.v. .! XIII. THIRD SERIES SALISBURY, H. C OCTOBEE 27, 1891. VOL HO 3 TheJCarolina Watchman, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAH 1832. ,, - W pnicE- $1-30 IN ADTANCE. rnUTBACT ADVERTISING, RATES. r . i vPf.nlTAKY20.13S3. - 1 month Sirs Jp's m's lam's $3.60 6.25 7.60 9.00 11.25 20X0 83.75 $5.00 T.60 11.00 13.50 16.50 25.50 43.75 Opetr ; To 'of THree tor $1.60 i.oo 4.W 6.00 :.so 11,23 18.T5 $-2.60 4.60 6.00 T.60 .T5 15.15 26.25 $8.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 25.00 40.C0 75.00 I r HO. " THE DEAD! JOHK S. HUTCHINSON, DEALER IX ''I'M - ' Italian and American Marble " JSfoF KVKKV DKSCUIFTION. J- of AecuunK ay piece of work from the Mi b mort elaborate in arr artistic ft aiJ il that perfect satisfaction iffiliren to il.e mol exacting pntron. C.U and examine my Stock and prke.be. chasing, as 1 -ell at the very low. Do-ien" na!eti mate- for any desired work .K furnUII on application, at next door laJ.DjMcNeely'srJtore. 8bury N. C., March 9,1881. I B. CRAWFORD & GO. - AllE SELLING PORTABLE , FARM AND FACTORY STEAM WMli. ALSO Blasting pir Carfflies and Caps. ALSO Tbe Finest RIFLE POWDER Kile n nrnn n I, Waiois oj our own and ro reign make and -T torn t!ie Finest to the Cheapest teBeltli, Cbampion Mowers Hbrso Eakes, &c. SaTisbbty, Jan. 6, 1331. - ly Z B. Vaxce. W. II. Bailey VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. ! c'mahlotte, n. c. Priciitiej ia Supreme Court of the United 8tte, Sup re rue Court of Njorth Carolina, f rwera v0", and Counties of Mecklenburg, I Ctbarruhj IJnion, Gaston, Howan and David j md. jLOlIice, two doors east of Indepen denct Square. 33:tf ELE. THEO. F. KLITTTZ. McCORKLE & KLXJTTZ, Iatt6ineys and counselors, : L I SaVisbu'ry, N. C. J0(Bce on Coonril Street, opposite the Court Hfue. '' -37:6m L. II. CLEMEKT. CRAIGE & CLEMENT, tiprnejjji at gvf SALISBURY. N. C. 1SS1. ATTOUXXY AT LAW, 1 i SAr,lsiJUlT,Y, IV. c, Praclicfcsjn the State and. Federal l Court 12:6nv Blactmer aid Henflersoii, T a J V V M. li o ClUi S3 r 11 n e al f vet and Solicitors. JSALISBURT. N.C. . .... . i i ! i - rrr 1 1 111 n (fan rt l XERWChAIOE, m A. p - : I i mimi, : DEFERRED. ITEMS.' County Superintendent's Report, j The County Superintendent of Schools reports tliat up to date ho has examined and approved fifty-five teachers, whose grade, colors and sex are as follows : . 12 colored teachers, of whom ;4 are males and 8 females ; and of whom he found one worthy of-the first grade, one of the second grade, two of the third and eigbf of the special (or lower) third grade. ' j 43 whites, of whom 31 are males andl2 females'-; divided as follows: fifteen, first grade, twenty three of the second, j three of the thrid and two of the speeialtbirjd. There are also several teachers in the county who hold certificates "from the County Examiner which have not yet ex pired, jy . . ' j We ' have, then, nearly the requisite number of white teachers with which to begin the schoolsin November and prot ably the Colored Normal will furnish enough for the" colored schools supple mented with those already UcensedJ . Czxscs Repobts, of thechildreu ofRoir an us 'ixnn in for iSSl : r j White males 2209, fen aies, 2151, tclali 5300. Ccl'd " 917 " 890, " 11307. Grand total, 15167. Geo. It. McNeill, S pt. Xew Orleans Report of the Cotton Crop: New Orleans, Oct. 15 The folio Wing is a summary of special dispatches to the Democrat Yom all portions of the South showing the condition of the cottoulcrop to daie,: Alabama. Tito weatherhas leeu tine for picking, but some damage reported from the worm, which appeared ; thtee-Jbrrths of a crop lw produced, tli;ee-tVurt!is of xvliich has been gathered. - ARKANSAS. ' The weutlter is verv favorable. I The yield as compared with last year is about 50 per cent, short, damage being done by drought- aud worms. The second, growth of cottou produced by the recent ruins has' proved more productive than the first. j LOUISIANA. The weather has been abmirablel for picking, and labor abundant. The! en tire crop will be picked by the end of the month. The second growth of jcot ton has proved delusive; the general condition is better thau it was i two weeks ago. MISSISSIPPI. j The prospects of the cottou crop nave materially improved during the last two wee k8. The weather is fine, and picking is