1 I gIUYr DECEMBEIt.SU, 1881. .... nft.-r the 1s t day of January, tlie subscription ju ice of Jie Watch-l-Aill be as follows : V Oue vcur lail advance, i.au u Look t for New Year callers they Col Bfo: of the Hoyden House, serv- hi bowlers wii a fine Snias dinner. : ..." -o A Mfie f tho order of Knights of Pa Jaa tor be, organized here soon. .' - o - . Petitions arc pouring in totneinbers ,r!yin? Congress to pass an Act regulating filrsad charges. ' The' Odd Fellow will give ii enter iainmeiit to a few friends in their Hall en iiday fiigltt. , ? . o - ' The deniontttiatioiT, or rather the over jfloW of Christmas joy, found veutin fiie- Saturday " uieht. The sti eeta ajsre at timet ablaze. CiVkistmas tveek baa been a spell of Ipril weather, V had white frost Mon Jamuruiug witli a little ice in exposed place! f but since theii ilie tevipeniture hhaa bees mud and pleasaiu ouiy a jitttojtottjuueh dampness. - P"The colored people of Ken"an -have made arranseiuents for celebrating next Mondav. January 2d, as Emancipation day. it js expected to make it a very grandToc- casion. the exercises decupjing the day and part of the night. roiular orators will de- Jireraddresscs. '. T - o Mr; Bnerbanm did the handsome- thing jky his cferk, Mr. Thos. liaiuey, in "pre senting him on Christmas day with a fcaodsoine .'vol nine of Shakespeare, bound fa sheep, wftJi the following inscription : ''Accept this as a token for faithful ser vices, fidelity and ever watchful care. Believe in the- confidence and esteem of Yoar trulyr Tjiki. Bl kkbalm.77 o- JlHi e a k E xt e ut a i x m ex t . La s t n igh t , at theircidence of Rev. J. Rumple, the pupils of Mrs. Rum pie's music school, as MitaJ by Miss Rumple, Mr. E. B. Neave, and severni .others, entertained quite a Doaitef of friendsu with some very line pu'iic, vocal and instrmnental, O r- Prof. Evans proposes (see nd.to open bis vocal school ou next Wednesday eve uiu This Ume with the view of giving I jgr&ndconcert, , yr-lendej ing souie pop-' ia. Let tj!0j jute Vested bepres fnt. & the olh,ej' towns around us have their iuuical organisations, and it is hoped that something jjj this line may be jloue here. Let all-the young ladies and gents who have voices go tTiere any way nu Wednesday night next. CinusT.HAS Thkes. The custom of treat ing the Sunday School pupils to Christmas irecs has become, very 'pn-valcat throughout litis county. To suy nothing of those in fliis town,' ,we. hear of a number of others in Ilie countiyr Euochville gave the children flMsre a very., pleasant time. So also, at lhwiis' Chapel, Salem, Gay's Chapel, Gr:ice rhurch and St. Paul's. These w e have k'ard of; aiul how many more we know not. TJie chief entertainment of the holidays, (he Masquerade Bali came of last Tuesday flight, at the Boyden Ilwuse.. Expectation was on .tiptoe; merriment beamel from TerT,.face, and as the gay maskers entered 1 in grandjuareh, nhe tumult of loud mirth ajri(e.'i Tltt following persons assumed the char acters annexted to their names : i -Thjeq. IucrbauniMonk, and HannsBreit maun ; Chas. Viele, Touchstone and Y'acob jtraas; R. E.imes, Jr., Bear and Toutl.r tmc;Ji P Ik-aril, R V Wiukle, (Ut act) F Smith, R;V Winkle (3d act) S FClodteltcr, CsTaller f Henry 111 ; J F.-Wilson, Domi J GSoungDominoLJake Richey, Un bow.n Kaight; T. J Fytzer, Ilarlequm; Clarence kurphy, Rub Roy ; S F. -Telfair, ?riar; Jajnes-llill, Sir Walter Raleigh; G It Harrison, Black Domino ; D Lindsay, Monkii II Bailey, Country Cousin; W S Blacknierf3lalcom Gram be, Capt.. Parker, Spanish Cavalier; M S Brown, White Pi ince; tVr Linton, Salon Shingle ; F E Shober Jr., .Half Uackstraw ; T- W Morrison, Clown ; .PIyerman, Christmas Tree; II B Hicks," Craudma; A C Harris, Spanish Trouba wr; Jno" Bratton,. Waggoner ; W II Har- Sol ; WTI Overman, Fritz; C M Swice ?oo4, Chinaman; A