T' ; 'It i' J j. - ; ? ! m r' " . v L' I 4 - - rf i - i ; ;i " Iti :.;!:!! I ! ..f!' r rl-. Carolina Watchman. 'There vrtv several emus In the sub joined eitrAft of Mr. Hidden' address at .Wittstoo, m copied fn this paper last xvtk which could not have occuiredif the ymot tnlitoi had been at home. We le nb1is! it wib the necessary corrections: The Carolina "Wntthtna was founded by HnmHtou C. Jones, Iii, Ju I 3:. Air. Jones is remembered as the able lawyer, the genial geiillenmiN and the author of "Cousin Sally Dillaid."': The WaMmnn 'opposed the iiuliflent ion movement, head ed by Hon" Bui ton Cruise- in the Western CarvRnwii. It is a singular fact, aird evinre-a guat tenacity of purpose on his parf. that Mr. Craig-, who w::s an honest And nil able man, lived to lie tire author of the ordinance of secession in our State eon vent ion 'in ISM.- Mr. Jones sold to Prodjetuii &, limner in 16). After tome other changes. Mr. ' Btuucrbecanie sole owner of the IFaco'ii,ud has conduct ed it since 1850. I am indebted, to Mr. Brr.ner for the follow inginforhiation in relation to the Salisbury IWtttern CarolCh'uth : .-TMitois triun i30. to, 1S23,. Lemuel Bingham and Pl ilo White. From. -1 23. Co 18.'1, Philo lite. From Jd30 to 1631 -' Burton Craige and Jefferson Jones. Fr.'iu l&flto WW, Bui ton Crnige. From leo3 to I e.3tf, John Beaid.". From to J38 Dr. AkJiIm.1 ifiuith and Joseph . Ham pi ton. From 1833 t 16-14, Dr. Benjamin Austin nnd Chas. F. Fisher. I he paper ' then expired. All these. savaMr. Bing ham, Mr. White and Di . Atlibei buntn, are dead. V . Sote. Thin rcrrectlon Is rcnSeretf more impon atfrom the fact that Mr. Mngliani and Mr. White were represented asuead, whereas tbe readers cf the' Watch jas very wed Know that they are both Uvlcg ; .Mr. Btnjbam, In Htatesvllle, C, and Mx. Will? n.wni.v married) la-hltestown, X. Y, Til2 Western X. C. -Railroad is -in bet ter condition now. than ever before. The ears-ate ru lining through to Alexander's, teu miles below Ashevi'Ie; and the work of construction under the supervisions Maj. J. . Wilson, is oing on with nil possible? spied beyond. The work along the French-Broad is exceedingly heavy, owing to the great tlifticr.ltiesof the ituUe. The road led in w ought out -by the' pick . and drill with the aid of nitroglycerine to break en the rocks, which are of the.' ffnarlieTand t'M'hest hind. The-condition of Llie.: urjuX over .the roonntai:: is excellent. 'I here has 'been no trouble at mud eutior sonic time p:ist, and the force usually kept there has-been put to : win k else w bests This place, made - tamoiuhy. tif. newrpapcrsof the State, ( 'S8CRe8 no -striking features'-to arrest the eye of the traveler. .One might pass over it every day for months without di covering anything peculiar "about it, not 's vifk's.tauding it has tost riic State tJ:ou--' aands- upon-thousands f h liars,- jind hiiiUed the skill of thy best-engiuecitt i';: r year, ft ocesi is ou tlie side of a mtmn-Lccuttiip through the West and South tain where there is a cut not -exceeding j-west. Dr. Russell is n otnn of 'unqties- 12 or flf.ecu ftet in t.h. The sid of the inountain. wljicli U not very steep, lias 'been sliding down into the cut, aud thcie lias been "nt wayo prevent it. Tl:e diocchs is sltiw : ir duca imiifiUni.' down with a pfung; but the track 'raisers would go to bed at night leaving the road hII riglit, to wake u; next intuuing and rind it all ont-ef shape by an upheaval, caused by the weight of earth from above, klo'viy descending in mas, ith the trees standing on it. Jt is not luoviug now, -probably because of the dvy weather, or it may have reached n tinnl stopping place; and hence there is uo need of a working force to le stationed there vj hereto.'oj-e. There, is a coips. of fngincers now en gaged in surveying and mapping the road from Henry V to beyond the Blue Ridge, "for the purpose of presenting an accurate bird's eye jew ox the w onderful piece of wuU ULCi.aq.lielii d tticre in the passage of the niountaiua. The business of tlie jroact seems con stantly ou t'm iijcreasel." Tho travel up and down ia laige requiring one sleeper, ae firn-class aud one second class coach t acromniodiite it. Round trip tickets pre sold every Saturday, eo that those sharing ft lends to visit may go and return 1 for-one fare. Work re g trains a-o carrying forward crtss ties and iron rails for the extension. .nu poia ;.r the teiegvaph. These with ihu ftoi.iK. ....,1 . 