Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 0,1881. Rain fell at KalclsU on the l?tL fo; half nn hour. Tremendous floods in the West, npper Mississippi booming. The -Twelve deaths from yellow fever in llaVaun reperted for a week. The Spoopcudtke letters in book form have reach the euornions sale of 240,000 copies. " Col. Thomas M. Holt has been unani mously re-elected President of the State Agricultural Society. - Grant never forgave Gai fleldfor nsci ib ing to Gen. Rosccranz the honor of w in jiing the battle fields of Inco and Corinth. . Of 1,359 cases of Rmall pox in Chicago since 1st of January List, forty per cent have proved fatal. The Rer. J. C. Price, colored , of North Carolina, is creating qnite a sensation in London as a public speaker, Greenville, S. C, has resolved to license no more liquor shops this year. Lancaster, S. C, is suffering a water mine. - -" - Pa nx ell, the Ii tsli patriot, has been arrested, and the telegrams report alarm ing excitement, and that matters are rapidly going from bad to worse. No less than 53,000 acres of govern ment lauds have been recently bought up in Miesissipppi by Railroad Companies for the purpoxc of locating immigrants. Judge David Davis is just now under going a severe castigation from the Dem ocratic press of the Country. Some of the republicans are also pounding him. A gang ofN counterfeiters have recently been discovered in Tennessee 'and Ken tucky. Nineteen of them have been ar rested, and the authorities . are tracking up others. Virginia gives "Marvin the bigamist and forger teu years iu the penitentiary. Other States having similar claims against him may give him twice ten, so that he will probably die iu prison. y The arrest of the Irish disturber, Mr. Parnell, has been followed by the-arrest of many of his most prominent associates and followers. 'The excitement is great; rioting has commenced, and English troops have' been put in motion' for active service. A Philadelphia syndicate has invested largely in Georgia gold mines, in Chero kee county. The syndicate comprises large capitalists, among them, Geo. W. Shallcross and Mr, J. Mc C. Creighton, of Philadelphia. The property i3 said to be worth $00,000,000, Negro laborers in portions of South Carolina aud Georgia are on a strike for higher wages. -This they have a right to do. But they haveone a step further : they have attempted by violence to pre vent others from accepting employment at the wages they refused. Thjs they have no right to do, and ought to be taught a lesson on it. Charlotte j Statesville Road. The Charlotte aud Columbia Railroad Co. have leased thiroad for 99 years. The rental is to be $25,000 a year, or 6 per rent on its capital stock. Tho gauge of the road is to be changed to five feet to conform to t!.e gauge of the roads of the Richmond and Danville syndicate, which is the real party transacting. The remains, of William Penn are to be brought to this country from England and interred near Philadelphia. Mr Penn will be remembered as the gentleman who traded some Indians a six bladed jack-knife fur the State of Pennsylvania. XutShclI. He got the land, but we never heard of that six bladed jack-knife before. The Pennsylvania Democrats iuSfare Convention, passed strong resolutions -ogaiust monopolies of every kind iu con flict with the rights, interests and liberties t( the people. They cover the whole sub ject with unmistakable denunciation, tnd enter it as a plank in their platfrom. Butlet 'the people watch politicians often talk one way and go another. Mon opolies are becoming dangerous to the liberties of the people, awf nothing short 4iltepress vigilance aud determined re sistance can arrest the threatened dan- er. Morgauton Blade: New corn 75 cts per bushel. A great deul of sickness through out thu JMrction, colds, &c Pear trees ill bloonf. J. Y. Barber sold about 7,000 pieces of delf ware at auction and could Jyive sold more if he had brought it: A A'ntthig scrape in Icard township resulted Jri jhe dangerous wonuding of a youug inrsn named Aiktus. Liquor was the an3e.