211. THI2B SEEIES SALISBURY, H. I C, JULY 21 J 1881, NO 40 f The Carolina Watchman, ESTABLISHED IN TIlETEAtt 183& j PRICE, Sl-50 IN ADVANCE. f lowTUACT ADVi RTIxING RATES. ladies 1 month 8 DO'S 3 BO'S 6 CI '8 -IS One tot Two lot tfcree for T-ir frtr $1.60 3. Ml 4. tO $3. CO : j.U 6.46 j T.50 7. tO I 11.U 9.10 I3.U 11 . 16.U- so.ro I suj,yi 83.75 I 4S.75 Jo ou 15.C0 18.t'0 So 10 4" U 75 t 4. SO 6.00 t.50 ,T5 If Ji 26.i5 u column : i do-i 1 do. " i EIMEMPER THE DEAD ! JOHH 8. HUTCHIHSOH, . DEALER IN Italian and "American Marble MonuWnts, Tombs and Gravestones, j .fi OK EVER1 UESCKIPTIOS. J- tBeiftg a practical niarblt-woikei,. ii e'nihlea me orxecutinK any -piece of work from tlj plaiht to the moat elaborate in an artistic trie Umt i a guaranty that perfect fatilaelion -5i! hi. iii.n to the most exacting patron. - Calj and examine ray Slock and prices be fore purchasing, as I will sell at the very low. est prices. Design and estimate for any desired work will be fnrnwhetl on application, at next door td J. V. McSeeiy 'BfMore. SaliBbury,N. C, March 9, 1881. IS 21:ly. . R. CRAWFORD & CO. AKK SELLING PORTABLE FARM AND FACTORY STEAM EEIH1S. ALSO . Blastiiis & Carfflps and Caps. ALSO ' TlBtiiesi RIFLE POWDER wk tas,wapsfapns. i -J 9j our own and roreisrn make and BUGGIES, From the Finest to the Cheapest. ft'Mtnj, Champion f mi tHorso Eakesr &c. Salisbury, Jan. 0, 1331. W. II. Eailey, VANCE & BAILEY, atio kN :ys and counsellcrs, j ' CHARLOTTE, S. C rrahice in Sunrenie Court of the Uni'ed .Sta(e4 8upivimj Court of Ntirih Curolina. FedeftiM ourt. and CtinmivB of Alet kleiiLursr. Cabaituji, Union, Gaston, Kowan and David ,on f ;C0fiice, two doors east of In'depen .dencei Square. S3:tf .3. M. McCORKLE. THEO. F. KI.CTTZ. McCORKLE &. KLUTTZ, , ATTORNEYS XND (COUNSELORS, Salisbury, N. C. fi2F"0(fice on Council Street, opposite the Cunj House, - 37:Cm XERU craige, L. II. CLEMENT, j I.! j j - ? j CRAIGE & CLEMENT, SALISBURY. X. C. issi. i33 G. 0V3?.HAX V. iTTORNEY AT JL1 W, SALISBURY, IV. C., Practices in the State and Pedrl 1 i Courts 12:6m i A Blato and Mtm, Attorneys, Counselors and Solicitors. . " SALISBURY, N. C noAy22 1879 tt. E01TS, PWladolDhla, Pl S 1: n JEFPEItSON DAVIS. An. interestinointerview BETWEEN MR. davis and a staff correspondent ot His first exclamation, as he greeted me, in a tone of voice low and pleasant u ..a 'lam i?lad to see you, sir." Almost j In-fore I had tine to respond he anxiously inquired : -What is the latest news as to tire President's ondition-f' I gave him the latest dispatches bnd he resuuud his seat, inviting me ti take a too rent a respect tor air. uavi ju.itfmeni jir. vamoun gave my nrsi v rani 10 vesi 01 any Uonfederate, and I have only re treat broad pplii Lottoni arm-chair, which t.-ive ever materially differed with him ; Point, and by a singular coincidence when fened to unpleasant matters when it was sat on the flcM.it .near" him. that he and I were often in consultation in I went to the Senate my stot- was by his necessary. Then it has been au incident This assault on- General Garfield is a horrible crime. There can. lie but one sen- ways soujiht him whenever opportunity therly supervision over me; -While in the ( idea that Johnstou intended to fight at timent anions the people of tliis country on offered, and that there were no differences House I had been upon a committee char- j Atlanta. A simple answer, yes or no, to the enormity of :.the-offence. What it Inay between u requiring his individual action, ed with investiftatins the SJtte Department - my telegram, Will you fight for Atlanta' forUde to "the country is hard t deter- All the military acts of which I had any under Mr. Webster's adunpistration. .He ( would have settled the questiou and pre mine.. Whenv man will' kill the President' cognizance and controj darting the war were Jiad been charged .with misappropriating i vented controversy and trouble. He chose because he refuses him. office, what may not be expected ? Assassination is usually the outgrowth of seasons of galling oppression. Even then it is the resort of a force jor sen timent too cowardly for revolution and too contemptible for civilization to tolerate. But this crime is without even the excuse of excitement.. A vulgar man murders the President'in bis wild delirium about office. Such a crime makes the whole natiftn kin, halters all prejudices, and hushes partisan thoughts. It is evident that the crime is the outgrowth of the greedy scramble for office which ' has of late years been so marked. It is to be hoped that tbe reac tion which this great crime will produce may correct this alarming evil. It has for ong time been growing into our system ..I-.. J . ot government until it appears to have . j . ... , f .. ' -p. nnallv resulted in the murder of the Exec- ,. -mi e .i i i i ' e r utive. The South had much hope of Gar- ,. ...... . -it i belli s