.i ' -2-' k ' ri-:., :22;'2-, 2: J 22 -----M , I ! :t--;-:iy'.--'?!. f. .'-v-i'-- 22. -W'.. 2,2j-22- 2- -2" 2- ; k-;.1---:- .:..,;.,.-;..;:..;.- 2v. u - : . - -I 1 ::t- . i; u. 1 i t. ! SALISBURY. H. C.i FEBRUARY 2, 1882. L XHI.-rTHIRI) SERIES HO 16 (e Carolina Watchman, 3TA33LISHED IN THE YEAll 1832. ' PRICE, $1.50 IN ADVANCE. 1 Tfie Two Workers I ;5 H , I ca U . CD -r f '22 --Hi; :W S . , t M-) 2 S Si -j - ; . Two workers in one field j Toiled on from day to day j Both had the same hard labor, . Both had the sanm small pay. With the same blue" sky above, - The same green earth below, One heart was full of joy, ! The other full of woe. 1 One leaped up withtlrc ljghtv f - With the soaiing bf the lark j One felt it ever night, 4 j For his soul was eTer dark. 2 One heart was bardas stone,' - One heart was blftbe and gay, One worked with many a. groan, One whistled all .the day t i One had a flower-clad cot j Beside a merry mill ; : -Wife and children at the sppt ; ilade.it deawr sweeter stiU. One a wretched hovel had, j Full of discord dirt and din ; Ko wonder he seeued.juad ; j Wife aud children starved, within. ' : j -, ' ' 2- Siill tlicy worked in the same field, Toiled on from day to da ; Both had the same hard labor, Both had the same hard pay. But they -worked not with one will The. reason let ine tell : Lo! the one drank at the still, But the other at the well. Selected. The Church and War, A Census of Trees. v j.. A lay member of the Church of -Eng-t land writes as follows : "Itls to the pul pit I wish Ton speak. You, the ministers of the Church established in this land, ' ' i. .1.1 lead your people to pray for unity, peace I and concord among all natious; how is it that you never exhort them to practice for this desirable object, but often the reverse 1 "For fifty jears II have been a hearer of sermons from Church of Eng- ' land pulpits, and have never, except on one solitary occassion, heard a word from i-a v May the Pres. ,SeU , its Tlients. a intprntin' featnfo of the cdminff' .in ban .Jb ran Cisco, a juuiciai acci- census report will be : a" catalogue '""of sion has just been, rencherecl whichis' American forest trees. Prof. Sargent of . 0f interest j alike, to newspapers and Harvard College who is the speqialagent tir reagry fhe case was that one oftcensus ting preliminary catalogues with blank , i r: .!. . - . pages to be filled np with any raluable ; V 7 T J information that those who are interested pitb having sold their influence and ii trees may be able to give f The -cata support to the Centra . Pacific :RaiI. lbgue containVa list of over three 1 road company j for; thirtjr. thousand dred and forty, native American j trees d0narg. . : The I'accused owners sued with desenpuons ot tbooa ana, eco - e ruIes that uomic uses. : Our forests are rich in val- . f? 1 ' jv , i . j ; 2 uable as well ar beautiful tiees, and seme y are noi cnuueu to .any ; mat, snch.work as this s needed. They have wnetner tne charge were true or; lalso, been too much neglect tl, and have suf fered in consequence. 1 2 I 1 c i -Better and more widespread know ledge of the forest trees of this fcounEry "would have saved seven millions ; of djollars worth of black walnut and other precious wood which have been: recklessly destroy ed because their real value was not known. Vith. too many persons a tree is ojily a tree, and the distinction of species s dis regarded. Comparatively few in the for est districts understand the best uses' of the trees they live among. This j ignor ance is directly injurious to the national prosperity Even in the long settled re gions of the Eastern states farmers often