Origin of Often-Used Phrases. 'To the victors belong the spoils.' This phrase, as a political sentiment, was Hirst cnuciated by William L. Marcy, ex-governor of New Yrk, a member of President JacksonV cabi net. . A government of the people, for the jieople and by the people.' This famous expression, which has-been quoted oftener perlraj) than any oth er noteworthy sentence ever uttered, was firat used by President Lincoln, in his memorable speech at Gettys burg, November 19, 1863. 'Plato, thou reasonest well.' From Addison's .tragedy of 'Cato.' The follows : Tf mnif 1x en Pl.itn than re.iRonest well: . Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond ucHire, . . . . Tin Ion zinc alter lm mortality i Or whence this sacred dread nud inward "" horror Of falling into naught T Why shrinks the Roul - Back ou itself, and startles at destruc- tint ? Tis the divine that stirs within ns : 'Ti heaven itself that points out a here after, And itiuiates eternity to man. a - - . ft - 'Holy orders. A phrase use among members of the Church of Home arid Church of England, and denotes entrance into the order of pf est hood.. Holy orders are conferred by a solemn act of ordination by bishop and invest the recipient with a sacred character ustinctly apart from the laity.' 'Benefit of clergy.' An expression referring to a former state of the law of England, where a clergyman had the benefit of being exempted tYoiu prosecution for alleged crimes and offenses before any tribunal. In course of time some laymen vho could J 1. 1 ..A . t, reau ciainieu aim nc auuncu un; same privilege. 'Benefit of clergy' was finally abolished iu the reijmvuf . y , George IV. 'Woolsack.' A nave given to the set of the lord chancellor of England in the house of lords. It (the seat) consists of a large bag of wool cover ed with redeloth, but though fah: ioned like a seat without back or arms. The woolsack is said to have' "had its origin in the circumstance of wool being anciently a staple article of produce' in England 'Stationer.' When books were mul tiplied by the iuventiou of printing they we sold by booksellers at stalls stationed at the gates of universities and other places; hence booksellers became known sr stationarii, or sta tioners, by which designation they have: since become chiefly known. 'Yankee Doodle.' The name of ai)J air adopted as a national tuney the United States. The verses were com posed by Dr. Shackburg, a jdiysician in the British army in America about 1855, and 'pal ined off by him as a celebrated air on a body of American militia. 'Charitv covers a multitude of sins ' tt - A perverted declaration of St.' Peter, wnose worus, as tie was exnorluig te Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor to a good and craciouHife, were: 'And, above all things, have fervent charity or rather love, 'agapa?' ajuONgv yourself; for charity will wyer niu ujuuiiuue oi sins. iTeuderfoot.' The very appropri ate term used on the frontier to de scribe auy one inexperienced in the ways of the country on who has never been 'out West' before. Newspaper.' , The origin of the wnrd- 'newspaper' is not, as many suppose, from the fact of its contain ing new things; but in a former time jl795 to 1830) it was cuttomary to put over the periodical publica tions of the day the initial letters of t lie compass, N. E. W. S.,to show that the journal had information from all quarters of the globef north, cast, west ami south. Hence the use of the word 'news' before all papers of general information. The Koy of the PerioU. rjT!ie boyof to-day is not receiving