Carolina Watchman. ;niUHSl)AY;SEPTEMBEKCl?I; Eatiinatea ofAUa-Xrar's cotton crop rary from SWOOP to 4,000,000 bales, i '" Cussiairavcla has' an armed guard Wong il,terwrt3MTn-C -apart-r?? THE ?vTIio Richmond: midland., i r 1;A1LUU r.,nia if,iiimil I TTTirvrtrtt fit"-Letters on til e. Tympany bite urcba'scd he Vinla Topic eJJour,. V; Midland, whith it' will W remembered, Wews-OrTCT. .W i.. ,'; rontlr been protected to ran from Executive DEPARTUEirr,. . Danville. Its present-terminus,, to Wins-i RaLXIG August 20V 881 quest iou la. wnai wi. ucj i importance w wo w""" The Baltimore apd Ohio -werMbe forme sioo a a conipetjng Jiuegatost. fcch-Ubooseiin jJOpffl, ,paas to tbsir . o 'ii: L;tK iio!r more Soathern 1 t uu.o s u vndea that such roads i.- : n.,ri'u bsohmond and Danville L i,.t- Kn rJuirtered since the adoption Cprnpany- have bought offtbeir comptl-1 fif constitution of 18; are tubject to .'-- i .t. :i .nv1tr 4n know I ' t .UV.l . f t it is in the DOW- ' ...! .1 tn iIJ.bI m .1 T tn.nfiirna lltlAn itl'lMI addrewed to Lira on railroadi geueially. Unlea the allrgationa set out In lhnte papers prove to be untrue brjtbe cause of the complaint is speedily removed, I shall feel It td be my dutj7 towbatever power the State admioistratioa possesses to oust the Rich moud . and DiayiJJo E;vil- ( control or any rall bicb the -abas 41'Hfi 'I ne ttaieign uu.wu .v""-- solre tp progecute an paru yuuv- . fjbe I packing.'; j False packing meads fiiujiglthe ml'ddte ,of bales with inferior roor, fitting inrcign abstinces. ! heStatt uoara ;Oii.tiucaiion io f pb''.VjL9' county uf i,oo. :ichbc4 fanaVt .Thii' is an aJlowance-of 25 centslto eacbj child of school age in the 'county, there being ,1S3 of these,; tfrhri?Ji!zi Devcns. of Massachusetts blfbfe libm HarTin the woman deceiver, that 'asouglrrsnrrendered'him tp the Vir- mrf8t do 6 tne oia sinner excmuicu . , tlie juiaiai . - ' - , , i - 'T nn ex doc t that every crass widow inii-ni afHi tWoilf5a'ft I?QJ? P North Carolina! Or, 3d. finish $Jie Mid: ;-'-. . - ' 1 . . . . . . 1 The columns of s paper are: the publish- I er's Stock in trade, ad the parties who ask os to use them for their special ben mnst i pride in seeing snd the , surrounding, country . improve Evtry new house or Ja.rn in., khe surround ja')Wtrj.;-w 1 . fljsy fence, road, or !S-U 11..1C.1 I . - . . . . Mill I W - !".- . F W?".T I ; J thereiore oeg w rwiu.evui, j . pUcej wen m increases the rcputaUon o run bpWfoaqs. jnypsjignte the charters of rtueroaascuar-ithe tQ fa ab?9a4 It bsneftts all who have nt inranutMnt . ,1 l . ...... 12A4.nnrI cpa if nnv ni TUltl. T . . 1 . .. '. " :.'" 1" -:'2 ' ' m ennances.iae vaiue of Dr-rAgnjCIf, the most .famous J. JanU,b.ora tiieasc. auuFuu miwv. n?esgaif iue cuarw vA the towfa abroad It It is'boped tliat it is uot . inconsistent 4 Vn-fore 855, and seeif any of tCem,! in the plac surgeon witll the iuu-st of this company to let for any Mue,' have I' forfeited their char-1 propcrtj. besides beii TsxEr ok a Boundary' Lixe. T qtiestlon arises who otrns the froit of the trees standing near the boundary line be tween two proprietors T It is generally supposed that the fruit'on thelimbsover banginjs one1 laud belongs tiirn but this is an eutire mistake. If a tree stands wholly on your land, althoogb some of the roots extend iuto the soil of your &eiguoar,.aua aerive suppori. u uur ishment from bis soil, yet he has no right to any of the fruit which bangs! over the ine. Iha atienipU by force to prevent you from picking it be is liable for an as sault and battery. The Boston ITultivator . ' J ' r ' ' TnA Daitnittt rlWOill n CT ft AAftAltl point as follows ; . A lady Jiile standing a fence picking cherries;, wbicht