A' 't . ' ' f 1 ' . i-." ' 1 : THURSDAY; JAN LURY 6, 1862; fTf. NKWiTEIWIS. r -FroVarid after the l'st day of January, a the sabscription jprice of the Watch iilVifl be as fallows One clear, paid iu advance, , - 5i.au I , payment delayed B months, 2.00 I I pity ment delated 12 months 2.50 See advertisement jotherjeeliininj. Mr. "Archibald Yodng itnrdkv Which broke jhis - . . i . 1 - i I- I- pLuatBAGO.jPure jblac Jne inf&urke county InnisVgDrng Store. - I ohn II. Ennia in md a fall last arm. r : lead from a See specimens at Therf is a new skating rink, in the foydenf- House! building-it is fun by arties jfromf Greeukboro. At.&b6mm;taear!fankHn church, on le 17tt inst.il Mrs Fanny Thomason, 1 e ltu insc, Mrsf j x auuy on sort of Thomas Thomason I.J -of DECiiiXE8.-Mr. J S. McCubbins, Sr,, those name was mentioned in this paper '- I i irk . n 1 . . . ago, ior vouncy uomausioD , decline tbe use ofhis name. si" 1 I- - i - a - The tSalisbury Aroatuers met at the toydeif Housemen Tuesday night. The good and much enthusi lay edVj showing tho deep teuda.nce.wa8 was disp I in TnE Post Office. One of oar oldest and most respected citizens remarked that "the present location "and arrange ment of the post office was a shame and disgrace .to tlie town."' He adds : "im- . . . . . . ( ... i - . 1 .. - agiue a lauv dressed in biik entering the officeon business; the "first thing that greets her gaze is a lot of kerosene, cod fish and onions. I would be ashamed to take a friend, even from jmy'own country town into such a place." These senti ments are frequently expressed by bur citizens. A town of tnu size soould cer tainly hare an office arranged Icomforta bly and conveniently and kept ; separate from a shop. Postmaster Bringle tries to make amends for his iHUcbosen place and ! shop arrangement by ( relieving the street boxes at nine oclock p. m. This is poor amends- for imposing the shop and shanty on the people. There ire plenty of good men in the County who would take the office and more it up town. U ' ; ' ; Keimer. r ". They are down in shaft No. 2, one hun dred and seventy .feet ; and they are driving and stopping in shaft No, i.The ore! continues cood-vein 4 feet wide. The concentrating works are going up raoidlv the build is 78x60. three stories. 7 r s The machinery is all on the property, Forged Note. Late tastJTriday evtn looking man step Mr. J. D. GaskOl itetest taken by the members, t Iv jI j 1 . - r i A The polite agnt c now cabvassingour t ut of Hill's Manuel is 11 ... , V . . ngHttir town ior tins Deauti- f J and really iieritoious work. ., He will 1.3 herei for several days, and will call on citizens generally. ' ; i : Joseph Harris, Moreton Farm Roches- IV, N. feue ti Garden Seeds, for 1882. We kve lopked through it and find it very omplee, and have not a doubt that this ouse i 'doing as well lr its customers i any I other dealer in seeds. He offers I sendpjr bushels of the celebrated Rus sanfWhite Oats for i3.25 to any address, iiich is an item of interest to our farm- ifnnds Who wisuo try this new i- .1- ; 31 1!. Ulla and Scotch Irish. The,lii payers in Mt. Ulla and Scotch ashaJovnships wnofaired to meet me at Lira'Clreek StationjQu myrlast round on icouiifi of a luiiunaerstandinff as to date ; former notice, are jhereby notified that I will be : at Third Creek on Wednesday Hits 1st 5day of February next to collect tlie taxfal yet duo from those! townships. I further state that after the above date my taxibooks will b turned over to my deputief for collection.' J li I fv C: C. Krideii, Sheriff. JNew Vasiiisg Maciiine.-U-Wo have l aown t for sometime that Mr. T. J. ?ierotier was iworkpg out a new iaven ; on for the clothes; washer. We have :en the machine : it is a novel combina- . On of if jseveral higlily approved princi ; Wand iyill, we ,believe, accomplish the lik i4teuded betterj than auy machine ; It v exhibited here. 1 We advert to the hject just-now for t io purpose of noting ; atr SftvMeroney has had the machine - teut(ii,Land will no doubt soon bring i 4befi)rpthe ptiblic fpr sale. ion of tlie lodge of K was made last At the brganizati P., of which - mention eek. the followinirlofficers were entfall- 1 1 for tjie term :c. P.:C.