Carolina Watchman. Col. Win. JoUnslon ' . . . . ft r l l.Uo TMkm has written a MMniVvw P F '!. 'THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, lft?2. Florida'a Orange crop is catimaieu 10 ,be irorth this .vear a million dollars. floods in the rivers about Nashville, .?.... i..v iatrnved iivonerty to the j run., - vle of half a million of dollars. from which wo make the following ex- Important Movemept iu Congress. American Register. Judge Geddes, of Ohio, introduced into tract: . . p.,.,(T.v.M. nn Monday last, a resolution to " A nnrtion of the pres of (lie Mate nas ' , tt: ' " . KM.k M .nUreiiresen- ao aineun me cuohiiuhw wi h Men ,o,rr iu I' "n"!- L. ol-i- .l,o fmm the President .Hnn nuil in( ii ire in vne " c""" l" '"v "-j ": -. j ; ... r it. These malignant attacvs api" i " f appmnixng power, anu comer it upuu originated witbeonie peiiuy-a-iinei, a commission consisting of two comniift- Waah.ngrou , c.?, wno ? ; T nsrs (to be appoinUd by nomination sou-ht office of the President ; that I said of the President and confirmation by the desire to see the Democracy or non. Senate), with the head ot the department . 1 I 1 1. .....f AlAOtlilll " I . - . X . . . . c.i '.iin urn c eiiin ill uie uciv cn-v . , , . r.rwiiittnnt are rennireu rr.i nf Pornoohrnt. Mnilioniiu v. 7 .... . l ...... iv riiu . i..... ins Dime ui vwi.". , i.a i imii ininea rue ivauicui.ip, i , , - n ..Lwii.ri8.,i.h the number of divorces. , -J"". the and all such to be made, anu tne term oi i i . . I - - - o I. .Umvvao 1 ntinkintftAa fiir rsara i - ji fr u itful evil in inw BMitftments utterly wise. ouch iaiS l-r.ut..jv... Jk Mo v""- " - I . . . il. ..!. L-.wrtv I mi i A. 4- are unworoiv or nonce 10 iiiubc w u -"" i xuis is a must, nnjiui i.uit luuicimui me, but others may ie misieu oj j i wJjct uag ieen made in Congress for ma- A good portion oune nine o,vuuK., s X!nlnel did not come . 1 A L..A ..nvln.r IHMIH)- " ' " I'"-' . . last wee, w-b I r..,.r.i nmmitiv with tins denial, ne rooden jtntmeg State. Wiwuevuieuw pplT3 TT forward niomutlv with rial honors to flon. Amoroso u.u.. hftTe remailied riieut UIltil uot j and Senator uarpcuicr. ,t. 'tU nrpu nf the State ' UDl Hie nresa of the United States, especially the Btvublican press of the North, had all published the reports whicb originated at Washington. A prompt denial would have saved him some unpleasant feelings, mnA "ti. in cm of the Suite" would have WWW i' - "ii. done him no injustice. The temaining portion of the Cslonel s k- . .iL r. 'm. intrAil.irprl letter weaueus tne aoove uemai . Ec ported attempts on the life of- the Car continue to be published. The poor man is in continual dread -of dangerous surprises. The last discovery just in time to save him, was dynamite in the wood brought in to make his morning fire. a bill in tho House to facilitate the pay mint of the public debt and to provide a uniform pner circulation. Several bills are now before Congress desigued to re lieve the country of the inconvenience of rather heavy metal currency. tont almost destroying it. We presume he did not intent that result, and there fore omit it asji means of giving empha sis to the main design. Hirean'a counsel. Mr. Scoville, has issued an address appealing to the pub- fh. are numerous bills and petitions He for pecuniary assistance to continue rrr.. nn the discrimination of the defence of the prisoner wiuiw v T ' : Railroads in freicht charces It is to be V . 0 A. I i 1 uy years, it wouiu onng auouc civil ser vice reform (thoroughly and efficiently, and break down the spoils system which has corrupted and degraded all brandies of the pnblic service. It would do more. It would relieve the President from the degredation and pressure of the multi tudes of office seekers, who incessantly crowd the Executive Mansion, and require all the time of the President to hear the innumerable applications and counter applications for appointments to office, and which allow him no time to attend to the great interests and matters of pub lic policy involved iu the affairs of this great nation, internal and external. And more than all this, it would put an end to the wrangling commotions of our Pres idential electious, which every four years convulse the whole country, and disturb business a flairs. Press Comments. Wilmington Star. Col. Wm. Johnston, of CLarlot to, has published a card iu the Southern Home, in which he goes for all papers that criticized him, and says : "They state that I sought office of the President ; that I said 'we desire to see the Democ racy of North Carolina defeated at the next election and that I had joined the Radical camp,' See. 1 pronounce these and all such statements utterly false. Such charges are unworthy'of notice to those who know me, but others may be misled by my silence.'' Now this looks as if he were stiu a Democrat and not a Radical. But is a little the rise of $50, but this is a small he f What does be mean by the follow- grievance to the chief iu comparison with Heard From. Chief of Police Mc Ninch has beard from the Bible agents, Kelley and West, who skipped ont of town last week, leaving a large-sized board bill unpaid at the Charlotte hotel. After leaving here they went direct to Memphis, Tenn., ami after reaching that point it is stated they wrote business letters to parties in this place, bv whicb means their whereabouts became known. Instructions, with necessary papers, have been sent to the chief of police of Mem phis to arrest and hold them, and it is more than likely that they are now in custody. If they are arrested an