bniig pver tl.10 Ijne $'as forljddeu jt,o 40 so by adjoiniug owner, and in the scufije to preyeujt her he recciveome!orTfjsetron ber rm. for which ho had F thp" pleasure of royjun tlic ijjeat littlo sam of 1,000 fruit falls iu y;nr neighbor's lotybo baye an implied licenBe u law to goaud pick it up, doing him no unnecessary damage. If. however a fruit tree standi directly on a di vision line,' aitd if it is what is called a line tree " both parties 'own the tre andfrnit in comn)'oii an.d neither can cut down the tree or seriously injure it with 09t being responsible p the other. forfeited their Cliar- I Vinw nublie ronven. ol2 m&ic commenced his career as a tJie dWply interested public know within a,,d, if you iindhat' any Toad; has, Ience; xTen jf not conducted in the interest doctor, in a small and pbscure yi.Uage of ft leasonable time what they propota fa tp yu wjH take sijcliction In tli ttiat; af tht luUng ''political; poWer. -If its col- 'Pennsyiyunia, about forty years ago, and. ami that iien they shall jta so, that r wr iu.your ppiaiou; the , Jnowelanls'at the head of his' profession. 'they may have something to announce and thf law justifies. n'f.tfniSna:wti!)rirht' and persevering tn-.4liet with the interest of their : Verv iesnectfullv. your 6 case reqiiics 'Tr. nitons: "tibriirht-' and persevering ,wi4. n with the interest of their A M W ( w . - - " - I MVW f country may Ifke this. take courage from a fact ' -"THE President's Case. Telegrams dated Lbnff Branch, Sept. 7th, say the 'iesideut slept the greateipart of thi ninhtT This . inomiug his temperature We have just as i.unph; ponfidencp in the Bichmoud and panvillo onjpany as in anv other cortMirate body, and more than in some oithers, beyond the limits of J Bon. Very respectfully, your obedient ser- :r-. ..J ... . " ' . - ? ..'ill'? yant ... os. j. y a a vis. urans are not nlled with brilliant editorials, still it benefits you in many wajs. It in creases trade, it cautions against impost tioo, it saves you from loss, it warns you o danger, it points out different advantages and increases jour profits. Now, if you KALEiGn, August zu, iboi. wftnt ch a i yoa mus 8upport k hy Thot. S. Kenan, Attorney General: ad;erti8inff'TOUr business in it; assist' in nr Sir :-The State is burden wt;i . if9 p5rrnlaHon bv ttinD- vonr vest larae sums in mil roads and run them a debt of over $3,000,000 for tne.coinjtru -ejU-g to subscribe", with1 'you for it. If con- but gxECCTIVE DEPARTMEKT, Kaleigii, August 20, 1831.; (he Stati. Kv company can afford to in- Dear I 1 "' ----- ri f. . .. ... ... . ... t. . - . ... , ' j JONES McCUBBINS. ,& CO. Will offer, for the next 30 days, i Fi,! 411 : THEIR SPRING & SLUMMER GpODS At and below Cost 3 JjGive them a; call.of I . I.i v .1 . !! !.,: I nnif Willi I i . .i.. .,....iluniitinn niwi ir in tinn tir inrin i iiriniiiii iiliiuuuu uuu "H" i . . i. ... . ti 1 1 1 lit I in (I'll nil I r luiuiuuviimvi'i " - - I -k.v. - v r- ! - t r i run njfinT -.rj'ii n imripr- 1 nil ill i I. 1 1 1 1. normal and he appears . .u. Jnucted that the Richmond a debt of considerable magnitude for the V7 ,J an "of charitv t0 8a,Dort it. from the fatiuue ot yesteruay-s journey, i - , i ., Atl-utic. nml North 1 rri;i- ; - ; r:c.?. .!.. . -. ... I mill l;iiivillc COiiiiHU in miic.uii i vuuDii uiiuu . ...w 1 1 .t mrani ta mcre&se voarown we&llli as The 'wound looking better tjuuse iuo. ; , , j . - ., o.n.; uisiri'i ' rntH still owns 7.