progressing. - Eighty per Cent, of the crop is already picked; there will be about three-fourths of a crop raised. j TEXAS. ! There have been frequent rains buH picking has progressed aud i of j the crop is picked ; only a half crop will be raised. . ! - , ' i TENNESSEE. j The weather has been - rainy, interfer ing with picking, which, however, will be all through with by November 1. A Child Cruelly Beaten. A little white girlKJ years old, came Saturday afternoon to the clerk of ; the Superior Cot'rt and said she had beeu crneUy beaten by a woman to whom 'she had been bound out some weeks before. Upon each cheek she showed a long black bruise, and her eyes were blood-shot. She innocently pulled down her stockings and every inch of her legs wero covered by the same black bruises as those upon her cheeks. The s i me raw hide had made them all, and the child said her body would show others like them. But lest there might be still some doubt ns to whether it was the work of a savage site pointed to her ear in which were the deep imprints of teeth. She held up her hand and showed (he marks of the same faugs. The child said that a dish had been broken and tint her mistress had accused her. She had told her that a cat had thrown the dish down aud broken it; but the woman would uot believe her. She became furious, and after vainly trying to get her husband to tie her (tho child) so that she might be beaten to better ad vantage, had, fallen on her fiercely with a raw hide aud beconiiug maddened as she plied the heavy rod, had, in theextrenji ty of her rage bitten her victim with the fury; of a mad dog. The case was tried before a justice vt the peace yesterday, and the .woman Was fined $G, after a substantial establish ment of the facts as related by the child. The clerk of the conrt removed the girl from the custody of her mistress, j Names are withheld at the request of the justice whoays that he kuows the woman to be quite respectable, aside from? the consideration, of her somewhat violent temper. Charlotte Observer. The Color and Lustre of Youth are restor ed to faded or gray hair by the use of Par-k-r'H Flair Balsam, a harmless dressing high Iv esteemed for its per.ume sna puriiy. Oci:Novl3 Atlanta Exposition. The International Cotton Exposition at Atlanta, Georgia, was formally opeued October 5. Among the thousands of visi tors present were tnauy representatives of the North aud West. The Assemblage was called to order by Governor Colquitt. After prayer by Bishop Elliott, of Texas, the buildings and grounds were present ed to the Exposition Association by Di rector General Kimball. In' responding Goyernor Colquitt highly complimented,, quent solemn protestations, that it can the executive committee and expressed only be attributed to an almost insane the belief that the energy bestowed in the Jambition to crouch beneath the shad development of the enterprise thus far 'ow of the Presidency, or to induce had never been exceeded. All the space fmeuts which while they! will occur to iu thejseyeral large" buildings has been j very' many thorough ilytapartial ob faTeej tut a fortnighTmu we will not without larger all the exhibits can be in place and iu provocation put into enduring print, presentable condition. After the ma-1 Although frequently predicted, we chinery was started Senator Vance, of have never been willing to believe North Carolina, delivered, an address of, that Judge Davis would permit him welcome on behalf of the Southern peo- self to be elevated if elevatiod it can pie. Senator Voorhees, of Indiana, fol- be called to any position by the lowed with an oration in which he took strong grounds in favor of the develop ment of Southern industry through the fostering influence of a protective tariff. "Free trade," 6aid he "is a seductive sound that can mean nothing except where it is purely reciprocal, and exists betweeu nations of equal strength. It is the duty of the government to protect its own industries before it practices benevo- j deeply and firmly by the men who lence." ' stole the Presidency, and who uu- This is the first world's fair ever held bltishingly bartered political patron iu the South, and while it properly takes ' are j (.xc,anp-e fr the I vote of flip its uame from the leading Southern pro duct it scope includes all