the proper home culture. Children5 slip away from parental care. This is due to the rigorous old-time home culture. Edftcatiou must be Inculca ted by the mother. In Wales, Eng land, the character of the mother is inquired for as a recommendation for rthe son. The average boy, noisy, im petuous, detesting home work, bank rupt in education and a dodger of churches and other pious places, yet has a fathomless tenderness for his mother, but he wanta no spectator. ' lie is characterized "by a passionate loyalty to whatever he espouses, and a high sense of honor to which appeal can safely be made in most cases. One lhinir inJiis teaching is imperative jnoral purity. Let the mother incul cate th is1"-with loving care, putting aside false notions f modesty anilall prudishness. Let Us have done with the belief in the saying, "Wild oats must some time be bowed." He who i thus sows inevitably reaps a similar harvest. Every boy should be train ed to respect wominhoo!. Nothing sa much adorns American manhood as his respect for woman. The boy should be trained in politeness. This has a commercial ! value nowadays. He makes his waviin the world more easily for a pleasing address. There is no reason why he boy of to-day should not be taught the ordinary rules of etiquette", j Good manners are rules of etiquette". to a man what beauty is to a woman. But best of all, train boys in honor, in integrity and; trustworthiness. Every boy should have au industrial occupation, and this should be in har mony with his tastes. So with girls. To sum it all up, train the boy into manliness that standard of manliness that combines thestrongest virtues and the gentlest weakness. Let him be like a hand of iron in a glove of vel vet. There is nothing higher or no bier than this. I Does Her Own "Work. Does her own work; does she? What of it? Is it any disgrace ? Is she any less a true; woman, less wor thy of respect that she who sits in silks and satins, and is vain of fingers that never labor? ! We listened to a person' the other day, who speaking of a newly-wedded wife, said, sneeriugly: "Oh. she does her own work." The words and the tone of contempt in which they were Uttered, betokened a narrow, ignoble mind, better fitted for any place than; a country whose institutions rest on: honored labor as one of the chief cJrner-stones. They evince a false idea of the true woman hood of genuine nobility. They show the detestable spirit of caste or rank, which a certain class are trying toes tablish a caste vbse sole foundation is money, which isi the weakest kind of rank known to civilization. Mind, manners, morals, all that enters into a Lgood character, are of no account wit li these social snobs.! Position in their stilted ranks is bought with gold, and every additional dollar is anoth er round in the ladder by which ele vation is gained in their esteem, and society. j Strive for the best, and provide against the worst. pni tl Great chance to make money. Those who UULUi always take advantage of the good chan ces for making money that are offere !, generally become wealthy, while tUose who do-not improve such chances remain In poverty. We want many men, women, boys and glflij to work tor us right tn their own localities. Any one can do the work pro perly from the tlrst start j The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wajjes. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages falls to make money rapidly. You can devote you whole time to the work, or only yourspare moments. Full Information and all that is needed sent free. Address stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. The Color aniljLustrc of Youth arc restor ed to faded or gray hair by the use of Pur kcr's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing high Iv esteemed for its perfume and purity. Ocl3-Novl3 I PATTEMT We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks. Copyrlgbtsetc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc We have had thirty-five years' cxperieaee. ratents obtained through us are noticed in the 8CT rxnnc amkricajt. This large and splendid Illus trated weekly paper, $3.20 a year,sbowsffee Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN A cn Patent RniiH. aarcss MUNN A Pub'- of SciiNTiric AMjnticAir, 87 Parte Bow. v Aim I; buuu b rruCTivB iree. 7:4 in. 640. .ACRES OF LAND FQRSALE! Having qualified as Administrator with the will annexed, &c.of Richard Lowery, dee'd, I will sell, by Virtue of the will of the testator, on Monday the 2d day of Jan- uaryox, at is o'clock m., at the Court House door in Salisbury 640 Acres of Valuable Land. This land lies about three miles west of Salisbury, imincdiatejy on the Lincolnton Road,!8ldmuch of it valuable farming land. It is justly regarded as very desirable. Parties desirinrr further "infarnmtion ran get it by add rcssins? the undersigned or liv calling on him at his rficc in Salisbury. lerms one tutrft cash, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months, note and good security with interest from date of sale on deferred payments. J. W. Mauxey, Artin'r, vtc. Nov. 16,1881. ! Salisbury, N. C. NOtPXClS.Perions bavins claims against the estate of Richard Lowery. dee'd, arc notified to present them to the" under sighed for payment on or before the 18th day of November, 1882. J. W. Macney, Adm'r. &c. Nov. 1G, 1831. 3:0t SALE OFLAND ! By virtue of a decree oY the Snneruir Court.of Rowan county, I will sell on the 2.1 day of January, 1882, on the premises, at public auction, a tract of land containing about 174 acre; adjoining the lands of Jno. utaKcr, AaroQ(Joodnight, S. Overcash and others. -the same being the land willed bv Daniel Overcash to Silas S. Overcash. anil on which the late Polly Overcash lived. lerms, one-hall cash and the balance on a credit of twelve months, with interest at the rate of 8 per centl from date of sale bond and approved securitv. G. Ri OvERCAsn, Com'r, November 17, 1881 i 6;6w ADMIirSTRATOR'S NOTICE ! L Having qualified ns Administrator, with the will annexed, of Elizabeth Lowery, dee'd 1 will ell sit public Kile on Monday 12th December, 1881, all the ersoii;il property of the deceased, counting of household nud kitchen fur niture, itue two-horse carriage, one milch cow, and some old farm irons. I also notify all rsons having claims against -her ratate to present them to me on or before the 1st day of November, 1882. (GIko. W . Pivkstox, Adnfr trith the will nniirxM uf Kliz. Lowery. Dated Oct. 29, 1881. 3:Jt NEW GOODS! WE are daily receiving New Goods. Don't fail to see us be fore you buy. AVE HAVE A LARGE Stock o? Olofhini 3sr: BOOTS and SHOES, that must be sold. Special BARGAINS will bo offered. Remember we mqan BUSINESS, And don't buy until you see our Stock and hear our prices. Respectfully, J. F. ROSSr- Xot.2,-I8I. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES hu for more than forty yean maintained ita position as the leading paper of the West. It ranks above all others in circulation, influ ence, and in the esteem of its readers, because It is junt the kind of paper the people want. Thi Weekly Time covers the whole srmnnd of m first class family Journal. It is larger and better than any high-priced weekly of fered ine puDiic ; its reading matter covers a greater scope, is more entertaining and in structive, and yet It costs BUT O.NE DOIXAB A TEAK. Our agents everywhere say It is the easiest paper in the field to canvass for, and readers of one year are so pleased that they are sura to renew their subscriptions. Eight page lyty-tix column or one dollar a year, and the most liberal terms to club agents. Specimen copies free. Bend for one before subscribing for any paper. Address Weekly Tines, 230 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, O. THE DAILY TIMES-STAR. XlgM paoe, forty-eight column. Only ate dollars a year, S3 for six months, 91.SO for three months. Has the largest circula tion of any paper In Cincinnati. Is the best advertising medium and the best paper lor readers who wonld know of the world's doings as promptly as the news can be im parted. Address Times-Star, Cincinnati. O. 5MmffiIR' TUB MATH 3? . . iUU . -MONUMENTS TOMBS, CBO, GREAT EEDTJCTION IX THE PRICKS OF Marble Monuments and Grave-Stones of Every Description. I cordially invito the pullie generallv to an inspection of my Stock nud Work. I feel justified in asserting that mv past experience under first-class wiukmeu in all the newest and modern styles, aud that the workmanship is equal to anv of the; .best in the country. I do not sav that my work is superior to all others. 1 am reasonable, will not exaggerate in or der to accotupi ish a sale. My endea vor is to please and give each customer the val ue of every dollar they leave with me. PMCES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER than ever offered in this town before. Call at once or scud for price list and de signs. Satisfaction guarant'd or no charge. The erection of marble is the last work of respect which we uav to the nirninrv H)f departed friends. JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. Salisbury, N. (J., Nov. 1, 1881. DRESS MAKING. The undersigned will resume her former business at her old home, and respectfully solicits work. She is well supplied with la test styles and paterns. Will rely on paper cut patents, used as directed and expect to give satisfaction. Mns. M. H. Speaks. Nov. Uth, 1881. 1m NOTICE ! All persons having claims against the es tate ot Mary E. West, dee'd, are hereby no tified to exhibit the same to the undersign ed on or before the 19th clay of November, 1882, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. C. West. Adm'r. November 18th, 1831. 6:Gt-pd ireeeh of Trust. PiK"16 1 a?alnst mm calling hira seu M. A. HKOW N . Tr Uonan county, who obuln ed possession by talsehood. or one ot my coiton etn Sharpenera, for minjf gin saws. He win probable reuiesent lliat he has the right to use the Imple ment; but he has no such right, as It Is covered by patent No. 2t44, In my possession. The public Is warned against employing blm as a user ot mv nharpenor. ns I shall claim my rights In all such ouseM of t respass . r.;3tp J . M . B A K E It. Administrator's Notice ! The ntidersirrneri liaviny qualified as Admistrator of the estate of Jas. Horah, liu-eastMl, will ollVr for sale at the Court IIoum- dMi- lit the town of Salisbury, on Monday tiio 3th of December, next, 93 cn s of Ivind, lylug on either side of the Gold Uilltrmd. 5 niilea fr.mi Salisbnrv, ndjoiniii the lands ot Z:uk. Lyerly, Ed. Dame and others. Term made known on day of ale. Vr. H. Horah. Adm'r. Kowan Comity. X. C, Oi t, 3lr, J831. FACTS - SPEAK S THEMSELVES! Health u a great Llexsing. Dipe.ice i a waul of eit.se. and without the ta.