Mm I if i i , ! Carolina Watchman. THURSDAY, DEC. 29, le&l. yTakc "CLACX-bHAUCHT" an J too will never be bilious. .." ; j t Thto P. KluttzV G. V. WfilGHT & DR03. The iucoiuiug powers at, J.Viishin'jipn have this tay dissolved the copartnership liereto- wfll enmmenre i "refoiiii" -is ft irwrr existing between meui by mutual consent Trill commence a itioini, as -it ,iene,Ctsi All aceouiosduethwnnu are payable to -Wrhrnt countrv iiosunasiers. anu everv lemocrat i r.i'r" . . mcoruiswane - . . . . i . f .' .: .-I wiu nrra.i ue ousiawisoi tne store will becomin- now holding such' a posit igu will .be.turn- f by o. w- Wright (f. I'.Helllg, under tne linn 1. . . . p. - ''ty' , ,. '- f name of" Wright llelllir.': who soUcirAUu , - m va.uax ak VaV7v .Dee. T. 1881. 11:1m Mr. D. R. Goodke thinks there is in- consistency- fn the desiring the increase v : . . - ... of mail lacilittes and mm anting the rc- i llVilVVi peal cTthe internal revenue -sYstem."' lie th same to ine poae--si,rnedon orfcefore tiiewrn V.m ' . , L . i day -t Decern 'jer,-iss2, or tnl3 notice wtll be plead- rt-cuw, j. "-AL persons' indebted arcue.a ilroni tho standpoint either that led infcar of their tt1". , ... ' ..s . .. '. . It.ff e&atrw . tijotii are alike evils or both are blessiugs. Iment to theuhde It is reninrkabre discovery. - All p$,-60B2 having claims aiiwit ine-estare ot hex i AuifLt ereexL. ore hereby notified to exhibit Ij-npil on fir tipfnro tho oofh are reenested to make immediate oar uuuersiuueu. w. n.uAtts. Dec, gsto. last. tHUt,p) admr. The Widow's HojTe. Mr. S. A. El- liott,"of Oxford, X.Cj ispiakingau ur- geftscaii lor CQnftiiL;tion8-to bnild at TflM?'' ii'uKou"-to be know h ns The jtidoivV HoikV," Tliere is onlv shadowing of the project in the article 'Wfbre us, and we tliel eforc let it" pass witu tins brief notice. . . . ti i - We are indebted to oha p. Morton & Co., If txiiiille, Kj., for a copy of their Wes- era Farmer' Almanac," a publica rare merit for the ication of size oi it. ve are also indebted to GS.'G. Green for a copy of 'Iis Almanac, overflowing withr'aluable ftiausiics. aiso, to tueroprietors of "Our Home AlmanaCj" every page graced with a beautiful picture. ' Ti. . UUI,ar lespectalile man. of liiladclphia, who wan indicted for chang ing the election' returns iu a ward of that city, after consideraldo ilciav in h.a ndiBg that ho could notscape the clnfcheaoHlie law officers, brought his Case to A teriiiinntiAn 1..- - . "J mil COIlICSSlOll " J. ,S. "!"nS J'?: (loalit, in ,iry to ligMen 0;e niiBj. Uut lis of.: lenw was a flagrant one.' inil nun ueiiucration. Tbe iudn-e .wuie,lwu ",,n tf Piy a fine of $l,TX)0aud pend two yehrs in prison. .A'corwspondont of the Chicago' Cw"1' lude; of Debea 7th, re ports the recent dUcavery of ui ctve near LltchGeJd, Ky., xrhivh is said to rival tho celebrated "Mnrumoth'W the same State. The correspondent referred to, says the newly discovered cave has been explored f9T 8 stance of 14 ,xilcs ; that there U a trtanl of water flou ingln it hVrge enough for a small stwimer; that mummies in rock aareopagus have been found in it, which contains besides all the curious for .Hiations found in other similar caves. .The story is doubted. Half Siikkt. This half sUfottfrissued midway between Chiistmas and the New .Year rin the midst tii ;.,1. ness of the