Carolina Watchman. TllUKSDAY, AUGUST 4f ItSl. Ciucinnafi Jo.t 500 people,' week before last, by sun stroke, out of a population ot 35,000. They drink split skull whisky there, wak-h of Itself, h fqaal to a P-agae- The Elizabeth City Economist lay that k wealthy English sporting club is nego tiating for the purchase of the Roper Swamp" Lauds, of Dai county, for the purpose of bear- fcontijrjg. Tne Jract is MM to contain 380,000 acres; -v - - - the Xvt Shell report Captain Sawyer, fcf the bark Ibis, as having seen off Cape liattera no lew than 700 sperm whales some of theni largej and estimated at $2,000 cacli. , The Captain was not pre pared to take them in j and so bad to let them go toeir way. They did uot seem te know a sbjpyas near them. - W ' (Utiiei: Hot.--A Virginia raiiioad on tiueer reports a five foot black snake run ning on a rail of his track ahead of hi engine, although he put on steam ami made fifty miles an bourT. It was in a cut, at the end of which it whipped c.ft the track to tbe side of the road, coiled up and died from the beat of it run on a sun-heated rail; . The Caswell" monument reacLccTKins- ton . on t-Iio 2dth July, and tbe work of erection was commencerat tmce, in or der to have it ready for the celebration to be laid on tbe 5th of August.- It is iJ3 feet lii'U and cost $2,000. The in acriptions hare not yet been cut, and will cot bo until after the celebration. The New York Herald has soxnethiug to say iu favor of a hot-tempered wouiau. She always makes Lthe spiciest dishes. YjoU neter knew a mild-tempered woman to make- a rich and spicy pie. Her tea is always mild ; her chicken is as tame on tbe table as in the coop. But a sharp witted woman, with a tongue like a buzz saw, will devil a crab, dices a cutlet or ervca rum omelet to turn. An Exchange says "It is asertcd on good scientific authority that powdered day or line road dust is an excellent dis infectant' It U a good deodorizer. Its value for this purpose is well kuowu to many of the citizens of" this town who bare constantly used it for years. It should be used daily in pigpens, privies, iic.f to prevent nuisauces. It is a reme dy that costs nothing but a little labor. The debt'of the town tf Fayettcvflle is causing her citizens cosaiderabio uuxiety nd there is some talk of surrendering the charter as one of the means of avoid ing the payment. Unless the bondhold ers will agrto to accept 50 cents in tbe dollar and 'new 4 per ceut. bonds for tho&o now held by them, an election will be held in October to take the sense of tbe citizens on the surrender of the town charter F.atber bad lor Fayette villo, but it should be a warning to other . towns not to make big debts. Tbe common -ground mold is a purely carniverous auimal, living entirely on grub larva, maggots and earth worms. Ho ia sometimes, accused of destroying vegetables nud plants, and so'li may, by boring through the earth ; but patient ex periment and close watching have proved that they do not eat vegetation of any kind. They are sometimes valuable to the gardener or farmer by destroying wxrms, !c.r which injure the . roots of plants Tire steamship Ethiopia, is 450 feet long and ouly 30 feet wide. It in fifteen times longer thau it is wide. The idea is to make the ' vessel long enough to rido on two or more waves at ouceV aud so prevent plugging down into the trough of the sea. It necessitates threat strength of bull, for otherwise the .strain in the mid dle would break tbe vessel in two. Four jiuudred aud fifty feet is long enough to ttretch across three or four ordinary tccan waveaj but in an uncommon rough would scarcely span more thau two. ,Tiie Election for and against Prohi bition; takes place to-day. The friends of the cause are not very hopeful of caf lyicg the sTate '' iu . this : election, but all say and feel that it is only a question of lime. Thcfo is uo going back m the. cause. JjTot a single argu men t ad tanced iu-en'pport will Jfty.tTrbe dis proved or wear octi IfTreih; is niighty 'and must prevail ; the eternal years of God are her'g' Tho friend of prohibi tion cau never repent of the support giv en it; uor fail to rally when an opportu nity is ofiVred to work for It. . Oxford, K. looming' up as a great ; tobacco inai Let. A correfpoudent of the -Vcw and Observer say s, '' W. JenkinaEsq., to-day received at the Granville warel r house $20 a pound for a lot of