V v I. 1 1 r 1 i JLIa. : 'ITHUBSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1881. rTx, NEW TJ2KMS. fm.and after the 1st day of January, jttgjj tlje suuscnpuon juice ut tuojrutcn tw will be as fellows T ! . nnA rear, paid in advance, $1.50 -,. payment aeiayeu o nionins,x,uu i payment delayed 12 months 2J0 judge Meriinron was in the city last reek. jlr. h. B. Cady has gone North with s family to reinaiu. . ' , -"":'!7"T . ' " ' ' . Th Graded school entertainment Fri Jjy, (ttmorrow) night. Go hear the little . - - i Students from Dayidson College, Bing- Iikm's School and Horner's School for the lays.' - - ! 4 - ' : o There is to be a musical entertainment t ThomagTille Femalo College jto-mor jtoir evening. . ' R ' -.' ; o- : - 1 ilrs. Kample's v music ficholars, with lotne assistance, win give an evenings Btertain men t at her residence on next tVedueday evening. ; - o - Wt. Mr. McKinnou of Concord. rrru1i d A. series oi very uueresung sermons in tjiei'resbyterjau chnrch last weekr He did (so at the solicitation of liev. J. luii)le. - j MjumiED. At the residence of JR. R Crawford, by the llev. L. W. Crawford, Mr. T. Frederick Murphy, to Mi98 IJetfic, dantliter of Tkos. Crawford. No cards. - fTIie appointments of the Masquerade ball on. the 27th, are complete. It will be a satcess, and will afford much amuse- Jnontj tohose 'who trip the light fan Untie. , j i o "ifr.j Hansen, Captain of the Danish - Barquentiue on, which Mr. Willie Wiley, . r)ak been sailing for the last 10 month's, j bere ieuding a few -days with Mr. Ar,s.-Sheriff Jvridcr has issued his last notice to delinquent tax-payers. Ho will comraeuco his second round of the Coauty on Tuesday, the 3d day of Janu ary, and tax-payers aror adnionislied to . IneetTfiim promptly. . ' 1 ' 1 ' TUo sir aud bustle of the holidays has coiameuced. Our - streets are througed witf persons buying and soiling all as busily, tng.nged as if much depended on tffejr getting throoglLwith it as speedily us possible, A: ; - -o , S , H wjll be seen by reference to? adrer jttinigijcolunius that Bingham's School "will comnjLence tlie 17Gth session on the "Utfi onext January. There is prohirtb- : Jy 110 iletter ehoul in . tliim oantfy. H 12 puj)ilsjin lust session were from -abroad -; three iuf tbeni foreigners. T ihsiBatiking liouse of Davis &. Wilev iril cdiiduct tJie business-of -the Bank as jforrlicrfy conducted by Mr. D. A: Davisr dectaseldi Mr. Oi in D.. Davis, who was casl ieij.of tho.foruier Dank, is cashier of lieirBanl.J He is agentlemau of the esta dished business capacity, and is also iuh of lirm interitv. The Bank is en titled o'all couQdenco and the public ill find polite accommodation. .,W. Cuawfoku. This gentle- man Who is to serve the Methodist Chu fcchj South, as its pastor for the.next it wl ivo tnoulJis, filled hi pulpit on Sau day at'.II a. m. and at niht. In the mor nibg the-kouse was densely crowded. find w never saw an auoienee 1 so conr pleIy (captivated by a .preacher. His discthirsp "evinced milch thought aud leaiiing his .delivery impressive his Unguagclear and poiiited, and at times quite eloquent. Kev. Mr. Crawford has finjs Jieid of labor here, and an appre ciative congregation. We tako it from Jus sermons yesterday, that he will bo ll tis friends claim for him a most tapital preacher, excellent pastor, and wiai gentleman. We congratulate our lletljddist, frjeuds upon his assignment to this i-liarge, Grcesbovi? JJiwkr. " - Ofrhe sixty two nriniarv f1enwnt Wp u nature,, only eighteen are ovru in; the human body, and of these - wren ai metallic.. Iron , is found in the Mool, phbsidiorus iu the brain, lime one v$. the bile, lime in the bones and fiut land ashes iu all ! Not onlv these ftgbUfen human- elements, but the whole xty,tffojof which the universe is made, Wo Uiejr essential basis in the four -wUlianccs of roxygeu, hydrogen, nitro i Jen, and carbon, representing the more ar Barnes of tire, water, siiltnetri.; WLarcoal. And i n !. tordff xarth !-a spark of fire, a drop ol 'r, a grain f powder, an atom of J1 'opular Monthly. Al,0uh theapplc is a prime favorite our native fruits, it is generally le asja table luxuiy rather than as iwporUiut article of food. In mani Europe, especially in RrUtanv, V I bl'd' thcMefdiet of the clas.es. Besides furnishing 4Tf triultnt to tLe systemr Its Jill r --aUd ?cids c-tJ'dsc wfriger t!e U- ar--Vnd it is an invalua- W'V1'! 