-WS. Overjnan. C.C-EM5;Neae. V. OS-RR. Crawford. P.-4 il. Gray. , iM. E4j. D. Gaskill. M. Fl-4-W. L. Raskin. K. RfS. . M. Davis. JU. A. -V-.. Xi. iUlllH. I. G.--W. H. Overman. 0. gJ.F. Paeej. MctfM in Parvo. Much in a little lit all Against the white man. A sharp egro iet a dull wljite man ion tbe street, Tuesday jj and exhibited ttf him a bright ejy one cent piece which he represented j a $2.50 gold piece. Tlie white man ranted it, and offered to give other doiiey for it, which was done; But not log after, the ignorant man fonnd out ft jt ras a coppef, not a gold, coiq, and fentTo- the negro, who, without hesita ing a well dressed, fine ped into the store of and asked him to cash check for bim. Mr. Gaskill did so. - The check calling for $804. After the man. went out Mr. Gaskill examined the check more .closely and discovered written in red ink across .signers name tbe figures 8.94. i This led to an examination which showed that in the figures on the corner of the check, a cipher (0) had been added and in the cen tre of the check the letter, y bad been added to the word eight. The i man bad gone to theDepot and it only liked a few moments of train time, j ( Mr. Gaskill did not have time to get an officer, butjruh- ed off himself. Arriying at the l)epot be singled out his man among the crcwd of passengers and accosted him : jYoa are the man I just cashed a Check for.'Vf "No Sir," says hej "was therp anything wrong with V "Yes sir, you come with me They started off together and got nearly up town, when the stranger discovered that, Gaskill had no warrant of arrest, and started back to the; Depot. ' Gaskill said "all right, I 'have sin officer waiting there." Fortunately as tbey neared the Mt. Vernon Hotel, Mrf' Gaskill spied Capt. Theo. Parker witji his fatigue suit on. lie called uapt. 1'atKer, tola him the man had forged a checHon him,and that he wanted the man taken up town. Capt. Parker replied, "all right sir, 111 see him up?' This time they made the trip to Gaskiir store when Constable Vander- ferd took him in charge. The man's name is Brown, from near Sheppards X roads in Iredell County : In the Magis trates Court he claimed that he was not the man who passed the check. There are two witnesses who say another man presented the check to them on the same day. It seems that the case hinges on a question of personal identity. ; ' . Special Meetiiigr ! Of the North Carolina State Stunday Scliool Association. . ; j - 1 The Executive Committee of the North Carolina "State Sunday School Associa tion having received official notice that Mr. B. F. Jacobs, Chairman of the Inter national Sunday School Executive Com mittee, and Mr. E. Paysou Porter, Statis tical Secretary, with perhaps others of their Committee, will visit North Caro lina on the 24th and 25th of February; 1882, at some convenient centre, to -meet the Sunday School workers of the State, desire hereby to give notice that on the days mentioned there) will be held in Raleigh, N. C, a special meeting of the North Carolina State Sunday School As sociation. Not only are organized Coun ties earnestly requested; to send delegates to the Convention but; every County in the State may and should have some representatives; indeed, any earnest Suaday School worker will be made wel come, and willlm recognized as a mem ber of the Convention.! A Local Com mittee has been appointed in Raleigh which .will make all necessary arrange ments for holding the Convention. From this - Committee other! announcements may be expected. JasI T. Lixeback, Jen ; shelled out all he had left of the 2.50 he had receive, uow! minus that om6unt by 35 cents: I VVherJ it comes to pass that the white man can be fooled in this way in the light of day by the "bottom rail," it is certainly time