-! -H ! 1 f i SALISBURY, II. C, JAI1UAEY 19, 1882. 70L XIII. TfllKD SJSBIJSSl i t x - HO 14 Hie Carolina Watchman, EStABbsHED LlTHE YEAR 1832. KICE, $1.50 151 ADVANCE. . CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. I . . ' j FEBRUARY 80, 18S0. , f laches lmontliini's'sni's em's Urn's on tr ; Two for $1.50 $2.60 .4.60 6.00 ' T.50 M5 15.15 30.i5 $3.5 5.85 7.50 V.00 11.86 20.50 53.75 $5.00 . T.60 11.00 fS.OO 18.00 15.W IS.Ott r s.oo Three for Four for ; i column for r do. do. t do. do. 4.50 COO 7.50 11.25 13.75 13.50 16.50 85.00 25.504 40.00 43.75 75.00 BiB. CRAWFORD & CO. !ahe selling 1 : PORTABLE FARM AND FACTORY STEAM -ALSO i Pot- in nr lUg, tier and Caps. : il -.; 'ALSO j . Tie W RIFLE POWDER Kk Ills, f aisf apns, U; our own and Foreign make and ! BUGGIES, - Fi4m the.Flnest to Uie Cheapest. Rite Mtti, C&ioa Mowers. ! :Hdrse Eakes, &c. , Salisbury, Jan. 0, 188U ly : i h ; THE DEAD ! MONUMBHTS: TOMBS, cfao." GREAT REDUCTION , , IN THE PRICKS OF Marble Uonnments'a&d; Grave-Stones of I Every Description. I cordi.lll. iuvitejtlio public generally to an inspection of my Stock and Work. I feel jjistiGed in asserting that my past experience- under first-class workmen iu all the newest and liiodern styles and tliattlie workmanship is equal to any of the best 'in the country. 1 do not say. that my Work is superior to .ill other.1. 1 am reasonable, will not exaggerate in or der to accomplish asalev My" endeavor is to please km! give each customer' tle' val-" ue; of every dollar they leave with meP PEICES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPER than eyer offered in this town before. Call at once -or send for tWice list and de signs. Satisfaction guaruutVl or no charge. . 'The erection omarble is theJasfe work of respect which we pay j to the memory of'departcd friends. I : JOHN S. HUTCHINSON. SnlUbiiry, s. C, Nov; j , 1881. iBIactmer anil Henderson, Attorneys, Counselors - x - ariJ Solicitors. I SALISBURY, N.C. Janaay52 1879ti. J. M. MCCOHKLE. McCOBKLE & TH EO. F. KI.UTTZ. KLUTTZ, ; ATTOKKEYS AXV ( OUEIOP,S, r . Salisburv; N. C. Iw0 oceton Con in ii hirei-i, t j csile the Couit II iise. W. II. CaileyI VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, K - 'J , CHARLOTTE, rX. C. - Practfe in Supreme Court of the United Stale, iMipreine Court ofj North Carolina, Federal iipurlu. and Counties of Mecklenbnrc. Cabarnm, .Union; Gaaton, ltowanand David- sen, i.-- ffJiOuice. tv6 doiirs eafit of InHpnpri- ucuve 4uare. I 33:tf t. O f t- a Week In Tmirnvn Dwn. $5 Otitflt free, .qmrea. om turntsh yOU ererythlnjr. Many are tmAkLnKf0tt8; dlps mallei as much as men. and boys and girls make great) pay. Keader, It you tarn M- n Kntitnuai r nrhlnh 1. - , - ' . " .".: ".veryinmo; new. caDltal not re- SI vuo"ltCK3 " UK u yo 1 can maKe srreat oay - n V.r . J v wr "s- w particulars to , (?) ; it. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. Adliiiiistrators Sale OF 'i I PBUSO.AL: PROPERTY. . ! Havjngqnlifled as Adininistrakor npon the estate of Svdnev H. Hart, deceased. I ULofltf for sale at imblic auction, at o ii-sjocute 01 sai tiecejiisea, in ftit LlU Toivnship, Uowan Countv, on Mon day the 10th day January, 1882, alKthe personal property belonging to the estate said deceased, consisting jof four bales of cotton, about 75 brtsiielW of corn. 15 uiets of m heat, , 1 WK) i lbs pork, th ree ' JttiUeA, onp cow and tatf, 7 hogs; some 4 lec, ,, itiil. ENGINES. . Blasi Cartitas gEMEMBER M IUMU illKI KlICIll-ll Jilt-., If ..... ...... ..V ton gw and gt.ti ut, tin iness Willi "lwlllillltt ! .tli..i- ..i tl.A.. ' . rr.. . ... ! Bale eah. S. llisoifixr irl.ii POETRY.! , . For the Watchman, j-'. ; The following lines are allading to the changing 6f rum jags to money jugs' the money to go to cliarch building, etc. The jngs now distributed over Salisbury and in the neighborhood are to Traise money to buid St. Matthew's Lutheran Cliurch near Gold Hill. Drop in k penny and look out for the jag breaking. x1?lie Xittlo Brown Money Jug-. Of jugs you have heard no little bout,-U I ' Somethings are very sau ana-some very funny ; f i Of rum jags and jail jugs4 and others no doubt j i ! " 1 But have