'l- . ----- A "'correspondent of the Buffalo Courier who has been traveling in the South for five years, conimmii- 'cates to that paper the views he en tertains in reference to negro labor. He sees things as we know them, aol tells his tale in a btraiTu-ionvard way. He says : "Entf ring upotvlhis prUgrimage in 1876 tborbuglily imbue, witli Re publican principles and tire idea that negro oppression and butchery were the" chief pastimes of the Southeru gentlemen, and ex-slaveholders, my Northern friends of the same school of opinion naturally, expected mc to launch out into terrible talcs of blood and rapine. They expected prompt and amplij verification of the popular idea that the poor, honest, industrious "aud naturally intelligent "man and brother" toiling w itlr Christian forli tudeand industry towards the attain ' ment of iiHtepciideiice, i?ef-respecting manhood and commendable citizen ship, between which and him stood the Southern white man ft) the last mother's son with bloody knife and pmok fng bh it-gu n. A 1 most any North ern man will admit that this is not an overdrawn picture of the Northern -Republican idea of tlie social and po litical condition of the South in 1876, and in making a tour of certain sec tions of the North last summer. I found little if auy modification of this view among the untraveled mass es. I say that I came South entcr tjiining about this view of the state of affairs." Having, then, these bitter prejudi ces to start with, he admits that it took some time for him to understand the trtr.h. At first he confesses he would not believe his own eyes when t he bare facts as they exi-st were forccil upon his notice. And yet he asserts "ills a fact that the colored man as a laborer and a citizen is much better treated and fully as well paid as the white laborer in "the Middle and Kastern States." Ho draws a picture of the white labor at the North, where the supply is irrenter than the demand and shows to whit bard usage the Northern laborer has to submit, or lose his place -and his bread. And he sup plements this with the easy-going way of doing busiifess at the South, where the supply is less tHan the demand, and where labor is freer and less ne cessitous than at the crowded North. He says that he has passe d from one plantation to another, and from one community to another, anil "I say positively that I hive never traveled in a section in which the laboring classes were as thoroughly independ ent as are the negro farm laborers ot the South as a whole. Nor is there another section in which the laboring classes live as easily and are as con tent, in the legitimate sense of that terra, as are 1 lie.-e same negroes. Take the State of North Carolina, from which there were so many exodus ters to Kansas a few years ago, when the NorthernIicpublican press poin ted to the fact as evidence of the un bearable oppression which made North Carolina untenable for them, I find that the demand for labor, winter aud summer, exceeds the sup ply, and therefore not one single colored man or woman need be idle a single day. Consequently," he con cludes, "there is no crowding or driv ing, and the laborer goes his own way and works or runs about the country as he sees fit. When perchance the farmer does have a faithful h-and, he is shown favors lhat no white -laborer in the North would think of expect ing. 1 would say, in couelusion, that in the cases of the tens of thousands of negro laborers under Southern em ployers and overseers which have come under my notice, I cannot call to mind a single instance in which a blow, or an angry oath, or any violent expression has been used toward the negro laborers by his white directors. There are, without doubt, such cases, but- tlrey must be rare indeed that some of them should not have come under my notice in five years' travel and study of the South." 7 FiSh That Fly. An old sailor said tliat there was notning on land not to be found in the sea. There are sea cucumbers and carrots, and many 'other vegeta bles that look very much like those whose names hey bear. Some of the fish even have .names like those of laud animals. They: are hog-fish, sea horses, toad-fish, and sea-cows. But the most curious of all is the flyino--fish, which has broad fins like wings. This fixh is shaped and colored some thing like atnackerel. Its back U bine and its under parts are white. Uhen it flies it. takes shortflights from.tlie top of one wave to th(ftop of another. The flying-squirrel can fly, in this way, from a higher point on a tree to one lower d own Tfm. are plentiful near the West Indies? where the water is