: - - , , r .i i. Hi laf. dnv of Jannnrr. Hinttt flUU . " " r''"!u" ,...fntlM'nripfi of the IFafcft- i3J! the suus-,r"'"" i ----- 1 'T 1 be as follows: 'SSI ftar, paiJi advance, mm w this imps is an will d be payment delayed 12 months t c. Brown 18 wac, ej mo COT" stilleries should let up save the rl for bread. -o- Eiook & Ladder Company meets tfcejjf hail to-night at 8 o'clock, 'ill fbJwti wmI it should be wet wet . : i.,.r ndds. Vet it is not wet for no njr nif' rio bath fallen on the parched earth for wveral mouths " ffi 1 . U-gPEvrs Massrs. Theo. B. Brown, Austin Ilorah and Frank McCnbbius left ijjjggjgy nigut lor Laviuson coiiege. t D. Gaskill announces the receipt o f.i. tock of merchandise. See his & -advertisement. - -", -o Kef. Sara! Both rock, held service for ' the eerroana in Concord on last Sunday The old germ an service was delivered in . vermin tonzue. Rev,. Mr. Roth rock 4 rijonld be invited to preach to our Ger mans hew occasionally. . o s TnK School at St. Paul's. Mr. J. C, Wilborn closes an interesting school at St, Puil's on the 16th mst, an4 tbe occasion will be made more impressive by a literary from Theo. F. Kluttz, Esq. The SV m pablic is invited. .... o i HISTOKY OF ROWAN COUNTY IS'PW READY FOR DELIVERY. maae us appearance in our office morning. It is to be published three a week, at 2&cts. a month. Mr. H ndustriou and persevering wan, and! no doubt merit success. r c All day Weduesnay the in eon seen through the clouds indeed it was so visible that the eye could only rest on it for a moment j yet it cast little r no shadow. The liirht was of a roii.i. line,, something after the order of the ight during a partial ellipse. Several persons -were wearing: thoagUtfuIfaees and a few were bold enonsh to nnnf . . ra some of Mother Shiptoifs Hues. We are a.nfr . iklt AM A . . . ! uuii ill nun uu UMM UIIomr. HUE WA fan guess. We set it down thus ; it is tlie tail of a passing comet between tlia earth and sun. How is that 1 -o- the -Ro wan Timcsby James H. Hojdges. Obscuration of Light. Tuesday and Wednesday ofthe present week, though not so dark as we bare seen, were dark days. The heavens, at a great behrht. seemed filled with aijioke. And the sun, although, constantly .visible, scarcely caused a shadow except for a few hours about .the middle of the day, and then but faint ones, Tlie temperature, bean whiles was- high And oppressive. The moon at night was similarly obscured, visible but casting no shadows on the earth. f Wittkowskt & JJabucw, mrge nnu popular niercluuits of Charlotte, address country merchants and citizens generally tli roil ?h our advertising columns this o weekT Read what they have tosay. Tlie citizens of Salisbury might like to know . what the commissioners are doing for thktovvu. The CJerfc of the Board dually fiuniHlu'S this information,-an.il we will gladly publish all changes ju the Jaws that govern us. Olve us your pro- ' o ' Magistrates in Session. On last Mondiiytlie' Magistrates of t Ji its County met in (lie Courtlioiise and elected, Joh jA. Hcdricb, V. R. Fraley and John Sloan Judges of the Inferior Court. The Com theft T'cted Win. R. Fr;ley to presidt' Mr. John V. Matiiiev washeted Solici iox.i "Mi-.tJ. M. IIouJi, re-elected Clerk :. i o- . lit accoidance with Gov. Jar vis1 prod a ftufiuir services were held in all tli 'cLuCdies-of Salisbury, on last Tuesday tuiiniiiig. Prayers toy the reeovery of the Presided t were offered. All the thiuches were well attended am the lorut door I jliBjBtores wfjtJ closed during the hour ot Birvice. , - O A lilacksuiith while trying to shoe a mule one day last week, met with an . accident. lie had tied down tne animal aud liad -gotteu "on three shoes, wheu he liccHlently got too near the mules head he mule saw his chance aud imincdjate ly pjsuted his teeth iu the Cftlf of the man's leg, cutting it to the bone. . . o ; jSherief C. C. Krider begs us to say to tbe good people of the county that the law de8 not now require him to meet the tax payers Tmt once. He bs ndver fised the times and places and desires tlie tax-payers to meet him as he will not he Around iigain, . The. law