th- President and Secre- tary Blaine as reference, to call at 024 14th st, and pay his board bill. " THE ASSASSIN'S HISTOKY. A Chicago dispatch says: Charles .Tules Guiteau is a native of Illinois, rtjwut forty years of ag-e. He is a son o i Ia W. Guiteau, who for many years and up to the time of his death, which iKciirrcil almtit two years ago, residetl at Freeport, III. About twenty-five years ago the father, accompanied by his son, Charles Jules, then about .-ixtccn years old, left Freeport and joined theOnediacanmiunity, in New orlt State. The Hither renin in rd i with the community "but n short time, nrid then ret 11 med io Freeport. The on remained in the community scv cral ycar, and next turned up in riicago as a lawyer. When a bov. iiuu up 10 uie time ot his arrival in Chicago, he was .known as Charles niies Uujtcau, but in Chicago he urujipeu uie juics. lie visited Wasli- i jug about two years ago and lectured '. in Lmctiln hall on Second Advcnt- yl in wiiicji, at that time, he pro M sscu to ne a hrm believer. Gentle men . in th;s city, who met him then. lowiiounee mm a lunatic on the sub-j-et ofj-cligion. Guilcau's idiosyncra- wiuie a --resident of Chicag I'rought.him into unenviable notorie f V nn mnrn (Ln ww . .. ...... t.,., iMieuccasiun. He was oi unwnoicsome appearance, and was regarded as of weak mental capacitv 1 :iiiI iinrtiolli- I.. II?. . 1 " i 'u, inn manner was n queer combination of obsequious- nesv humility, and querulous self-as-r'Ttion. lie was disliket1,and nobodv r. c.uuii to wain mm around. He was c'.ustantly trying to get himself be fore the public in one form or anoth er. He was insanelv n-r;..o . . : J .vrWi3 lU print without apparent obicct. was expert onW i , ' ..v. line ui .oincss, ana that was beating board ing houses. Best Goods, I f.-tw - 1 K 1 r . - J TRADE WJPL)-)s MARK. JLowestPrige Kr. S?,00 n rapra(,r caa buy a formula (OSOlb) of POWKLIS PUEPARED cmsmCAlA Ibr WHEAT. -lrJrx ?lix home, makes ONE TOX of SUPERIOR l uOsl HATI-vs'tolcU is equal in planMifc and as ccrtaiu of successful crop production aa many of the high-priced Phosphates. t, "i expenao. lull directions. - unuit-s nvlIuca'I! ave Decn tboroaprbly tried, cive uni - -- - in u.crjr naio si reierencc. versal s&tlsructln, iad for Pamphlet. ItEWABK IIP IMlTATinvs URUWN CHEMICAL COM Baltimore, MtlM Sole Proprietors. iTiuuii&a jr - k uro none irxcai. i'nro Dlssolrcfl Done. Potash, imm..,.:. land all bleh-srmda FerUUziBr-Arut.i4.i ' 3 i . . . ' . marksmanshin on June 2-lih wn cr J u'ne,m: ri !U 1,6 "r cU"- -l.i.ALi. .i " .....kc u, ecriincate falsely 8tat- uiiuuiigii me euuuiuons were injur or suggest in thorpurmiAo for which nui tpme so lavoraixe as on the pre- suc" spu unous nquor spetinl bv liim vious days. A thick haze made tl e ?I-H re,l."ired evt-iy such physician, 'chem light uncertain and the wind, which "Wrt'l: WrtS IIIHII lllf uiiiicudii uicw iiic i ni is4Itmi:i in itv fimi in..... :.. smoKe oacK in : the laces 6t the ton- any court of record having iuiisdietion into lie lie came to Chicago ten or twelve vf-nra ago, and did a little shvster law work around the justices'" courts. I hose with whom he came in con ct.seei ily ratetl him for what he