- T S ? i ...... I." -V" ri : ffl.,j-,i,n,,ii such aosuiuuv;. : mrj uuuucnj wj-vv, vul w . I well af that ot tne place in w men you i JruptysUriaiiSandcabinc ; . umke monel on the capital inypsted, a large interest in both of these road, . -.r . - , tht moveg exnressea Uiemseives wen eaiisueu wiiu .. , . Tk 'i. v...i rawJ! Rilrnml - : ,-.. . . . j-.. "i vif . piV' Mi,&r t.wi .riRnul and ot rignt are euuueu iu. pci- "" " people; therefore, support n by advertising ..llfT.1 .V ' - 1JL . t be seen whekher or not thiscau bedpue j now so operated as to nt ouly cripple .;. iryrribin' and nil tiny for it. Ex- Tu flin lint tPSt ETei' KIIOWU nt UUUm I . . I - -...., '. n . T .:t 1 I -----r a - yo r - --- ' i i dtifiii'inrr nil Mtii-i tiio Atiiinfic nml rvorcu Liiroiiiia iwiuuuu, i Branch. cerned. The State of North Carolina bat to cut off the people of the whole ... -i.ief vUtitanf her citi-1 P!iBttrn fuictiun of the State from tne thi thangc preparations' f6r the trip were very care- pose lor this purpose.' ' , of the associated Hues of railways, tno. fullv and thoroughlv made. Hised was Read the following from the KaleigU 88,) in which he. prohibit any neigiu Arranged witn especiiii reicrence jo aioiu- jsevct-uoserren inztlie effects of vibration. Ho stood the tripwell,-SBd it is reported that his pulse Cell ten beats before reaching the end his journey, at 1 p. m. He was more rest fw uiau usum twounj "'o""! """" I Jand has aulii'Mizetr a suoscnpiiou ou k . MUU Ui? jUiac nvub up iv " 1S J1CCOU U I, Ul ,vv vu ,wu.v.u ' tviu tvFjr j the morning. Crowds of people thronged books belose.' The object is to give tue excessive drought, will uot be able to .. . . . .. . i t i vifirinifi tii11nnd entire control of the i r.. .1.- . ...1 . the some - Bu stntinrr greatest rcspegt was manifested everywhere, laad, and with this conditional snbscrtp- Thia action ef t managers of the N. and .all were uict and orderly. J an outrage upon . L . . - 1.1 . 1 ' !. C ..L-ur. i. ..Ill H......f..i.u .1 ha tuilllnff flT TIlA I riMl. II ie DPUU1B Ul Lilt? OlUlCi IttttCll w .M V I IIIVIIUIE, iu .piv nKvf.uB . - J ( . We have heard Jhatoue of the condituins little personal spleen, regaidless of the - 1 -a. St. L. ..-.I..' -S -na Viminta t 1 j! - I . . . Importajit to 3$ieutors, Chatham 'Record. Tho laws pf Korth Carolina require every executor aud administrator to "take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, be- Coal axd Iffa Mikes o Texuessee. The coal and iron mining interests o Tennessee are booming. Tbey- are about to receive au additionartm'pulse from the investment of over a million dollars in the iron industry by several w'ealtby citi zens of Nashville and elsewhere, A reporter of the Nashville American interviewed James D. Porter Esq., and obtained the following information: That himself, Vice-President Alexander, of the Louisviile and Nashville Railway, Gener al Superintendent Thomaa, of the Nash ville, Chatanooga aud St. Louis Kail way and Nat. Baxter, President of the First Natioual Bank of Nash villcj had gone there to make a business investigation iu behalf of capitalists who proposed-to , " spend a million or more of dollars in the 1 . .... ir;. xt.-i. blast furnaces along tne line orure axhu ville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. They fbuml the resources of the mines unlimited, aud will make thejinost favor able rcccnmindatious to the capitalists who propose to make the investments. The above is the coal and iron-property recently purchased by Mr. John JI. m:iii. of Imiinn. Swann &l Co. It is un derstood Mr. Ionian has realized individ ually a cash profit of over $200,(KKi on 5 t tift- .ill iiii AiiiiA Iir vin.r i-hiim.4 against tho six mummies discovered near Thebes decedent, to exhibit the s:iue to snh ex- lutye been ideutilicd by tljp scientilic res- ..... . - ! k... .t.:.. ..:.....:.... editor or administrator at or oeioreaoay urreciioiusis 10 uieir own oiuiMiicinui to