I 1 il .1 .1 srS. 1 .t It- . ; ! I ; J ' ' t VEBY OLt PEOPLE. Kerr. Grisnoltl, of Tennessee, clams to he 120. Grandpa Murphy of O'FallonMo., U in his 1034 rear. A mulatto woman in Brazil is said to be 187 years of age. Eunice Sweatt died in Belmont, y. H.recently, aged 105 years. J 8. Payne died not long ago in Stafford County, Virginia, aged 102 year. Mrs. Dina Rati, wh died at Lit tic Rock, Ark.,jon the 1st inst., was -102 years old. -. Near Blonntirille, Tenn., lives Betsy Dyer, aged 104, and Mrs. Goodman, aged lOOC Caleb Ferris, of Galway, N, Y., Celebrated his 100th birthday by walk ing a mile on a wager. Mrs. Julia Melanfor six jr ears an inmate of St. Joseph's Hospital,. New York; is 110 years of age. Michael O'Brien, of Daripn, Wis., is oow living at the age of 108. lie till enjoys his pipe of tobacco. Mrs. Miller, who resides at Nine - teenth and Tosker streets, Philadel phia, claims to be 105 years old. Elizabeth Hard n a colored woman, lately died at the house of her son in Troy, N. Y., at the age of 104. A colored woman in Lauisville, named Rosette Washington, was born in 17G4, sr.d is therefore in her 118th year. Micliiel Ganvoe. livinc with" his W son-in-Jaw, George Muir, in Roches 4er, N. Y., is 108. He is an inveter ate smoker. Old Aunt Fannie Walker (colored), of Kansas City, U in her 116th year. She is living with her great-grand children. Mrs. Margaret Freeman, of Balh, Me., is in excellent health at tlje age of 100. She has found teeth and reads and sews. ' The relatives of Lewis Rockwell, of Ilonesdale, Pa., celebrated his cen tennial birthday not long ago by send ing him to the poor house. Nathan Whifely, of Covington, Ga., is 102, as shown by the record in the old family Bible. He is as hale as a man of 60 and appears to take the world en?). Archibald McArthur died a few days ago. at 'Dnssoon, Scotland at the age of 105. For many years he car ried on Evangelistic work among the Gaelic population. Nicholas Singley, of Ventura, Cal., is said to be M)4 years of age, and it is claimed that both hfs father and mother lived to be over a century old, and that his brother, recently de ceased, was 108. M. Mauch Abney, of Red; Oak, Or, is 102, and has ft sister only two years younger. They moved to Brown County from South-Carolina -45 years - vago, and have never been out of t lie county since. Mrs. Sarah Misely was 111 years pjd at the time of death, at Madison, Ind., November, 9th. She was a na tive of North Carolina. JJer daugh ters, of whom lhi-re are eeepil in that vicinity, range in age from fifty five to eighty-seven years. Mrs. Emma W. Skelton died - Boston last week, aged 103 years and ten months. Site was born at Ash? burnharo, and married Rev. Thomas Skelton, a graduate of Harvard and Pastor of Foxbojpp Church. She has been in good health until recently. The father of Rev. Richard Jordan, of fthea County, Term., is tlill liv- . ing at the age of 10G. His fon is 75. His wife is 87, but looks older than her husband. He appears very much younger than he really is, and bid fair to live a number of years longer. Mr. Rachel Conk ling, of New York, is now 100 years, one month ( - nnd a few days old. Her husband and on-in-law wtrc soldiers in the war of 1812, and her brother 'established tin first ferry letween lloboken and New