v:h worth, and their estimate of him mi ay be sirmmcd up in the expression thai he was: cracked. Tl,at there Was a Hew loose in his mental machinery Y emeni to admit of no question. ?He m m voted a nuisance and was toler Hlrd onIyJecause he was believed to U. harmt He was visionary and i rritic. J here was a certain earnest niin his maonpr wlii.t, M:t. jr. Y0 one on first making his ajquain tiwvbut he invariably showed his ;xeitricity m the course of a few """itw conversation. When he first me to this city he was quite young, ; -I hs eccentric conrse Vaa attr.V tinl to the freshness of youth which nr off with age. The disease, how- ver, was deejr; but before the fact "2jr rril a Miss wtvuic, a sisierol Ueorg? Scoville rnvver. now in lutein. r i' and bystanders, ftkr the body of the i i. i t r unu, uuu imi us uie anu ireeuom, was valuable, for, accordiner to the mips. if rptrlovitil tvitl.:.. ,. i - - v,.. iniiiiu wiiuiii iiuu. unci i t.. III 11 1 in I lift P .1. I ...v, -.icii.i ui me marKsman. The shooting is still vt-ry much be hindhand and it is not improbable that the time for the tournament will be extended. testants. There is scarcely a moment t,K'rewf R'dl he lined not less than one that some incident do not .,r "drctl noivmore than live hHmlioddol- which, under ordinary circumstances! "lll dUcrctio" of would excite the nitty and svmnithv t v h . , .i . . .... .. . - j i -v.". ij.-i, ,ii hl;".,i . ii )o;iicrarv ir oi me -spectators. Inle Dr. l'ierce, physician who shall have a lkt MlUt' til Kl'll the donor of the diamond bal r. n:is I such fijuiituouM lluuors as nrovidi) fin-in shooting off in the tie score at tlib- ftct' nnt,.s,,:l11 vi"lrtte the provisions . ' . . i i ki inn cumii ii. . . . . . . teen, one of the b n s. which was in- r V . I' imvcu' i)V .I. ay. . Mfl3.al ijidircctly, or by any shift or snbterluffc. rni.j n, ne-.viii anci perched shall, for every s.u h violation thereof on the iron wire which supports the l defined guilty of a misdemeanor, and awnings over the reporters' 'stand. "P" nvw.tion in any court of lecord "Don't move! Keep perfect I v oniet f I lviii-5 jiii-iKaicrticjii shall he fined not less shouted, the iudires o tho rn.,. ". Ui' ., ,,r.,wc: than ,vKn.w-a .... , 'TV ,",T!,miaami uy nnpnsoni-d in me uiscreuoti or tlie court; ami more over shall forfeit his said license in cancelled by the court ; and if anv clerk or employee of such druggist, apothecarv fkllli.i.. r. I. .. 1 t 2.. . . even a sinwln slmf mo-l- r i v ,."IU"" niUt llt uy way violate t ie een ft single shot mark found upon provisions of thisct under pretense of us ootly, it would count as a dead -wiling such spirituous liquors for his em- lnMei or omtrwisc,. lie shall for cverv such oflense lo deemed guiliry of a mf demeanor, and upon conviction in an court of record having jurisdiction shall be fined not less than riftv dollars nor more than one hundred doll.us, and be imprisoned at the discretion of the court Sec. G. That this act shall have no force nor effect until the first dav of Oc tober. A. 1)., 1881 and on aud after that day it shall have full force anil effect. ' Skc. 7. That an election shall be held by the qualified electors in the State