oa eTjr heard, of a jug full of ' : ..imoiiey t n j ; l 5 ; -JL 1! Ch9ru8A. littl,,browa jugj-r-A litUe brown jug ' . is A little brown jug, A jug full of money. The former have made the hearts very , sad ; ' But this will, make it both gladsome " " trod "Snnttyy ...... .4, The notion, we take, is not very bad, To pour out tlverum and put in the money. Chorus And have a brown jug, And - have a brown jug, u And have a brown jug, A jiig full of money. The little brown jug has musical ring M And heavy it teels as a hive vtuilJof . honey j, f . " :a : - Tho' pity it seems, we. will break tlie quaint thing, ' And count, as we sing the musical money. Chorus And eount as we sing, And count as we sing,?' . v,i And count as we sing, The musical money. v ' l Butter forty cents a pouud : Eggs thirty cents & dozen, j; Chickens tn a strike, and all . : ' ; J The bara yard loudly buzziu' The cowsofeclare theyyill not milk, . The hens they will not lay j Was ever such confounded luck Iu all this country, say t . "Here is a sketcli," said the poet " Uuto the editor gray, s v "Which I tossed me off in an idle hour. To pass the time away." "Here's a club," was the answer, In a bland and smiling way. With which I frequently toss me off : : Six poets iu a day," , The Iticlimond. and Danville and the Steamship Lines. Tlie Baltimore Sun of Weduesday says there have been rumors afloat in that city for several days that the Clyde syndicate which controls the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad system, have been figuring to make an alliance with steamship lines, so as jo establish permameut connection. The Central Railroad W)f peorgia, as is kuQWn has its steamship service, and the Clydes hold the balance of power in the York River and one or two other- water lines that connect with their railroads A Richmond & Danville official, in con versation, said that the matter of water connections has been informally discuss ed, ami he-believes it will be settled the current year. The syndicate wants wa ter communication .between its roads and the North, etc. .Traffic aIianceis now had, bnt the Clyde policy is tocontro! 51 per ceut. of 100 in the stock of corpora tions it meets iu trade compact ; 49 per cent, dpes not please the Clydes. The reports have named the old relia ble Merchants and Miners' Transporta tion Colnpany of Baltimore, with its doz en steamships and $2,000,000 of capital stock, as the corporation which the Cly de syndicate would like to buy their way into. Mr. George J, Appold, president of the steamship company and one of its large stockholders, recently, in answer to direct questions as to how much of truth there was in the statements that the syn dicate were43gming to control his 11 uie, said: "There is positively nothing feasi ble in anything that has transpired. ! I do not like to talk about it, because some of our people might believe there is real Iv something in the rumors afloat. Mr. Clyde called to see us and 'asked if an amount of the stock a large amount could be bought. He was told that 5 we -are not so positively weddd to the old line that some price' would not buy its control.- Almost all property can lie reached at some price, I assure you, and that isxall there is for me to 'say. There has nothing feasible transpired." St. Louis is to have a million bushel grain elevater. f j - " - ' " ' i A . i f The Mountain of the Lord is a solid rock, 100 feet in height, ) rising above the Street1 level, at Mauti, Utah. The Mor mons are . building ou. this eminence a temple of fine marble, 95 feet by 170 in area, and handsomely adorned. r ! Great Britain employs in uadergrpund occupations no fewer than 378,151 persons and the length bf the galleries where the miuiug is carVied on is found to be 58,741 miles. The greatest depth of t the coal mines it 2,800 feet below the level of the sea. -y V It is worth remembering that nobody en joys the nicest surroundings if in bad health. There are msef able : people about to-day with one foot in the grave, when a bottle ef Parkers Ginger 1 on ic would do them more good than all the doctors am! medicines mey nave ever irieu. -ec aav. Ocl3-Novl3, Christmas Stockings. What teas Alleged to be Fnd TheretH by v. Some Peojplc. - The Burlington. Hawkeye publishes a list ef distinguished people who opened their; stockings on Christmas .. morning, with the following result . ,f Hallo 1 another railroad f - Poot Wil liam iVanderbilt. r . j i . What! more telegraph wires f Jay Gould,' the: Almshouse Boy., , i VVhoever; put this baby m my astock- ing is a liar.'Ben HlU, 'Blast my tarry, topljghts, but heiV steamboat Secretary Hunt. t 'Since I have come back to tne larni 1 1 donray It! looks as though i wouia ue uang up inatAad nf mv Atorkinp,R.'