tobacco. fceveral lotaoid for $1.25 $1.12f and . $1.00 a iouud respectively. Fielding - Knott to-day sold a two-horse load of to liaccb for $1400. His eutire rop has ; liveraged fifty cenU a pound. i , . ' Our.telrgrnph line is completed. Our railroad is VI thin four railea of town. Another road from Oxford to Clarksville ii io progress of construction. Ten' new - lwclliugs are now going up. - Tbe tide of immigration is ru checked. The possibil ities of Oxford cannot be measured: Eve; ry farmer went boTua' to-day satisfied. " "Xa. tobacco was taken im.1 Oxford, ibe ccntre-of tho tobacco world, is realizing icr advantages and bldsher sislcr towns lia'ii her r.ncce(i." . "WINE OF CARDUI,y four times a da? , a harpy-Louoekold. ' 1 ." ' " : At Theo. F. KluUrr "And th Lord jfiaiditcto. Cain, where is A 11 "thy bi other fAmii said, I know not : uui I my brwtherV keeper T 'And he said, jvibaVhflst thou done? the vt-ice of thy j brother's blood crietfi unto me from the thou cursed from gronud.i And now nit the t-artli, which hath opened her month to , receive thy broth erV blood from thy- hand. When thou tiilcsf the ground'it shall not h.euce fortk yield unto thecher strength j a fugitive and a vagabond shall thou be in tbe earth.",-, ;r ' (j?- CaiuV lie did npt screen him. , His sin found hfut but, and the penalty waa pre noauced aguinst fhinir Ii has " been so Jrom that day to this and will Uo continue to the cud . of timet s '-.i - j But the jaw is of In ore general ap plicatien than might be inferred from this text in the abstract. It-npt only ap plies, tq.fratricides but to all uueharita bleneasa well as violence. Gaiu's ques tion, "Am I my brother's keeper 1" is answered in the affirmative bjr the great principle's of Goil' gaveruraent, a; fact admitted by the jchiistian world bat ig nored by tho auti-prohibitionj orators of the present day. fMay they not well fear that thcit iu will find- them out It will, aud escape will b impossible - I Loo not upon the win when It Is red. Prov. 3L At tne iasi u. blteth Uke a berrent: ant stlageta llkeahftdaer. lKWit3al. " f-"' . Wlac is a mockaxattoig Alalc is T?st$Z. Vror. -. JBe not among wintf WSis. .Ptot,-83;S0. They suairnot rmia"wlne with a soLsj. " U. Ui. Ye shall ariui no wine, re nor ypur sons rorevcr. Wer. 35: . . r Do not anns wine, nor strong annx; tnee nor my eons. Jyev. 29. f .NelthttbHffnT priest drink wine. Ezlc. ' woo. aatQ thai that arc auvutx -to anaK wine. Isa. 58. - i j It Is not tor kings to drink wine. Prov. 81:4. The priest and .the prophetic fcavfe erre.d thougta strong drlnK. lsa.iS:T. Drink aot wine nor strong drink. Judg. 13:4. ' For the draakard shaU cocae to poverty. Prov. S!fcM .- --.l Woe onto him that gireth his neighbor strong ann.-- - Hot drunkanls shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6:;. i i Touch not. taste not, handle not.' Col. NVoe unto them that follow strong drink. I&a. 5:10. He that loveth wine shall not be rich. Prov. si:iT. Abstala frcxa allapuearanceot evn. Thcsa.5:?. It is good neither to drink wine,, nor anything wnereuy tny urotner siumoiem. i:i. Add to your Xalih tcmyraace. , J Pet. l:3. , - The prohibitiou movement,! started by by Ibe conundu jKjoplo of , the country from no sovd id oi Keltioh motive, is based on the common sense aud honesty of the conscieucious masses, and is therefore the voice of being in accord with bis' word ami the principles of hisgovcrnment. There can be no shame to its advocates now, hencefoitb a:sd forever. j I Alum SriiiSGsj. The Western X. C. R. II. cut at least two alani Springs be- tweeu Henry and tbo big tuniiel. One-of them id at the cud of t!cr first cat after leaving Henry, going west. The other is in tho west end of the first tuuiiel after pasbing "iuiid cutM going west. There is Said to be still another a few yards to the right of the tlcep fill nortli -.of, but near to, "mud cut." This was described to us as the largest and most important of tlieui all, and was not visited though iu full view of iliej road, because of, the densa iiitcrveaing-under-growth. It U probable that Bohicthing might be made of these Springs,! which are said to pos sess medical qualities of "great value, especially . in those cases rcqurriiig-afi alum treatment. We refer persons wish ing to visit aud examine them to Mr. Whitley, the accommodating proprietor of tho Hotel at Old Fort. We brought away some of the crystals