formally required the Sheriff's joingtwice, now ouly once. Reinember this and save trouble. Air. w. u. iviutu iiaa gooa lucic ooe day last week killded ten squirrels froni one tree. . Another Stokes Cianford of Mont gomery County killed a deer three Weeks ago with a rock. He was standing under a large muscadine vine on the banks o the ri ver, when a deer trotted under the same vine and halted as it saw the man Crauford jumped for a rock and tlie deer made a leap entagling itself iu tlie vine, which was very low. The1 rock struck just behind the ear, stunning the animal. A rail finished the work.; " o j The Coujtty Commissioners met last Monday, with the full board present. A petition was presented to enlarge School District No. 27, (Salisbury), which after some consultation, was deferred til next meeting: as was also a petition for a new public road to run from Wni. B Kinttz's to Uuion Church. Ordered that $3 of the poor fund be placed iu the hands of P. A. Sloop, Esq lor the beueSt of Wni. Leflur, a helpless paralytic f also that $1 per mouth be pail G. W. Hill for the benefit of Albeit All man, and that $2.50 per month be paid to Margaret Eller. Ordered that J. N. Plaster be allowed $2 for a coffin furnished for a pauper. A petition from the Trustees of Enoch villo Graded School, asking for an appro priation from the public school fund, al lotted to their district, be given them for the benelit of those who desire to sent their children -to said school. -RM'erred to School Committee of that district. Ordered by the Board, that deputy Kheriti' G, A-. Klutts, proceed to collect th insolvent taxes lor. tue years J870477-7P 'r -79 and ''dl, and that he be allowed, iu uUlition to regular coiumissious, one third of all ot suid taxes he inaybe able to Collect. ! The report of the Superintendent of Public Schools was read aud approved. Several county claims were passed up on and the board adjourned, . j There was a slight underrating in the itatemcntof Mr. S. C. Lowrance's wheat crop of this year. He sowed 45 bushels on 45 teres, and harvested J 1,325 .bushels, which is 29J to the acre. We venture to "J that this has not been excelled by any wrra m the State. When Mr. L. took the farm on which' this fine result was obtained, tuortly after the -surrender, it would not yield an average of five bushels to the acre. n? m" - - - ignt acres of the 45rin one picce,j;ave -uuucis io the. acre. Mr: L. exijects to : bring up his whole farm, in tbe course of ; Mme, to eual or excel these eight! acres process is simple, consisting chitflr in : the thorough' preparation of the soil before patting io the seed. ! There has been an applicant at this office, worthy man, to keep a w ork mule over for tlie use of.it, to be returned to the ojrner in the spring without charge or "Fcnso to htm. : 1 ? - ttere is an opportunity for the man re; ported by the Charlotte Oluner, who, in Vli.ta.1-...... '.!!. 01 l,)e f,u'ure of crops, talked of fnoaing his stock in the head, to save one awlc at least. By the way, an intelligence ,-in our towns for the arrangement of ucn fcases, would be a good institution, "piqaHj at a lime of common. WCb as the present: : Manning, well known by the press of the State aud too well known by ill tin. I.. - - . . --v.auieseastot the ltcky Mountains, Z .7 VW&a as the Pierre Editor of Pakota Advocate, Loan nod Immi- vuou CorresiMiideut, Ajp-ut tor "Hrdt Une of Stean.iM s, &c, Air. ; M:iu Pierre and vvritea up tU? fashioua aud w i.-li him ml lurk iu anxiety the He T yte i West. I.: MINING XNTfcL LIOENCE. T. 