York. Her activity is but slightly iupaired(and Jie has had only vreekV ' ckness dyring the last tweutv-five ) vara. Mrs. Marja Iluff, of CliiUon; tyis., fy hritnt her 100th anniversay on j , . (jtjlh of August last. Shp was tnar- ' lied iii 1709 aud, is the mother of peven children, four of whom Jjvin. J heir, refpeejty age3 are 73, 67 and 3. ides f he four uliildreji living, AJrs, Huff' has liv- j ' Iwenty-iix grandchildren, forty great-grandchildren, and eight great - j;reat grandchildrcn,j Mrs. Nancy Slnis, of Jackson, Ton; i . jiwsee, is said to be tint les than 12'J lhp oJU Wman retains ii ei.. .1 4 soldiers in the Revolutionary ytrar. Many of her grandchildren and great grandchildren are living in the ( oun- ties of Madson and Hardeman. A clay pipe has been her constant, com panion since early youth. lie was "Introduced How a Pi-omlnent I'ailroader "Made Milwaukee Wisconsin, ... Tlvere is a certain young, but proni- nent railway man of this city whose duties at times take him out" along the line of the ro:id ;5 and, a .might be ejected, his acquaintance in various localities is extensive. He is of social nature and is partial to young ladie3, never neglecting an opportu nity to make additions to his circle of friends among the fair sex. Not long since the young man, let him be call ed "Jim," for the sak of convenience (though tlrat isn't his name) was ap proached by a friend, a married man and the request was made: 'Jim, come up to my house to-night There is a young lady there I should like you to become acquainted with ' This struck the key note struck it so hard, in fact, that Jim had no suspicion notwith tauding the fact that his friend was an arrant wag, so he said : 'Is she good looking V 'Betchcr life!' Who is she?' 'Oh, she's a stranger in town.' 'Visitor?' 'Yes ; she came yesterday 'How is shcV 'Oh, she's not old ; she isn't as obi as you are 'Will you introduce me if I come up?' 0-f c-o-u-r-s-e! What a :i I ask ing you to come for?' Jim had his mind made up to go from the very first; but these little interrogations Were lor form's sake he didn't want to seem too eager: so, with au assumed nonchalance, he said ; 'Well, maybe I'll drop in this evening and off he went, smiling. His friend was more than smiling he was grinning so he could be heard half a block. Promptly after tea Jim sallied out toward his friend's hou.se, not with out, however, a careful attention t" his toilet and the other essential to a good looking lady's man. But when he nenred his friend's house his cour age began to firi Jiim : It seemed something out of the usual line. Without doubt the young holy would be prepared fr. his arrival, had heard of him beforehand, knew why he was coining, and would tStinklie vasjr"little off." He even thought of going to a wet grogery store to get a "clove" to brace Jiim up with a little art. (icial valor; but ,heii.c!oves were so very aromatic they would "give hi iii dead away." Well to out the matter short, he did, wiih a hcu't beating like a trip-hammer, manage to knock at the door. IJis friend opened it and Jim went in. The lady "of the houe was not present, but Jim, in his excite iien', took no njlo jf that. After chatting awhile wify thoc present, and talking about every tiling from the price of turnips to the Star Route trials, he said (agin with his astijnej$ carelessness): 'By the way, old man, wfrere is that young lady visitor of yonxs?? Oti, thunder ! I'd abotjt forgotten that ! Come into the next room.