- f ; Katl. tout TrHtUftil, Wlfcit are we g:r'i V- - .-- . . , toilet?' iXu w-iKHtlii' qiiesrim. -f a beautiful ri..mao!Jf: filc-re tliVre are, cui.lid tte4 tins Mmy-AvVwiun 4jii ibe-best wx-ielv -f pur trity, over two hundred 'a ii J liOy .marriageable girls, many of jiieo) big!t!y-accni;i!We(l ami, at ivif:fivn woiiien. iJttt'u u r-race anv wisUiou j-aud in all U.climonu we jiave not a dozen mjlly eligible men. We have Wt of beaux, but no rw tiective husbandi. Our slifets fiwarin with jleaant' young felloui, who do for escort, danoinjjartners ai:d flir tation" iwateria but vye hava absolute- ' ' .... .-.... r jack edncation, iiitlq.fciKlence, pur tHiseevervthintr that is necessary to future for them, ami rise, apparently- none for us but to iorm an "old maid brigade and start ou a cru- f ICV --.-- - - ' k:u1g to Koine oTthe far WVsteni Ter ritories where s erliug men arc plenty and women arp scarce. They do not go enj -jading to the West and to day t!ie lamentations of the Virginia be'ile liud. full justilica t'loai ia the fact tht Jiiclimond ;is lit erally overrun wiili those most esti Tiiable, I utcldoni enyied or envia ble noltiwna.of the divine economy- Ivnofrn-rnril nu.id.- Every bair-room and parlor wall is richly tapestried W'ith thgse slightly faded flowers. IJut Richmond is not.alone in this jlelurious misery. The .s:o complaint goes up from every citi in the land. The Wpht sundTj to the East a gentle pioanboT sym path etia woe. . Plenty ol, glrlsjovely'iis the sun shone oi, but panicky;IacU of dcsiriiUle youn Thus, sooke a clever and accom plished, yoting lady not long ago to a " journalist : -"You mockingly criticise us for en pouragiug the attentions of vyhat jou pqntcmptubuoly style 'whippcr-snap-perf 'snips' uTA 'callow goslings,' but fiow can we help it? There ariven ty vt- U'sc Utile fellows in society whet tthera is one reallyAlesirable. man; ainHf it were not for them we would njiss mauv an entertaiutnent that we want to attend; tnaliy air ppcra and plaj'ioa.ny a set iiiiUan tmig, that ye rivvf enjoy.1- But ; for these very pimiQ., Avith their three-hair-power moustaches, that you speak pf so scornfully,, every -girl would be left at home 'half .the times she now gets out, and would be a iill-flower hurB than half the time when she inaiajrd to inveigle her futheir or - brother into escorting her to parties and reception. 1 on find me plenty pf those cultivated, aspiring men with a future you talk about, nud I'll find . you plenty of girls capable of ,.apprc- piatjn- tUetii a.id ready to drop,aU their retiuue of 'snips' lor t-heprat any . tinitr Brinc: on your 'real men.' Trot out j our much talked of thorough breds." - JShe .was only-a debutante, but she nonplused him. Tell.over all the niascnlitie hearls of your society rosa ry j take uti inventory of your, male acquaintances in what is eitilctl "good I society,' ami you will. have to admit that tins vehement young-girl indict meal is a "trqe bill." All over the pouutry ft man fatniuo prevails. - 5Ve:have ho.ts of society fellows swells, gidi boys but they are hardly tlie husband material a sensi ble womair woultj select. Many of them aro kind hearted, agreeable lit tlg creatures, disposed to do all in aherripower to earn the gratitude of thp g'Is, to whose enjoyment they contribute themselves and allthey hsve aqij are. But a considerable - proportion of them are fi-caks of na- . - pore, only to be accounted for when the creatioa of mosquitoes, fleas, mumps and measles is explained. Their. are as much alike, find them Where you will, as so many peas. T!c?9 is not originality enough in jfjetn, for the tailors they patronize, tv get up sufficient difierence to be rueoguized tinder a microscope. They timate men only by their clothes ;-nd their money. And yet they are 't'l inipQftant factors of our best soci ;:y. jo weddiug cerennony is com i'tewiihout some of them as ushers H4'oMcken saljJ, aunihilatorsj no Wall qr receptiou is perfect without a numerous sprjrjkling of them t'o'flour li their shining heels, only less light ;?J their heads," to the. witching . 'fUttis ot music; without iheni our 'fcitja would be stav-at-homes. 