scraped from the rocks where the waters of these springs run out and dry on this surround- s. Thpy jinay contain! other pro perties than alum. They have ire ver been analyzed, we thiuk, but overlooked as worthless just as many other articles of value escape notice. '.:". '- Joan EiiLiscs sars "Onc auart of cbeeD whijky (the cheeper the better) judicious ly applied, will do more business for the devil than the smartest deacon be has-got." Josh fs a popular man, made so by his smart sayings oh a great many subjects. We , think the anti-prohibjtion orators of 56wan hav3 not; quoted Josh in any of tbjir spcecbes ort the liquor subiect, and we therefore put j him on record against them. - Josh limited his remark io sin quart of whisky but tbe orators referred to desire that the whiaky tide may fiowv-.on without lknitatioh, cursing and blighting every fair and good thing in thVearth.V . Says Xhe Winston Leader i No monster that ever fable cradled or imagination conceived is so insatiate so cruel so bloodthirsty in his demands as the liquor traffic. ! Manhood, womanhood. childhood; honesty, honor, hearts and homes; peace, patriotism, principle; law. labbr, liberty; the Constitution of the Union, the conscience of man, the chastity of woman i the Sabbath, sobriety, souls nothing too precious in life nothing tee sacred in morals, nothing tao pure in love for a holocaust to this modern Moloch be side whom-tho deity of the children of Ammon was a beneficent Bein. Hakrkon Dockeht, of Wilkes county, is now in jail at Taylorsville on the charge of being in the party: that murdered :Mbs Thorn psoo, of Alexander in June last. " An attempt was also made to arrest a man named Church, as'on accomplice of Dock cry. lie was tracked to a tlen ip. he woods, guarded by armed men outside. He came out and attempted to cscipe;vbot the Morganton Etide learns ' that he was shot and killed. DockeryV trial Is "set foir thie fall tcraL-; The evidence gaiast Wrn U said to be very string. ; The GoIdsboroiescsflCT' suggested that .Mr. Geo. Davis or Judge Mcrrimon would grace the Supreme Court Bencli, sind sees no reason why the President should not appoint one of them. Very true, the Presiden t could Tiardly do a better day's V.OJtt. Tlie President's! condition continues to improve. They have at last found the exact location of the ball, lodged in the fleshy walls of the aldotucn as was here, tofurc conjectured j but no attempt will be"mado to extract it eclesa it should be- como troublesome. I Ut J, H. Moore, writing in ihe VSetithem Farmer's Monthly, uTJuVrtakes to prove that raising corn and other grains is more profitable' than raising cotton. Iu making tho comparison be t tree u corn and cotton he takes the river bottom of tho Mississippi valley, aud supposes the comparuou wHl bold good iu all other sections j jand ; he. takes low middling cotton as the; sample, that being the average quality niaiSe. He supposes a man to make 8 bae$i or. 4,000 Tbi. lint, in the market at 3 eenU, or $320 for the cro. ; He Uien nijsames that , tho same amount of labor required to make this $320 expended in m iking. cru woald produce 1000 bushels, the;! net profits of which at 50 cents, would . make : $503. Peaa plan trd in the last plowing, would yield the value of , $5 jiuore to the acre to go into hogs We think tho most suc cessful farmer in Rowan is not a large cotton raiser. It is a isubject worthy the inquiry of every fanner. The Scientific American has a iiotice of the fatalities committed in New York and Baltimore by the clieap (10 cents) toy pistol; vti 'the 4th jof Jnly. Lockjaw became suddenly epidemic, terminating fatally to a un ruber oj'boys equalling the loss in many a battle deciding great 4oVtioii of tato.Y-It U a eontrivauce Jfcasei0nAVitb ft barrel about 2 Inches long a breach loader, intended for blank cartridges; but boys will slip in shot, gravel, naib;,4&c.' The ham met baa do balf-coek,'anu uot much catch at whole cock. ! The iiKt common accident is a laceration of- tbr palm of the hand, with the nerjres arid tendons, causing great paiu, lockjaw and death. Parents should look out fof i, he toy pistol and destroy it on sight, fur boys also acquire tbe bad habit of pointing the "harmless thing" at each other, which, is always dangerous. Clean up the City. There are ten thousand stink" now in Newborn aud uo two alike. Nut Shel, . There are not quito