1 V Passenger trains, tnuL- f Ia line?... r i ... I ... , m iUO roittl livli night and d.-.y. Piionir.iTiox J-v Ucxcomse County Mr. J. lhiwmiii..f lltcliel count vi m. ule n rotiMug Trdditioup&ech at Asheville on Weduesttay of last ..Week, lie spoke abouttwo hours, to" aliaige and iiitelii .gent anfli-ree, levietvjrjg the whole sub ject, and tlie argumt-nts bVpughi ogaiustif brthe liquor :idvcates. Hi speech was Ve-M received. Genllobt. Vance follow ed in f,.w hti? spirikd amarks, design ed to rally and encourage the friends "of thecaiw. r ,?ut jv,, j, tlleir effolts to carry the county. It is believed by the fiwuU that nunetunbe will go for proj,i. bjtioa by iron, 300 to 500 majority. Gen. Vance told his Iimiihi! ,,f te county v. tjle VoUj TCajJ taL Hons. "Jr. K. Shoi:ir mwl i.r - vud.v x uce, oi JrMlfshury, were billed to speak in Ashe vil'.e onawday hist, on that side of the fini-stion, aud went up the road for tiiat jmrpose. ' , . ad ox Kp.ooki.tx They have a big German ea iu n certain quarter of Drook" 1n, N. T., which ; has created a.'eensat'm? among the people and got itself well abus- vij. rising and sitting, and the pi ohiliiiion- suiall in i.any places paiiTallysuggest Ms werenreiulielmipgly iu the majority, ive "fan almost total failure. Tho dii. Lie liquor party are ' also wide awake, thj weathef has 'prevented- prtqier culti ud havu their orators. Iu the held : 'Hiel vatuul and ty! this injury has ticen done f it .iy me cuy papers, nis draft uhenUand is too i rant leaves a wire us ..irB as a pi-t on's ug. f FtACK-DI?UaHT niabts cLiiia Minnr The C'iniiiifr lllectlcn. - Within the Aert vetk" th e'ectiorfor .nd against whiskv will take p'ac c. Every voter should attend the polls andvote1or or against prohibition, for it is a very im portant qnestiitt.to everyjnan, woman and tliild in the State. . The census reports show that there! is more illiteracy or igno- ninec in North Camlinaihan in any other- State in the Unjon; Gut-if4ier'pejIeihU I rote next Thursday "against , vtdky, they w ill prove themsIvea to have yood com mon sense, whether they call read -"'or not. There is no hidden mystery in the question lK?nre the people. We all know what spirituous liquids are, and their effec ts otffj men and comnihnities. If the use ot; them , as a i)cverage is an evil, and. nolody will ; deny it, then common sense tells ih to pro hibit them, irthey do more harm than good, prohibit them. If they cause cnaica and heavier taxes, put them down, and let the corn,, the. -rye and the fruits go to strengthen ami I to build "up the country, insteadjf pulling it down. It is a plain question and requires nothing but good common sense to teach us what we ought to "do w ith it. ! " . We .have trie1 rce whisky, a long time. Jlorc tlian halflof the people do not use it, except as a medicine, but they have had to pay for the damages done by those who do use it. T$ eahjav" ihtiny- ,crinisqand the so- Lber andJudustfious people ha v to f)ot the bills of cost "'""They have'had'fo bear this j unjut burden formore than a hundred years, .The liqnor drinkers and liquor sellers thiak itlis ?all riglit and fair, but t rtaon tells us that th'ev who dance should pay the fidiUer; or to rhangc the' figure, they who use and sell liquors should bear all 1 he expenses "and pay all the costs. Th'ev should not be. a lowed to follow a business which taxes and damages their iieighltors. Common sense elaui.s a legal protection against such costs Miid damages, nr it demands that the liquor business must coine to an end. - : ' The.dismders in Arkausns and the as sassination of J. L. W. Matthews, an editor, thow a dreadful condition of af fairs. Between the murders of Texas, the. robberies' in ! Missooi ,- the shooting of revenue officers in South Carolina; Geor- ' s;'- and other States, the crimes in the Xorlh, the lawlessness iu'the North wvat, and the crimes and assaiuatioii iu Arkansas, this country is iu an uneiivui ble condition, and in a fair way of mak ing a name abroad Mich as no otluM country in the world can rival". So w ide-spread is the violence in cer- I tain sections of our vast cownrr.v that Di .yYH-Siani.II.