'B RUST ES, MA5AGEK. New YonK, Sept. 6th, 1331. T. K. Bruuer, Mining Editor Wtilckman. Dear Sirs ' Can you rive me anv Information iu re gard to the Adams Mininir and Reduc tion Company Hope to see an answer in jrour next. ' Subscribe. The Adams Reduction Werks are not in operation. There was no formal announcement of their suspension. . The exciteweat baa died down. They lave splendid baildings and machinery stand ing idle. Southern Belle. Mr. Wm. Floyd, Superintendent, re turned last Saturday from a weeks sojourn in Boston. On Monday morning he started the pump and hoist. They are down 55 feet in working shaft going down in a solid talcky slate, and expect to cut vein at 125 feet. They use a ti inch Cornish pump and hoist, rnn by a 20 horse power engine 25 horse boiler. A test of 500 pounds of the ore yielded an average value of $25.00, two-thirds of which was in silver. Mr. Floyd leant to the opinion that the veiua will all rnn into silver at 125 feet. This is something new for Rowan it is tbe Arst mine that has produced silrer in anything like so large aquantiy, . Carolina Queen. This is a placer deposit intersected by rich quartz veins, and is located in the Bridletown district of Burke Couuty. Mr. Floyd of the Southern Belle made an exaiuiuatiou of the property, and the stockholders of the Southern Belle are also mostly interest in the Carolina Queen. The company is a new organiza tion, formed in Boston a short time since They are delighted with the prospect. is DOES NOT MENTION THE-. PAP.T TIT AT tas just retured, from the North wher he' ksa been laying la his FALL AND WINTER STOCK. He is now prepared to sell cheaper than ever before. He buys in large quantities and U confident that he can sell cheaper thai i anyone else in town. HisBewHoeoffaUaad winter OVERCOATS, embracing 500 varieties and styles is now ready for examination. Prices ranging from $2.56 UP. i He has tbe most complete line of busiaeu and dress salts ever brosght to tais market. All the latest cut and will be sold cheap as prices, have - -j been cot short by the drought. - xto:x- WINTER BOOTS and SHOES ! ! Jusfarrived from the factories large assortment. LADIES AND GENTS' PINE SHOES ! GREAT VARIETY OP STRAW HATS AT COST. IS' The friends of Lieut. Henry R. Lemly, U S. A., now in charge of the Military Academy, at Bogota, United States of Columbia, S. A., will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted to a . Colonel in the Columbian army and Director Geueral of the Military Academy. Salem Press. Washington Despatcn to Baltimore Sun. North Carolina Politics. Washing ton, August, 31. Prominent politicians of both parties from North Carolina, who are in town to-day, expresses the opinion that the prohibitory liquor question, which has receutlybeen the -cause of so ranch excitement iu that State, will have no ap preciable influence upon the future of politics in the State. Leading members of both parties were on one side or tlie other of this question, but now! that it has been settled, they will return to their party allegiance, Next year the general electiou will take place, aud there is no doubt that the Democrats wEias usual sweep the State, aud have reliable ma jority in the Legislature, DUNN'S MOUNTAIN MINE. IUPEOVEMENT3 AND DEVELOPS EKT8. Since last reported in this paper, there has been great improvement in buildings as well as underground. A large resi denec for the underground captain, 40x40 two stories, with L 30x15, stauds just be tween the old and new works. Opposite this is located the new office, 25x20 ; store room, 35x20 and supply room 20x20, ul under one roof. This building is wel located, aud conveniently arranged. They have up several miner1 cabins very nice, comfortable- buildings. There are thirteen more of tliem to go up ; which will give accommodation to nil the resi dent miners. The new mill-house finished with battery complete, ready for work, excepting engine and boiler, which have leen ordered. An aecidentbreaking of pump, occur red several week aro, civinc a lot of trouble mid allowing the mine to till with wafer. This has all been cleared and th mine is now in fine condition. The main shaft, 14x8, is the best piece of work in this section it is a model tuuiere(l Willi luxiu sawed oaK log. fliey Hie down UX) feet, and from this mint lutve started a cross cut 60 feet in. At 50 feet more will cut vein. In this cut mining cars will run. This is arrang ed so that the ore is taken from the vein and dumped at the mill with the siugle handling. The grading of the road bed is finished and the ties and iron is being placed. They have all in all, about 7000 tons of ore in sight 5000 tons ou the damp and 2000 in the