Wcw Comprciised-Air Iiocomotivc Scientific Am ee jean. A triaj was made on the Joonfl Avenue Efevated llailway, New York, of a new air locomotive on the- : . . . ' t ' 23J, and again on the 28th of Octo ler, with entire satisfaction to the - Pneumatic Tramway Engine Compa ny, who ownthe machine. In-this locomotive air at a high tension is stored in tanks and distributed to the motive cylinders through a reducing valve and then through hot water, according lc an old and well known rUan, for tho purpose of heating it, to counteract the refrigerating. eJ0Tect of the'expansion of the air, and also to provide moitsure as a lubricant for .the pistons. - This locomotive was built by tho Baldwin Locomotive Works, of Phil adelphia, and is the invention of Mr. - Jtobert llardie, of Edinburgh, Scot land. It is on the same principle and ah improvement on a street motor that was tested and reported ou by General Haupt, whose report was pub lished in the Scientific American Sup plement" of June 28, 1879, No.. 182. .T.he obvious advantages of a noiseless ' exhaust, and the absence of fire, with ; its disagreeable odors, dust and smoke in a street motor, are claimed for this locomotive, and so far as the experi ments pro concerned which have tak en place iu thelast few days on the JSecond Avenue Elevated road, the claim is well established. The locomotive, as shown in our , engraving, consists of four steel cyl indrical air taiils of very perfect con struction, loving dished heads and triple rivbted spiral seams in lieu of the- usual longitudinal form, and ouble riveted circumferential seams, all of which are made tight by means . pf Connery's calking, aud tested at a pressure of 8o0 pounds to the square inch. These tanks, having au aggre gate capacity of 400 cubio feet, arc . supplemented by two smaller distrib ting tanks, a small steam generator, and a pair of motive cylinders, simi lar to steam engine cylinders, 12 J x 18 ii cjies, wilhStephcuson link reversing gear and adjustiblccut-off ou the slide, connected in the usual manner to four coupled 42 inch driving wheels. The cab is located at the forward or cylin der end of the machine. The method of hanging by means of equaling le vers between the drivers and an im proved two-wheeled swinging cenlTe berhsg pony truck effects the distri bution of eighty percenttim of the Weight upon the drivers and practic ally c,aff2s pou three points of the frame, thereby avoiding undue strains and securing steady motion over ine qualities of the track. -The initial air pressure is GOO pounds to the square inch Tit starting, but is distributed to the motive cylinders through the dis tributing tanks, reducing valves, "and steam boiler, at a uniform working pressure, about the same us that of ordinary locoaTotives. A small fire U kept burning in the furnace of the steam generator, which is a small up right tubular boiler. For the purpose s of obtaiuin a high grade of expan sion and a uoisel;ss exhaust, the cut off is arranged on the back of the slide, as above stated, which, is in stantly adjustable to any desired grade by means of au ingenious hand device within the cab. ' ' A new and peculiar feature of this engine is the ue of thfc main cylinders for working the vacuum breaks, which is done by simply putting the revers ing lever iu mid-gear, when the main cylinders become vacuum pumps, thereby greatly simplifying the hand ling pf the train Ou the 26th of October we had the pleasure of a ride on this, admirable engine, and we testify to tho perfect manner in which it iu! fills its diission as a jjoisej, odorless, smokeless, and perftvtly controllable motor. It will cover the full length of Second Ave nue, from 127ih Street to the Battcrv. iU four loaded cars, at a higher rate! of speed than the schedule calb for, with a single charge of air, ami hen the recharging is done in as short a time us is needed to change horses on a suri'uee mud; The engine is ow iu charge of Juo. A Wallace, one of the "L" road en gineers, who is more than pleased with . it, and especially is he delighted with -ine absence of auxiety about boiler water; which is the steam .locomotive driver's bujjhear. - JtlV( eni!e chorus; -'YI iv. mom tit. i how funny the milk tastes this morn- in:.: ' M......... (It'll a iuumuiu en, my dears, owtnir tome scarcitv of wnfrr Hit. i - . jrf 1 a . ' milk man Had to give it to US IU it millUi i unit l 11 on til the we.aiicr ciia.,, Ulvy .. ,Ai cliiMr tu.,' j The Texas Cotton Crop, New f Qr leaks, NoveroAr .9.