1:itlt:iLi,J,V t tlu-se excel it,P! b'ilui',llt ii"i.-.a:Ml -,M,vi,ere does n iii jUcu pn lali.l ,ei lection istera Stales, ar.d l it f a lib 11 burner. MINING INTELIilGEK CE. T. K. BBXJXEK MANAGER. J The Croell Mining Company are work ing a loiof ore from the Parker mine, for testing. Mr. E. G. Hinkley f New York, is working the old Parson Harrjs mino in Montgomery County. He is putting up a lot ol substantial machinery, i Mr. A. M. Schreiber of Kichmond ia iiere prospecting for Kaolin, ! Asbestos, Corundum, Garnet, Talc, Mici, Copper, Salphurets, Plumbago, Barztes and other minerals. Mr. Sthreiber with a Compauy expecting to develop minerals which have heretofore been neglected and it may be of interest to our readers to send him specimens of minerals found ou their properties. His address is PO. Box 81), Richmond Va. lhinking a few lines from Dunn's Mountain, would be of interest to your readers. I herewith send yoo the follow On the 15th of the month we started our stamp mill in f nil operation; and have been running continuously since. The ore is turning out well, j We are on the back of our vein in the now shaft and1 raising very fine free .milling ore from our No. 2 shaft. Mr. W. F. Buckley of New Yorkar rived on the 8th of the month, and is so well pleased that he is reluctant; to leave. We will shut down all operations but pumping for the holidays, and commence the new year with renewed vigor and energy. Yours, Sec, 1 J. D. Stewakt. Crystals Burst by tueCold. Weather. . Professor Hidden had a lot of splendid quartz crystals, which he had taken from the Hidden mine, in Alexander; connty. careiuuy laiu out m a room to tnemseives. when going into the room on the morning or tue xotn ot November, tuere presented itself to his view a scene which made hi in grieve. The fine crystals were broken all to pieces. They lay all over the floor, and the appearance of the room would have led one of the uninitiated to the conclusion that some one had been in it and broken the crystals with a hammer. In a moment, however, Professor Hidden reached a solution of the mystery. Each ot these crystals had in it a cavity and in this cavity ii bubble of water. The night ot the ii4th ot Xsovember was the coldest we have had this season, and on that uight the water in these crystals froze and broke the crystals to pieces. The loss amounted to about $50. Statesville Landmark. ' It is not pleasant to be looked upon as & jeremiau, continually indulging in lamentations over the perverseness of human nature developed in the mining business, but unless there is a radical change iu the way miniuc companies are organized and fheir stock disposed of it will soon be impossible for the best com pauy in the country to dispose of its stock. All will come;unuer the same ban of suspiciou, if thev are not indeed already so. We should dislike to see the time when our uetr mines trill i be 9.11 worked through private enterprise and uustocked. Mining will bo more profita1- ble every jear; but there is grave danger ahead for Mining Exchanges, Milling lroKeis and Mining Newspapers; Our prejudices are all in favor of these, as vro believe, useful institutions ; and stock companies, when honestly conducted, are a very great benefit to the development of the mining sections, as giving the en tire public "aiuopportuuity to aid and re ceive toe beneht. Thebusiness canuot llourish, however, by the success of those who "steal the livery of heaven to I serve the devil in," and reduce the proud and ancient industry of mining to the grade of a mere stock imposture. New York Stock Report.: i And when yon add to the above the swindling, smuggling and petty theivery of so-called Eiperts and Superintendents, which (as some may have occasion to know) are not to be lightly estimated, you haro an, array of 'suspicion", that but few capitalits are willing to trust. The English Aspirant to the' Zulu Throne. A dispatch from South Africa says that John Dunn is endeavoring to have himself elected King of Zululaid in the place of Cetewayo. John Dunn is one of that class of men styled "white Zulus," having lived the greater part of their lives among the -blftck natives. Dunn is a somewhat remarkable character.