chop down for firewood, bak.a, pines rind Hickories, when less val uable trees grow ing on the same land would i answer the purpose just as well. iny pulpit'agaiust the practice f of war, and I find this to be the j experience i of others ; you preach against all kinds of evil, except the mousterjevil of war, against which yon have Hot a word ; to say: one act of which violates all the TS TOMBS, ! comniandnieuts of the Decalogue, and as 1 read it, all the teachings of the New! THE BEAD! Military tactics havC long taught that the soldier has but one dirty to perform and that is lo obey orders. The soldier is not supposed to have any idea of mor al right or wrong. It is enough for him to know that his superiors in authority have ordered him to do this or that ; but a newspaper, having: ai right to make sale of its talents, the same as a law yer, caunot Lef dainagediijP.a state ment that it has done so. The court is reported thus: "Talent is as much the .capital of the advocate, the lawyer and the edi tor, as merchandise is of the merchant; he has as. much right to (sell his tal- ents as the merchant his merchandise. 1 j 1 i j The lawyer, the minister, the .parlia mentary advocate, the author; sells his talent; the less respected for so greater liis learning queijce, aiid the esteem i held, the greater his pecuniary com pensation.1 It seems tofme that it is no more libelous to accuse oue of sel liug for gain the support and advoca cy of his newspaper, than it would lecturer, the and he is not doing. The ndustry, elo n which he is Jnam1M'.rtt. T Ll.- T v. WB iUtl - ? a Agncultnral College, gives ..in a local The "Moses Malioues." The Science of. Wood Decay. F , n journal, the Ames Intelligencer, en laving finally ; been made to see that r " ; , . A 6i - HX?i" tertaimng account of the philosophy hat party was not Jikelj to ever call nf t:mhpP . : iipon . either of them to fill an office within its gift, liave concluded to try decay "If we carefully examine' anjrrde- 4f,AT1t. l: Tk--; 1 we nuu a iotoi Willie LJf t aVuI J! s.-VtJiy 2: ix i. t threads look Faets for the Carious., l-A. good climber can ascend "only 9,000 feet in nine hours ; that is, raise) his own weight 1,000 feet an hour. ;A million of dollars in our gold! & coin veigh 3,685.71 pounds ayoirdu ppis, and one million standard silver j dollars in our silver coin weight 58,- : insr like a mass ofvSDideri8-5' pounds. , : vD ition to sell out what little plunder W hread i, a string of road from tbe top of ono mountain to 2: :: they had In the way of political pnn- Lj .l' - . . - , f r , 2 . vl-,:..;!';- " . , - v-f . - t inu inese are seen to De true plant ciples for a jcliance at an office apiece. n - , , , A - ,t,. r rA . t! - !: r, i'koelU, pf a. degraded type. These 'A gain his merchandise."! This, doubtless, is good law. beyond this he lias no right to, inquire J newspaper is private property, and He has no more to do with ; the question ,as the legal right to sell its voice. of right or wrong than the gun wlych he kU the same time, such' is the public iiituuica ui i lie iuii iiii.ii no Bcnvia uii lis i . , . r 1 i i i i i rri -v 1.1 estimation ot a journal which is known But if this is true, how can a man surren- to make merchandise o) its views, that ljust ruled on der his manhood, his right to judge of a charge of the sort the right or wrong of his actiousj espe- would, if credited, do a substantial cially when his own life is at stake, and GREAT REDUCTION I t IN THE PRICKS OF the lives of his fellow-man, without being Testament. If peace be so desirabtej in m f , , u , ve aQ mu ii. .1 .1 .. 