administration, and will sincerely . . . .. i mourn his loss as it joins in the national , - .. i.r T sorrow over the assault upon his life. I earnestly nope ne may speeuiiy recoyer. "Appointments and removals for apoliti cal considerations is a bad use of executive power. .When the Confederacy was organ ized at Montgomery, it was - provided that no man should be removed - from 6ffice by the executive except forcause, which the law required should be specially stated Thc political power concentrated in Hhe , , -.i t -ti i- i t r hands of the President- bv his control of , , . i pun uuae tins iM:eu grow ing greater, every day, and its administration has for a long time been vicious.' . f "Didn't it begin in Jackson's time, when he fathered the doctrine that 'to the victor "It Is a common error that Jackson wa the author of that declaration. That is not true, nor is it true that removals and ap-; pointments for politicaL considerations be- gan during his administration. Mr. Marcy, whiie making a specc-h in the Senate; made j use of the expression, 'To the victor belong tlM-snoihv while statins what miht follow i as the line of policy under certain -contingencies. Another Senator, after the speech, called his attention to the said : phrase, and j "That statement will be considered and tceated as an open avowal of part policy, and van had better have it stricken ut." "No; that is not what I intended, but it is there and I will not change it," replied Mr. Marry. . j The firrC removals for political corsider at ions began jduring John Qufncy Adams' administration in the State Department, when Mr. Clay was at the .head of it, and removed the printers who did the public ; printing. The State Department then iu-! directly controlled the Post Office Depart-: mcnt, the Postmaster-General not then being a cabinet officer." ' j Speaking of his book, the criticisms upon ' it and the limited amount of war literature ; at the South, he said Gen. Early was one of i Lhe best of Southern writers, and "added "Like myself. Gen. Early cannot forget the past, and argues from 'a standpoint which most people reject. There is a queer his tory connected with him and his connec tion with the Confederacy. He was a Union man, and as a member of the Legis lature voted against the ordinance of secesfeion, but when it was passed he went tiome and raised a company, and he has never yet turned his back upon the cause inaugurated in spite of his greatest efforts. It is a prominent fact that those who were the last in, or the most reluctant to go into the Confederacy, were the mst consistent ly earnest in their support of it and the last out of it. The original secessionists, those who were in a rush to get out of the Union, soon exhausted their ardort and as a gener al thing did not last long. Almost every man who became prominent in the Confed eracy went into secession with great re luctance, following his State as a matter of duty, regretting that the differences couldi not have been peaceably adjusted." THE RELATIONS OF LEE AKD DAVIS. "The historical portion of your work mostly assailed is that referring to General Lee's being in cordial co-operation with you as to the conduct of the war during its latter days." " j ' "Yes, I perceive that that is the princi pal point of assault. Doubtless, the con troversy between the critics will eventually establish its truth. I see that one person says t'aat I wanted to evacuate Richmond aud that Lee did. not, and another that Lee waited to surrender and 1 did .not. No two I have seen can exactly agree as to the alleged points of difference between. Gen eral Lee and myself. Fortunately, there is a better witness than all of these critics that is. Gen. Lee himself. When the grand j jury met in Richmond to frame an indict-' ment affahisi me-for treason, it was, neccs- sary to allege some orcit act, anl for this 8ervice Generel Lee was summoned, ne ... '.....u minBli i.fi,. i!ip rriind nua imiiuiiij v"v. - - r- iurv. and, after hi testimony, called upon nie and related the whole wine before the J - r liirv. He mw mat tiiei rcareiunv examine h iim as to. his military operations, and pecially inquired as to any differences be- ween himself and myself as to the conduct spec A meeu iiiniscti anu uijscu m iucwuuuv. of the war. 1 '-, " -I replied.' said Gen. Lee. 