-;. He is the son f a Scotch doctor, who lived in rsatal, iu the early days. He has always been mixed up iu Zulu. affairs has a number of native wives, aud at the time of the breaking out of the war be tween England and the Zulus his per sonal following, including his own fanijJ lv and his own retaiuers, numbered dr two ; thousand souls. , He is pleasant spoken, aud speaks passable English, and is intelligent. i When Cetewayo came to the throne Dunn established himself on the main road from Natal to the krjial of the King where he could see and be seen by all men. There" he followed the business of trader, cattle raiser, and gun run- der," supplying the Zulus with the im proved firearms; by which they worked such destruction upon the English sol diers. He exerted a powerful influence over "the King, being his adviser in regard to all Outside matters, aud it is said often restrained him from '. rash actions. After the war between England and Cetewayo began, Dunn, fwith his family and possessions, left Zululand, and when iuformed by Lord Chelsfdrd that all fiei-sous found by him in Zululand would bo treated . as enemies","told the English authorities at Natal that he did not believe that Cetewayo understood the meaning of the ultimatum, the non acceptance of wliich led to the invasion of his kingdom. r The Zulus are said. to be auxious for the return of Cetewayo and they would much prefWhim to Dunn. Even if Punn is elected it is doubtful if England would permit him to ascend the throne, if for no other reason because of hi trafficking in firearms while holding the position of "atal Kesident'' Jn Zululand. The Zulus evidently greatly need a rultr. Civil war was; raging there at last accounts, and women and children, as well as men, were being mercilessly massacreu. Cincinnati Ttme-Kia The Oldest Man in America. In a proceeding connected with the ap plication for an estate in England, some affidavits from Nash county were filed in the Governor's office yesterday, in which it was stated by highly respectable gen tlemen that one Liberty Dertch, a resi dent of Nash connty, now of remarkable memory, with facilities of, nnimpaired vigor and excellent general health, was one hundred and twenty years of age. If there" be any doubting Thomases around let them institute further inquiry. It is a very interesting subject, for it is questioned whether any man has ever obtained such a great age. We would be glad to see the evidence establishing the fact in this case collected . and put iu permanent form. Neve & Obtceter. Gratifying Figcbes. The Jackson ville (Fla.) Union boasts with good rea son of the increased lumber export from that port. During the month of Septe ru ber last there were 4,634,251 feet of yel low pine lumber shipped from Jackson ville, against 2,80G,108 feet shipped du ring the same month last year, an in crease of 1,878,143 feet. Up to date the present year there have been 48,43S,451 feet of lumber shipped from Jackson ville, against ',35,594,457 feet for the same time last year, an increase for the pres ent year over 1880 of 12,837,904 feet. In 1879 the total shipments from Jackson ville were 33,978,983. Mica Masks. A well-known German manufacturer of mica wares, Herr llaphael of Brcslau now makes mica masks foi the face, which are quite transparent, very light, and affected neither by heat nor by acids. They afford good protection to all work men who are liable to be injured by heat, dust or noxious vapors, all workers with fire, metal and glass melters, stone-masons, etc. Iu all kinds of grinding and polishing work the flying fragments re bound from the arched mica plates of the mask without injuring them. These plates are fixed in a metalic frame, which is well isolated by means of asbestos, so as not to be attacked by heat or acid. These masks allow the turning of the eyes in any direction, and, as against mica spectacles, they afford the advan tage of protection to the whole face. Iu certain cases the neck and shoulders may also be guarded by a sheet of cloth im pregnated with fire-proof material, or by asbestos sheets attached to the mask. The nterval between