warm. In the morning the sailors may find a dead fish on deck. It had seen the lights that the vessel carries at night and flown toward them.. It could fly high enough to reach the; vessel's deck, but could not fly acrojs it. It may have struck a boom or sail and fallen dead from the bIoc After thU they grow more numerous, aud you will see them in 'he d ay time. They will flv out of the water in front of the ship, in little groups, looking like flocks of I swallows. Their white tides, will gleam like silver in the sun. Ther cannot fly fur, perhaps a hundred yards. After wetting their wings or fins, they can fly farther on. They look as if they enjoyed tlieir life in the air, but t!iiy do not always fly for pleasure. Ta'dolphin, a very fierce and fast swimming fih, hunts them in the water, j When the poor flying fish triesJo e-cape him,-the great sea birds, the gulls and peficans, seize them as they fly out. They are very good to eat. -The people j in the is lands about which they live! them catch in dip nets ant! frytfiem. This is the most .accurate descrip tion of the flying fish wje have y;t seen. It is inaccurate we think in only one particular. The flying-fish needs no wave jf the sea jo put it on its wings. Thjey leap out?of the wa ter very much like partridges out of the grass, and fly very much like them except the noisje of ih mag is not heard. The laboring classes, j who need money the most, help pay the taxes, although they way not kuow it or realize it. If ja merchant pays taxes on his goods, (he charges more for them and the purchaser has to make it up, whether he be rich or poor. ...V .:i - - ! -: -i : Aim so on in every reiauou ui me Now if property owners are taxed be- .a i i ' cause ot -the crimes aua - pauperism cngenered by the liquor traffic, .'much of the tax comos, after all, out of the laboring mail. I He is therefore, inter ested to break; up the business o drain selling, laud ought to vote for Prohibition, j i The abuse of liquor must be rerne died and corrected by moral influence and police control, and not by legis lation." J. J. jMoTT. Oh, yes; that's the way to do it, is it? Build church es, supply preachers, and Ithen flood the land with whiske to corrupt ami destroy. Givejone dollar j to redeem and " spend ten j to corrupt. At this rate when will the Millennium be? Our ltiyhts. : Canada has a! little sensation now in the fact that a poor man in London, Canada, West, (urns out to be the son of the Eul of Mar and heir to the Scottish Earldom of Mar. He was born before the lady who was his mother became the wife of the Earl and was sent to Canada iti charge of a trusty ""friend, -to hide the disgrace of the mother, and there grew up to manhood, ignorant of his paternity, until accident threw in his way let ters Ut Jiis guardian, which arc said to fully csiahiidi his claim to the title and estate! of his dead father, which estate is wofii millions ot pounds. Friends in Canada are fur nishing hiirt money to prosecute his claims. . The falling off! in New England's ship building industry Appears from; a compari son betweeu i.35 and 1880. Is the former ihe tonnage buijt was 326,429; in the Iatterr46,374. Cause: Svnscle9 protective tariffs. Char. Observer. A citizen of Florida tells the Fayetteville Examiner, that in jsome. sections of that State ''mosquitoes are so numerous that they extinguish the fire built jn the fields to attract them from the dwellings, and frequently farmers; burn them and use the dead, hulf-burned" bodies for fertilizers." The Prohibition Act. The. following is the Prohibitory Act as it passed both Houses of the Legislature, with all the amendments inserted at the proper places, li is an eiact copy of the bill as enrolled aud ratified: i AX ACT TO PROHIBIT THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF SPIRITUOUS ; AND MALT LIQUOKS. i Tlte General Assanbly of Korth Carolina do Enact : Section 1. That any persons who shall manufacture, buy or sell, either directly or indirectly, any spirituous or malt li qnors, except wiues aud cider, or bv any shift, subterfuge or deViee, spiritnous li quors, or any liquors of which Hpirituous liquor is a material or constituent part, in any quantity, in this State, otherwise than by this act provided, shall be gnilry of a roisdenieauor! and upoik eon r ration Thereof in any court of record bavin" ju- iieuitiiuu iii Kame Biiau oe Dtieu not less than one hundred dollars uot more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned iu the discretiou of the court. Sec. 2. That spirituous liquor or li quids of which liquors are a material and constituent