S Lewter, Country poising H L Foard, Ace of Hearts ; N N P0jdea Humpty Dumpty ; R L Crawford, Sttttoa; Miss Bula Stewart, Buttejfly; Miss k'ouie' Eauies, Joan d' Arc ; 3Hss Jennie ' Srowu, Domino; Mi5s Bfackmer, Glee Maid; MwJIopre, Child .of the Regiment ; Miss J Jfockj Charlotte Corday; Miss" Shober; MaiH'easant ; Miss Mock, Butter Cup; -1MA- White, Lady ; Carrie Holmes, Bo Pep;Ifss L Sholer, Child of the Regi ment : Dais M,. .Ha roncy Indian Girl ; Mrs. Rsnkin Lady of I Ml -OImwI . XTrc Tirlii Christmas Tree. . :TI'C list may not be complete, but these jprisc.the 'most pron.iHent characters, characters assumed were rtnorw wrll , 'Wilered. Miss Jennip Karoi a Ta.,i, rl' wai probably the hnst attractive char ?lthe house. Jler suit of mail was trndidly gotten up. Butteirjy attracted m attention.' Frhz,! Yacob Strauss. -As ireiuuann 1 merriment. nd tl;e Bear created ne Ball' woo . pita land afforded much 'tasurenot nrWtothc participants, but srge HumiK-r of hulies aud gentle- icred to.Witnetth - Forty Tears', trial bt nroved "RLACK- lL the bct- liver mrdipine in world. T. K. BRUXER MANAGER r ' j H 11 Jl A TO -..;-m. J.loyd, Snpt. Soatbem iias Suujm orui lor a fw diiy . Mr.. J. C; Pennington, of Datcli reek 31iuo has cone Noifeli " . T Gold L'CGET8.-Mr; Atlas Kil ex hibited to us, Tuesday three beaktiful goUl nuggels from the Parker miue in Manly county, iu which he is intevisted, ounces, j TJie barker is a m ell kuowji J. . - mine. apdhas j yuautuies of tree j:oltL It lis on Pi of the tame ridge on Vhjch tiX e v.uu n.me situated, the hernvuin proierty yet discovered in StJj.coanty! a large portion of whicllla believed to be rich in luiueiiilfl. A Grmp Railkoad Scheme. WinvUe attention W the advertisement of the Cin cinnati, Virginia & Carolina Railway Com pany,.in another column. It will be seen that a company has been formed to build a Railroad from Wadesboro, N C.x through Anson, Stanly, Rowan, Davie. WilkP. n,i I Ashe coundes ; thence ,by air line northwest ia uuaneston w West Virginia, where it counects with the Baltimore, Cincinnati & Western Railway, a direct joining of Cin cinnati and Charleston, S. C, giving us a long-aesircd out-let to tho northwest, and the commercial treasures of that wonder fully productive region. It will cut length ways through the extensive coal and irot lanus ou est Virginia, and toucji the im Lmensely valuable mineral deposits in the I K . - ' northwestern part of this State. But this Road will also traverse one of the best a"- ncirwurai jrtions ot the State: Striking the valley of the Yadkin at Wakesboro ' will follow it to its source in the mountains, cutting through valuable .cotton, coni, to bacco, wheat and grass lands, all the 'way up. We regard it one of the most im portant projects yet proposed, and destined to exert a powerful help in the development ot the resources of the State. , The Christmas Trees a.t the Methodist and Presbyterian churches were highly creditable, complete successes. The'pres euts were haudsome, ajj.d both youth kuQ. old age enjoyed the plenatyg scene. Prof. W. II. Neave (troiiiUone), aud Miss(Wja4 ueulo!igan) de.ligltted th,e audi ence of the Methodist church with fiue mueic. Ir. E. B. Neave (cornet) and Miss Brown (organ) eutertaiued, with appropriate music, he audieuce at the Presbyterian church. The tree in the Lutheran church was as usual, beautiful - ; ilARPJED. 