- . , ' QU; ' . '?W'.- . : ' J II i -jar 1 F" iffe JiVO. 110 45 L-y. 1 i M ll VI : .. I. , IP I '-" ' ' 'I J j-'-vrrrr j., . ... . - . 1 ? . . j t .'. I - j i i Ko'rthem RaUrqadSyar, 1 H Tegt ana passenger (war in ! !,5 trretgrand trunk rail- The Carolina Watchman i POETRY. I ( I " - ... mmtrt i.-rs IT) BOA SfABLISIIEU liN in Lire lv faithrand cot by sight; . l i l PH1CE. ilO IS ADVASCE. I Ha thii -U iln () rf LlL m rxrf WTTIKCS RATES. ITinit lfi-f ki HU CUr.iA r ' X JjOSf -tji? tfV rt lfl. 1 . - ' - I i ; lcei: nr tor do FEBRUAKY SO, ISM. i monib t m-8 . ml H isi i Keep joar conscieoco pore withiu,! - ; ixeyer jiciu juur nvari to iu ; r'W if hut xfiniujfJ tPvi-ry where I iiicuiuc juui nuuin iv vruvt iu vm(i t.M .& .00 I. 60 II. 5 18.75 4.M CM 7.58 9.75 1.V75 I.i5 11.S5 20.f0 3.75 1100 13 10 16.CU 48.75 r . - r 18.60 i o.c( cueer lite giooiur ana me au. kfflEMBER THE DEAD!.Wil, Mettftwatway rijWt and glad ?v. : For the Jut and vrrDtcftedJsi-ek. tear from sorrnir'a eye j iirtDfrrfiwhek tliev crv : Ai bis owfortlri v?, - BidtbehHiokttClii1raird live. Spread the light that all inajr find. Truth. And freedom fur tlie mind ' CaliWtlK; troubled son to rent, ..'.J 1 A MKMAnvUrOTtVlD CaliWtlMJ troiiblec Monuments Tombs anl Gravestones, Tt the 6tot of tbe r -41 veiu "----.f -Meeting every want ' P"?. roW fin the LaVor alllhe world i KIAtU Ik V1UWIU IU IICII I their fieatin habits, and th hnpuambiU ! ity of eiippiviDg them wjth food, thej ara I not a success, at leasl not with me.;. 1 bU therefore discard them ami -try again." so. mwh formistike No. 2 'T" ' Having determined 16 get rid of mj trmrt and lhotber y species (except tke:nu!!ei) and.nrt being'abieto acmplish t an utter destruction in cny other way, t bavVdeter niioedttordrain. my tond, and 6t that pUf piise I hate put to? work a eypbon, wbicli 1 now i fall : pity. It 4 U Lcouatructed i follows v' I -.procured . from Mr. V; William Brown, two tin pipes each' 14 "feet, long and If inches internal diameter. 'In the mean time I got Mr.lt R. Crtwford to order m five feet of rubbei Jiydrant .boae.- iTbis I nwLt?U?UfSS Se opipes. . and form the bend over the. apex f the., dam. ! works 'splendidly, and during the first day. reduced the "water about one loot. . n one 11 MI3CBLX. AIIECXJS. weeded.it befowsi I nere is a wnm i i 1 f 1 1 1 . -. vt nr wi wiai ions are hksuI) lij! ttnn " 4 l r "V -V ,;wJij'i" ue strength tuey have. . J?r .weeks Randa . ui4er ba. I at .frn, N J ; lKe7 have teen rarrjhig ' freigliu and for t rr 1112' make her dafchter lead : iAJi -..i - A Mr. C. M.CreWenj jof j, Mebane- able length of time, would bairkrnpt viiIe. ,K..C, a fe1udent ci ttaa Eastman them. Tbis is when J they afe at war '' ' ' r t: 1-1.1. v i A ,. .1"'':- ' -mr?,-- . ' . "i t :,. :n .n ir IMU! 1 U . . 1 m. A.I .I.IHII 1. ' III m . . - rtV, ElLn t tfie aiost exacunx jtron. - VilfbaexHaineWy Stock and price be Pal, rrrZrT 1 .til at the very 1ow Sthnatelfbrany i red wort mtSmUhed on application, at next door nrrf -'. .... .- i j a V f! ' Msrrn u. ioo. - i a E - - - B R. CRAWFORD &G0. .- AUK; SELLING , PORTABLE FABM AK3 ' FACT0EY r row Cross and loss: to bless, teousnesK. 5 i Lai 0 1.' ri ' For tbe Watcaman. Fish Culture. t .-. and -1 car iilps 1 ALSO weeks' tinie I hboe to have it exhadsted.'Ii not yet been recovered. . .1 l . , . as JJ, Hearney would say. and they shall useand destroy all 3he;fih'0ou!lcts , '.. . - , X1.1 . !sooaetiints do. --What ia the result ?, A excepted). hall retain -the; mullet as a 1 rates that makes i profitable fish with which I baye had the U-st success. A n piaie wner a sieeper c.ai ewt 050 P . t .. SidPll s, f apis. .'V uj our owaAnd rorclea Mike uivl nra tiie finest to llie Clieapest. t" 526rsa Rakes,1 &c. 1 ilftlAir)VJan. 6, 18SI. , ly f:2 iVVixcE... J A W. II. BaILky. t rare p. d a 1 1 cv . . Bill l . . . v a m li AT 10 II N-Y 3 AND COUNSELLORS, ; JCIUBLOTTE, K. C. u lArat;sT-13, 1831.' , The writer lins been engaged