part, may be kept aud sold as by thUact provided, aud I in no other way or manner, only for medical, chemi cal and mechanial purposes, and for these purposrs, only by a druggist, apoth ecary or physician, who shall tiave obtained a license iu pursuance of the provisions of this act, allowing him to ell the same for such purpone; and any druggist or physician who shall have obtained such liceuse shall not keep at any time a greater quantity of such spirits ou hand than thirty gallons; aud shall not sell to any persou a greater quantity, at one time, than one gallon. SEc.3.Tlie Coiinty Commissioners of the several counties in the State may, upon application made to tlicra, only iu the way in this section provided, bra druggist, apothecary or pbysiciau, graut a license to-last for one yearud no 1oq er, to sell sucb spirituouliquors as are mentioned in this act only for medicinal, chemical and mechanical purposes, and iu the way and manner iu this act direct ed, and no other ; but before granting any such license they shall ascertain aud find by the oath aud examination of two or more soberand respectable citizens of their county, that such applicant is a so ler, reliable, and trustworthy person ; and they shall record the names of the citizens so by them examined and the facts so found by them uprtn the'minntes of their proceedings in connection with the orders and prceediiiga granting such liceuse ; and any druggist.! apothecary or olirid. emu desiiing to obtain such license, shall lpiy xor me ssme uy petition settiug forth that lie i a drfiggist, apotheeaiy or ph.viciau m the CJiinty ; where, such ap plication is made tfie place where hescils drugs and inedcineslor regularly practices imnlicine that he j desires to keep and mrll such liquors oiiL- for medicinal, chem ical or mechanical purpose; that lie will not knowingly keep or sell such liquors otherwise, nor in greater quantities than as by this act ulhwei, aud that he will welf, truly and fitlifully keep and ob serve the provisions of this act so far as the same are applicable to him ; such pe tioner shall ! subscribe aud swear to his Htitiou, and the same shall be filed aud preserved among the papers and re cords of the county commissioner before whom it. shall !e presented. But no druggist, apothecary or physiciau shall be licence to sell any of the spirituous or malt liquors herein mentioned, uutil he has executed ud given to. the Board of Commissioner of the county wherein the liquors are proposed to be sold, a bond with good and sufficient security, to be duly justifiedjiu a sum of not less than five hundred dollars and not more than five thousand dollars, conditioned that he will fathfullyj comply with and perform all the requirements and conditions of this act. Th said bond shall be record ed and filed as in cases of official Ixnids anl whenever the Sidd commissioners shall have reason to believe that the par ty so licensed has violated auv of said conditions or promises they maj- put the same iu suit and prosecute to judjineiit and in addition thereto they may for good cause revoke said license, first giv ing to the bolder thercot at least two days notice of the time when a motion to revoke will be made. Sec. 4. A druggist, apothecary .or phy sician having a license to ' keep and sell such spirituous liquors as by this act pro vided, shall not sell the same to any per on. at one time, a greater unantitv than one gallon, nor in auy qnantity, unless the iKjrsou applying U purchase the same shall present and deliver the cert locate of a sober and respectable practicing idi v- sicia n, not a licensed dealer uuder this act, given upou his honor, to the erTect tliiit such spirituous liquors so required are iu fact leqnired for medical purposes; or a like certihcate of a sober, respecta ble chemist or artist, that such ' spiritu ous liquors are required in fact for chemi cal purposes; jor a like certificate of a sober, respectable mechanic that such spirituous liquors so required are in taei required ftn-mechanical purposes; and il any physician, chemi. f, artist or median ic shall make any certificate falsely stat ing or suggesting the purpose for which such spirituous lii;;urs specified lv him are required every such physician, chem ist, artist of mechanic making such falsi certificate, shall le deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,! and upon conviction ii any court of record having jurisdiction thereof, shall be fined not less than oiu hundred nor more than five hundred dol lars, aud may,! iu the discretion of tlu court, be imprisoned. Skc. 5. Every