-Kiissell, "Bali liitir' corie poiidt-ut in the lite W.I i , lis in veu mm u pr:-miiei:ce to if in his vaiious !et: !.s ro t the Loudon Hunting I'ost t duiiug his re- tioiu'd-triitlituliiess, sitid whnt he has de scribed will have tine weight abroad We have given already his general im pressions. His Ktrictures are just. Tiie 'lawlessness in ' Texas and other sections is almost without a parallel in the nineteenth century. I,u some of the Western States Missouri. 'Illinois, etc. stage and railroad robberjes occur and men are shot down by the villians as if they were eo many prairie dogs -or bam yard chickens Is there any remedy T Cannot the Gov ernor of Arkansas deal'with the lawless ness mid. minders of his owir "State? Must despeiadoes at nill issue their edicts to ineu-l-judgeK, 'editor and others and compel them to pack up and leave the country. or die, just as the assassins of Russia issue their ukase and compel the Emperor t do as" they order or per ish ! The State Governments ought to be equal to the suppression of such crimes as flourish iu Texas, Missouri and Arkan sas. Government is a failure if it does not protect: liberty, life and property. Where is the remedy f Wilmington Mar. If the Star had discovered the fruitful causes ol". 'crime it might descerii a probable remedy. Let us suppose all in toxicating liquors out of the Country iind the prohibitioil of its manufacture except' fr medicinal, chemical and mechanical purposes Wlia would be the . probable effect of such a couditimi 1 Let us sup- pose, again, that the newspaper press is ii-i conducted on jstrietly moral principles, showing a tbe regard for all those true maxims for the - elevation and In'.-best nappiness of the people, avoiding irrev erence towards God anoHhc teachings of his word. What would Ive the probable" effect of such a cause as jh;tt f ? ThesB are not impossible conditions though they may be difikuiri to reach. The Congress of tlie Uniied States with the Legislatures o the States-,! might control tlie liquor evil. pretty ettvt-tually if they would. We know no remedy fir a ite lauched press:Coiudsteut w ith its juresent fieetlom, except the over-ruling ; power ot a merciful Gtal. i - ' J- Thk Ciiors-j-along the (ine of tlie West, IX. C. Kailrnad-, have suffered from dronth. j Both cortott and corn a i , . . , A gtanl field of growing cdm or cotton is the exception; while field after thdd ot stunted and juif-vhed crops Veary t lie eye of the traveler. It may not Te-ttM late for a great improvement in fiiMl results, if an abundance of tain shall yet come. The richer autl better cultivated laudsi are uot leytntl;hope but there is a broad spread planted which, can Ja ever repay the toirbestoived in it, chiefly TMHrunsis? the HMO? Wr to bring good efps; even ide seasons, ;und;lieWase of uuder favoral bad tillage, tjrtiiei continue lo over crop the'iustl ves insf ead. or coiicentralins thtir eueigii-s aud iesonioenpaii smaller 'The old ehizeji of fthe St.ite w1hv may have- fraveUMi tniongn Aauevnie, r. v.f thirty or forty yenrsTag, woult1 be great- r surprised oy ine cuiiuge w uicii mis ta ken place in that town, if he were to viit place it ..now. Vv'ei will not attempt a deserip tioo. further than to wy it is a wide awake city of rare Iwauty aud attraction. Within our memory the Central - Hotel, now so well kept by Mr. W. P. Blair, was one mthe piliicnnillnunM'8 fir the Town, if not the' diirgcfct and; moist attractive. But there are few if any hotel in the State which excel! the "wunnanoaV and the "Eagle,1' fit her iti n!z or elegance of style.- 'l-he town is full of elegant hotel jind boiinliug houKex, nnd it is well it is o; for there is no other town iu the State on which so large a number of pleasure seekers make-regnlur aud periodic raidn. They often hbek' np the utreets of .-even ing with their tine carriages, in attempt ing to pas and repass. There is a bridge sicrnss'the French 'Broad ' alout a mile from town which, owing to the packcg ingand coining, ban necssi fated a double track bridge, and Mr. Win. Murdoch of Salisbury is now brilding the piers ami hutments for if. The life of the State is moving towards flm mountains, and this eitv of the skyi is destiueit t be the great centre nf one of the finest regions tlift idn of heaven, The Wilmington Pout in creditwi with saying that Hon. Win. A. Smith is op posed lo the prohibition -bill ana will vote against if. -This does not accord with the tenor of his two letters on the action of the State Executive Committee. We d not believe he would make a grand flourish purposely to mislead the public on a subject like this; and we think it cannot be denied that those letters con tained a rotest against the Democrats having the honor of leading the prohibi tion cause, and claimed that it belonged equally to the llepuhlicans. What sense could there be iir such talk if the autlioi 1 is op'poaed to the whole snbject. Mr. Smith ought to iviite another letter ex plaining the two first. The-Gtveriiorof Mu , will oJTer $50.