-The two hotels of Morgantou are to Do put in good eouditiou aud refurnish- A-d.r-Master A very Scales, at the resideuce of Mrs W W Avery, wis playing with "an .empty that gu;i,M as ho supposed, but it wcjit u&iuid ruined hi aim, which had to bo amputated. Married, at the ilni leijce t f-Mis. Col. J. J. Eiwiu, on the i2h, by Rev. J. Ofciti l, Mr. Thou, Mooie, uf a, C. and Miss Ada i .via O. . Keedltssa Alabv. Col. C. R. Jones has ulafmed-some of our, merchant by hia editorial on thejsale of Atlantic, Ten nessee and Ohio Riiilroad, and we shall not be surprised ifithey get up on indig nation meeting, Wd. band him over the coals of their wratih. According to the Colonel's reading of the railroad slate, Charlotte is to bebomethe terminus of the Western North! Carolina, and bahs bury, which did so; much in the building of it, and thought he had a "sure thing," is to subside into the merest way station. The Observer is prftty good at making up things to show asj it wants them to, and even at persuading others to thiuk as it does. It is a little vexations, however, to observe how bald absurdities are thus worked up to such1 a pitch as to distnrbe the equinimify of j cool headed men, and prepare them for desperate deeds to jump into a'yawning gulf, for instance, as a means of escaping au apprehended evil. But soberly, welcannotrsee what pro priety there is in fearing that the Rich mond and Danville Company intend to change their base.) They are well fixed at the most important terminus of their most important property; for sneeze at it if vm will, the Western North Carolina is destiued in the jnear future, to become one of the most important roads in this fintt Sonth Carolina or Virginia. Its proprietors don't want to sell it for abun dant good jeasons, but they do want to complete its two branchc3 and make con nection with the vyest, and then will be seen that the project was wisely conceived by its long headed founders, and that it will realize to its proprietors the brilliant expectations which Lave all the time stimulated its most anient friends. It will be shortest rute by from 75 to 100 miles reaching from West to East, and eastward not southward is the trend of travel and orders, and westward the burdens of freight. It is a strange con jecture that the Richmond and Danville should want the A. T. & O. for the pur pose of playing any considerable part in its Eastern and Wesreru programme. It is not strange that the Columbia and Au gusta should find it desirable as linking itself with the Western N. Carolina, and forming connection with Tennessee and the West. Such connection way promote a subordinate interest without damaging the principal, aud such, we conjecture, is the full significance of the recent sale. It will not affect the present arrangement and grand de&igui of the Western North Carolina, whose mission it is to connect the East and West by the shortest line yet in existence. ! The Atlantic Tenues see &- Ohio can perform no part in this, nor can it hinder! it. The completion of Mr. Best's Road will benefit the Western North Carolina to the extent of making another and more direct and shorter out let to the eastern sea-coast. The West ern N; C. will doubtless pour out millions of freight at Salisbury to be distributee to Richmond, Norfolk and Morehead, and thence further east. A brilliant prospect is opening up for the Western N. C, aud we have no doubt that Salisbury will re ceive the benefits incident to her location and lor the part her cjtizens may bear in the business, Mob Law. Other cases of lynching have occurred since our last. Scarcely a week passes without reports from Judge Lyuch's Court. Mob law is becoming alarmingly frequent. It is really becom dangerous for a map to commit murder, a burglary or a rape. Such offenders are in peril from the hour of their ofiense. Church, it seems, understood that'lm time had come"! the moment he heard the tramp of horses near his prison. The Superior Court in Orangeburg, S, C. con victed a fellow of raping ;i little girl and sentenced him 'to the penitentiary for life f bat Judge Lynche's court decided to hang the man, and executed the decis ion forthwith. Another and more recent case in Union County, the hanging of a rapist. And these irregular proceedings, iu certain cases are becoming regular. The popular sentiment sustains them as against the slow and uncertain processes of law. And yet all intelligent men per ceive the dangerous tendency of this state of things, j Without a great change in the laws themselves or the execution cf them we have every reason to believe that lynch law will! become the rule aud statuto law the; exeption. The people are determined that speedy punishment shall overtake jfiagraut offenders; and when we say "the people," wo embrace the citizens of ijo one State or territory, but the whoje country. The Courts have become-a farce so far as punishing crimi nals are concerned, always excepting lit tle assaults and: batteries, contemptible larccme8 aud small tresspasses, the par ties have neither money nor friends : these go up to the prisons sure, and speedy enough; But those who shock the whole State! by the enormity of their crimes, how patiently the Courts hear every argument for time and final ac quittai. lienco pubjjc anger aud the dauber of mob law. Dangerous it is beyond disputed ; dangerous to society aud im individuals composing it. -It is a subject which appeals to the wisdom of law makers in thunder tones. Something must bo done; to speed the law aud made it efficient, otherwise law will be come coutemtible. 