1 . t t r ' 19 , the reading desk, why is it excluded from ! the pulpit T If the embassadors of the l-i.-- arbleonitments and Grave-Stones of Prince of Peacein all lauds and all de- 1 Evsry Description i j uominations would, in the, pulpit, in Cop- J ... . ! ' . . V .:- ! retort 0 a 111 nffii'nnA A n rl k ni W a n 1 1 cordially invito the public -generally - 111 "",re,,luvii " V08 toan ii&pt'ctibn of my Stock and Vrk. nuike peace part of their teaching, it Xftcl jifstiiu?il in asserting' that my past ; would be attained the sooner. Surely cxpenencp niMigr nrst-crass worumen i" this is not too much to expect, if peace 5s their Master's cause. But while -f they give au account, to his Creator for the ueeu uone wane in tue oouy, aim no king, or president, or genera', or colonel, or captain, or whatever his title may be can stand between the com in 011 soldier 11 A i2 CI rwl rtrt f li n rrfno f tl rss iV i f I .I j ..fx ii; cd on the side of the public interests! iv h 111 fjiu i -ii 11 11 11111. k iif iv iii!ir 11 1 in w. 1 be, and in a qualified sjenseis acccept ed as being, an advocate always retain hi 1 lllt vat il ance God may make for those who are brought up iu iguorance and taught from vnd modem styles, and ' tlififr. thh wnlL-j'iiiiiisliin is i'nualto anv of tli3 iH-st .111 ti.e counrry. 1 uo not m . uul,uu .u.uuu infanCv that men ought to kill each oUier , "' l l,,c t i the b idd insr f kiiiira and wnmk 4ni reasonable, will not exnggeruie ju m-- rv callinir. it will come laterr-. ' H I . . .?.-. 0 . 7 w kiow tunc a ieartul responsibility (o nleiilo and crive each customer tho.val- ae of etery dollar they leave with me. ni PRICES 35 to 50 Per Cent CHEAPEE ' iho partial, ultimately, it is hoped, : the I thauiever offered in this town beibre. 'entire uprooting of the present barbarous Vail 411 I'lltu ui rTliu iui iii.h-o now aim uv- . lucillUU Ul SCtlllllU III Ul3 II UUSUUUS.WIIICIl signs, fcatisfaction guaraut a or uo cuacge, wiU arise between nations as between in uiviuuaus. as yet most or tne ministers of the gospel of alF denominations with hold their help and countenance. Surely Here shall the Press the People's right maintain, Unawed by influence, and un bribed by gain,' and these are seen to be true plant An ancient' and remarkaile clock " ' bake in interesting and profitable to ' 6 "2 f V naS l-V ?een sct agoing Jri the took at thenv d r Vresp record, -i V - , 4 ue 9afu inac P,anis are g11 WIM,e It was constructed in 1782, and asin. Capt. Price was a member of the "l686 ar whlt? Il is true tha most ge winding keeps it runhinglfrteetf Legislature of 1876-77 and through V1 Kreen- 411 ll?at Saiu thiir months and some odd days. " i k'split between the friends of Messrs. !velhood in an honest way, by work- -j. ' --, ; ,,, ' : .vC:j Staples, of Guilford, and Richardson, ,n& for ,,f are green in color, but I The occupation of . dressmaking is j of Columbus, was elected Speaker of among plants, as among men, there are by nomeans so innocuous as is gen-r -- ih HnSp. s;ntW t;mphAhd dishonest ones, thieves and robbers of erally supposed. A dressmaker just ' no idea that was not associated with a lI?,dead who Uar; arjes of admitted into; the Leeds dispensary seat in Congress. Preposterous as the wlCKeooess uPon "r ooaies. it is a , England, was found to have a dis- L i ' . - . ' . I fjipfc that nil tbneo i1nnta tliat liva ni I . M.. l: .