--finitearj. " - - 'Hallo, a spoonful of brains! Just what I needed., Thomas L., James. , 'The man who sent me that bull fiddle ia nri wntleman' Theodore Thomas. f 'What the mischief , do I want with a Guide to Matrimony Delegate Cap- i i . : t ' :'"' non.i i . i Somebody has cut off the foot of my stocking and thrown away tho : leg.' S. J. Talden. r i 'It looks like a hole : it is a hole. I will crawl into it and pull it in after me.' -De La Matry. I 'I can lick the slabsided luuatiCwho spilled that bottle of 'Anti-fat' on my candy.' David Davis. n 'Kow, what did Santa ClausBuppose I wanted with Anna Dickinson's phote graphl' Little Fanny Davenport. Whoever put that bottle of Imir dye and scalp renewer in my stocking is no gentleman.' Young Hannibal Haiulin. .T.?'- "ij'.r. Z . . .1 --. I Bovt iivtviit i,uais n ...... i, ...... w comie along. pmnivorous Louisiana Al ligator, i i ' W ho goes there 1- By Mars h is gan n t- let r Here's the whole United States army audi three Indians in my ;8tockiogl'--Sec- retary Lincoln, infinite gall! Measureless cheek! Here's my scarlet stocking plumb full of brimstone. Well, this is-ha, dreadful. Rev, Robert G. Iugersoll. I do not know what this bottle with a rubbea tup is for, but this is Annie Gary's stocking. The stripes on mine run up and Ylbwn.' Clara Louise, Kellogg, j 'That is not my stocking with the rub ber rattle in it. That belongs to Clara Lonise. Mine is hancing on tlie other side of the chimney." Annie j Louise Cary.; ' ! i f Merry Christmas for me ! Hej-e's two polar bears, an eighty-acre icebei;, three live seals, with, real $2ii0 Backups on, a walrnsj a swan's down duck and a uus band.' Mrs. De Long, j I j Guitcau's Ninth Week. Washington, Jan. 9. When die court opened its 9th week of the Guiteau trial the crowd filled every nook ami cranny of the cold room. Ladies were decidedly in the 'majority. J Tlie prisoner arrived atthecou at 9:20, and was taken jto his i. l ... waiting room. He appeared rather nervous, and his condition indicated anxiety.; When he had taken his seat in the dock he i , t - r glanced arouud stealthily over the audi ence and immediately began a harangue evidently intended for the jury, f Ii have received, he said, some eight hundred letters, a great many f them from ladies. When I get time I shall at- tend to them. 1 want toend m greet- fnr tl.rf -.rmnatliv. The'v do.'t wait me to !be hanged, j Public lopinion is fast changing. I received on Saturday a check for one thousand dollars from stalwarts of Brooklyn, aud another for hve iianarea uottars iron, sraivrans of , , 1 ... ,. . Js-s A - 1 AbalitThere tried to silence hiL when he turned upon him in the most! vicious manner and snarled out : You keen auiet and mind vonr business. j ; i : i Don'tinterferewith me when lata .talk- r"" r"aTur ""Mtolo an v other act. But whei von ueTBUiuuour -f . With this opening breeze proceedings y in due form were begun, and Scoville re- sumed his argument. Scoville proceeded without , interrup tion for. an hour, his remarks being lis tened, to with marked attention. He laid great stress on the proposition that ! nine insane men out often know the difference between right and wrong, and for that reason conceal their plans; that tlie bene- fitof the doubt should attach to jthej plea of insanity when raised iu this case, with tue same lorce as wneu raised in: connec tion with the commission of any Other crime. It is one of the j'unexplaiuable things pf moral ethics how people decide so promptly as to how lit tle rain! and bad weather jit takes to keep them away frotn prayer naeet- - "! t -J . l-m a " ' " mS ' i . 