on the first Thursday' iu August next to take the sense of the electors ot this State up on the question of prohibition, those de siring prohibition shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words: "For Pro hibition'' on it ; those opposed to prohi bition shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words: "Against Prohi bition" on it. The election herein pro- ,Wi in nun Mill K!i:n lis iitii der the same rules and regulations and tlm mtiivno t.x K. i i , wu anc. as arc now pro vided by law for the election of Judges of the Superior Courr, and the Board of County Commissioners of the several counties of the State shall in the manner therein proscribed appoint registrars and judges of said election : Provided, That if at the said election u majority of the votes so cast be "AgaMist Prohibition" then and in that case no person shall be prosecuted or punished for any violation of this act. And it is further provided. I hat npon the counting of the ballots as aforesaid the Governor of the Htnu.-. i.oii issue his proclamation declai iiiff the re sult thereof. . BROWN'S A TRUE TONIC 1 APERFECT STRENGTHENER . A SURg REVIVER. 1ROX BITTEItS re highly rccomincndctl for all diseases rcqiunn? 1 v i wnu ;i;iu emcicm tome: isimm r i,r;. . r a S Kt s, U ant of AppeUte,lM of MrevjUi,! of LncrMc. Enrichc-s the blood, S i K.rrngihens the iauselcS,und t ivcsnew life to the nerves. Thev :ict like a ch-irm 8 I i"'SfV V '-'--''' . Tlic only Iron Prcnaration I VI V'ri, 1: A"111 hf tOOUX V -iV0 "KUlach-. Sold bv I I "c) nrnf fi'rr. BROWN CII KTiITf ' A t. rr r-. i C u . . - AJ..A lil.HK t". illtl. I . au iron iiittbrs tre mde by B-LUAItE OF IMITATION'S. Alonl 7,000,000,000 pins are made in the United States every year, jutt about enough to hold seven women's tdlc'sin posit io-D ,stou Trar.scri t. The Prohibition Act. - . y The following is the Prohibitory Act as it passed both Houses of the Legislature, with Tall the amendment inserted at the proper places. It is an exact copy of the hill as enrolled and ratified : AX ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MAXCFACTUUE i Ktl air-v s-..- ..... . vr ji-iMinors AND MALT LIQUORS. The Oeiieral JWW of Xorth Carolina Ls5U U U sLr) , s - "r, ffS H EAOflUARTERS THE BUERBAU FOR Fruit3, Cigars, Pictures, 32: Picture-Frames Candies, Books, And tf HARDWARE WIIEiV VOIJ WAXT II A Si D W A B"E At Lovr Piguref3 Call on the undersigned atKo- 2 Granii ROEr-. ' D A. AT WELL Salisbnry .N C...Tunc S tt. " wrecked frm . wlfi 1 fcallh nod sound lamotv ,1 nn tl mtnd 2 " ff premature old aMn;'tbmtflS2 t rouble, tad rtorLnrcrfMt ,roJn UI mnt has stood tU Ua L,. L,00' '"? pu to, ritH but iftny U'raS J Z la nai, oasenw .boat tiii, rrSJSKS, i"d-. wll give oatUfacUon. During th! hf IS th ltTias boen in general nsn. e hk ? hi 1 "t Medical rrofeaioa to bSbo mo?t .To1 Jroabl thati, well known to th Ti raiery to o oany.and dmsx Katti nii. WoU ""ir ow Ms n.tram and bl fcem. TsVr7 Uh a put op in n-nt boxcf., cf Utr, ii lir tolut . month, t3 ;Na. aiBtlili80'' Coatoefl Tie Tttte-H. C. E. R. bKBM.- THAIXS GOING NORTH. Pule M.iy i j, '31 No. 47 Dally No. ,a Dally I Lv. C'Lnriotto, A-i, J)t'i)ot " " Junct " Sall.