season. So far as we know poly a few lutyejiaid sadness mingled with -iheir festivities. It would be unlike liu jnan life if were joyous and none were sad ; since the ordinary incidents of good and evil have no fixed limes for their .coming. IKtt Chiistiiia,!, we are rgUttl to say, has been a happy season to the people of this community, who have "improved the precious faun as wiselv. R. R. CRAWFORD & CO. AKE SELLIN9 PORTABLE. FARM AND FACTORY STEAM. ElMk ALSO ana (Japs. " i ALSO x - Tie tal RIFLE. POWDER Kile fapns, w m f agras. Oj our own and Foreign make and IfllH mm From the FlnesKo the Cht apest. Refer MMi Ctapn lot erf. Horse Rakes, &c. Salisbury, Jan. 0, 1381. jl j :- ' - ' i THE CINCINNATI UlfKLV TIEV3ES has tor more than forty yean maintained if position, as the loading paper of the WfeitT 3 .V-e snpw, as it js the lotofman- to" de vise. e rejoice with our fVHmv ,.itina V Wish thev . ni:iv l!r t - -y u iw ot many retui ns ot this iiladsome and hea i til many retiii and be happy through them all. A'GOOD BION.-One. of the best evi--tlences of prosperity itf a community is the payment of debts.- It will gratify many to jlearn that the people of Kowau have done - and are doing it, to an eitent not generally known. One of our leading merchants" had In hand during the year no, less than 222 mortgages; but1 on; Be 24t1i Dec. Inst., only ..!y.?f tllcse ""lainedr unpaid, and there ,Vas no uueasiness clout them. .This led us to take some lit tfc trcutle to find out the general condition by catling on alUhe lead ing mercloa; when the gratis ing fact came out that,' with a single exception, no -...-0 ?aiioiy uion-ages is exjMJcted j&he m'erchauts of thiel place. " A11 Were pleased to us our friends have come rward prouiptly." " This state of things in a droughty year, with crops cut down te hearty one-half the verage, certainly speaks well for the coun try, and for the honor of its inhabitants. , .4. " . l?,?.DAfc ncr residenco live riiiles west efhalislMiry, On the -mornrngof the 24th 4 ! i V , 1,1 fl,,s xv"'ss v E. Jlliax, rel- i ? enj. Julian, aged 51 years it v v TBe deceased was well known to and Jugh esteemed by somoof the older cit- ium nf tli'j . a ...4. i . - y iYr 8,,e resided pn- ,.or to the Jeath of her Irusband, iu 1856. llerereavement was the cause of long vvinuiueu gioom and sadness; but she was emerging ft om this coudition, and fnr k-Ai-fr -.n l...r. : i i . , . . -. ,-iVi .ai9 uriore ner last sickness ence, and in t&e esteem ef its readers, because "J5 JH?? pe ind of paper the people want. The Weekly Time covers the whole ground of a first class family Journal. It is larger and better than: any high-priced weekly of fered the public? its reading matter covers a greater scope, is more entertaining nd in structive, an? $ret It eosts BUTVE DOlAJi A TEAR. Onr agents everywhere say It la the easiest paper In the field to canvass for, and readers pf one year are so pleased that they are sure renew meir Buoscnpiions. Joght pa Fifty-fix column for one dollar ay car, one most liberal terms t elnb aefentZ"' - Bpefclmen copies tree. Send for one before subscribing for any paper. Addre&s Weekljr Ttxae, 235 Walnut Street, Cincinnati, OT , THE DAILY TIWES-STAB, Eight page, forty-eight column. Only afx dollars year, 83 for mix. ipontbs, S1.50 for three months. Has the largest clrcula Upn of any paper loXlnclnnatl: Is the best advertising medium and the best paper for readers who would know of the world's doings as promptly as the news can be im partod. Address limes-Star, Cincinnati. 