in fish cul ture for about nine years, and being at the bcgimiiog, a mere notice in the business, I baye, of course, committed-many mistakes during this peridd, and propose to mea tibn soni 00116011, in te hope that it, may prerent Othersemagin in the business from coiiiBiUting like errors. , ; ;. . -i Jly.first stock of fish-1 was' obtained from tbe old McCay mUl pond, then the proper ty of Mrs. W.CL McNecly. They consisted mainly of the different varieties of perch Perot JIatesctn), sunfish (PomotU avritu$), and suckers Ottontomv cotninerimii.) My experience is, that the sucker will not breed in -small, circumscribed ponds, unless there be, at the head of the pond, a shoally, gravelly, stream, iii wliith they may deposit their,egg9. ' If, however, the small fry of the mucker1 be pur Into' ponds, j they will thrive and row to fail size t " . I ton ml that my first stoek of prachf and sunfish did well, grew rapidly, and soon at tained to a large-size. The fecundity f these fish is amazing,4 and so rery-prblifle are they, that I found at the end of two years they had so greatly overstocked my pond that there whs riot -a sufficiency of food for them, "and-1 the' consequence., has been, theiish have ceased to grow,"-and I was seldom able to catch one of any j con siderable size. . ; , I will here" state that the sunfisl and perch are inscctiverous. i. e., they feed al most CKchibive'y on insei-ts and aquatic worms and their larva?. . If. therefore, the pond be overstocked, it will be impossible for than to obtain a .sufficiency " food; consequently the fish wiiljrrow vtrv slowly Wnnnr DTT?! ' DflTJJTIPU m-nn ud'-wiir icarcdy be onec or two inches lilG nuCuUilir Uh 1 U If JJ Jitll UlUllU. Llong, when they are one or two yeara; old ; only the head grows a little, whilst the rest of the body remains small. As scion as young fish feel the tvant of food, foj any considerable Icngfh'of tinie, the gristle and bone of the skeleton harden, thus bringing its development to a close, not allowing na ture fair play, and the. fish remains;aunt or a cripple for the rest of its life. -even if it is placed in ponds-or streams affording UDp-i uniueti supply 01 iooa. .1 It did not take me'-many years to jlearn. that the cultivation 'of the perch.' was a failure, and or cnirse I was thoroughly disgusted with the whole tribe. . I annj con vinced that tliey really do not possess any value eit her as an' article of food orras a fish for other fish to' feed upon, a considera tion that should be taken into account, in considering the value of a species, though small. Thev are considered by, many !to be a fair "pan fish," when of good size, but such as we are able to raise in our small, overstocked ponds are general lv so mall as to le of no economic valve.. Therefore, if I had the thing to commence again, 1 should, ia stockingmy. pond, reject the perch-as 'cbmparirjitj'Jwojihless,'!.' j S Alout the third'ycar after the erection of my pond I introduced a fiue Epeeies of the mullet (Moxostoma obUtitfum). Tliis fish has been of vastly niore profit to me than any other variety I have ever vet tried.' j It is emphatically a pond fish; is xery prolific, and is perfectly at home in a small pond. When fully grown they weigh two' to two and a half pounds, their flesh is of fine fla vor, ami they are an excellent table variety. Therefore, I should advise beginners to stock with the mullet; by all means. They feed on worms and insects, but if there be a scarcity or these, they arc tond or bread, mush, boiled hominy or rice. They are not carnivcrous, and consequently do notiprey upon other tisn. indeed, they are a species of sucker, or lear o close resembl a ncc.l Being dissatisfied with mv general stock. I concluded about four years ago ' to intro duce the common trout" 8alm fonUnalui)'. I procured some ten or twdvo good sized breeders. These during the first scasoo", produced' incalculable -numbers of young