-nhury Arr. i.rLViisbnro Lv. (iri'eusliiiro Arr. Half'itfh Lv. Arr. Ooia.sboro Lv. tireenstxjiu lor fcli hiiioiid Lv. Dan villi - N. Danville " Harksd:ile " Drak's Ur eh " Jetfrsvliv Vrr. 'I'tunalKi'.vlc Arr. nolle lsk? Lv. Arr. Mant-hcstor ait. l;i.'hiii!i(l No. 4 i Dally .40t"'sntitl that thr 103 A M , 6 13 A M 4 13 r ji TO I m r. a.- a 4 U AM-J 6 20 5 56 A M 7 50 8 0:i Ail S i3 A M 1 40 I' M 14'. V M A W 1 M 9 no J 50 8 3 IV M 10 il A M 10 S7 A .l 1 SS A M 12 37 P M 8 34 P M 3 20 P M 4 03 1 M 4 10 P M 4 13 P M 4 J8 P M 11 ni ' 11 3:1 12 01 P M 1 10 " 8 33 1' a 51 " 4 ' 1 33 " 4 r.s ' 4 H" 4 " C H7 " 7 37 " 5 IS for Hk h Liornl only iS 4-M TUAINS GOING SOT'TH Dat May 13, 'SO No. 12 D.dly Xn. 4s D.Uiv No. .3t Dally " Lv. Floreston Cologne fall I Vri Mltir. tun! r.riuui.'r--. ' IIi.cot A Cv. V. Y. AU farmers. Mo,hcrs. liiumcu Men. AiivJim -j 1&c, who are tired out by work or worry, and til l,o4 .are miserable with Dyspepsii, KheunvitiMn. NeunJ-H gia,or Bowel, Kidney or Liver ComfUint-, youca;ij beinvigorated and cured bv using J If youare wasting away with Cciu-imption. Aijc,J Dissipation or any weakncs. rou will find I'a-fcer'sl .Ginger Tonic the rentet tlod Fertlazar a::d thri ;Beit Health Jt Strpu-rth Utorr jen Can U-o. .and far f.inrrior tJ I'ittcrs m l mh'er Tri.i., r.r. i 'builds up th'5 rvter.i. but never innic.tr. i and $i site'. 'H'srrx f; Co.. Cirri? V. PARKA'S HAIR BALSAM i :ly THE BEST PAPER ! TRY IT. BE AUTIFITLLY ILLUSTRATED. 36 th 1TJE3AK. nr low ;jrv ...iwuuus iroiuiie until 1874 when lie was run out of .. Dv the oath nml . more boI nnd ; rccUMe citizens of their county, that such applicant is a m. jer, rplnt llitd I trunticorthy inrrson ; and thej linll record IP .f thr eitlze , found bj tlim upon the minutes of their J.7rJnSrn c"io with theorde auanny drnL'ifut. niMitliMat- ..i.:' r . pji- JIrinriii-tir ? V . i itinuied there a year or twor living off ..f .ifiding landlord and pretending! htftWiee'hvr. Among tlie newnng! v.r.ini.zcu f i trie irojr,etor of the ' u ?coIafi hotel, who allowed Gni- If-tll 1ft ftl.v ri .a KJ 111 T. lun (ip n , im. llig Section- 1. That nilV norsnna n l.n . , ' . I - - - ' nun DIHlil nuuiHciure. oiiv in- rpII. ..m...- ormidirectlr, anr snu-ituona or mtU u. quora, except urines and cider, or by any shift, subterfuge or device, apiritnona li- ,r auy 4iqors of w hich vuiritnous JO . .nmciiai or constituent part, i?.""? q".a.ntlt!u tl'1 State, otheAtisc " "J mis aci urovnioi Bi...n u ofa misdemeanor and upon mnviction iiirinii in niiv Aikti. ........ . . ; "'Mil- i n-coni having iu ;i.V t" , , "."IV1 00 "ed not less uumirc, iiouars nor mure thun one : thousand dollars, and bo imprisoned in the discretion of the court. Skc. 2. That spiritxious liquors or li juids of W ,ch liquors are a material and constituent part, may be kept and so d a. by this act provided, and in no otl"er man"cr?y foi medical, chemi cal and mechamal purposes, and for these 3S3" -P,,,T!a' , w," J-ave i ".V-. ,,CVU! Pr8auco of . i-.uv'Mn oi tins net. aiws... iiuu to sell the same for such purpose" !me obtained such license shall not keep at any time a greater quantity of such shall not -sell to any person a in-earer .quantity, at one time, than