-'i.: : .f.. idea is, he has nursed it until it has 7 " " v - "I",-Pfuw -1UC "uc wu Mt Bu,ua h become a passion. Timber, however, r -- - ......wu, ..uu OUwi m ui is not scarce in this district as to or ?ead' are of a wh,to or PIe color, red tongue, inflamation of the lips, have ever caused the Democratic eye r"""4 "r. , U Pl'earau ana general acomty-ail signs ioint-, to roll in the direction of the expec- ww " ,s a ,aw OI l"e worm luai W t0 l,ie Probability ot poisoning by tant face of Charlie Price. Once he thing, whether plant or animal, lead. The doctor in itlendance on was heard to remark that he would . , ","JOC111 '"r"! "ves ner Ior sometime laueu to.uiscover rail in.t!ie dirt from Stateaville to Tay- wlthout work, which lives at the ex- the source, and was beginning to blue line had been caused - other yay, when he accident-" because of its bad habits becomes de- lv learned from a merchant that I graded. There are no exceptions to 1 Bilken thread, being sold j by weight this rule. The man who lives at the not by length, is sometimes adul-. expense of others is made by the same terated with sujrar of lead He then iron law as the louse and the mite questioned the patient, and she in which prey upon animals, or the fun- formed him that it had beeuja com gus wliich steals its food from the mon practice with her, when at work, body of some higher plant, and the to hold silk, as well ai jothtr kinds ' certain degredation of the latter is no of thread, in her mouth, and that she more inevitable than that of the for- had done this more readily flith silk, ; . mer. Now all this applies to our inasmuch as it often had! a sweetly - white threads in rotten wood. They taste. This characteristic is a sure in- j f- are low plants which absorb their dication of the presehec-of lead, and g nourishment from the wood. This all thread posseting it should eithfr j ' " habit has doubtless brought upon be rejected or used with caution. It it ; them much of degraded structure, de- wiU be found that the silk thread of i priving them of the appearauce of u,e best makers is tasteless, whereas I f ; P'anta I seme inferior threads are sweet. "Let it be understood then that the essential part of the difficulty in the The testimony before the. Coroner's cy ot ins newspaper, than it would , . ' pense of some other, which is in fact think the be to accuse the merchant of selling for fwaville (and this wan upgrade, too.) lm ,ain hi. merehandii & to Congress, but his preten- l ?e sions have. never even called for ridi cule. Whenever they have been heard of the voters have rather smiled ap proval of his ambition, even as the parent beams on the small boy who says he wants to grow up to be a big man like Gearge Washington. Char les, however, was in serious, earnest, d. ,i i i i uub iiuut; uciciicu uiiuiiy luuue ins amnge to the newspaper accused. r. , .. , . . iieart xu uis uesueruuou lie Thfr is. in fart. n. nrinoiidfi at tlin 7 ' l 1 ! ii i.t i.. I t ii ,rl - 1 1 . 1 . iuuu"ui wi vwc iauv iviiiv.ii mixua in bottom ot the whole thins: not recojr-i - . .. .. a i i r it ' i.i J all deserter, divides the " swag with nixed hv thft (.'llilorni.i rrmrt nn(l tlns I r : t .i . .i j r .j them and seats them in chief places is simnlv that thr nrpss urofrssps to 1 . -X. r of iesif'Ct which we pay to the memory of deplu tcll fiienuls. ' Salisbury, N. C, Kov. 1, Ibdl. rests Rnniewhere. and Hnil will know " w where to place it, whether we do or not. Messenger of Peace. ' . , i ' j Ail Efficient Young Woman. -J at its council board, and so he has taken up his little baggage and gone over. After his defeat for Congress next summer he will likely be ap pointed a store-keeper. William Johnston! "Sweet Wil- declared-Judge Story in the famous wmi j Ah , h n , mono oi ins oaiem iveg.sier, aim maJe secession speeches in which you when he' put the declaration in verse nrnm-to wina nn with vonr