mine. This is esti mated to yield from $4.50 to $5.50 per ton. The ouly impediment to the run ning of the mine is the engine and boiler for the mill house. As soon as this ar rives the battery will be set going. At present only ten stamps will be used though the bnildiug is arranged to ac commodate as mauy more.' Last month there appeared on the pay roll, 72 names. This number was dimin ished for this month. The mine aud grounds are in fiue coudition- -wearing a look of substantiality which is flattering to the mining interests of the section. The Superintendent, Mr. L. Bertram Cady, who it will bo remembered, is a graduate of the Columbia School of Mines, deserves much praiso for the very able manner in which he has conducted the work, I always keep on hand a full and complete stock of 1 ! 1! M MM M. 6001)$ ! Such as SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS, GUFFS, CRAVATS, &C. j Also TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, VALICES, UM BRELLAS, SOLE LEATHER AND i FINE CALF SKINS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WHOLESALING. I am offering genuine bargains and respectfully ask a trial. I am satisfied I can sell goods lower than any house in Salisbury, as I sell strictly for cash. 1ST HOTTO IS "SHOUT PROFITS A2TD QUIOS SALBS.' Try and see if you don't find goods cheap at the ONE PICE, CASH STORE. M. S. BROWN. Ill UIJU lite ' Has purchased his Stock of Qeeds for the Fall, which U sow coming in, coatprittog DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, &c. i The Largest and Finest Line of CLOI 7 N 6 ever in Salisbury. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS," DRAWERS, HOSE, Free Ballots and Full Gullets. A North Carolina negro walked tip to the polls aud deposited a straight Republi- cau tree rum ballot, aud then sat down to the following feast : 1 quarters mutton, Id biscuits, I pound candy, 2 half-grown chickens, 5 herrings, ! loaf of corn bread aud a piece of shout supposed p weigh about 1 pound, drank 3 quarts of water, and said he hadn't eat half enough. He then went up to another table aiid called for a 25 cent snack. People like Bill Chaudlcr. who iiisietthat the colored man iu a Southern Pemocratic coummu nity isu't having a fair showr will jdease cut out this and paste it in their hats. Boston Post. A homely giil has the consolation that when old aec comes she will haVe less to lose than she who was prettiest. A Grand Reputation Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has reached a reputation that is not lim ited by the cou tines of section or1 country. There are no injurious snbstauces, nor false and temporary stimulants in the preparation, it is purely vegetable, and coinoouuded uuder a formula that has passed severe tests, aud won endorse ments from some of the highest medical talent iu the conutry. -AJ TV IForW. Mining- Future Prospects. The mining interests of North Carolina have suffered more severely from specu lation than from any other known cause. There are a class of men, who may with propriety be termed "niiuiug hyenas,' going from place to place hooding miner al lands for speculation. This practice is ruinous to the best interests of not only the laud holder, but the purchaser, Ex tensive aud valuable tracts of mineral lands have been bought at farm land pi ices and organized into companies at an ndvauee so great as to load down what otherwise would have been a good pay ing-enterprise, if honorably conducted. Mauy North Carolina mines might to-day be iu operation and producing reasonable dividends if the speculator had been con tent with, reasonable returns. But not so. Each sale must bring a fortune! By reason of this, Northern and English mar kets are filed with circulars baits got ten up in the most approved style, signed and couutersigned by bogus mining ex perts, asking for investments at figures too startliu for even Muuchauseu to handle. Uu tue other iiauu, some good men have gone to work prudently, advancing slowly, overcoming difficulties as they come to them, until now they are estab lished. They make but little fuss, but by steady, legitimate work