'that I had ltunmonti anu upon me neiu ; ma niy ow". . t- i ' - " After this speech, said General Lee to me, 'Hooked over the grand jury to see whareffect it had had upon the members, and one large colored man who was on the jury had his head thrown back, his mouth open, and was asleep. I concluded,' said : Gencral Leo uingly, 'that I was not . enough of an orator to interest an audience.' It is useless to explain all these things, or to deny or correct the idle gossip Jhat a ' discussion of this question naturally pro vokes. There is a vast deal of difference between terms of peace and a surrender, which most all the critics I have read fail to comprehend. From the time lhe agita- ton l?'"1 wnc'' provoked the war until 0 nlAru f Kara vt t O rr rSmn n-Viiri T n a a r r ' , ready to make terms of peace, but to sur- J 1 render the cause was never contemplated . , by either General Lee or myself until alter J , , ; . . -. General Gordon, reported to Lee that he . , ... . , , could not cut his way through, and Lee , , . . ... , . , found it impossible to get his army out, and ..... , THE FUTURE OF THIS COUKTRY. At this point the conversation was inter rupted by the arrival of the mail. Mr. Davis, stepped down to meet the messenger before he had reached the upper steppf the porch. He took the New Orleans paper, seated himself, and quickly began readipg ...M,nl, nr.,,.. .. V . lkn .ita . ' ' . . . patches concerning President Garfield s ' . ... . condition; As he read the unfavorable despatches he tfropped the paper upon his lap and for a moment sat in deep thought. He finally looked up and said : i "I fear he will die. What a calamity ! Life is full of dan- , What a fearful crime 1 f?er ttn( hitter disappointments, and we all get our share. This is a terrible blow at our institutions. In a time of perfect peace I)Ienty t,,at the President should be ri,ot ' down hS a vile wretch portends, I fear morc of cviI t,ian we can now compre- ncnd. It is a great pity I do hope that nc ma-v Jet ra,y- Then the cx-Prcsident of the Confederacy went on discussing tne various phases of tue cime showing deep concern for the life of President Garfield. While he wa3 talk- ing Mrs.-Davis, a large, fine-looking, moth- erly-apfcarin-; lady, came and took a seat in the proup, ami mingled her expressions of regret, regard and condolence with her husband's. A reference to the crime recalled the war and the effect it had upon the country, our povernim-nt and institutions. "We are bv no means out of danger vet," said Mr. Davis. "The solution of the great Pr,lIem of popular government is still in the wni1' ot The foresight of man t-Mnnot determine the result, as the serious an(l startling events which have rjdflen down each other in quick succession during the last twenty. years clearly demonstrate." "Have they in any wise changed the character of the government ?" "Certainly. It was said by our enemies when the war began that it was waged for ;ihe preservation of the Union. If that had been true, when the wtfr was over the States were in the Union. Their relations to it had in no way changed. But instead, conditions M erc imposed for admission into the Union, and then it was apparent that the war had been waged for the subjuga tion of one section of the country and that a new government had been created by the war. Thaddeus Stevens was most consis tent and frank in his position as to the se ceding States. He said,' during the fram ing of the reconstruction measures, We are proceeding outside of the constitution,' tak ing the ground that the State3 were subju gated tcritory and had no rights except such as conquerors prescribed. That was the truthful exposition of the policy pur sued by Congress in dealing with lhe South "When I was in prison waiting trial Thaddeus Stevens twice sent a message to me volunteering to defend me. I declined not from any lack of confidence ia his abili ty, because he was a man of great natural endowment, but I was aware of his line of argument. It would have been that the seceding States were to all intents and pur poses a foreign power which had been over thrown. Therefore their property was sub ject to confiscation and the people to such penalties and conditions as the conquerors might impose. That would have been ex cellent argument for me, but not for my people. As it was still being contended that the Union had never been broken up. and that the war had been conducted for its restoration, it was due that the South should have the benefit of such a position rxrarri i nf rnncniiKnrH tn m,m,.U suppose Mr. Stevens thought that I had !a very limited appreciation of the danger I1 was.n." clat, webster A3fD calhocx Dr. Davis then gave a most interesting description of the theory of our government at he understood it, interspersing it with numerous anecdotes about j Clay, Calhoun, Wedster. Buchanan and others, in which he - r gave the marked characteristics of each and hU estimate of their abilities aud the doc- uum wuiuimu iuniutiuv "I had peculiary intimate relations with Clay. Calhoun and Webster" he said. "I went to school in Mr, Clay's town and his """ "vi - - " favorite wn was ltiUed wienie in Mexico and he always associated nil with that boy. nutvuuue mviaj Beeme a me OI secret service lunas, bus tne investigation shewed that he had simply used it to prevent the introduction of the Ash burton treaty into the politics of the state of Maine. I drew