0 x-- Mill . . Koto 13 Creiors aii Mors: A1I perstnjs havitig claims against tho estate of SjAtipyll. Hart, deceaetl, are hereby lio'tltitl to preseiit the sju'iie to the ilndetsigiieU on or Ufore the 23d dar of I-eeiiiU r,' and all jei sons indebted t said estate nre lequested to settle promptly. S.,BiSGii.6i'rinT, AdiuV. Iiec. 22. 1881. 1 Ct EKECUTOBS' NOTICE ! The undersigncdTuYving duly qualified as the Executors of the last will and testament of D. A. Da vis, deceased hereby give notice to nil persons .indebted to their Testator eithe individually or s a Banker, to make iinmedmte j)ayment,and those havinj'elaims against their Testator arc notified to 'Dre- sent them to the undersigned n or betbrol' the 20th day pf December, A. D. 1882, oi this notice wilt r$ep1ead in bar of their rc 4t Wjli.iajx II. Davis, T, Okw D. Davis, f Executous -o- POR SALE! -o- 'Xvt2 horns, 1 two-horse wagon, 1 sej jLoulle Harness, 1 Telegragh Feed Cutter, 2 Harrows, 3 lAaws,oue Meronev one Watt, and one j3ull-toii"ue). that I shall sell at once at prices to suit the times, tor either cash, barter, or on mort gage. Person desiring, to purchase will do wen to call at once. J. L. G a skill. 10:2t. HORKER COOL J Oxford, N. C The next session of tls school will begin the second Monday in Januarv. For circular giving trims and other partic ulars, apply 10 me principals.. J. II. & J. C. HORNER. ;0:lm mmum sghgol, ESTABLISHED IN 1793. MEBANEVTIiliB, N. C, is PRE-EMINENT among SoutirerfTlJoarding ScJipoU for boys in age, numbers and area of patronage. iuesouig ciuo t oi a mne irom iiarracks lor young men of small means. The 17Gth ses sion begins January tlth, -1SS2. ror catalogue ffivm full narticulars ad dress Maj. it. UIXGITAM. Kimt 10:4t-pd Administrators Sale OK SRSO.AL PROPERTY. Having nualifij-d as Adiniiiistrafor unon . i ...... .... . ine esiaie oi vduey 11. Hart. tlteea.sel, I iii oner ior sale at public auction, at the late icsidcncc of paid deceased, in Mt. Ulla Township, Countv. on Nlon- day the IGth day January, 1882, all the M'isonaL property belouimir to the estate oi said deceased, consist niir of lour balfs . ....f i .... ,.l tr. i .. .i T . - "i uMiiiii, .uiiiiii .J imikiii'ih fi itii-ii in bushels of wheal, 1000 lbs Dork, three mules, one cow and calf. 7 Iioits. smii lotiselioJd and kitelien furuituie, one cot- ton gin and gearing, one cottn uress. - 7 uid perliaps other articles, lenns ,pf salt casn. 1)INc;iiam Hart. Ailm'V JJee. IX, iSs l. 4t WE are Taily receiving New Goods. Don't faj to sco us be fore you buy. WE HAVE A LARGE Crowe's Great Historic Play! Th3 TEAS2DY cf Abraham Lincoln! OK, Tho ljscjifall of OTctf.Tsoa I? avis. A truthful account of the Abolitionacv War with the Sceesh Relie'lunion. (8hake- speriati style, 5 acts, 13 scenes, C4 pages ) PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. ibraJtam Lincoln, Win. Seward. Edicin Stan ton, UHxse Ontnt, Wm. Sherman, Uenjinnin Butler, Pawn JJeeeier, Horace Greeley, Jug. Fil; Jr., Jeffermn Dati, liobt. 