- The Qalveston Exchange report 106 replies from 82 jcounlies, which shotr (he character of the weather since October 1st to have been favorable in 40 counties, and raining and unfavor able in 42. Thi; weather, compared with last year, has been more favora ble forgathering the crops in 4G coun ties?, the gam? in 10, less favorable in 26 and no damage from frost. Eighty per cent, of the fcrop in reported pick cd. Picking v probably be finish ed bv the 15;h. The average yield is estimated at 500 pounds seed cotton, indicating a decrease of 40 per cent, compared with ast year. Forty-three counties reportj serious damage by worms, which jhave cut short the top crop; 14 jreport more or less damage from storms and rust ; 25, mostly northern couutie, report no damage from cither cause. The Citato House of Texas llarued. alvestox, Novomber 10. A special from Austin, Texas, to the News says : At noon to-day the old State House was discovered to be on fire, and in an hour and a half the building was completely gutted by the flames. The walls a: e all standing, apparently uninjured. The fire origi nated in the basement, the book room used for storing the reports of the Supreme Caurt, on the north side of the building, i Thef fire, when dis covered, had peea eating its way above and through the Speaker's room. The repords of the different i offices were generally saved, but much scattered and damaged by the rain falling at the time ; some $10, 000 worth of the revised statutes of the State, the 1 brary worth $40,000, furniture in the legislative chambers, worth $20,000, with the building, worth perhaps; $150,000, are a total loss. Oscar L. B; ildwin, the precious rascal who robbed the Newark bank of two million dollars, more or less. was last year a very generous con tributor to the Republican camnaisrn ! a a O fund. It is said that he gave large amounts to Star Router Dorsey to'aid in carrying Indiana in October, aud he also gave more to the general fund than any j man iiv Newark. If it could only be known just how much money, stolen in one way and another, was used by the Republi cans in ' October and November elec tions, a good mjjny people would be astounded. Ncics & Obscrucr. The original cony of Gch. Lee's order disbandihg. the Confederate Army of Virginia haft been presented by Senator V?st l.o the Mis ouri Historical Society. He writes to a member: "It was placed in' my hanis by one who, like you and myself, was loyal to the cause for which that army fought and who accepted iu good faith the results of its defeat. I received the trust, but upon reflec tion I think that a paper so valuable to the historian and autuiuarian, the last record of ab army uilequaled in hiftory for its achievements, should be deposited -with a society perma nent in duration! and devoted to preserving- the correct history of each successive age."j Seven Spots on the Sun. RothesUr Duinoqrat. i - I Seven large ispots varigated the disk of the sun yesterday. They were not widely scattered, and might be considered as one group. These spots form the most striking view yet pre sented during this season of maximum suix spots. Scattered among the large spots are innumerable small ones that appear no lare than a pin's head. An eighth large spot is forming. This wonderful display of solar forces can be easily observed by all possessing telescopes, without danger. Even a