i - 1 r : i gDAXQVEMBERlQ, 1881. 1 Ln l ifter the 1st day of January, .tftfblcription price of the Watch 183'' flns follows: : - ' ' ' ,r mid iu advance $1.50 w- vv ......ont HP 1L- J UJIMIIII3. i1 pay n't-ii l --.! t - i. : liti probi ty to sell would do well to 'I . i ,i. nrnnnw to eire room iertije ir "r-i o Lb Wce' to 1e kePMffinrting. on ' the cefleral caption of "MlNiXG Prop- rsllti t& SALE. f lie cost of such notice willbemoder 'hosi ban properties the value of wbicb f6 not generally Huuyru, muuiu .A rtifprences to reputable persons Arl with fciwli milt.. knOWD JO u i hu"""""" "rf.tr. Ima n. fonil rircnlntion i-ri 1 II1K l'l" " e " l.,ininf men NorthY Ifo in the stae iud can be of service m The Wii' o : ' " way See notice Whitehead. 7 in this paper of Dr. M. Mr. K. A. Burroughs has opened a Fish w40j8terwaiket at Rowan Mills. i : I ! : - rlr John Whitehead has been suffer- j! with jaundice several daya. Heis gan at In office. - "j .j: ! . - O Conkji Up to date there has been beeq received by the cotton weigher 975 bait tli season. - , t o ' Thislis a healty county, aud the truth yi demonstrated by the fact that tiereareOHly 26 doctors practicing in it HI" ; The music at the Presbyterian church wamuch improved during the sitting of Svuwlf jby the assistance of Dr. J. F. Griffith as Solo Basso. -- Tom Henderson, col., has gotten off it!i 86 hail (Is They are to be employed Bear vlKiriCblOllf O. s.t iu x nwnjinuio bcdji. -o- - Tier were two deaths in Li taker Township this week. Mr. Isaac Linker, age4 shout 00, and Mary Brown, aged about 25. The latter died of dropsy. .j j. -O MARitjEP. In Charlotte, yesterday, HuJAAiox A. Xatiiaxs to the accom plished Miss Jeasxett Sciiloss, formerly of tii is p ace. MAituiEW- Oct. 27th, Mr. Thos. S. Eicf son! of ex-Governor David S. Kied to Misii Helen Pcmbei ton, of Maugum, Norih.'CUroliua. IIbto;ry or rtoTmn County, J' . j : BT KEV, J. RCilFLl. i Copied of this inteu'sting book inay e!flw,u.eg. had ot i F. Kllttz, Tiiko. Bueuuaum, " orjijt thi WATCikUAxOliiie. lheo. Luerbau :I there any particular resrson why the street Iauips should not be lighted these dari 'nights f The streets are iu bad con-Uitiyu-yi-ry little better than the road. It s "very anuoyiug ta plunge into a atreetjcVossing tire pedestrian is sure to get the worst of it. v I .' ' i , Two negroes amused themselves one dajlastj 4'eek by kiMiug' one of Lanier's finest hogs. They were caught skinning h. j One of the' men now rests iu limbo. T1m petty thieves should bo dealt with in, 4 lktlly niauuer. -o- tlie time of year has arrived when our uliscriber ' should send iu their sub- I cr)tioiSf We know of a certaiuty that woaey j scarce,iPt this excuse will not justify delinquents in depriving us of oui Ppof. -!! recen A. W. Owen informs us that at discussiou, uur Amity Hill, be- . tvten debaters representing Rowuu and i ireueH,jthe Rowan chain pioyui won their aide of -the question, viz; "That mouey liaa a greater influence than women over JUeii.u f Where is Kntrpraf cj ' m --k.!-. ... . . . s pqitesviile Jjaukmark knows very 1 that wo "attempted no explanation .iM)u) matter between itself and this paper. Tho explauatiou and apology is lue,fiiu it first ; being withheld, we are aor-iu position tooffer an y thing further. t -o- Aama?? acs. Turner's, by Mr. J. H. Enijtjlias become well established aud growing iu public favor. Uluiuel is the oue by which most of fiuTner's pitch their crops nud their wives j sow their garden 6eeds nud set tbej s. o !