no,w. f -i- i j k he did but formulate what had been asseverated in prose of less compact ness and smoothness by uewspapered- et-hankerchief all of the blood that would be spilled in the war between the Stales. Instead of wiping up blood case of rotting wood is a plaut which inquest on the Spuytin-Duyvil rail- j grows and thrives by taking nourish road disaster shows that it was the ment from the wood. This plant pro4 result of a drunken frolic among duces little spores (which answer tol members of the Legislature and tfieir ; seeds), countless millions of them, aniji cronies who ride, up and down jthe that wherever one of tlicm falls a new railroads on free passes, and were W. N. C. Railroad. Blaciner. aiif Heniersoii, Attomevsi Counselors ? - i Culpepper, Fa., Correapoiuient Bait. Sun. 1 One day last week Airs. Douglass the object is one that should commend Vass, a bride of two weeks, by her itselt to your approval. i coolness and courage, saved the life Encouraging fruit has appeared,! inter- nrnuhl, nf I,.bnd A l.c-lf Western North Carolina Railroad Governor in 18G2 and was buried out - ; J I . as well as their team. The iains and lL . . i . .. i . I uors ever since me press occran 10 , ...... 4 ,u mMm j . w uuwctci, juu niuw in mc iwi wu i . . ,, i . . ., ..... . lin.lV ni.IT Cl. ... 11. . nO.I1 C'1nin3 nrillliriir l.in I11V 1 .1 Klllllll i.ii i.wii , .i iiiuiiii mar' ihiii iii. aiivciv ouuie9 i vvuhhi, w v.. -, v fmn. lha flnni. rt I 1 01 1 ,1. 11 W 11 1 1.11b IIVUI W I . have a definite existence. wiped up molasses Jeff. Davis's commissary department. The people have heard of this deceas- T!ip Chntfnnnna-n Tim?s snvsi The ed person, lie ran against Vance tor; and Solicitors SALISBURY, N.C: Janany22 1879 tt. y J. M. t:COUKLE. TllEO. F. KLUTTZ. McCORKLB c KLUTTZ, ATTOUNKYS AND COUELOns, ; : Salisbury, N. C. " :.. tSOflic o i Count; i.l Sljct l, oppopite the , Court Iloustf. I " o7:Giu national disputes have been settled with out sheddin? the t blood of thousands of innocent men, who had ilo iuteresUu the snows of the last few days have made ofttiiues trivial, quarrel, f Then, look at many of the river and creek fords ve- the different results follpwing from; the ry dangerous crossings. Mr. "Vsass two systems. Franco and Germany and his wifo, who was a Miss James, , J" : , :3 ZrSLfS ZZjJJ: C ere attempting ; to cross nirland and America ouarreLd n.l VvA Rappahannock at Beverly's ford running- fprty miles . further west, bitrated, leaving a legacy of mutual lote in w two-horse wagon, and when near through the celebrated Warm Springs, anu goou-wiii. u, will you longer with- the middle ot the river they were o a connection witn tne n.ast lennes- hold your valuable help ! Let it not be washed by the current from the ford see Road at Morristowri. The Pi- . . i ... i i . i f ! I ; I !-;--!. i . . .:: ! ' has now a force of betVeen two and i i three thousand men working on tlieir Pigeon' River division. This road. W : . . . I was recently completed to Ashevillie, an old town in Westeni North Caro lina, and has the Wolf Creek branch of sight. ' He next turns up as presi dent of the Charlotte, ColumbiA & Augusta Railroad, but resigned when advised that his resignation would be accepted. Then as president of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad and was turned out. He ran for the presidency of the Chester & Lenoir Narrow Gauge Railroad aud was beat. In 1875 he ran for mayor of will n;ot grow upin tarry wood, they I or three days for which the Legisla do not like whitewashed wood, and ture had adjourned. In their stupidi- r creosote, blue vitrol, copperas and ty they