and championed the report which exhonorated him. Mr. Webster never forgot that act. He was the most gratelui nian for any act of kindness or interest in him that I ever knew; He was a great orator,-but not in the sense in which Mr. Clay was. Mr. Clay possessed the graces of oratory to a greater extent than any man that ever lived in this coun try. His gestures, his manners, and his speech were perfect. Mr. Calhoun had unne of the graces of oratory, but he did have a perfect contempt for them, and his pronun ciation was wretched. But no orator at the present day could influence the people or have the position that these men had in those days. The newspapers have taken the place of the speaker, and a greater en gine than the newspapers has superceded the orator ; that is, the telegraph. People want news and information, and want it in paragraphs. They will hardly stand much morc than a paragraph of editorial, and re bel at anything like an essay. You have in Philadelphia one of the most pungent and incisive paragraph writers I know, Col. Forney, w ho used to own The Prest. JUST AS THE WAR BEGAN'. Speaking of the beginning of the war and the incidents which precceded it Mr. Davis said: "Mr. Buchanan was an able man, but a very timid one. If he had had the nerve to ileal with the situation as its gravity de manded, I doubt exceedingly whether any other State South would have followed South Carolina into scccWon. Had he withdrawn the troops from Sumter, it would have been such a conspicious act of conciliation that the other States would not. I believe, have called conventions to consider the question of secession, or if they had, the ordinances would not have been passed. I was not one of those who believ ed that there could ever be a peaceful sepa ration of the States, but could nt convince our people of it. I had years before become convinced by my association with public men. and especially with Mr. Webster, that the North would never consent to it. When the war came, how ever, it had to be met with spirit. The chance for a peaceful sep aration of the States was lost years before the war. It could have succeeded when the north wanted to go, ami aain when Texas was annexed, but not since. i "My association with Northern people, both in the Senate, in- the Cabinet and in social life, had convinced nie of these facts. I had, you know, spent much of my time at the North. I remember when. I was quite a boy, traveling toward Hartford in a stage coach with a number of gentlemen, I ex pressed my sentiments freely in relation to the secession or State rights resolution ol the Hartford convention. No section of this country more freely and forcibly condemn ed tbe resolutions and action of that body than the Southern. When I had given free expression to my boyish .opinion, an old gentleman asked if I had ever read the pro ceedings of that body. I replied that I had not. He said that if I knew more of their import I might change my mind. This old gentleman was Mr. Goodrich, afterwards known as Peter Parley, and had an uncle in the convention. I spent a few days there and finally concluded that Hartford the place where they originally taught the right of secession, was not such a bad place after all." OEN. TOOMBS AND HIS PROCLAMATION. "Mr. Toombs atributes the failure of your cause in a great measure to your opposition to his plan for the emancipation of the slaves to meet the objections ef France and England to recognizing your government." Mr. Davis laughed outright at this state ment and said : "I did not know there was any feeling between Mr. Toombs and mvself. As for proclamation of emancipation, I do not re member to have ever heard of it before in my life. That would have !een a stroke of policy indeed. No, Mr. Toombs and my self never had any differences upon that proposition, you may rely." JOE JOHNSON AND HIS RANK. "General Joe Johnson also makes some pretty severe attacks upon your book." "Yes, sir; so I sec. I notice that he un dertakes tohold me responsible for Hood's campaign in Tenuessee, He knows better. ' !Iod ,,i,nself in bolJc iTi""u.v ncus uu uusn lO Vjeil. ! Jol,1,ftouV imriative of tli war, wiys that eiiureiy nisappovea tat campaign. anu mat i was in no wise responsible lor , . . . - . it. That is true. I had nreViousl v agreed with him upon a plan of campaign which lie Was carrying eut when lie audBcaure gard planned the Tennessee camnaiirn. Hood, was an excellent, well meaninir man. lint lm.l tt--. i. .