-iutm and comfort of health, what is wenltl: world ? What happiness can thtre bt in life ? If we are not well, it is a bltr.ssed thiiig to know Low to re gain health. I oifer thin knowledge, freely and without price, to the whole world: "lake Braspekh's Vegetable 1'ills whenever you are ick.'' It is now nearly fifty years since I introduced these pills to the American people, and, afier uing tifty millions of box es, the verdict of the great jury of American sovereigns is, that they are the bet and safest purgative ever known. They havecotnpletely stiierceded mcrcuryand bleeding, which was found in very general ue in this country fifty years ago. 1 said that the one wa poisonous and rlre other a murderous treatment, the remedial power of nature had not only to cure the disease, but to eradicate mercurial poion and supply new streams of blood to exhausted patients, which was too much for any constitution ; that my plan of treatment was to remove disease by purifying the blood with I'randr th's Pills, for when the blood wa thus made pure, the medical force of nature came into full pl.-.y, and. unless God willed otherwise, the patient was Mire to re cover. Brandrelh's I'ills assist nature in all her effort?. It is nature that cures disease a nd not medicine. Every othei couise of treat ment only throws great obstacles in the way of the constitution. I am happy to say that bleed ing. which I said was always improper, has been generally abandoned by the medical pro fession, and that the poisonous qualities of mer cury have been so far recognized that the use of it has been forbidden in the United States Army, by the -Surgeon-General. In the calen dar for 1881, I publish numerous cases of cures by Brandreth's Pills, some of them so remark able as to be little short of miraculous: But they are true, and the witntsse can be seen and consulted. If Brandreth's Pills were used in every family, each box would be a magazine of health and a pei feet medicine chest. OB3EEVE, that Brandreth's Pills, taken on an empty stom ach, create no nausea, vomiting, or griping. They do good any lime, but are most effective and agreeable taken on goir.g to bed, when lit tle, or better still, no supper has been eaten. B. BUANDPiETH. COSTIVENESS A?JD DISPEPSIA CURED. Elizabeth Falls, Maine, Oct. 31. 1880. Hon B. Uraxdrktii : My Dear Sir I like to h.ve a ooii suiply of lirandreth's Pills in my house, ami therefore enclose you an order for two dozen boxes. I first learned the vir tues of these Pills when I w;is froulik-d with obstinate cosii veness and dyspepsia. 15y taking Hranilie'.li's IMIIs, two every night, for a month, my digestion was restored, and I be came perfectly regular. Chas. F. Rollins. CURE OF COUGH. North FaIiikielo, Huron County, Ohio, October Vi, 187U. Hox. V. P.itANDi'.ETH : My Dear Sir Some years a;o I was a broken ilown invai'nl, with a bad cough, and pain in my side, which the doctors thought came from liver complain'., but none of them could do any good. I coui mnccd using Ilrandrt th's Pills, taking three the first night, and increasing one every night for a week, then rested a week, .and commenced again. In six weeks I jrew well and strong, entirely recovered my health, and have re mained so ever since. F. E. Jackson. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Principal Agency, 291 Canal Street, 20:lyj-l New York-City. Is made from a simple Tropical Leaf of Kare .iln. ...wl L ., ri - a -v a . - - . . . .... ...iur,anu inarwsi l I Vt KtMcDT iur an ine diseases that cause pales in the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundice i;iu.iura-v, "ijmi, ..unarm, uuu au uiiiicuuies or ine Pregnancy, it lias no equal. It restores the orarana PURIFIER. It Is the only known remedy that cures DOirUT'C HIC . A eC hli.hAf.u. l' fc tiv ER'S SAFU IMABETKS CUKE. For Sale by Druggists and Dealers at fil.2Q per bottle. Larcrest hottr? in the market1! ry-lt. H H.WA RNER&CO. nocuESTKK. N. Y aSM.A.SIMMOHS' CURES INDIOESTION, BlUOUSNISS, Bick Head ao Hf CURES Lo8TAmrrnx Sour Stomaoh, Foul Breath C03TIVENES3. DY8PEPSIA, Low Spirits. CMLARQM'T Of Oouo, SlLtH,0.. VEGETABLE It li30ycars theoldest, and only rtnnlns Phu wons Medicine now In market. Prepared only br V. r. Simmons 4 Co. 2810-1 J CUrk At. St. Loala. surceasors to M. A. Simmona, M. 1. In toe and 1 bottle and package. Sold by M Pmrlat. Come to the Front! W.A.EAGLE BOOT, SHOE & GAITER MAKER, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE ESXISS' DRUG STORE. All Work Strictly First Class Having had sixteen vear experience in the business", I am prepared TO PLEASE the mont fastidious. For EASE AND ELEGANCE OF FIT uiy work can not be excelled. 8S5kAll material of the best and finest grade. BFgr.AU work done in the latest strles and' fashions. Gents Tina Work a Specialtj. Ready-made work of the beRt quality slway on hand for sale. Attention given to FANCY WORK and Champion Box Toe Work. Repairing Katly and Promptly done at moderate prices. BrUSatisfaction guaran teed or no charge.. Orders by mil promptlv fillrd. I mi' a wm.:a,i:eacle, on, THE Carolina Watchman, Still uudr th cootrwl f it eld l'ro prietor, Is Issusd ersry Thursday afternoon at the reduced rates of S1.50 In Advance. Persons delaying payment thrcraoutlis will Iks required to pay $2 per year; de laying to the end of the year, $2.50. THE WATCHMAN IS The Best kimkm Medium at this point, 'having the largest circulation iu this and adjoining Couuties. JOB 35PRINTING of ererj clans done promptly and in the best stylo at very low rates. HISTORY OF ROWAN COUNTY BY REV. JETHRO RUMPLE. We still Lav a fear copies of this valua ble little book, which should be possessed by every citizen whe feels a pride in the history and character of Old Rowan. Send far a copy before it is too late. KIT Price $1.25. BROWN'S A TRUE ATERFECT STRENGTHgHER.A SUftE REVIVER. IKOX BITTEUS arc highly recommended for all diseases requiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Iadiqcstionj )yipcpsii, Intermittent Fever, Want of Appetite, Loss of Slrai'jlhtLack of Energ),ctc, Enriches the blood, strengthens the niuscle,and gives new life to the nerves They act like a charm on the digestive organs, rtmorinj all d yt peptic symptoms, such ar Tasti ng the Food BcUhing, Heat in the Stomach,IIeariburn,eter The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give hcadaohs Sold by all druggists. AVri'e for the A T O Tiook ("2 pp. of Useful and aMitiin? reid ing)tent free. I5ROWN CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, 3Id. Bm that all boa Bitten are mada by Buowh Chextcal Oct. and hnvo cfossJ rl lines oa wrpor BJVACS OF imTATIONS. )ulJ uisinj) & DanTille B. B. Cp. CONDENSED SCHEDULES- TRAINS GOIXG SOUTIT Date Nov. 20, 'SI No. 54 No. 5 No. M I Daily I Dally Daily Lvlebmond '. .10 33 AM ;lt 5i5 P M Lv. llelle Ifle ill 4:t P M ArBurkeville 12 :?3 p:n -i :r. A M Lv Burkevllle li ' " i 2 5 " Ar N. Danville ; U 30 " j T on Ar. Danville t 4 r.s 7 vT Lv. " 7 p m ! 5 00 " 7 '-'J ' Ar. Greensboro ' 9 i - i f. 5- 9 " Lv. , 9 15 " j 7 "5 " ! 