meddled with the machinery,; j many other substances are sure death compelling the stoppage of .the train.," t. them. It we bear these things in iNine lives ana a large amount oi i mind we can readily plan pricticable itoperty were thus sacrificed j to the , ways of heading offthese troublesome detestable habit of drinking. Among: little wceils (fir buch they may be the dead the fate of the bride and called). All it require is to paint bridegroom of a day was specially 2 ? over, or soak the timber in some ma- sad. She might have been saved terial which will kill or iniure the but that she clunsr to her husband ' Z B. CE. I W. H-.Tailey. E & BAILEY, i ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS, said, as has been said of some other and down the dangerous stream. The eon River division being built alonT I Charlotte and was elected. In the inovcmeuts-thf anti-s aveiy, to wit- nr ,i aA f Knf. nd ihn Frpnoh Rrnnd rivpm.l summer of that year he ran for the .1 . . I 1 il a-. . . a -ml UUU UllllO UCI.U1U1U1: UUIUSLCUCU. LliCV 1 - " - - I . .- . ,i iuat me ciergy reiusea ip put tueir nana .. . . ' ' . , j. , M ., ., A:. , Al u :.,i;,1nt,;AnV.m1 wkA!. I to the plow, but came id when L the jhaV- were 111 a perilous situation, and the s uesigneu 10 oe extenueu uiroug.. .i--u.,......v........, vcl- T..11 ll.J . . 1 .. il... a. ij. i. I inllimnn lncinn l..o nf I RmnL'P AT fill tltl .! t ft !i WPStPFt. I and 1878 ran for mayor and was beat. l ll ipCillCU. 1CI1 Lilt UCUU1B L11ML. II, IS I HCU blCUItllla 1 WC1 IJ LI ItlO UIC3CULC Ul I .- " . . ... -. . ... righteousness, aud not Jig guns, that ex- mind, endeavored to leap into the riv- outlet at Cleveland, Tennessee, throM In the summer of that year he ran .Ii. il. lr.-li;. i. I I -. . :lo .1! 1 Z 1 : .1 -Practice .in. Snnmucrciiri k.f lite United i UKlu il uiiuues oi gopa ei. s ,e lsUx 0Q i,,s overcoat, he Murphy, JN; C, and the Janmus cop- ior me congressional uuhuuuihm. uu &tcui.rviu:CoHri of-2?irll Carolina, Christian people only need their atten-1 hnt.a .. nU' .... ..i. i.L.. ntv m;p t: nnr,1cinrn.L The -road was beat: in 1880 he ran for it again 1 cuvirt. y v ' vVui.i.ru iiiAMtuuu, mn arnu'U TO t 16 6U lieCt tO hernnift flia- I . " . I . - I 1 . T t . JA f C-War .UnSonGaMon, How)., and David- . , , Td" j. . f- IT drowned, but the lady caught him will be noted for the grandeur of its ana was ; ueai, anu lasi year ran ir ... 1 . 1 -i . ti m ml n.wi ... 1 . 1 ..in n . . . I D..miai.ir o rn ir I tui ri riii i'l I itifiriii i.fvv I . j A. unui u m .. v. ww.. .1 11.1 V.11V. Iiui 1 v. uul n 1111 1 l.v, Ul IJVl i.www..v- o ..-w - v . . v . . 1 w dunce uarei 33:tf surely a solemn mockery ftCflaiw unless we use the mean a in our hands to nromuta iwii. I o-niilpd flip Imrspa in n nninf nnnr fliolpr. beinf as fine as anv on the Am cr eek In ntnrnwn town f5 Outfit f iw. . . -i ' . r- b-.- rr-. . ",P - T " ' . .! risicx Everything new.! capital oipt re- l nmK wnac a mouniaiu 01 wickedness is shore where the waon huricr nn . i ' o ?o r. quiretnr.- c irm nirmsa you eTeryunnK. jm any are nvnirf,4i oren ftn nri?ntfiniliinn.M maklnif fdrttrnta. Ladles make as muc h as men. m01VCU 111 CVU one unjuscanuunneces- anq Doya ana gtris make great pay, am a ousiuess at wuieu you all tue Uine you work,! vnlte forjartlculars to . (G) 1 1 ' U- UAU.Kit & Co., Portland, Mol Maine. 3ia : rtoiiie w. r. co. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TKArjfS GOIXO SOUTlf Pate No. 20, !8i Dully Lt KichmoBd xv: Belle foteU ArBurk.etUle:r s hv Butkevflle. I Ar N. Danville J Ar. DanVlUe I Ar. Greensboro I LT. r.