be named iu such uotice." (See Bat- and the London Saturday Kevieio says tie's Revisal, chap. 45 seel 45,) and by au that it would not be easy to exaggerate !ir of tln Isit Leffialaturtr-this notice the imoortance of tht! find. These are must be published iu a newspaper of the principally the remains of wyaV families county, if there be any. So that, every ranging through four ty l;tie s from 2000 executor or administrator who fails to pub- to 1700 U. C. It is stated that 4tuo inqin lish this notice, as required -by law, vio- my of the Pharaoh of Israel is among 1 HIGH PRICES! We have now In store the; Largest and most Complete Stock we have ever offered; bites his oath. We call nttention to this matter iu order that executors and ad- these, iu a perfect state of preservation and the mummy of Thotmes III, in whose Centra) 1 r . n . a -it 1 it. ::no riniil. - mr. iesi auurcsscci iu?uiio:iii u yiur vye uave iiearu tuacoue 01. me couuiiwus utile personal spieeu, regaioica . jboro 'recently, on his railroad scheme from annexed to thjb sale of tJi.e Yirginja Jjd rjj au(i beuetits of the people. thatnoint to SaTisburv. . ne said he was iaua 10 tue syuu.cuio iua . . . . insf,1M. "V r " - w . ....owner shall faitfullv comply with alii i "" " "7 V4t4vm r contutent 01 agaia possessing ine western - 1 Wtofore made' looking to might be foufid in their management, it uiinistratora may know the hiw and not reign the obelisk that stauda m N. C. Bo,a. He meant to "perform the con- tne building jof the N. C. Midland, aud not so clavin, yet penicious to the best I iniorautlv violate their oaths. Park was first erected. Lotus flowers ditions of his lease of the Atlantic Road, that condition! was agreed to. A ku.ow- iuicrcRt Qt tue WpVe. ' j jJoi only do executors aud admiuistra- that look as if they had beeu plucked a .arid build the road to Salisbury. ; - edgeof these faicu jpm'vliitthp facts, I beg that you tors violate their oaths if they neglect to few months ago are found lying iu the ilir. o. a. urviiu msu uu&s 111 ucumi ui ? . ... r. . 1 i n :n. u u ..... ntn 1 i m PRINTS, LAWNS 115; DRESS GOODS : Are Handsome and at Prices to iiit.alL J Cassimeres, Cottonades, Domestics, "Notions, &c. 53T Very Cheap, EJ JggJ EJ v, T Shirts for everybody at Right Priees. JFf Jg J J3f Our Stock of Clothing is neat, and we mean to sell them as low as the lowest jQ We well sell you a coat at 50 cents. Our assortment of Shoes is the best vi have ever offered and &t lower prices. Cut Loaf, Pulverized, Gracnlitfi, White and Brown Sugars, ' at Rock-Bottom Pricet. Wi have always on hand Tlie Bestr FLOUR-try it yt who like the Bet. Also a large lot of WhctOrii. Always on hand, at 25 cts per bushel. ' A Full AssorJtjneflit of tfce BEST TOBACCOS. GREA T KlillDXJCTTOISr LADIES' AND ElErS STRAW H ATS! v Rio Coffee 12Je ; Arbuckle's Ariosa 20c ; Fancy Lavunyra 20c; Old Government Jt23, Ten or twelve kinds Molarses and Syrujw, and among them the best ia tie mirket, TxQl Stock of Sssd Irish Potatoes ca hant : - j MANY USEFUL THINGS AT 5 CENTS EACH. u d ee u before you bn n, Vith this bird's eve view ofwhnt wo have, we return thanks for past patron! and 'solicit future favors. Yours very respectfully, . j KLUTT3 & RENDLEIIAH,! W, W, Tayloh, IJ. F.. AT5IX9, balesineq, . - j- 'hMUil June f, 1831 . V ,,, ,.'7 r'lO l Two runaway matches in Linville town ship within the pj8t week, but "the old man" was too fast for one of the young men. and recaptured the girl -before -"the knot was tied and the poor fellow is tryjnjr to sell the Register of Deeds back his license for half price. Blue Ridge Blade. Mortgag Sale uieaiei iijiuiii iuiu mo iuiuis. .""j i " ' . .. I . i. .1 . , . . i - P . . .. ...i . -w 1 II I :il w n ! n n tlm Iuiu rF lija Knrth I . I... n. a ve MMlr I inn iiiillifra tT L Ultra n'llO VV1P Ili'Ull CCII- I . .