--! vuu mm unci UO WUK vUIU inand of The army. The difficult was that, when he relieved Johnston, he found ! that the spirit had all been retreated out of what was at one time-as fine a bodof troops as the Confederacy had. I have tio desire or inteution of having any contro- umicur inieuiion OI Having any versy with Gen. Johnston. I did not in- teud in my work to say anything nnkind oi me matter 1 was treat! us. I have no to send a different reply, and the result is known. "Many of our people suggested that he be retained in command until he j ietreated from Atlanta, and then public 6culinieut would have clamored for his removal. That would have been a very good way for an Executive who desired to escape responsibility, but it would have been a cowardly way of performing one's duty. It would have shown more disposi tion to take care of himself and do a popu lar thing than to do his duty." ' "Did the trouble between yourself and General Johuston begin early in the waif "We never had any trouble that I know of except that he was petulent about his ra.uk, and constantly claiming that he was entitled to the ranking commission in the Confederate army, because he had been Quartermaster-General with the rank of Brigadier-General in the federal army. That claim is easily disposed of. Wheu the rank and position of the officers of the Confederate army were determined General Johuston was not iu the federal arniyi He had resigned his com mission as Quartermaster-General aud gone iuto the service of Virginia under General Lee, who was a Major-Gcneral, while he was simply a Brigadier. Afterward, when the relative rank of the high, officers iu the Confederal army was determined, con sideration was given to the position each held at the time. General Lee being a Mjijor-Geuenil in corn maud of the. Vir ginia troops and General Johnston a Brigadier under him, you can easily Ree what justice there is in Geueral John htou's claim that he should have ranked Lee. Yes, this question of lank.was quite j u stumbling block for Johnston, but Lee was never n party to the controversy.1' GENERAL LEE AND STONEWALL JACKSON. "Stonewall Jackson was the greatest ex ecutive officer of the Confederacy. Gen. Lee uttered a great truth, aud from his heart when he said, upon hearing of Jack ooh't death : "I have lost my right arm." Lee was a great soldier uud a great man. Most people mistake his character. He was always willing to fight. At times he was even impetuous, especially, in the face of disaster. He would often rush into places and dangers where he did not be long, aud many times showed his dispo sition to be an executive leader rather than the controlling mind of a great army. Ho was one of the purest men I everknew a man incapable of subterfuge, evasion, deceit or indirection. He wou aud held u deservedly high place as n man aud a soldier both at home aud abroad. Wheu Jackson lived he was Lne's dependence. He recognized Jackson's ability as an ex ecutive officer and trusted him implicitly when he gave him his plans. Jackson Never waited for orders a second time or sent back fot instructions. After the bat tle of Gettysburg, Lee wrote to mo that he had met with a reverse, and asked me to find some youuger aud nbler man to take his place. I replied that if I could find a younger and abler man I might de sire to maice the change, but as I had so much more confidence in hitu than any other man I kuew I could not consider it. Longstreet thought he was tbe man Lee referred to, but I did not. Lee had the most delicate conception of. honor of any man I ever met." MR. DATIS' LIBRARY. Stepping np to the loaded shelves of his library, 1 looked them over, and the new est editiou was Sherman's Memoirs by himself. "Here is Gen. Sherman's work," I said involuntarily. "Yes, 6ir," said Mr. Davis, "and a sor ry record it is. His euemies could hard ly have told so bad a story of him and his acts as he has told of himself. I see lie is annoyed by the reference I made to his burning Columbia, After writing himself down as a malicious liar in his own work, iu sayiug that he had started the story that Hampton was responsible for the burning of Columbia so as to break his influence, I cannot see why he should be annoyed at the reference I made to it. If Columbia had been the only place burned there might be some sense in assumming to shift' the responsibility or deny the fact. Sherman had burned Atlanta after driving the women and children out of it for that purpose, and had committed other equally atrocious acts. He had put the 15th corps, 'which always did its work thoroughly,' in posi tion to perform its part equally well in relation to Calnmbia, the hated place of i ..ii : -iim isuir.n kri nm mnr mtririin : " ' all. Charleston was not more marked for reveuge than Columbia, aud why Sher- niau b-juld trouble biaistlf to collect ev- idence that he did not burn Colombia, passes my comprehension. He bnrned Vefore and he burned afterward, and why he should seek to get rid of that special charge I cannot comprehend." THE rrrrrov I .Wh7 i . ine lunalIC asji'im Ixjcause another -What is the materbl future or the 'liU.n MM 1.: i: South V i "That no man can tell. If the South can establish ay stern of tenantry, or get immigration to occupy aud till