to .improve the schools Jid in Ike education coersiye. A lot of small money jugs have been distributed over town for the rmrnose o Electing money to build Sr. Mathews iiurcttin this county.. Some base thief lis lifted one from Bernhardt & Bros, yues .3J.CVUU01CS e& L'0'1. and Tlifin. arMuni's. ; The 'mtle tjug Hwas also oien prom lUuttzTs Drug Store. The pg at Buerbauua's contained over a dol Offers a- reward MININCKr INTELLIGENCE I- T. K. BRUSER MANAGER. and it is bej in operation montn. calculated that the works wilt by the 10th of next I The North State. Mining Company hve assessed - tUelrtock .w 10 cts. per sliare for the purpose of erecting smelters at! their Copper mine in Ahse County. If alilrn trne that is said of , this mine they should pay a dividend by August. L ' r r BUvcr rtUqy3 C66ittjl ?HU This seems to be the Bonanza mine of Ihe State at the present time. They em ploy about eighty hand taodaro producing ibeut five tons of concentrated ofe daily which is reDorted to be worth five bun- 'Li- r 1 dred dollars per ton. At any rate it is 1 ( t safe to say that this is one more paying mine in the State. j A Rich- Gold MineV mirhaia Recorder.' Ww learn that some northern capitalists and A. V, Graham aud.; Capt. Jones, . of nuisooro, nave epenea a goiu mine on the lands recently purchased from Rev: R A. Patterson, who resides nearj White Cross, Orange county. Some time ago they purchased a small piece of land from Mr. Pattersoff, for which they paid him1 one fourth of the proceeds from the niinej They .went to? work s and . in ,. a ,few days they discovered that they had a regular; bonanza on their hand. The ore was found to be very rich4, and the cempany then of ered Mr.Patterson $8,000 for his; fourth interest. The offer was refused and the company are now digging up the 'yellow; metal mlarge quantities. E. A. Ebert, Secretary. Salem, Jan. 17, 1882. Chairman, of $5 forjthe lr. He hief. I ! if- Mr. J. M. Gray, in alluding to the olen jags said : j ' j At tie j day of judgment his soul will Otl' till nninlK rtf . a ti.nilU iut jhifo a tobacco seed ahd the tobacco pea W4ii.be damned, his soul being 11 i . 1 - v man m h atnttv,i t too years' trial tu nrjtrv. "MiUHT" the btat liW f Jforlo. ! UT, . uxeu cine in ieo. F, Klutlz's ' Bm Manual of Social and Business Forms. - Hill's Manual teacbes now to write any document correcuy. (- Hill's Manual is a library of many books relating iiu sw:itu unu vu&iaess uie, conuensea in one volume Hill's Manual Is Indispensable to the young.teaoh lng them, as It does, bow to do business correctly-. Have you trouble in collecting monevs that arr due youT Then examine tbe cbapter in Hill s Manual on "How to Collect a debt." 1 HUl's Manual Is, a ready-made college, Vigbt at band, from wnlcb immediate information may al ways be bad as to bow to transact business correct ly. ; j , . f Do you want , to write plainly, beautifully, and correctly? Then study Hill's Manual, which is the meat complete self-instructor in penmanship in existence. .. ' . Hill's Manual answers thousands of questions of a business, commercial and statistical character, which farmers, mechanics, business and profession al men desire to Know. - Are you desirous of being able to conduct public meetings? Then examine HUl's Manual; see the exhaustive chapter on parliamentary rules, draft ing resolutions, constitutions,: by-laws, etc. The latest revised and Improved edition of HUl's Manual just out, with all its business and social forms brought down to the present time, and all of its valuable statistical tables Corrected to date. The author of Hill's Manuai Hon. Thos. E. Hill, for years a popular teacher, was formerly mayor of Aurora, 111,, being elected without opposition. He has been also for some years a successful newspa per publisher and business man. Latterly his time has been occupied In correcting and revising the various editions oj the Manual, mating .the same correct wme latest uaiea. j A bill has been introduced