-!: - .. -...i ' j " . . i oe iliac me aiciiuiuuii buu ihuhuo x. . i w . .uiiu u.v .v ..v...., j . 1.4 0- o "nine ur vnnuui wr iiium obit. ine ixuriu vrou .-juiuiauu auk, na jiu- pnrll!1,iv nt iiintM nn nbnndonment of I PopUna. If ilroa.l. jinri the ndvisabllltv 1. lint. tlii- Iro tpilIi'T them, tnrieti before the Fharaoll ot Israel was portancc 'to Goldsborofs and ttrongly en- their lease of the North Carolina Railroad, 0f iuatitutinir a suit to vacate the lease and .elves uecuniarilv liable. If an executor bom. aud the passage of ncarly.40OOyears dprsed Mr. Best. , - $ ?lfeitirc wf .tho cI,alttr ?: recover back the road, so that it shall uot rtr administrator is sned On a claim, even has not dimmed tlie beauty of the color -Jhe .cjtitens of the town .adopted resolu- a tiVaL- 5Sch had .uffieteil t be opeVaJainst the best interests of when many yars have elapsed since his of the inscriptions and penciling, which tions declaring in favor of the Midland and ,1.-ttatl.avn rore'hnnovlnr. '-We cannot the neonle ot.the State. onti nation, be'eannot have the benefit are as bricht and fresh as if the artist had " r l " . - ATTheo. F. Klutti's. WANTED. pledging themselves to do all in , power to promote its success, i . T ' Cotton Crop. njen are yery respectfully." your obedient ser- 1 ' ,The New fjrleansv Democrat gives spc .... .. ' - . .iinl rtoenn tr-lioa finm nil urtt-ta tt ttiA ni 9 . m, . .". .. jt..- . . . . .. .. - i ninue oi our oraie oupre lou country to the fallowing effect, viz: I per the reply j of Mr. A. o. Andrews, pres- j Sirj We, the undersigned, com mis.- fv-, i88tted) wefid the! case of Cox vs. tivity and exodus of the Jews. ? AiABAMA.Cottonoreg premature- identot the jWestern . u. uauroap w sloners appointed oy tpo Jiaci to provide g : - Rado,p county wuere the . ly vdamagefrom.rust, worms and grub, senator vances sraiemenw w a repv.ver ror tna sale oi ine o aie s interest in u.e t enre8S, . V8. t.For a executor Baker for September The follow- T ia i-iolri nruw Pii Linrr rrnltwr mi rnnwllr 1 Dl tllB UliariUlte UDSCrfCr IU retTHra TO iUO 1 WPifPrll IHorril UamilUa lUlIirOUU anil TOr 1 : , ... j it uv jiviu I'vvi a uviuij vii utriuij I r - - -' i j -- I . m .a . . - , . headway to prove annoying. Wecanpotl tho people ot the Sitp, say how it is,! lor tuegp raiiroaa too smart ior common iqiks. Tun .T. .Tnvia. Raleioit, N. C, August 25, 1831. To ITii Excellency, T.'J.' Jarvis, Governgr of yorth Ca t ohna : Reply to Senator Vance. We publish on the first page of this pa per the reply of Mr. A. B. Andrews, pres- oftliLntntnte of limitations unless he is touched them but yesterday." The in able to prove that he has published this scriptious aud papyri when fully read will uoticeas the law requires. This very in all probability, throw a flood of light point was decided at the last term of our upon what is now a dark place to Egyp- Snnrwme Court. Iu readinir the last vol- tolojnsts the great middle period of " r i . ...... umue of our State Supreme Court Reports Egyptiau history, which includes the cap A man of steady habits and business qualifications wishes employment. Refer- ence given. Apply or address tins oince. 