one gaUml. Spc. 3. The County Commissioners of the several counties .in the State 1 1 iv npon application made to them, onlv in the tray fn this section provided, by a drnMt, apothecary ir physician, grant a license to Ust for one year and not ! er, to sell such spirituous liquors as aro mentioned in tliu'nrt m.ir fJi8a?n? j nu mnouer in this act direct- eh Hena;VueVS ij! ,na in .ScienUfirAmcriin Kr tk. .1. . "Fftuiii nuu una I oi all invention nattntrrl ih mil W f I line a. CU.1E8 tNDIGESTtQ.'l. diuouske3s, Sick Headacke COSTlVtNESS. DY3PtP5IA, v,'fa . .. sT .. -IlMMIDlfJlsIi CURES Lost Appetite, Sour Stomach. Foul Breath Low Spirits. ENLARQM-T O f wJLi.vr,7J92hV'"t' wlt Bhn mon McilU-lne now In market. 1'renared onrr hr r. K.S.MJIOXS Co. 2810.1J Clark aTIMi,! "- i-vaTe. DOia OT ftll WrUKgllM- de$ntntififmfriraa. The Sciextfic A5IEP.ICAX id a lrft v:..-. a8 Weekly cwjipaper of Sixleen p;toC. printed in the most beautiful Mivl r.r,.'. titmtrated with tplendid engraving, representing the newest invention and the most recent Ad vance in the art and sciences ; inclmliii" new and interesting facts in Agriculture, Ilocticul tare, the Honie. Health. Medical cial Science, Natural History. UcoIopV a.. tronoray. The most valuable practical p'aner by eminent writers in all de.irtmni ence, will be found in the Scientific American Terms $3.20 per year, $1.60 half vear' which includes postage. Discount to Aeiit ouieie copies. in cents. Sold lit- -n 1 1 " ' . . . ! aeaiers, ALLCOCK'S PORfiUS PLASTER A Curative Host in Itself. j Thirty venr'.- experience has firmly rooted Allcock's i'orous l'huHer in public esiini:uitn. I Tlieir womlerful adaptability to tiie various i yyinlonis of d incase is a marvel. to medical nun ot all schools. For nervous persuits and iiinu Ucs, one or worj applied to the spir.e prodiu--ed sleep when ophtes, even hydraleofchlor.il, had been of littio serire. Now, when one can not sleep, iis is the common practice I appl a Plaster to lle lack. , You scarcely touch the pillow before you arc sound asleep." Allcocks Torous Plasters h ivc the curative efloct ol the .Spanish fly blisters, yet make tin sore, and never affect the kidneys ; are conveni eutf.irall ages and conditions, usually onlv nr.vlMiunrr l.l..ol. .1 1 " . ifiii.ii uie f mil aim more cer tainly curative than' liniments or blisters, and without prostration or pain of (he latfer. This i trie even in Croup, Quinsy, Pleurisy, Lung and" Throat A flections, and llie utility ot t if5 suiiary iuvontion has been warmly wel come I. They are largely sold in every part of the world, and ii is believed that not le-s than live hundred thousand persons are well, aud attending lo the duties of life, free ironi pain. who have an Alicock's Porous Plaster some where about thern, and who, but for the said plaster, would be prostrate upon a bed of ago ny, li&v!?, a )eculiar piny, pl&uant odor, halo, or atmosphere exhales from them by the warmth nj the body, imperceptible to the eye, but which envelops the person in a cloud of thin vapi r, through which contagion cannot penetrate. In fact, Alicock's Plasters supply an atmosphere iiKein.itiromn4ls.ini orpine woods, and no j doubt attract oz ne. When contagion or infect , iou di.ie.ies are about, tf.ey should be worn on the . cJiest or bad: as prercnttic. tili!.erill! Arr. N. Duiivine Lv. OanMilo Arr. Greensboro Lv. SaIlburT Arr A-l. .1 unction Chariot tt Lv. HKlinioni Jetersvllie " Prak'K UrVU " Karksdalc Danville " Henaja i rc-nshoro " SalKlmry Ait. .