that many in our western towns, buf opr alderman and the police are kept very busy fighting them. The struggle is rather unequal, and just at this time our back; lots do uot shed the odor of roses. Mayor Holmes' reputa tiou is at stake and lie usually takes good caxeofit. j C3 i V. ii The "Glass Snake'' of Texa, is doubt less the same as the rather rare "joint snake" of; this Srat: INot one iu five hundred of our people have neen the "joint snake," and we know of only one who ever saw it. Ho asserted that on Iwing struck with a stick the snake broke . .. ! .... n three or lonr pieeels: and that Iiavinz heard that tbe j:icesi would come to-jeth er again he watched t,jtnd saw it recon- 6trnct and move off. f Thcro was a large crowd of Proltibf Hon. W. M. Hob- tiouits addressed bv; bins and Mr. Turner of Statesville, at Elmwood, Iredell County,! on last Satui day. There were indications from the people present that jliat portion of Ire dell was thoroughly aroused on this great question. , The Midland ltiiilru;vd. t ' i Some days since we j mentioned the fact that tbe surveying parity of this road had reached Pittsboro. We learn from the Itecard that the people th;re are wrcntly elated at tho prospect of having a railroad to pass through that good old town. The surveyors have been busy ruuning the ex perimental lines, and I their presence has stirred up quite a railroad fever. The sur veying party consists ofj Col. Fleming uaruner, ciuer engineer ; It. J. i.atta, tran sitman; A. Shorter Caldwell, leveler; E. A. Hobbius, draughtsman W. J. Dorao, transit fodnian ; and George McGehee and Howard nay wood, chain carriers. Col. Gardner is an engineer of great experience, having been ou tbe survey of the North Carolina Itailroad thiijty years ago, aud is thoroughly posted as to his! duties. The surveyors left Goldsfjoroon the 27th of June. : rTJieir route intersects the North Carolina Railroad near Princeton, crosses the Neuse River at Turner's bridge (two miles from Smithfieldi intersects the Hal. eijfh and Augusta Air ; Line road between Merry Oaks and New Hillj and crosses Haw Rircr near Moore's mill, at the mouth of Robertson's Creek, and up tho vallev of said creek to Pittuboro, passing through tne northern portion of the town, just above the potttotfice. Tho total distance front Goldbora to Pittsboro is 76 miles, and a rajlreadcan be built, at a small ex pense, as but little eradina will be neces sary along most ef the route, and the first twenty am lea from Goldsboro is a straight line.' The surveyors are now running the line . .between Pittsboro and AlftRfria'8-stLK ixdhstrt. The follow ing from theNew York Herald trill gire some idea of the , progress that has been made in this country in the "culture and manufacture of silk. The time is not far distant when it will be one of the leading industries of thia country : In noaae of our thousand industries, perhaps, has greater -progress been maie during the past fifteen or twenty years than in the manufacture of silk and the pro ducts of eilk. Beginning in a small war in an adjacent Jersey eity the gentleman who engaged in this new and untried ex periment have steadily persevered until to day the leoms f Paterson are as renowned as-tboscrof Lyons and the fabrics they send forth are equal if not superior to anything that comes to us from the Old World" which it was supposed enjoyed a monopolv thatcould not be avarthrown in this fine and costly line of manufacture. Duniig the recent Republican embrotfio at Albany a half-breed tried to brilie a featUer head Republicsn to vote for Blaine's man-pepe.w. and paid him f 2,000 cash for bis vote. . The matter came oat and tbe mn?J produced in the House of Rep resentatives. It vim at first ordered to be pot in the public treasury. ; There was no claimant. Even the cheek of the Republi can membsrs of the New York Asscrablv did not extend to claiming this brilie mon ey.' : Ser eventually, just , before finl ad journment, it was donated ; by the Legisla ture to some old woman as an act of charity.