fry. They werenatcnea auring oune ana Jalv. By Octobef they were four or five inches long and would bite on a worm like & uerch. In the spring, they had attained a length ot eight or nine inches ano wouia weiirh from to i' of a noundj Prior to this.'there had been countless numbers of Cyprinoids, such as minnows, silverfish, etc. Soou I discovered that ' these were disap pearing rapidly. - By tle-nd of the second summer, many of the trout had attained a w tight of t wo pounds or more, and their young were; largely on -the Increase. JJur: ing the month ot July of -th present vear, I frequently 6a w, and showed to othe per sons, a school of young, trout,' that doubt less must have; contained ten thousand. They , were aboui an inch and a half long, and were always attended by one old trout (about a two-pounder)", that swam in the; midst Q or around about the school) My pond has become almost; Jiterally.' depopu lated (if the word be.almusible)lor all the perch and 'ot'hcK'TarieUeVt excepting Itrout and ! uiullrfsthei-AlaUcr.UU iwithemud. Every fifcb that was tvaUtneabU ha disap peared downi the throats of the trout. jThey e vi- rat then cati li thcuf in a gtirneiue er ' using The Tote on Prohibition. A' Question with which the next Cooewm will liavc fo De9b; .1.4. 1 rr-i. r- 1 i at' . . - - rrfvV very sueeeaoful tartuerieeretoar ed tlt?eflM.i which Will huugtyrestrdit before ft waeary and 1 IHe oruriiave 'beeu engageU confront Congress at au earlv dale, i rKitwaafonlt ; 'WH. ,i unil the iiame ' Sl I1 Wo people'ji;oi,rden of taxation1 During Jthe 1 fiscal year of 1881. more than" one-hairthenm collected in the shape of revenue was a stipl ns, and was u.ed to take up bonds which' were hot one. P...'ii.i. t.'A. -I . - J .1 - : mi ui? uscui yenr just ciosea, 01 me internal reveuuecollected aliout $133. 000,000, nearly three fourth?, was surplus! and has also been applied to the taking np of bonds. Is there any necessity, aks the Bridgeport Farmer or u vui'iuiiiuuce ox 1111s unneceswari y great taxation ? Has not the pres- eni geration jaid ils fair propof- ioti 4f f the -Miitniflebt ? Won Id if not be the better policy, now that the public j credit has reached n 3J ier cent.' basi?, to allow our business men o increase their reserve capital or ex end their enterprises, instead of con tiuuing to draw so heavily ujon their irofitsT Granting, that a reduction of taxation isexpedient,thc question of the manner arises. Shall the internal revenue be abolished, or the duties on imports be cut clowu I ro the former j the temperance element will object, the internal . revenue being principally levied upon liquor and tobacco j to the latter the protection ists wiilj object ; as it might decrease the protection of American manufac tures and products. The matter is so hedged about with difficulties that ac tion upon it wilLbc nearly, perhaps quite impossible. Columbus Times. . ; - j.J.-ii. KiriK.v sTeeoer is.too. a . thine over which'TinxnmBing 01 grain and other farm pro- tli German carp (Cyptikus trpio) and the peeper m. which the sleeper sleeps ; so. due almost an impossibility., Jntil have been much struck with .what is said that the sleeper in the aleeper sleeps while j tne shipment of Western grain begaiv by the barge system on the -Mississip pi to JNew Urleuns and thence to Eu as sometimes 1.11 o." - .... ... ..... . - , of its fine qualities and adapubility,to pH-- the sleeper runs on af-ell rate culture, in small ponds. 