-K ; - i, f. Ar Silllsiinr Lt. ,- 1-. I Ar. A-L' Junction Ar. Cbarlette 7S4p.m 9 10 44 15 " 10 49 " 10 54 12 IS a.m iean continent; will prove a valuable rn.,-. imu(mn An !., Kxm I..,. .. .1 I nniiiinnlinn rf (ho Pinmnnnh SnntliPril oaV. Header. If ion - .1 1 a-.v.i, v.. viuMhuu uu ;wwi.... w. . STJlDTP I y ri ... ri s.i.l- iJ- J . lookiiiff after the horses, she leaned and be a line of considerable impor- 11 IS UllCU llll iULUUlSIIIUT Lll I II LT LO Illf' I ; o t i. I into the stream, swam ashorandTvent I tance lo Chattanooga. It will traverse the arronv of. death nakincr. can snekk a rrille to Mr. Cunningham's, the np.nr- I a fine timbered country, rich with and act in the callousioftenglorjfying est house for assistance, which iu an many varieties of minerals iu.uiier.iuey uo, nen janion uejun or Qr t wag procureil 4and the rn... i i ,i ! half drowned and frozeu man, with lutiu iuuy . ue stveeiness, loveliness, I 1 . ' i ' sacrcdness, in the face of death, When s ieam were fescueu. the hed is snrrounded by loving relatives NO. 50 Dafly No. 52 Dally 10 35a.m.: 11 25 PM i2 59p.m t " as a k rai,d flie"1 hut death on the battlefield knows nothing of these.' 14 40 . - 8 Ul A?,0 " ' ! T 00 " 4 5S " i 7T 5 00 ' M J 9 6 60 ij 83 - 7 i5 " ! 9 30 9 00 1114 " 9 08 " jj 1115 10 85 " Ji 12 41 D.m 12;25 a.ui; ,10 45 ) I 12 50 Date Xot. 20,81 S Ko. 55 1 :No. Rl No. 53 - f 4, Dally 1 Daily DaUy I ur..curl0te r IS 10 A Hj-j 40 AM 5 45 P M p Lt A. Li JaneUon j,3 19 " 1 4 47 1 :5 il P M 1 AriGreensborft Ly 2-'-., j. Ar Danville . Lt - ...... .-. ':, I-4S7 4U 6 80 I" la it " Ar NdrtU Danville i : 3 Ar Burkerille . : 2 k i m .Lt. l'-.iUTTT- .ii Ar lU5 umml T 4 ' 99 20 i S 41 " W55 " 7 24 Y M 7 27 PM I 9 15 P M S 35 P M I t 29 P M :11 31 P M I 111 35 P M 6 01 A M . : 5 06AM i 7 4A M w A M popular favorite, he is the enly origi nal. All others arc base imitations. As a store-keeper, he will be a bril- J At liant success. He has talents (and tastes) which .will enable him to adorn that station. This man is cursed with an insane preed of office. It has been the mor- There on every countenance hangs the distortion of rage, every hand wields a murderous weapon to slay his hrother, and, anon, the' j field is strewn with lacerated and mangled men. If you should think that arbitra tion would bo a; better way ofsettling international quarrels, and thus pnt . an end to this devilish carnage, 'Com and ihfclp us "Ilerald of Peace. 4 over It is worth remembering that nobody en joys'the nicest surr&undihgs if in bad health. There are inserable people about . to-day Kvith one foot in the graVe, when a bottle of Parker s uiucr 1 omc would do themimore iniAl than all the doctors and medicines There is a bill before Congress to pension Mrs. Garfield, Some tilings can be carried a little too far, and bad precedents set. ; The government foots the doctor, bills, gives her the year's salary 50,000 of her husband, besides a fund of nearly 500,000 has been raised for her by the people of the United States. 1 In monarchal governments it is a custom. to pension members of the royal family, but such Credulous persons who imagine tification of his friends and the sport that the Mormons are going to be of his enemies. With each new anu suddenly exterminated because num- linsifccessful venture he has lowered nrona hills havft"' hpon" introduced in himself in the rpsnect of his fellow- Cn ncrrpsa to pxterminate them, are citizens'- He has run and run until n - , . - probably: doomed to disappointniejit. In view of the faet that existing laws are not enforced, no new law likely to be enacted! will strike terror to the Mormon heart. Cm. Times-Star. . Our tcrtvn authopities