the material interests of 4he Southern States. The two hundred and twenty-two classes of exhibits are distributed in forty-one first four of which are for competitive ex hibition aud awards, the other two for cxhibitiou only. These departments are: I., Productive machinery, implements, processes, etc. II. Natural products,-especially textile products. III. Manufac turing u.achiuery, chiefly textile, etc. IV. Manufactures. V. Miscellaneous natural products.. VI. Non-textile ma chinery and manufactures, art products, etc The siteof the fair is Oglethorpe Park, which covets fifty acres, just outside the city. The buildings cover more than twenty acres, the number of exhibits hav ing vastly exceeded anything at first cou; templated. The exhibits pertaiuing to cotton, its cultivation, handling, and manufacture, are beyond comparison su perior to anything ever seen before. The wealth of general exhibits is not less a surprise to all. Particularly rich is the show of minerals, woods, and other natu ral products of the South. The Execu tive Committee announce the followiug special weekly exhibitions: Fruits aud flowers, commencing Octo ber 25; cattle and mules, commencing November 1 ; sheep and swine, commenc ing November 8; bench show of dog, commencing November 15; poultry, etc., commencing November 22; dairy pro ducts, commencing November 29. October 27 is set down for "Governors Day," it being expected that the State Governors in attendance at the Yorktowu Centennial Celebration will that day vis it the Expositiou accompanied by their several staffs. Scientific American. Peck's Advice to Daughters. . "Come here, Sis, and sit down beside me, and let me give you a little talking to. I want to talk' to you about your mother. It may be you have noticed a careworn look upon her face, lately. Of course it has not beeu brought there by any fault of yours, still it is your duty to chase it away. 1 don't mean for you to run at it aud shake your skirts and hol low shoo as you woulA a hen, nor do I expect you to get on the other side of the fence and throw old oyster cans and pieces of barrel staves at it. But I want you to get up to-morrow morniiig and get breakfast and when your mother comes down aud expresses her surprise, go right up to her and kiss her in the mouth. You can't imagine lion it will brighteu up her dear old face. Her face has far more wriuklcs iu it thau yours, yet if you were sick that face would ap pear far more beautiful thau that of an angel, as it hovers over you, watching every opportunity to minister to your comfort, and every one of those wrin kles would seem to be bright wave lets of sunshine chasing each other over the dear old face. Those burdens if not lifted from her shoulders, will break her down. There, there don't cry ; she has not left you yef. She is down iu the kitchen stringing beans for dinner, and if yon feel so badly you might go down into the kitchen and finish them and let her change her dress and rest an hour before dinner. And after dinner take dowu her hair and do it up for her. You need not wiud it over your finger and fuss to make spitcurls as she used to do with yours, but give it a good brushing and wind up gently and tenderly as if you enjoyed doing it for her. The young man down in the parlor can wait until you have performed these duties. If he expresses any impatience, you may ex plaiu to him that you feci under more obligations to your mother than you do to him. The Fall of David Davis Washington PoztjDem. . : We have always desired to enter tain a high opinion of lodge David Davis, his motives and His procedure, even when we have been compelled to doubt the wisdom of fhe one or the potency of the orther. But we must confess . that the f course pursued by that gentleman yesterday, is so thoroughly at variance trith his fre- ' mcanes lately employed. Baltimore Gazette,; Dcm. The act of the Republicans in de posing Mr. Bayard and electing to the Presidency of the Senate Judge Davis, of Illinois, will brand with in famy the corrupt leaders of the "Re publican party. It is another nail iu : the )resilential coffin inil884. driven Virginia traitor. Whatever respect honest men may have had for Judce JJavis integrity has been swept away ; now that he has permitted himself to be used as a nlinnt rnnl in