-She's in here with my wife And into the next room thcy Trpnt. Jim saw in the next room only his friends wife. But she was in bed and seemed to be ill. Ilis friend plunged down among the pillows, and finally fished up u mysterious looking bundle. iv rnc is, uiiii j itiy oauguicr i Weight ten pounds ! Isn't she a slick one? Sjhe's worth her weight in dia monds !' Jim didn't knew what to say. The revelation was so unexpected it "broke him all up;" but he put the best face hccnnld on ihe mutter, and congratu lated the tortuuate father on his heiress, and shortly after took his leave. That evening the inhabitants of the Ktrct in which ;this incident t k . ? juace were Mart led at seem ' two figures moving with me e r!ike rapidi ty through the alley toward tiiv subui bs. Those vvho are pasted sav they were those of the railway man am! a sljc-f.Kit Iris' i man tiMVimm i.e kick lijm out - ol - i lmd .aid $2 ti town. iter memory eu. one iriaiiua iiiui her huslmnd and father were both New Orleans Democrat: .Cotton seed continues pouring into the city. We are 15.033 bales of- cotton behind laiearl'tS4532 wicks ahead. In view of the increase in the value of cotton Heed this season, our planters will make quite a considerable amount from this refuse of their crops, which will help fo cover their losses on the staple itself. The ,Bston tsays-; The At lanta exposition ia splendid educator, but it is doing as much for Northern men who attend it as for the South. under whose auspices it is held. No g-od business man can examine the many suggestive features of that exjo Kition -without becoming convinced that the Sotth is entering upon a new and promising industrial era, the de velopment of which no man can now estimate. The South is not to be simply a feeder of Northern manufacture, but is rather to be is rival if the si;ns of the limes are not deceptive. The in dustrial possibilities of that section have been underrated. There are am bition and shrewdness and thrift that are very actively manifested when oiuc awakened, a d li e signs of awak enins seem unmistakable. pni n Great chance to make money. Those who UULUi always take ad vant itre of the trood chan ces tot making money that are off ere . penerilly become wealttiy, while those who do not Improve such chance3 remain In poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work 'or us right in their OW-. localities. Any ODe can do the work pro perly trcia the llrst start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wajje3. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages falls to make mony rapidly. You ran devote you whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. fc'uU iuformatlon and all that Is needed sent free. Address Stisson & Co., Portland, Maine. The Color ami Lustre of Youth arc restor ed to faded or "ray hair by the use of Par ker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressinir high Iv esteemed for its perfume and niir:tv "Oci:i-Novl3 NOTlCErO CREDITORS ! The undersigned having qualilird as admin istrator of the estate of Divalt Ui-aver, dee'd, hereby noli tits all pecsons having claims against said estate to present thps.