have ; passed sin ordinance compelling every person within the corporate limits to be vac cinated. Those unabledt to pay far a custom should not find a foot hold Mmfx w:il be vaccinated I at the expense. of i the town. The xenalty here. 11 'inston Sentinel. It is wrongj and ought not to be f0r not complying, with the same is he has run clear out. The Durham Tobacco Plant puts it very aptly and very strongly wheu it says of him that he "is chiefly remarkable for the untiring persistency with which he runs for office, and the unfailing uni formity with which he is defeated." Price and Johnston ! These are-.tlie men who are to disrupt the party of Vancay Ransoni, Jarvis, Worth, Saun ders, Davis, Scales, Reid, Robbins and Armfield. Jury. look. upon them ! Do you like them? Statesville Land- . i spores or prevent their growing.' who Avas wedged in by the broken pieces of the car, and s0onthe flames came to claim them as victims. li " 4-'- History is philosophy teaching bv Avninivls Wlinn tia noAi 1. 1 nnrnint hv luxnrv. urofliVacv and ex- Prof. Edward S. Morse, of Salem i -I J " O " 1.. . :. . . ! travagance they loose those sterling xMassacliusetts, at present curator oi virtues of probity and moral worth the-Museum,ias invented a device ; and that high estimation of tlieir for heating houses by the sun, thatfy , rights and liberty which are essential whn luminary is above the ho- to their capacity jte maintain their rizon and shining. It is a blackened, freedom. Moral training, a high slate surface under glass, fixed to the - sense of the public faith and honor, sunny side of a house, with , vents in and the iutegrity of their institutions the walls for the cold air of the room are essential to qualify a people for to at the bottom of the slaTe, , a free government. When they be- and to be forced in again at the top. by come corrupt and their elections can the ascending heated column between- i ..... . . 1 1 1 ' d . : be carrietl bv money and fraud, when "e slate ana tne glass, wut-uoorair iu his cottage. voters can be bought at the elections can also be admitted, if desired;! Prof. like sheep iu the shambles, the. capac- rse neats ins siuay itv for free covernment is cone. But a oa,era ltt way. 0 O - we do not deSpair of the capacity of our people to perpetuate their liberties in this great country, and before our institutions can be overthrown there will be such manly and desperate struggles as the world has never wit nessed before. American Register .A slander case was tried in Brook lyn on Friday between Mrs. Matilda A passenger train on the ; Virginia', Midland railroad ran into a lantj slide last Sunday, night j near Fabcr's mill, killing the engineer, John Mi ton .of Alexandria, and badly wound ing the fireman, and doing considera ble damage to the engine, Th'e. pas sengers all escaped unhurt.- - :k ' The Richmond & Danville Rail- J Duff and Mrs. Katriua Ganzi. Ver- road company aresiirveying a route- diet of $2,000 in favor of Mrs. Duff, fora road from High Point to Rau- well, what of that?! you will ask. d leman's Factory via Tri ni ty Col lege. Why this : that two ! witnesses testi- Winston Sentinel ' 51 fied, yet the trial occupied but nine . . . - r. . . 3 . . . . . , -L Virginia has 172 tobacco fabtunca aud minulesllhis is just about as long-as North Cal.oUna- Uai jrgiHiajfnRCa it ought to have taken to try Gui- 86,000,00U poundn of leaf and XortlrCaro :4vH2j' u :.f.. 4 AJ ,1 ; i2 m -fit t2;t- they have ever tried. See adv. Ocl3 Novl3, .; ?)en. Pas. Age it, mcamoiKj, a, allowed. I five dollars. IFtnsfon Sentinel.) teau, 'linaover 7)00,000. ' r-kvll 12!!',.: J '2MI-222!