( for Atlaxta ! It will be seen by ni(lvcrtisement in this paper that the uaiiroad have reduced j-ates to Atlanta ; hi rder; to enable all who wish, to visit lHreat Exposition. A party of 50 may tf1 Salisbury and return for $6.5 y Tliijs isa rare opportunity to see a ; Pt iealat small expense. j j " -o . fohB D. Gaskill and his mule This is jf wasVou see John wanted to sell 1 tlt ninle, bo he put a line in the busi- Def8al column ' - to that effect, just .for DJ tiine. lie sold the mule Jo less than "fayi lint the printer forgot to tiiko -. Hill '! " in. . i . v dav 4 In re was -1 con i n to see about, that male. j fay h. VUi:td have rM !Ki mules ah.xnd aenlf. iTlu had hd them " n siinph- U'smiii oi how i.d lihii'tr Mys.i 5 . " . v Mr. J. S. McCnbbin. hag cleared and ditched "the cane break m i. J cornfield there next year. Thank, for tha destruction of a magazine of malaria. uixt, the imy. who Lave i been getting -"s .- mere ior years have' ftlMMlra 1 , ..... no 'uo, euro. : v j : i Thanks.- We are requested by the eid ers oLtbe Presbyterian chord, to express gratitude to members of other denoraina- uonaua citizen, for .their friendly aid in giving accommodation to members of aynoti Unriag the recent session of Hint body in this town. Oar visitors left I us with a lively sense of the handsome treat ment they received while here. - Musica Prof. Evans' vocaP class will meet at 7 o'clock, this evening in the Hall of the Y. M.C. Association, over Kluttz Drug store. This is a meeting to which all are invted. Practical illus trations of his method in vocal training will be given. Ladies, and all who sing are especially requested to be present.: The first regular lesson in the course will be given cq Friday night. ; o '.' j A crippled darkey nmde the round of the town Monday, askings alms. He has been a severe sufferer from rheumatism, having his right foot aud leg drawn up in a knot behind. It is not only entirely useless, but a very disfiguriug object. But with the aid of a crutch aud cane he gets about freely. Ie is from Wayne county . has no home, but lives ou voluntary charity. o " j "EXGLI3H Elm." We have a shade tree of this name which differs distinctly from all other varieties of Elm set -for shade. It is the first to bud -and put forth leaves In the spring by at least two weeks, and the last to shed its leaves in the fall Anj- oue interested on the sub ject may see two of them in the yard of Mrs. Boydeu, near the pavement. The leaves are larger and slightly crimpped : the limbs grow thicker on the trunk and seem less liable to split off in sleets or storms. The sluflle is denser, aud alto gether, for that purpose, the tree is most desirable. It is, on this the 9th of Novem ber, as green and fresh as iuJuly, whilst the leaves of other varieties are on the ground. -o- Anion? our Advertisers. There is no better way to solicit trade uiau inrougn me auvcrusiug coinmns oi your county paper. J R. J. Holmes, calls attention to his Rock lime, and fall and whiter stock in general. He always has what you call for. i R. R. Crawford fc Co., are ready! to supply ytia-with farm and factory strain engines, wagons, and all kinds of farm ing implements, guns, pistols, cuttlery, Mr. J..F. Ross, the cotton bnyer and merchant always pays good prices for j cotton, aud sells his goods at the lowest in has greatly increased his stock his store is full of new things. A. Parker and J. D. McNeely are j ust in receipt of family groceries, and- a lut of dainties go see them. M. S. Brown is fully established iu his emporium gents clothing, shoes and un der wear. Look in at his stock. j J. & H. Horah have in new -goods iu their line Silverware, shirt studs, sleave buttons, breast pius, ear rings, &c. , j D. A. Atwell Hardware merdihntjt handles plow, shovels, aud everything that the farmer, blacksmith, carriage maker, coopet and mechanic needs. J. Allen Brown is always reliable. iSee his ads. in this paper. " Jones, McCubbins fe CoM are m receipt of their second supply of fall and wwftei good. They aie perfectly reliable. " ' Gaakill s;iys ho will riot be un der sold Ho does a