1 have tuere-,. Kru-u.B.y.. ointed on the police force at Philadelphia. u,,uu" v. l,.,e. ew ouuei onereu a ilv. This is my main reason for draining: ,k ..h Phn..iih;- common, oui me new outlet onereu a mv pond and setting rid of other varieties., r. ' .u.m tut it . ti.. low rate ol treit?ht which cumoelled It is ray intentiou 1 to keep my mullets in ,plwintmCTt of a Deoio-ratV niavor. Also the great truuk lines to lower their the same pond with the.caro. , According thllt.80ine of the whHe Beiiublicaa itolice- - rates., i to my reading and .best.. information they men have tfipned. They cannot - serve 1 r " fim.ld fcw' K. ..i, . each feed about alike, and neither being a with the Jer- but the South must! J Gould, however, has reached game fish, they will not feed on each other. makj thcm K0erllors judges, senators, etc. ! out 111 direction, and in time he I am. going to adopt this plan at a Southern Home. will be gobbling up the large liues I am not sufficiently versed in ichthyobgic ; ; and will in all orobabilitv have as lore to know whether the two kinds will i Wednesday morning there was a , ! f , Pwuility nave as suit well toother. I hone thev will. If , "f i J?; complete coutrol ol the .great West- .- - . . . 1 1 v 1 1 hit riiiiii. aiiif isi li 111 iiiii'hl iji 1 - . . iy one who knows to - ; v I ni 1 eru river bigliway as he now lias ol .1. : . t ...... k. ..-it ;.rn... m. r i ne season, out on me niianihuue i .1 1 , .. am pcttioL' too old to run the risk of ma-1, road, eight miles from the city. Mr. o a ... .... - - i ' . bunt rvg mi9 hA- ntfat this meets the eye of any one who knows to . ; J "'V the seven thousand miles of railway kinff many more mistakes. When I shall James Boy.lan and Mr. Cary orris ! , kvutlicate era bThev are reach have tried the carp I may some day report . . AaAlu The run lasted : ? syuaicaie era. x ney are reacn rcsuits. . VV. R. Fbaley. f were ,n.nt he' ??At"' f:"? u" ,asa ing out not only for the main lines, ifourandahalfhouM. At itsclosethe iH16t aiKO foP tL fWfurs ' fox was entire y exhausted , and the bnwh roads that wnacct with them, dogs were so -played.out 'that they and k - a -w of an j had to be carned-.Wa 06. no very either when the Dr. Loriug may think' that the tea j entire, rail and water system of trans culture in the South W a visiouarv portation in this country will be on- 5 Men, lint Air. jucksoii nas no mea 01 i uuiuuiaiiuu 01 a very icw w 2493 abandoning his tea f.ihn, in this conn- the great capitalists ot the country, tv. We are informed that his plants ami then it will be ui .their power to are doing well, and he is satisfied that form such combinations as their in it can l e made a mfitable business terests' may dictate, here in Liberty bounty.: He is each ; Great through lines, backed by season adding to his" farm, and he large capital are a public benefit when will soon luive n lartre1 area in tea run as competitors, because with low er . - plants. HtnesH'le ( Ga.) Gazette. A compauy has been formed iu Ala bama, owtiiug 50.000 acres of foal and iron land, with a capital stock of two mil lions of dollars, to Ik- known as the Bir- mmgiiaiu Loai.one nu iron uompany, They jheil ,ecome grinding monopo They will proceed at.om-e to develop tho 1: f 1:1 ,. aections o- this.coun had more or less cause of a party lFciic. in Supreme tourt of.ihe Urdled 8fctH. dniirnue -Court- of Xorlh I'aroliiia, KJrraf boiirU, ami t'ouniicM olMeckleiiburf, t'jtuimiri, Union-, Uaston, ltowan and David- "'n ti j.0llice. tno .duors east of Imiepen dence Siiure. , . . 33:tf- J. MMeC0aBH.E. " . y ,TUOr F. KI.UTTZ. McCORKLE & KLTJTTZ, I ATTpRNEyS AND CUUNSELORS, :'( Stlisbur."5! CaTOitSce on (3oUnc.il "Slrec. opposite the Cvuit ItiUHf. V ' 375m 1 KKKK CRAIOE, 1,. H. CLEM ST. CRA1GE &, CLEMENT, -Fis.8i SALlSBmY.S.C. 1 l8t. -iTfoiLXEY .ir Liir; SjLLISBUBYj'Jr.C.,' Practices in tho State and Federal 15:Cm -Ma and Mierson. f" 1 . eyd Counselors - if u- and Sdllcitbrs.. .SALISBURY; N.C uT221875tt.v? : ;, 1 701 seeds h2 BESf fi nnt nniii.: urn JaL. rOm lor OaU. X nii Alamance Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Beaufort Bertie . Bladen - Brunswick Buncoinbtt Burke Cabal rus Caldwell Camden, .Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland"" Col 11 tabu's Craven . Currituck CnuiWhtud Davie Davidson Dare Dti)lm Dm ham Edgecombe Foray the Fraukliu . Gaston Gatea Graham " Xvrauvillo ' Greene---Guilford . Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston-Jones Leuoir Lincoln Macou Madison Martin McDowell Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore" ' " Xash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange v -. . ' rnmiico Pasquotank ' P'ender Perquimans Person" Pitt r'-w: r Polk r ' r Randolph " Richmoud Robeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Stanly- - Stokes Ti -;"r' -SurryJwS f Swain Transylvania Tyrrell .:. Uuion . Vauce Wake ' . Warren Wasliington Watauga Wayne 1 r Wilkes- ' I WiUori Yadkin : Yancey U For. 543 337 687 266 638 "449 226 16U6 343 931 245 106 210 876 1146 1142 365 610 184 1135 397 666 643 381 454 fc65 541 . 946 143 79 693 351 ... . 1161 484, 220 ' 670 323 253 1291 631 423 83 . 399 653 257 719 139 383 2330 366 364 770 232 893 631 145 . 500 300 278 303 244 840 864 1263 401 552 V 550 872 U44; 315J ; 116 230 -' 890 1600 '437 134 - 228 721 337 307 Against. 1749 652 1989 1326 1986 1112 1745 1233 1413 871 688 2700 1305 2894 1144 1704 rates they help to develop the country through which they runand increase production, but when they combine, and fix a tarifj to suit themselves it becomes quite another matter; then new enterprises cease and old oue die. 2363 'al ami iron resources of Birmingham, r,. uave j 529 which are imkuckhim, surpassing all ere- . Jlj,jj 2377 dence. It will ho sumithiiig new under cni,P u'1 1433 2571 the sun for Alabama to become a great iron producing State, but every thiug 2007 points that way. 1833 f -i i-ri-nrA. Im VP i tifrc!li('il flvo lipr and against which a s 1 is now beiug organized ana wnicli promise to exercise no- small influ ence in the near future. How strong this party may become depends on the conduct of the management of these tiA cent, in New Liiglaml since 18G1, but trreat coruorations. If run in the 0,335 divor. es have increased 200 n-r ctut. spirit bf selfishness that has charac 1170 Kev. Mr. Dike, in n rwent number of . terised some of them 'in tlie past, they the New York Nation, makes the j will find this party headed by able, point that laxity in this! mutter goes- aggressive and determined men, as 1249 w ilU r t;e, and cites the Ikvt that the i positive and unyielding as they them 2648 New England stock 011 the Western selves have been exacting and un- 5075 Reserve in Ol io exhibit the atne ! comprifmising.Car. Observer. laxity as their Eas;ern kin d, while ' -' 6;"5 Ai ; .... 1 ..1 -...I ......i.. 1... .i 1 " 1 iji iMiii 111 I'M 1111 ;iiiiii 11 iiii 1 11 1 1 11 11 rr 1 seemhints of S-uitherneri and" Welfh- Spending the Summer in Tents men exhibit no such teutk'nev, 5 EleVeti summers ago a Mr.,Damon of Brooklyn, with his wife and faini- Iy, eoilststingof two young daughters, 824 178 2358 2915 3720 1196 1953 1116 558 917 The novelty of a woman! eloping- with her husband has occurred at Greenbush, N. Y. The heroine is the wife of Gillert Seymour, who in her third Iinland. Her second husband, Etlwnrd Duuuagnu, left her abeut fourteen yenw ag, njid was 2320 supposed to have beeu lost at ea. Nine 3SH 3r5S1Tti "S0 s',e ''c,,ra,e e n'i0f Seymour : aul happiness marked the domestic cir. 1094 j cle, when Duunagan reappeared upon 1690 1 the scene. On Sunday niuht the woman renounced her hom and fleil with the re turned husband. One of the amusing things of the day is tho nuluekr chance that 'befell one A Decision Afifectinj Bonds. Mutilated A Terilble and Probable Pn tal Ac- -cideut from Keceae Oil. Yesterday abont X3& jv tnRhiJe Mrs E. Q. Smith, Wf thia city, was engaged (a her domestic duties, she Vuet witli n fright ful accident from the explosion of a can of kerosene .oil. She had went a colored boy jnto the cook-room :tu make :fire in the stove, in doing which hty need keio scne oil, and either left it nuder the state or on the top, more probably tbe latter. Mrs. Smith, without noticing this began to tako the ashes oat, aud whilo so Vn- gaged the can exploiletl, throwinglihe fiery