1 injj, and how much is required to keep tliem away from a good shew. u-y vi...-1 , H r. ' i : '' I' I " The State of West Virgiuia has no iu debtedness, the constitution of the State forbidding the creation of any liability iu the nature of a public debt. . THE LAST ACT. A Packed House-to Witness It. Ddvidge Compliments the Jury,' and Argues me uaieisui une Insanity-and Here There i$ None, Washington, ! D.' C, Jant 12. The audjeuce which assembled in the i court room this, morning to hear the argumenttothejuryintheGuiteaucase was a jarge aim u,u;...gCfc uCf w.i.v;u entering the room at an early-hour waited' patient! pf the court, counsel and prisoner, f . . The marshal eave the . spectators ment.thevMichnW ,;1J. , , - ! , www www r a - aa w w maw m . i u mmmm cess, ana erapnasizing his remarw e ordered that the main door should be locked. ; , : Af ion n'lnib1 sfinrn tliA in'rv pn. tered and a few minutes , later the court was called to order. Davidge then took his position in front of the jury and opened his Speech with a disclaimer of any intention to make a set speech, but expressed his simple desire to render the jury what aid he could in their present solemn duty. The time had now come in this tn- al when the jury were to become fac ac. ,ity tors. Whatever disorder or levi might have characterized the i trial, there was but one sentient in respect to the conduct of the jury. All com- ' .i: tRA ,iA.w.man IlltrrilUtfll LIICII Uli!lllUCU UC1IUI tUIUIl and their natieut and close attention to the evidence, and he could not doubrthat, as they had received the commendation of all in the past,) they would continue' to deserve it ii the future "by, their decision of the ques tion before them. There is here gentlemen, (he contin ued) but a aimple point for discussion and consideration. The subiectlof it is insanity. The court will tell you that iti this land of law it is not al lowable for a man coldly, deliberate- Iv and treacherously to slayi an- other, and then to say he had no; mal ' !' i ' rnt . 1 1 . 1 1 : I ice. " The court will tell you when it comes to charge you. that to constit- . I ute the crime; of murder the existence i m- w j of malice is wholly unnecessary, and that, indeed, a crime committed lis in finitely worse iii; the absence of; that element thau if it was present In the beginning of thevpresent trial (as you all will recollect) an ineffectual attempt was made in the direction of J showing that, the death of the Presi- dentiwas attributed to the treatment ..,!fill H.n.ioll ii; Jw;tK w nn l i.;k iti. 9U iiiuvii uviciiit auu UUIiltJ. JL 1 attempt was short lived, however, and was Very speedily abandoned, so that there is now but a single question for you to determine, and that is theques- tien of insanity. Iu the progress of the trial very many vague and gener - al expressions have crept into the case, We have heard of crazy men, of men 0ff their balance, of insane men, and j)ence it was necesary to apply to the C0Urt fr cleai aDd HS"PCUOU8 de fiition as to what is insanity inj a le- gal sense. : Medical experts have de- 1 fined insanity from the stand-point of medicine, and it was necessary tri have i Jt defind Trotn-the stand-point oflaw. I Even if the man be deficient in intel- 1'geoce it docs not follow that he: shall be permitted to commit murder with imntinitv. It takes one decree of in I .ii,. r.. i- i icucub iui a. iiiuii iu in a iv c a uuuifuut, another to make a will and aikher . . I J come to, here, murder, "murder most foul and uuiihaUiral," the law requires a; very slight degree of intelligence indeed. It was, gentlemen, in order to make the question perfectly clear, arid to abridge your labors so far as to pre veut you being led astray by tjie in troduction bf irrelevant matter! that prosecution asked the court to state succinctly what constitutes mal- ice and insanity in legal intent.! The court has spoken, and it has noi 6Io- ken in any vague or ambiguous lan- .... . I. guage. it has laid down two instruc- tions for your guidance, which J will now read. fMr. Davidge read iudge Cox e's instructions No. 1 and Ko. 2. In commenting on the hrst and sec a 'a a mm . 