spy-glass fixed so that it can be turn ed to the sun without using the eye, will throw an image of the sun on a white screen. , - i'his itiKige cati.be brought into a focus by sliding the tube or moving the screen to and from the eye piece until the edge of the son appears sharp aud the spots become visible. The spots can be easily seen on an image three-quarters of an inch in diameter. But the eye must be kept from the instrument or serious injury will re sult. The earth storms' seem to re spond to the great storms iu the sun with remarkable precision. It is to be hoped th.it the sun observations during the summer, in connection with the meteorological rect-rds, will throw Mi.ne liirht noon the exact nsi. j c, , . I ji'w ... 4.ie --..icce of sun storms upon the earth. Animals Before an Earthquake. Ad Italian writer on the recent catas trophe on the Island of fticbia mentions those prognostics of an earthquake which are derived from animal. They were observed in every place where the shocks were unch as to be general Ij perceptible. Some minutes before they were felt the oxen and cows began to bellow, the sheep and gnats bleated, and rushing into con fusion one on the other, tried tu ' break the wicker-work of the folds, the dogg howled terribly, the geese and fowls were alarmed, and made much noise; the horses, which were fastened in their stalls, were greatly agitated, leaped np and tried to break the halters with which they were attached to the mangers; those which were proceeding ou the roads sud denly stopped and snorted in n very strange way. The cats were frightened, and tried to conceal themselves, or their hair bristled np wildly. Rabbits and moles were seen to leave their holes ; birds rose as if scared, from the places on which they had alighted ; and fish left the bottom of the sea, approached the 4 shores, where at some places great num bers of them were taken. Even ants and reptiles abandoned, in clear daylight their subterranean holes in great disor der, many hours before the shocks were felt. Some dogs a few minutes before, the first shock took place, awoke their sleeping masters by barking aud pulling them as if they wished to warn them of the impeuding danger, and several per sons were thus enabled to save them selves. A Richmond, Va., dispatch says itjs sta ted on the best authority that there is no foundation for the published reports that the control of the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company is likely to change hands. The Color and Lustre of Youth are restor ed to faded or gray hair by the use of Par ker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing high ly esteemed for its perfume aud purity Ocl3-Novl3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS! The undersigned having qualified as admin istrator of ihe estate of D.ivalt Denver, dee'd, hereby notifies all peesonn having claims against said estate to present the name for pay ment before the Eirot Day of October, 1882, and all perform indebted to raid -8tnte .-ire re quested to make payment immediutelv to lb undersigned. M. A Bosr, Adra'r of Sept. 30, 1881. Davalt Beaver. 51:4w WE are daily receiving New Good. Don't fail to see us be fore you buy. WE HAVE A LARGE Siock of Olofhini -A. U ZD BOOTS and SHOES that must be sold. Special will be offered. Remember we meai BUSINESS, And don't buy until you see our block and hear our prices. Respectfully, J. F. ROSS. Nov. 2, 1881. North Carolina In Superior Court ROWAN COUNTY. 