'ami Valfrflowers, would flourish tbicker ijian baclielor buttpiiii in rustip av t rresv " " ;.-V'Whaf is to be done? Whcrb is the SC Qur ,lillcKeuth century pro Vircs3 ju art ami science, if an improv - (.-d article of society man cannot ho. in. yented aiid manufactured hi g'reat abundance? What is the o-ood of nil pu$ electrie light, our telephones and phonographs, if tfur uirls have to mnr- iy nobodies, or go husbandless to join tne cver-swel 1 ing army of the w i ther- wd spinster martyrs? Ex. ;Port3 fron; Forfoll; state that fires haye broken out'm the Dismal watnn, anil now- rage over an area Of trolye mile?. They have also an. pearcd in some of the coast counties of yior?H yarolina-CAar. Obs, Peath op Miss Amewa Millar. Yesterday, niprning 'at 2 o'clock. Miss Amelia Miller, on I 'datighter iif l)r. W. A. Miller, pastor of the First Presby teriau church of this city, flied of consumption, complicated with , - malarial fever. OiarlolleJDbs. jy uo wen to wlicmj animcHigetii, aw Litjous git0ouhl jwtSibly lh.pk of tvine herself aii'l her fortune?. They V hy Is' It. ; AitVi.sii .Vi-.i kiimrer has ilisciivt reel" t!at'gir1s n hloyi n.arr) r;fnii-n Jelong: Tnr to their father j)fofe.i&io:i4 -U'er believe to he ffce geitoral rule. Tfie fisrnurs daiiht danghtir faucies city hie, tli. rifv o-ir a cvuritrv lite: a Sol o-irl a. cvtltttrv lite dioi's daughter affectMlie-navysail-iiir I lie a rinyr Yott Vlo not oft en fi nd that a minister's dafghter riirries a miniver, or aocfoi' doctor. y tors' daughter-, of course know bet ter than to mai-rv edstor!, and'a hptel keeper'; tfcuighlcr gciicfilly .waits a little. V JAi PIeaai)t WorVl for, the SoijtJi. While the political geutimcntalisls arc ghalxinsr their h.tlads in iningled sorrow, angtr, pity and dismay over thn Hbsfruse Southern problem, the problem hWJtifftto t6lv4tself Wlliiout lnririieip.i is pvmeni luai State Kiirlits, fierefoforc" thought by manpeople to be tlie main subject of thcii concern, they apparently ere coriteri't to leave to the North, where the little New England Common wealths may he rcliexl upon to keep up all the racket that is needed lor their defence. , In ho part of the Union are the citizens more complete ly engrossed with practical consider ations than at the South In entcr- ers arc actually tcaHiing Us atf the .orth a lesson. . t i j, Instead of being uncrownicd by the abojflton of slavery Iing Cotton t stronger and more imperial now than ever. .Not only has tlie producuon of this staple largely increased since the war. but its m ami Picture where it is. raided jsjboconiing general 1 recog-;, nized as a source of wealth. XJotton is no loi.ger only ah agriculture In terest at the South, j Cotton mil Is are going up in cvery; direction hard by the fields where it is grown, and the profits arc found to bo so far a! most without exception much larger than the profits of Northern factories. The average a'tnWai lUvrieftdspf.thi priu- on 800,000 invested in cotton i'acto-1 i ii .' .i i i nes, and since that ttme tha capital i ii r ! i r. Iii'nli fit iiirliivfru lh."" I been mure than doubled. 'Snme ruHlsl are reported as sliowin-v 40 per cent, i c . t L v . yearly profit. Large inanutaetunn - companies nave ueen i orsranizeu tfirotirhout the South from Virginia to lexas, ana tne proswemrem ine highest degree ecvi raging The leading advantage in etlon manufaeturp at the South is in getting cotton cheap. The' cost of getting a )ale cf cotton fromi the field in the South to the mill in the North is said to be $7 per bate, equal to 13 per ct., which is 2 per ceni. more than the annual averagcdividend paid by 40 of the principle mills in Nw England. lhp cost of living is less South than iNortli. In some of the States manti- acturing enterprises are specially ex empted from taxation. Water power 7$ abundant and cheap, and steam power is also cheap owing to the m- xhaustible deposits of native coal. J he new industrial; departure of the South promises to reach important re sults in the near futureThe section is Manifestly destined! to be one of the strongest bulwarks; of tlieUuion, not only in sincere and sturdy loyalty to the constitution and