-imt forp-iy-menl before the Eirst D.y of Oi-tooer, 1882, and all persons iiuKlded to said r state- re re quested to make payment immediately to ihe undemigned. M. A Bust, Adm'r of Sept. SO, 1S81. Divall Beaver. 51:4w WE are daily rt'ceivitsg.Xe-.v Gm)(U. ' Don't fail to sec us be fore vou buy WE HAVE A LARGE Stook o? Olotliing AND BOOTS and SHOES, that must be sold. Special v. ill be offered. Remember we mean BUSINESS, And don't buv until you see our Stock and hear our prices. Respectfully, J. F. EOSS. Nov. 2, 1S8I. Hifdi Carolina In Superior Court. R0WAX COU.NTY.-lCth Sept., 1881. Mary E. Daniel "j Suit for declaring void agtinst j- troin the beginning Lewis Daniel j Marriage Contract. It appearing from afSdnvit filed, that the Defendant is a nun lis: dent of this State. it is ordered that publication lc made in the Caiiomxa Watchman for six succes sive weeks noticing the Defend in t, Lewis Daniel, to appear lcfore the Jodjre of our Superior Court, at a Court to b hi-Id for the County ot Kowan, at the Court House in Salisbury, on the 9th Monday after the 4th Monday of Sept ember, 1881, and an. swer the complaint whjcli w;!J be deposited in the otnec ot the Clerk or the superior Court of Rowan County, within the first three days of the term, and that if he to answer the complaint during the term, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. J, M. IIouah, Clerk Superior Court Rowan Countr. 496t " THE CINCINNATI r UEEKIV TIMES baa for mow than forty yean maintained its poaltlon aa the leading paper of the West. It ranks above all others in circulation. Influ ence, and in the esteem of Its readers, because JaJ nd of paper the people want. TK Weekly Timet covers the whole ground of s first class family journal. It la larger and better than any higta-prioed weekly of. tared the public; Its reading matter covers greater scope, la more entertaining and in structive, and yet It costs BUT OXE DOIXAB A TEAS. Oar agent everywhere say It Is the easiest paper In the field to canvass for, and readers of one year are so pleased that they an aore to renew their subscriptions. Eight pag fifty-fix column for one OoUar a year, and tha most liberal terms to club agents. Specimen copies free. Send for one before subscribing for any paper. Address Weekly Ttsnes!, 230 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. THE DAILY TIMES-STAR. Bohi page, forty-eight eohtmne. Only six Cellar a year, S3 far six montba, fLA for three bwbUm. Has the larrett rfrrciin tlon of any paper In Cincinnati. la the best ZZtlZ? X??!-, dolncs as promptly as the newa can b in- iima-(itt.cinelAaaa.Q. FACTS SPEAK s THEHSELV1S! lleullU is a .great bleeiug. Diae U wuiilof t-aftf. auti wiiliout the c-aMiivm and cuiulvrt ut' liealtli, what U welttwoTlli7 What iiiiipiiif can there b m hie? II we are not ril, it bUwtrl ih'uig to know liuW lo rv aiu heiilm. I offer tiu.