druggist, apothecary or physician who shall have a license to sell such spirituous liquors as provided for in this act, and shall violate the provision of the same in an. v respect, directlv oi indirectly, or by any shift, or subterfuge, shall, for every surli violation thereof, Ikj deemed guilty of a misdetneauor, ami upon conviction in any court of iccori! having jurisdiction shall be fined not les than one hundred dollars, nor mole thai. five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned J in the discretion of the court : and more over shall forfeit his said license to be cancelled by the court ; and if any clerk or employee of such druggist, apothecary J or physician shall iu any way violate tin provisions of this act under pretense of selling such spirituous liquors for his em ployer or otherwise, he kImII for every : such offense be, deemed guility of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction iu any court of record having jurisdiction shall oe nucii not less than titty dollars noi more than one hundred dollars, and be i in prisoned at the discretion of the court. Sec. 6. 1 hat this act shall have no force nor effect! until the first day of Oc tober, A. !., Iddl : and on and after that day it shall haye full force and effect. Sec. 7. Thatian election shall be held by the qualified electors in the State on the first Thursday iu August next to take the sense of theS electors ot this State u li on the question! of prohibition, those de siriug prohibition shall vote a written or punted ticket Vith the words: "For Pro hibition" on it ;i those opposed to prohi bition phall vote a written or printed ticket with the words : 4Against Prohi bition" on it. The election h ereio nro- vided for in this section shall be held un der the same rules and regulations aud tlte returns to be made as are now pro vided by law for the election of Judges of the Superior Court, and tho Board of County Commissioners of the several counties of the State shall in the manner therein prescribed appoint registrars and judges ot said election : Provided, That ii ac me saui election a majority of the votes so cast be "Aganst Prohibition" then and in that case uo person shall be prosecuted or puuished for any violation of this act. And it is further nroviilwl. That upon the counting of the ballots as aforesaid the Governor of the State shall issue his proclamation declaring tho re sult thereof. THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT. BEATJTIFUELY ILIUSTEATED. 39th VSAft. if Sriiniifir tijf rtran. The Scicntfic American it Urge First Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen printed in the most beautiful style, profusely UluMruled with splendid enarina representing me utwesi luveiuions ana me most recent Ad vances in the arts and science; including new and interesting facts in Agriculture, Horticul ture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, So cial Science. Natural Historv, (Jeolocv. As tronomy. The aiost valuable practical papers ot riuiiieni, wnien in an uenartiueulR of wi ence, will be found.in the Scientific American Term, $3.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which includes postage. Discount to Agent. Single copies, ten! cents. Sold by all news dealers. Remit by postal order to Mvxs & Co., Publisher, 3? Park Row, New York. "NTS. In connection with the Scientific American, Messrs. Munn &Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Pat ents, have had 35: yearn experience, and now have the targept establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A 6e cial notice is made in the Scientific American of all invention patented through this agency, with name and residence of the patentee! ' Any person who hat made a new discovery or invention, can ascertain, free of charge whether a patent ban probably be obtained, by writing to Munn A Co. We also send free our Hand Book about the patent ta'ws, patents, caveat, trade-marks, their rwu, and bnw pro cured, with hint for procuring ad ranee on in vention. Addre for the paper, or concern ing patent. MTJHff & CO. 37 Park Row. York Brm-h Office, cor. F & 7tb Su. Wsahinx a, D.C. ! NOW IS THE TIME TOj SUBSCRIBE 1 1 ! . J ! IF YOU! WISH Your Watches and Clocks. Sewiug Maehiues.&c. Repaired by a-good, cheap and icponille workman please leave them with Messrs. Klntlz & Rendleaian, Salisbnrv, Ni C. 4o:ly . R.L. BROWX. HELP Yourselves by makinjr money when a golden cnanee Is offered, thereby aivrajTs keeping poveity from your door. Those who altars take ad- vantage of the good chance for making, money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remaliHu overtv, We want many men-women, boys, and etrls io work for osngrhtin their own localities. The business 1 i t ni-.HA . 