- That I certain!' r was liberal in members of the gielature.Vsr and ' Poisonous Kcfrcfiliuicuts The need of especial care a the prepa ration of: refreshment for pJcnle parties and the like has been shown wi'ir painful emphasis in several iu stances recently. At Decatur, Georgia, thirrytfive .' per son are hrported to hare been seriously poisoued, by a salad prepared in a brass kettle. All suffered serioualy; bat thanks to prompt biedical service, uo lives were lost. " - ',:J:-A f .; ' ' . ; ;;; Less fortunate were a party of 500 or more-who attended a picnic at Warrens burg, Missoari, July 4. The aiterer pro vided lemonade, so called, in which some unwhoIesoniQ acid " was .substituted for lemon juice. "A press report-possibly exaggerated dated the following day, said that eight di inkers n the spurious lemonade had died and a hnndred more were in a critical condition. Ice cream made in a copperfbottomed boiler is similarly charged with poisoning painfully' two hundred persons, near Keo ta. III., on the 4th. Possibly iudfccretiou on the part of the cream eaters nuy have occassiouei seriobs gastric trouble With out aiiy tnischievous agency on tlie part of the alleged copper-bottomed boiler ; and similar indiscretion may have occasion ed the illness charged to poisoned salad fin Geoorgia. - Still it should, be borne in j miuu mat . uauiy ? prepared reircsumenia are a too frequent attendant of popular merry-making, and people cauiiot be too careful with i-espect to their eating and drinking on- such occasions. Scientific American. - I PEAmi SlIELLS FROM PARIS.-f-Iucludul iu the cargo of the steamship jBurswell, from Baltimore, are thirty-six barrels" of pearl shells, consigned to a inanufactnr iug firm in Paris. The trade in thi com modity lias of late assumed large propor tions in this country ; shipments to 'for eign ports, however, have not been very great. Until of late the mauilla, and oth er shells of its kind, have heenjaltogether used iu Europe, aud it is much thicker than the peal 1 shell. The difference in price is io great, however, that the latter must eventually bo in gieat demand. There are now extensive factories iu Phil adelphia: turning out pearl shell buttons and ornaments, which are retailed at fab ulously h.w prices. The pearl sheiU are collected on. the southwestern coast of California and brought to Santa Barbara iu fruit biat,yvbeie the agents who are .stationed at that point purchase them and ship them East Philadelphia Bulletin. A spurt of patriotism struck us. It was indeed a latent cpark, which kin died and; flickered until we resolved to put up a; monument over the grave of (Joy. Caswell, who has been nead nearly a century. Just as soon as our ratriotisui I got thei better of ns, true 1 to North Carolina jiustiuet, North .Cnrtdina policy and tbe j'is:it!i Caro!ia System," wo went over to Virginia to dig jirp granite out of. wliich t entrticl a Uioniui:eut iu honor of the dead Caswell, when there were millions of tons of as good or better granite iu this State. Richmond mechan ics, too, were employed to do the chisel ing, audgettiug the monnmeut into sliupc. That's the way our lathers did, and that's the way the children follow in their tootatepa. CJiarloite Observer. Ex-Goy. Saui.squrt DEAt.iYilming. ton, Del. August 1. -Es-Gov. SauUbury died at his residence in Dover yesterday afternoon after a brief illness. He was formerly governor of the State, and a prominent candidate for the Senate when f Ida brother Eli was elected. He was also a delegate to the hist two Najioual Dem ocratic Conventions. He was tho chair man of trustees of the Wilmington Con ference aiid delegate to the coining Ecu in menieal Council of the Mctlnidist Episco pal Church in London,, and Was to have sailed shortly for England. ! Woiikiko ron Pnoninrnos. Hon. W. A. Smithy one of ths leading Republicans of North Carolina, is working hard for the eause of prohibition. In writing to the editor of the Greensboro Battle Ground, hs says : - - i . 1 You will please say to your readers that I am speaking and using all of my influence in favor of the Prohibitory Bill. That I believe it is the only way iby wbirh the drunkards of both colors in (North Caroli na can possibly be redeemed and made good citizens. And especially the last hope for freedom of the colored race in the South. Youra truly. W.A. Surra. "Government is of divine origin. God has ordaipedthat gofernment "'shall exist wherever men eh.t. God has given men a social nature, which renders it necessary for them to ljve in society. In rder that men may live in society, the law of justice must be enforced, and there must ibe a power to restrain men from trespassing on tho rights of others, t Such a power s government. Government is necessary to the existence of society. As God wills the existence of soeitty, he also wills the exietem e of gov ernment, i The Bible recojmjzes the divine origin of government, and Ithe divine au thority of magistrates. 