4- t Keely is still working at his cold water motor. He gaye an exhibition of ?t in Philadelphia a few daja ago, in whieh he greatly astonished soma visitors by de vtloping from less than one pint I cold water poured iiito a tube, a force Which he claimed exceeded fifteen thousand pounds to the square inch. He says al he needs now $ febmo method to put tho power under control. He guye n expla nation of his mystcrioa eugiue, or put i l.;. i ..... . ; cpuvnaiiou ill worus no engineer rtuuu aiuieimnu. Rapers. A negro convicted at Orange burg, S. C, Saturday, of raping a white girl agedt H years," and sentenced to the penitentiary for Vdft was taken oat of the prison by lynchers about 3 o'clock that night and hung. ANOTHER. i Special to the Charlotte Obfrver. Pixesille, N. C , Oct. 17. Aurgroby the namevof Davis living in Union coon tv, near Heath's store, ravished a young acly oi mat ncignoornoou uu ouuuuj morning at 1 o'clock. A party oi men m the neighborhood followed the negro in to Lancaster county, S. C, and arrested him. He was civen a preliminary exami nation last night before Justice Mcll wain. To-day a party of men of both colors, numbering three hundred and twenty -six took the negro and hung him to a tree near Heath's store. A. B. Y. From the same: Mr. Julius Setzer, of the cityt was robbed Sunday night be tween 9 and 10 o'clock of $495. Jle had thrown himself on his bed to rest a little, leaving his door open and the light burnr in". He went to sleep aud waked about 10 o'clock and found his trunk, in the same room, had been broken open and his money stolen. The thief got away. Tho Raleigh fieics-Obscrver speakiug of the State Band organized by Prof. W. H. Neave, of this place, says : We beg to exmes8 our admiration of the bandas musicians and as gentlemen. We learn with great pleasure that the members, so nlensautlv thrown together here, have l v - decided to continue their organization, and to be always ready to obey the Gov ernor's call on such occasions as he may consider demand their presence. The following is a correct list of tho members of this baud, which is by far the largest ever in the State, with the instru ment on which each performs : ! E Flat Cornet W. II. Neave, Director, and E. B. Neave, Salisbury ; F. H. Au drews, Charlotte j J F Harbin, Statcsvillej J E Wilson, Wilmington. B Flat Cornet G.E. Buckham, Wash ington ; Veuable Wilson, Wadcsboro; D. B. Mitchell, Wilmington ; II M Barrow, Louisburg. Altos W T II Forbes, Washington ; R A Evans, Statesville ; T B Marsh, Salis bury ;C G Heilig, Mt. Pleasant; D D Barrier, Mt. Pleasant; Robt Pope, Char lotte. Tenor W H Chick, Charlotte; J C Car ter, La Grange ; Julius Wallace, States ville; C T Cordon, Washington. Baritone J S McRorie, Statesville; W S Nelsou, Monroe. Tuba Matt. Weant, Salisbury; J H Cnlbreth, Statesville; S G Hall, Wilming ton ; T M Fayssoux, Gastonia. Snare Drum J F Buckman, Washing ton ; F L Butt, Charlotte. Bass Drum F P Durand, Washington. Cyuibalo J Canady, Monroe. an i in ii Dueling in Virginia. Capt. II. II. Riddlebercer and the Hon. G. D. isc exchanged three rounds of shot from smooth bored dueling pistols near Rich mond, in the afternoon of the 15th Octo ber. The secouds then declared the vin dication satisfactory and the parties shook hands and parted. One got a hole thrqugh his hat and the other through his coat, but no blood was drawn. Mr. Riddleberger had another affair to settle on the same day with Mr. Richard Beii ne, junior editor of the Slate. They met in the morning, with every prepara- iou of details except one : They had for gotten to bring caps for the pistols; and as it was impossible to obtain them with out the risk of being arrested. Riddle berger hastened off to meet his friend Wise, some ten miles distant, with the rcsalt as giveu above. Subsequently the parties, Riddleberger excepted, wero put under bonds to keep the peace. Mercury, at Catawba Station ; "Cotton can be shipped from this point to Char- otte via-Salisbury or Statesville at $1.25 per bale. The Florida fever is iucreas ing. Several have gone and others will leave iu