19th Sept., 1881. Mary E. Daniel Suit for declaring void ngmnst tronr the beginning Lewis Daniel J Marriage Contract? It appearing from affidavit filed, that th Defendant is a nun-resident of this State, ii is oruereo that publication be made in the Carolina Watchman for six succes sive weeks notifying the Defendant, Lewis Daniel, to appear before the Judye of our Superior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, cm the 9th Monday after the irn .Monday ot September, 1881, and an swer the complaint which will bedenositeri in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Rowan County, within the first three days ot the term, and that if he fail to answer the complaint durihz the term the Plaintilf will apply to tho Court for the rcliel demanded in the complaint. J. M. IIoraii, Clerk Superior Court Rowan County 49:6t 3 THE CINCINNATI 17EEKLV TIMES Yuu fcir toon than fbrtjrean maintained lta position m the leading ppr of the WL it nc, and In the esteem of lta readen!fruiZ! U la jurt the kind of PW thTpeUS? of i flm claas family Journal. It la liner wed the public; lta reading matter eoVen a freater scope. Is morenwtalnlM and to. aXrucUre, Vnl yet it costs . BWOIE DOUULB A TEAS. P f"!5 ereryirhere amy It U the easiest paper In the field to canvass for, and readers & y6Xaf" Pled that they are ran to renew their subscriptions. Rait pngii VVfw eotitmju for on dollar a ytar, and" tha oet liberal terms to club agentaTTT C?ilblf ?Pr- Address Weekly Times, 233 Walnut Ittreet, Cincinnati, OT HIE DAILY TIMES-STAR tmr three maatbs. Has the larrest Tlrrnla Upn of any paper in OnclnnatL la the best adrerOalnff medium and the best paper ft reedera who would know of the world dotnes as prompUy as the news eaa be lm. parted. Address Times-Star, Clnelnaatl. oTT iwiisi flLLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER A Curative Host in Itself. Thirty year's experience ban firmly rooted Allrock jforoud Flasler in public esiimation. Their wonderful adaptabiliijr to the various ijiutoma of disease is a marvel to medical men of all achobla. For nervons persons and luna tics, one or more applied to the spine produc ed sleep when opiates, even hvdrsle of chloral, had been of little servire. Now, when one can not sleep, ;its is the common practice to apply a Plaster to the back. You scarcely touch the pillow before you are sound asleep. A llcocks Porou Plasters have the Curative effect ol the tSpanish fly bliaters, jet make no sore, and never affect the kidnev : are conveni ent for all, ages and conditions, usually only producing a "blush on the skin, and more cer tainly curative than liniments or blisters, and without proxtraiion or pain of the latter. This is true even in Croup, Quinsy, Pleurisy, Lung and, Throat Affection, and the utility of this oanilary invention has been waroilv wel comed. They are largely old in every part of Ihe world, and it is believed that not let than five hundred thousand persons are well, and attending to the duties of life, free troiu pain, who have an Alicock's Porous Planter some where about them, and who, but for the said plaster, would be prostrate upon a bed of ago ny. JJaidtM, a peculiar piny, pleasant odor, halo, or atmotphert exhales from them by the warmth of the body, imperceptible to ihe eye, but which envelops the person in a cloud of thin vapor, through which contagion cannot penetrate. In fact, Alicock's Plasters supply an atmosphere like that from baUam orpine wood, and no doubt attract ozone. When contagiout or infect cum disease are about, they should be vorn on the tiest or back as preventives. THE ALICOCK'S POROUS PLASTER oolhea paTri, reanimates torpid limbs, seems, in many cases, to revive the power of life. The great demand proves t lie tn to be used as a universal remedy. They are convenient of ap plication, and safe for ail, being incapable of producing any injurious etfects. Dr. Valentine Alott, Dr. Johnson, of Hart ford, and Dr. Myers, of Savannah, have spoken of them in the highest terms. The great Mutt said: Mfhey were all that could be hoped for in a plaster simple, cleanly and adhesive; perfect as artificial supporters of the muscles ; aud for pains, because of their counter-irritant qualities, usually at once giving eaue." Local weakness of the back, breast and side, always benefited,! thus curing lumbago in a few hour, sometimes In a few minutes. In serious heart and chest