-f Knowlrile, Ireetjr ahtl withuiit price, lu the whole world: "Take tiKAKDUii.il a VtGKTABLK I'illj whenever you are ilick.1' It mw nearly fifty year itiuce 4 iolroducttl ihen pilU to the American people, and, aficr using til'iy iuiilionot box en, tie verdict ol'ihe great jury of American suvereigim in, that they are the bol aud safeat purgative ever known. They harecimidete1y superceded mercuryand l.Itred'ing, which wa iuund in very general ue in thin i-ouiitrr fifiv earn ago. 1 said that tlie tone wa joiiououit anl I he other a uinrderoua treatment, the remedial power ol nature naa nol oul v to cure the disease, hut tu eradicate mercurial poixoiis nd supply new streams of bltMid to! exhaiiKted uatieiiu which wa too iiiuch for auv cntttution ; ttat my plan ol .- i . . trealiueiit w.im iq remove nieae oy puriMiiig the blood with Br;iiitlrtihV fill, lyr when the blood whu thus made pure, the medical force of imur c-ime into full play, and. imlew God willed olli. rwie. the i-stunt was Mire to re cover. liraiKireth - i"i aiM naiure m an her efforti. It nature thai cure? dieae and not medji'ine. Kveiy otht-j coulee of treat ment nlv throw.xrt-at olwlacltf in the way of the constitution. I au ha jy to nav that bleed- injr, which I raid was always improper, hax bien gener tlly abnnd)iiel by the medical pro fession, and that the poisonous ijnalit iff of mer cury have been so far recognised that the uiMj of it ha Wen forbidden in tlp United State Army, by the Surneon-Ueneral. In the calen dar for 1881, I pnhligh numerous case of cure by Crandreth'ti Pi I In, some of them no remark aide a lb be little i-horl of miraculous: Hdt thev are true, ant the witnenne can be seen and consulted; If Urandrt thV P'iIIk were used in every family, each Imx would lea magaiine of healili ami a pet feet medicine client. CSSZSB.V2, that Bniiilreth's PHIh, taken on an emptvutom ach. crejle mi iixiifnt, vomititiL'. or griping They di good any time, hut are nmttl eflei-tive ami :izreeaiile tuktn on goitig lu r-etl, when lit tip, or better still, no ujper.ha!i been eaten. B.BICAXDKET1I. COSTIVENESS AHD DISPEPSIA CURED. Elizabeth Falls, Maine, Oct. 31, 18S0. Hon B. Branpketh: My Dear Sir I like toh ve il good oupply of Brantlrvtn t I ill in my hoii!e, tul theielore enclose yem an order for two dozen lwxe. I firt learned the vir tue uf these lill when 1 wai irouhlt-d with ohstiirite etwtivenesK und ilyspepsia. By taking Brandreth'i I'ilN, two every night, for a month, my digestion was restored, and 1 he Ciime perfectly regular. Chas. F. Rollins. CURE OF COUGH. North Faikkield, Huron Countr, Ohio, O. lobel 'C, 18?y. Hon. I). Buandketh: My De:ir Sir Some rears ao 1 was a brokt-n down invalid, with a bad 4-ouh, a iil pain in uiy sidt, whii-h llir doctors thought came fn-ni liver complaint, hut none of thorn could do any ;ool. I ertm-m-in-i d n-sin Brandrt ih;s 1'itls. taking thrt-c-ihe lirst night, ami iuereasiuu,tiue every rilit for a week:, then rested i week, and commenced ajain. In six weeks I grv well m:l streiig. entirely recnveied my health, xnd have te mtined so ever since. F. E Jackson. SOLD BY ALL D HUG GISTS I i made from a Simple Tropical Leaf of Hare Value, a:ia ir, r-Ool iVt REMEDY for all the disease that i-aue pales In the lower part of the boJy for ronnd Liver Uea-luhes Jaundice ilziuess, ravel. Molaria, and all diaiculUes ot th Ki Idov, l iver, and Mrlnary )r;ms. For F E : A DISEASES . .'iontlily .lent;iru:itlons. and during Pivgnuiioy, li nun no etual. It rrscores ihe organs mat n-uke the blood, and hence Is the best 6LOOO PU3i?l. -It is Me only know n reme.lr th it .