1 f- By Rev. W. II. Cone, in LockeTownship, xsov. a4, ltsai, vjaieoAj. uassinger to miss Catharine Weaver. I In Locke Township, bv the same. Dec. 22d, Mr. Wellington L. McNeely and Miss Mary E. Blackwelder, all of this county. Bv Rev. W. Kimball, Dec. 22d, Mr. C. T. Ridenhour and Miss Sarah Leflcr both of Stanly county. - j At the residence of the bride's father 'in Cabarrus county, Dec. 154.381, by I Rev. Saiu'J Rothrock, Mr. Augustus L. Plesrand Miss Mary E.,4aughter of J. M Faggart, Esq. ' On the 22d Dee. 1881, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. II. M. BVown, Mr. Lewis Trexler and M'ss Mary Ei Peo nington all of Rowan county. j Also on the same day luid by the same, Mr. John Jacobs to Louisa Iluluiall of this county. ' GOOD COFFEE. Everybody wants it, but very few get it, because most peopjo do not know how to select coffee, or it is spoiled in tfce roasting or making. To obviate these difficulties has been our study. Thurbers package Coffees are selected by an expert who un dereta&ds th art of blendimr various 1U vors. They are roastxi iu the most perfect manner (tt is impossible to roast well in small quantities), then, put In pound pack ages (in the bean, not flrroumt) b -aring our signature as a guarantee ot genuineness, and each package contains the Thurber recipe for making good Coffee, We pack two kinds,, Thurbor's No. S4," strong and jjuugeat; TburbT's "No. 41, mild and rich. Ouo or the other will suit every taste. They have the three exeat ooiots. aotxl quality, honest quan ta i, rpaxonablz nrice. Ak yaw Grocer for Thurber' a roasted Cojee in podnd pack ages, "No. 34" er "No. 41." Do not be put Qff with.any other kind j-Qur own palate will tejl you what is jbes.t Whcro persons desire it wo also furnish the "ldeaV' Coffee-pot, tho simpleat, best and cheapest coffo-poc in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffoo keep them, for descriptive circular. Respectfully, Ac., IL K. & F. B. THURBER CO., Importers, Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Boasterg, New York. P. S. As the largest dealers in todd pro ducts In the world, we consider It our in terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods andpack them In a tidy and satisfactory manner. All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to be of upe4Q" Quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund the purchase trice in any case where customers ; nave ' SmWfor dLatisfaction. It is therefore to the interest of both dealers aadoon eumerato use Thurbefs brands, KERR CKAIGB, CRAIGE & CLEMENT, fittarnn at fair, SALISBURY. S. C ' 1 - !! I . , " i - i I H J i i" - s 1--- a an m m urn bh . . ;. ...... l IT 1 1 1 M I HAS KOW niS OVERCOATS FOR MEN . AND - OVERCOATS FOR BOYS FROM . "HI Tor Itfen and Boys From S8.00 TO S35.00 FOR MEN AND BOYS FROM 3.00 to iio.oo The Ever in Salisbury. 25cts to mm S AND WILL SELL YOU A WARRANTED BOOT FOR 1.85. Solid leather SHOES for 85cts. Extract from letter : M. S. Buown: In reference to the We do not warrant against ABUSE .o.,. ma.ia. vr i ue.Ji ill UKliei lll sew pair! ior every unsatistactory one, unless in your judgmeut the damage was the the wearer. i ' tajult of P case retufy al,l mperfect. goods t I am prepared to sell you all the goods in my Hue T 20 PER CET CHEAPER thau you ean get the same goods any where This is business. ' I L.J Mining Advertisments. Alixixb Propert v. Persons having mining property to sell would do well to advertise it. We propose to give room toauih notices, to be kept standing un der the general caption of "Mixing Pkop- The cost of such notices will be moder ate. Those having properties 4he value of which is not generally known, should give .references to reputable persons known to be acquainted with such mat ters. Thja paper has a good circulation among miujng men North, and in the State, aud can be of service iu the way proposed. A Popular Investment. 1,500,00 SIX PER CENT GUARANTEED . Preftrrei Railway Stock. 