(!0( for the arrest ;of the Winston tiain robbers. Three memben of a family named Sea christ, in Union county, died of typhoid fever recently, iu 43 hours. The first bale of Texas catton, sent to market ou the 9th July, sold for $425. It is worth while to be Zrf 'at this rate. The census returns show a jv patato;i i : uG.lc'l in Ed'-e ile coil.:!,. ; 2Z,'o h C uiili.im ; i22 is. Dure, an 1 T,04 in Yancey. A Guiit'oid counr J jpv ....... ........ ...f. inuii a (our in thi western counties said he believed, witli-lheexceptiou tf Giiston. they tvouid go for prtihibitiou. If a mail can fast like a snake or a bear lfor fort-dve -days, as tlitl Grisciuu, td Chicago, without peisomtl ' damage, the loss of two or three meal should not make hisi "wolfish." - A gill 14 years old in Syracuse, N. Y., seized by tiie ueck a mad ting wuicli n;i. tiding to bite her mothetniiti Jiebl it for some minutes uniil a man was found to conic and kill it. The. pork packing and lard Flouse of Cassurtl llrothers &: Co., 11 iltimore, was destroyed by lire on the 2tth. Several other establishments near were also de stioyed. Paper dishes for the diuing room are just ntiw gladdening the waiters ami cus tom t rs ot hotels ami resaurants iu Berlin. leakages cease , to tax aud annoy the waiters, aud the dishes are lighter and prettier but otherwise resemble the por- celaiu. The Wounded Pkesidext. Mr. Gar- field's physicians report his case to be as gHMl as could be expected. One opper- at ion has been performed to relieve his wound ofaccumalated pus,nud its thought no more will be required. His general condition is good. The New York Herald La had a cor respondent, traveling-, in tho South with especial reference to ascertaining the working 16811114 of the colored schools antl culhvjfea illis report is favorable: the ne groes' are showing aptitude aud eager in terest" iu education, au'd the schools are doing gtHHl work. ; Pkohibitino the. PiSTOL. There is a movement in this direction just starting. We are in favor of it The sale of pistols should b jest ric ted and the owners ol them heavily taxed. We have laws for tlie protection -of rights, property - and person. The pistol assumes to take the place of law. Down with the pistol. Will Not Accept. We are authorized to state that -Professor W.J. Martin, t" Uavitlsoi) College, who has recently been elected to a chair in the Unireraitv ot Xorth Carolina, will not accept the posi tion 'offered him.1 We are not surprised that such an instructor as Col. Martin is wanted at Chapel ,Hill, but we are quite as glad to know that Davidson College is not to. -lose him.' He has so . much faith in the future ol Davidson Colleue that he prefers trtTemain thfre. Whether on t the field or tia 'the rstrut)v Col. Alartin, for by that name be is knwwn to. many North Can li mans, is a Uun leader, and we 'trust that he' may be Scared Vet tuanv veara in tHt aenrice of his State, as he will be as a nro fessoc at; liavittsori College, not less than on th tented field. Char. Obvtrter. " i i - - - J . s Forty years trial " Iu proved BLACK- DRAUGHT. th- best liver medicine in 1 te world. ."'- " WnAT Ex-GoYEnxoit Uoloex TiiixksIv tvF rKplUBrTms.Iti n postal card too:te : of our citizens, nn advised opinion from ExrGovetuor Holden was to J this effect: That!the victory is suie,n ' This comes from a; man whom wo all knW to be no mean rophet in campaign affairs. This opiuKHt was given just after, his visit, to thef State Preas Assiwiation Winston. Fr the Watchman. 5 ItcnsonH - For not attending Vie TeacJiirs Instilue, given by the few wlni have not yet decid ed t o go : ; 1. 