1'ootnh. Al exander Stejiheim, Pierre B&niregardQnte wall Jacltton, llobt. E. Lee, Humphrey Mar shal, Jack Mosl,y, Mr. Dazi, Ars. Lincoln, Mr, isrralt, John Willes Booth. Harold. -A4tzerott and Paine. Frederick Thmaht Pouq,ey, PriM-y, and Dr. Mary Walker. PRINCIPAL SCENES. White House Troubles: Bull Run Panic: iichmond Calico Ball : Poaipcv and Priscv: Andei son ville Horrors; Richmond Burning; Lincoln Assassinated ; Booth Bulk-ted ; Mrs. Sutratt Strangled; Davis Reconstructed; Grant's Jubilee Speech and $rand Trans formation Scene; ' Let us have Peace!" Price 15 cents. (Send Postage Stamp?.) Dr. C. W. SELDEN, Publisher, 10:.Tm 182 Lexington Ave. New York City. foale of OIofEiing BOOTS and SHOES, tia.t must be sold. Special J will be offered. Jlemember we moan BUSINESS, ', And don't buy until aud death, she became cheerfnl and linnA. V0U see OUT nnrl jTul.; Slio received as' a member of i " . ' ' ' " ' ;tho Presbyterian church iii eariy life and "ear 0Ur pHCeS. continued licr coiiiiectidu " iu good stand ing to the end of it. She leaves four children, two daugVitera aud two sous' the younger.of the latter, Mr. Rial. P. Julian, having recently entered upon miii- .,..... .,UK in x iraoytcriail CllUlcll in Lynchburg, Virginia. ' " Nov. S, IS5I.. Respectfully, - f?. EOSS. MREffifflER THE DEAD! MONUMENTS T0113?.S, From to-day we will commence redncjnginr 1 1ARGE FALL STOCK OF GOODS AT PRICES 'TO SUIT EVEUYDOffT. CLOTHING AND S i Will be sold regardless of cost. Just received a lot of JOSTER'S PATENT LACE KID GLOVES, In Black and Colors." if you want a HOES Now is.he time to jget it. We have a large line of Fresh Samples Super Extra and Three-Ply to select from. , JONES, MpCTJBBIN & CO, icluttz k mmmm HAVE THEIR" MB WINTER' STOCK OF HEW GOODS Which are Handsome and Complete in all the Departments. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, A large and complete stock very pretty and cheap,. SHOES AND B0OTS THAT WE .WARRANT. CHEAP. TEAS, SYRUPS, POTATOES, ccc, to jjc Jiad ri. 1 FULL ASSORTMENT OF STOCK FEED. . See us before you buy, as we have one thousand things wc can not tell you of here. C031E. 7VKr HKK. W. W. TayloiO onowrys . 1 fm mm A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STREMSTHSMER.A SURE RgvivgR 1 IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases reaoirfri acertaj.a a"1 efficient toiuc; cspecialfy Indigestion, Ihfspcpsia, Inierinittevi Fevers, Went efApjpcU'teJjOst cStrength,Liici of Energy ,etc Enriches the blood strengthens the.mnsclesind gives new life tp the nerves.. Thev act like a charm -en the digesti ve organs, removing all dytpeptic mjmptamx, such us Tasting the Food Bdshing, Heat in VietymacK,IIcartburn,etc. Tlie only Iron Prenatal ?on that will not blacken the teeth or (jive headache. Sold by" all druggists. Write for the A BC Book (32 ppof useful and aiJtlWrcad-ing)-air. BROWN CHEMICAlCO., BaltlmorcVM. 8a thmt all Xatm Bitten m made by Bkow Cbxxicm. Co. and hxTo crossed tod liiw m wr- BKWA1U2 OF 131ITATIOXS. mwionwTmpper. Itqck IIorn (Xext dooriidowjj. Ij. JhXcdifs Store) Where will he found s GOOD BEEF JLfS The JkXlll'liOt A4lil-I8.I Ml feiilits anfl PromjJl Mm J3 MY MOTTO. I want to "buy Fat Cattle and Sheep. h: r:. beas, SHIRTS AND HATS VERY We mean to feed you with the best Flour- H. F. E. F. Atkixs, Tat I'm. J $a!cgnieji. .ept. 28, 1881. Jor Old Folks and Young Folks, for Kiel) F-oiks and Poor Folks, for Big Folks and Little Folks. v tfeo DIES. In Augusta, Ga., on the 22d instant,: JfrsJ ivaie uarnes iormeriy Jliss Kttc Wilson toiece ef the late; Dr. Sam'I Krf, of this , -'" ncif fH.