mum Hfell' I I - - , -1 . I . 1 i i ! " 8 i ;i A s. -1 mi - s s. i- i i J E i" . ' t - 1 l-lv ricultural Advice. N. C. AcrVExp't Station, :r ltALKiOH.s. C. Jan. 17. 1882. J A Httl t ,o-er $5000 tons of fcrtili- sold in North Carolina last zers were Atei r ! 1 1 le returns are not all in. but it is evitl Stit that there was considera ble increase in the sales over the year before, iinjspite of the difficuUies in transportation last spring, which pre vented 'mttny facmers) fron gettingall they wa tiled." The average cash price of - the Wimple acid "phosphate was 830.80; STIie. average-cash price of the arumoniate( phosphate1 was 30. The average cash price of, all .kiuds wasi, therefore, 035.55 per ton. Supposing cash had been paid for the 86,000j toiis, the total amount paid by our form Irs for fertilizers would bej thrte million, twenty-one thousand; seven hundred and fifty dollars. Since however about twice as much anioniatid -gopda.- were sold- as acid phtspiales,. th more correct cash yalue of; fertilizers -Bought by our people would have been about three million, two hundred thousand dol lars. But how many farmers paid cash tor (heir fertilizefs? As far as I . cau ' ascertain, hardly one-tenth of them;j In1 the cotton country not one tweitieth 'of them. -Deducting one tcnth though, paid for in cash, we have !scvepty-$ix thousand five hun dred Itoh naid for at the rate of 425 ; paid pounds- ojt middling cotton iu Kovem- ber for ammonia(ed phosphates and 300 or acid phosphates at 11 cts. per pound; this is $33 for the acid phos phate and 46.75 for the ammonia ted phosphate per ton. Supposing that the tobacco men pay for time at the same rate "as the cotton men, we have three millions,' two hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars as the j?ound sum paid by the nine-tenths who buy on the credit system. Or, addiug the amount paid by the one- tenth cash men, we have the grand total paid by theState for fertilizers as aboveJ thus ! lor 'six- months time upon purchases, worth three million two hundred thousand dollars last May, our farmers paid four hundred thoti .saiid dollars which is equal to an in terest o25 per cent, per annum. This is but an illustration of the womngs of the,credit system pursued by our farmers throughout-the whole country. The great majority of them get every thing they, buy from their commiss on merchants upon about the same terms. During the summer wheff; bacou is iworth Oca pound. they' get itfrom their commistion merchats for a pound of cotton in the fall, it is not surprising that many go down1 under this system, mortgage nrs neir crops ana then their lands, mtll finally they become the vassals oi lueir mcrchauts upon the land which they themselves once owned. l" ue womiereu at tiiat so many prosper under such a system. It is, prosperous agriculture, indeed; that jcansustain such a drain. Although I believe lhat the use of good pies; P super-phosphate upon our sta- coiLon ana tobacco, has proven to bei nently advantageous, let me implore farmers not-fb be tempted by -this possibility of gain to buy fiforejof them than they cao certainly and easily pay for, in the event of a poor what from save. prol ri M them rather buy jus. they can pay cash for direct the manufacturers and thus dealers profits. Some manu- 1 kcturers, who pay the State tax aud submit their goods to examination. I specially solicit such trade. Let them utilize further every available home mateiaj and , make their own ma nuresj. If all the cotton seed, stable manure, straw, Jcc, are carefully hus banded, Uicy will be found to gtJ a long I way. These with acid phos phates and kamite, which are still reasonably cheap, will make excellent ."'W&'k? will give, some illustra llmf excellent homemade fertili zers in a later bulletin i... ....... Cius. W. Dadxey, Jr., Director. ." -Artte tit. Ferlilizer WhicW Any- uoly may Use. I.. In December last the United Stnfna Circuit Court. Baltimnr Atfi i i I -' " tc