4m' ond instructions Mr. Davidge said, that is, genJemen of the jury, if any human 1eing has any degree of intel ligence which enables him to under stand the act he is doinsr. aud if he lias sense to k now, and does k now, that that act is in violation of the law of the land or wrong; then, no fren zy, no passion, will afford any excuse whatever ; then, no disease of his mor- uamic win consiuuie any excuse whatever ; then, no belief, however profound, though the man through reason and reflection may reach the Cdnclasion that thn art. Is ilia ctirrnroa- tion of arirl Snnmrnnnrl hw A imi.tn I Qod wiJ - what;v;r f . f . , . lftlfl - n, ,n .m m9tmmtk . L. . . ftui:fplt;no. fhA .- f Ij - jr,.. - uL.,- i. t : I. 3 . f.. . . , b niep. anu reason 01 me pariy.; Aliur you win see tnat ne degree ot reason ii ..i . . m necessary to make a man responsible 1 ;? , . t , r ... ,S 7.,,ra,iea ,D1 ' V,US Tm k1. rz: "lt r.i,ir" ..... . r clo .. , . J , ' Za the enme. ere? mnr- anu even partially insane abundantly responsible for What is the act committed here? mur der. Murder bv lying in wait, what is commonly called assassination. As Mr. Davidge traced the process of reasonrng by , yvh,ch the pr,soner b.ak a & gradually reached the conviction that "but one little life" interposed be- .. h, .,, . T r-v benefit, . Gu.teat, became restless, and tor the first time since the open- f of the court .nd.cated by Im nerv- "s iwisung auoui tne usual prenmi- naries to a series of interruptions. l r wMcb in this instance quickly follow ed "hot after." Said Mr, Davidge, no where "in the records of heinous crime do we have such plain and pointed evidence as to the first' conception of the crime. In this case the suggestion came to the wretch in the night as he was ly- in his bed." "It came to me when the Lord got ready to have it, snarled the pris oner; xaviuge couiiuueu, una uiuugui. or suggestion came to him on the I8th of May. Still thinking that he might I a . a rm a a a obtain the office he sought, aud keep his hands clean, he made another tf- a ' fort on the 28th of May to induce the 1 resident. Guiteau call out from the dock, "I wouldn't have taken a foreign mission after the 1st of June if it had been i a f w.. w . rv.J j-. I i. l ,1 mr. x'uviuge -ppa.tut.y uu ..ecu- ling him 4on the 28th of May. Guiteau;: "I am talking about the! first of Jurie." TV.vhW tvmmincr n momeiit. "hist - -"t i n 1 j listen to him." Uiuleau, snecnngiy, -iney wouiu .. " . At. 111. . " listen to you but your talk is so weak it is hardly worth listening to." For several minutes Guiteau con- tinuetl to interject his comments, with I the evident intention of annoying Du vidge, but finding he could not effect this he gradually subsided into com plete silence. Cape Fear and Y. V. Railroad. 9-. Greensboro Patriot A letter from Dr. Canedo, Jan. 9th, received here yesterday, says that the contract for the purchase of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad has been signed by the Syndicate and for warded to Governor Jarvis. This I bee-ins to look like business. Some to iterations in the original charter will have to be made, which will require --!-l 1 TI.Io Intuitu. a special session pf the Legislature, and it will devolve upon Governor Jarvis to issue the call. This he will no doubt do at ah early day. The Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley road promises now to be the greatest i scheme of in ternal improvement ever conceived in the State. If there is any disinterest ed patriotism in the State a fine field is here presented for its fullest exer- a .a I 1 & A 1 n A 4. I. A ana ")y- " 5-" mP 8ows ulc w X "ne irom u ,UJ1" ' w I TTuntinartnn. West VirErinia. Bv lav- o "'S a stra.gut ruieuu uu.Si.c other on Wilmington it covers Wyth ville, Va. Mount Airy, Ureensboro and FayetteviHe. Work has already begun on the Guyandotte end of the road. A charter has beeu obtained from the State of West Virginia, the company organized and 74 miles of the road from Guyandotte to limit ton surveyed and; located. "Who Robbed JelT. Iavis? New York World.. The controversy excited by . the oKor k:u i t . " v...