large business, aud I can afford to give bargains. Kluttz and Kendleman are moving on in their unassuming wav. sellin": coods at satisfactory prices. BLAOK-P KAUurl i cures ayBpeptia, , . . i indigestion and heartburn. At Theo. F. Klulti'a. OBITUARY. j Died, at the residence ot his son, Mr. J. Rowan Davis, netir StatesvilJe, oul the niffht of the 6th iust., after rive yea rssuffer- infrom cancer ot the lace, Mr. miciiael Davis, in the 76th year of his life, j The deceased was a native of Stanly couuty. He came to Salisbury a lieu a youth, aud engaged to learn the gun smith business with the late Geo; N ogler. After the expit atiou of his terra with him, he concluded to learn also the carpenter's trade, and engaged himself for thi3pur pose to the late Col. Saui'l Lemly, who at that time was a master builder iuj this place. The deceased preferred the latter trade and followed it duriug hhvloug life, i..." ..i..l. I.M mn.lfl a comfortable support "j " and raised a large and respectable family. - .1 1 . . .... iii w:i tir more inau lonv eaia u iuu- ...mi. o.l nf.il offieer ill tho Bisiciix mvuiwv. " r T - i i. .wi .i;.ii t.;..m.l.iu ljUiueraii cnuitn, uu ir...0 in the faith oU"ie loraesus curiae. has left many friends to cherish a kind remembrance of him j for he was uotouly harmless, but generous in his intercourse with his fellow men. lie was loving auu devoted as a'father arrd hasbaud, aud his children have shown their love for him throngh .the years of his severe affliction. .ti. ini.i-iiiiR of the deceased were brought here, and Tuesday morning bu lied in the family plat in Salisbury Cem- .tr VnTiAinl services hereafter, of VIV1J - - ; which uotice. will be given. "WINE OF CAHDli!" cures trrcgiilai; psinf al,or diflicult roen-struation. At Theo. F-KlutUY MININa INTELLIGENCE T. K. BELTS EK, MANAGES. Advertise yonr mineral lands in the mining ad column. ; ' We are almost daily in receipt of let ters enquiring for good mining property. Those who have property for sale should advertise with us, so that we could refer to them when enquiry is made for pro perty. Why do we not get the Daily Stock Report regularly t Does the fault lay in the mailing, or is lost on the way 1 There is a misty gloom overspreading mining stocks at present-holders feel as if on the verge of some big explosion. The depression is general. Ther next 30 days will tell a tale. An advertiser in the Mining Kccoid wants a gold mine in this State. The mine must be in operation, and paying a fair profit to present owners. This is a cliauce. There are several properties near here tha would fill the bill. Bullion Receipts, reported at New York for the month of October. $1,691, 029 01. For the year, including October: $16,302,173 62. The receipts in San Francisco for the mouths of September and October, are reported at $1 ,62 1 ,595 74. - Capt. J. A. Ramsay, C. E., tells that in the work now progressing ou th Paint Rock branch of the Western "N. C. R. It., that they have cut through several veius of quartz, which carry gold. This point being the cliff in Mountain Island. The Allex alias La ylor Situa ted near Thomasville is progressing sinking n new shaft. They are down in deepest shaft, 104 feet, and in No. 2, 23 feet. They have pumps, engines and boilers, aud three chilliau mills. There is a suit pending which will set tle the name. One party calls it the Allen aud tie other the Laylor. We can- not uiKe siues, tnerelore stylo it above. as Beaveu Dam Gold Mixixg Co. The last of their machiuery has arrived and they will commence running the first week in November. Mrs. Garfield will retain the interest held by her husband jn this mice and should operations at u,.e prove as now anticipated she will visit it this winter. 