uise I of Boy ktiiland Carmen against H. J. I iBake fc Co., whioh was argued be- j. fore t le court several weeks aCo. Judro b Morrfs fi!e his opinion in favor of 1 j 'tihe dcA?ndants. The action' was fiir I i aiiegou juiriugenient ot a patent for the manufacture of fertilizers held by 1 the coiuplainants, from the ma nu fact - tire anl; sale of -.which tlity would have 'derived larjre ?)rofi(s. had not the dffendants and others iijfringid uponiheir parent. The court held' that the only difference between the formula patented by ' :coruplajnants from the oldjLiebig formula was the substitution jof dissolved bone-and ground plaster for ground bone and calciued pi aster j and that the patent was invalid for want of novelty or anv natentahle discoven. - A larjre interest was involved in the this suit. J - " result of -1 - The pateut in question is No. 206,- 070, dated July 16, 1878, and .it de scribes the making of the fertilizer as follows : s 1 i i This invention relates to a combi- natfoh of chemicals to be used in con nection with dry peat or muck and unleached ashes, or with any refuse natter having fertilizing properties, to form a ferjtiliug compound; and it cousists in combining dissolved bone, ground plaster, nitrate of soda, sul phate of soda, and sulphate of ammo nia, in proportions substantially as follows : . Dissolved t bone, three bushels : ground plaster, three bushels ; nitrate of soda, forty pounds; sulphate of so da, forty pounds; and sulphate of ammouia, thirty-three pounds - This mixture is incorporated with, say, twenty bushels of dry peat or; muck, and three bushels of unleached ashes. The manner of preparing; a fertili- zer compouna from the aoove ingre dients is as follows : The peat or niucU andnashes, ifjsuch matter is used as the base of the mixture, are first thor oughly mixed with the dissolved bone, aud the nitrate of soda, sulphate of soda, and sulphate of ammonia, after being dissolved in water and added thereto. The ingredients are next in corporated with the ground plaster, after whichthe compound Ts allowed to, stand for, say, thirty or forty days, when it becomes ready for use Set entijic American. Cellars as Centres of Malaria. Dr. C. R. Agnew, writing from Florida, says : In this State a some wnat new problem presents itsell, in the fact that lall houses shoulil be con structed without cellars, and so raise( on underpinhing as to-allow a clean sweep of light and air beneath them Indeed it is ji question whether sucl a mode of construction should not be adopted everywhere for dwellings I have for nore than twenty yea believed that cellar atmosphere is a m os t p r o 1 i li c jca u sc o f d i eease a n d death Lliclicve that it increases seventv-five per centum the risk from malaria disease all over our country'. Througl this State th native population, as by an instinct, raise their simple cabin three or four feet above the ground and allow air and light to pervade the space so made benath the groui d Uoor. I advise all travelers to avoid t . 1 1 .1 i - i inose noieis ana - oiner aomiciies in the South which are not so constrcted. The North Carolina; Republicans in Wushinffton last week formed a committee to wait on the President to instruct him how he'euhtf to run things down bere. Jim. Harris, cor orcd, of Raleigh was made Chairman of the Com qi It tee. -Winston Sentinel. The Coldr and Lustre of Youth are resto ed to faded or gray hair bj the use of Par ker's llair Ualsaui, a harmless dressing high Ij esteemed for its perfume and nurhr UCl--i10T10 j ' H si A 1 . i PRINTERS The PIOOREiSlV PRIN- X JJlU TF n U A iwwnnt full nf I, ii Inlonnatlon by an pld "R pi PITT i'ully uiustrat Prtnter, It Is beaail- -J KJ KJ JX. ed and glTtrs samples of One Job Printing. The colored plat ts a a line teature, and is worth the price ot the n e n book send tor it at once. OC S. Whybraw, Pub. Rochester, N. Y. nf)! PI Great chSnee to make money. Those who U U l U a'.way s UKe advantaim nf r i