Uia hnhfU nf Republicans and descended to the low level of Mahone. He knew that with out his vote Mr. Bayard could not have been unseated, and as there was every reason to believe that Judge Davis would not lend his vote to elect Mr. Anthony or auy other Republi can, they with characteristic cunning shamelessly offer him the "prize in the lottery of assassination," as Mr. Edmunds terms it ; and-lie, forgetful of his honor and manhood, accepts, and, like Mahone, exchanges his in dependence for the comparatively pari try office. Philadelphia Times, Ind. The Democrats forgot that the Re publicans are politicians like them selves; tliat they have already bowed down into the slime and mire of Re pudiation to capture the political free booter Mahone; that David Davis is only mortal, with a great deal of hu man nature in his composition ; that his one dream is of the Presidency, and that he is the devoted friend of the uew Stalwart President; and for getting these things, tlio Democrats marched into the Republican camp for wool and came back not only mi nus booty, but shorn f all they pos sessed. An Address by the Pope Deplor ing His Fate. Rome, Oct. 17. Tho Pope in his ad dress to the Italian Pilgrims at St. Pe ters yesterday stated that the deplorable state of affaiis placed before him the alternative of enduring continual captivi ty, made harder daily, or of going into exile. lie therefore asked the Catholics to watch and pray for the liberty and in dependence of tho Pope. lie concluded by saying that he was no longer secure in his palace; that ho was: outraged in a thousand ways. The gravity and earn estness of the Pope made a profound im pression. He closed his address with arms raised to heaveu as though implor ing help. London, Oct. 17. A dispatch from Rome to the Times 6ays it is impossible to describe the enthusiastic cheer after tho Pone cave his benediction on the above occasion. The Pope looked thin worn and anxious. A gang of roughs pelted the Pilgrims leaving the church of St. Virale, shouting, "Down with the Vatican." The First Electric Railway in Great Britain. Grouud was broken the last of September at Portriish, Irelaud, for an electric railway to the Giant's Causeway. Dr. Siemens is said to be a large contributor to the new enterprise. It is estimated that the expenses for haul age on a tramway such as this with horses would be tweuty-three cents per mile, and by steam about fifteen cents, while it is supposed that the working expenses by an electrical motor will uot reach two ceuts per mile. Human Skeleton Discovered. Says the Asheville Citizen : Our correspondent at Webster writes us that that usually quiet town is all excitemeut over the dis covery of a human skeleton. Our cor respondent says: "As some railroad hands were turning the road on the farm of Mr. W. A. Dills, three miles below Webster, they exhumed a complete skel eton with a bullet hole in the forehead. It has apparently leen in the ground sev eral years. Curiosity- is on tiptoe to know who once owned these bones. Who is missing? Can anybody tell fn MlSOELIiANEOTJS. The census returns show that the Southern cotton mills make finer poods on the average than those of New England, earning eleven cents a yard for the goods turned out by them, "v,7" .cugiaua, mills ges only eight and a half cents. -'-' The Commissioner of Agriculture of Virginia makes the sensible suggestion that every person in that State over ten years; of age should celebrate the Yorktown Centennial this year by plant ing a; tree (walnut is reccora mended) somewhere in the yard, field, roadside, ui loiwu iue iaea is a good one, "Or goou inat its application should -not be .limited to this year nor to the 'State of Virginia. Sensational journalism is something to which we do not aspire, and it is with much regret that we ever publish anything relating to crime, especially in our own midst. We always sift reports until we feel satisfied of their truth, and even then i we are sometimes betrayed into error. We are glad to state, in this connection, that Mr. Shcrrill Rincaid, whom we recently re ported as murdered by his wife in Burke, is not dead. The report was generally cur rent here for a week, as we published it. Indeed, his neighbors and friends went to his funeral on Sunday following his wound