the laws but in the thrift and prosperity of its citizens and in its contributions to the nation al wealth. Pliila. Record. ': Grapes Grown in Bagrs, Our comitvman. Cant. A. B. Thrash, has been experimenting the past two years growing grapes in pa pear bags. . When) the youtiffVranes arc about as largej a3 buckshot, he slips a little paper bag over each bunch, and lets it; remain. He has found them invariably to mature" far better than those left exposed, and says he can keep them longer. They arc larger, cleaner and lreer from in sect troubles, and Will rcadilj sell for ten cents a pound when others scarce ly sell ior hve.-Having tried the plan most succcssaiHyjfViT two years,, he proposes iiereatterlto use it altogether- Last fall MrsTVcnt off some btrnclie m the bags, hunir them un. and at Christmas had some of the best nhd juciest drjed grapes she, ever saw. Capt. Thrasdi is die of bur best fann ers and fruit gjrowers. Asheville Uttizen. . The Printers' Circular gets ofT the following: "He ias a' printer and he went into a millinery store' to buy a breakfast cap for h is sister. He stated his want aud thjeu fell to omsinjr. What kind of a (dp, would you wish?" queried the loveljf young lamale that waited upon hiru.l He roused himself troni ins revprif ami auswered : "Nonpareil full faced " italiu cap." a year in lirintins She had served office and she tu lubled. SO tn inon!- "Minion !" she bclairaed, I know better you want something primer' Then he smiled and said he would fettle jcap I 6aiid take, an M brace : whereupon she lnshed andittsh would have to prove him first; after which she would have no olnectfbu to his locking her form in his M.-i--. 4 "is finished the business. No. cards the Southern jeo)Ic ) are not now, to any grea t exTe n ?orry idg themselves about tolitics. f Thelchauipionship of prise, industry, business S3gacitV, and Uvuitoms ol'dweae .s a luary;! to medical mei. the thrift boiil of changed social atld of all .el)ool. For nervous persons uiid lna , j... fi o i I ties, one or more ammed to the some uroUue- cconoruical'coulitions, the- boutl ern-l!. . ,u ' t,vt11 hvdra.eur chloral. Cipai Tunis at Hie OUUUI aryjsnuwii vy i;ieooatr9 lmpcrtTjuiun: u u.e vr, juuv wuhh careful ly?lrfparca slktlsticsUb be22i envelop the person in a vIoal of thin vapor, l Jt i JhJ- r throuL'h winch ccntugum cannot pencil ale. in pertfcentiA UiViUepd otper cent. factf AUcwk's Platers supply a tr0WIdivrc was declared at AllilSta, G;J.. ID 1879, like that from b dsun or pitie wood, and no i Drkcrviifs' Hii-k' aro Jil'a.v appreci- utVit. 'V'mi xce;itimal clanlinesxf Par- Saiir ;ue iiii;i)j4lte with its DCCHf'ionid A white Momnn jonng or iauWle ngtd to t!o tl.e work of a small family in the country. Ko tirld work n quired. Apply at the Watchman ilite. 41 FOR SALE, r llnairi as tlie Ero-isijur or Gray Place. This Property, located in the limits oi Salisburv, 'coarains SJdi - acres, a- never failing well of pare water, all needed out buildings, and i : FIRST-CLASS EESIDP3NCE. Thi.-s property must be sold, therefore a Goad Harjaia for the ready money, or to aiv one paving lialf cash with deterred fpayinent lor the balance. J. M. GHAT, Attorney Aj.LaT?, . Hulislury, Y. C. N. 15. Any one having a desirable resi dence to sirli, within tour squares of the Sali'sbnry Court House, may find a punha scr bvi?ppijiPg to - J. M. -Gray, 46f t '.' ' " ALLGOCS'S POROUS PLASTER A Curative Host in Itself. Thirty yearV experience., has- Grmly rootcu Alhck"i"i'oroij.s riaiBlccin oubbu esiinialicu. Their wonderful adaplahHity to the varioui. had been of little servire. Now, when one tan toot sleep, its id the common practice lo appn a Plaster to the hack. You isca reel y touch tin pillow beiote you are rouiiu asleep. Alloocks Porous Plasters have (he curalive fl'ei-i ot the Spanish flv blisters, vet make no Bore, and never atfeel the kidney : are convmi eul for all aes and condition, usually .only provlu'.ing a "blu,h" on the skin, and more cer tainly curative than liniments or blister, and wjthoat prostration or pain ot Uie latter. Tkia w triie'eveii hi Cruuu, Quinsr, Pleurisy Lung and Thn:U AltVctions, and the utiiity