into the Kentucky legislature making lying an offense, punishable with a fine of not less than one or. more than twenty dollars. Angusta Clironiclei (North Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama hare roundly excoriated all efforts to Mahonize their States. Public opinion seems to have anticipated "the new party," and South ern judgment stamps it permature, Arrearsi of Pensions To the Editor of the Observer :! ; That great iniquity the act; of Con cress crantins arrears of pensions was not passed without opposition or in care less ignorance, as seems to be thought by some who are now discussing in the news papers and elsewhere. It is true that nobody knew then, or indeed knows yet, exactly how many millions or hundreds of millions will be extracted from the Treas nry under it ; but enough was known to put on his guard every man who was not carried away by purblind demngogism. It was rushed through the House under a suspension of the rules by men anxious to pander to what they supposed was the soldier sentiment. The vote upon it will 1 1 1 be found on page 4874 of the j Congres sional Record, 2nd session. 45th Congress, where it Will be seen that myself and col leagues from this State iu the II ouse all voted against it, except two who were absent. It also appears that the South ern Republicans all voted for it or dodg ed j that the only Northern members to ting against it were Democrats aud fin ally that of the majority who ( passed it the larger part were Republicans. What ever Senator Beck may say of ' the care less mauner in which this bill was allow ed to pass the Senate, it was stienuonsly opposed, in the House, particularly by the Southern Democrats, who predicted then that it would be found in the end one of the most recklessly improvident and wasteful measures verjassed by the American Corigress.i $ -:Z t Y? Respectfully yours, Vm. M. Robbins. Statesville, Jan. 19th, i82. 1 ' ''" ' .' " ' I . . - ' , - f , - , I . y ' : '1 1 . " u , . . . --' ' ! -f. . r; Srat leliotln - '.. i. '-Iv--.".V:J '. Ai ' V ."!-f:"" , ': V'vj, A r A IN PRICES" AT Am bouncl to sell out my Fall and Winter CLOTHKlGv BOOTS j AIID; SHOES, GG., IU UUUt UUUl.il Pi 3'lllS A mm urn BEDIICTIOI! l: I v' J Regardless of Cost io make room for a very largo Spring Stock, Ijwill from this ! date sell the balance of my Stock of - f : j a a, (DILflDTT -aY S J. ( DEd(D)iQl3E RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUT i X - Suits and Over-Coats, Boots and Shoes. J"I iim determined toell, and yOu will do well to call and see for yourself. j v WILL SELL YOU A WARRANTED BOOT FOR $1.85. Al ) !. Solid leather SHOES for 85cts. Mr. to Extract from letter : j M S TiRowiff; In reference to the! Solar Tin Shoes we herebv anthnrizo ron - -i - . j j warrant evkbt pair, of them in material and workmanship. W0 do not warrant against ABUSE or FIRE or WATER. You can give a new pair for every unsatisfactory one, unless in your judgment the damage was the fault ot the wearer. Please return all imperfect goods to us.' Yours truly, JOHN MUNDELL & CO. ! . Philadelphia. I am prepared to sell you; all the gods in my line 1 ' ! I SO PER CENT CHEAPER than you ean get the same goods any where else. This is business. M. S. BROWN. Mining Advertisments. i IMPO RTANlj To Owners of Mineral Projierty. j PARTIES owning lands on whlcnGold, Copper,! Silver or Mica is found ia paying quantities,; communicate at once with the undersigned, par-. tlculara aa to locality, situation and transportation.. Send average samples by mall or express, prepaid, to COLORADO. i 14 3t. Central notel, Charlotte, N. C4 ! i Statesville Landmark : Among the in teresting rumors floating arou ad Wash ington concerning North Carolina affairs, is one that Dr. Mott has an eye on the United States Seuatorshipt succeed Gen. Ransom. I The Washington Republican; of Mon- prpbable as impotent and day gives the following list of Mahoncs in North Carolina : Col. : Win, Johnston, Hon.; Charles