50,000 Shares OF TBI CAPITAL STOCK Or THK wncinnati, Yirpa aifl Carolii Bailway Company, ot the par value or $100 per share, are offered by the undersigned at f 50 per share, wli h guarantee bj the MUTUAL TKUST COMPANY OF NEV YUUnw, of six per cent per annum on said subscription price lor six rears, payaoie scmi-auuuimj, .auumj July, al and by the said Mutual Trust Company In New voriccuy, anq hj agencies. Th:im lnnatlTtirtrtola CaroUDa Railroad, w'th IU connecUons, will make an air Hue troiu Cincin nati to Cuarleaton, souui caouna. ejinnug ai Wadesboro', North Carolina, running noit lowest through Salisbury. WlUesboro', and Jefferson, N. Carolina: through Marlon, Virginia, and north ma . " I . si fk.ivluurAn k'-Jtl'l wild CouoiyaWngatllneot .nunes Tbe wiioled s-! tance througn a aecuon 01 me cuuuuj i.u m un cultural aodmmeiai proaucis, sucn as copper, cotton, tobacco, comj and wheat earnings o the road when nnlsued wlil a cultural aod mine al products, sucn as coai, i-xm, 1 LL-. 1 lit lUW earnings o the road when n nisiiea win ave ae o r ten thqsand $io,0) dollars permi'.e. This wiU eive gross earnings pf three millions (ia.ooo.coo) dollars per year, which will yield large: and remu nerative dividends to the stockholders. Subscriptions to tne siock win oe recent-u ai i ui office of the tympany, 3 Broadway, New York, or uy iuc . MUTUAL TRUST COMPANY, IIS BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Full information will be sent on application U the J Company. n.w i. i. MG1T, C. . J O. JICRrHY, E. M. RIQBY & MURPHY) IniBI it Bonstrnctinj Ispeers, 78 JLsd 89 Broapwa Y. Room 49, . - HtW YORK. Examine and report upon Mine, y Make Working Plana and Specification fp the construction of gold and silver Mills, or will enter into Contract fsrthe erection. same. ' Mininc Machinery and supplies pnrcl ased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment. Oraddrssa . JOHN RI0BY, 49i9m:pd High Point, N. C. - a FULL STOCK OP r mm Finest lot of ts Prices from S5.00. Solar Tin Shoes we'lierebv Riifl.nri n HH1 worKiuansiii 11, or FIRE or WATER. Yoh can cire a us.. Yours trulv, 5 JOHN OTNDELL & CO. Philadelphia. else. M S. BROWN. BUSINESS LOCALS Rev. V. Kimiiall's post office address will hereafter be Salisbury, N. C. . Musical. Prof. Evausi invites all who dcKire to join a vocal clas to meet at the Hall of the Y, M. C. A., on best Wednes day night, the 4th of January, He has quite :i uuuiber of his former claas ou the list, but desires some new voices. Do not fail to meet him at the appointed time. It THINGS 'ARE BdOMIHG! At MeXeelyV Tlwse who want Christ inas Goods should call at once. . dOAZi 7AH9. McNeely & Jolnisni have ojened a Coal-Yanl at the depot. Person wishin.4 coal can get it delivered at their door, either in towu or in the country. J. D. McXket. THE GRADED SCHOOL Committee have decided to admit non resident pupils upon the payment of $2 per month tuition Those who desire to take advantage of this had bettor; appl early NEW GOODS. AT . THEO. BTJJE2RB ATTM'S , 1 ,000 POUNDS FRENCH CANDIES AT TIIEO. X5XJICTtJ3VXJ3X'S!. Books and Dailv Pnpers at " TIIEO. BUERBAUM S. Crosse and Black well Chow Chow, at TIIEO. BUERBAUM S. Cracked Wheat and Oat Meal at TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. Baker's Chocolate and Cocoa, and Philadel phia Crackers at 3;tf. TIIEO. BUERBAUM'S. g- Ilistovy ofKbwon County, IT KEV. i. KCMPLr. Copies of this interesting book may be had of T. F. Kluttz, Theo. Blkkualm, 'iw at the Watchman Ollice. SAIISBUBY MARKET. Apples green, per bus . . . diVd.perlb BACOS--tX)untry, hog round, Butter. Beeswax Blackberries,....,.. Beet, cotton Good Middling,... Mid ling, -. Low M idling,. t... stained n Corn new...,,.... MeaL Coffee, Chickens, , Esnra. Whqjegale. j .$ 75 rtH.on Retail. $1.09 a $1.25 4 a C a I 14 15 25 to tO 4 9 4 i 11 10 10 t S3 0 ii'i 1 99 s I 1.0C 1.15 14 IS 15 1.10 1.10 14 SO 20 4.00 ) ' 12 1.20 1.10- 9 14 1$ 15 Flour,... Hay , Lard 50 (4 S3 IS (4 14 16 8 10 11 MAN 1.00 SO g 1.0(1 1.0U 1.C0 4 1.