affections Uieir use causes an absorption or evaporation of wa ter, by which dropsy of the heart and hydro thorax have undoubtedly been cured. They appear to have a peculiar effect upon the nerroo, allaying irritability while supply ing warmth. They aeem to nccmulate elec tricity, and aid the circulation of the blood through the part where applied, by which healthy actions are induced. The Porous Planters are flexible, and found of great help to those who have weak hacks or pains in the side. Especially are they val uable to those who have neglected colds. They are often j preventives of consumption: nsv. they are believed to have loonened the sraspof inis lerrioie amiciion, ami had been mainly Instrumental in effecting a cure. In variable iliinaies liter should be worn on the breaM, or cetween the shoulders, or over the kidneys, by bhose wlioi are subject to lake cold easily. Tfii simple plnn will soon produce constitutional vigor that will enable one to resist extraordi nary changes of temperature. Experience has proved the For on flatter to be a blessing to the consumptively inclineil, invariably produc ing, the most remarkable abatement of the worst symptoms. Prineinal Acenrvrr 994. Hanoi Kt-f Nw York (My; and for Sale by all jji unguis. iujy -pa. n i jz cure: Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of Rare Value. and tea POSITIVF Rcarnvinr aiitho oi.'fenses mai cause pales in the lower rart of the uizzioess, liravei, Moiaria, and all dlfllcultles of tbe Kidney. Liver, and Mrlnary tinrsns. For iium FilS E ASFS Monthly Menstruations, and during rejrnancy. It has no eaual. It restores th nnrini . K n . - f- - 1. I. I .1 I . . tudv moH tuc uiuuu, aou nence lstne Dest BLOOD ruKiritK. ; it is me oniy Known rcnieay that cures ER S SAFE DIABBl'ES CUKE. bkiumf s disease. Kor manetes. usn WAkS For Sale by Druir?ists and Healers at eJai .on ter hnttl I.nnrptit hrrfr in tho mnrb.tiw Tr . - - r " ' v f . (BV U4HI Ml U. 41 i I'. n n. WANNER ACQ. ROCUESTKK, N. Y D3H.AJSIMH0HS' CURES NOIOCaTIOrt, fclUOUtWHSaV BtetcHaAbACKK CURE8 LorrAsrrrr. Soun SrcmAxni. Foul Brkatk . . Low Sshhts. OornvcMtsx Ovasntpsu. Ooua KMLAROShT S SPUStUsv. VerIlTsRI tr tRlMEDJt lhe J4 only roMine Stm. Medicine now In market, I're pared only by C. V .SlMMOXS Co. 3810-li Clark At. 8U LmU. foaor to M. A. Blmmons, M. I, Iqtteani l bottle, m pmckape. gold by all Dnwrjiat. Corae to the Front! W. A. EAGLE PZ2T3 BOOT, SHOE & GAITER HAEER, MAIN STRE -ST, OPPOSITE EN KISS' DBUO STOKE. AH Work Strictly First Class Havinz had sixteen yea exerietr in the business. I am prepared TO PLEASH the S1V iIIUIUU, For EASZ AND ELEGANCE OF FIT tnjVork can not be excelled. All material of the beat and finest grade. All work done in the latest slvle nt fashions. Q-sats Fina Work a Spedal.7. Readv-?nde work of the besl qnalilv alwaja on hand for sale. Attention civn to r'AKCY ri ir . , 7-. . - 111niv ana 1 nim iion cox loe nork. Repairing J?tlv and Promntlv done at moderate prices. BfSatisfaclion guaran teed or no charge..; Orders bj mail promptly filled. II U U -L3U 1 LaBlD m rl nni y wm. a. casie; the Carolina Man Still under the control of it old Pro prietor, Is Issued troy Thursday afternoon at tho reduced rates of S1.50 In Advance. Person, delaying payment three month- will be required to pay $2 per year; de laying to the etui of the year, $2.50. rirrrr tit a mrrrrr r nrr to Thi) Best Ai?erfcii Medico at iu this aud adjoiuitig Counties. JTOB SPRINTING of eve rj claas done promptly and in the brst atjlo at rtrj low rates. HISTORY OP ROWAN COUNTY BY REV. JETHRO RUMPLE. We still h$r$ fear eopis of this valua Ule little book, which should be possessed. by every citizen who feels a pride in the history and character of Old Rowan. Send for a copy before it is too late. 03" Price $1.25. J U ' I l A TRUE i :V A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Intermittent Fevers, Want of AppetiicLoss of StrengthJLack of Energy, etc Loriches the blood, strengthens the mocles,and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a cliarm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such, as Tasting the Ed, Belching, Heat in the SUmaeheartburn,eAe. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. " Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book (32 pp. of useful and atuudng read-' ing) sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. ft.i.iit.iH r, mittin, niiniil i nit liisna mi iium ii. BWAS OF L3UTATIOXS. o) h r11-! rJr!o)r Le)li u u Lbim) CflEieiise3TiineTaliW.aB.fi TRAIXS GOING NORTH. Date May 15, "81 I NO. 41 I No. 49 No. 43 ( Daily ( Dally Dally 4 05 A M 15 A M 4 15 r M 411 AM 6 SO "! 4 30 " 5 56 A At IM " i (07 " 6 03 AM 1 30 j 1 51 " 8 85 A M 50 " i 8 18 ' 140 PM tor Rich 145 PM mond 4 00 m only 8 85 PM 1011 AM 11 SI " 10 27 AM 11 33 " 10 5S AM 18 01-PM 12 37 P M 10 " 111 PM S 55 :4 S20 P M 3 51 " 4 05 PM 4 28 " 4 10 P M 4 35 " 4 13 PM 4 88 " 4 IS P M 4 43 " 7 18 A M JSSSS j uncx Salisbury Ait. Greensboro Lv. Greensboro Ait. Kaleigh Lv. Arr. Goldsboro Lv. Greensboro " for Richmond Lv. Danville " N. Danville " Barksdale DralCsBr'ch Jetersvllie J; Lv. " Arr. Manchester Arr. Richmond TRAINS GOING SOUTH Date May 15, "80 No. 4 I No. 43 No. 50 Daily Dally Dally Lv. Richmond 1 45 P M 13 00 M " " Burkevllle i 25 A M i 4.1 P M Arr. N. Danville 7 oo " 6 05 " Lv. " 7 25 " 6 18 " Danville 7 81 Arr. Greensboro 9 26 " 8 11 Lv. 9 SI " 8 87 " ' Salisbury 11 16 - 10 83 " Arr A-L Junction 12 45 ' 12 15 A M Charlotte l 00 " .12 10 AM Lv. Richmond 2 .13 P M Jetersvllie 4 41 " Drak e Br'ch 6 07 ' " Barksdale 7 25 " Danville 7 51 " Benaja 8 55 44 Greensboro 9 27 4 4 Salisbury 11 03 " A rr. A-L J unction : 1 3 S 6 44 Lv. 44 " 1 Arr. Charlotte 12 80 A M FOR SALE, Knoarn as t'ae BracUUaw or Gray Place. This Property, located in the limits ol Salisbury, contains 36 J ares, a never failing well of pure water, all needed out buildings, and a FIRST-CLAS3 RESIDENCE. This nrop-ji-tv must be sold, therefore a Good Barsrain for t!e ready money, or to any one paying half cas!i with deterred payment tor the balance. Apply to J. M. GRAY, " Attorney at Law, SalMiunj, N. C. N. B. Anv one having a desirable resi dence to sell, within four squares of the ealislurv Court House, may hml a purcha ser by applying to J. M. Gkay. 46: t Ginger, Buchu, Man drake StiHineia and tnany of the Best medi cine knows are cotzv bincd in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such raried powers, as to make it die greatest tilood runner and tne BestHealtk AStreagtl ueatortr tvsr ussa. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Parker's II D I .Lungs, LiTer & Kidneys, MalP rialRami ftisentirely diflercntfroni Th. Bast, Ckaaast, aa4 "" v-'uljt m vasjivuM H' . gr. V XeoBonteal Hair Dm. ana OUier lotUCS, SS U NTr fsik is isslms neverintnTSestea. Hkivw TsiBiaisiMorugiax aalr. & Co.. Chemists. N. Y. S0c aJ f tw Sarfay B7tey Dollar Kb. :ty owh&csoifah-, Cook Stoves of all Uzes and styles always on haml at lowest prices. Far-Make a specialty of the ACORN COOK STOVES., the best In the world. A nrst-clasa stock of Tin and Granite ! iron ware. T1H AND COPPER SMITHING. All kinds Of House-Rnoflncr nnd Rnttar4n,1nT.a short notice and In the best style. . olP constan" on hand a complete stock of 8neet-Tln, SheeUlron and Sheet-Copper.-which we miuiMK,tuc. Mays etf TliTIK TABLE WESTERN IT. C. Railroad Takes effect Sunday. July IT, 1881, at 4.15, P. M. ARKIVI. LKAVK. STATIONS, lisoa.m;saiisoury ASRIVK. LIAVK. it os a.m I it 30 IS 62 Third creek aua.tn 8 84 8 OS S 41 1 41 fcimwood Statesvuie 140 I ivatawDa $41 107 B45 Aewton Conova 12 43 It 28 iiicKory H57p.m 760 4 23 tv-aiu II 13 445 Morzanton iioio 00 joienn Alpine 10tr iBrldzewattr 9 45 641 2 Marion gso !oid Fort g 03 37 7 57 i.vt a.m uenry 17 Bl'k Mountain e it 814 89 8 50 900 945 itjooper'a s 07 Swannanoa 5 49 jAsaevuie Ju'ctl 5 t rrencn Broad FREIGHT TRAS 4 ISp.tr. ARRIVE. LEAVE. STATION'S -: 8 00 a.m. Salisbury ' . 