Price, Capt. Nat Atkinson, Cl. Folk, and Mr. Lenoir. ConcqrdJleg'ister. A black clotid overhung th City of Washington, at half past teu o'clock, one morning this week. It was said . to be caused by the reflection of the large array of 'black' Republicans from North Carolina; just- gathering on the grounds of the capital, in order to get first au dience with the President in - regard to their retaining or securing the offices tliat Mr. Arthur has at Jiisj disposal. There were some dots on the lining of tho cloud, caused by.tha outlines of some Democratic 'Mahones' that were hangiBs crowd.i-Concord on the skirts of the Register. ! Hill's Manual has been purchased and paid for by Ex-President Grant, as well as Uy- many of the most eminent statesmen; aud the testimonial of commendation can do presented irom Hundreds cf teachers, professional and business men in various parts ot the world, who are the possessors of this valuable business encyclopaedia. The following, iruiu w . w . uauaier, agent, 01 tue oiar union Line i It is indeed a- wonderful production, and I am more and more astonished at the great Variety and vast amount of practical Information lit contains. Ncryoung man can afford to be without a copy, and the Information It contains Is equally valuable and essential to every4adr jn the land. An offer of a hundred dollars for the book, or evea Ave times tnat sum. wouia not Duy it irom me were it an lm possibility to procure another copy. A 820.00 Bible Prize. '' The publisher of Rutledge'a Monthly In the prize puzzle department of their Monthly for February of fer the following easy way for some one br make $20.00. To the person telling us which 13 tbe shortest verse In the Old Testament Scriptures by Februnry 10th, 1888, we will give $.oo In gold as a prize. The money will be forwarded to the winner February 15tliTl882. Those who try for the prize must send 80 cts. In silver (no postage stamps taken) with then answer, for which they wl lrsceive the March num ber of the Monthly in which wiU be published the name and addresHof the winner of the prize, with the correct answer thereto. Cut this out; i it may be worth $20.00 to you. Address, Kctledok Pit. psniNO uompanv, isasion, ra. j . 1 A Popular Investment. SIX PER CENT GUARANTEED Preferred Railway Stoci. 50,000 Shares OF THl CAPITAL STOCK OF THK j ' Cincinnati, Virpia anil Carolina 1 Railway Company, j of the par value of $100 per share, are offered by the undersigned at $30 per snare, with guarantee bythe MUTUAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, of sis per cent per annum on said subscription price for six years, payable semi-annually, January and July, at and by the said Mutual Trust Company in X e w York City, and Its agencies. 1 The Cincinnati, Virginia & Carolina Railroad, with Its connections, will make an air line from Cincin nati to Charleston, South Carolina, starting at Wadesboro,! North Carolina, running north-west through Salisbury, Wllkesboro', and Jefferson, N. Carolina: through Marlon, Virginia,, and north through West Virginia to Charleston, Kanawha County, making a line of 300 miles. The whole dis tance through a section of the country rich in agrl culturaLand mineral prod acta, such as coal, iron, coDoer. cotton, tobacco, corn and wheat. The cross earnings ot the road when finished will average over ten thousand (iu,go; aoiiars permiie. imswui give gross earnings of three millions ($3,000,000) dollars per year, wnicn win yieia large ana remu nerative dividends to the stockholders. f Subscriptions to the stock will be received at the office of the Company, 39 Broadway, New York, or oytne i MUTUAL TRUST COMPANY, 115 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CrTYl Full information will be sent on application to the Company. ll:6t i ii MXTKPHT, F. X. Assessment Notice ! North State IMi Company. Notice is hereby given, that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held. on tbe 17tb day of January, 1882, an assessment (No.l) of ten cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable immediately in current funds to the Secre tary, at the office of tbe company- in Salis bury, North Carolina, or at the Branch of fice, 52 Broadway, New York City. Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 16th day of Feb ruary, 1882, will Je delinquent and will be advertised -as delinquent, and unless pay ment is made, together with cost of auver tising, before Thursday the 9th day of March 1882, will be forfeited to the company, to gether wit hall previous payments, according to the charter. .Edwin U. Mclfokd, 15:3t Secretary. BUSINESS LOCALS Sugar curedyHam and Breakfast Strips at A. BARKER'S. Nice Smoked Beef at A. Parker's. Fat No. 2 Mackerel at A. Parker's. Fin Northern Apples at A. Parker's. Theo. Buerbaun Wants everybody in Rowan County to Examine his large stock of Fine Sta tionery. Diaries, Memorandum Bocks Pencils, etc. French Candies, fresh erery week. Canned Goods of great variety. Fruits of all kinds. Call and see. THEO. BUERBAUM. l:tf FARMERS-COMPOSTS i. 6. A. 3. KIQBT, C. E. I KIQBY & MURPHY, jj- Mining- aid Constniii Engineers, ! - 78 AND 80 Boom 49, Broadway, I NEW YORK. Examine; and report upon Mine. - Make Working Plans and Specification for the construction of gold and silver Milln, or will enter into Contracts for the erection of same. " ' 1 - 1 j Mining Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest prices a'nd .prompt attention given to shipment. Or address JOHN BIG BY, 49:9m:pd High Poist, N. C Histoxr of" Rowan County , ST KIT. J. BCKTLX. Copies of this interesting book may bad Of T. F. KLCTTZ, THEO. iiUKCBAUM, or; at .he Watchman Omce, To those wantiug to compost and make their own Fertilizers. I would say that my supply stock of ACID PHOS PHATES and Chemical Supplies, will be larger and better than ever before offered you. Will have several grades of I'bos nhatea and Comoostincr materials, ran" ing in prices from $4 to $10. per quantity for making np one too. which also in eludes printed receipts, and formulas with full and simple directions for making and applying it. J. ALLEA ISBOWN. Office: Front room orer Crawford's Hardware Store. 13:4t. Suits soljl at $20 reduced to-15, Suits soli at 818.75 reduced to 14 Suits sold at $16 reduced to 12, Suits sold at $15 reduced to 11, f Suits sold at $14.50 reduced to 10, AHD OTHERS AT THE SA1IE RATE OF DEDDCTIOll M -. - V ' ilp3'! shall sell these very soon;; so parties desiring to cM , 1 huy will do well to call at once. Don't forget that I keep tlie largest and best stock j)f IN SALISBURY. Yours Truly, J. D. GASKILL r ; ; i MOMIEY &; SPEM MY, '; iMANTTS'ACTTOBRS OF " ' 'I - GOLD & SILYER I GRINDING & 4HALGAJIATING IACHINERT HOWLAND'S PULVSEIZEE takss the placa of the cumbersoma Stamp Ifill Ana c&n oe pat up in one aay reaaj ior work - ' f i-IT HAS BEEN FULLY PROVKD tt TESTED " It weighs comDlete 7.000 douimIh the belt, win crusfi one ton per hour 01 rha1rdluar tSt vrtU pass through a 40-mesh screen. THe wesr la few th ni t 7h sump mluT Its wearing parts are plala caXiSd tZ dropped into poslUon In a lew moments, assbowa by letteni a B and C, no bolts or keys are required Tit can he K-t. iTtv. tl floor of a mm with no expenseYoidattoni 7nfi2iSS to crush and work in charjes or conUnuoitwaSaSSv mate either fold or atlver ores, making! It a slmpST pmuu ivwv. BivtutvrB, UTU8ninff ROllft. Atn.L. separators for iold and surer Pans and . IT , iiiniwTT-nA esmannir p r (Hp r f uiiuiuiK r uriiaces. Ketorta,! Bock Drills. ind Air ComDmmnL utool Dhit ... pics Ior Stamps, and erery descrip tion of Frames for Stamps; ale Improred DonhU or i 8INCLE CYLIMCER HOISTING ENGINES, With ok Wrraoor Boclkks, Wjuur' or Manilla Kara doms ,.4 . tST Specially mdapUd U Mining I we construct Mills with Stamps welgfclng from 50 to too Ids. -for gold and fcllTeroresj Wet or1 Dry Crushing MOlUrs. 