-.5 ork, P-ta toes Irish., do sweet :o: - Regardless of Cost to make room for a very large Spring Stock, I will from this 4ale sell tLo balaace of xay Stock of Suits sold at $20 reduced to 15, Suits sold at $18.75 reduced to 14, Suits sold at $16 reduced to 12, Suits o!d at $15 reduced to 11, Suits sold at 1450 reduced to 10, AHD OTHERS AT TP SAME BATE OF DEDUCTION. '0fc3 I shall sell these yery soon o paraix tlesiring to buy will do well rVin't forget that J top r IN SALISBURY. MOBJEY &l GOLD & fSEYEE GRINDING & HOLLAND'S PULVEEI2EE takss the we construct Mills with Stamps weighing from Crushing MoiUry. Stndftr Circular. Waierooms 92 and Associated Railways of PASSEIQCR .ft. fhd?ffH. Memoranda of Arrangement of BoundTrip Bates, Tickets, Routes of Trans portation, aud Advantages offered To lie International Cotton From the Territory traversed THE RICHMOND AJXX Period of Validity, in Days, of Tickets Herein Enumerated. Wtn What Points. I ! STAT Golng.j in jRetur- Atlanta.' nlng. ! I Richmond, Burkevllle Danville ., Days llda)s,rQ;si 5 f $23 Xl 11 75 18 45 17 85 10 17 45 IS 45 IS 70 18 71 1 70 0 K it t! H M Keldsville ; Ureensboao ! Halem High Point. ...iff Salisbury j. Durham ....... it Kalelgh .'. i GoWsboro .. i.i t a m s M 9 44 a. M y Movement of all parties oa contract rates In groups A, B, C and D, will be only via Charlotu aa4 mta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway llvlsJon, ana l lcketa will read ai cotdlngly. Itouad Trip-Tickets herein named, when fised mi to othert thm mrigittal purekatr, and authorize n me opuon 01 tne Kaiiways Agents or l onauciors. To the end of affording Increased Bailway facilities for visiting the Exposition. Contract Tickets viapted to parties of the size herein named, are likewise offered. They embrace all the stipulations of single Tickets, with the additional one. that they are good for transportation to Atlanta only wbea presentea on l rains in conned too stu oil athrrt of uoiurrs oi uiese iickcu may return upon mem they an the original purchasers, and Identlfv themselves sccordlncly An office for the Vienuncatton of purchasers and ine i nion i Depot In Atlanta. It will be open so minutes prior to the departure of the trains, of the conditions of these tickets will be changed in any respect. None lnvestlgatkHi of the appliances for personal comfort, lodging, and food, means of transit ri n i lanta and the Exposltltn Grounds, authorizes the assurance that all elements exist contributing pleasant and economical That. For aQ informatJoa not contalnd in this circular, apply to tho andertlgx or tfco SUUob Arc the Railways at interest.: BEBI10I to call at once. the largest and best stock of 9 Yours Tmhv J. D. GASKILL. SPEMRY, AMALGAMATING MACHINERY placa cf ths ennbersoma Stamp 1EU p up ah ppj oar rewMj Tor work IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVED it TESTED ' It weighs complete 7.000 pounds, it costs CI sm iarfr rr the belt. ill crush one ton pr hour of harda Jarn? tht?yJni pass through a 40-mesh screes. The wear Is ?h,n iB TiV. sump mill. Its wearing parta are plalS SSVTi. hi dropped Into position In Yew uiomwttL as show to?J V and C, no bolts or keys are rm&rim&RTihi floor of a mill with no expens for fwindailoas, andaSto used to crush and work in harges or conunaous . V wl,t aialS . . mate either gold sr silver ores, making It a shrfnie biamp wills, no k I'.roaLrs fmuhu ii. . , gamatlng Pans a id separators for -Uold and MUver ores, ChUrtoizln,' Furnaces. LetortS! Hwk SKl 'L',,,'7fN steel Nnos and Dies for Sumps, and every aesoftv lion 01 Kruuit-a lor Rumps ; sbn IsproT-ed Deubl or SINCLE CYLINDER HOISTING ENGINES, WITS OR WlTHOlT BOII.EAR, WlKS onMamija Itors Ukcus. TWSptcially adopted U 3Iiing In- Trrratt. 