mwt ces for making money that are offere J. generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances remain In poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls to wortor us rieht In their own localities. Anv on rait An thn wnrt perly from the lirst start. The business will Day more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You can devote you whole Ume to the work, or only your spare moments. FuU Information and all that Is needed sent free. Aauress stinson Co., I ortiand, Maine. -OF VALUABLE LAND! By virtue of an order of the Sn of Uowan count. Fall term lSfU. I will n at the Court House door, in the town of Salis bury, on Monday the dih day Sof February next, a valuable tract of land beloneinr in it estate of the late James Horali, idee'd, ci taining 88 acrto, lying in the county of Rowan on either ride of, the Uokl Hill iroad, 5 miles from Saliabucy, -adjoining the lands of Zac Lyerly, Ed. Banie arid others. I lli.linr. . open at $410. Terms made known on day of "ale. VM. H. IIORAII AHm'r Dec. 17, 1881.1 12:4t ) j . . All personsjiavlns claims against I he estate ot uES H' detfd are hereby notitini t orhihi. the baine to me undersigned oh or before the xvi h day ot December, lsss, or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make lmmii;.t jnent f the undersigned. W. !v GALEs; wec.wtn.issi. i lU;4l,p)? i admr. Subscribe Ipr Carolina - H'alilin an, onlv -1.50 ir ear iu advauco. l Notice! liii. - If GOODS! WE are daily rcceiying New Goods. Don't fail to! see us be ne? hi WE HAVE X LARGE lock of iff: that mast be sold, Special Wtl be jifired.: . Remember we mean Auddou1tibuy until you seeour. Stock and hear our .prices. ' Respectfully, J. P. ROSS. Nov. 2, 1881. . iii irr iioim Atinn (nrtir nur n Lire iiiounMiiut mnucuncHri Table Showing Actual Cost to Members of 4,0Q0 insurance for One Year (March 1, 1879, to March 1, 1880): First Class, aged 18 to 30syears .SI7 00 Svcond " 30 f 40 Third " 40 ' 45 it n - . 21 25 . 25 50 Fourth " 45 " 50 . 34 00 51 00 . 03 00 Fifth Sixth 6ft J. D. Efccrieelj, Ag't. Feb. 2th,'Sl:lj. GOOD COFFEE. Everybody wants it, but very few get It, because most pooplc da not know how to select cufToe, or it is spoiled in the t oasting or making. To obviate these difficulties has been our study. Thurber's package Coffees are solectol by an expert who un derstands tho art ot blonding various fla vors. They are roasbil In tho most perfect manner (it is impossible to roast well in small quantities), then put in pound pack ages (hi tht Iman, not groun-1,) b -arlng our signature as a guarantee oi genuineness, and each package contains the Thurber recipe for making go jJ OoiToo. We pack two kiu.h, Timrb-r's "No. 34," strong and pungent; Taurb t's "No. 41," mild and rich. Ouo or tho other will suit every taste. They have the three great points, good quality, honest quart' ttfg, reasmabls price, Anlt your Grocer for TIturber'B roasitul Coffee in pound pack age, "Xo. M"'or"Xo. 41." Do not be put off with any othor kind your own palato will tell you what is best. Where personslesiro it wa also furnish tho "HcaV Coffee-pat, the simplest, bast and cheapest coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. Respectfully, Jbc., H. K. & F. B. THURBER & CO., Importers, Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Roasters, Now York. P. S. As the largest dealers In food pro ducts in tho world, wo consider it our In terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods and pack them in a tidy and satisfactory manner.' All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to be of superior quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund tho purchase price In any case where customers have cause for dissatisfaction. It Is therefore to the interest of both dealers and con sumers to use Thurber' 8 brands. Dec. 17:3m 1ST OTIC El JOHN F. EAGLE, -FASHIONABLE- BOOT SHOE 31 J It Ii , Invites your attention to his shop, opposi e Mavr s ilniee.Kenairn r n: iIt an I nrnmui ly done. All grades of goods made to order Oct. lst,'81:tf. -j. rERItCn.UGE, . L. H. CLEMENT. CRA1QE & CLEMENT, SALISBURY. X. C. Feb. 3. 