oil all over her. Sbo rushed ihrieki ing from the room toward another occtt pied by a lady nt.d little gtrl, who quick ly shut the, door. The auforttinatelady then rushed frantically pur of dootVlo a llght-Mwe, where shejsvas seen lyoli" red loau who yvai then v,itng'.iiroo4i . ; He rushed up and succeeded 1u tearing on tier fiery garments, after hating par- -ially extinguished the flames with a tab of water w hicli happened to be near by'. he was thcu ennied into,4he hous And Dr.Barke Hay wood waa sent for. -SI10-was found to be severely barned upon her limbs and back. The dctorTs saM to leof theopbiioii that she has little chance of recovery. Mrs. Smith is the wife of Mr. Elmos O. Smith, a priuter in the employ of Messrs. Edwards, Bioughton At Co., and the daughter of Mr. Calvin Wethers, of this city. The afflicted family havjtthe syui- -pathy of tho whole commiinity.-iyirif ' Odserrer.- Settle JBisputs with Prayer. t! . i?J. I Washington, August 13. Judge Lawrence, First Comptroller of the Treasury, rendered a decision to-day affecting mutilated United ' btatcs bonds which may be. presented for redemption or for the purpose of re- .1 e r? i m ceiving a reissue thereof, lie holds that in the absence of clear proof of the destruction of a missing portion of a bond, the United States government can only pay for that part of the bond produced a sum which would bear the same proportion to the whole amount of the bond as the part pre sented Would -bear to the size of the bond of hvhirh the fragments might be a part. 2867 2004 2915 1551 1709 1050.: 830 1542 1059 2018 3129 2180 2024 2591 3058 2519 1730 2520 2025 2067 204 202 1693 m " 5751 2679 1467 731 3609 2429 2121 934 306 pitched toi.ts at hitestone and re mained encamped there until late in the "season. Mr. Damon was so well pleased with this Way of summer living, that he has followed the prac tice in the same spot everv summer since. The place selected is a few acres of woodland extending to the water. A reporter was at the camp a few days ago. The largest of the tents contains a sitting room, a din mi' room, and . two bedrooms. The The floor is boarded and I andsome- :lv carDeted. The two mam rooms Eichardson, of Philadelphia, who being a are separated by a sliding sheet, great beau, was payiug attention to sev- There! is comfortable furniture and cral young ladies and was; perhaps eu- books,! and two chandeliers hang gaged to be married to a little bell in his fr0m the lent in each of the rooms, circle. It got out that he had made a 6e- Ir, Iamon dtes business in the city, . The drought in North Carolina is for tunately not universal; 7 AYe',belietV the crops east of RaIelgD ia the direction of and towards Elizabeth City,, are good. The crops in the counties of 4hU Congres sional district are very good in the main. But a. fearful drought pri vails , in the' western, u$ orAernft.an.toqtli; western1 counties sITm. -Star' u-si? j Dfervmg articles arc always- ppreci ed., Tbe exceDticmal deajiliness of Par- Gnsv0 g"1" Bf I im riMr.-? ivtflinr 'inerr. n no nncr nn .i;ersiiiu- oiBaiaoHireiiiuiraiai. wmi PiOMswKtTu& : soys.PHci.i. 'r Vlhac t io trout,1 If theytc6u!6!' b Purccssfut-' hair arelmpossllde ' with. JU 'occasiotiV ,t':AVr:;r" ly augllsppll ' cret marriage, and the account of the troubles and annoyances ici which he was in consequenco subjected reads like a ro mance. His proposed father-in-law ran him out of the parlor, his lady friends were indignant at his assumed baseness and his life became unbearable. To cut the matter short, he published a notice in the city- papers announcing that ho was nota mariitd'niau," bur still ho is uot relieved of the odium of trying to double his joys iu an unlawful mauner. Xcics dc Observer. Trouble is brewingon;the Arizona, frontier. A party of Mexicans in the latter part of July followed some cat tle thieYes,,shot a fhalf dozen of them and recaptured tbe cal tie, drove them hack and with them allj other cattle ar.d horses found on. the way. These cattle and horses being uiissed a num ber Americans, .orgaiuzil, followed and a figlit with the Mexicaus resulted in the "yecapture. of tbe cattle, and now ttieyVproVseV.tPv-j?rry-.