9 :; " Ar Sallsury 10 49 i9tnj " ill n 44 Lv. 110 54 " i 9 112 " illlS " Ar. A-L junction At is a m iio :c. " U u V ni Ar. Charlotte n a m Iio a:, " l-.' Sn THAINS.GOING NOIiTll. Date Nov. 20, "SI f No. r,r, I No. 51 X:i. 5.1 I Dally I Dally 2all I.v Charlotte :i io" M 4 TiTp M I Lv A. L. Junction : 3 19 " : 4 47 . r 51 P M A r Salisbury ; 4 37 " ! s 2s " 7 -.'4 1 M i Lv : 1 42 i 6 HO " : 7 27 P M i Ar Greensboro i 6 23 ! sjv " : . l" P M Lv : c :!( " ' s 4.', '. P M Ar Danville s 25 " lor.:, " lisa.PM , Lv - 11 27- " 11 HI P M i A r North Danville : s .-mi " 1 1 rr P. M j Ar P.urkevlUe 12 17 PM nm.VM Lv " 122U ' 5 A M Ar Belle Isle 2 J5 ' ; : 7 i t A M Ar Kh hmnnd : 2 :ts ' smiAM -Sa.. IPOPE, Gen. Pas. A-.'i-nt. KicUnioii l. Vd. FOR SALE, Kni.rn as the Br.t lsh.wv or Ciray Pl.t'-c Tliis Property, located in the limits ot Salisbury, 'contains jurcs, a never tailing well of pure water, all ncolcii mt buiUlings, ami a ' FIRST-CLAS3 RESIDENCE. This prop'ity must lie soM, tin e.'isre a Good Harirain for the rcaly money, or to any one paying half cash with iU Icii cl payment tor the balance. Applv to J. M. GRAY, Attsrnsy at Liw, Sa lixh'i ry. y. ('. N. B. Any one having a desirable resi tlence to sell, within four sijuares of the Salisbury Court House, may timl a purcha ser by applying to J. M. (Iiiay. 4G: t " Ginger, Buchu, Man drake. Stillingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the Bettnealth AStrength Boctortr fcyer L'gra. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaesa of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, &is entirely different from Parker's Hair Balsam. u2IJ!Z&JZlt and other Tonics, as It lac. Km fall, U mtora Um never intoxicates. Hiscox yoatkfol color to pay hair. & Co., Chemists, N. Y. ' tOq and 1 tlzm. tanra SaTteg Buyhif Dollar Slia. Cook Stoves of all hand at lowest prices. 8"Miike a speelalty of the ACORN COOK STOVES, the bi st in the world. A tlrst-class stock of Tin and Granite Iron Ware. m AND COPPER SKITKIKG. All kinds of Hnusc-Koofln and (.uttering thme on short notice and In the best st le. We keepcoustantlv on hand a eoniplcre sfoek of Sheet-Tin, Sheet-Iron and Sheet-Copper, which we ffer for sale cheap. M toiif TIIE TABLE WESTERN IT. C. Railroc d Takes effect Sunday, July 17, issi, at 4.15, P. M. t'ASSKSCKR THAIS. ABRITE. LEAVE. STATIONS. ARRIVE. i sua. in I 3 24 ! :s tw j 2 42- ! i4i : J 12 43 12 iS 1 1 i7 p.m 11 13 'lOi'J 10 112 LEATK. 1120 a. in Salisbury UOSa.m Third Creek 130 Kim wot Hi IS52 :StatesvUle 140 ; Catawba 2 S3 INewtoir S4l ('OTlOVa 1 07 lilckxry 3 45 Icanl 4 S3 Moranton 445 (ilenn Alpine ti(0 j Hridirewaler 5 41 Marion 26 Old Fort 37 7.07 a. M llenrv 7 57 . Bl k Mountain 14 I Cooper's 89 I Swannanoa 7 50 9 45 sa' 7 17 " 6 27 G i7 . 5 43 f ; Ashevllle Ju'ci!5v7 00 i Ashevllle 15 15 1 43 Frem h Broad FiiEiaiiT Tit a ry. 4il3p.II. ABRITE. LEAVE. STATIONS : 5 oo a.m. Sallrburv 6 00 a.m.1 -Third Creek 8 :ElinvcKKl t isiatesviue 7 6 Catawba 8 M Newton 9 10 Conover 4 Hickory "OSS 10 40 Icur.1 ARRIVE. LEAVE. 5 ' P.M. 6 .'J A.l 3 47 3 15 1 S 43 j 1 S4 ; 12 2!i 12-f9 11 -HI A.U 1 . 40 i im; 41 7 42 13 5 :,9 " X'.ranton 1S32 a.m. citn Alpln : 1 00 Bridewater 8 17 Marlon 3 41 x m Fort 4 OS Jlenry 52 Blk.Mour.tsln S50 : i so r.M. Cojper' Intfs 50F.K.; Ashevllle Jft, Ashevllle iffench Broad: 6 TA A.M. 5 oi ; 4 42 4 23 - : 4 00 A.M. tTraaia run dail-, Sundays excepted. A. B. ANDREWS, ctn supt. Subscribe for Carolina Watchman, on) l.50fi.r yciir in advance. sizes and styles always on I TONIC Si T JfA. Jit. M A. AKQ SPE3HAT0RRH1EA. A mltill Discovery and New lietiaHnre la M4 teal tw.