5 wV. titl u 00 A.M, ti 55 . i nira creek ; 3 47 : lElmwood : 8 15 ;Ststesviue : 1 43 i Catawba ; 1 34 Newton it 25 ' :Conover 12 09 ;Hickory in si a.'h' 7 St 8 56 9 10 9 42 .0 23 18 40 11 60 12 33 A.M.! iMortranton -I ioien Alpine : to iBrldewater 8 44 iMarton : t 43 ;oid Fort i is ;Henry 5 69 Bik Mountain' 03 50 i.m. Cooper's ; 4 long's 5 4 ta i Ashe vllle Jnt; :Asheviiie : French Broad! icru -in a 100 1 17 S41 402 8 2d 5 50 4 80 50 r.u. 84 A.M. 4 00 A.M. Twm tS Trains nin dally, Sundays excepted. " A. B. ANDREWS, oen.Supt, TONIC AND SPERMATORRHEA. 1 A TF11' Dlscorsry and Kew Depurtora hi Vl nai Emissions aid Iin potency bjthl ol jftI way. Tls: Blct ApplicaUoa tithe princrpJlawt ft -th DtaM.aeUoK by AbsorpUon. and uiatory Ducts, Prostata Gland, and UrethrlT of th, Wad, U attended wkn no p7ln oHneoa! Tentence, and does not interfere with the orim? pcrwiU of life; it U qalckl, dissolved Jnd Z sorbed. producing an immediate aoothio and retorI atira effect upon the aexual and nerTuu, ormt tioas wrecked from aelf-abuse and excess., wSpvSi i,?JaiaJfr0al ih' "mam. restoring th?injE b2h odund memory, remoring the Eimnesa cfSlrht. Kervoua DobiUty. Confiilon or lde!2 Aversion to Society, etc, etc.. tad the ppersn! tronhle, and restoring perfect Oexual Vi ns this ' ow Dtta aormant lor rears, i his m ror, where now a prpnoanced success, limps are too niuca orC acrloed in theso troubles, and. as many can bear wit ness to, with but little if tnjr permanent good. Therm is no Nonsense about this Preparation. Practical Ob serration nableatis to positively guarantee that it mens naa avooa sue lest In v le of treat verr sever f . ,. nA " b",n la soneral use, we have thousand of teni. C" a" to its aiue. and it is now conceded by tbe . edical 1'rofenuon to bo t be most rational m.in. nt- wiii iinHuuucuoo, inuring- ine eurht years Ih.t ?1cored ot reaching and cu ing this very prevalent trouble, that is Weil known to be the cause of unUM misery to so many, and upon whom Quacka prey with7 their useless nostrums and big- feea. The Item w). is nut up in neat bo cos. of tfuwe sizes. No. l.ieoooch to last a month.) S3 ; XIo. B, isoQcient to effect a per. msnent cure, unless ia severe croS,f f5; Ko. 3 (liitinr over thr raftiths. will st-o ein.bni mi restore vLjor In the worst cases,) S7. hnt hymaiL scaled, In plain wrappers. Full DIRECTIONS fee-; sng- win accoraBsnyEACH BOX. SewJ for Mer.ieri Mieirriptirm ranph- 1 !. at Vina AimtvMictil 1 1 1 nut ration ana I en tint oti iy. wAiri trill (oiiHnrr 1 -eoel to ;riyfrt uauluMnf.atul fit- 0 tert for the Untie of tire, hkiiic unifl Mt?er ttfccte! , fiolU O.Vi, 1' ttu HARRIS RSWEDY CO. MFC MSIi DR. BUTTS' P'SPENSflgY Treat all Cbrpnie Diseases, and enjoys m nation al reputatiua throueb ibi carius of complicated cats. INPISCRETIONarSXPOSllPgWcdBc. "KaammemmKamaaaisajioimoammUi Idr at- ctioas of tbe bloo.1. ekiu or Uiuen. trealml tiUi soc-"' oesa, without nsing Merc ury or l'oisooous Msdicioas. YOUNG MEN WJ er utfetlo from thecBacU BSBBVWsSaSHiM"( n dito Ibat unfits its slq tims for-hnlnoa or mnrria, rrrmanpntlj rami. PATIENTS TREATED. bI' MsilaodErpreis, SraiTff mtitwrnw v . w.y but wher pewibit, perusal raniulialion is f rr.'erreJ, v.l,ich it REE mttt in I it. d. List of qcsitr-iu to tte alts w'r4 br- patiuu 44uiiic traal. Lieat mailed fr-c in any atdrr.t on atHiiicatinn. (FerMiiM MtTrrir fran Rapture hoM Mad Itir IrsiHi m snS Want Mirtiiie Ut thrlr aatrenUan. ft Is mot a Sraas." Comiriulticti'M'S if rietljr rwofldai.ttal. and st.uld W s4drvas4 UlL. ULTTa, in .Nurtb 8th St.. Hi. UuU, Ma. Buck Horn (Xext door ftclow J. D. McXetly's Store) ''Where will be found s 1 GOOD BEEF -Ajm The aiarkct AlTorci. Full Weights and Prompt DeliTerj IS MY MOTTO. I want 'to tuy- Fat; Cattle and Sheep. L L. BEAN. HARD 2 - gf WARE WJIEIV YOU WatatT. HARDWARE At Low Figures . Call on the undersigned at No- 2r Gr'" 0W7' d.a.atweU- Salitbory N. C, J " S 1-