a few weeks for the land of flow ers.'" Liouis Iveever, while cutting a ditch on tho land of Miles Wike, found a horse p.hoo four feet under grouud." The same paper also reports an attempt ed highway robbery perpetrated by an unknown person on Mr. John Bumgaruer, iu tho night time as he was riding home. The robber seized Mr. B.'s horse bv the bridle aud attempted to dismount the ri der; but the latter struck with a large knife and secured his release and etcape There was no blood on tho knife, and we are not told whether or not there was any whiskey in the 6crape. The Observer relates the sad incident iu Charlotte, Saturday, of a uegro man 23 years old, who was suddenly attacked on the street with hemorage of the lungs and died in 15 miuutes. Also thnt .i base ball club of Charlotte, while going or returning from Davidson College where they had arrauged for a match o game, met a negro wagoner driving thro a narrow lane. The wheej of one of thei buggies locked with one of the wheels o the negro's wagon. An altercation eusu ed, and one of tho young men struck the negro on the head with a bat and fractur cu ma 6Kuii. iue wuoie party were J I.:. ,.!., i rri. . i i arrested on their return to Chaiiotee. ti-jx vjLiTKAGi. a wo uiinKing and drunkeu white men, at Wilson, N. C. on 1 A . ' m - the pight of the 17th attacked and beat an inoffensive negro of good repnte on the. cars, but were prevented from er? treuie violence by the officers of the train. They made threats, however, and watch ing their opportunity, came upon the ne gro on the platform of the rear car, where he had gone to avoid them, and fired two shots into him, one penetrating his heart and killing him instautly. The worst part of the story is yet to tell; the worth less scamps escaped. Blaixe's Souther Feeing. Mr, P. Cogep, of Augusta, On.. wentNorth re cently on business, aud writes that he met Mr Blaine, whonriie regarded as art enemy to the South. Was greatly pleaV ed to find jhe was mistaken, in the .man. Mr. Blaine, has large investments in vari ous properties in the South, and spoke warmly of its future prosperity. He said One of bis last talks with Mr. Garfield waV'the discussion of plans for oblitera ting the . sectional feeling between the North ant South A nitroglycerine Factory in the viciui tyof Bradford; Penn., exploded Friday night about 9i o'clock. The cause of the explosiou s not kuownj though it is con jectured that persons ignorant of the place were tampering with the property, Fragments of clothiug and human flesh we're found scattervd around, so that it is quite certain one or more persons were blown to atoms, We learn from Mr, Brock, of Farming ton, Davie county, that there will be more corn made in that neighborhood than was j at one time expected. Some lands are f yielding better this year than last. The. . tobacco was not injured by the late frost:' so destructive iu other tobacco section. The Fayctteville Examiner thinks there J ' m is a good prospect for a largely increasea demand for native wines, owing to the destruction of vineyards in Europe by the phylloxera, and advises the owners of hitherto neglected vineyards to put them in Order.; RR03I WASHINGTON. ProceeditW8 in the Senate Loaan Moves to Lift Bayard Bayard Steps down and Davis Up. Washington, Oct. 13. Lamar offered a resolution requesting the President to advise the Senate whether any action has been taken by the government since the ast session of the Senate toward protect ng the rights and interests of the United States in the project of the inter-oceanic canal at Panama. Laid on the table for iiture action. Edmunds called up his resolution con- inuiuir the standing committees of the Senate as they were constituted at the ast session, " Garland offered an amendment provid- ng that only the following committees shall be continued : Foreign relations, finance, commerce, military affairs, judi ciary, postoffice8 and roads, public lands. pensions aud Indian affairs. He contend ed that the committees named were the only ones which would have any work to do during the special session. Mr. Edmunds opposed the amendment. There were committees which were r.ofc novided 1'oiy which, in his opinion, would e necessary in order to pel form the work of the session, He iustanccd the com mittee on privilege's and elections as one which should be organized. There was on the table now a petition presented by the Senator from New Jersey (MePher son) said to seriously affect the right of a Senator from New York to a seat in this body that ought to be inquired iuto, Then there was a committee