'The powers that be are ordained of God.' H j Aldes. Ann est of Shies Maiimokd. Paris, August I,; A letter from Constantinople Stays the French consul at Constantinople fias arrested Sheik Mahmond, whose fa ther was Mufti iu Algiers nt the time of the conquest, and upon bim was discov ered documents showing the existenco of a vast Moslem conspiracy against the French in Africa. An eighty year old Englishman, expect ing tbe world soon to come to an end, has prepared kini a mouster balloon and stock' ed it with provisions. Just as soon as he hears Gabriel's trumpet be will jump in to his basket, cut the ropes aud soar above the conflagration, which ho thiuks won't last longer than three years. An Ee change. S ' j says a terrible explosion has occurred iu a mrn at LourcbeVi" the drpartmept of NorcL Teu persons were killed and tweu ty grievcHislv iujutx'd. ' " " j i ' ' -, Tme IjfEViTABLa' Razok. Dresden, Tfr.f' Arrg r Sandny. last; Jordan Thompson, colored, cut a white mau with a ror and lied. He was pursued by of ficer, who, u bis i cfnsal to surrender, shot him dead i ' I ' Shot by a Negro- Lexington, Ky.f August 2. Capt. C M. Hendricks, ofnhe olice force here, was shot deiid yester day ly Charles Stee-le, a negro saloon keeper, while cudeavoring to urreet him. The uiarderer has becu arrested. Hakged roa ax Assault Ujox a La nr. Dy er&bti rg, Teu u .,, August 2. M ike Walls, a negi-o, was ly uched here yester day npon bis coufesioii of having at tempted to assault Mrs. J. F. Cbildras. - Bisnop Havens Dangkkouslt III. San Francisco, Aug. 1. A dispatch from Portland, Oregon, says Bishop E. E. Ha vens, of the M. E. Church, is lying dan gerously ill iu that city. He is not ex pected to recover. 5 .1 The Commissioner of Internal nerenne. in a recent letter, s:iys that the 6th Dis trict of North Carolina now has the larg est uumber of officers of any other dis trict in the United States. Int. Kerenue Guide. Notwitlistanding the -warm summer weather aud the influence resulting from the agitation of the prohibitory law, com paratively few grain distilleries have sus pended iu this district'. A larger number has operated during the present month than for the corresponding period of last year. Int. lietenue Guide, Mr. Jefferson Davi3 writes to the Phila delphia American that the published story that the Confederate troops at Charlotte, N. C, cheered when he read the dispatch announcing President Lincoln's assassina tion, is untrue. Thij corroborates the as sertion of the editor of the Democrat, wl,o has denounced the canard. Char. Ootercrr. Fatal Powder Explosion. Citv of Mexico, July SI. Ou last Thursday at 6 o'cliK-k in the morning, the explosion of a powder magazine occurred at Mazattan. A whole square wjas blown up and many fam ilies were buriiil under the ruins. About CO bodlesThavc been recovered. Internal revenue collections, iu the State of North Carolina, for the fiscal year eudiug Jane 30th, 1SS0, amounted to $2,;4,006.71. The total collections iu the United State, from all sources of internal jvenue for the same .period, amounted to $124,516,614.02. The cost of collection was 3.03 per cent. Ixckasi:i Occupation for j Women. Mrs. Mary A. Liveraiore says that one S evffi twenty years ago a few ladies interested in the welfare of women, dis- cusaeU the eml(fymeiits epeu to woiu-;i. They coiii.ted eleven u:tt eould think of j no more, lircently tbe same ladit-M n-. peattul the enumeration, a nil weir able to point out 237 employments whirh women eould engage iu. Here is another illustration of the whirling of time. Ed Cox, who killed Bob Alston in Atlanta, has to feed, har ness and take care of CO mules hi the con vict camp. This is perhaps the lightest job hi the camps, stid it is by no means a soft oue. Cox was a convict lessee him self, when he fell into his present trouble aud had the management of a number of them. His transition from bos to cou vict, was one of the most fitful freaks of fortune ever known. Char. Observer. Nearly all the ills that nfSiet man kind can be prevented and eured by keeping the stoiiia-h. liver aud kidneys in pnf'eet working order. There is uo medicine known that will do this as quickly and surely, without interfeiiug with your du ties as Prker'a Ginger Tonic. See adver tisement. jtyJ4-agl4. HS1 On Tuesday, the 23d day of August. 