1. know all about' teaejun!r alreadv. and 1 don't helieve in their, new tangled wiiys f trnehing, no how. Answer. Oh! Don't ' Irelieve in new things, eh ! You go to mill with the corn in one; end of the bag and a rock in the other, do ou f You Hail "out; yur wheat with a slick aud louow it iu a hand sieve. do voii f I 2. "Cah't tench an old dog new tricks." Institutes will do tot' boys, but we !d men wou't be tvenejited. Ant. Cme-thcu, ami teach us voting tlogs souie old tricks; old things are tifien the best anyway. Dn t hltle 'y our liht under a bushel, but come and give us the hcueiit of your experience. We need it and will appreciate it. ; 3, I'm afraid I'll make a mistake and sdmelfody will laugh at me. vlws. You will have plenty of g:od com pany n mukiughuistkcnud then vour time vvi I come to laugh too; but, spfiaw, man, you elajm to Ih a conscientious teacher, and tell me which is better and more worthy f you, to stay away antl liiiike that si!ne mistake in your school loom every day for t!it;;.iiext ten years, thereby mbleadiiig jierhaps huiidretfs of innocent papils, m ohiw to the Institute and have tint, mistake corrected, possibly by having somtbuiig elite co: rectetl 'lor making it. 4. It will cosd five.or six dollar?8, and 1 can t afford it. j Am. Why, you expect to make from seventy-five to, perhaps, two hundred dollars or more during this winter, aud can't you afford to pay live for a esKiipjetc outfit f I am afraid the jfPople. may after a while begin to think that they can't af ford tin employ a teacher! who don't make some ;Raeri!'5ses for t heir Lsnkf s. 5. Some of the instriictors"are too se ven; And austere nud I'm afraid of iheir questioning j A n't.- So much the better for yon if the 'instructor" were such fVirUiii'able mon sters (a grievous mistake, however), as you would-he sure tt b arn more by it, luif the fact of the matter is, fliat they are tuf iost i lictors, after all. and vu I iiave both - the- Sun i;teiid lit and the Conductor to stand between you and t" the coinplaint t:!eil. or j;5dgment by de dauger. of whom the Superintendent cer- j 't will In- taken a.aiust them, tainlv cannot be couideteil loi luid.ible. i July 23. 1331. C.F.Lowe, atul tiie I'omluetor (Pi of. English), is the verv perstUi'.heati' !i of .ioiI hr.uior juy iiioreoojeeiionsT ext: u f.:;"!; Around the class and none to In Class, you are dismissetl until thextiist Mombiv in Aii":it, when x ou are expect - e! ! report iu person, all. o) o-.i, imiik ;i Hie 'iVacheiV Institute iir .Salisbury . . t i -. . "... . w. 4 i-xamples.' X. -Fort-n Cii!-Cti- n - OKjs.Trr or CurrosM?.- atul, .Ve.-,:i;iv i:.. .1 iisuce i.'.ut:.:t ford, of the fcuipremc Co!;:t thet! at !i at S oVlocIi thi m u r.inr. .fri The 1:' . Ct ' e,.- 0 ."fitr. - It i .n.:r befoie the i'leifi C..u Vt!:t'.o!i en "Jstn nulism in .North Caiolina" is an instruct ive pcriormance. Its value, consists ii, i's sketch f the oldest editors ;i!;! the first papers iu the State. ltsatcoi!iii of the State press d'.ning the last . years jutcetling the war is v; ;t;. -a:e, and many papers that wichled a stioii iudueuce for gtiiwl art not even referred to. Hut the add res has a value tf i:. own, atitl the Press Association did well in directing its attention to the matter of obtaining a history of journalism in North Carolina. The work from HJ0 to ltfiiT remains lo be-written. Wil. 'SLtr, Prof. Stone, of Cincinnati sticks to it that the couiet di I explode and . sep ii ate into masses. The Professor believes tfiat the separation was the result of a largi exidosion, and that ihe matter tin own H either 'gradually rtTurned to ihe .count itself or tli.-appeared by some othur cause. 117. Ht'ir. The Raleigh 'cw8-0'oerrer of vester- day says of day : the proposed thanksgiving "Governor Jarvis promptly responded, leierapuiu ins concurrence, ami we doubt not that his course meets the ap probation of our entire people." That is just what should have been doue. Wilmington S7tr. A Fuee FianT at A Picxic. A basket picnic at Brevard's Station, in Gaston county, Sat unlay, ended in what is de scribed as a bloody free fijlit. A man named Rlrynq struck another named Bra dy with a rock. The latter iu turn liter ally cut lUiyno to pieces with a kuilc. Several others were hurt. Warrants were put iti the hands of the "sheriff of Gaston for the arrest of Brady," lint he has not yet been apprehended. Khyne is notyct dead. Clutr. Observer. " A Mysterious CouxTEnritiT. A new ami dangerous eounteifeit silver dollar is now in circulation-. The imitation is in all respects perfect , showing that the machine used is of a hih ; order. - The metal is tlie only mark by which the spu rious character can lie told, it being of a white tinge, iu no way resembling the silver used in the genuine. What this composition consists of Iras not been decid ed upon by experts, but it Uws not require an expert to detect the meUlic impmiry of the spurious dollar.rt7flr. Observer. A gentleman of this city, says the Char lotte Oiserrer, was iu Moigauton Satur day, and attended a large prohibition meeting there, which was addressed dy Judges Scheuck and J. L. Henry, W. S. Ball and other ecntlemcn, with marked effect; Judge Schenck in particular, says our informant, made a powerful speech J and drew tears from the eyes of old ir.cn 1 Jistio: .