20 hands at work; engine houses completed and now build ing dwelling houses. Klan Miue. Mr. J. J. Newman has just shown ua. a map of the above named mine, in this county. The property lies in the gold regions and from the description seeu iu the adveiting column, must bo very rich. Healso showed us a map of the Parker mine, in Stanly, county. This property adjoins the Crowell, and is very rich In placer gold Nuggets from 1 dwt. to 6 pounds have been taken from this mine. A careful canvass of the miniug inter ests of Chicago snows that the majority of the heavier business men of bat city which lias become a great mining centre. are more or Jess owuera of mines aud mining stocks. Mining shafts to the number of sixteen have been discovered in the Yellowstone Park, Wyoming. The deepest is 25 ft-et. They also are the work of th uice of the stoue age, tor at the bottom of thes shafts were found stone hammers aud stono kuives. At the Atlanta Exposition there are ores ofgtddfrom many mimsin Georgia, Vir ginia, North Larniina, etc. r rm the I.tsi. iiamed Statti there are cipi)er orv. masses of great size aud richiet8 ; retiuel eop- per, iu uigoiB auu-piaie; ieao aim Miver ores; iron ores irom many miue; corundum, marbles, KipstiueVt, mica iu clear sheets a foot square ; sand.tones, flexible and otherwise; chrome iron; kaolin; jewels, nmethysr, cairiiigoni, rrc;tii "aiiiLi'ose bervl. true sanhvirex. zir- i n ' ' conR etC-t including tine siecimeiis of the newly found gem Hiddenite, which rivals the diamond. Those enumerated are all ! nttixi iwhfA n ii ii iiAti r All from North Carolina, and contained in the exhibit of the Richmond & Danville R. R. Company, which, besides samples of the wealth of that State embraces products, too many to enumerate, of oth er Statos tiaveresed by its system of rail ways. In that company s exhibit may be seen some $7,000 worth of gold nug- cets. besides bars of retorted gold of weights from M to os ounces, auu asiugle mass of coltl of tho value of $3,300 in the quartz that forms its matrix. The display of woods-in the rough and worked iu the name exhibit, is very large and fine. Extract. DIED. In this county Miss Minerva B. Sloax, in tue iweniy:Mxw jear o uer ge. - f-tiiku lki-tlaa lkav flait!l Cllfi - i- . 4 w,u" "r "."IVT."" i uecame aware inat soon sue must iau ii victim to the fatal disease consumption. 1 I . . F I . n 1 . V t n i v ueu cuniueeu m mis. ooo ci mwwu firm faith ill the Saviour and no fear of li... l - iue 1U8,' s'" And while we monrn what we may can n premature mat death, vet wo "sorrow not for her a I I those w ho hare no hope.n "There is a world above, Where parting is nnkuown j A long eternity of love, Formed for the good above ; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that glorious sphere. J. A. R. Senators Hampton, Morgan, Brown and Slater took a tilt at an old-fashioned spinning wheel at the Atlanta exposition last Saturday. The contest closed with Browu as champion. He had not en tirely foirgotteu his early education. Chailotte Obtcncr. HASINOW HIS FULL STOCK OF F& dND WINTER clot; OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND OVERCOATS FOR BOYS 1 1 FROM mm suits i " f ' For 3Ieri and Boys From SS.OO TO S35.00 t ' ' i. C V FOR MEN AND 3.Q to j ; , The Finest lot of 1 Hats - Eve in Salisbury. Prices frcm 2 Sets to S5.QO. am i WILL SELL YOU A WARRANTED BOOT FOR 1.85. Solid leather SHOES for 85cts. Extract from letter : Mr. M. S. Brown: In reference to the Solar Tip Shoes we hereby authorize you to warrant evkry PAin ofjThem in material and workmanship. . i Wo do not warrant against-ABUSE or FIRE or WATER. You can give a new pair for every unsatisfactory one, unless in your judgment the damage was the fault of the wearer. Please return all imperfect goods te us. Yours trulv, JOHN MtJNDELL & CO. . s . Philadelphia. I am prepared to sell you all the good in my