the mica and the eyes allows of workmen who have poor eye sight wearing spectacles, and of workers with fire or in melting operations wear ing colored glass spectacles under the mask without fear of breakage of the glass, mica being such a bad conductor of heat. Where the mask has to be worn long, it is found desirable to add a caout chouc tube with mouth-piece for admis sion of fresh air j the tube passes out to the shoulders, where its fuuncl-shnped end (sometimes hold a moistened sponge) is supported. The mask has a Bort of cap attached to it for fixture on the head. London Times. If a well made man be extended on the ground, his arms at right angles with the body, a circle making the naval itscenfSe just take in the head, the finger ends ail the feet. The distance from top to toe- is precisely the same as that between the tip of the fingers wbsn the arms are ex tended. The length of the body is just six times that of the foot, while the dis tance froai the edge of the hair on ihe forehead to the edge of the chin is on e- tenth the length of the whole statue. Xo head-ache or bnrk-che for ladies who drink "WINE OF CARDUI." 1 ai ihtu. F. KftimV MARRIED. In Lexington, C, on 14th i nst., by Rev. Geo. B, Wetmore, Mr. Jesso L. Clement to Miss Lettie 1. daughter ot the late W. D. Lindsay, M, D. At the residence of the bride's father, Chester Co., S. C, Dec. 15th, by liev, R. W.'Boyd, assisted by Rev. J. H. Edwards, Mr. W. J. Waters of York County, 8. C, aud Miss Fannio M. daughter of Capt. J. G. Backstroui. History of Rowan County, BT RET. J. RCXriJ. Copies of this interesting book may be had of T. F. Kxcttz, Tiieo. Buekbaum, or at the Watchman Office. SALISBURY MARKET. Arris Wholesale. Retail. jfreen, per bus ....$ is osi.oo si.09 a $1.25 dried, per lb 4 a a 7 Bacon country, bog round, 12 9 13 14 a is Butter; 20 g 85 ss Beeswax SO il Blackberries, t 10 Beef 4 (4 Cotton Good Middling,.... ll $ ip; Midline -.. 10 ic, Low .Milling 10 4 Stained. 8 ( 9 Corn new S3 (g w l.oc a l.io Meal s , 5 1.15 a 1.20 Coffee 14 a ' 16 Cnlckens, 14 9 16 15 a so EggS, . 18 ( 15 15 a iiO Flour 35 C S.T5 3.T5 a 4.00 Hay, 1 so ( 65 Lard ; 13 (4 n 15 a U Pork.... -! 8 (-4 10 11 a 1 Potatoes Irish...... (4 w 1.00 a 1.20 do sweet 80 (l.oo 1.00 a l.iOi- Wheat 1.60 tf 1.75 ' " .... ,. - - - - - - 1 - -x. WE HAS NOW HIS CLOTHING. OVERCOATS FOR MEN ! AND' j OVERCOATS FOR BOYS ESiO 1 ! Fof Men and Boys From I 8.00 TO S35.00 1 j FOR MEN AND BOYS FROM $3.0 to 20.00 The j Ever in Salisbury. 2 Sets to AND WILL SELL YOU A WARRANTED BOOT FOR $1.85. Solid leather SHOES for 85cts. Extract from letter: Mr. M. S. Brown : In reference to the Solar Tip Shoes we hereby authorize Tyou to warrant ever ir pair of THEU in material and workmanship. We do not warrant against ABUSE or FIRE or WATER. You can give a new pair for every unsatisfactory one, unless in your judgment the damage was the fault oi the wearer. Please return all imperfect 2ods to us. Yours truly, JOHN MUNDELL & CO. Philadelphia. I am prepared to sell you all the goods in my line SO PER CET CHEAPER than you ean get the same gooda any where else. Thi3 is business. Mining Advertisments. &yAll advertisements appearing In this column .ire charged for at the rate ot 20 cents per line for each insertion. Mixikg Property. Persons having mining -property to sell would do well to advertise it. We propose to give room to such notices, to be kept standing un der the general captiou of "Mixing Prop erties for Sale." The'cost of such notices will be moder ate. Those having properties the value of which is not generally kuowti, should give references to reputable persons known to be acquainted with such mat ters. This paper hns a good circulation among mining men North, and iu the State, and can be of service in the way proposed. A. J. KJUET, C. E. J. u. MCRPUV, K. M. EIGBY & MTJKPHY, Minimr ail Gonstnictii Engineers, 78 AND 80 liROArWAY. Room 49, NEW YORK. Examine and report upon M-nen. Make Working Plans and Specification for the construction of gold snrt nilvcr MilU, or will enter into Contracts frthe erection of iiame. Mining Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest prices and prompt ailenlion giren to shipment. Or aiQresa JO FIN RIORY, 49;9m:pd High, Point, X. C. Rowan