on railroads which might have work to do. It was known from public report that there had been au important officer suspended for some supposed failure to perforin his duty, and by law it was required that such suspen sion should be reported to the Senate. The committee on contingent expenses was also a necessary committee. Garland stated that lie would modify his amendment so as to continue the com mittees of privileges and eleetious and contingent expenses. -He thought that it would then include all the committees which it would be necessary to organize at this titu. Garland's amendment was rejected. Yeas 35 j nays 37 Davis, jof Illinois, and Mahouo voting with the Republicans, Edmunds' resolution was then adopted. Yeas 37, nays 35. The standing committees are therefore continued as constituted at the last ses sion and the President pro tern, is au thorized to nil any. vacancy which may exist. As soon as the result was announced, Mr. Lojran rose and offered a resolution for the appointment . of David Davis, Sen a tor from Illinois, as President pro tern of the Senate. ' Pendleton asked that the resolution lie over one day under the rules, aud it was so ordered. The Senate then, at 12:40, went into executive session. On the re-assembling of the Senate, Pendleton withdrew his objection to con sidering the resolution contemplating the election of Davis President pro tern, Jones, of Florida, opposed tho rcsoln tion. He said that before the resolution was submitted to a vote he wished to re iterate a protest which he had once made here on this subject, by denying the pow er of the Senate to do this thing. It .was said that this question was no longer opeu ; that a precedent had been estab lished in the Forty-fourth Congress by which the right of the Seuate to chooso at will its presiding officer had been af firmed.; He hoped that action of the Sen ate wojild not be regarded as a piece dent, ! Congress, by an act of J792, had dsig nated that the presiding officer of the Senate; should succeed yi certain cuntin gencies to the office- of President of the United States. IJe contended that the President pro tern, having been once elected the constitution fixed the tenure of his dfiiee. A wiser precedent had nev er been wtabUshcd by the Senate than that which provided that that body , should have the power c80 of any thing unfortuuate happening to the pres ent incumbent of the presidential office to avoid a contest lor tue presidency oi the United States. J Tbe vote was then taken on Logan's resolution and it. was adopted, yeas 36, nays 34. - I Davis, of Illinois, refrained from vot- ing, ana myaru, wuen nis name was called ; I propose to withhold my vote : I have never obtained office by my -vote and I never should retain it by my rote. I am glad the question was taken; np to day. ' j Davis, of Illinois, was then escorted to the chair by Bayard and; Anthony, re spectively, Democratic and Republican candidates for the same office. j On taking the chair Davis said i Senators: The honor just conferred comes ps the seat which I now occupy in this body did, without any expectation on my part. If it carried any party ob ligations I should be constrained to do de not cline this high compliment. I accept it as a tribute to any personal merit, but rather as a recognition; of the independent position which I have long occupied in the politics of the country. I am profoundly grateful for this mark of confidence and it shall be my endeavor as it will be ray duty to administer the trust with impartiality and with entire fairness. Not having been trained to parliamentary practice I 6hall beg the indulgence of the Senate in this respect aud I hope for generous co-operation on all sides, On motion of Logan a committee con sisting of Bayard and Logan was appoin ted by the chair to wait upon the Presi dent and announce to him the election of Davis, of Illinois, as President pro tern. The resolution offered yesterday by Kellogg, calling for papers in the case of Vincenzo Rebello, was adopted after be ing amended so as to be addressed to the President instead of the Secretary of State. Vorhees stated that he had received a communication from a lady which had induced him to offer the following Iicsolred, That the joint committee on library be instructed to inquire into the expediency of causing a medal to be made in gold commemorative of the tragic and mosO.amrntablc death of James A, Gar field, late President of the United States. The resolution was referred to the com mit tee on library, together with the let ter alluded to, which makes the