850 to too 1 for gold and silver ores." Wtxsr 9rj 94 Liber y Street, New York. Yirpia ai. lie Carolisas, DEPARTMENT, Richmond, Va., Nov. 1st, 1881. for the formation of Parties of Viators Erposilion at Atlanta, Gi, or reached by the Railways of XAJVILT-E SYSTEM. RATES Of TICKXTS. For Condition of Sale and use of which esc Notes. For Parties of 10 each. A For Parties ; or ! go each. B For I'arUff t of I TO each. Ci For Psniss of M each. D BK 11 00 10 00 9 0 I 79 TtO T 90 T 09 ts s so S 95 10 90 singly, are of a sptcipe i vol met form, void if iranmer. the requirement of Identification of said purchasers. (M $pij aam irp veimna i; mi per uttpt ten gixm . singly, wunm ut irnuu wltnin tne period of their validity, provldo stamping of return coupons has been established sitTiT $l &4 7 $13 ;t 17 50 14 SO It 44 14 so an io to IP 50 11 U 9 SO 11 60 10 80 t 00 13 63 11 70 9 79 It tO 10 50 9 70 10 90 9 60 7 SO 14 5 11 45 10 40 15 5 IS tt 11 00 19 10 16 99 TC j. (Fqpe, f Ml I itmt SALE OF. L A( D! Bj virtme pt1 a -decree of the Superior Court ff lwan county, I will sell tn the 2tt olay of January, 1882, on the premises. mi puunc avcuoa, a irx aoa containing about 174 acres, arljoirung the lands of Jno. Litaker, Aaron Soodnight, 8. Orercash and others, t he same being'the land willed by Daniel Overcash t Silas S. Orercash; and on wludi the late PoVlj Overcasli lived Terras, ooe-fcalf rash imd the balance qn a credit of-twelve months, wjthintcrest at tlie rate of 8 per cent., from dsuuTof aale-r- Oond and approved security. . : , ' Q. &. OvERCASn, Com?r. XoreruWr 1 7, 1 88 1 . 6:C w " - 640 ACRES ; LAND FORJALE! Having quai5od as Adininistrator'with the will annexed. Jbc nf Richard Lowcrr. dee'd, I will pell,-by virtue of the will of J the testator, on Monday the 2d Stay of Jan nary, 1882, at t2 oclock m., at the Court IJs-we door in Salisbu-ry 640- Acres of Valuable Larrd. This land lies about tiircc miles west of Salisbury, immediately on the Lincolnton Road, and much ot it valuable fanuingland. It is justly regarded as rery desirable. Parties desiring further inlsrniation cac get it by addressing the undersigned or by calling on him at his office in Salisbury, Terms-J-one-third cash, one-third in arc months, and one-third in twelve months, jnote and. good security with interest from 4&tcQf sale on deferred payments. . . . J. AV. JlAfNEV, Admr,w. ; Nordic, 18S1. . Salisbury, N. C- IXPSICai Persons havin$r chtims against the csttteof Itichard Lowery, dee'd, arc notified to present them to the under signed fur payment on or before the 18th day of OTeuiher!, 1882. ' - J. W. Macset, Adm'r. &c, . Sov. 10, 1881. ' 5:Ct NOTIOE! " JOHN F. EAGLE, --FASHIONABLE--' BOOT AND SHOE- Invites your attention to his sltop, opposite Mayer's Office- Repairing neatly and prompt ly dene. All grades of goods made to order Pfll ffl KKtchancetomalR money. Those who UuLUi always take advantage of the good chan ce for making money that are offerej, generally become wealthy, while those who do not Improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work pro perly from the lirst start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Eipenslve outfit furnished free. No one who engages falls to make money rapidly. Yu can devote you whole time fc fhe work, or only your spare momenta. Full. Information and all that Is needed sent free. Address Mitnson a Co., Portland, Maine. VTe continue to act as Sonettan for Patents, Caveats, Trade Harks, Copyrights, etc, for the Untied Kates, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, ete. W9 tjave had ihlrtyflve years experieoee. m Fatenu obtained through us are noticed in the 8ci Tifnric American. ThU large and splendid lllua trated weeklvpaper,$30ayear,showstbe Fiograas of Science, is very Interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN A tX, Patent Solici tors, imb's. of Scientific American, 87 Parte Bow. fie w York. Hand book about PatenU freo. ":4m. ' ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTER A Curative Hast in Itself: Thirty year's experience lias firmly rooted' Allcock's Porous Plaster in public estimation. Their wonderful adaptability to the various symtoms at disease is a marvel to medical men of all flcuwls. 