1S81. fl r CT tousiness now Before the public. Yon can Ubv I make money f .ster at work lor us than nr. anytiunsei.-;e. capital not needed, we will start you. $13 a day and Howards made at home bv ihi Industrious. Men, wemen,; boys and plris wanted every wnere to wore tor us isow is tue time. You eanworkln spare time onty or give your whole time to the business, i You can live at Lome and do the work.; No other business will pay you nearly as .all 9 1 1 n . - . . xwi vjjic cau mil iu ujiiKc ei.oruous pay uy engajrtn at once. Costly outfit ani terms' free. Money maae iasx, easily ana nonoraniy. Address o trce S Co., Augusta, Maine. Notice to Creflitors aifl Belters: jAIl rsons having claims against the estate nf Sydney- II. Hart, deceased, nr hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 23d day of ikt'enilKT, 1882, and all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to settle promptly. S. IhxGiiAM Hart, Adnrr. i Drc. 22. 1331. Ct Notice! All iersonsliaving claims agninst th estate of Sirs. Clarissa Julian, dee'd; are, hereby noli lied to present them to tiie niHtersiguetl for pavim-nt. on or 'before the 3d day of Januui j, 183 ) .. .UAI SM, llll r. JanV2,183'2, i:4t I r M . 4 1. Oloihing BUSKNESS FACTS SPEAK i TMSELYES! f Health i 'a great blessing.' Disease is a cat-int'HH and want of ease, and without the Comfort of health, what is wealth worth ? What happiness can there be in life? If we are not is a blessed thing to know how to re gain health.; I offer this knowledge, freely and without price, to thef whole world: "Take Brandkeih's Vegetable .Pills whenever you are sick.'' It is npw nearly fl fly years $iuce I introduced these pills to the American people, and, alter using; nity- millions of box es, the verdict of the sre&t jury of American sovereigns is, that they tre the bet and safest! purgative ever known. - : ';;:T - . I They have completely superceded mercuryand bleeding, which was found in vefy general use in this country fifty years ago. I said that the one was poisonous and the other a murderous treatment, the remedial power jof nature had hot only to cure the disease, but to eradicate mercurial poisons and Supply new streams of blood to exhausted patients, wihich was too hinchs for any constitution; that, my plan of treatment was to remove disease by purifying the blood with Brandreth's Fills; Tor-when the blood was thus made pure, the medical.force bf nature came into full play, and. unless God willed otherwise, the bat lent was turt to re cover. Uranilreth s rills assist nature in all heF effort". It is nature that cures disease Hnd not medicine, Fveryjothei coulse of treat ment onlv throws great obstacles! in the way of .1 T' !l . . 1 1 iuc consiuuuou. l am nappy 10 say inai oieeu- np, which I said was always improper, has been generally abandoned by ihenudical pro fensiun. and that the noisonou qdalities of mer cury have been so fur ! recognized that the use of it has been forbidden in the JUnited States Army, by the Sunreon-General. In the calen dar for 1881, I publish numerous cases of cures by Brandreth h Fills, some of them so remark able as to be little shprt of miraculous: But thev are true, an l the witnesses can be seen and consulted. II Br.indreth's Pills were used in every family, each ibox would be a magazine of health and a pet feet medicine chest. 