1 . . I r, awKam. ET " win paj uiuiu man tell limes uiximaij Hilars, we furnish an expensive outfit and all that you noed, free. Naone who ensrages fails to make money ve ry rapidly You can devote j our whole lime to the work or only your spare momeaU. Full information and aU that Is needed scuf Tree. Address. 5i-iy Stin'SO! Co., rorUand, Maine Best Goods run ip ru Li V TRADE m JELU- MARK. I M For $12.00 a Farmer can buy a formal (620Ib) of POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICAIB for WHEAT. ' Tills, when mixed at home, makes ONE TON of SVPEXUOR PHOSPHATEVwhich is equal in plant-life and as certain of successful crop production as many of tho high-priced Phosphates. No troubla to mix; no extra expense. Fall directions. Powell's Chemicals have been thoroughly tried, give universal aatUCaetloa and we offer leading farmers In every state as reference, fiend for Pamphlet. BEWAEE OF IMITATION'S.' BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md Sole Proprietors. (Powell's Tin-Top Cone Fertilizer, ,prics only 130 a ton net cash. SlAJtcrACTCBEBS OT Pure Bone Meal, Pure Dissolved Bone, Potash. . (and all high-ffrade Fertillxins Materials. BROIVH'S A TRUE i cp ) f n A PERFECT STRENGTHENED. A SURE REVIVER. IRON EITTERS arc highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and e&cicnt tbllic specially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Intermittent Jl wi, 1 Void tAppctiU; Iiots if Strength, Lack of Energy, t it. "Lnriches the blood, sirenginciw 111c iauiXies,aua gives new mc to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digesi i vc organs, removing all dyspeptic symptom?, such as Tasting the Food, ILUhlng,IIeati.-itheVhm3ch,IIcartburntete. The only Iron Preparation that v.-iil not blacken li tvtli or v iin9.i.rt. RnM h all druggists. Wi i e for the A 15 C Jnok fS2 pp. of useful and axuu-ins? read ing) -sad f-er. JJllOWN CIIEMICAIi CO., Baltimore, Md. thit n Iron BitUrs o in! bv Br.oirj Cncrrc V Co. und have embed rod linn on miima. BEWAEE OF lOUTATIONS. . ftduf- ' ZDUm j " r laresion 11,. ! Cologne M. Sold iiwO.iaTt.itI 1 k All r armersj Moihcrs, Uusiacss Men, . C wao are urea out Dy work cr worr-, a re miserable with Dyspepsii. :hcum.-.ti:i : gia.cr Bowel, Kidney or Liver CompLiti. , bstnvtgontted and cured bv usiner If you are wasting away with Couvjr l Disipatk or any weakness, you will f.-t ' kGinrer Tonic the greatest Lxd Fcrt rBest Bealth & Stremrtb Echtcrer Land far superior to Filters nrnl cihcr f builds up the system, but never if.:nx:- i and St tires. Hicf x n v-r..r1fj- PARKEU'B . 1. 1 HAIR BALSAI ZJtm l.Vi. BSM-AsSIMMOHS5 CURE8 Imdiqsstion. btLIOUSKESS. Bick Headache Costjvcnzss. DY!tWt' CURES Lost Appetite Sduh Stomach, Foul Breath Low Spirits, i:- ENLARGM T C SPLEEN.fta. .VEQEVABLE It ls30yr th oldest, and on'v rrnrjlne Phn mons Wrd'rlne now In market. 1'remred only by C. K. Simmons ACo. 3810-12 Oa-k A r. St. LooK aaccesBorsto M. A. Simmons, M. I. In26r aid )1 buttles sad packages, bold by all brufrgisM mm FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON VIRGINIA. Opens September 20th. 1881. One of the First Schools for Young Ladies in the Unit ed States. Surroundings beautiful. Cli mate unsurpassed. Pupils from seventeen States. Terms Among the Bast in the Union. Board, Washing, English Course, Latin, French, German, Instrumental Music. &e., for scholastic year, from Sept. to June, $32S. For catalogues write to Kl. Wji. A. HARRIS. S8:6t-pd Staunton, Virginia. A NEW KIND OF WATCH CASE. Kew because it ts only within the last fesv years that It has Deea Improved an l brought within the reach ot every one; old In principle because the first Invention was made acu the first patent taken out nearly twenty years ago, and cases made at that time and worn ever siace, are nearly joo l as new. Head the following which Is only outicf many hundreds, your jewelers can tell or similar O0CS Maksfield, Pa May 23, 1S73. I have a customer who has carried one of Boss' t Pntpnf f p flftoun vf ir3 9 nfl T tnp If Urn vmn ' Detore he got It, and it now appears good tor tea years longer. K. . OLNEY. Remember that Jas Boss' Is the only patent case made of two nlates of solid urold (one outside and one inside) covering every part expjsed to wear or sight, the great advnntage of these plates over electro-gilding is apparent to every one. Boss' is the only patent case with which there 1? given a written warrant, of which tha following la a fac simile J&4A fhaf .An .Wa wtiintM urlth Ah ftflA Aak yonr jweler for llluscrated cataioue. Mil of ValnalilB Town - Property Csnvsniently Locate! By virtue of an order of thc Superior Court of Rowan County I will sell at Pub lic Auction at the Court House dor in Salisbury on Monday- the FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 1881, a valuable House and Lot the house now occupied by D. A. Goodman, situate on Main street, adjoining the lots of Martin Richwine and Mrs. L P. O'Neill . Terms made known on day of sale. Moses L. Holmes, Commissioner. 