have gained position. It is this class ot men, nnu they alone, who give toue and strength to mining in any section. Aa regards our mineral interests, North Carolina has seen her darkest days aud her future is assured. I Her prosperity will come slowly for a j while, but the more surely by reasou of the experience of past years. We have gold, silver, copper, lead, iron aud mica in vast quantities ; but to extract these from their native places is a business, laborious and expensive, and not a lot of figures aud maps. It is work, honest hard work, directed by cultivated braiu force that is needed no other plau can succeed. Those who look on niiuiug u any other light will j fiud themselves badly mistakeu. Meu who are not afraid to take hold of pick, when occasion re quires, are the men who will make min- ng a success. Rowan County at Atlanta. BKIXO IN SPECIMENS. The fact that the counties surrounding us are busily engaged iu preparing ' arti cles for exhibition at the Atlanta Exposi tion and the further fact that uo one seemed to care whether! this county was represented iu either her agricultural or mineral resources j prompted a move ment on the part of several young men to have a fair collection of our resources made and sent to Atlanta. To defray the expense incurred iu making the collection aud labeling the articles a paper was presented to ' our citizens asking for cou tiibutious. This met with such poor sue cess (only $25 or $30) that a thorough canvass was not made. Any further con- tribniious. may be given; to Mr. J. Si Mc Cubbius, Jr., Conutv Treasurer, at Jones McCubbins & Co's. store. The money thus obtained will be spent in gathering, labeliug, boxing and carting the articles for exhibit. j ALL ARTICLES FOR EXHIBITION will be brought to Salisbury aud stored iu the room beneath the Watchmaw Omen, where they will be properly packed and labeled. It is desirous to have at least 25 pounds of good ore from KVERX UIXE IN TITE COtTXTT, and Superintendents ro earnestly re quested to select and bring said ores to town, or notify Mr. McCnbbius that it can be gotteu wheu sent for, All speci mens of Cotton, Corn Oats, Rye, Eice, aud tobacco will be delivered at the same place they will bb properly labeled and shipped. Give this matter your earnest attention. " BLACK-DRAUGHT " and Sick-Headache. cures coativenets At Theo. F. Klutix's. BUSINESS LOCALS Marvin's fifteenth wife has beeu heard from, and the supposition is that lots more are in "reserve. The letters reach ing the Richmond authorities ' in refer ence to his matrimonial operations are numerous. Char. Observer, GRAIN DRILLS I A car load of Grain Drills in store. Will be sold at rry short profit. R. R. Cravtfokd & Co. FRESH GRAPES Daily received at Busbbadu'. "LIFE INSURANCE" MADE CHEAP. Table Showing Actual Cost to Members of 54,000 Insurance for One Year March 1, 1879, to March 1, 1880) First Class, aged 18 to 30 years. . .$17 00 Second " WJ " 40 M ...2125 40 " 45 "... 25 50 45 " 50 " ... 34 00 50 " 55 " ... 51 00 55 " 60 "... 68 00 J. D. MeCTeely, Ag't. Third Fourth Fifth Sixth if n sbsolutcly EVERYTHING required 1y any class or condition of customers, sad they will be marked exceedingly low for OB, Bjy&TEaEL i EXHIBIT Of the Clerk of the .Commissioners of the County of Rowan to the first Monday in September, A. D., 1881. Amounts and items audited by the Board to the members thereof: D. A. Davis, per diem, 44 7 day's extra service, G. A Bingham, per diem, 4 dsj's extra service, J. a. Fleming, per diem, a Mileage, .W. M. Kincaid, per diem, Mi fltftcr- TIME TABLE WESTERN N. C. Railroad Tikes effect Sunday, July 17, issi, at T.U. PASSXXaX TRAI1T. Mileage, D. C Raid, per diem, Mileage, H. N. Woodson, per diem, $26,00 14.00 24.00 8.00 26.00 17.00 26.00 6.50 24.00 24.00 26.00 $222.05 Distances traveled by tbe members of the Board in attending the sessions of the same : J. O. Fleming, Ml miles W.M. Kincaid, 180 " D.C.Reid, 480 Horatio N. Woodson, Clerk. August 27th, 1881. 47:4t NOTICE! JOHN F. EAGLE, -FASHIONABLE- r-rt auui JjJIi SHOE 3IAKER, Invite vonr attention to his shop, opposite Mayor's Omce. Repairing neauy ana prompi- j done. All grades of gseds made to order. 