03333H7E, ! that Brandrelh's Pills, taken on an empty Ptonv ach, create no nausea, vomiting, or griping They do good any time, but arel most effective and, agreeable taken pn going to; bed, when lit lie, or better still, no supper ha.i been eaten. O B. BRANDRETH. COSTIVEHESS AHD DISPEPSIA CURED. Emzabktu Falls, Maine, Oct. 31, 18S0. Hon B. Branimiktu : Mv Dear Sir 1 like to h ve a good supply of Brandretli's Fills i my house, and therefore enclose !you an ordt for two dozen boxes. I iirft learned the vir tues of these Pills when I was troubled with obstinate cosli vorsews and dyspepsia. By taking Brand re! lis fills, two everv i night, for a month, my digestion was restored, and I be came perfectly regular. ! ClIAS. F. Koj.i.ins. ; CURE QF CQUSff. - North Faiufield, Huron Count v, Oliio, October (i, 1879. Hon. B. Braxdketh: Mv Dear Sir Some years ago 1 was a broken down invalid, with a bad cough, and pain in mv sule, winch the doctors thought eanje from liver complain;, but none of them cojild do any good. 1 com menced using Braiulrt th's Pills, takip" three the first night, and iiicreasiug one every itihl for a week, then rested a week, and commenced again. In six weeks 1 grw well and strong, entirely recovered niy health, and have re mained so ever since. F. E. Jackson. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Principal Agency, 291 Canal Street, 20:ly-pd i New York City. Is made from a Slmnln Tronlrnl T.enf of Rara Value,and is a POSITIVE REMEDY lor all the diseases that oause putts In the lower part of the body tor Torptd Ltver Headaches Jau idlee tjizziness, Gravel, Mola la, rnd all difficulties of the iviuut-y, nver. ana .uniiry urgun3. i ror FEMALE DISEASES Monthly Menstruations, and lurinff Pregnancy, tt has no equal. It restores the organs that moke the blood, and hence Is the best BLOOD purifier, it is tue only known remedy thatcures BRtGMT'S DISiASE. For Diabetes, use WARN ER'S SAFE DIABETES CITKE. ; v or sale by Dmsrlsts and Dealers ; at 81.2 S per bottle. Largest bottt? In the market. Try It. H H. WARNER & CO. Rochestek. N. Y GOODS LOWEST PRICES POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS J5 1 0 a farmer can buy a FORMULA. For piS (520IbS)of POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS Thiswhen mixed at home, makes OneTon cf SUPERIOR P1JOSPHATE, quat in plant-life and as certain of successful crop production as many high priced Phosphates. K1f EXTRA No trouble to mii. A'VEXPENSE.t Full direcUons. " Powell's CheIiicALs have been thoroughly tried, give universal satisfaction, and we offer leading farmers in every State as reference. Send for Pamphletj Beware of imitaiicr.s. Brown Chemical Co SOLE PROPRIETORS, Manufacturers of ' Baltimor. Md. Powell's Tip Top Bone Fertil izer. Price on!iy $ 3 5 a Ton, net cash. Bone Meal. Dissolved Bono. Potash. ' Ammonia. And all high-grade Fertilizing Materials. K ZTAyers-i-In place of Iron Bltterf.J Aprtl 23 'SI JVecoritlnnetoact aa Solicitors for Patents. Caveatc. Trad Mart, copyrtgnts. etc., for the UnSed 8tSet ftJ8 nnan!VteVwi if,?.tK.1TtL"ttJe e' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the go. trated week y paper, $ 3.2 0 a yearbows the ProCTwi dre8S MU CO, Patent foUci. 125 8cLIvXTIrlc Autriciw, 37 Park Bow. New York. Hand book about PntAnt . .1 ' mm a m mm' W COTTON L GRAINS TOBACCOlVEGETABLES THE Carolina ttliafl, Still under tk wvtMl pritr, Is Issued ersry Thursday afternoon at the reduced rates of $1.50 In Advance. Persona delajiuf payurat tbrea atantlia will be required to pay $'2 per jear; 4e hiying to the end of the yaar, $2.50. THE WATCHMAN IS le Best AdvertisiDEL Mm at this poiutliaving tlie largest circulation iu this and adjoining Counties. - &OB PRINTING of every class done promptly and in the best style at very low rates. HISTORY or ROWAN COUNT BY REV. JKTHRO RUMPLE. We'ttill hat a ft copies of thia valua ble littl book, whik shwiild bo possessed bvverj citizen who feels a pride in the historj ad character of Old Rowan. Send for a cepj before it is too late. DST Price $1.25. Buck Horn REf Vd 'irtt Eauu (Keit door below J. D. AlcXcelif s Store) Wlterfi ivill be foitnd s GOOD BEEF I JLm The Marlcct Aflorl Fell feiilts ani Prompt s IS MY MOTTO. I want to buy Fat and Sheep. ' DeliTery Cattle n. l mi. Ginger, Buchn, Man drake, StiHiagia, and inanyof tho best medi cines known are com. bincd In Parker's Ginyer Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to