sugges tion that a gold medal be struck and pre sented to Harry Garfield, the late Presi dents eldest son, and that a similar bronze medal Iks presented to the President's cabinet, members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the surgeons who attended President Garfield. Sherman iu this connection said that his colleague aud he had deemed it ad visable not to make any formal announce ment of President Garfield's death at this session, but to await the action of the two houses of Congress at the regular session, when no doubt proper ceremo nies would be ordered. Adjourned. Senator Davis ana tue Radical Coup-Dc-Main. The manoeuvring of the Republicans was successful. Mr. Bayard was turned out of the Presidency aud Seoatoi David Davis was elected in his -place. It has eeu hii established rule of the Senate al through its history, with one exceptiou onlyj to elect a President of the Senate who should succeed to the Presidency of the United States under certain coiitin- cencies. He has never beeu turned out to please or meet political necessities The Republicans stand at nothing. Neith er precedent nor law is regarded when arty behests and party exigencies re quire it to be disregarded or iguoreu al together. Tho Star is not surprised Nothing that the nepuuiicans can ever do will surprise us. The history of that party for twenty years warrants the state-1 meut that even the Constitution itself has not been a barrier to their usurpations aud reckless disregard of law. Tho Stalwart organs that have been swift to denounce the Democractic Sena tors for obeying precedent aud usuage, will be equally swift to sustain aud ap plaud thu action of their party iu kicking asido precedent aud usage in their revo lutionary proceedings. So thejr party gams a temporary advautage they care neither for consistency nor right. But what about Senator David Davis, the Independent T He has been voting with the Republicans generally thus far. What good has ho discovered in that party so suddeuly that he should become itsallyt Hashegonooverbagandbaggaget We hope not. If he had done his duty he might have prevented the displacement of Senator Bayard. Suppose he had re fused to serve as the tool of Republican ism ".ud had voted for Bayard, could they have elected anyone else? We think not But tne temptation was too great. The lust of office and honor was too great a strain, and the Independent Senator caught at the bait and was there by hoisted, huug to the Radical fishhook, iuto the place that belongs rightfully to Senator Bayard. This is not the first high place that has been snatched from the Democrats, - Senator Davis will doubtless make a good presiding officer. His ability is conceded. He has borne always a high character for integrity. He will not be a partisan officer, we apprehend. If he should succeed to the Presidency of the United States, if Gen. Arthur should die, he would make a gool Administration, - i 1 t A II? ' we may nor- uouut., his recent coarse shows he would be mostly a Republican in his official acts, but he is by nature conservative in bU views. He is very ambitions clearly. Possibly the Presi dential bee has begun to bnz again in his bonnet. Wilmington Star. imw -m FOE FALL AND WINTER. In s few days we will have our Our stock as usual will be COMPLETE. We will take pleasure in showing them to . all who will fB''" us with a call - BEFORE BUYING SEE OUU - DRESS GOODS, LADIES' ULSTERS, DOLMANS, WALKING t JACKETS, HOSIERY NECK WEAR, CLOTH- i ING, GENTS' FURNISH- ING GOODS, ' SHOES, AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED. , JONES, RlcCUBBINS & CO. KLUTTZ & HAVE F ILL Al Will OF HEW GOODS Which are Handsome .and Complete in all the Departments DRY GOODS AND MOTIONS, A large and com plate stock very pretty and cheapj. SHOES AND BOOTS THAT WE WARRANT, SHIRTS AND HATS VERY Wo mean to feed you with tire best FEour, HlOlilS TEAS, SYRUPS, POTATOES; &c, to be ivad : l ry us. PULL ASSORTMENT OP STOCK FEED. " Seo us before you buy, as c have one thousand t lungs we can not tell you of here. W. W. Taylor, " 11. F. Atkins, V Salesmen. E. F. Tatcm. Guiteau is likely to have all the mod ern means of ncquittal in his trial for shooting the President all the time he wants all the pleas posssible, and as a trump card, the pea ot insauiry Guiteau will not be .hiinjr, and if insauc ought not to be. -Forty years trial in proved " BLAClt DRAUGHT" ths best liver medicine in the world. t Th?o. F. Klultz'rt THEO. BtTBRB ATTM'S . 