its lands, there is no question bat that it has a great future. Whether the colored people will ever reach that point is a question yet to oe settled. Man is now iu a struggle with nature upon these problems. There is no question but that the whites are better off for the abolition of slavery. It is an equally patent fact that the colored peo ple are not. If the. colored, people shall develop a proper degree of thrift, and get a degree of moral education to keep pace with any advancement they may make, they may become a tenantry which will enable the South to rebuild its waste places and become immensely wealthy. . Ncgroe8 become greatly attached to localities,and most of them love to re main where they were raised. Almost all of our old servants are yet on the old plantation near Vicksburg. The colored people have niauy good traits, and mauy of them are religious. Indeed, the 4,000, 000 iu the South when the war began were Christianized from barbarians. In that respect the South has been a greater prac tical missionary than all the missionary societies iu the world. "War was not necessary to the abolition of slavery," continued Mr. Davis. Years before the agitation began at the North, aud the meuacing acts to the institution. there was a growing feeling all over the South for its abolition, but the Abolition ist at the North, both by publications and speeches cemented the South aud crushed the feeling iu favor of emancipa tion. Slavery could . have been blotted out .without the straius which revolution always makes upon established forms of government. I see it stated that I utter ed the sentiment, or endorsed it, that 'slavery is the corner-stone of the Con federacy.' That is not my utterauce." MISCELLANEOUS. The Augusta merchants have combined against the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad to get a reduction of freight rates. It is understood that thev have almost unanimously signed an agreement not to ship or receive shipments over the road unless their demands are complied with. lb. Drunkeness is a crime greater than murder, because it not only destroys God's highest and best gift to earth the human mind but it projects its mischief into the future; bequeathing to the com ing generations au accursed legacy of dis eased appetites aud poisoned b ood. Tap Hoot. China is likely to profit in an uncxpec ted way from the scare she has lately been in over the threatened Russian in vasion. The palace authorities have al ways looked with disfavor upon the building of railroads within the bounda ncs of the empire. But the ministers who had charge of the war preparations found themselves hampered by the total lack of adequate means for transporta tion of troops and supplies, aud it seems to have struck the Emperor that his great empire is practically defenseless so long as it is without railroads aud tele graphs. Preparations are making, there fore, to introduce both on an extensive sc. ilc. The Atlanta Constitution says that Mr. II. I. Kimball, the euergetic manger of the cotton exposition, to take place tliis fall, has hit upon a uovel plan of taking care of the creature comfort of visitors. The hotels of Atlanta, it is apprehended, will be entirely unequal to furnishing bed and board for the thousands who will gather there in October. Mr. Kimball, in this emergency proposes to ask all the people of Atlanta, rich and poor, without regard to their own comfort, to open their houses to tho visitors at a fixed schedule of prices. In accordance with this plan all arrangements for board aud all pay ments therefor would bo couducted by the mauagers through 'a special depart ment, which would be responsible to both householders and visitors. If the Direc tor General succeeds in orgauUing aud satisfactorily conducting this important brauch of his undertaking, he will add vastly to the credit which he has already earned; and there is no insuperable ob stacle to such success if the people of At lanta share his own enthusiasm, A Church Roof Kills Fifty People Chicago, July 11. A -dispatch dated City of Mexico, July 10, says: Dispatches re ceived from Oaxaca announce the falling ef tbe church roof in San Mateo, killing over ntty people. I he church was being rebuilt and at fire o'clock on Tuesday morning a workmen fell from the roof. All of the others rushed to get off at the same instant, causing the roof to fall. The worshippers. mostly women, were instantly killed Twenty of the workmen on the roof were also killed and others fatally wounded. The accident took place an hour previous to service and there were not over thirty per sons in the church. These are reported all Killed. The Beactt and color of the hair may j r -i - R.i--m vhih S. m.Vh x, :.'