47:lt:pd . WANTED. A white woman vounir or middle aged to do the work of a stpslLfamily ia the country. Np field work required. Apply at the Watcukah otnee. i ARKANSAS ' vear. ' Half crp Picking better than last faction of the. State's Commissioners on I the affairs of the Western North? Caroli- f Florida Crop short bat of excellent ua Railroad. Iflllalltv. .. ... V- - ' I " orn Dsmaged by grub and rains. Thecrop is from qrid-Jialf to two-thirds. m, namy-noi so.goou as lasiyear. ,'Loui8iAXA Entire crop , now open. ' preat.! damage from .. drought, and some 'ifrOm woins and slirdding. Quality good. Shipments one-fourth greater than by tbis timeMast,year. ' "- .' - -, fi Missisairpi Opening prftuaturely. Hpn.WVlamrtrft from dronorhf. nnd com a P; fjfoms amkhesdding'. " Crop short ..?,c1'udli;..v ;-v '; A ... TKsr-Damaged ,br v drought aud herfig?-I0' er ceiiti increase of acre " '"'"jage Quality good. -Plenty of labor. RECLT TO MR. ANDREWS. We shall publish in our next paper Senator Vante's j-eply to Mr.' Andrews, a UUtUUICUb Ul jVVUOlUft7iaVlv 4UltUl au VW I - ..k. - - for -convenient publication r"- " r;T " " 7 ; . : . .if, ...... I tlrov ImvA. failed tri keeti a force at ittc . .mv t -- 1 - - r I I - . -1 .. . ' . . i i li work on theDocktown Hue, after the ,..., . ' 4 road had reached Ajheyille, sufficient to that these are important papers on apt;" - - -i .-.'- i u late to hand iu this paper. AH ni1miniofriatnM nifll'n nnf Ik a lsafVffin I f.... 2-, T.. T Z1 TO . !.-r' j fvirtri c r fF tfiA si i HiiiiiiiiiaLiabur tiu iuua& vu iiio i . . vv xa, r- i d iuiiV4ow waav other purposes" ratified 29th March, 1880, q( the 8ja'tntp of imMont he mast show weather for September. Those who take do hereby repdrt to you, in accordance ho required by no stock in the professor's guesses can with the provisions of section 15 of said w tlierefore executors, and ad- COpper them. That system would have act,inai; irom urae vo ume wt mini8trators wish to protect themselves given admirable results daring July and amined the work on said rbad, and find pecuniary loss, as- well as to dis- Aueust : that the assignees of the grantees in said gworn they 4 td . rftin th der . 2(t f(ffgy morn. ncx meuuou ua, W . rdj ,RW A Kemarlable Case. ing then rain and wind ; 3d to 5th, fair and' warm j !5th, rain and thundery 7th, ran apjfpopj wind j 8th to 9th, clondy and pool j 40th, little rain and cool ; 11th, rain and thunder j 12th, fair and warm; ' ' ' : k Ifitory, of Rowan County, . ; We, have .receive" from, Rev. Jcthro Rutnpht raQSf. interesting contribution to. ' -North Csrolifta literature, tinder the above V. . title. R is indeed a history of" Rowan County, beginning with the Indians, and 'k telling -all: worth knowing about the terri- tory ana residents of Rowan from the ' iarliest'tbre to tKe present. The- style is ' Vxccljest.-1 The reflections ofthe author are 'ftgh ion? and not bsteptaiioiisly ex.. " ires'WycttH-iVeely with ijis narrative, . f pproptjate and germane ttoi t he , subject '9 'rBttrr4J- Rumple seems to have spared ' Vo pains' make his book an accurate and county . history, treating not merelvVffscai concerns, but of othir mt. ,' tors and mv.cmentr affecting the. life 'and '. fortunes of the people of . Rowan.- and 'ii if 0 has pffacea a yoi um C; no jess entertaining 'i than valuablcv- We wish that his.exa'm'nic - Tinv So ffolTon'ril in Aprv-'nthrr pahti- rf ' V J - r Ihe i5tate,-;'sltbT)Uslr,Jtobe 'sure,' butAw .' icountics have so niuch of general- interest - - . . The protracted illness1 and numerous rp- that these are important papers on anlir-". -. tw4. ? . , . , MoM J.' 1,... ,.111 nn important subject. The managemeritV little plqudy and warm ; 14th, railroads is k subject which conceruev. S 2 pul ZSi ; 1, rain and a im,e f with ery man who bnjs or sells. anything, in- un j?!:1. I - . . - V . . uui n, rrn. heavy thunder and wjpd j Ifith. fair and deedeveryanau anchild,lu this andtoatocK uyne .y, - by tU mild; 17th; little rain and hail, 18th,fair and all the States. Itis of especial in ter- j'i the Aforegoing -jwe also Greensboro ilrf A of last w-eck : and mild ; 19th littlo raih 5 20th, mtje est to eveijj voter, and is therefore wor- ln T'.t One remarkable" caie 'is recorded in cloudy and cool ; 21st, little ram; 22d, thy the caeful attention of all.