i-l this sanitaTv inrenlion has been fannly wei-- comecl. They re largely sold in every pai l of the wcrld, and it is believed tlial not lew thai five hundred ihoupand persons arc well, and attending tti the dntus of lile, free hum pain whuhavuan Alleoek's Porous Plaster some whereabout them, and who, but for the ssid plaster, would be prostrate upon a bed of ago nv. Besides, a nczniinr p'avj, plavnnl odor, hnlo, or iUinr,."piicre exhales from them by the vxtrmth of doubt attract ozone. Wheat cias diseases are uloul, they sh h&4or MPfinxKtitei U7ii contagious or infest- ould bt worn on the THE ALLOCGK'S POROUS oolhos p.iin, roan:;:atcs torpid iinibn, seeing 'in many caei, to revive tlie power.1 ct life. , Th e Kriat t;e,;j ;rill pves them to i,e u.ed a- i t n - i ! I MM. I' . . a universal rv-mcuv. i ui-v are eoiiveimin 01 ap plication, and safe for all, being incapable ol' 1 riV V'aneAi. nr. Johnson. of Han. prodncipg any my.it ions etlcct. Jforii, and Dr. Myr,oft5avant,ah,havei.ix.keu of them in the highest termj. The great Mott said: "rhey'TTere all that conld be hoped for in a plaster simple, cleanly &nd adhesive; perfect as artificial supporters of the mn-clcK ; and for p;-ins, beeaune of their counter-irritant qiialilie?, uwally at once "iving ease." Local weaknees of the back, biehi-l and nide, alwayH benetited, thnis curing lumbago in a lew honr., sometime In a few luinute. In S"e116ti heart and 'chest afl'ections " tLeir use cnnw an aS.xorption or evaporation of wa ter, by which dropsy of the heart and hydro thorax have undoubtedly been cured. They appear to have a peculiar effect upon the nervous, allaying irriuibiiily while (supply ing warmth. They seeni ta Hccmulate elec tricity, and aid the circulation' of the blood through the part wht-re applied, by which healthy notion are induced. Thj3 Porous Plasters are flexible, and found of great help to those who have weak backs or paina in the side, imperially are they val uable to IJioje wljo have neglected colds, ihey are often preventives of consumption t nav, Jjiey are believed to have loosened the grasp of this terrible alII:ction, ai;t .i.tU been mainly instrumental in cfTect ing n cnie. In variable ciimatea they should be worn on the breast, or betwejfrrthe. Blionldersi, or over the kidneys hy those who. are subject to take cold easily. This simple plan w ill soon produce constitutional vigor that will enable one to resist extraordi nary changes of temperature. Experience has proved the Porous Plaster to be a blessing to the consumptively inclineT, invariably produc ing the most remarkable abatement of the worst symptouip. Principal Agency, 294 Canal Street, Hew YorkICity;Jand forfcSale by all Druggfjt,.. - 20Iy -pd. Tie yjffl Mm Cotton Gin - . . : AKO - v . KING COTTON PRESS. Tlie best glnnln? outnt In tne world. Cotton ginned on this gin commands a liighcr price tiian that glnnod on any other. f - Camions &, 'ktzeb. Concord, N. C. Agcntafor Kowan, Stanly and Cabarrus Co'a. For Circulars. c, call on fJ. S.Brown, Salisbury. Come to the Front j BOOT, SHOE & GAITER MAKER, : MAIN STREET, , OPPOSITE ENNI&j' DRUG 3TOUK. All Work Strictly First Class Having had sixteen rears experience in the businew, Iaro irerared l0 PLEA.B2 the niot futidiooii. ? r T For.; ij EASE.AKD ELECAHGE OF FIT 4... WiVfrbrk can not be excelled - Sr-' BOuAU material of ibe best and finest gmde. tCB.AH work done in tho latest stjrlei and iHMiin.ig , j(tea& S5n0 9;k a Spetiaity. Ready-made work 'of the best qnalitv wax h hand for wle. Attention jriven tot'ANCY WORK arid Champion Box Toe Work. Repairing Natlj and Promptly done at ruode?al priceR. .Satifaction ftnarao teed or no charge.a Orders bj mail promptly llt d. 43:iy yM, A. EACLE. vm i j fesrGbocs "j trade! mJMs M-rLl For!