ing, and found him, although much bruis ed up, quite a lively corpse. There are hopes of bis recovery. Lenoir Topic The Raleigh Becorder says : The artesian well at Durham is now about 1,600 feet, deep. The drill has passed through ma ny kind of rock. At a depth of about 30 feet they came upon rock in which was imbedded rouud stones about the size of marbles and as hard as flint. Many peo ple are surprised to learu that the drill, does not turn as an ordinary drill does; but work 8 up and down with a tremen dous weight upon it. The principle is the same as that employed by a wood pecker in drilling a hole in a log. We learned from Mr. Smith, the operator, that the question is being considered as to the plausibility of digging one at Ral eigh for the post office and the city. He says that it can bo done for about $3,000, and will supply the whole city with good water. . We found, the ether day, in walking thro' the woods ou Mulberry, great quantities of black locks scattered about, almost as heavy as iron, and rich with the iron ore which they contained. Not only is iron abundant in that section of the county, but nearly every mineral and precious me tal in the catalogue may be found all over this and the adjoining counties, and little or no attention is paid to the fact. We suggest that a local mincralogical society be formed in Lenoir to collect specimens of every kind of valuable ore lying arouud loose in our midst. In the meantime, until such a society is formed, bring in your specimens to us and we will label them, keep them safely and occasionally publish a list of what we have on hand. When the society is formed, we will turn over our stoek to them. We are in earnest. Lenoir Topic. Fighting Fire. Detroit Free Press. Learning that at No. 33 Rowland street a young woman could be found who had passed through the perils of the terrible forest fires en the Huron peninsula, a reporter for the Free Press sought her out. Miss Kittie Lews is a domestic at the above men tioned place. Iu her personal appear aucc there is nothing to indicate the energy, courage aud heroism she has displayed when those qualities were most need. There is no suggestion of strong-mindedness in her appearance. The set, determined features and dauntless eye are not there. She is merely a womanly woman ; above the average height, well formed, with light brown hair and eyes ; but beneath that calm exterior lies an indomitable will and heroic devotion to duty. InD wight township, Huron county, in a small log house, lived, and thanks to Mis Lewis still live, her aunt, Mrs. Christopher Armstead, Mr. Armstead, his mother, now 102 years of age, and four small children. He is now a cripple, having beeu a sufferer for a long time. They were very poor, even before the fire, but Mrs. Armstead, assisted by her two little boys, cultivated their small farm as best the could, and managed to provide the family with food. Miss Lewis has assisted them with shoes and clothing. A short time previous to the fires she went to Dwight to visit her rela tives, and was there through the ter rible ordeal. Her narration of her personal experience is thrilling in the extreme. She states a fact that has been widely denied ; that the farmers light ed the fires that left mauy of them homeless nd penniless. There had been no rain for a long time, and everything was as dry as tinder. All around them the settlers had been for days burning brush upon their newly cleared land. Her uncle had remark et! that it was contrary to law to build forest fires at such a time, but appre-' bended no danger until Sunday the I 4th inst. -On that day she asked him ! to drive her out' to Mr. Carle's, a ! neighbor. He renlied that the Wins- i lows, hear neighbors, were burning large tracts of underbrush, and lie was afraid to leave home. On Monday morning, the 5th, the air was thick with smoke that was rising in black clonds from the forest just beyoud her uncleS clearing. She asked him if there was any danger, to which lie replied : - "That stubble," pointing to his wheat field "that skirt ed the j woods, "will burn likeine slices, j ooon toe names could be seen. - ind ana ueiore noon the r f ences were on I ""i iv4 uic iwu wuaico went to iue fields and commenced tearincr them down in a fruitless endeavor to stay the