-tbe war into Mexico'to avpnge the jdeatbjof the rneii killed. Troops iiate been Tptacr ed on4 the, exicaa bortler to nieet the to vi u t e'rs. and t rou We is a n tlcma t eiL Premoot, who it nominally Oovernor, ol tuc tetritpry is.auscuj.auuaijaMM. there iVno one vi ( tbe terfpry to as sutne any' authoniV,; aim ; tbe,, rioters ha Ac the? r o tvri 'way .Ex. going i back and forth daily. Ihey have niany visitors from among their acquairitanccs in Brooklyn. Last year they did not abondon their lents uutil October. A. Y. Sun. A negro in Louisville brike open a box belonging to a comrade, contain ing three silver: dollars, and stole one of the pieces. Having been arraigned for theft, the usual plea of insanity was urged, the counsel declaring that no sane man would take one. and leave two dollars behind. Whereupon the Cuffee who was robbed exclaimed with great emphasis : ;.. Massa, I tell you dat nigga aiu t crazy ; he broke my box open and tok de dollar ut. Now, if he'd broke Mc box open and put de dollar in, den T say he's crazy.' , His argument was conclusive, and the thief was tent. up. Some Cpllaba. Mr. Jno. H. Sav&ge, a-J:.nA,t nt th Countv Poor House Let n sec Cotton Demand in Fnqland. Liverpoid, August 19. This week's circular iof the Liverpool cotton brok ers' association says : Cotton was qui et on Friday and Saturday, but re vived on Monday and a large business has since been done at an advanced rate. American was in an advanced demand; and prices gradually ad vanced a farthing. Sea Island was in moderate request at unchanged rates. Futures have been strong and active and prices advanced five-sixteenths ; pence for near, and three sixteenths peuce for distant positions. Our roailers will doubtless remem ber reading iu this paper, last fall, an account of an accident whereby Mr. Memphis Belk had his thigh brokeu while engaged in packing cotton. Sometime afterward Mr. Belk -fell frtfm a door-step and broke the bones in the same place. On last Tuesday, while riding oti horseback quite up idly, his bridle rein broke, ai d he was thrown or fell from his hor?e and the unfortunate limb was broken again iu the same, place making the third time it has been broken in the last twelve mouths. Monroe Enquirer. A -correspondent of the Lenoir Topic writes: "I drifted into the Cove,' on Wilson Creek, the other day, and took the dimensions of two trees, No. 1. 1 scal ed for 2,000 feet of lumber, or twenty cerds of Wood and No. 2 for 20,000 feet of lumber or sixteen cords of wood. They are poplars, tho latest is twenty-nine feet iu circumference just above ground, and tweuty-four feet where you would cut the stump, making iu diameter eight feet on the stump. It U a round bodied tree, and carries its size well for sixty feet up, iot tapering nioio thau a fool iu that distance. Two neighbors, a cooper and a fanner, were spending the eveniug together. Both were professors of religion, bat M different communion. Their convert-, tion -was" first upon topics relutiug loj practical religion ; but after a time, it di verged to the point of dilfeicnce bvtwevn . the two denominations to which they be longed. It first came a discussion, then -, dispute. The cooper was the first to. perceive its uu profitable and injui ions: tendency, ahd remarked,-" We are spring ing apart from each other; let us put on another hoop let us pray." They knlt down and prayed together, after which they spent the remainder of the evening lovingly together, .conversing on the tliioga of tlie. kingdom in which they both felt au equal interest. The suggestion of the cooper, was an excellent. uur, and it were well if acted upon more frequently by those who, like him, nre member of the household of Chi ist. itpurgeon. has possibly;tue fineit kitchea gnrdea-in Hds section of the State.