-quaintances and friends in this county wh'b twill regret 'to-hear rif-her death SI. i.:t.i- , : : i rift" w- wnmmmn a- .... - . . i , . .The ftowau Teachers? Association tt-Iu . . i - a oaini OH BUTTS' Offi .,Tre 'M Chronic Zisaaes, uimim . "tloB. jrOUNC MEN ar nff8rinfrotn thaeOwta MitirfiTfrnTTTrt of duwn that anfit ita Tkr Umi for bn.,m or murrtntw. fnnaaoottyctirad. anatMYrMton;adarrMapliutoa. m'a9m' " VRd Ul TTll, M Kta Site I pf Ubaatakraakf I. tod MMtid ba artiliiaaaal ' S4, 84. Lmmim. Ma. Udiiy in January, at TTi.i.,,. AciideiBy, pinna Grove. - . u; K. McNeill, Pros. -BLACK-DRAUGHT" maes chills and fever impossible. Jor gale hif 27o; F. A7i.-.- M T.T mal money faster at work lor us thin. t anythlajrekse. Capital not needed.5 w. win jrou. tit a day and apwards mada at hnV.HTf inuusuiousj. Men, women, boys and rtrls wanted every whefl to work for us. Now Is tbe time vJ ean work l5 spare time only ot five To?r Vaote Jebe "V-Vou cn home and do lin0?5 No other busn wtupay you nearlr as well. No riue can mi to. wake enormous h Monev nli fTt aSK.H Tk "? -inns.tiree. iSREAT EEDTJCTIOJf IN THE PRFGKs nv Marble Monuments and Grave-Stones of aaa V - ijyery Desonption. I cordially invite the public generally to an inspection of my Stok and Work. I feel justified in asserting that my past experience under first-class workmen iu all the npwpsi! $wd modem styles, and that the workmanship is equal to anv of the bes ju the country. I do not anv that my work is superior to all others. I am reapnable. will uot exaggerate in or der to accomplish a sale. My endeavor is to please and give each eusjtomer the val ue of every dollar they leave with me. PRIggS 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER M" pyer pflTept-U iu this town before. Call at oj) or send fpr price list and de signs. Satisfaction guarant'd or no charge. The erection ,f marblo is the last work of respect r which we pay to the memory of .departed frieiuls. JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 1, 1881. flie most niagniliccnt line ot Christinas floods tix'r brought to hahshurv. . Elegant Box Papers 10 ets. to $3.50. Picture Books 1 cent US3.50. Perfumeries 10 cts. to $5C, fUifisimas Cards l et. to $1.00 Autograph Albums 10 cts. to S2.00: photograph Albums 20 cts. lo $5.00. Pearl Card Cases, Toilet Set?, Vases, Games, Puzzles, Checker Boards Scrap Books, Family Bibles, Hymn pooks. Mirrors, Toy Paints, Gilt Edge Poets, &c, WMever you do, .don't luy your Christmas Goods until you fyave called a 7:ft KLUTTZ'S Drug Store. THEY HA YE COME AND CAN BE SEEN tame; I am prepared to furnish WA0C1T AND IUQ0T HAENESS ... Made of the best Northern TanTOdLeather ' nnnd1Leatr RM-WMtjrt. t all ard tee me Opposrte Atwell-s, A,aln StWi, Pslltbnry, N. c. ' '"m ' jJ.OHN H. JAMES. i Z B. Vasce. w. jr. Bailey. VANCE & BAILEY, 4TT03NEYSAND COUNSELLORS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' ' Practice in Sunreme Court "f tK tvti.i Stites, nprerae. Cdurt of 'Nortir CnroKna. federal Coiirtw, and Count!., v.w.fU uuiuii.utiiion, Kowan atd David st, ea.siiy and hgnorably. AiWesT" j on -Office, two doors east of Indei en Tbcs &Cqau?uoU, iiaioe. dence nare. ! ' ' . r:J ' 33. IT PARK ER'S STORE I mean the Largest Lot of New Tovs Dolls, Mechanical Toys, Musical Instruments for pl.ijldren, Chin Toys from 5 cents to $5. Toilet SU and to match. CONF ECT IONS! Fine assortment of French Candies, Plain Candies, Sugar Fruits. and Toys Citron, Currants, Kaisens, Cocoa Nuts, and assorted Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Jellies, Canned Goods, Mince Meat. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FULL LINE. A PARKER. .- UN Corn!! . I will sell 'at public sale, on the 20th of December, 1881. at my plantation marThya tira Church, Rowan Countv, 9 miles from Salisbury, 500 Bushels CHOICE C0EN n the crib, t J. G. McConsacghey. ' C C C week your own town. $5 Outfit free a?irib wV,fve7ihInnew- t&ui noi'S: quired, w e will furnish you everrthliMr Manv Siaklngtoruines. Ladi .make aVmSch ataeif and bo and girls make great ps" KeTder?lU ou want a business at which you can mafce ereat mr au the time you work, write forparucSarato P 7 () . Haixeit & Qu.,. ijijland, Maine. Tho Color and Lustre of Youth are restor ed'to faded or gray hair by the use of Par ker's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing bhh ly esteemt d for its perfume and ntriv' 5 Ocl3-NoyJ3 J MOJITGAGE SALEf On Saturday the 7th day of January, 1882 the undersigned will sell at the Court House' door , Lexington, at public auction, to the highest Judder, lor cash, a tract of land in Davidson county, containing 143 Acres whereon J. A. C. Harrison died, and belong ing to his estate, (excepting the interest ?n Sa?id land heretofore allotted to Eliza Harrison , wfdoiy, as her dower), adjoining the lands of Thos. Reams, Jas. rf;S$S o hcrs. The said land ij W4 U Wtisfv a claim secured to the undersigned by mort gage executed by J. Harrison and his wife, Eliza, on the Ath day or Mav,T879 and recorded in Register's office of "David son count, in Book No. 5 of mortgages page 3C. ' TSi ' T ROBT. TYSINGER, Mortgagee. M. II. Pixxix, Atty. -s:im HAR DWA FOR SALE, DL t A SlOlf Know asiUe Bradsliaw or a v pf.. " j . v v . ..w ..wj.w! ,, iwnicu j.i me nun &.ilisDur contains" acres, a p failing veil of pure water, aneeded building, and a FIRfT-CLASS RESIDRN - i ""'si wmjiu, incrcif looa urgaija tor the ready inonev. anyoo paying, jial.t cash with dc pay mat lor tne balance. - Apply to . J. M. GRAY, Attorney-at Law, Sahsliiiry, 3T. Nil Any one having, a' desirable d cue to scilL within tour squares o oai.miry v,ourt lioOse, may find a pu &cio iiiug io J. M. Gn i: t . ' ' , - : NOTICE ! Afl persons having claims ngafnst tl tte of Mary E. West, dee'd. sire l., r..l, fled to exhibit the sauhe to tlie uiuler: I on or uetore tjie Hit U day ofAVenl '-i vi ihb imiitc iii iit pleaded nf I tlieir recovery. t November lbth Cr. West, Adinf 1381. k U:0t WI1EIV VOj WAXT Sf A R DWA -R E. At Low Figures Call on the undersigned atKo. 2 Gran Ro".. D A. AT WELL Salisbnrv .V. C June3 tl. j Oinger, Euchu, .Msm-j um ooutngia, ajipj inany oi im ocsi mec cincs knows are coo bincd in Parker Ginec Tonic, into a medicuM of cuch yaried pwew, I to made it ti ereaied Utood Punfier and tha Bettnealtli ASireairtI Sestorar Erar Vdl It cures Uteuinatunl Sleepassness, & diseacj otu.e fetomacn, Bowel CURE Indigestion, Diuousness, BickHeaoachs CoSTIVEIiESS. Dyspepsia, fgf? CUBES I Lost lHr. ,i.: Sour Stoma! Foul Bati Low SpibiI r.VV r ... . 