1-or nervous persons and luna tics, Mie or urare a4id to the spine produc ed sleep when opiates, even hydrate of chloral, had beeu ol little servire. Aow, when one can not sleep, its is the common practice to apply a Plaster to lli back. You scarcely touch the pillow before you are sound asleep. A Ucocks Porous Plasters have the curative effect ol the .Spanish fly blisters, yet make no sore, and never aHecl the kidneys ; areconvtni eulfur aJi ajfes aud condi lions, usually only tainly curative than liniments or blisters, and without prostration or pain of the latter. This is true even in Croup, Quinsy, PJeurisy, Long and Throat Affections, and the utility of this sanitary Invention has keen warmly wel comed. They are largely sold in every artof the world, and it is believed that not ten than five hundred thousand, perrons aie well, and attending to ilie duties of life, free Jrom ain, vlioliavean Allcock's l'orot.s Placer some whereabout them, and who. but fur the said plaster, would be prostrate uxn a bet of ago ny. Btidt, a peexiiar pirn y, pteanonl tutor, halo, or atmoT)kere erkalet from them by the wurmth tt the body, imperceptible to the eye, but which envelops the person in a cloud' of thin vapor, through which contagion cannot pt net rale. J fact, A llcock s Plasters supply an almosohera like that from balsam or pine woods, and no doubt attract ozone. When contagious or inject, eu iiteaseM are about, they should be worn ea (As test or bmck ti preventive. THE ALLCOCK'S POROUS PUSTEt oothes pain, reanimates torpid limbs,. sms, in many cases, to revive the uowers of life. The great demand proves theiu to be utd a a universal remedy. -They are convenient of an- iiiviiiv, mm iwic iur an, oiig incapaute OJ prochicin any injurious eticc(. Dr. Valentine Mott. Dr. Johnson, of JIart. ford; and lr.JJyers, of Savannah, lavespoken of them in the highest terms. The great Mutt said: ''They were all that could be hoped for in a plaster simple, cleanly and adhesive perfect as artificial supporter of the mnseles ; and for pains, because of their counter-irritant qualities, usually at once giving ease." Local weakness of the back, breast and side, always benefited, thus curing lumbago in a few hoiir sometimes in a few minutes. In serious heart and chest affections their use cause an absorption or evaporation of wa ter, by which dropsy of the heart and hydro thorax have undoubtedly been cured. 1 hey appear to have a iectiljr effect unon - the nervous, allaying irritability while supply ing warmth. They seem to accmu late elec tricity, and aid the circulation of the blood through the part where applied, bv which healthy action are induced. The Porous Plasters are flexible, and foil ml of great help to those who' have weak back or pains in the side. Especially are titer ral oible to' those who have neglected colds. 'They are ofien preventives of consumption; nav they are believed to have loosened the grnspof this terrible affliction, and bad been m.inlt Instrumental in eflecting a cure. In variable iiiinates they should be worn on the breast, or eel ween the shoulders, or over the kidneys, bv bhose who are subject to lake cold easily TliU simple plan will soon produce constitutional vigor that will enable one to resist extraordi nary changes of temperature. Experience hss proved the Porons Plaster to be a blessing t.. the consumptively inclined, invariably produ ing the most remarkable abatement of tl -worst symptoms. Principal Agency, 291 Ca al Stit.t New lCi L-kJ; fci.a ior oale ly fl DrUg-g-istS. 20jy ,k1. -i t I J Wheat ;,. . ; At Theo. F. Kluttz's 0 - K5