$lS.OO ft Farmer caa tray a fbrmula (6201b) of PCWEMS PREPARED CU2i3IICAlfl tbr WHEAT. iennJLxed at home, makes ONE TON of SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE,whicU is equal in planMifb and as certain of successful crop production as many of tho high-priced Phosphates. No trouble to mix no extra expense. l"ull direction. i c Powell's Chemical lxav been thoroughly tried, giro unlTcnal satisXacUon, and wt offer leadlne fiurmers In erery state as reference. Send for Pamphlet. BlTVVAXtE OF IMITATIONS. BROWN CHEMICAIj X) Baltimore, 9Idn Sole Proprietors, f Powell's Tip-Top Bono Fertiliser, rprice only t30 a ton net cash. MAJrCTACTnaXEJ 07 ruro Bone Meal, iruro .and all blgh-grado Fertilizing Materials. i ORQVJNIS m ES?vl A TRUE , I A PERFECT ST???SG57HNR.A SURE REViVB; IKON J-i i T"I'2jri:3 p ' - l.:gli!y a c;.aln au-.i tSiei.-nt ttltJti; .s 'coal ly . inTijws(rt, Itypejma, ;erinittJ.t Fw.i.;, Want i .'.-, La-n lSlrcujLad:of Kua-gyxL;. Eurklu.s ths LIockI, sin:it::3:c:isi:ic i :;.-. i' -,;:a J ; .iv:-s new liT- t- the cerves. Tiicv :tL hkeac!isi j:i on tiw d:?-.-;!; c.r rrinovi;: all cypeiAi; .''ttrpUr.r, sticli a? Ttetlvtj ihe Food, 1 i:dM i:k !!. l ii t -.'. .:;ia-.Itn',rr,'!. Thcoalyirmi IretnUT,tion 1 that viil net l ' u v!: ioctTi or f;ive Isrp.CiiivIi'". .joM by ail 1m:-'. ,: -i f r A r.('iH.C2 pp. cf n-f:d and -LTu 'r.T rcad J3i:oWN CIIETalOAlL. CO., BaKlnwrc, 2Id. 6-e tiit ill Ir.'a Eitt jfaare csro 1-y Bbott:: OirEMro vl. Ca. -il h-vocroBsed rid liiatrikvnpiier. x:vaui: or imitations. JSsfsoBaBBRDCKHlfjrasMBSaOs4aBlafiss Pli. SPI ggglS gsSvy ggfey x'S TUi BEST PAPEH! jr?V IT. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTEATED. i The SciNTFio A-ltilCANT is a laige First- j Clas Weekly; iS'viUpaper of vSixlteii pi, j piiuleti in tiiu linost beautiful Ktvije, profusely j illustrated ivilh hdendid engravings, reprt'fet:tiii : llie newest i'lvieiitioiis and ll.e:i;si ri-rent Ad ! va lice in me an. suitnitp; i:.viuoit new and interesting f'.-c-i in As ie;ii;:;i c, Iloiticnl lure, the i ici;e, :i altif, '! ii ai t:ro rc.-'i. Sc eial Hci i..v, jSatnuii tronoim. i'ii'- ;in;.-i v i!(;rv , oiojy, A iiif i isiiica; papers bv en!ii:i t wfiit;;- in ail t:,-p::rtir.tnis of mi euce, wul ; fi nvd in theScientiiie Alu mcm Term--, L'U per yeur, $l.t'ii' S.-aif e.ir. which iu.rl-itv-b ('o-;.iue. Ii-c.s ;.t- u. A ii'..-. dealeis. llci'pil !y.po.-wti order :o .iMic. Co., pubiislitrs, 37 Park How, 2.-i- Yoik. A.'X'SIi Iu roinictliciri with the SciKMiut A:::i;!:ii'AX, Mcrn. Mt.nu ci Co. are Solicitors ot Ainfiiran and Foreign 1'at-ent- have had 3o years experience, and low bare ihe'lareft estaidishiiK-iit in the world. Patent" are obtained on (lit best terms. A spe cial notice is made in the Scientific. Ar.iv:ici:n of all inventions patented through this agency, with name and residence of the paiet.u-e. Any person who has made a new discovery or invcnliuiii cun ascertain, j'red of ch-irge whether a patent can probably bo obtained, by writinu t Xl'ion c t'o. We a!i:o semi i'lee our Hand lV.-k aho U tho patent l:i.vs, patents, j caveats, i r.-d-iuarks their eo-is. Low pro- j cured, with hint for procuring a ivimcesoi; in- j vent Inns. yviirehs ior uie paper, n roue rn- ing patents. MUNN & CO. 37 Bark Row, Trancli Office, cor. V & 7th St. W asliit)- on, U. t. A TTTIW "KIND 0? WATC1H CASE. New b-cauSolti3 only with! a the last rcw years hat it imJjeea l:nriiv-o.l an i Liouat v.itliiu the ach of every one; oirt la p "ii ryoso-se me . st Invention ira wade and tae iy.r.t patent taUen it Dearly twenty y:ir& ago, aa-J l cas.-ri inaSe -a ; at time anc l v.o M tr s uxe . are npar M ; new. Reai5 the lollowtug w Inch paly one of ; any lum4nds, jour jewelers can tell of similar j . Man-shield, Pa., May 23, 1673. I I have a eustTTiCr who has eirrled ons of Ross', itentca-ses fifteen yrrs and I Knew It tw ye.rs ifore he got It, and it now ap-ars g-ooa for ton , ars longer. Ji. K. OLXEV. 1 Remember that Jas Bos' Is tbe only patent case I 1 -. v ..-rx f c;.iirl r.ii. innn ilf.itli" a r.:l I ons insi'lo) cove .Ins every part e : posed to wear or slcht, the trreut. lvantau-e ot these i-lAtesover electro-glldlrip lrf appanT.t to every on?. Dots' is j the only patent case w ith w'uich tnere ! written waiT.iiit, ot wtlch tha foiloni. thei-e l. slvi-n a xir Is a 'Ac-A slxaili; J.J . a rw 'f-v fc .m?nrm frri"!M(iMattB-i':4J ass 1 SnetUjtyongcttba guarantee with each case Ask j our Jexeltr for lUustiatt-d caiaioguc. ; i vantage of thie good chance for niRkijjg money that are offered, generally btwerce wealthy, while those j riiu uu uui improve bucn cuuaas i eoi.un in puYt.n.T. We want uiaay men. women, boys, and plrLs to v. 01 k lor us rlyht tn their own localities. The business will pay more than fen times ordinary wages. We rurnioh an expensive outfit and all tlia.t yoa need. treo. Noonei hoenrrasresfailsto make wonrv ve- ry rapidly. Ton can devote your whole time to the work-or nTi1vi.iiri.virp Moments. Full infonnit c.n ana an that in nei-dca sent iree. -Aaaress. 