Coanty-In tie Saperior Conrt. Moses L. Holmes against -Richard A. Caldwell, Julius A. Caldwell, M. W. Jarvis and E. Nye Hutchison, Exec utors of David F. Cald w ell, Frances Fisher. Annie McB. Fisher and Fred. C. Fisher. I M. W. Jarvis, Executor of Dtu-id F. Cald- j well and Annie McB. Fisher, of the above named defendants, are hereby notified to be and appear before the Judge of our Sune-! rior Court, at a Court to be held for the County of Rowan at the Court House in Salisbury on the 9th Monday alter the 4th Monday of September, 1881, aud answer the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, within the first three days of the said term, and let the said defendants take notice that ii they fail to answer the said complaint during the term, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in tht complaint. This 6th day of August, 1881. 43:6t $7 J. M. IIorah, Clerk Superior Court Rowan 0i B C QT tuslness now before tbe public. You can CO I make money faster at work lor us than at anything else. Capital not needed. We will start you. $ it a day and upwards made at home by the industrious. Men, womeD, boys and! Klrls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now Is the time. You ean work In spare time only or give your whole time to the business. You can Uve at home ard do the work. No other business will pay you neatly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit anl terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Addrera 6 Tkcs Jt Co., Augusta, Maine. caeca Charleston contributed $?95 to the re lief of the Michigan sufferers. FUli, STOCK OF FROM ! SUITS Finest lot of its Prices from SS.OO. M. S. BROWN. BUSINESS LOCALS THINGS ARE BOOMING ! At McNefely'e. Those who want Christ mas Goods should call at once. COAL TT AUD. MeXeely & Johnson have opened a Coal-Yard at the depot. Person wishing cpal can get it delirered at their door, either in town or iu the country. J. D. McNeey. JHE CRAOcD SCHOOL Committee have de to admit non-resident pupils upon the pay ment of $i per month tuition. 1 nose who desire to take advantage of this had better apply early. 100 BARRELS VIRGINIA ROCK LIME! Just received and for sale by R. J. HOLMES. Also just in, Full Stock of Fall and Winter Good?. Call and see them before making your purchases. 2:1m B. J. HOLMES. NEW GOODS. AT THEO. BUERBAUM'S, 1 ,000 POUNDS 3 FRENCH CANDIES AT THEO. BUERBAUM'S. Books and Daily Papers at TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. Crosse and Black well Chow Chow, at TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. Cracked Wheat and Oat Meat at TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. Baker'a Chocolate and Cocoa, and Philadel phia Crackers at l:tf. TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. Subscribe for Carolina Watchman. oJily'$1.50'pr year in advance. FOUTZ'b KORSE AND CATTLE POWDEX3 Will farm or crTnt DhMM. Xo Eoui will dt of Couo. Bora or Lcm Tm rsa, If Footr Powdenar awdiatlme. . Koutz'RPovder will care &od prerent Hoe Cbolzsa FoaUi Powder will prerent Oirim Fawu Footzl Powder will IncreaM the quantity of milk nd cream treaty per cent, and make Ue butter firm tnd tweet. fl Fooui Powdeu wnl ears or prerent almost zmT Dissam to which Horace aad Cattle are (abject. Fotrrze Powssae wxu. rrs Saner actio. Sold everywhere. c PATIO X. POUTS, Proprietor. V LAMM3M! 1 701 SEEDS BEST! If aoe aoM ta your Uvwm, jnm I csaa nt tham br maiL Dttm I i n K IMtlml Car far OmLm. JL lone aad Prices. TKt Oidet mud wuttt nUnwi Se4 Grotrrrt in ike UniU4 State. liATID UiKORETU cfc SONSsPdilada. J", SHOES. RR1 GREAT Regardless of Cost to make room for a ycry large Spring Stock, I will from this date sell the balance of my Stock of ILOTHIIMce- (DMD Suits sold at 20 reduced to 15, Suits sold at 18.75;reduced to 14, Suits sold at 16 reduced to 12, Suits sold at 15 reduced to 11, Suits sold at 14.50 reduced to 10. AND OTHERS AT THE SAME RATE OF DEDUCTION! Otir I shall sell these very soon ; so parties desiring to grfT buy-will do well to call at once. T 9 Don't forget that I keep IN SALISBURY. Yours JMOMEY & SPE'KRY," iTAiTUTAaTmana or GOLD & mm GRINDING & AMALGAMATING MACHINERY HOWLAND'S PULVEEISES takes the placa of the exunbersoms Stamp Ifill And