-tirpj: BR3 tr-;Dis AS5. For Dlubcies, use WARN hln'S SAFE DIABKTES Cl'ifE. For Sale by Drucists and Meal rs at SSI. J3Q p;-rtx)tt;e. Lar?fst bott in the market. Try it. H H. WARNER A CO. Kocukstkk. N. Y DSM.AJSIMMOHS' CURES iNStOESTION. DlUOUSNESS, OURE8 Lost Appstits, cun Stomach, Foul Breath Low Spirits. BickHeaoaohk c08tivenes9. ... :,; Oyscpsia, gl .- oPLXKKfte. ttltSOri-nnthenldett. an1 otjIt rnalas ta inon Mi-ik-lne now in markrfc. Irenar oalv br F.SimmoxhCo. SdlO-li (lark at. St. Loiu. fncreiir to M. A. Simmon, M. I. Intoe mnA 1 bott.ei and packagea. bold bj ail Dracfiat. Come to the Front! W.A.EAGLE rnra BOOT, SHOE & GAITER HUE?, MAIN S lxlEET, OrPOffll'K tNNIS DLVG 8TOI5K. All Work Striclly First Class 1 1 :-t v i n -4 h.-id sixteen year txerienee in the h'isii.epi--, I m ireartd 10 PL1 the iuokI lasii.lious. ' For EASZ gviO ELEGAHOH OF FIT my wrk can not be excelled. R3.AH in.iteri tl of the hent and finest grade. C-AII work done in the latent ntylen and fashion. G:2ts Fins "v7crk a Specialty Ready-:nade work f the l?t qua wa v CY e at I on hand for ile. Atientien ctven n)KK and hamj.jon J5.x Toe W Repn'ring K:t!y and 1'ie.tiij il modente nr cw. KL.Saiiiiaeiio or no ci.are.t Order pmrnmlT Gil d. 1 tillYEGCTAOLE m 4::iy WW. A. tAULi . n-RCojhn ATDiirTnMif THE Carolina Watchman, Still under thm control of its old Pro prietor, Is Issued evsry Thursday afternoon at tfes re&ncdd rates of S1.50 lu Advance. Persons delaying payment three rsoutha will be required to par $2 per year; de Injing to tbo end of the year, $2.50. THE WATCHMAN IS The Best AtoimiiB Medina at this point, having the largest circulation in tliis aud adjoining Counties. JOB PRINTING of erery class done promptly and in the bvnt style at -ory lOT rates. HISTORY or ROWAN COUNTY BY REV. JETHRO RUMPLE. We at ill )iav fer copies f this valua ble little book, trliicb ahoald l possessed by every eitizeu who feeU m pride iti the hiatorj and character of Old Rowan. Scad for a copy before it ia too late. Price $1.25. A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENED A SURE REVIVER IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigegtion, Dyspepsia, Interriittmt Faxrty Want eAppelitf,Lo3 of SUrngth,Lacktf Energy, etc. Enriches the Hood, strengthens the musclesnd gircs new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, re-norin? all dyrpeplic tymplom, such as Tatting the Food, Bdehing, Heat in tU SUmaekJIeariburn,eie. TliC only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or si vo headachs Sold by all druggists. Write for the ARC Hook (32 pp. of useful and aiuuini? readV ing) tent free BROWN CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, Md. SMthat all InoBlttmri!Ieby Baoim CanofiCAt Co. and hcwreaml rd liaaaoawramr BBWAUE OF UUTATIOSS. a j " '" : CoiieM Time TaWe-H.C. LB TRAIXS GOISG NOItTH. Sate May 15, si j Kd. 47 ( Dally LTTCharlotte. 4 05 AM " A-L lk pot Junc't 4 11 AM Salisbury 5 5 AM Ait. oreensboro 8 m AM Lv. Oreensooro 85 AM Arr. Kaleigh 1 4 M Lv. - l 4" 1' M Arr. Goidsboro mo rM Lv. Greensboro for kichmond . 