-.Every man who luis nr' svmnatlir lor - the thonsand. tjf our laud who are jmtt'er I iug fi-om lire bliuftin" cur$e of iutemner ance, should not fail to be at tbe polls on the 4th of August aud rote For "Prohi the 4th bitioii.' XnAntY all the ills that aflli'et mankind Lean be pun nted and eured by keeping the stomach, liver and kidneys in peifect working order. There is" -tin medicine known that will do this as quickly and surely without interfeiing with your dc ties as Parker Ginger Tonic. 1 See adver tisement. JlyI4-ngl4. WANTED! 10 Cords tf hard, dry .firewood, two feet length. Apply at this office, j July 23,1831. i! WAirsq. A white woman youngi or middle aged to do the work of a small family in the country. No field work required. Apply at the Watcemas office. 41 FOR RENT QE LEASE ! THE "CQrVl&ifiCiM. HOTEL," Situiteil on Market Street, in WILMINGTON, C, Is for rent or lease for pne or ihore years. There are 32 rooms in ihe lionetl and if open ed by aeiHUj't'ieru man good biisine can be done. The 'Bar" alone call dot l.oi.gh to py t'e rent. P session ioiutediste.1 Fr terms snti p:iriit-ii!ar apply to i - C20NLY & IIOREIS, Amiioneers, 41:1 Stock ami Real Estate Brokers. In th3 Supciicr Ccnrt, Jnly 25, 1E31. James Smith, Piniatinl Henry G. Stebbin,Trns ! t-e tor Franklin Osgood. j Chas. Vocke. Geo rue C Acthm t rccov- Irwin, aiitl Henry G. Sief'bins nnd siuv. :uil ti real estate. i J. M. Primm. Do!V!.d- j ant?. f The t)efi-ndant, Henrr 0. Stehbins. Frauk!ia ()ot.l. Chas. Vocke, Oeire Irwin a;l Henry G. .Ste!liins aud son, are nereiw- nonneo: mat me anovc entiticM eiv iraetiou is brought for the recovery of re alty sitii:Ueil in -county known us "The Silver Hill Mining ProjKTty." and tlamages for its (h tcrition. and that they are requireil to appear at the next ter:u of said Court to be held at Lexington on the first Ioudav ,n pep:emoer. si. uc.ii anwcr or demur No41:'Jt C. S C. SALE BY TJ. S. MARSHAL. Uy vSrtuo ot Ft. Ft. ' In fivor of The M. . C , it dast A. li. U iv- I I m u. i.. v. . s..li,u ii i.i .......... ... .. hu . . t. Llackwctxl. leltui.- ilue t-o tlie lV.uea st u.-j. livuit Court Po;-eiua:r Term, ! v.i.;ii l ii.uiuttf. N, t... i win sell lor easu. tvi t ie iiK-.ii-si !.ii.io: . ;ir l :n- tviurt i;me n.-.or In s.iltstear) . fa iJow.tu Cmriiy. N. t. on tiK' 'Ui duv i ot eten;Ur, I -!. -Hie i v,. rest or t;e a hove n-uaed Ueffikluit in aim to t!ic 1 1! now lag- proj.ertj : I Ac.ico di ),injn!i I ctii nKlt-s tit tiraat's Creek, ad-' j jolnl:: il:; l;n.ls CI A. e.ider.on s.n-! otaers. sub- 1 f r loT l f-i ivl '-.".-" iS-iJit '.'I'l ' Mm lot in Hi.. I ; n.riir .v . t'.i." t-.'. .!. valrsbury, comer ot Main an1 cei.i rery .sre -::i. i.-j.u ii:it:.y .in iut i i.-.T i.- j it- i.i t'.ie pi:-; 'v trd if i iif i"V ii oi iU'l-H,-: .f(:n:.-t::!'C il 1 ,.-re. ' si.ir:lrdv.r j ! 1 i-i.'t ul' :.l '. ci J k. Si .. ei tl. t 1 t krvn :i, ::; c. n'.n i-l. ,ulj.i.,l u l. L. ii;:r.:-s t o!.. c-.ti- j t '. .1 .t:e ,iji;t ! :i : ;-.;i t ii' in t: i.tn-'is i ' : i': i .i .l . i1 I. r.'jr. ;.. i-'inir.t; l! ! I !ir, !s.(.-! ?. X. !. f I'-.-s-.-i H i!., :;!.! t u ) U ti i uv t :hT . T i : iv'.c l i --.; :rt .' A 11. re..t,-ii in tiie kits now O'-.-u i-.-.! b. iy.s ni'titr. Mrs. .t.iae l;ov.l'-r. :vs ! rrsi ie':'-.'. i;i I f- i n Oi Ss;i-bv.rv. h--!ieul by H.i-!.- si., .ln-'oii --t , Fis'-rr SI. Ciiurch St. iH-e.?j :.i 1: jx i !. cwt of purchasiT. hp. M. D"i;-;(. .-, . - .M 'A'CiiM n t'idtrict ol X. C. rv Sam!. I. Vk-,.- , I'c.-uiv u. y. .M.-.ral. . 41. -It 2 ZalLa On Mrmdav ! fr - j.i i -t; I o"r J: next, at the C'otnt House I will si-!! tli.it v;i!m!i!( p! y th:- late ,io!i;i iir:er ci'jhtv acres, iinir:- or'Iea-. in aiisimn . .