38:4t MortgageDeeds for sale here Also various other blans. Subscribe for Carolina Watchman, oulvr$1.50 r year in al vanes. LowestPec TONIC ALLGOOK'S PuROUS PLASTEh A Curative Host in Itself. Thirty year's experience ha firmly rooted Allcocli'n l'urous l'lasier in public estimation Tueir wuiivitiiul iMlapuoiluy to the variOur sviiitoms ot' disease it a marvel to medical inei. of all schools. For nervous pernonrt and luita tics, une or more; applied to the spine protiiu e. sleep wneu opi .les, even hydrate of chlor..i. ii.t l Ueii ot' litilo st-rvire. iovr, when unecaii not Klfep, its is the tuuiiuon praclioe to appl a 1'iaster iu the li.ick. Voti s.ran ely touch t ti pillow before you are sound alet-p. Allcoeks i'riii4 l'i:tsiers hiv tiie curative effect oi tiiu Spauisii lly blisters, yet make no sore, ami nevvr ad'ee. the Kidneys ; areconveni eut tor ail ae.- uni coinliiions, usually only lm;l ti.rt iij a "blii.sii on the skin, and more cer tainly ctiruive than liniments or l)lisifrs, and wuiio.it prostration or i.hii ul ihe latter. Tiiis ts trsie even in I, roup, Quinsy, Pleurisy, L iu ' and Throat A llV-ctions, and thf mililv oi ' this sanitary invention li.s beei w .ni.ly wel- i eonied. lliey are largely sold in every part ol ; the world, ami it is btiieved that not less than five hunlrt.'il thousand pcroii are well, and attending to the duties of iile, free Ironi pain, who Ii ive iin Allcoek's Porous Plaster wune- wliere altout them, and who, but for (he said plaster, would lie prostrate uKin a bed of ago ny. jLtfjtides, a peciUuir piny, fUcuant odor, halo, or atmotpliere exhales from them by the warmth oj the bodu, iiiiperi't ptible to the eve, hut wlii h envelops the person in a cloud of thin vaHr, through which contagion cannot enetrate. In tact, Allcoek a Plasters shimmy an atmofphert like lhat trotn btlsaiu orpine woods, and no doubt attract ozne. When contagious or infect I'.ux diseases are about, they should be worn on the client or back as preventives. THE ALLCOCX'S POROUS PLASTER oothes pain, reanimates torpid limbs, seems, in many cases, to revive the powers of life, The great demand proves them to be used as a universal remedy. 1 liev are convenient of ap plication, and sale for all, being incapable of producing auv injurious en ecu. Dr. Valentine Molt, Dr. Johnson, of Hart ford, and Dr. Myers.ol Savannah, tiavespoken of them iu the highest terms. The great Moll saiil : "They were all lhat could be hoped for in a plaster, simple, cleanly and adhesive; perfect as artificial supporters of the muscles ; and for pains, because of their counter-irritant qualities, usually at one giving ease." Local weakness of the back, breast aud side, always benefited, thus curing lumbago in a few hours, sometimes. in a few minutes. In serious heart and ctlest affections their use cames an absorption or evaporation of wa ter, hy which dropsy of thdieart and hydro thorax have undoubtedly been cured. They appear to have a peculiar effect upon the nervous, allaying irritability while supply ing warmth. They seem to accmulate elec tricity, and aid the circulation of the blood through the part where applied, by which healthy action are induced. The Porous Plasters are flexible, and found of great help to those who have weak backs or pains in the side. Especially are they val uable to those who have neglected colds. They are often preventives of consumption; nay, they are believed in have loosened the grasp of this terrible affliction, and had been mainly instrumental in effecting a cure. In variable climate l hey should be worn on the breast, or between ilie shoulders, or over the kidneys, by those who are subject to take cold easily. This simple plan will soon produce constitutional vigor that will enable one to resist eztraordi nsrv chnzs of leintwrature. Experience b proved th Porous Plaster In bi blessing to t me oorisiimpn veiy incnneo, invarisDiv prtKlue-, ing the most remarkable abatement of the I worst symptoms. j PrincipalAeencv, 291 Canal Street, ! New York Cfy; aad, for Sale by all Druggists, 201 -pd. , At