can be put up in one day xeady for work IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVKD TESTED 1 fl . " t Iff I I'1 l"Bi:L' '"V We construct M1113 with Stamps weighing from 850 to W0 lbs. tor gold and sllTer ores. Wtt sr ry Crushing M01 tare. Send or Circular. Warerooms 92 and 94 Lit erty Street,' NewY ork. 48:ly Associated Railways of PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Richmond, Va., Nov. 1st, 1881. Memoranda of Arrangement cf Round-Trip Rates, TicketsyRoutes of Trans portation, and Advantages offered for tho formation of Parties of YisitoTB To .lie Mernatioial Gsttra Exposition at Atlanta, Ga., . . From the Territory travereed or reahed by the lUllways ol THE RICHMOND JND Periort of Vallilty, ia Days, of Tlckf u Herein Enumerated. i n - 4 I- From What Points. I Stat ; Gclnz.; in .Retur- x : Atlanta.' nlnj;. ? y. Richmontl, .. mirkevllle ... Danville .... Reldsvllle . . . i Days ll'38 das 53 t-0 21 75 1 41 17 25 16 10 17 45 IS 45 13 "0 18 7t 19 70 S2 00 .8 .i.S .' t .11 .18 Oreensboro... Salem .2 '1 is Hhrh Point... Salisbury uuruam Raleigh . Goldslx)ro... tr Movement of all parties on contract rates Atlanta ana t narioue Air-Line naiiway j iviion. Round Trip Tlci ei.i herein named, when usod filngly, are of a ;ne contract form, xtAA it fraet.r. rA to other than original jHtrchnimi, aod authorize the requirement of Identification of hakl Lanaaaero at the option ot the Railway's Acnts or Conductors. To the end of afTordinsf lncrcasfd Railway facilities for visiting tbe EJtposltloa, Ctret TJck et adantcd to nartles of the Mze hprpin named, aie likewise (CereI. 't hey t iiilra e u tl. tttnuuiuiu of single Tickets, with the additluuul one, that yicsruiru uu i ruua ill (.uuilL'Cilua w nil tin cj Uoldeisof these Tickets may return uKn them they are the orlsrlnal purcUabers. aud idtLilfy theniselves accordingly. An office for the identification of purchasers and stamping of return eaiifyafta has tteen eatablMto4 tbe Union Depot in Atlanta. It will be open s-i minutes prior to the departure Ol the inlas. one of tue conditions of these ticket, will be cha nped in any respect. -' lnvestljfaticn of the appliances for wrsonal comfort, lodcrinir, and fot Baeeas of transit net we a A lanta and the Fxposltitn Grounds, authorizes the For all information not contained In this circular, the Railways at lnteit st. 4- jea . . ; o - the largest and best stclck of Truly, J. D. GASKILL. . ... . . w Vf.1?,3 PoniPleto J.ooo pounds, it costs $1,500 readr tor the bfMt. ill crush one ton per hour of hard quartz that wtU IHisg throujh a 40-mehB screen. The wear Is fess thaaln U Kt impmin. Its wearing parta are plain caUn?s and caab rlropped into poHiuon In a few Momenta, as shown by letter A. B and C. no oolts or keys antrequlred - it can be set upon thS n.ior or a mill with no expense, for foundations, and can be ued to c.-tLsh and work la charges or continuous. It will amalea- r mate eitber gold or silver ores, making It a Blmpto. cneap and effective mill ; it requires 12-horee Dower Stamp Mills, Kock Breakers, Crushlmr Kolls,7hual. eaiiiHtlni? I'xnH anil nuroinn tr 1 11 c, ores, Chlortdlzlng Furnaces, Retorttt, Rock Drills, Air Compressors, uteel Shoes an pies for stamps, and every descrlp. tlon of Frames for Stamps ; also ImproT'ed Double. SINGLE CYLINDER HOISTING ENGINES, Wits or Without boilers, Wua obMakhxa lion Dkcms. tW Specially adapted t Mininf UrttU. Virrrinia and tie Carolinas, DANVILLE SYSTEM. T KATES OF TICKETS. FTr f on.'.itlon of Sa! and use of which soe Note. i For I'artlcs 1 of i 10 each. At ForTartles ; Of ; For Parties ot OA . - - V. For ParUM 1 of 5 PCh. n in croups A, R. C and D, will be only Tla Charlctta anu lickeis rfao ctcoiameiy. tbey are good for trannpenatlon to Atlanta .or wbooi inr rptcijic ciamr ii.rg weumg It), tf IUmvr 0lfe . singly, within the period oi their Talfclitr. DroTld'a assurance vbat all elementa exist coavrilxiUHf, tonlr to the tmderslx or the Station At v (Pope, f,M , Vuseftjx- ' 19 5 HI 00 $134 ili eo 17 50 140 It 40 oe ii yt ii k io to m 13 50 II 51 t 0 T T 13 (W 00 If 13 65 11 70 74 IN IS to 10 M 0 70 T 00 10 SO t SO 1 00 IN 14 50 It. 4 10 40 ft M 15 60 1J Jl 1100 tu 19 io 1 i 35 13 ec lota -1 -i t -j ''""' f ' 1: n m - if :! - i i