6 25 PM Lv. Danville 10 si A M N. Danville i AM Barkbdaie 10 58 AM " Drak-aBr'ca liST PM " Jetersvllle x U PM Arr. Toinabawk S0 PM Arr. Belle isle 4 or PM Lv. 4 10 P-I Arr. Manchester 4 13 PM Arr. Richmond 4 13 PM No. 49 Dally Xo. 41 Dally 13 A M 4 15 T M 6 ?0 T tO 5(1 4 SO C T ' 5T 8 18 " for M b- ir.or.d only 1131 11 S3 12 VI 1 iO i 55 3 51 4-J8 4 35 4 KS 4 41 P M S A M TUAINS GOING SOUTH Date May 15, 'SO No. 42 Ne. 4- No. 50 Dally Dally Dally' Lv.Rlchinond 1 4' P Mis6oM Hurkevllle 2 i5 A M i 45 P M Arr. N. Danville Too . -5 Lv. " "- 7 ft " c is " Danville 7 ft j Arr. Greensboro ViG 8 17 . Lv. ii .11 ' 6 37 " Salisbury lll5 J Arr A-L Junction 4' ' 1J1UM " cbarunte loo ltiA.M Lv. HlchmonJ S SI P M Jt-itrsvliie 4 41 ." " Druk'B Hr'cU 6 07 " " Iiardile 7 v" ' " Danville 7.51 " " Henaja 8 5" " " GreFnsboro ; 27 Salisbury 11 05 ' Arr. A-L Junction 12 SG " f.v. ' Arr. Cbarlute ' 12 so A r FOR SALE, ICnr.va i t'.io Ura lsba-.v or Gray Place. Thi Property, lncatifl in tin; limits ot Salisbury, contains a re.-, :i never lailin well ol" pure water, all lu-t-ik-il out ImiMins. anl a . FIRST-0LAS.5 RE SIDENCE. This trp Tty nuHt lie soM. t lictoforo a Good B;tr'Tfti:t lr t lie ready money, or to any otv: p i in-isa't" c;is!i v. itli Uvlerrci j payment lor the balance. Apply to J. M. GBA?, Att3rn37 zX Lar. Sth'lir jY. C. N. B. Any one having a desirable re-i dence to sell, witliin four square- ol't'ie Salisbury Court House, may find a puii h i scr.by applying to J. 31. Giiav. - 4G:' t vrtnger, sucnu, snxar drake, Sdfliagia, and rpny of the best medi cines known are com bined ia Parker Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as bestnoaltkAStrtata uosiort r trer lira. It cures Rheumatism, Sleepssness, & diseaess P'jrlrop'e Tm m n I Luafs, Ltver & Kidneys, HalP Hal&am :isentire!ydinentfrom ot u.e btomacn, ttoweis, Vv. W cu-I Eitters, Cinrer Eaaences Ilea Ie!3k IWflw and other Tonics, as it lat Never latte to mtore the nerer in to Xvcatea. HttCOX jliiiim wwr7 aair. & uiemtStS, IX. X. 1 10c and II ttom. Large BTtagBaylBfPPtlaraiw. il O . .A V ;.UV A V Cook Stoves of all Hzes and Btyles always on band at lowest prices. tyMalte a specialty of the ACORN COOK STOVES, the best In the world. A first-class stock of Tin and Granite Iron Ware. TIN AND COPPER SMITHING. All kinds of House-Roofing and Guttering done on short notice and in the best style. . - We keep constantly on hand a complete stook of Sheet-Tin. Sheet-Iron and Nhet-Cnrmcr. whl h ffer for sale cheap. Mays Mif TINE TABLE WESTERN II. C. j ailrord Takes effect Sunday. July 17, 1M1, at 4.15, P. M. SASSKSGEK TJIAIX. AaitlVE. LEAVK. STATIONS. ARRIVE. LI ATI 1 120 a.m Salisbury i 4 3ua.m uwa.tn iThiru creek 3 34 JiM I Kim wood ' 3 08 It 6 Statcavllle 2 42 1 40 iCatawba ! 1 41 Newton ;2 43 ! S4t ! iConova ia i 1 T i jiilckory ill5lp.ni. 750 345 ltard J, 1 13 4S iMorjfnlon lio-.a i 445 iilena Alpine i3 ; 6u0 jHrldjewater 9 45 5 41 Marion 8 58 joldFort 8 03 C3T 7.07 a.h .Henry 7 17 - 57 ! illl'k Mountain 6 27 I W jCooper'8 o7 i9 iSwanaanoa 5 49 I 60 jAshevllle Ju'ct 57 00 1 fAshevllle 6 15 i Vrench Broad 4 13p.a FREIGHT Tit A IX. ARRIVE. I.KAVE. STATION'S. ARHITE. 00 A.M C 29 5 7 se 5 ! 42 - W II 50 It 32 A.M 00 t 17 S41 402 5 21 54 30 50 r.M. : a vu a.m. siaiisoury . 5 oo r m Third creek i 3 47 . - Jilmwood : S 15 :ftatesriile 1 4?. ' Catawba : 1 34 iNewton ji is Conoyr J2 09 iUC.0ry ai ' A.M 10 40 icard :10 3s :Monranton : 9 40 ! oien Alpine o ;Brldewater 8 44 ! Marlon ; 7 42 ! Old Kort 13 llnr-r : t m LKAVE. 