1881, at the late residence of Thomas L. Thomp son, I will sell the property belonging to bis estate, consisting in part of. harses. mules, cattle, hogs, wagons, a buggy and harness, household and kitchen furniture of all kinds, a one-half interest in a thresher, aud a fine lot of wheat, with many other articles not enumerated. Terms of sale, Cash. All persons indebted to the estate of T. L. Thompson are requested io make early settlement, and .all persons having claims against, the estate are hereby noti fied that they must present them to me on or before the 10th day of August, 1882, or this notice will be plead in bar ot their re covery. H. C. GlLLEAK. Adm'r of Thes. L. Thompson. Isaac Lyerly, who owns the other half of the thresher, will sell with the administra tor 43:3t . . '.(- Sale qfLahd. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County in the case of John C. Pennington, Trustee of the Dutch Creek Mining Co., et al, vt Reuben Porter, ct al, I will sell on Monday, tho 5th Day of September, 1881, at the Court nouse door in Salisbury, the following real estate, to wit : A cer tain tract of land lying upon the waters of Dutch Second Creek, adjoining the lands of David Barringer, John C. Pennington, W. H. Crawford and others. Terms cash. August 1, 1831. J. W. Macjtey, 42:it Commissioner. SALE OF ti. G. R. B. STOCK. On Saturday, tbe 2d day of September, at 1 J o'clock. In Salisbury, at tbe Court House Door, I win sen for cash eight share of N. C. K. R. Stock Ave shares as a-lmtnlstr itor de bonis noa of Samuel Turner, and three shares as Agent of Joaaat. Ileathraan. July nth. 18S1. A. If, Rics, Adair. WANTED! IO Cords of hard, dry firewood, two feet length. Apply at this office. July 23, 1931. . 1 Wo have now in store the Largest and most Complete Stoefc , vu ua tf PBIEJTS, LAVnS ; ' 4c xu.mi9umc una Cassimeres, ; Collonades, I . rJZ.&T ST Very ES1" 37" Shirts for everybody at W Our Stock of Clothing is neah and We well scll you a coatt 50 cents. have ever offered and at lower prices. TlTI.!i- 1 . nune ana urowa . sugars, ... ) bare always on hand . Tlie wno uae ine uen. - Also Always onliand, at 25 cts per bushel. . BrW A. Full Assortment of the BEST TOBACCOS Or EE A:T E E D C T MfeS LADIES' AN 0 HEN'S STRAW hatci Rio Coffee 12fc; Arbuckle's Ariosa 20c ; Taney Lavoavra 20c Old Govmm,; t Ten or twelve kinds and Syru'ps, ad amon the foi'SA- ! , - TuU Stook of S33d fUHY USEFUL THINGS AT 5 CENTS With this biidVeye view of what we have, we return thanks for past natror,, and solicit future favors. Yours very respectfully, papatronagr ELUTTZ' Sb RE3JDLEMA1T ! W. W. Tattoo it, H. F. Atkins, Salesmen. AiiMtA June 7, 1881. - ol o In addition to onr oiJj..iiUUUt JiEKUHAKDlSE, BEAUTIFUL STOCK OP I LAWNS & DRESS GOODS- r A FULL LINE OF - I BEST Ml 0? LADIES' COSSETS IN TOW Our BE&UT'r at 50c, Can jot c Equalled! X bar worn this O.m t T h 'rt Win th nrsil. C rt tNre! Win x td v. ry in is t;:iTw..-ta 22T"See onr CHILDKEX'8 SCITSall tlzes, from two to fourteen . Ladies' Linen Uistsrs and Dolmans. - Will have in a tew days another A FULL LINE OF MACII1XB KEEDLES AND ATI AC KM ENTS ON HAND. 25:&ni Ml Carfc DaYiisou Coi3ly:!FOB RENL9R leaser hrtha Snpsrior Court, July 25, ISSL' James Smith, Plaintiff,) against Henrv G. StebbLus. Trus tee forf.Franklin Osgood, Chas. ocke. George i C. Action to recov- Irwin, and Ilenrv G. i er real estate. Stebbins and son?, and J. 1 31. Primm, Defend ants. The Defendants, Henry G. Stebbins, j Franklin Osiood. Cha$. Voeke, George C. i liertrby notified t hit I he above era i tied ci- il action is bnuglit br the recovery t re alty situated in said county known as "The Silver-Hill Mining Pniperty,5 and damages for its detention, and tliat they are required to appear at the next term of said Court tn be held ut Lexington un the first Monday in .Septemlier, ltJl, and answer or demur to the coiiiplMint filed, or judgment by. de fault will Ik taken against them. Julv 25.18S1. C. F. Lowe, Ko4l:6t a S C. Notice. To Pennelia Koonts, one of the Defendants, unknown resident, take notice that the following Summons has Wen issued against you to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court on the 2d day of September, 1881, at Lexington, or the re