8ndfor Cittulnr. i ! J , i Warerooms 92 and 94 Liberty Street, IXewYork. i -48:ly . - A- , I j , SALISBURY MARKET. ArrLKS green, per bus ... ' dried, per lb . Bacon Country, hog round, Butter. Beeswax...... Blackberries, Beef COTTOX Good Middling,.... Midline-,.... -.. Low Midllng, stained, Corn new.... MeaL Coffee, Chickens, Eggs, Flour, Hay. Lard ; Pork... Potatoes Irish, .... do sweet. Wheat,...,..:...... Wholesale, t 75 $t.00 4 a RetalL $1.09 a $1.25 a T 20 20 - 4 II 1 10 8 as 90 14 11 9M 60 IS 8 80 80 IM 9 25 21 10 lis MX 9 . 90 95 14 15 25 9 U IS fu lio 0 90 91.00 9115 1.00 1.15 14 15 15 I.T6 15 11 1JM) 1.00 a l.io a uo a lc a 20 a 20 a 4.oo a a 12 a L20 a l.io UORTH CAROLINA ! ROWAN COUNTY.' ' B,on C c " t W. H. Cone and Q. A. Jj Scchler Adm'rs of C. A. Miller, PlianVfti Against Vance B. Miller, Luther S. Miller, anrj Ka tie C. Miller, DeferCU: SALE ! In pursuance of a judgment of the Supe rior Ceurt, in the above entitled cause, the undersigned Commissioners, appointed by the Court will sell on the premises, on MONDAY 6tli Day of March, 1882, to the highest bidder, the following tracts or parcels of land, situated in Rowan coun ty : One tract adjoining the lands of White Bostian, John Ketchey, Margaret C. Bost and Jacob Setzer, containing 144 acres. One tract adjouning the lands of Marga ret C. Bost, Mutnford Wilhelm, Mary E. Hess and others, containing 110 acres, being the land upon which Christina Miller, wid ow of Henry Miller, now lives, and subject to her dower. ! Also an undivided one-third interest in a tract of land at China; Grove, adjoining Frank Patterson and others, containing one acre, upon which is located a gin house. Also an undivided one-half interest in a certain tract of land situated in Rowan county, adjoining the lands of W. II. Cone, W. Kimball, W. H. Webb, Washington Sloop and O. A. J. Sechler, containing 50 acres. ! TERMS of Sale One-third cash, one third in six months, and balance in nine months; purchaser to give bond and secu rity for the deferred payments with inter-, est from date title retained until tbe pur chase money is paid. t Dated, Januarv 20th, 1882. , W. H. Cone, ! n,.s-' G. A. J. SecSler. Comnm ne 15,6w . U 0. 7. VRIGHT & BROS. i have this day dissolved the copartnership hereto fore existing between them by mutual eonseat. AU accounts due the firm are payable to ; Wright Hellig," who also assume to pay the debts of the old Arm. The business ot the store will be contin ued by O. W. Wright A O. H. HeUlg, under tbe firm name ot " Wright A Ilelllg," who toilet conttnn neenf nntmnaca from their friend, i ; i , ti. W. WRIOnt k BROS; Dec. 27. 1381. ll:lm Subscribe for CaroKna Watchman, only $1.50 pr year ia advance. II O 'J-LL'I. j Oxfobd, N. C?, J j I ; '; The next reaoion of this school; will Lcia the second Monday in Janusry. ' i i For circular giving terms and other parlic- I ' . J. II. & J. C. HORNEE. 10:1m ! "J ADMINISTRATOE'S SALE! . . . : , On Tuesday the 7th day off February next, I will sell tbe personal property be longing to the estate of Margaret E. Gra ham. The sale will be at the late residence of Mrs. Graham, near the, Sherriir Fuird road, the property consists of horses cattle, wheat, corn, farming tools, household ahd kitchen furniture and many other articles not mentioned. l KJib ot sale Cah. AU persons indebted to the estate) of Margaret E Graham, dee'd, are requested to make immediate settlement, and All per sons having claims against her estate ire notified to present them to me on of tw&M ths 15th day of January, 1883, er this No tice will be plead inbar of their recovery,? J Wjc M. KLSCAID, AdmCr f . J . of MaiRGraJiam!: Jan Uth, 1833. ! - -14:4t , NOTICE TOJCREDITORS 1 1 AH persons Laring claims agjiintt he I estate of Samuel Troutman, deceased, ire ! -hereby notified to present them to the undersigned for payment on or liefore ihe Cth day of January 1833. This January 5th 1882. 13:4tpd, BI. L. Howies Adnrr-J. A ft 4 v !; A W I :.- -i. S"7 "'-li t ;- .'.1 A v - - . . 1 b. AH ' Jtl- m ::H:!i; )A J 4 S T. if I- -It r

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