-.i.uion oBiii'ii eoiisi-.; inii ot i'lii' phmtati'Ui ndjoips t lie 'iii-.i1, :mi!ul SafVet ni: ot Thomas Pinksttn other, and will !' Ed ; so'tl i sul.jert to t!k'.' Dower of John Darker wi-iow. Terms of sale One-third of the purchase money miit lf p iid at t !u; eontii mation of t he sa!e. ;md a cre!it o six uiont lis frm the iav of salt- wi'l !u triven for the other two t!ii:d-. wii!) interePt :tt 8 percent Title rex-rved 'until lint jiurchase money is all paid. Uy order of Com t. V M. J'l. JIING AID. Juiv 20, t83t. Atba'r of John Barger. 41:4t 1 Noricu To IVrme'ii Koonts, one of the Defendants, unknown resident, take notice lll-.tt llin l.'illil'.l'Inif isli!iimirt Ik.io I.. j Usue(l ;l,Minst Vou"to ui.pear before the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 2d day of September, lS81,at Lexington, or the re lief asked for w ill be "ranted. MM (fety, ii Snperlor Coirl. Michael Koouts and A. F. I'ii kctt. Lcc- t o r s tif David Koonts. deecased, ajnir,t Summons for Relief.. D. W. 1'ickcrt.and wife Snrah, A. F. Pickett and w ife N a n e y, M i e h a e I Koonts and wife Fra ny, Emanuel Koonts and wife Margaret. Z"in!y Koonts and wife JEli.a. Pliillip Koonts and wile Catharine, Chrisiinia Gobble, Mary Koonts, Joicy Koonts. Chris- j tian Sowers ami wilo't Albertine. heirs of Dtilana KoonU. and Pennelia Koonts. J latc of lYorf Si Carolina. To t'ts Sheriff of D.uihin Crunty-Greeting: Yu arc hereby commanded, to summon Pennelia Koonts, one of the Defendants, above n.yned, if she Ik? found within vour County, to appear at the ofhVe of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Davidson on Friday tho 2d dav of Septctn- ler. 18t I, after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of uch service, and answer the complaint, a copy .of which is served with this Ftn.mons, and let her take notice that if she fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff will apply to tne Uourt lor tlie relief de manded in'tbe complaint. Hereof fa I not, and of this summons make due return. " . Given under my. hand ami scal of said j Court, this 14th day of July, 1831. C. F. Lowr, Clerk Superio-rConrt. F. nKSUF.RfON. I1ffAttr. 40:Ct .1 . - ' ' '. . i- 1 MDiirii Hi Wo have now in store the Largest and most Complete St I wo liave ever offered: prints, Lawns mn bhess eeossi - Are Handsome and ' at Price to sult all. . : . -. Cassimeres, Gottonades, Domeslics, Notions 1 cv7 ontris lor gu-ruiMiY iti Jxiuiil I'neea f& On. AtiV- of Plnll.lit.. ... . Yc well sell yon a coat at 50 cents, have ever offered and at lower prices. White and Brown Sugars. have alwavs on hand The who like the Bet. Also ' Always on hand, at 23 ds per bushtl. " 1 Br A Pull Assortment of the BEST TOBACCOS G- MEA T EEDUGT T O K LA 0 IE S AH D fslsri'S STRAW HATS' Rio Coffee 12c; Arbuekle's Ariosn 20c; Fancy Lavuavra 20c; Old Government J Ten or twelve kind. Acla ses and Syrups, and among tlum tlie best iu thu m a i Full Stock of Sasi Irbh Potato:s cn hand. RU?Y USEFUl THINGS Ai 5.CENT3 EACH. Be""ur.nd,eeilwforeyo8lBr6r' With this bird's eye view of what we have.' we return th.rnks fur n mt ,U -and solicit future favors. Yours very resjHet fnllr, 1 l'uen W. W. Tayir, n. F. Atkixs, Salesmen. 1 - afl June 7, SSI. ' G xn ? j3 In add of GENEROUS .1EUCHAXDISE, u e have just rcceivetl a MEV snd BEAUTIFUL STOCK OP ": LAWNS & DRESS GOODS, A riJLL I'SCVk s pJfr-jS. cL 6Ti ic3 VSJL r BEST LINE 01 LADIES' COSSETS IHJOWH Our BE&BTF ot 50. Can JYot c Equalled! T 1iti won ttiU C-" i I thr" iv 4ii l . . r v !.. I or r l!i ! ; I - ,s. .. j t h v-n v- r. ! .'. :1 5? : K- iV.t'.v;- si. 7 3 'See our CHILDREN'S SLTTS-a'l Vrili liave in FULL LINK OF a few d;is ai, other ':-". :..' - -4 ill .ir-.-JJr,iji5ii 1 5 .' I 1 MACHINE -XKKDI.LS AND AlTACilM 2G:Gra 5 A r ice ITousa and Lot for -a!e at f- "t o! Main Street, know n as Caroline McLc! -iai.-l's Ml:ii-f l-'..r li.i'i! ll'iLiS: a!l'l- :) tin i - i - i f preuii-e. t il- - lur l"ali. 41- 7;iic Fomn'oC-ilhee. Dividson County. N. 0.- The ? ti annual sts.'-l-.'n b-'-cln Aucuit 'iCacU'V.. - lit tler rie; ..iei lii.M. (Vo b t ic i best won;. ttr rs everv auvara -cv n M.e s -UKT-Htii and abend totirse la t itf-r.ut-.ro um--uid An. at rates lower wn anv e jy.it sri-. 1': in Slate rn t;d ltitj rry lUitijn !;o.a f -J io -.'f-r urn .Kcc v.'t.V.oj;iie. 4!;4t a. W. jl.IXHAUT, Pri.l. HOETH CMOLIM COLLEGE, Kt. Pleasant, IT. C. The bciriji. ra .vt session ol this Institution Location Ilealty Expenses Motb-rate. I; stru.