51-ly Stinson SC Co., I'ortiaEd, Maine HE LIVERY STABLE We have opened a Llverr Stable on Council, be tween Main and Lee 8treetn. where we 111 be pleased to serve the public. Our turnouts are ail bright and new. and our te nia reasonable. Give us a cali. May 26,81. W- A. Mott err & ro. tf TTT1T Tl Yourselves by ntUn? money, when: niHHKiK "R LI 1 U a guMea chance h; ciltircci, thereby UlJlUJtJiH UilL.Mkl M Pli! ! alvravs kecpinsT coveity n-om yrjr 1 . IXXJJJJ. i door. Those who always tako ad-1 ranaiitcu to cure ever LoWESTPffiClS mssoirea none, r-owsn, Awmnniih TONIC SsM rccomini nud for ail liacnsca requ:rm3 Gingei Biichu, Man drake, Stillingia, and inany of the best medi cines known aro com bined in Parker Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Bost Health XStreBfta Ilcstort.r Ever used. It cures Rheumatism. Parker's Sleeplessness, & diseaess oftLa Stomach, Bowels, a f n I J-.ur.gs, uver oc iviuneya, Hair Dalsam fcit? Lur.gs, ljver & Kidneys, Sic Eoonomic&l Ilsir Tha Bai. C! ', Bitters, Ginger Essences and other Ionics, as it In.. Never falU to iBtm tha never intoxicates. 3. Hiscox yoathfnl color to gry hair. & Co., Chemists, N. Y. 7r etiryTf CUHE3 imd13est1cij, SickHcadacxe COSTlVENiSS. CU.1E3 St. - . st Appetite, Fouu Breath Low SPtniTS. ENLARGM'TO riYSP---SiA- SPLEEMOI VEGETABLE It laSOycars the oldest, and only penulne Strn pions Medicine cow In market. Prepared only by V. F.!-im;jokh ACo. 28X0-12 Qartt At. St. Louis, facresfors to M. A. Slmasons, M. I. lufttc and fl butties inU pacfcage3. fecld by all Druggist.- C5EOWS & G9WAS, Cool; v:vr-fiof all slzcr. and stjlos always on ; hand at lfnvoFi price. Jr ta!co a specialty cf tlie ; ACGRfJ COOK STC-VCS, th1 best In the wivrld, A ;:rst-cla;s htock ot 'iin ina uramte : 1 v.rr. rT?M MQ CO PP-EH SFSITHIKQ. . 1 " - w SS 1 I n HUi All Lhi.l.-. ot Iionsc.p.uol'i!-: f.nd Guttcncjrf.t'ce on s:i t notice and In the bet? jyle. v 0 ,.vt3 .or.,U!itly on h.iJ a coniTilete tork ot shet-Tln, Siieet-Iron and ueet-Coppcr. v.;:ich we ff f a cUaap Mays Mtf jr 3J lv-L l"'t-J- ju.ijj.i u, ., fl V' f f IT If I I , I M I ! It 1 f LkQi i W S g'km S lU UilG2'D3r tH2Il GVGT. Xj-jAJjg fjjj , T ; HQ Cil, Timers OU, Srona Oil, Lard Oil. Spirits Tupontxns ! be sold loiccr than ever At J2XNIS&. Presh TURNIP SEEDS 1 JUST RECEIVED ! " Orange Jell v or Golien Ball, Largo W hi tii Flat Xoifolt, ' Seven Tops, 1 White Globe, t :.i i -1.... c t ll, 1 Ui 1" lopoiiai- ww, ' White flat Dutch Strap Lt'af, AtEXNISS'. CURE! y time WITHOUT FAIL, If given in time, or tnouej refunded. n:n a rnr Tin t r tT-aa f -, Knm I S5CtS. per BOj., Cr tilee tor SOCtS. 1 ci TSWirfeC' I -i-f)iflj , Thomasville Female College, Davidson County, H. 0. The 25th annual fission bejrtna August 51. Ten Teachers. Better prepared than evr before for the best wort. Offers every aWant ace ot the most thorough and liberal course in literature, Mutlc and Art. at rates lower than any equal nchool in the State. Board and Literary Tuition from (60 to $73.50 perTcna. See Catalogue. i i0-.it, it. W. RZLNHART. Prln. ip you wish Your Walchesi and Clocks. StJwiug Macbiu.&.c. liepaired by a good, cheap and re8oniiWle workman pleape leave theru with j Meaar. Khitti a Liencl-nian, aulijuurv, Jf. Ci 45:1 y K.L.DKOWX. I j 1 - 1 CfcCijK-afH1 iwnjwi.. ii i i. ...... .