lief asked for will be granted. MMi Coity, in Siprior CenrL' Michael Koonts and 1 A. F. Piekett. Exec utors of David. Koonts, dectased, against D. Y?. Pickett and wife Sarah, A. F. Pickett and wife N a n c y, M i c h a e 1 Koonts aud wife Fra ny, Emanuel Koonts and wife Margaret, Zninlv "Koonts and wife "Eliza, . Phillip Koonts and wife Catharine, Christinia Gobble, Mary Koonts, Joicy Koonts, Chris tian Sowers and wife Albertine, heirs of Delana Koonts, and Pennelia Koont3. Summons for Relief. Slate of IVortli Carolina, To the Sheriff of Datidson Counttj-Grceting:- law arc hereby commanded te summon Pcrmeiia Koonts, one of the Defendants, above named, if she be found within your County, to appear at the office of tbe Cleric of' the Sunermr Court for the Count of IJAVlflflAn fin V Villa v t Ut O! Auw nf CnAM M.r.JfS1 nfior tlw, !,;-,., L "V . ' ;.. "i-tuauB ui wic uaj 01 sucn service anu answer tbe complaint, a copy of which js sensed with thii aummons. and let her tak. 1111 I I .... I I notice that if she fail to answer the said complaint within that time, the plaintiff win apply to the-Court for tbe relief de manded io tbo complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this summons make due return. Given under my band and seal of said Court, this 14th day of Julv. 1881 C.F. Lowe, ' Clerk Soperior Court. iV. F. IIktoebso!?. Plffs Atty. " 40:t ever onereu: . i ' rrn.- AND. DRESS GOODS ui,. x rices 10 IU all, ; - : Domestics, Notions C heap.BJ ' 4c;. we mean to tell them as JotCi - ' Our assortmenJofe int- rrices. rx - - .- - - - i : Cut Loafal.eri & at Rock-Bottm P4.: Best PT nrrr . "i V 7! - . i , "v- l FT It 1 JU I x ... Irish Potatoss cn'Jnni X EACH. B Mire and see us brfor U - -worn. re have just received a NEW.a JCV3 lisie 01 LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. "1 Nbs wa-jf i I JONES, McCUPBINS & CO. THE lW,WlHRC!Al HOTEL," Situated on Market Street, iu WILMINGTON', S. C, j la for rent or lease for one or moreyeaflC j Tliere are 32 roimsln the limine, iid if opn eo by a cornjit tent man a pxxl ItUHineHt ct bt lone. I he 'liar alone can docntnigli to yj thereat. PotMcanion itnmrdiatc. i For lennt" anl pattjciibr p4y fo " , CaOHLY &0KSIS, Auctionew, -41:1 Stock and Real Kptate Broken. ! The YAH WIMILE Cslti fin EiriG COTTOIf-PREl 3. Tne bust winning omnt ta the wortt!. Cottot plnnwl on tiasfc'tnioniaian'I.-s a tlglirr price ta that glauoUoa any ouir. . f- CANM)N8 & FKTZKK. CCDCfcrd, Sf C. , Agent tor Uowan, 8tacij' aua Cabarrus en- For Circulars, Ac., call oa-Jl. S. Brown! Salisbury. 3:Smo ! : 1 - EORTHlAEOLIHiCOLLIGli jlt iaoaav, v. The next session of this Institution sW " be-' in - ! ' !- - ' A-apist 8tli, 1SS1.V ; Location Tlcalty Expenses Mmleratf, I , struction thoroujJij and special jattcntiot given to those who wuh to prepare for til work of teaching. Address '-.-J L. A. BIKLE, D. D., 30:4 1 - --. PBCSmssT.-. Iff LIVERY ST We have opened a Llvcrr Stable on Council tween Mala and Lee suects. wbereweww pleased to sen tbe public. Our turiwau arrF bright and new, and our w is reasonable. w Mav 2G, 81. W. A. Mowery t Brs. tf " ' I : . SALE BY US. MARSHAL By virtue of Ft. Fa in faror otTbf & r. N. Jiaak of Cairlott, . C, i?aiuw. - j. a ell, t. . tannaers uuu . v. iiv - ,,nhf able to tbe United ttafes tlrcult Coort JJ . Term, Cbarlotte, 2C. C. I "r4a ' to tbe blgbest bidder, at tbe Court Boiwejwr- : Salrsbury. la Rowan County. ?-: i2B4 of September, lssi, tbe Interest of tb 5rrS i -Dcteaaantstnand to the followlwr PP"Ji den. L. w. Saunders aud W W tn a mnriTf nf fthont tl.600. OnC iP north ward of tbe town of SaMDtnr, north ward of tbe town of t'ft Mala aud Cemetery streets, ccnuuius rf I A 1 n. n K v a - m 111 IlK w-,.. i acres.- One lot in tn eisv war rjLjij it SalLsbuir. contain tpg about l acre, f", ; ' llllTf S.'t iioUrtX talnl ne about i acre, une du im .VniniBf one can iw-re rryw til bleb vr. I. w. jones now mc. -"gjif, i lands of J. S. B. Johuion, et at, saw 7, acres. Tbe estate in tmaiDaer Cl. iiT tbBlotenovr occupied by bis Btbr. ugwrr u Boyden. as a residence, tn Vki&Sw" " bound by Bank St., Jactson St . . J)fSLler. ; , Cburcb St. ; Deeds wade at tbe i 1 ; r. 8. Marshal Western Wstit. Pf ft By 8 A L. TXCOOOK, ; ! j:t, . - Deputy U. 8. MarabaL - j L Subscribe for Caroiioa Vtchni oaly $1.50 Vr J - in ad vane;. r y ABLE ! I .. .

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