... ! fum. cieul:ncss and dandruff eradica ii properties. jljU-sgU It Dou't PayV ,y cause another citizen sells him liquor, Tt donv ni v fn .4. . ., , . VIU.CII IU it aon t nay to have one ritir ;n thecounty jaifi because another citi zen sells hi ra liquor. It don t nav to have fifiv wakMh. rnr a ragged, to have one saloon-keeper dressed in broadcloth and flush of money. It don't pay to have (en smarf . ac tive, intelligent boys transformed in. to thieves to enable one man to lead an easy life by selling them liquor. It don t pay to have fifty working men and their families live ou bone soup aud half rations in order that one saloon-keeper may flourish on roast turkey and cliamiiagne. It don t pay to have one thousand homes blasted, ruined. clefiledTand turned into a hell of discord and mis ery iu order that one wholesale liquor ueaier may amass a larp-e fnrtnnp. It don't pay to give one man, for 815 a quarter, a license to sell liquor and then spend $5,000 on a trial of another man for buying that liquor aud eontmiting murder under its in fluence. Thanksgiving aud Prayer. Columbus, O , July 11. Gov. Foster has " seat the following telegram to the Gov ernors of States and Territories : Governor's Office, V Columbus. O., July 11, 1831. To HarritX. Plaitted, Governor of Maine : . Present indications strongly encourage the hope that the President will recover , from the effects of the horrible attempt on his life. It must occur to ill that it would be most fitting for the Governors of the several oiaics anu Territories to issue proclamations setting apart a day to be generally agreed upon for thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God for the blessed de- -liverance of our President and for this great evidence of hisr TOndnPM tn tSia nn!nn if o -- - , this suggestion meet9 your approbation permit me to name the Governors of New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland and Ohio, as a committee to fix npon the day to be observed. Please reply. (Signed) Charles Foster. The great sympathy which the. mur derous assault upon President Garfield has evoked has found expression in many ways. Religious nsseinbrus, town meet-, ings, legislatures, all the organized bodies throughout the laud have passed resolu tions of condolence, and the telegraph and tho mails have -borne -thousands of rmessages, couched In choice language and expressive of the deep grief that pervades the hearts of all the people. Never before has the entire population of a great country given token of &uch n common feeling of sympathy aud regret. It is as if the people of the Union had been merg ed into a single family, suffering from a misfortune affecting nearly each member of the household. And there is something recalling the times of chivalry iu the ten derness with which Mis, Garfield has re ceived these overflowings of the popular heart. It is not every lady who might bo raised to a position of eminence who could deport herself so admirably -as Mrs. Garfield has during the bourn oftbis trying period her husband at the verge of death, a people iningliug with prayers ! for his recovery the sweetest and tender- C6t words of cousolation'aud comfort for herself. Her bearing has been worthy of America. And it is this, doubtlcs, that has led the practical business men New York to illustrate their appreciation of her conduct by tendering her a piiucely pro vision for herself uud family. JV'etrs Jt Observer. A Monster Tobacco "Warehouse. Dorscy Battle in his admirable descri tion of Salem and Winston, gives the fol- I . - . r ... i . low in r account oi n, ivart:iioua in iim latter place : - We will notice, as now seems a goof place, the grand scheme of PaceV Brick Warehouse, Pace &. Gorrell, (Horn A, B.,) proprietors, the first sales, in Mbicb. were to bo made on Gth July. This mammoth monument of brick was let by contract to Miller Bros., builders of Winston, on the 1st April, at-wh,icb time the bricks were iu the clay aud this timber standing in the forest, The di mensions of the building tire 87x200 feet In its construction there are used 250,000 feet of lumber and -100,000 brick. I u the roof are 23,000 square feetvof timber ; im the floor 19,000 square feet. Wagous will enter on Old Town and Liberty streets aud unload in the building. The base ment will be used as storage room for hogsheads and loose leaf tobacco and reached by an elevator. The sales floor is lighted by 40 solid sky lights 2(5x72 inches in the roof, in addition to side wiudows. A 7501b bell in a 43 feet bell frey to announce beginning of sales, with afire alarm attachment to be used in case of fire andto sJrike the hours and half hours during the night by a watch man set off this gigantic establishment Wheu fully completed, for we bavnrt mentioned the elegant-brick office aud wagoners rooms on tbe flanks, it will be the biggest and best for the purpose iq in North Carolina or Virginia. HJnslntgr Bios., and A. B. Gorrell are the owners.

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