males it the greatest Blood Pnnfier and tno Best Health Strength Restorer Ever usea. It cures Rheamatism, Sleeplessness, &diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Parker's Tj t n I Lungs, Ltver & Kidneys, HflIP KJilCi?im iisentirelv different from I Vl 1 WUIWUI 1 1 r-r . Ho EotmomW luir bn nd other lonicv as it bur. Nm bit to iwton ths never in toxicates. rUscox jontUol color to pay htir. & Co., Chemists, N. Y. SOc nnd 1 1 itaem. targ Siring Boyhiit Peihg 81 . Avg. 4;ly. Dauchy. " RKOHiVtV: GO WAX, Cook Stoves of all sizes and styles always on hand at lowest prices. CirMake a specialty of the ACORN COOK STOVES, the best in the world.; -A nrst-class stock of Tin and Granite Ironware. TIN AND COPPER SMITHING. All kinds of Hoiise-Roonng and Guttering done on short notice and In the best style. We keep constantly on hand a complete stock oi Sheet-Tin, Sheet-Iron and Sheet-Copper, which we ffer for sale cheap. - i Mays 81 1 1 Come to the Front! W.AeEA - TINS ' BOOT, SHOE &GAITER MAKER, MAIN STREET; orrosiTE essiss' IRtG stoke. All Work Strictly First Class Having had sixteen years exeiiioe in the buineft, I ;nn rpaied 10 PLE ASE the most fastidious. For EASE AMD ELEGANCE OF my work can not be excelled. B5A!1 mattrial of 1 he best and finest-grade. 8.A11 work done iu .the latest styles and fifhions. Gsnts Fins Wcrk a Specialty. " Ready-made work of the rfi quatlly alwayn on hand for sale. Altenlit n j;i vm lo FAMCY WOKK and ( hain ion l'vx T e Work. Repairing Neatly and Pr nij tly tlone at moderate jriff. Bt,Kalifa-tin guaran teed or no charge.gjj Orders by mail prompllv filled. 3:iy' , WF.-. EAGLE. MOT Having qualified as Administrator on the estate id' hs. Claiis:i Julian, dee'd, I will sell for cash at the late, residence of the intf state, on the 125th dayj of Jsuilt nry, 1862, dTquautity of eoi n, lot of hogs, meat, household and kitchen limiituie, etc. J. W. Mai xky, Adin'r. Jan'jr 2, 1882. , 12:4t SALE OF LMiO! The uudersinetl will sell on the premises about five miles vest of Salisbury, on the Linc olnton road, on the 25th dayof Janua ry, 1882, Sevfiity Acres of Land, known as the Clarissa Julian place. There lis a good dwelling on it. j jjhjio une-tnira casn, one-third in' six months, and one-third in twelve months. Note and security on deferred payments and interest from date. K. P. JULIAN, M. A JULIAN. Jan'y 2, 1882. Mrs. V. BHOWN, 12:4t ' - F. D. JULIAN. MORTGAGE SALE NOTICES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. TIIUK TABLE WESTEE1T U. C. Railroad Takes effect Sunday July ir, issi, at 4.15, P. M. PAS'SKSGh'R TItAlX. ARRIVK. LEAVE. STATIONS. ARRIVE. LEAVE. 11S0 a.m Salisbury H 08 a.mi Third creek u a.m i 3 34 303 : 2 42 li'30 i i Elm wood 12 5J 'Sr.itexvlllo 1 40 t Catawba in : P28 Newtou hS4 iconoya 12 as ;"1 HiCKOiy 115Tp.m' 7 50 itaiu 11 13 4 23 (Morganton ji0 2 -45 (ilenn Alpine 1JO02' o w jKridijewttLer 945 51 j. Marion 8 56 2 iOklFort- 8 03 3T 7.97 a.m lleary jit 7 57 ! Bi'k Mountain 6 27 814 icooper's 6 07 2 Swannanoa 549 850 Ashe vine Ju'ct 57 oo Ashevllie 515 . trench llroad t41Dp.n; FREIGHT TRA IS,' ARRIVE. 6 00 A.K. 6 24 6 56 7 56 8 56 9 10 9 42 .028 II 50 LEAVE. STATIONS. 5 00 a.m. Salisbury iTblrd creek iElmwood iStatesviile iCatawba iNewton Conover ARRIVE. LEAVE. 5 00T.M. 6 24 A.M 3 47 i 3 15 j 2 43 : 4 1 34 : ! 12 23 W09 ; iio 40J Icard w & , ;.Morpanton : 940' 1 jlen Alpine 9o i ;Brldewuter :8 4it; Marlon i 749 ; : jiienry ! 5 69? : :Bik .Mountain 503 : a0 rjy. Cooper's 4 42 ; 12 32 A V.: 100 . 8 17 3 41 409 5 26 550 30 6 50 r v.- 34 A.M, :LOU-S 4 83 . lAKhevineJnt fA&hevllle I iFrench Broad! I 4 00 A.M SEES mfi ET T1? JL4 tST TralrisjjiH dall y, Sundays excepted A.B.ANDREWS.'tE.M,,,, I r - t I . ;I am prepared to furnish WAGON. AND BUCJGYi! HASNEss Made of the best Xortherii TaJiiied leather i Work and Leather gn ranteel. Call and see, Opposite AtweU 3ialn Streeti, Sallsfctory, n c 2:3m Hntfn fully lleterminW-to ccinvert m general Hardwni-e blisiness into iMacldn i Y. Acriciiltnral Implements nnd VeliicW fxclusiyfl.y, I now oflerr Cnsll, juy leir tin: stock of '.