0 U A.M 6 Zi A,M. Blk .Mountain 5 03 ; 50 F.M. Coopers i 4 43 .Long's 42.3 i jAshevllle ix i 4 00 a m Asueviii : 1 : French Broad1 1 IVTrAins run fialiy, SnniSofafxrpted. . A.B. ANDREWS, ftn s:r. TONIC EvM Trade J V AliD SPERM ATOHRHGEA. A TnlrV ' UtecoVCM-jraod Kew Departan In Md- ical hvlfc ,aa entirely NewauJ MilWelj auectm I'.owdj for tha speed; and permaaent Car of Bmi. r.al Emisslona and Impotencjr by tLe only tnia way, vis: Direct Application totha principal bI -t tUa Disease, actias by AbBorvtion. and exerts." itsfpeciftoioiloancaoa tho Somiual Veairlea. Else ulaVM y Duct. I swt - to Gland. ail Urethra. Taa ej of the I;pTntty U cndcd with no twin or incoa yaalccca, aoil uoca not lcterire wiisrtho orlior pcrccusot lf; it la quickly dinolvrd and tooe a! irrbed.j)todt;c:.c5r i lunfcUato nx)thinr iai rcttor nivm t..Nt ; t.n CiO aexnat anrt ncrvsua orrantsa. ticca wrxkfd fcnin f-aba"; s c i exrwoa. utoapiu the rtrein from ilio ayttera, ti!4rio( tu mindta trouble, tad rrttrir.j perfect Sexual vigQrtslut( It has been dormant f.irj ji-s. This modeot tnat moot hvi etaoj tLe t la nry anvcra rtw4,ia4 ii nova pr icouarod ccc:-i I j ugs are toe nock er. tcrlbed ia ttc.yi trouble. acJ.as inanycao bcirmt ve.ts to, with bat lutMK cn,rira:areutsoi.l. Ther Li no 'uen a Vut tliis l'r-;aiiM.ioti. 1'rsi-tical oS Ei na'foa an5b!s;s ta Entirely g-u.'irsntee taatit T-iillfiva satisf-c.i--u Lur'.:ic :t eicut Jean tbai it bas been i-i Ken;rjl u?, we t ivc thoundo( trU-ruon;;Ui4- its vcU-e. n.id it i now cnarnstd by th Medical 1'ro'cs lon tct br. the nwl rational metitfi "discovered orlM;hic!J and curing thi ery prvvalcct ' troublo, tliatjs well knemn to bo tUo (- of untold r'-.L-ery to ao rj.nT.anJ uon w!ior quacks pry wita their n-ett-as nr.r.niras tmi hig fees. Tha Bcraady' Ii pft tip in V'i lvsei. ot three No. I. leaoofh to U.-tt a ranmii.) J" 3; l.'a. S, suftcicnt ta eCert a pr roiscnt crrf, i:-.'.t..a ia 5jTcre cai,) No. S, (L;.-tii: cor tUr-e c;nn''.-, will rtyp e ,lont and reitiiru vi.; r in t:e wu.X ccs,i S.7. f cmili, neal-J, ia i v rarper. I'ull BIKl.XlCiS lor . .w.-t r.) .3 r-.. ii.n.ll. . a. .. . . ... (.-fsfi :lat .iHttiomicai I lluetmttetiw V uil eutinfciiy, trii f.i'ioturiHn1 I Hip tMOf ;.- 1 ntl t .'iff i f:ri- ran Im rcKtGr'rtt ta tifert i. mti:i241,inml fit- H wut:-.-ji'fi ft-! i iVV,i by HA: 'DY CO. h'.' l ClOfiSa Tce.-.t allC'hroM'.- 75 n.-a. . n:id ctijor a natkto el ri'Ut;.M...i t tlio.. i t.'.a ( urirj'of romciKiit ilcMC !HDISCE f!ONrEXPOSURE?rwl0- j.-i...-t,. -ar.j.- j-. - -y nK-atra ins evtioas of j 1. -k ;'i ..-ivin-i treated oitb foe- ttS Wiiuoj: tt-ia-t M -rcu.yor I w-otont MtdicioM. Y O IJ fi O M ii 1 1 ' ,ro ' 1 :'iic' '" thaeOacta traojrwr':Sc ' ! di-i -e tbut acfita it rtc t ..m for S.i. ! - .r !r-'ri.-. if ?r unTtty ffrd. Irwaii ! :. i rr-rTi.l. mt'i i. FHI ad leH- cl. I. i . t ii- .i . tri i'T ( tun t Attrittf treat (i'rrvn. T, ri:- irn I larr '.-ntld J (WlrHlt, . Jt (.-.rii j- i tSrir (uni-t.. It h a Ii um W ' i.-II . it i Vs f Svrth Mi Lsula. Me. Buck Horn 7 Era Er? B bVEfrslif (Xcxt door Lcloic J. 1). McXeelffStort) Where will he found 5; GOOD BEEF Fnll WeiiMs asi Prompt DeliTerj IS MY MOTTO. : I want tc buy Fat Cattle and Sheep. a. L. BEAU. R D WARE WHEIV VOU WAAT WAR D W A It At Low Figure j Call on the undesigned at 5c 2, W j ' KET HA 1 1 i -

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