1 :'-TVV: -'1 j ft. 1 : lit. El r.i h.wj ia. it in ti HllllilElffi. and rnons Mciicine now In market, rrffored obTtI r. S I monk A Co.,2810-12 OarkAV. SfcSSI fucressowo M. A. Simmons. M. Ii. 173 i Duttlca and packatfea. Bold by afl Dniaiil Hair Balsam Th. Bmt, CiaMMt, ant "'". "Kw Hott Eeoaomlcal lUir fom. and oilier Too Nf-. Nertr Ul, to mturrUui never in toxicates. ytWai wior to rebalr. & Co., ChcmisU, N. tOc and 1 lit. Inr. S.yU.k Buytng Dollar gb. :l V Cook Stoves of all sizes and sty nand at lowest p ices. rsMakc a ACORN COOK STOVES, tli world. A nrst-Jlass stock, of Tin Iron Ware. . TIN fiH9 COPPER Sf All kinds of House-Mooting and (Jutterln suori uoiico anu in tne ticsi style. We keen cnnstantlr no h m.i Sheet-TlB, Sheet-Ii-on and sbcx'tr-CopiitT Her for S:lle r-li:r ' " 1' 'Conuj to the Front W.A.&AG. BOOT, SHOE & GAM MAIN STREE DRUG S-KE a UBua i uj t ar -bbbbw- . ki lllallll I IM I 1 al W .i - - a- t- II flFi ! 1 es alvison I I" specialtjr the i IJlAl B&gia. . . ES H I . - f f'a: S K..1; ?V -3T- ir- V r lam U at.Ai.aBri t 11 ai B 1 "aTJ I V f-'. 1 'I. T .---J t C S aVk'l arl ill Bkaivua 141 III .rl ii WiVM II II d.necn AMlai-I rfch',we WAMfflrTsiA WmZS li II r a i' . . ii . i . aff ttrv . v?r ir- 1 . af7aV V K . 1 I . , "SW Vat . " I " " Trade Mark". V 1 a i nv 1 i AHDfCwrfiHit'KKnttM. IU Bcto6u,ariI"'i - ."-rTotCuta of 8n llAmaVlvrnrrOf3Uia orrosiTE exxiss1 All Work Strictly Firt Class llavinz had sixteen vrirJan ii, a . j "Bv-w irnvri,C III V 1 1 ous.ness, ram prepared 10 PEASE the most fastidious. For ' j EASE AND ELEGAHCfOF FIT my work can not be exclled i ISKii mHterial of the best an finest grade. BrS.AU work done in tlv U,tt ...i ,Gents Pine Work a SjkaJty. Ready-ioade work of the best'.iar.iv l-.o- wmr 7?ie- Al.len,ion Pif" lo FANCY UKk and ( hampion Box Tie Work Repairing NVatlv and lr,Il j' teed or no eharge.g3 Oi promprty lillrd. via.:i:EAGLE. etion ers uaran by mail way. tw: Dlr.W'Aium.M.1 rtl4 of the PiaeaahrBetonVaJ Veaiclaa. Kjal uatory ruct :" - th oo rata or loco nseof the Be?T M""fS Lro w" the ordin Sorted, prodJ a U",?r,rn.rnrTou. onran.. tionawrck.ora "'"" ;,n tbe,mind LIFE INSURANCE" MiDE CHP ap 7a6fe Showing Actual Col to Members v-iw lwuvxneefor One Year (Jlawh 1, 1,7$, to March 1. ISRii. First Class, aged 18 to 30 yttrs. . .$17 00 Second " 30 40 V 1 Third 40 45 -St, Fourth Fifth Sixth 45 " 50 50 " 55 55 GC it D. 2-Tczarcly,"A 25 50 34 00 5! 00 S't. L . Subscribe for Carolina Watchman, nlv $I.50jir year in ailvancs.V tha. drain U jr'rSnortnk th.lmnaf neaiin and a1"., lability , Confusion . -Aversion fS',5t? .. ..':.Tn'i accomiojun t 1 WIWI traS h.. L-.rroani ir " - Case. aoa DtOI now acribed oi?ni. etc., ana idcv--of premat' "'-"f" Sexual Vik. 1. i. t! rmaat H'7I,", .. I u uwc . . , .. . i .. vt'TT BiTTri t I I baaWTruir'a . f? l? .,t littie 11 any P"ra,?.- 'twtlcal V aerratloo ' , t littie 11 a?y P"" " -Wactlcal i-L "'v- about tlusu'-f 7. rantee that ifaction. U1 aia U knnrJindl Of tftS nal nwan n XTrkl Tll.C. I1"' Teattftie a VTT, cluti of tioMf .ltiO"" .2,ka Off "1 13 " .-,1 n(iQ W taanenl uaatlnf seated aaln r in ih? rY4eco1?a?y. r. h't h orst ca.sV?TBWn:lOJfS 1 'VuilDW Am RACH BO--.--.' FO'Pvi.r. at T'!IS I

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