-iec.tw, aa entirely New and positively fflvti, Jaue fur thrt s,K"-iy ami rerruaneot Cure of Semi nai Emissions nrul Impotern y ty t!; only trua way, viz: Eirct Arriicatioa t itlio (rinx-iilSMt rf t!:o lJise:w,a--tins l.y Absorption, a.nl eierUnr Its ppH?n:ic infiuonoo on tk-eSeniiastl Venii,. Eiac-ulit-uy Ducts, I-i ost.ite Ci.iu.t, hnl UretTira: l'b Bse of t'.io i;.'ui(1y is at temlcd with nr. iiaiu or incoa Tjniefno, aad tio-'S riot interfurt; wjtb the ordioarr pursuits of life; it is o.nicfcly dissolved and r.nja ab curbeU, produciogrn i:.:rjciilaie.i,)!i.in(and mtor. ativo a-t uiH.u t:io sor.ual aad nervous orsaaica."- tiona wre-ktd irora wif at.i.so and e tlie cuain from tho avstom, restorine tho mmrf-tZ btauh an J POUDd lutraory, removing tho Dimneaa cf Sisjlit. Nervous IVebUity, Confusioa of Ideaa Aversion to Society. ee.. etc., and theamwaraora of premature old afro n?u.-Jly accoaiir.ioc ttua trouble, add ret;irir.g fierJect bexutU ViKur, wbra It Uas been dormant for earc. TIi.m nodof trvat muat b3 stood tbe ast ia very severo caies, aad la now a pnouncod sueon s, Lrufra tre t,M much pr- tcribed in tt-ese trii-.ib! Rnd, as maa j ctht lcat wit nusa t, with but liu !; if any pt-rinanont 'l'her is no I'oooas3 about t Lilj l'n-p.ii mil. ii. I'ru 'irai ub. bt rvatiouenulile u ,to p-.it;vely guarantee that it v. il pivb satisfaction. Llurinir th: ciiflit yrart tint it ba b;j.'ii in irentnitus", u lia-.T t rmtr.dK'f tenttw r:.iriijl to i- yaluc, aud it is no.v omcedni ly lh edi'al I'rti'V'.ioa t-i b; tho n-'ist ratn.nal mensyvt -"fii;.evcrvd of rs-aoliiiii; arid c u r ! r.-r t h is vry prevalent troabie, that is wtrll kuovrn t.. be the vans of unlaid mimjry to no ciAn.vnd upon w hon: quacks prey witB. tbeir uselesa oo-tr;iiu:; oud buf fees. Tb Kcnwdf iy ;.ut up bi nr. it It .I.-., i i r trvi pies. No. 1 , tvooupti to last a r.nnih.i f J : i :. --.ithrifnt uietteet apm sn:mnt cure, t:-.!e.s ir. -7-rn cv.-i.i S-; No. 3, (UstinJC oeer t ';.. :.'!. : .. v Jl tt it en:dooa o4 r.riore v;,. ir ia I : .. 7. Sent l.ymailt r.L ilPil.in pii':) v.-1 r:p;ierr. .:: Dl KEtXIONS toe kuliiHr v ill (. c.;.i' . r..1 I'll 1X X. sen;. (! i. '-rt imi o f-iitnpa-v 1 HARR'G REMEDY CO. MF'i CBEH3I1 Market ?nd ctb-Sts. 'Pr. Louis. rvTo. E U T.:7 m tain e a a.r .jx Tretit nil Chronic E.:-'-n"c-i. nd rnjoj-s n nntioa- iind enjojs n nntioa t.- of comi'lii-nted rears lil reputation trin.u'i trie cwnnt- of rom llinted c JfiuiSCRfeTiOp' rTirninm nrrr ' -ri " 'li i ihm trnc etftion of th bltxl. ktn.ir triors, treuted wltb auo- cess, wituo-.itjisini; Jlrmii or 1 oo-ouous Medici DM. YOI'WC TflEl -b ;.r i ..Keiiiu-frora tbeettecU tasisuTstx "JsairSaii t i olM ie ihut unfits its vic tim for lti-in"-ri or tti.-'riiiue. tTni7inent! cored.. lmZ!mrteJ'.7ty.xK' i where pouiblt. perofial CKrtsuMa'.ton i (h p 't :i ret, wMch i f REE ftotl inttf ed. Lilt . ur r tr us tu iir niiiM t '1 bv ( t dcirinf trui litent mailt- ! tve sir; ait-r-s m It. aiij'U. Xar"1 Iarn -ninf-lliinjr li lln lr jt'tmnlitt-w. It 1 at a trM liLT CStiCli IlOI'Kl (Next door helotr J. Z. MrXet li'n Stort) - Where will be found s i GOOD BiSJEF A.m Tlie 3Inrlt -Afl'ortl. Ftll WeiEhts asfl Prompt Mm IS KY MOTTO. - I want to buy Fat Cattle .nd Sheep.. . L BEAU. HARD W 1 k. -ar -rr lersniM ti; .i :tri : f t. i-uiiimk a X mm mo 1 1 men , :.. t-i 1 1 ottrtnr jl the mont tL-oft'trtil thnt ffcri ran fc B U t-eitnrrf! to ftm vt !H:ti1utini.tml fit- I 1 left fur tint ; if I ,'r. ..nme oat iff j. j ARE WHE.VVOU WAXT HARDWARE At XiOW Figures - Call on the undersigned at Iff- 2, GraP,t Ii0" D.A.ATWKLL. 1 Salisbury :N.C, JuncS tl.-