DEEDS & Fee Simple Deeda, Deed in Trust, Mortgage Dccda, Commissioners' I)f4 V Distill era -Entries, and Tarious other SALE Administrators, executors, commissioners, call on ns for printed sale notices. It is their property at public auction without first giving ample notice of the sa' rs? quircmentsof the law on the subject every body knows are insufficient P -often sacrificed from this cause when a dollar or tw o spent in advertising n Fcn?' saved it and made it bring its value. "We furnish sale notices promptly and d 2TOTIC3D POP. PCCTZNG TffiO. BOERfiAUl'S HEADQUARTERS FOR Fruits, - Candies, .. Cigars, Books, Pictures, And,: Pict ur e-Frap i e a Hardware wnns you waxt II A 11 fl W A 11 E At Low Figures Call cm the undersigned atBo- 2, Granii Elov, v D A.ATWELL Salisbury .N C.JnneS if. Coitoei Time Tatle-I C. B. R. TRAINS GOINU XOKTII. Date May 13, 11 I No. 41 I No. 49 J No. Dally I Dully Dally Lv. Charlotte. 4 05 A M 6 15AM 4 15 p u A-L Depot " Junc't 411 AM ' S " 4 20 " " SaUsbury 5 56 AM ! 7 50 " e 7 A rr. ureensboro 8 m AM 30 . 7 5T Lv. Greensboro 8 A M 9 50 " f 8 18 Arr. Ualeigh l 4 P M for Rich- Lv. 1 45 P M mond Arr. Goldsboi-o 400 I'M , vnly Lv. Greenstx)io forinchmond 8 25 PM Lv. Danville 10 kl AM 1131 " ' N. Danville 1027 AM 11 S3 " " BarUsdale 10 ns A M 12 ul P M Drak's br'ch 12 37 P M 1 20 " ' Jetersvllle 2 24 P M 2 57. V Arr. Tomahawk 3 !0 P M 3 5t Arr. Belle Isle 4 03 P M 4 " Lv. ' 4 10 P M 4 33 " Arr. Manchester 4 13 PM 4 as " Arr. Richmond 4 13 P M 4 43 " 7 S a m TRAINS GOING SOUTH Date May 15, 0 No. 43 No. 4S I No. 50 Dally I Dally pally Lv.Rlctimond 10 4") P M" I'FooM Burkevlile 2 i5 A M 2 41PM Arr. N. Danville 7 uo i5 Lv. 7 25 " c 13 " lanville 7 27 " rr. Greensboro 9 26 si7 ' Lv. v 31 " 8 37 " Salisbury 11 lfi " in 33 rr A-L Junction 12 41 " 12 15 AM charlotte 1 w 12 o A M ' Lv. Richmond 2 To P M " Jeierdvllle 4 41 " Drak's Rr ch , 6 o" " Harksilale ' 7 " Danvl'.le 7 r.i " " Renajj s 55 " ' Greensboro 9 27 " Salisbury 11 03 " Arr. A-L Junction 12 6 " Lv. " Ajr. Charlotte 12 so A M is uiuue Irom a Minnie irooical i.eat oi i ..ie Value, and is a POSITIVE hem EOT for all the! diseases that can.! pales la the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundice i Dizziness, Gravel, .Molarta, and all dllHcultle of the-j Kidney, Uer. and Mr! nary urgan3. For FEM ale I DISEASES Monthly Menstruations. and dnrlng j Pregnancy, it has no eu,ual. It restores the organs! that wde ihe blood, and hence la the best BLOOD t PURIFIER. It is the only known remedy that cures BLIGHT'S OlS-ASE. For Diabetes, use WAK.V- For Sale by Druggists and Dealers at ftl.2B per bottle. Largest bou- In the market, try tu t M M- W A KnE R & CO. KocuasTEK. '. x-. MP Outfit-sent free to tnose who wish to engatre rln ihe most pleasant and profiable bu.sineta (V.lkBOwn. Everything i.ew. Capital not re V Wqulred. We will furaisu ypuererythtng. $lo a day and upwards Is easily maue without btaylng away from home over nlht. So risk whatever. Many new workers wanted ut once. Many are ma. king; fortunes at the business. Ladies make usmutb as men, and young boys and girls make great pay No one who is wining to wor. fulls to make more money every day than can be made in a w eek at any ordinary employment. Those who enguge at once will find a short road to lortune. Address, H. Uallktt Co., Portland, Maine. l:ly at: obtained for new invention, cr for improve mcnls in o!:! ones. Cavents, Infringement, Traie-Mai k, and all patent busincFS pioiupi Ij Mttendfd lo. Inventions that tare been Hernt?A may still, in most case, be nalentt-u Lv n. Ueing oj)ot.ile ihe U.S. Patent Oiiice, and en-1 icagea m patent easiness Exclusively, i we can secure palenu in lens time than lhoe j who are remote from Washington. j When Inventor nentl modfl or sketch, we main o... .,!, : I I l... 1 Cll . 1 , I as to its patenaliilily free of charge. Corres pondence confidential : fppa rpinnM- A Uo Charge Unless Patent is Obtained. v inn ut (ciiniiun io ine city j. ot msHer, and to the Superintendent of th I-ri OfSce Money Order Divinon in WaKlisngton. For special reference, circular, advice, terms, Ac., ddre C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Waahingion, D. C. 8:lf . $101 Outfit f urnUhed free, with full Instructions ui wiwutuiij; me mosi prouiaoie ou.Mness asy to learn. anujiirln.strui-tir so simple and plain that anyone can make great pr v flu from the very start. No one can fail who Is will ing to work. Women are as successful as men. Bovs , i. veil, wikc nuun. .mhiit u;ive njaae at the nuniness over one hundrpd Aiiiarv c. Lir.i r - ' WIUI c. rtll wnu enjrage are