-L Junction Lv. A;r. Charlotte i" r 'l ia T till V s-, 7 27 9U 9 .'il il u: i V, 1 CO A M I " I s 17 " I X 37 " to .12 ir, A M ,12 A M rfTjm! fa nw . .. 1 . ... I . "'''win icver atfectea. t'oUl HARRIS REMEDY CO. MFC CKEMffi Mark ft ni-t rt'. c. r- . "iiT- : ------ 3UI8' MQ DR. BUTTS' Blffilr IVeat all Chronic DituK. . aaBBBBj YOOWC MEN wbyjur'te. "ajafasBaaaaBBsaBa of a dirtue thut unfit. n7Vi PATIENTS TBEATF D hr mii i e. .u.ll tr 1. . Jdrrw , ,lli,. to t- dP rt.. .uRVrifir tnm Knplur .kdkl m4 tWIriAW v Wl lni MHulalnv I. I.rlr.dvuur.. t l. !vj!?l ! ... . W- ttlTTS, W Aorth Stk Ot, m. 11 I VICK'S ' ! ILLUSTEATED FLQEAL GUIDE n nvMons rr ffi-owinir. only in wins. lnEr ,V,-P j u: s st: EDS are tlie bost la the uorl.i Th , I ijOK iMJi-iBR will tell bow to km andmm iiH? 'K-S t'LO'.VKIi ANU IA BI.E UW Paws. tWonU Plates. sM Enjrra vinn Fw si 5.1 1 1 or. It 'Zi news- Co, alers. Uemit by jKwtal orderto Muxx & Publishers, 37 Park Uow, New York PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific Americax, Messrs. Mnnn o: Co arebohcitors of American and Foreign Pat ents, have had 35 years experience, and now oave me largesl establishment in the world Patents aje obtained on the best terms. A spe- WESLYAN FEMAL11STITDTE, STAUNTON VIRGINIA. Open-. Beptcmlier 20th, 1881 J One of the First Schools for Young Ladies in the Unit ed States. Surroundings beautiful. Cli mate unsurpassed. Pupils from seventeen States. Terms Among tha Best in the Unicn. Board, Washing, Enslisli Course. Latin, French, German, Instrumental Music. &c . for scholastic year, from Sept. to June, $32$. For catalogues write to Rev. Wm.X IIAHRIS. 33:0t-pd Staunton, Virginia. A NEW KIND OF WATCH CASE. X?w because It 1h only within the last tew years ' lrc!lk-nw? "f ,he l,a.tk' brea!it n,,.t pi,,e "Iwayn ns.o. ii. ucca liaprov ca anu nrougat within Iho ut"rll;cui ions curing iiimungo iu a lew houiv r i fn at ui I n a dj I 12 30 A M , I '' y&S ! A- JJt. Il-I-lS l HATED MONTHLY MAOAZIM - ' . j iv.ircs, a t.'oiortM Plat. In every n-m.lirT SnJ- ! many Hue Entfrali4r, Price i.v7 , r nfe : . I 2 ':H r.?-,w . Sptt-lroeir-Xunibers sent Wit .-ms; a i nai copies ror 85 cents Address JME8 VICK TRY NEW THE YOEE OBSERVER THIS YEAE. The Largest and Best Family Paper in the World.- Son (I for Sample Copy Free. 37 Park Row, .Yen York. THE ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER oothe jiain, reanimates lor.il limhp, cem?, in many cafw, to revive t ie powers of life! Thegrat ileum lul uroves them to be ued m a uni vernal remedy. They are convenient cf an- jilicati in, and sale for all, being incapable of lruui:c a.!iv injurious eiecl". Dr. Viilentine .Motr, Dr. Johnson' of Hart ford, and Dr. Myers, ol Sjavannah, haveK)ken of them in tlie highest terms. The great Molt said : 'They were all that could be hoped for in a plaster simple, cleanly and adhesive; perfect as artificial supporter of the- m nodes and for pains, because of their counter-irritant qualities, usually at once gi vine ease." Local miua.it- U'.iiu ;i .v:,.ic i lopic.tl Leal m i.a.o altic. and Is a POSITIVE REMEDY tur .nlitli ul.seascs tl at cause pair?; in tlx- lmer pyrt o th ImhIv for Tomtd I.lv.