-, - . Ouck Horn Bhtf (Next door btlove J. D. McKtel Store) Where will be foun d as GGtib BEEF Fill MiWi ai Prapt DeiiYery IS MY HOTTO, I vant to tuy Fat Cattle and. Sheep. L. BEAN. DWARE WHEiV YOU WAAT Ii A U D V A 11 At Low Pistires Call on the undersigned atKo 2, Grai.ii ' Rov. D A . AT WELL S.HlisbtirT .N C Jane 8 if. Coated Tie Tal)ieH. C. R. B. Tit AINS GOLSO NORTH. Date May 15, si I No. 41 j Dally No. 43 Dally No. Ai Datly Lv. Charlotte, " A-L Depot Junct -' SjiU.sbury Arr. Greensboro Lv. tireeusboio Arr. Ualctih j.v. Arr. GoWsboro Lv. Greci'sooj-'J for t.U-iiinuad Lv. Drtnvillii X. O tuvllla ' BurkStlyle ' Drak'a Br'ch ' Jetersville Arr. Tomahawjc Arr. Belle I ale Lv. Arr. Mr.nrhestor Arr. i:ich!i:oaft 4 03 AM M. O 13 A M ijr H I , M I 6 20 " - ' 4 30 " 4 11 A 5 Tio A M 8 0S AM 8i5 AM 140 P.H 1 4 ) P M 40 P-M 7 "t0 G 07 9 30 1 7 M " . 8 IX ' tor nu-h-! ia. via poly 8 25 PM 10 Ul A M (11 St i( iT A M ill 5:3 10 5S A M 12 87 P M 2 2 J P M 3 ift P M 4 or, P M 4 10 P X 4 13 P f 4 18 P M 12 01 P M 1 50 " ?..3 3 51 ' 4 1!S 4 35 " 4 38 4 4.1 " 7 2? A M tuaiss ooixa SOIT1I Date M;if 12, 'so I No. ii j Dally XO. 48 Dally No. .': Dally Lv. Richmond r.urkevlll Arr. N. Danville Lv. " Danville Arr. (iroensboro Lv. Salisbury Arr A-L Junction " Charlotte Lv. Ulehmond ' J''tersvlUe " lrakVi.rc!i " Parkwlalc l;vuvl'.lo " Benajn " irpnsbnro 10 45 P M 12 (t M i-UM Z 4 P M 00 6 05 23 7 27 9 tfi 31 11 K, ll 4". I to C Is " 8 37 10 28 " ir, A M 32 l-O A 3i 4 "41 " K .17 1 7 51 ' I i 55 " j ' V 27 " j 1 1 or " 7 us ' Sails) ury Arr. A-L Junction I.v. " A-r. Chai lotto A M is 30 Is made (rem a Simple Troptcui Leal of Hare Value, and lsa POSITIVE REMEDY for alithe diseases that cause pa Us in the lower pf-ll of the body for Torpid Uver Headaches Jaundice lii.lies4. f.r:ivt;L Solaria, u; d all diiln. ulliet of the Ktrlney, LUer. and Mrlnary Oryans. For FEMALE DISEASES Monthly .Menstruations aiddurlng Preifnancy, it has no eqe.ul. It restor; the organs tiiat -ivi.kt tuc b'.fKxl, ai;d -r.( e Is the best BLCOO Purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures B-IIGHT'S DISiASE. For DiabCU, US WAUN EK SgAFE DIABETES Cl'KK. For sale by Ijrujjelsts and Healers at fil.QQ oer bottle. Largest bttt'S In the market, 'try iu H H. WARNER ACQ. Kochectek. N. Y engage nessj re- $10 a day and upwards U easily made without .staying away IFom nouie over nis-ut. nsK Whatever. Many new workers wanted at ouce. Many are ma. Ling fortunes at the business. Indies moke as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay Xo one who is willing to work fall- to make more money every day than can be made In a week at any ordinary employment. Those who enguge at, once will and a short road to fortune. Address, H. Hallett !l Co., Portland, Maine. 5i:ty OutGt furnished free, with full Instructions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The business is so eaiy to learn, and our Instruction! aro so simple and plain that anyone can make great pro tits from the very start. No one can tall who la will ing to work. Women are as successful as men. l:oys and giiis can cam large sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dollar? In a single weex. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can en gage in this business during your spare time at great proat. You do not have to invest capital in It . We take all the risk. Those who need reartv money, should write to us at once. All furnished Tree. Ad dress, Tkcb &. Co., Augusta, Maine. 61:ly Roan Comity Ia the Saperi or Conrt. Wm. J. Best against Wm. P. Clyde, T. M. Logan, A. S. Buford, A. B. Andrews, Samuel McP. Tate and James W. Wilson. Wm. P. Clyde and T. M. Logan, of tlie above named defendants, are hercbj noti fied to bo and appcr before the Judge of our Superior Court, at n Court to be held for the County of Ilon an, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 0th Monday after the 4th Monday of September, 18S1, and answer the complaint, whjeh will be deposited in the offico of the Clerk of the 1 Superior Court of said County, within the urst mrce aays or sa:a lerrrj, na let the sajd defendants take notice that if they ftil to answer the said complaint during the term, the plaintiff will apply to the Coqrt for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This 15th d-iy of August, 1881. UM J. M. Hokah, Clerk Superior Court Rowan Co. DEVON BULL. I have a fine Dei on stock animal for publser vice at modrate rates. Applv ta uuvrT Salisbury : 9 W ATWELL HAR re0 bp a see eyRE mL f j) Outfit sent free to those who wish to in 1 known. Everything 1 ew. Capital not Vlf V nuirod. We vilMerU.si you everyihlntr. in tne most pie;is;int ana pronscie nasi 10 1 tssaar mm. A valf iM. Dificover? and New TwT m of fb Itfaiwly It ettandeil with no , -SjrV McisAc hod do not Interfere rth0wlBe Uons-rrkod f rem tlf.boe SaJ Z? - -drin f row th i-UrJS5S,5'M 1 health and Hound m-mr r--. .J, - ruud tl . .?.:,l?'