surprtsnd at tb ease and ntt.idity wiih which they are able to male- money. You can en frame lu this b-islnis during voursparetlme si iae t proct. l ou do not have to invest captral inn We TAlce 11 th rt.alr. Thn- nhn week. Nnthtntr Tllrv if vr V r.r.u. r. . i, shonld wrtu to us iu once. All furnished trv-. .a! 1Vlt i CO., AUfcllaU, JJ1B0. mortgage! forms for sale at the "tifictv. . WATCHMAN OFFICE sheriff, coDStables, agents, &c are A certainly great iniustTce tn .U iAND ?.3AD? rrn" !LTi (inrnin. ' '3 ci n uiaease.ctiu t7 Absorption .rfip" ulatoi y Ducta. Prot?te Gland .V?8lc!e' Sc- Ten:5iica, aad &on not Intorfori wUhthS Jco puraiU cf life; It is qaickly dUrJu 2 Stive. sSoct cpoa Ui eiual anel2-2i? tad tb drain from tUo system, rcstnri-1 ,U?WU cf BiKht. Nervous lobUitV&nusBl?MW, AversJoa to Society, cic,etcandfh-5itle cf premature old ui usuiui aWr.lTr it has been dormant (or roara. Thi tr,tf;ThT he0t ha. stood the test fa vS, Wvcrf'. now s pronounced success. Lrue9r. ,1!, " na pes. to, with but little if any rSt c5Si la no lvooaense about tbisJ'n-panaioQ. IWtlli?!? n-ryat ion enables as to Positively guarantoi tUft r;.ll give satisfaction, burln th Sytli fLI It bas been in ireneral ns. wo have lhoJsa0dfc,7t Medical r.-ofos5ion to ho the most rt ionll,. discovered of reaching and curiae tbUvrrSJ trouble, that , -well knov,n to ba , thecaSJ SfS mlwiry to so nany.and upon whom quacks mirtk their n-!asi nostrnms and big- tetCrhlSt is put in nat boxes, of thW sixeTlfo. 1 tolaet mouth.) 3; 8. .sufficient 572 racnent enre, nn!oss la. sarere cases.) S5 (UsUnS over three monlts, will stop smlMtoM Taml restore vi-or in the worst cwesj ! if. Beet "82 4 je.lod.ln jlaln wrappers. Full DlRECTIOKaS xxzng: v ifl teeomoany EACH BOX. " , .-7rr for m Mr-nmpti,-i Frnntt 'cfsoi Vina Anattnlral 1 Uwitrntiina) otKi TeHtiiHony.jrhtrh trill renrfne tht inivt til-flirt An I i, 1 1 ihom siuytnrai mat the rmn h imtnreAt to nrWert mtt 11.. 77 to far thmtltitUtm nf lift, mime ai if HARR53 REMEDY CO. MPd CHDIISTl r.grrr;iar.n MS. -ST. LOUIS. Mo IBiBOnS'DESr .1 ' . " -ui uu:c diseases, aa enjoys a natkn. el rnput-.tioa throuoh she corlD of com! . irtl7.i I" DlR E T I O N .r E X P O SU R E?S Th. - 1 1 V ; ectioon of the lilool akin or lmnes.7neatl wHb sat . c, without using Menrurr or l oUonous Mrdicliwir YO U W O MEN nr" '"Utring from tbeeCsett tmrr-r mm mm 1 if a dirae Ibat unCU Hi Tir tims for bx!nws or mnn-:aim. nermanentlT rnrad PATIENTS LU?E ATEDVw I fill II 111 1 1 iiiawiiai insiiiiitM but Bonibtt. frK.ojl conilt!io ii preferred, wliKli u FREB tat in. eJ. List of miic.iks ie he muswrrcd hV naticuu diiiriutiMi. Bunt nj ul.-il (r. e to W7 iMrri on aHllrrton. Cf.rvi.ui. a jfrrina; trnm Rapture mI4 kkI Isrlr srtli, 1 asit lni wmrlblii-le tltrir dnwlsf It b Mt s trmkj Coanu'jiur rx-tlT cotifi lrntlil, and ihoulil be ad4rraai Dlt. UtXTS, ia North hth -M. IhWTIw VICK'S TT- ILLUSTRATED FLOBAL 0UIDI For lsi is an Elegant Book of 120 Pages, One Col ored Flower Plate, and wo IHustratlcjus, wiih De script ions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, hJl Uirectluns Tor growing, only 10 cents. In F.nr. Hsu or (icraa.i If you afterwards order scedsde- )ii tut- i ip rt VI t'K 'S-SKI . I lS A rf t hO luCt In tho ivn.l,1 Th. Flokal OriDK w ill tell how to get and grow thfm. VICK'.S FLOW Fit AND VEUKTABLK (i A III) K.N, i ,o rjes, b coioreu riates. 50u Knravlngs. ForM cents in paper eorers; $1.00 In elegant cloth, to (German or KnllKh. T fl ' I.' u II 1 l-w f TUn irf-n, . s.' Pages, a Colored Plate In every .number awl nviny line Engravings. Pileo fi.25 a year; Flrr eopws for $" ci. Specimen Numbers sent (or li cents; 3 trial topics for '.'3 cents. Address .) A MES V1CK, RocLestrr,: T. TRY THE NEW YOEK OBSERVES THIS YEAR. The Largest and Best Family Paper ia the World. Send for Sample Copy Free. IIS W ITOIIII OBSERVER, I'arli Con, cn York. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE in time and prepare you rsell iisuinst disaster liefore it w . . I . too late, by calling at TIIE INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. ALLEN BROWN, and btftininr: a Policy of InsaraDCJ against It9 or damage by FIIu-V LIGHTNING. This is the LARGEST AGENCY IN THESTATE, Aggregate Assets represented vcr 800,000,000 All FiM Clas Cos., including Enslish ai Ttli z Auieiii-Mii, ami ur own Mate ( ' , All Policies written here at this AgtiicJ 2"Lu; 9 proinoll settled. SPECIAL RATES made on gwu Dwellings. Furniture, p4 purm jiiopci tv. lr a term of 3 to 5 'ear, W M V m v-'-r- XJuect Application CK-V?? "PV.lru, EijlOOu1

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