-r Hc:i.i.n-iww .i-.ii:vii,r .Olzzint-Sis. ( ravpl. Molaila". .mil all cWn'Ultlrs of Uk Kinney, l..-r. and Mrlnary raii-t. For FEMALE DISEASES Montbly MenMniatlobi. and 1urHijr I rearnancy. It has unequal. It restores the orsan. that ,!- the hloft, and lienco Is the Im-si BLOOD PURirtEB. It Is the ouly known reHiedv that cures BRIOHT S DISEASE. Kor Dlal-ctcs, use WARN-ER-S SAKE UIA15KTKS l it K. For Sale by Drujorfsts and healf-rs ;tt 1 23 )or bottle. Largest bou. - in the luarkcij ry u H H LWAHH E R A CO. - tturn vTi.K. N. i (I) P Ctitfit scut free to tho.o who wish toeniMtfe Kin the uiosi. pleusant and proriablc buslut-ns in Iknrrtvn. Kvviyttilii.ri.ew. i apUal-not rr. (:Uirr l. c u i il lnn.lKh vnn ....mi.i .... a uay iui.1 u.i vnrds Is eaMly nuule vvltlio'uitJti!i in" t awa.v irom iiome over nirht. rtsk h.it-VMri Many nc;v workers wanti-a at once. Many ai ma J Kintr lortlinrs at the business. Irtie . iki.,.i i. us iiici;. and youn? boys und girls malce r'eiti iav-! -No one w ho is vt llUng to w ork fails to mat-e wore j iii-'iici i-MTj uay man can w ina;e in a v ! m any ordinary eniloyn-m. Those who enniirp ai on.-e win tind a sli. rt n.nd to tonune. Add-ess, II. IUu-ett x Co., Tortland, Maine. 5t;t FAT reacn oi every one; old lu principle! because the iirst liivsiition was icaite aiiu the jirst patent taken out nearly twenty years ao, nn.i cases ni tdfat that lime and worntfver since, aro noariv as .'i id as new. Kcad the folUnvlntr uhtcii ts only one or many hundreds, your Jewelers can tell oi similar ones: . Mansfield, Pa May 2S, 157?. I I have a customer who haa carried one of Bov Patent cases firteen years and I knew it two yean before he trot It. and it now aunears trofMl for tnn years longer. u. E. OLXEY. Remember that Jas P.08S" Is the only patent cas ' made of two plates of solid gold (one out-sldc and one Inside) covering1 every part exposed to wear or I .sijrnu me ureal naraDiagc or tnese plates over ciccinj-KouiuK in appareni mj every one. the only patent case with which there L (.written v.arraiit, or which the folio lug bimne sometimes in a lew minute. Ii; Sv-rious heart and chest affections iheir ussi ca:ucs an a!sorplion or evaporation of wa ter, by which dropsy of the heart and hydro tliorax have miJoul.ledlv been cured. They appear to have a peculiar pffect npon t!i nervous, allaying irritability while supplv injr warmth. They seem to accraulate ele'c Iri. ity, and aid the circulation of the blood lhro!ish the part where applied, by which healthy anions are induced. The Porous Plaster are flexible, and found obtained for new inventions, or for improve- ments in old ones. Caveats. Infringement, Irade-Maiks. and nil nrrtont Ihiho i ly attended to. Inventions that have been Rejected may still, in most cases, be patented bv us. 1-. i i-'-v i aieni v7i;ice, and en Ju;,C' ff-)l- j ''' KaSed in Patent Business Exclnsively, t-t--, , Wt.t. we can secure patents in 1S time than t!,o, ' FIRE f FIRE 1 ' FIRE who are remote from Washington x aawaj . J. ... X .J-i tt tr I E: U-l y"" ...... rnii-Kioii. 