-li ui thorou.h. and special .alteidion yiven to those w ho w ih to preuue for the work of teaching. " Address L. A. BIKLF, I). I)., SS:4t PUKSIDKXT. EEABKIIH ACADEMY 1 ! AX Eag'ish, Chsrlcal, Mathematical, Ccho:l, MALE AND FEMALE. This School, e'unated four miles Ntufh of S.ilishury, will re-open llie 1st Moiulny in August, 1881, and continue 40 wet ks wild a short vacation ai I'ht iMiuas. Durinc tbe lai scluil.i-iic year tW pupils wtreeiirolit'd Hcmrii Can be lisil in families at rt-itsonalile prices. Also, ample f.icilities for younc mtri who wisl. is thoroiili and prnciical, by ret UnUor lectures. There isahoa ood and llourisliinj MM'ictv ll'rt'seiiti in Conner! ion with i!ih (Hliool. t-areiun woo win 10 c've lnerr:",,- " v " ' ' - ' . tt children a stood practical tdueaiiei.., or prejvire !'r'' f,n residents of the State, to appt . Ihirri lor ldlesfeor euiii.arv. will id.. w.Hi,, the ofSee of the .Clerk of- tlie o'5n a I - semi tliera here, drew. For further information at1. ILKV. II. M. flKOU , Prineipil. J. Ilnr.RV FifiiEi:, Af-sistar.t. 37:6t Land and Mil F0RSAL3. By virtue of a decree of. the Superior Court of Rowan County in the caw: of IIcss. Rogers, and Chambers, against R. F. Graham and others, I will sell on MONDAY THE FinST DAT OP ACGCST, 1381. at the Court House in Salisbury, the untlividetl one-half interest of P. R. Bur ringer in the Peter L. Barringt r Mill Tiaet. situate in Rowan County containing 12 aces, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Kcplcv, Mr. Robinson, J. C. O. Graham and others. Term cah. S;ile a!solute. J. W. Macset, Ctnimist.ifner. July 1, 1881. 3H:4t Subscribe for Carolina W-tch nian. CD XT XT . ..-.nan . 'I I . T . an t It.. I. i ' - c-ut Lur. pu,,,ri,,,. at UOCK-Uoltnm P-;.. Bct rhO UR- trv it i' . a Wn r W '.-J0'. it Ton to unr LINE UV l K&Zl&mm i; g. Vi ycan...ja la :!?:-' i s ON HAND.- n T - - - r from . t . t i fourteen ; of la :!?:-. 'fiL'M'.ir.n hat! JONES, McCUFBIUS & CO. 'TOW PUE fj. The hi-st Ki'n!.i7 '-'iTit In tli woiM. ('t(a. rlaiyit on il.is t'iuvfiiiiii 'nda a la'utr prictliu tlia . jrlnat'il oa :nvoi.ir. Can cvf ,t K.izru. C'r.-n'.-er.!. S C. -scents tor ;;o.vhi. st ir.lv arf : iiriufrsCn1! Fcr CtT il ir, . a'l on M.P. firown, Saastourr VsMSIc LlGfiS a M M M i prrr .a.i oi re :! : .ar: C , orb:.- iJicapcrinr urnt v in' rfie hsc et LN. a . a. i .-i Toltii!ff is-::: Nsiinrrs p- ::t u i! ; . ilV i- Jnr m!c it i Cidir! ll'tiiicP"'r U-.L-hns-ai ui': u if . i- ;n- n.-'dt'is' ..:;! I) lin'i ii ',-.', v:ii?l ( im:; i ', re ,'!i.. t io i -i? 1 h liie tow n J tali! Ui' oil a:? t:vj let Zjzy cf August, S!. th- lot i;. l'-:'i nnd ; i suiao prt'r- eitv. to wi : Ai)':t -'i'l.'t i e latnt -uaU'd in r-.::i-i ir tnrtip n t In Wifler s F. riy lhad. nbour -1 miYes f:ora the t'Wot Saiiburv, a'i j"i-i.."i!i t !i-'Taii!s of Th. Kerns. I. V. Jo !-.-. M try lLetset. et iU I n-r I l.d l-llil iliM icil loJ.Jl.B- JohiiM'iriiy .Fohri I. " J Tv. i id v I.-ires .)f Sloe- tver. dccM. Al in the North Caru. lina Kail H"a !. Tciius 6f sale. Cash. - . Jou?r S. Hr.NDET.sox, L. 11. Cl.BMKNT. t'ommiioDf!V 'Ss?:.?h'irr. N. C. July Cth 11. ; 3:4t. inf f arala : Rwas -m- In the Superior Cturt. John C. IViin'iaa'.nn. Trustee-f th D"tch j - Creek M'niii. Contpany, and David Bi-- i ringer, INaintifN. ' i i ti .... it ..'..,. V' ur.t Mrf aad Tbo Reuben Porte. as Ivirnhart. Vf-mlant. Petition l y-fl l. n.d fr rnrtttm. ,1 i'laintiff. J. I Nt ' c n ai.e.a -. . . i.i. i.i:....i;.n iu niiuc TK' .' " "''"'"" '"" 7 ':" .. in thet.AKOl.X? V .UI Sl.il a 7. o - f..... t.....lf.' r..ift. i.i.f till defendants i Count v at tne ' t ... .!... Iwt rttf V..rt - . Court of lnwan Tr,.-,. ;.. 3..i;i...r,- on .ve.mia . of August. I AS I. a-d aawer tlieconip)'? tfif of the nlamt.l;-. who h -will !e rneu .,.,. t-.. v.i.f ;.!..,! ,-!i,.n u m un ten n5"' g.,,. ........... Imtti ....... - .--r l!ie tlate hereof, mid if they Isillo bb- ihe comnlair.t. the iiTruntiff;. will "PR1?,. the Court for the relief demanded the complaint. .I 'M. Ilor.AU, Tins l.h iIv cf June, 1SS1.i. Clerk Sip'iio,- Court Rowan Coot"?. JalCtoJuv2T NEifLrERT S ti r 2 iHt V m i TIT I ii A UI 1HUU r$ - V.-ihiTp opened a Livery Stable tween iiala ami Lee Sireets. wberc pledseutesr-ne the ruc- our tanmt Qln bright nail i;air, and our te ms reasonaw , us - eH. . m ftrfl. 3Iv28, 91. W.A.aowerjl1 tf . ' - ' AtThso.F.EluMs's by some of Lis allusions. I onlv 31.50 pr rear in atlvtiner. " ; i I -" I 1 or sale is Tho. i : klui!. arears. t i

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