& n,bU vjciierai ionnson was misunderstood and misrenorted th have made against Jefferson Davis, of I having failed to account for a larce sum of money belonging to the con- fcrate treasury, has resulted in a curious contribution to' the story of capture 01 jur. laVlS. Mr. J. K Schenck, fermerly acapUinof Illinois volunteers, writes to the Binghamton - Repu6tcan that he has heard the sto-: rv from several membrii nf fh ri- . " T uiubuicu -ijnv is. it n MYofi ro tll.t I " "'.Tr -I merrm 1.- U If- T I 1 . . . " 1 party were a pair of sadd e-baM eon. taioing $5,ooo i mMmt,. eoia. iainintr .fuxodb in ednfl tJh . - . These were missed shortlv after the! P""-e, and several circunutaiices fix- ed tl,e .uspicionof having .tolen them Ly , , prite in the . . J ' T ' Michigan regiment who Jiad joined! it I as a deserter from the confederate ser vice. Lynch protested that he -had tint tllA mnnov ln f i f a rtcanid wl n waa w s La.aa. aaa- azv onnri rrw. w. a tviieah not set forth, that he h near tUe 8ceneof thepture , tI 4 A . . . . , 9 and that after his discharge from the army he returned and recovered it. , l . ? mmA'mnl ters who concur with me q f - in her own custody some $3,000 in gold, and asked him to take charge of it, which he declined, assuring her that she was safe in retaining it. ,i i t i j . money stolen by Lynch and that kept by Mr,. DavU, together comprise.1 all 7 - - . - ' & . . the funds iu possession of the Davis party at the time of.the capture. A Funny Legal Decision. The following was translated from the origiual by Dr, H. M. Scudder a Brook lyn fi'lafrkr oiwl is nlninst na ln1 na aAmA of th ,efial decUion, in our own land . Four men partners iu business, btught some cotton bales. That the rats might I . A 1 A A . 1 uestroy tne cotton iney purcnaseu a cat Jhey aghat each of the four I 3 1 ft II t I .t A Iwiiaii1awI 1aW a-kwf i 4 I w J 4m a . - n ,ftrn , . . . . . I nrn;imonli Mia 1pt Hnia nnnnrthtned tn him. The cat, by an accident, injured j one of its legs. The owner of that mem- Mr wouud aboufc !t a rafi oaked in oil, I l ne cat coin i too near tne nre set tne . . . 8 on nre auu gn. pain, , , . . . . she was aecustonied to hunt rats. The 7 cotton thereby took tire and .was burned I nP It was a total loss. The three oth r partners brought a suit to recover the value of the cotton, against the fourth nartner who owned the narticulnr leer of i tj,e cat "The judge examined the case, and de cided thus: 'The leg that had the oil ou it was hurt; the cat could not use that leg ; iu fact, it held up that leg, and run with tho other three legB, therefore car ried the fire to the cotton and are alone culpable. The injured leg is not to be blamed. The three partners who owned the three legs with which the cat rau to the cotton will pay the whole value of the bales te the partner who was the proprietor of the injured leg.'" Tlie discovery of a deserted city, sixty miles long, cut out of the rock face of a winding cliff, rewarded the efforts of Mr.-Stevenson's Smithsonian Institution exploring party during its researches iu New Mexico and Arizona the past season. This is by far the most itnporant find yet made among the ancieut haunts of the cliff dwellers. Some of the houses con tain four or five dwellings one ou top of the other, and on the plateau above cliff were found many ruins of temples of wor ship built of well eut square stones. A com pa risen of the collections of pottery aud implements gathered in the cliff houses by the exploring party with those obtained in the Pueblo villages strength ens the theory that the Pueblo Indians are the degenerate dsceudants of the once powerful race that built the ruined cities of the plains, and then, retreating before some more warlike foe, carved out these singular dwellings on the sheer walls of dizzy precipices, and found in them it may be for centuries,fortresses and homes. Perhaps the hieroglyphic inscriptions seen by Mr. Stevenson will one day be deciphered and be found to contain tlie tragic history of -the wasting away by the wars and famines of this ill-fated peo ple who, like the coneys