500 Bnsbois or oihxchnss Wanted at Einriss' Drco Stork. PRICE CURRENT. f Corrected by J. M. Ksox & Co. Cottok good Middlings, Middling low uo stains Bacos, county f hog round Bdttjsb Egos i CmcKEXS per dozen Corn New ' . Meal moderate demand at Wheat good demand at Flocr Potatoes, Irish Omons .Oats Beeswax Tallow Blacrbebries Apples, dried Scoar Asaivs. lxavr. STATIONS. illWs,m)Sailsbary It os a.m Third Creek 11 so Elm wood is n 8utesnn 140 Catawba Sts Newton tst "Conors, . ST Hickory 49 tcara 4 IS Morg&nton 4 44 Glenn Alpine 5 OS Brtdpewstcr 41 Marloa M Old Fort S7 7.07 a.m Oeary i 77 BlTcMounUln 14 Cooper's s ti law&ao&no M Asaerlll Ju'ct tee Asaerllle 4 French Broad Atarrs. ixtva 4WS.BSi IU OS 49 141 114 I11S 11 SIMS II 1 nets lees a M M T IT IT ST 4t IT tit 4Um. F HEIGHT TRAIS- ASUVI. LS1TB. STATIONS. AMBITS. LS4T. I eo a.m. Salisbury I ee r ji- M A M. a 8T 57 11 1012i $2.00 85 90 10031.15 400(425 50 50 ltti 2021 5 46 For tie Fall Trade ! Jutl ArriTedt 200 pieces Dark Prints, 10 bales Dsrk Alsmanee PJaids, 30 pieces Salem Jesnes, 50 piecesNorthern Jesnes, 20 pieces New Fall Dress Goods. 50 esses Boots and Shoes, 40 bags Coffee, 3 Car Loads Salt, 1 Car Load Cotton Ties. Larie Lot of Wm to Me. Many Other Goods arriving daily, all of which we offer at Short Profits 1 We especially ask Country Merchants to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. ETo one and all we iay,Ca and see us lef ore you Miy. With thanks for yeur past patronage, we hope to merit your continued fsvon. Respectfully, J. F. ROSS 00 A.K.1 S3 M TfrS M ie 41 : .SIS 14 44 HBO it n AOf.: le ill 141 IN so 4 te r.M iTnlrd Creek :Klmwood :StatesTlue Catawtw iNewtoa Conoyer I Hickory S4T If 141 : 114 ;iits :ltee 11 n AM Icard Morz&ston ! 44 lOlen Alpine 1 44 ;Bridewatr 1 44 i Marion T 41 fOld Fort 13 Henry 1 1 64 ;bu Monntala; ej 94 r.M. Cooper i 4 41 ARheTiileJnX: iAshevUle : French Broedi N A.M. 4 44A.Mi terrains ran dauy, Sundays excepted. A. B. ANDREWS. 0a. tsys. DEVON BULL. 4 I have a nne De. on stock animal tor pubiser rice at modrate rates. Apply to sallstmry w ATWILV tnumwi T. F. Totnro. A. M. Tomro, Ed. Otkrkajt, Aug. 29, 1881. W. W.Qaxxs. SALE OF II. C. R. R. STOCK. On Saturday, the Id day ot September, at ll o'clock, in Salisbury, at the Court House Door, 1 will sell for cash elfciu shares of N. C. B. R. Stock fire shares as administrator de bonis non of Samnl Turner, and three aharea as Aarem of i oha M Heathman. . . . Jaly nth. 1S. A.M Bici.Admr. 42:4t Rowan County-la Lke SiigricrCort 8. Tonnts and John A. You its. Partners under the nsme of S. Younti it Sob, against Andy Bailes. The above named defendant, Andy Bailes, is hereby notified to be and appear before tbe Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Hear an, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 9th Monday after tbe 4th Monday of Sep tember, 1881, and answer the complaint which has been depoaited in tbe erace of the Clerk of the Superior Court efssid County, and let the tsid defendant tsks no tice that if he fail to answer the said com plaint during the term, the plaintiffs will apply to the-Coart for the relief demanded in the complaint. And the said defendant is farther neti fied that a warrant of attachment has been issued and levied upon his interest ia two hundred ana fifty seres of land, in Li taker Township, .adjoining the-lands-of Caleb Yost sni others, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tbe claim of tbe piamtins, tne saia o. x omits es Don, gatc.it him, to wit : Tbe sum of eight hundred and twenty-seven 77-100 dollars, wltk in terest at eight per cent on $657.7 1 from May and accounts ; that said werraalof attarb mentis made; returnable at a tern of said Court held on the 9th Monday after the 4tb Monday of March 1881, and then con tinued, and to be beard af a term of said Court to be , held at the Court Bouse in Salisbury on the 9th after tan 4th Monc'ey ia September, 1881. ; This 5th day of August, 1881. J.31. noBAn, Otrlr SniuA, fnt T7.wi. 43:6f $10

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