- .The UU4?uru" nl. Unilnrk had a wound "fair i 23d, little cloudy; 24th, ram and r . . . invor tn niuttivneAa are uaiiv aiscnini- ",,v "J " 1. . ,- . 1 railroadsAbd those fwlio mauage them, ' " - P' '; w,,ffh-M.'W and a shattered leir. He heavy wiud;aotii neavy ram ana wiuu; iuk WmmTsm imnnM ih' tb MUnS mjunoasiy in jreigiiw ana Jfc4 it. ofitl,. rain, thunder and wind : 27th. fair . r " :, ' ' t Va.iI. -. n. l:.... .. WIS OI1 Ull UU CILUIWU11IUUIUS,U uuim;; 1 ' mis AD I PONDER! Nortn Carolina and the upper portion or South Car- 1 ouna, are iameg iur your uiub wnuua cuumuuv tloa, when making this Fall's Purchases. iignv, ana anu at lowest prices is annus ao uuiajs slbtuty In Northern Markets; there ,4OnanUtgr mlnanHnuUhnl .nn It... a Hfl VI V ViRURT'l On Monday the 3.1 dav of Oj tobtk 1831, I will sell at the Court House Poor In x.exington, N. C t at public auction, to the highest j bidder, for cash, a tract of J ! Land on Abbott's Creek, in Davidson County, containing ftrtjjl acres, to satisfy a claim of two hw&M dollars secured by .mortgage deed execute! by Rachacl Miller, Cicero Gom and wift Susan E., on the 20th Nov. 1878, to Ht!m Kepley, and assigned by him for 7Iu the undersigned on the 23d April, 1M The deed is recorded ia Register's wWi Book 24, page 157. . v S, h- TuoM Aeon, Aipie or Mathlas Kepley, JlorfpP n ir n Potxit Attv. . 4i: FOR SALE, DEtTA GROVE, IKnownasthe Batoaaw orOny rUcs-li.- This Property, locate-1 ib the lifflM a-i:-!... rnn.;na ai acres, s Berer OillBUUIJ, ,uv." ww4 ' , . failing well of pure -water, all WW W buildings, and a .-..'. FIRST-CtASS BESIDENtl Thit prnpcrtj nvtut be iolil, then)'1' Good Bargain ior ine reauj any one paying half cash w4th deftnw payment ior the balance. - Appiy to . Attomey at Law, ' Salitbury, Jf.- N. B- Any one having a dcsir '- denc e to sell, within four sqnarw v.- Salisbury Court House, may ona r scr by apptying to J- M- W 1 where ypur purchases, however small, will be ap preciated. CHARLOTTE! your home market ana country forjgood.or evilKad as they S! S S kat time he had pyeemis, diarrhce, gan- and mild ; 28th, littlo cloudy ajwarm; WlUKQWSKy ft WHICH 5 were des.gue.1 by tif e I?frop,eior tbe.r own r.. - , grCner chills aud erysipelas, and bad to be ann, mue ra n u . , - must be-watchful to prevent! r . . - ... . I .1 .ir- bv nmata. . because rain and thunder tneu iair ana wiuay. I . . . ..J.......! .,,.,1. in nuin.a.l..inr I liwuildum " " J 1 1 .1 . . I. m . . . - UUU (UUUIKI umuv iii iiuioiinuw iucicui - - their becoming a means of their own en- t L v his stomach reiected food. He was red need siaveiuenc. countjes in tliisStatCj Of tJiee nitariy all Col. A. 8. Bnford9 ichmondtiVa.: 111 crop ; and 19 report a distressing failure'.' I North parQjihajRAilroad nddrcssed a TBB BOCSC -O- Z.-R. Vance. J. RiV Wokth. j hia tpmacj rejected fobd. He was reduced linflh fmm 10(1 nonnds to 75. He was The Raleigh AVif has collated items in respect : to j the drougth from, about 50 Executive Department, Raleigh, August 2G, 1881. Running Elk, the nephew of Sitting i IU fitOil 1IU1U jii.. - " - - I nnnnnaelnn. Vnd delirious much of the Bull mentioned in the telegraph dispatches I . " r; i . . . , I ..i : tt ..