-y-eti" . etc. mad thn,. Bp-.U.in, 2 beuo dormaat tor vr-r 'r.. . Jfcrin- X aient has stood tbe test la r-ry WTorTSl . port to. With btl liitleit any rrmaaentcL,- 1 is no WoiMom tbout tUU Vrnuaretioa. Tii IrtT 1 Wrr-Otefl enables s t cosiiilj l-f V ?. i KlYcr.'. Murine tb ihTeLirR5 It has tMwu ta paeral W. wo hare tho-jut?,! Modical l'ruioa 10 be (! uioct rsttoaclcSJizJ ' otseoTcreJ of teorbiflrnad ctirinc tia.," V tbl tbat weU fn-wn to b?tlaSa2a reiser- to st taan-'.anrt npoa whom Quacks n5W ' , , (iiUn over thru ieou; tbj, .!1 stop tmidloctul ,. s. "Full DISTfrmv?;"" seated, l- uUln wrappers. Full DIRECXiOvaS" Uftir.fc- win .acroi-icny EACH EOxT rostoro vicor ia tne wont H tft 'oJ wfci. irml tlmt ttu-t, I VZUZrt"!l0 t'crjtst-t sna liiiontCana Z fl for th9 Hlw f Uf. meUiT ti-r ajjcctrtl. Sold OJXl' Ou ' HARRIS REMEDY CO. KF'3. CHEKKl al reputation throiuh iit cucic of coratiir-.UdeM Treat cil Chronic C:3or-. end r r,. . ... ls&SssS YOU WOMEN V" Mir,-nn tbew!, istx-a wwu-ayttact-aj of a U.m-u that cdSu hi ric- tins for bi'-i- 4r rnnrr!i'-, Vf-'m-int-rit'.T cr-pi. PATIENTS TREATED !t miki-- ; BWTPf.Ywet t tw-b n nmli I tu. Lit Ci 4.inui itf it ai. citi 07 tirt.U 1 grmoatMlSnlr.f trm ltcplbi-rovU th.lrOJ-tN,V ; lrtu-a io-rtliii: te Ikrir d-aalai. It W lot Umm t j fcoi!riik--ti tuiri y eonfi i-iitial, ud f a-ji be xldrci mrni mi tJ tto m lnr ar:iiTru tM sotiitrrut'-i. viCK's ILHTSTRATD - FLORiL GUIDE.' For lrV31 is an El'aViL Kcok of 120 Pages,-Cnr-Cefe Ort-d Flower Plats, and 6t lllustrslous, wtih t sol ipttocs or tU-oct PloAvt rs acd Vegetables, ul ' DHocjIjus for jToA-lr.2. only ID (tuts. j0 Ent. 1 llsh or German. If you aftirwaMs orfirfi i-idlL ." VICK'S SKr.DSaretho bost In the world Ttt 1 ! riAi- firiuK will ti-ll Uow to g t aud grow iheia. i VICUit h-LOWLR A:i VKiKT.VHLL tiARDEJt ; Its P:i-rcs. 'olorod Plate:;. Sim Knyravlri-a. rorii - cfnisi'i jwpr rovtTi; fi.w) ia cng:mt olotb. Ia Certian.r Knclish. j VICK'S ILLrSTRATED MONTI5LT MAOAZDSI ' 32 1-acfes, a Colort-d Piati In cvry number and many f.ae Etipravlrurs. Tik-p $i.s a' year; Flu copies for 3.oj. sp-jctmen Nt-n.bers bentljr-M , crnLt; 3 trial coplr-s for ii cents. - Adorra-i -iA.a,s i;ochc8terx. y. TRY" THE HEYv7 TOES OESERVES THIS YEAEr : r The Largest and Best Family Paper in . the World. ' Send for StmipUrCopyFrc-Cy 8 7 . a r k 52 o v , X e w York. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ITavirr taken out letters of adminirtrt tion on the estate of .!m W. Gr'ah. dee'd, Mt. Ulla Township. I will following personal property, "i: "e mule, a lot of hogs, mo road wn2n, one eet of Blacksmith Tool? Farming Utensil, one set Carpenter's Tools, half interest l Hay Bake, &c, &c , at the late residence the doceaacd. Salcto take P-c " Fridat the 16th September, 1681. TenM Cash. - . All persons bavins claims asrnt - estate of said John W. Graham, dcc0d'?;i present them on or before the -5t. August, 1882, or this notice will be pe in bar of recovery. Those indebted to same are requested to make payment Im mediately. D. Y, BARR1EB- 'Y Aug. 25, 1881. 454tp WAKTEB-A TANKER. A thoroughly win potest Tanner, oneh understands Chemical Process T"" can obtain a good situation by apply" naving qualified as Execufdri ' beth P.Craigo, deceased, we -ot,V;e, & sons having claims against hcr e fc exhibit them to us on or beoro in day of August. 1882. moot,' r"- - , toeir use ; noJ.ruias aal biff ten. Th KilSS t.ct up in na:t tx. o thrcs gizea. tto.1 SSS So last a moaiso.) 1 3 ; I,-d. 2. (sutiicint to ea'JtVSf '' EBooci cure C-i2SS in X 5 2 EESSI i 2 . Bm Xi tf& " A " - W 1 1 5 S I f w ; U On 3 - t JJ i 8 S J CO - 3 AfiS" P Ave shares as admlLlstrator de bonis a itU Turner, and three stores Eeathman. . -tics, AaW July 49th, isst. A- i 42:4t - .-'!

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