of the Bible, made the rocks their refuge. News dc Ob server. i J ; Manners are the shadows of virtues, the momentary display of those qual ities which our fellow-creatures love and respect. ' If then we strive to become what we strive to apitear, manners may often be rendered useful guides to the performance of our duties. . I I - sr ; -m . ...J BMHH. 4 Tlie President's Illness. irAi tne Voctora Rill ! ' 4 " l A prominent Alissouri Senatoriid yesterday in reference to the passage by Congress of a bill to pay the ex. penses of the illnes.of President Gzr-tml field,rowing out of the assassin Uon : "I regard such a measure as a ) i dangerous assumption of power. Mbmi would be a precedent .tha would very likely cause us much f trmih!ii r " Our form of MwiriimLn"-1", H '-.V1 gniw a favtred class. In;theva,:;; fthe lav law the President of: the Uni- ied States ii no better than V - fc citizen. Strictlv sum Lln. L ;.n . mcl,y Paking, he is like . i VHIfl s otrictly speak I I l. m AT" public officer, a servant .ft -f ."r eo.m, . . v. u.e peopie, ana Im lws no more ririit r I in hiii. It. v . i . m i. -. j -.o i Z. T Y i T, T? d0Ct0 " ' f ! ntion treaSur, ' J " a lftmaster tt,t serves hi vitf-lisv.-tL t i " serves bis country AfWM n-l uii uuiinm per auuuiD, ine resident receives a salary of fifty thousand dollars a year besides a large appropthttion for the l Tmham. WW. Hoiatya; large portion of whiclVT,r understand, is used for the suhsi." ' ,.-' lur u,e buwis- , , laniuy. x regard , prosedmeasure and there arc in tins view, as an improper usrxf the public funds. The salary of the President was increased in order thaT" he could better ineet any ejtraordin- ' ary expenses" j j ; t. j Upon being asked jif theXcase of u,e Iaie x resiuents wa3 not an excep- ,: , 4 0 . . . t v. tt t ' I ,Mk"0WW that it was. but called ntftmn the recent statement w Field, that 636L89L72 had been collected for Mrs. Garfi led, $311,600 of which had been invested in Uni ted States bonds, yielding an income of $12,440 per annum. The Senator predicted that there would' be oppo sition to the bill, and that it would not come solely from4he Democratic I WW .1 I ! ranns. tie thought,! however, that it would pass, but not until several Senators aud Rem-esentativeA hml placed themselves on j record before Its passage as agaiust making it a precedent. II 'ashington Pod, 5th. i f Best vs. His Assignees. f :' We believe it has never gotten in to the papers, and hence has not be-; come generally known, that at the last term of Rowan Superior Court, held abeut a month age, Mr. W.J. Best, by counsel, entered formal suit against his assignees, Messrs. Clyde, Buford and Logan, to oust them from possession of the Western NortS Carolina Railroad. The complaint is very voluminous and the assignees were given ninety days inL which to answer it. 1 he case wi II come on at the next term of Rowan court for hearing, but as Judg Avery, vhq will hold the court, is a director of the road" unJer the administration of of the assignees, it will be either meved or contin uedl Statesvill Landmark. Guiteau's case is stated in a nut shell; by a New York gentleman, who, in the Tribune, commenting on the "inspiration' plea, says ; "Let us hear what a writer, acknowledged by the whole Christian church to be iu- pirod, has to .say on this points "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot Imj tempted with evil, neither tempt eth heSmy man. But! every man ii tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust and enticed. Then when lut hath conceived, it bringeth forth' sin; and fin, when it is finished9 bringeth forth death' St. James i; 13, 14, 15. Vick'S "Fijobal pUID&'V-VV: have received other catalogues of seeds and plants, but none can surpass the one just issued by James Vick, of Ro chester, N. Y. It is a handsome work of 130 pages aud about 1,000 illus trations, besides two colored plates. We hve learned from experience that Vick's seed are good and furnish ed iu good condition, and the Floral Guide will tell you how to grow t hem Price of sample copy only 10 cents. Send ami get it. , Price per annum' $1-25. : . ' ;-fv: 4 ' -J '4