-. Ilia has., raised some very. large beets and cabbagrs, and now he amies A Bait fob Gudgeoxs. The old and tricky Kadical party, who by the snap judgment of a part of its State Executive Comnrlttee was placed in opposition to the Proitibition bill, will no doubt come before the people at the next election iu a uewroie ; a bait for gudeoo. Let ns see if we can't name the baby in advauco of them, j If wedout come somewhere near tho niai k send u to tho foot . if - we do, put us on the list with Venn or. They will stvle themselves "The- Great Auti- Prohibitioa Eepublicau party,", of North Caroliua, How many white nen, not aspirants for office) will swaliew the baitf 0rtk. State frett. What Tennyson dreamed of iu the fed eration of tho world has just been seri ously proposed by no less matter-of-fact personage than Pi-ofesAor Blunschli, of the chair of Jioman law, at Heidelberg. ' The good doctor was one of the signet s-of of the universal peace plan ao contempt uously rejected by Vou Molke some time ago, but uudcterred by that check heeou- tiuues his efforts in favor of the aljolitiou of w ar. His latest plan is comprehend ve at nil events. lie proposes a nuiou of nations (Staatsbund) which shall bo com posed of the feix greut power iu iiecalei gory, the Western and iufeiior iiowers, such as Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Switzeilaud nud Norway. Tho Eastern powers Greece, Bulgaria, lion- gro in a secondary rank, though with equal rights. These States nhould been- titled to vote iu proportion to their sta tus in, a great federal council, tho larger power having two rotes and the smaller powers one. There should be additional to this council a Senate jand Uousi of Bopresentatives to enact- las suggested by the council. The language, to be em ployed, English, French aud Gerroani Tlie place for the sessions of this amphye t ionic body should he movable, but, ,n v- er in large cities, where outside influence might bo brought to bear on the delibera tions. 1 ho bnsiucss ol tiieso interuai ton al legislators would be to make the wants of all States respected and codify the in- iuternational laws beaiing on the. inter ests of all the Slates. The execuf ire pow er of the vast fainic would be. a sorFof aulic council, bnt by whom jiominHird er chose u the loaiacd professor does not sug gest. Visionary as this souuds it is enri ous to trace iu it the expredon of views old as Chailcniague, Charh X.. aud Na- polcou, cacti of whom dreamed of an im perial nuiou of all tbe States of Larwpe under one dyuaMy-r-oot in the interests of pcatc, which is the professor's ptinf but for tho concentration of power and aggrandiiemeut. -Phil. Hatei. iFatal BoilerXxplosxok. St. Lonis, ' August ip.rrThe .boiler f.the? steam r the front with a collard tUreshiugnoiehine ou Uui farnl of Henry four tUt Uninchesin diamctcnaad tcn Young, near ColaoMa. llliooii, explo it W. circumference!- Pms. Be, ded yesterday, Wdlmg five and noosly iujo.iing S e otheis. eietp. Steakgepb ijc a Sthasoe Lakd. A man. bis wite and little boy called at the station house Friday night for lodgings., Though nil.l. ta t."ilf th firct word of En.'lidi. they finslty snececded in making koowu their ncccrsitoua condition, aud were fur nished with ouartcrs for the nitrhC lt:hii since transpired Health Ofnyer Schartf . . hIuu. ' ik.t they arc from the province of poreeron. in Austria, and that they have been io this couutry only two months.. They appear to be nice, resfnet 'able and worthy penile, and it is to bo hoped that they wilt apod suc ceed in finding that eui ploy ment width th.y sem so urgently todedr, WH. Star. Sciciuu. rittsficldMass., August 10. jfndse JawD, Clt,f the Sepretoe Court iKrucb, committed suicide yesterdry by 'shooting hvnielf thi-ongli the head. '

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