line 20 PER CET CHEAPER than you ean get the same good any where else. This is business. Mining: Advertisments. aJvertlsements appearlns In this column are charged for at the rate of io ctits per line tor each Insertion. Attention Miners. I have iO pounds of charged Quicksilver for sale, low down. Address A. 13. H0LL0WELL, lt:pd Thtmasville, X, U. KLAN MINES! Having jnst sold tho Atlas & Same Mines, embracing some 1400 acres, I now take pleasure iu offering the! KLAN MINE FOR SALE. The KlanMtae eiiltyfaxv some 1300 acres of land, 14;miles 6outli-eat of Sal isbury, and lay 8 between ; tho famous Gobi Hill Mine and the Atlas & Dame, and joins both. The. Randolph and Bern hardt veins ot Gold ilill run thiotili t he place for about three utiles ; has many workings and oiilci oinns on tlic Millie, and snow much rich Gold Ore. Is in 400 yards of the 750 foot Gold Hill Shaft. The vein matter, which is immense, is composed of slate and quartz veius, most ot which ran luruugi the place, in JN S. AV.icorsenftd there roaHik1ftsro1j' veins that make a pretty show, this property has but little developments ou t. but the value ot the ore is known to d- JIa uf ,e lacts; CSU be geen. I v. . . . r . ExamiuatiiHi of thojwticu ulviteu. Hill be pleased to show same. Correspondence solicited, i Address J.J.NEWMAN, 4:2c Box 01, Salisbury, N. C. ! nobIthtate ' GOLD & COPPER MINING CO. ,1 The meeting of the Stockholders and Di rectors of the North State Copper & Gold Mining Company, .which was to -be held at its office on the property of the Company in Guilford county, N. C, for the purpose of levying n asrseMrirent 'rfn ' the Stock, and any other business which might be presented to the meeting, has necn postr poned, and will be held at the same place, 1 r . ... . at noon of the 24th November, 1S1. JOSEPH WlLKlXSjrresd't. l:2w J c- JO. MURPHY, K. K. RIGBY & MURPHY, Mini aii Coistnclini En&iMrs, 78 AND SO Bkoapwat. Room 49, NEW YORX. Examine and report upon Mine. Make Working Plana and Specification for the conalrnclion of gold and silver Milla, or will enter into Contracts far the erection f a me. Mining Machinery and nippl'ie purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment. Oraddresa JOHN RIGBY, 49;9m:pd High Point, N. C. Dr. Bliss's bill for medical service to the late Pressident is said tb be $25,000 The other medical charges ate about $70,00. NOTICE i BOT8 FROM $20.00 M. S. BROWN. BUSINESS LOCATE TTOTZ SALE.-A valuable 4 year old horse. Perfectly sound and works well iu harness. Cijas. Sjiupikc. It bis. Lime 100 Barrels Riverton or Centennial Lime. 100 do Indian Rock Lime. 100 do Georgia Lime. J5- VERY BEST BRANDS $1.50 Per Barrel. sanies anii contractors wanting any quantity would do well to call and get Special Prices. J. ALLEN BB0WH. 2:2t 100 BARRELS VIRGINIA ROCK LIME! Just received and for sale by It. J. HOLMES. Also just in, Full Stock of Pall and Winter Goods. Call and see them before making your purchases. B. J. HOLMES. 2.1m MILLINERY GOODS I I have opened n new and beautiful 6tock of Millinery in the room formally occupied by Mrs. Greenfield. CaH and examine, and make selections. Mns. W. R. Barkkr. 52:4t. NEW GOODS. AT THEO. BUERBAUM'S, 1,000 founds i FRENCH CANDIES .AT THEO. DIJ EXlJOXTjit ; 3 U TUJSll. ISLJSKBAyjl'B.