progress of the flames. By noon they were back at the house battling for their lives. But for the ruddy glow of i the conflagration it was as dark as midnight. Balls of fire, large pieces oi nark, and even glowing boughs of hemlock brush, fell all around I them ; and for hours Miss Lewisdashed through the thick smoke extinguishing these brands with pails of water, stamping them out with her leet, until her shoes were burned away, and her hose partially consum ed and her feet blistered. To protect her person she drenched her cloth ine at short; intervals, and protected her head by tying a wet skirt over it. The smoke was blinding to the eyes, pain ful to the lungs, and at times so dense that they were obliged to breathe through wet towels. During the afternoon and Monday night those two women succeeded in extinguishing every fire that kindled near them. No stop, no rest ; no time to partake of food, even, and every moment saw the encircling of flame drawing closer to its victims. Tues day morning, despite their most des perate exertion8, the hay stacks, barns aud other outbuildings were licked up. Everything was gone but the log house, the walls of that were so hot as to burn the hand. The current bush es and other shrubbery in the garden and around the house bunt into flames, and the intrepid women tore them from the ground with their blis tered hands and trampled out the fire. They brought water from the wells and dashed it upon the walls ef the smoking house. They soaked blankets and spread them over the roof. When the hayricks caught fire Mr. Armstead abandoi.edhope. Not so the determined women. They redoubled their exer tions, working with frantic energy as the day advanced. Their terrible struggles, lack of food and rest began to tell upon their strength. The water in the well began to come up muddy. Should that fail there would be no hope. And all the time the cordon of flame was creeping nearer. It scorched their faces and caused steam to arise from their drenched garments. To struggle longer was of no avail. Death seemed inevitable. To the south,of the house there was a small plat' of greeu cornr- Its comparative freshness looked inviting to their inflamed and half-blinded eye-ballsy and thither the. entire fami ly, grandmother, children, all went, as they believed, to die. They threw themselves upon their knees aud prayed iti anguish; prayed that God would aveit the terrible fate that was impending. And still the devouring circle drew nearer. Then there cirae a reaction, and ' Miss Lewis arose from her knees with a heroic resolve to die, if die she must, battling with the deetroyer. She could not bear the I thought of her body being found where people would say that she cowered in fear in the corn. She would niuch rather they would say that she died fighting the fiend to the bitter; end, and she hoped there would be something in the position of her botly to mutely tell her story. She roused her aunt, infused her with some of her own grim determination, and again they rushed to repel the foe. L Miss Lewis observed that the fire would burrow beneath the turf for several feet, and then burst forth at unexpected points. To guard against the insidious approaches, they dug a trench around the house, with hoes, and poured in water, and then, through that terrible Thursday night, they threw water upon the house, Mrs. Armstead bringing it from the well, while Miss Lewis, with a basin, dashed it upon the roof. Weduesday morning still found them working with unflagging energy, though their exhausted frames were weak and tot tering, and their eyes were so inflamed that they could but dimly j&ee each other. At 10 o'clock the wind shifted and a light rain fell. Their terrible vigil was over. The Longest Night He Eveb Passed. Dick Frank had quite an experiencej one night during his recent hunt He got lost one evening in the think chapparcl, and deemed it pru dent to camp over night. Just as he had comfortably fixed himself for a night's freeze out under an over- spreading sapling two large cinna mon bears commenced rootin a few yards from Jjim. Having appeased Ii- ; , wu uccuienrroot they laid down to sleep and kepttho huuter company till near daylight ' As Dick was not hunting tbear h did not shoot, nor sleep much either.. He avows that it was the longest night he ever passed in all his born-days.