1 iMien Inventors cCrid nvod.-l or idcctch we ! ma'.e search in ll.e Patent Ollice, and advi as 10 it pateiiahilitv free of charge. Corres-! ...uMnce connoenuai ; tee reasonable and No Charge Unless Patent is Obtained. "t,ri" " permission 10 the LHv J'ost I I of 84;a, ,,e,P to tho8C ',!ve k hacklmu'r'an(lto,,';Pint:nUntofihePosl if Riven a j ftr I"08 the side. Rperially are they val- lTle -Mony (Vder Division iu Wahsnton Z la a fac- tnble to those who have neglected cold. They F,,r sPf reference, circular, advice, lenns ex- .tunuii- I'aiciiifu iiirongn 1 ins aTencr villi n.m. anl r.i 0 "Hi irnnriire 01 me patentee. Any person who ha made a new discoverv or invention, cn ascertain, free, of elinrne Whether a patent ean probablv he obtained by writing to iinn & V. We alo send free our Hand Book about I he patent law, patent caveat, trade-mark, their eot, nnd how pi-o-' enrrl w.iK Kin r. : j MAH-,,rll,K aovanceson in vention. Alrr for tho pnrr. or concern s patent. MTJHN & CO. 37 Park Rot I Krwich Office, cor. V & 7th St, 7ashFn- ' p5i"22 ymai9(Tni K X5-rr 8 CAtS le tiowcw wcm J25aVTr tjv it or &0UQ Vai r"""JV wv &c., address C. A. RNftW f!rt Optwsite Patent Office, Washington, D.'t'. S.lf are often preventive of t'onsnmntion nv they are believed to have loosened the grafuiof this terrible aCliction, and had been niainlv instrumental in cfli-ctinga cure,. In variable climates they should be worn on the breast, or between the ho:ilders, or over t he-kidneys' hv those who arc subject to take cold easilr." This simple plan will soon prodnee ronMitntinnnl .: ...:n 1 . nary chants of temperature. Ketlenre h 1 amlrtrW can earn 1 sm proved the Porous Master to be a blein to ' th1 i5 :,: in" ver one hiinrtif ri doUa-s In a single the eonsnmptirely inHine-T, invariablr produe- ' "mlnhl 'nn re- " in the mot remarkable abatement of the ' wbfc-iitOT $10 mple.in1 pla,n tnyrincenn ma'kf trrrat pro- Outnt furnished free, with fun Instructions for conducting the Diostpront ihlr.tiyti-ess tuat anyone on enc-A in n v. .,... . -.n.-.. i. u-am, anu our ln-structicnsare I wprt symptoms. on, D.CT. tbnf romrn t'ir "liriBt-v with r'n . j A.-fc y ur j.? .velrr f(.r HI tut ralJ itraloju. Priipal Ancv, 20i Canl Strc w v jr , rtuu i'ji i7i.l; oy l?tS. 2fly .,,? eape m rhiKh,isinp.srtniio5yo..rsp ,i; time at 1 Von do not hfivt. to in.-,t c-.r'tanfi ttwl IlrnTf tnoilld w ntf to II i nt t.r.ce mntin. ii rarr shvt frr Tvr. a r ... a- cust i. Mumt. in lime and prepare ynurffU against disaster before it loo late, by calling at TIIE IXSURAXCE AGENT V OT J. ALLEN BROWN, itnd oUoininj? a Policy of InMiranre a''niii8t loss or damage by FII!"- or LIGHTNING. This is the j LARGEST AGENCY IN THE STATE. Aggregate Asset; represented vrr 800,000,000 All First Cl5w Cos.. inclndinjx" English ai well as American, and our ovn Slate ( All Policies written here nt this Agewj- "'Lossi' promptly settled. SPECIAL RATES rrs.lc on tchuI nwrllinf. Furnittrr, .ir.d I ;t: npriertv. for a tcin of to . ap3!. 4 .-.1:1

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