-l CroWattd-'Blackwell Chow Chow; at v. - THEO. BUERBAUM'S." Cracked Wheat and Oat Meat at THEO. BUERBAUM'S. Bakers Chocolate and Cocoa, and Philadel phia Crackers at l:tC THEO. BUERBAUM'S. Xust arrived; Turkeys an d-Cran berries at j.d, mcneklt Irish and Street Potatoes, at . lI j.d. Mcxnxj Fresh Batter and Apples, at j.v, Kcsmr t ON BULL. I kave a One Davoa stock aalxaal tor paaiaav rlca-at a)o4rats rates. Apply ta 300 3 IS VERY SCARCE AND HARD TO GET, shall PUT MY WHOLE STOCK DOWN TO VERY Mil! Will be sold at -Prices that will surprise you. 0We want either J3r$ CASH OI PRODUCE. You all know what kind of goods I keep. - I am determined to sell whether anv one else does or not. " Very' Truly, c., JOHN D. GASKILL. MOREY & GOLD PMU GRH1DIN& & HOWLAITO'S PULVEEI2EE tck:s th3 Ana can be put up in ona day ready Tor work. IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVED TESTED ta crush and We construct Mn Wit n stamps weighing from Crushing MOI UTS. SmAfor Oscular. j warerooms w ana 48:ly . i-." "WE are daily receiving New Goods. Don't fail to sec us be fore you buy. WE HAVE A LARGE Stock of Clolhim BOOTS and SHOES, that must be sold. Special will be offered. Remember wc mean BUSINESS, .' . , . . . ... j And don t ouv until .-,. i i you sec our btock and , - 1 near our pi iuus. Respectfully, J. F. R03S. Xot. 2, IdSI. Mill . 1W GOODS ! from THE 1ST, SPE RM Y. AMALGAMATING-- MACHINERY plica cf ths comber; o ne Stamp Mill FfOite it weighs complete i.ooo r iunds. It costs $1 503 rr adr 'or the belt. Will crush one ton p ;r hour or nard ouarTz that pass through a 40-raet-u 6creen. Ihe w epr Is ipss tuan in r ! 6tampmtll. Its wearing parts are plain cystine ana cai n drrppeiltnto position in a tew momt pw. as snoitn bv nc r 1 an J C, no b lts or keys are r ;iutreu : it cun be sot V)n n . floorof a mill with no expense ior roundaiious, ana n- Vfl work In charges or continuous m,ite either trola id or i liver ores, mn lino- . a It will ami 'ea cheap and effect!-? mm; u ren rn. or Air lomnrpRmr!) .toi ' . , . , . "vci riu iil!??tampa- ann Pverjrursc'iU Uon ot names for stamps ; aiw Improved Doable SINCLE CYLINDER HOISTING - ENGINES, With or Withoct Boilerk, Wiki "or Manilla Roris Urcms. H Specially (tUiptrd to Mining fk . trrtKl. 350 to 00 lbs. tor gild and Ulverores. Wet or Drj , XiiDercy oirsei, ssew x otk. - . - " A Grand Reputation . Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cnro has reached a reputation that is not lim ited by the confines of section or country. There are uo injurious substanceg, nor false aud temporary fclimulaiits iu tho. preparation. It is purelj vegetable, aud compounded under a formula that has passed severs tests, and won endorse ments from some of. the highest medical talent in the country. X. Y. World. NOTICE TO CREDITORS! The undersigned having qualitUd us admin intMlor of the estate of IiTalt Dt-iivtr, dee'd, hert-by notifies all pecsons having claims against said estate to prt-fent the same forpay ment Wfore the Eirt Dr of October, 1882, -and all .persons indebted to aid esiaic are re quested lo make pajmcnt immcdiiiitl v to lli undersigned.. M. A Ikisr, Adm'r of Se(t. 30, 1 SSI. D4 vail Bearer. f1:4w - Rowan Coity-lD tte Superior Cent Moses L. Holmes against Richard A. Caldwell, Julius A. Caldwell, M. W. Jarvis and E. Nve Hutchison, Exec utors of iJarid F. Caldwell, Frances Fk-her, Annie McB. Fisher and Fred. C. Fisher. M. W. Jarvis, Executor of David F. Cald well and Annie McB. Fisher, of the above named defendants, nre hereby notified te be and apear before the Judge of our Supe nor Court, at a Court to be held Ujt tb Count v of Rowan at the Court Hu in Salisbury on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday of Septemlwr, 1881, and answer . the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be deposited in the offire of . the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of the s.vd term, ar.rt let the said defendants take nut ice that if they fail to answer the said tun. plaint luring tha term, the plaintiff v. ill arjr lo the Court for the relief demanded in tha complaint. This 6tji day of Aucnt. 1 SCI . 4r:fit V J. M. Horabt, Clerk Superior Court Rowan T uires 12-horse nnwrr istamp alius, Kf k breakers. Ciushlnv Mn,i nmaUnjrranaaid5:eparwrs ton.n.ni v. es. -Chlorldlztr? Furnaces. iipi.-i . i 1 1 4 : '4 I: t - y -