-- mite Pine ( Cal.) Keics. . Current Comment. -1 Wilmington Star. '. , There is one view to be taken of the superseding nf. Afi- i?., i u- oenator Davis. T A;A tvJ.J7. OCTUoTa great deal of responsibility tool . . g Deiore lue country in 1884 without being handicapped with the failure nf political measure, and with the great steal of J876 unaveng ed, and the corruptions of the depart ments unpurged and indeed not thor oxighly exposed. It can gq before the country upon a fight foi-a tariff for revenue for economy in the Gov ernment, for equal rights to all, for the maintainauce of the Constitution and the Union so much imperilled by the centralizing tendencies and the wide-spread corruptions of the Re publican party. The New York News, Democrat, takes this view : "Mr. Bayard can make himself as useful to his party in his seat as Sen ator as he could in the jjosition of presiding officer ; and Mr. Davis,who is undoubtedly siucere in his political independence, can be depended upon v-jjii-stuu wun dignity, ability, and impartiality. "The Democratic Senators were in the right in electing one of their num ber witen thev had the imwer to dnsn but they are probably just as well satisfied with the situation as it is.". Washington Post, Dcm. President vro tempore Davis has un doubtedly become aware by this time of the duties which he owes to the party which gave him the right to call the Senate to order and preside over its sessions. The resolution of Mr. Edmunds, relating to the contin uation of the committees as thev wero organized last session, also provided wiai me rresuient pro tempore should fill uch vacancies as existed.- Mr. Davis did fill these vacancies on yes terday, and instead of exercising the the slightest prerogative in-the prem ises he merely read a list prepared for him by a Republican caucus, which assigned none but Republicans to the places. Not only were the uew Republican Senators provided for, but Mr. Teller was transferred from one committee to another, a Republican was put in his place, and Hawley ob tained an additional committee ap pointment. Had all these vacancies been filled by Democrats, that party then would have beeu "in a majority on only about two-fifths cf the com mittees, though numbering half the Senate. So far Mr. Davis's independ ence manifests itself in obeying edicts of Republican caucuses. There is not an honest man in all this laud who would not rather be a thousand times Thomas Bayard, sans peury sans reproacKe, than David Davis, besmirched in his good name by his sell-out. Said the revolution ary Republicans : "Let us have a man about us that is fat.n We confess that Davis disappoints us. We knew he was very ambitious, for it was his ambition that lost Tilden his seat. If he had remained on the Supreme Bench Tilden would not have been cheated by the Radicals out of the Presidency. But, alas, his ambition was too great for his virtue. uFor such things, in s false, disloyal knave. Are tricks of eustom ; but, ia man that'ijutt, They are close denotements working from the heart, That passion cannot rule." Ah, Ambition, Ambition, what a master art thou, and what slings thou carriest! How many haVe been ruin ed while kneeling at thy footstool ! Wilmington Star. A 'North Carolina Negro at the ecumenical Conference. Col. Walter Clark in Christian Advocate. The colored delegates to this con ference showed what I have noticed before, that if that race has a gift above all others, it is in the oratorical line. They are, as a rule, good peak cm, but an exceptional speaker, an orator who wonld do credit to any as sembly is fjr geri. is knows no col orthe Rev. J. C. Price,- of North Carolina. I speak the litteral fact when I say that no man in this con ference, containing so many gifted speakers as it did, has so impressed himself as the born orator as he. --Yes he has not spoken often nor obtru sively, and his very modesty.induced oue to say this much. He has made more of a sensation here than he did at the temperance convention in Ral eigh, and many of our reidere will remember the impression he produced there. He will stay in this country till next May, I learn,-lecturing to raise funds for a colored college iu Concord, ai d I hope he will be successful.