-, !, J inA iii-i prninrpd ior I is 1101 uuhiiunu iu miovnj. " MUIC. BUU V ilB Villi 1" I Tn nnrrlialnr of lia vnn avoid thn dnnvor of thn 'Rriak Trada Infefition" of t hp "Vorth. and are lees liable to be wrecked on '-This I pus cavities ten times at least. healthy man fo-day. Following Hancock Example. Tlie reception to ei-Presjdeqf; (?rant, He is a bodv servaut of W. J, iinowies now ot this city, who picked him up at Salisbury, N. C. during the war. He came north with Mr. Knowles, and assisted him to hrinsr in several herds of! cattle to this citv. Afterwards he weut up river anu crop; and p report a distressing ftil . r ocenrred Thursday Bottom lands; in even the most damaged cominun cat onto you and your associate - " . "V. 7 , 1 counties, W 11 yield fair.emps., The eastern U'sswe Pp to ibis time none of usHDg .5 Vi J Ml Slo"x' ?U . .ther ?M n uL it.j ... , - ; i i firarK, was PQSVBvf'F1 u i9 uuw w rr Ampricfln citizen of. African descent. cuuBiie nave ausiaiueu Terj iniie aamage.i nave receytq agj tMj tu vuiw, tviuiiuu- , .j n i. t r i t :,-l"r- .. ' ' " eiven until President Garfield is out of m-4ltilllr an In ana m rao corn enoDgQ io supply joe nicatjon. - i-J mift S?- ?T r ' " . . i ... . i usuccr. i ii ii ia iciwi w vuw . . . ....... t i ir iriio(n African descent. dian woman, and and tue low state oi tne bullion reserve In j ter-orriegui. . . . . ; t z th hrinlr'rif i"P!nrrtarirl1 lmra tmu!nhitn i I'. .T 1in (ndi'Tion A CODT. fif S letter I " v. Kiyvifii.iv iivv mwmw. j j i. i M . n . A n . siniritt iiirrau. I niu i . trountics have so much of general interest VA& It Will cause trouble in the United hare addressed to the Attorney .General nti" .rnt the compliment iro- A tral package of " BLACK-DRAUGHT attaching to them as Rowaa.-jy-Vif and States,sjiotiid it occur, by i rush of Amerf-of thetate. relatito.the lease of 'the plied tjy the announcement which I have free of charge. 'OUmtty ' ' lean securities for redemption. ,'M I North Carolina Railroad, and also a letter! read in the papers, j . f Hhief Meiristrate. whose life I seems to hang by a single thread, I ain Year's most dangerous Rocfe of Oyerbuy i Ing." You can from us make up your . i. . l. . . assorinieoi wmi unit iuo iiqiiunk yqu can at the North. There you have to buy from a flozcn or more Honsca. each Onn of wlinni worries you into buying more uooqs than you want; here you can get yOurwhole stock from us in as small quantities as - you pi ease. We Dresent von a Stock in Valne of over S20O.000 to make your selections from and from our large experience, axtl capital, and superior facilities, v. nnr o M 11 1 tn mnA wlrtl inv mtrVit tl" fnnnfitrturpA. nnr turn. Cilnttlmn nnii had Manufactured for vs Specially our Tinsita nrnii Rhn 'nnI Htttm rim I ihmrmtnv not only offer you Superior Goods, but at MJCS9 JT riCC I HUH OIHCT8. . All flfwttyfll mav Arv wlaf a k.iV aa kiMaa IAsa vu mikrvaa w av t wuiiciV sa4 vfe uvpv uu old customers and new ones wiu &t&U tbemaelves thli aeiton n( thrr "Own rlnm Uirtt H 46: t Rowan Coily-In Very respectfully, At Theo. F. Klutii'd. 47:4t:pd j& Bsxuchi CttXRLOTTE, N. C. Moses L. Holmes - V Richard A. Caldwell, JuliusA. CsldA M. W. Jarvis and.E. Nye H"tch,f"a( utors of David F. Caldati,r--Annie McB. Fisher and Fred, a I M.iW. Jarvis, Executor of DJ ''J well and Annie McB. Fisher, of named defepdants, are hereby notinw and appear before the Judge oT oar nor Cpurt. at a Court to Jf belJJfc County of Rowan at the Coort ji Salisbury on the th Monday ;Mff; Monday of September, 1881, sao the complaint cf the plawtilT, J t j .r:i..j l,- of tHl ..v the sSperior Court of sad Coun it. -. f the said terwli lethe said defendants take i -.n .n.ur r the said f'"A.-g during the term, the P aintiff ? tne voun ior tne rciw ; ?. complaint. "'"i ' -Th 6th day of August, 188- . " - . Clerk Sanerior Coort Bw" w ' . TT : aAtK for flnroHna "rr 4 only $1.50 pr year in advance

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