-.-'C V). i , :i. vk '-tiC. SHELF HARD nnd all oilier goods not 1 j rect 1 v J con tied. ! ed with the machinery nnd ngncoltdral trade," :-. ; j ; -j I : An examination of my jfetock and prices respectfulljr solicited from conntry merchants. Being pressetj for storeagc, I also ofiVt for cash, and cash on)yt i . ; k j Two Car Ijoads Buggies j at the ..following- low prices, ia wit : Open Buggies, Fifty Dollars Top Buggies, Sixty Dollars, Prices subject to change withod notice. I have the sole agency for the following named liiachiueYjr, &c - Becket j &. McDow ell Eugiues and Boilers and Mining -j Machinery of all kinds, Geiser Separators aml-lloise if Powers, Bickford & Hutluiau's Grain and Guano Diill.4, Thomas Hay f, Bakes, B. F. Avery b Sons' Sulky Plows, Walking Cnltivattns, Starke's Dixie Plows, Buckeye and Champion ; Mowers aud '-Reapers, Favorite and Dexter ! Corn Shellers, Telegraph Feed Cutters, Bell Cane Mills and- U Eva pai a tors, M i 1 1 e r's ; French Bnrr, Grist i T Mills, Davis.aud :Veed Sew ing -Ma- chines, , Kentucky . Ilazzaid Rifle -and -j Blasting Powder, Atlantic GiaTtt Powder, Seehler& Ditvis Gould ! BtiggiesT and Spring Wiigggotis,: Robert Law son Sc Co's Buggy Harness, &c. Jiu persons nnieuten to me must tome j t IS.'.' fonrartljnj the loth day of Ju unary, 882, ami settle. All fuUny'to do so will hare eost to pay. 1 mean just ichat 1 Say. j l!t specif ally, - ;-; H. SESITHDEALJ January 1 , 1 ;12:ly NORTH 6AR0LIHA, ROWAN COUNTY. ) In the Si ri kior Count. : Robert Wall tmd wife Do rat by Wall, and D. B. Alsabrook agairwt Caroline Chunn, J. Cicero Cluing Thos. AITison and wife Bettie, JacoUThomason & wife Susan, Sallie Chunn, Thomas Petition ; to Divide ; tapdrT Chunn, Margaret Chunn, aiicLJ uuvii 1M I IliU I' f i ' . I ; n . . , - J f Henderson r islicr. j Upon affidavit of the Plaintiff, Robert1 Wall, Jt'is ordered by the Court, that pub..; " lication be made in the "Carolina Watcli-i man" for six w eeks, notiivinjr Thosl CIiudd, i ; one of the Defendants, who. is a.non resi- dent of this Stateto appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior CourWof said county on Jlontlay the 27tli da of Fcbru.j arv, 1882, and answ er the complaint; wiiithf will be filed in the above entitled action, w ithin ten days from the date hereof and if; lie tail to rnsw'cr the complaint the pUm- 11ns win apply lo iiie X'ourt lor the reliei demanded in the complaint. ' 1 Witness J. M. Horah, Clerk 13:6w Sup! Court Rowan Co. P Dr. Crowe's Great Historic Plaj! -o- The TBAGELY cf Abraham Lincoln 1 OR, The Hi sen fall of Jefferson Davis A truthful account of the) Abolitionary War-with the Secesh RelM lunion. (Sliake speriaii style, 5 acts, 13 scencsj 64 pages.) PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS Abraham Lincoln, Jfwi. Sexcard. Edwin. Stan- j tun, UIvmm Grants HTi. Sherman; "Benjamin l . liuutr, I'armU Jkcpter, llwace ureelty.w : ; Vi Jr., Jejrerson Dati. llolt. Toom Al- - v. tctiu uacKHon.. iuxi. Cj. Jee. iiumvnrtv jmw if. snai. .utr.k' ihn .ir linrist mtm i.incvw, Mrs. Surratt. Joltn Willes BoothiIIaroldf Attzerutt nnd PniiiiP Vrfiterieh 1'ompey, try, and Dr. Mary Walker. PRINCIPAL SCENES. j l ; j White-House Tronb es. Bull ltun 1'anic; ? Richmond Calico Ball ; Pompey and Priscj; AndeisouTille Horrors; Kichmond Jiurning, Lincoln Assassinated; Booth Bulleted ; Mnv Surratt Strangled; Davis Reconstructed?' Grant's jubilee S)ecch, and Grand Trans formation Scene; Let us have Peace." Price 15 Cents.! (Send Postage Stamp" ) r Dr. C. WJ8ELDEN, Publisher, 10 3mj lse Lexington Ave. New York City. WnEIV YOU WAXT '! H A RJL W AB Ef At Low Figures "J Gall on the undesigned at No. 2, Granif Ron. ' . i ,;f HARDWARE! . : IT I D A.ATWELii i - . " . i i: I. V V i1' i " " .. . -tf Salitbury;N C.i. Junt S tl. l i - . ! PI -I , j - - '

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