1 ,000 POUNDS FRENCH CANDIES AT THEO. BUERBAU3I'S. Books and Daily Papers at THEO. BUEuBAUjI S. Crosse and Blackwell Chewing Tobacco at THEO. BUERBAUjI . Cracked Wheat and Oat Male at TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. Baker's Chocolate and Cocoa, and Philadel phia Crackers at l:tf. 1 UEU. ISU&UUAb.H . NOTICE ! A meeting of the Stockholders and Di rectors of the i NORTH STATE GOLD & COPPER MINING GO. Will be held at tho Office upon the prop erty of the Company, Guilford County, N. C, on Thursday, October 27th, 1681, at uooaTor the purpose of levying an as sessment upon the capital stock of said Company, and for the purpose of trans acting such other business as may be brought before the meeting. JOSEPH WIUUNS, Presd't. 12:w - THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES has for more than forty years maintained its position as the leading paper of the West. -It ranks above nil others in circulation, influ ence, and In the esteem of Its read ers, because it Is Just the kind of paper the peotwe -want. The Weekly Timet covers th vhni or a nrst class family journal. - It is larger and better than any high-priced weekly of- ierea tne puone ; lis reading matter covers a greater scope, is more entertaining and in structive, and yet It costs BUT OXE DOLLAR A YEAH. Our agents everywhere say It Is the easiest iyjtrix cotumnM for one dollar a year, ana the uiubi uwnu icnas 10 oiuo agema. Specimen copies free. Send tor on before subscribing for any paper. Address Weekly Times, 230 Walnut Street, Ginrlnnat4. O. THE DAILY TIMES-STAR, Eight-page, forty-eight column. Only rlx dollars m yr, 3 fr alx months, ftl.SO for three month. H aa the largest circula tion of any pajw In Cincinnati. Is tbe best advertising medium and the best paper for readers who would know of the world's doiun as promptly aa the news can be Im parted. Addreu 1 lines -btar, Cincinnati. Q. NEW paper iu iuo iieiu to canvass ior, ana readers ht one year are so pleased that they are sure w icutJW ill air aDficrirainna- Mini mm i - REflDLEi.lAN THEIR. Sept. 28, 1881. Qfil ET-Vfll HfiRI P PROPERTY X WrttaU V nkaWniilali ! W tall III Having determined to quit farming,! will sell publicly, on the premises, on Tuesday, 1 StH OF OCTOBER, A quantity ol Farming Tools, Gearing, Forage, some Household and Kitchen Fur niture, and many other articles. I will of fer for sale privattlv, at same timesd place, some fine Berkshire Pigs, a new Mow er and Reaper, a good Wheat Drill, and s large quantity ot rto. 1 beed Wheat. tif" Terms Cash. S. A. LOWRANCE. Oct. 3d 18S1. ' . 51:2tpd North Carolina -In Snoerior CGnrt. K0WAN COUNTY. 19th Scpt.r 1881. Marv E. Daniel 1 Suit for declaring toia , against from the begininng Lewis Daniel j . Marriage Contract. It appearing from affidavit 61cd, that the. Defendant .is a nvn-resident of this State, it is ordered that publication-be made ia the Carolina Watchman for six iucce sive weeks notifying the Defeudaut, Lew Daniel, to appear before the Judge of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court Bonis in Salisbury, on the 9th Monday after U 4th Monday of September, 1881, and swer the complaint which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk- of the 8upenr Court of Rowan County, witlrin tbe first three days of the term, and that if h . to answer the complaint during the term, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court fortis relief demanded in the complaint. " J..M. IIOBAH,V, ' Clerk Superior Court Rowan County. 49:Gt - " Rowait CoMtyIn the Snperior Cost: Moses L. Holmes ; a gai nut - w Richard A. Caldwell, Julkis A. CatdeiJ, M. W. Jarvis and E. Nve Hutchison, utors of David F.Cald well, Frances FisWV Annie McB. Fisher and Fred. C. Fisher. , M. W. Jarris, Executor of DaTid F. (Je well and Annie McB. Fisher, of the sbott named defendants, are heeby notified tsw and appear before the Jridge of bari nor Court, at a Court to be held for County of Rowan at the Court 0f Salisbury on the 8th Monday after tnet Mondav of September. 1881, and tUn !.; tho. rklaintiff. whlCD 1 11 V bum jtcs i ii v vs y y 'kf nffire of the t iers - the Superior Court of said jDoonty, wiukj the first three Jays of tho said.tenjf let the said defendants take notice tfl thev fail to answer the said cop during the term, the plaintiff wdl app7 theConrt f9r the relief demanded complaint. This etn day of August, 1881. 43:6t $7 J.M. Hbiu, . Clerk Superior Court Rowan t. NOTICE! JOHiM F. EACLEr - -FASHIONABLE- BOOT ANP SHOE IntUe your attention to hi lCVWfr Wor-lnice. Rep.iri.. neatly f , lv dene. All grade of fccod made too STOCK - CHEAP.- Sugars,

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