officer will be sent from this city to bring them back. The amount of the unpaid bill is AHEAD AGAIN AS USUAL! ingt "If a private citizen, who is neither a candidate or aspirant for office, is to be denounced as unpopular, dishonest and a traitor for exercising independence of thought and action, such a party will soon disintegrate. And if with the unfor tunate legislation and management in both State and Federal politics there .is their "getting away" with Charlotte Observer. him so easily. SALE OF LAND the defence of the prisoner. He has ex hausted his own resources aud has reach- biped that this subject, now so generally ed the point of imperative necessity to ke care ui uib iuujii y. uuu uuibw w can raise $2,000 further efforts in The Reapportionment occupying the public mind, may be wise ly settled upon some well defined princi ple of equity, just to all. ; Railroad News. Col. Thomas A. Car tr, of Asheville, N. C, has commenced a suit for the possession of the Western lf ;C. Railroad, which he claims he bought at a sheriff's sale iu Asheville, Feb. 7, and for which he holds the sheriff's the prisoner must end. The Court has fixed on to-morrow, Fridae. to hear and consider a motion nf J y for a new trial. Every possible means will be employed The apportionment bill reported to the boose Friday is based on the Seatou aid of method of com nutation, aud as amended - m - ri by the committee is as follows: A bill making an apportionment of the representatives iu congress among the several states under the tenth census : Be it enacted, ect., That after the third deed. Able and numerous counsel have tlie case iu hand, and will probably re- the Court in Washington had no right to a oo l.of it io nn l L-clv Hicv trv Hie prisoner, because tne victim aieu ill rat thft iu ew Jersey. ... t to releasetho prisouer. A writ of habeas of March, 1883, the house of representa- corpus to bring the prisoner before the tives shall be composed of three huudred Dri strict Supreme Court is also talked of. and twenty members, to be apportioned The defense in this case will claim that among the several states as follows : Alabama eight. Stanly Gleaner," is the title of a new It is reported that the managers of the -i.fclv nftwanaiMtr inafc Rtarted at Nor- Western North Carolina Kailroad have or ioed, Stanly County, N. C; by R. W. dered for it two engines, 120 box cars, 40 knight, Esq. It takes up in earnest the flats, and 40 gondola cars, and two complete sew Btfilroad scheme from Wadcsboro to passenger trains, so as to equip the road in Charleston, West Va., aud urges the peo- first-class style in respect to rolling stock Jle of Stanly aad Montgomery to gife it New rails, fish bar, are being laid on parts m the suDDort in their power. of the line near Statesville, while 150,000 I The Gleaner will be Democratic in noli- cross-ties will be laid between Salisbury and i -i .... tics, but will be chiefly devoted to the Henry as soon as the weather permits interest of the county! The West. N.C. JL K.-We omitted Cu t Xn-r iln nnwliwen nn al'il-m t to mCUtlOU iASt Week tilO COmPletlOll OI w mLJUv vvi.or ii TnnL-os it an. the road to Piceon River. The cars cross bearance, for the very good reasons that the river aud a large force is at work on -z: - . - .... ..,. ...... .i i.,-,i Jt is a dangerous and loathsome disease. uuu- ri. ,wfD ,i. nnt frnm nn imfnr- I It may also be mentioned that the 1 IIV lLil lO 11 UIVM O Amvau mu r iunate community afllicted with it are al- change iu the track at Newton has been wnysexagerated. The citizens of Winston so far completed as that trains do not are just now exerting themselves to cor- back in as heretofore, but run pass that hoct the false reports which have gone place, coming out at and beyond Cono- put concerning their town. They have 1 ver. managed the disease very well and kept it from spreading into the community. 1 ieBi m The Morgan! on Blade says that the Democrats in 1876 pledged themselves to 'abolish tlie internal revenue system. We 1; now many of the members of the party advocated its abolishment, this paper among them ; and we are in favor of it to-day. Maj. Robbins has constantly de nounced it and labored for its repeal ; and The public reads have seldom been in mow since it has become apparent that J a more deplorable condition. It is abso there is no government, need lor the rev- lutely cruel to drive teams through tlie enue raised in this way, the reasons for its mud ; and the farmer or wood hauler who repeal are stronger than ever, and its is obliged to do it, should not fail to wash is added to Tho extent to which, Congressmen have degenerated ioto mere errand boys for their constituents is sharply illustra ted by the fact that, by actual count, no less than 266 of the 293 Representatives called ou the commissioner of pensions iu one day recently to ask him for action on special cases. r friends should press the demand. Arkansas five, a gaiu of one. California five, a gain of oue. Colorado one. Connecticut four. r Delaware oue. Florida one, a loss of one. Georgia ten, a gain of one. Illinois twenty-one. a gaiu of two. Indiaua thirteen. Iowa eleven, a gain of two. Kausaa six, a gain of three. Kentucky eleven, a gain of oue. Louisiana six. . J Main four, a loss of one. Marvlaud six. Massachusetts twelve, a gain of one. Michigan eleven, a gain of two. Minnesota five, a gaiu of two. Mississippi seven, a gain of one. Missouri fourteen, a gain of one. Nebraska three, a gain of two. Nevada one. New Hampshire two, a loss of one. New Jersey seven. New York thirty-four, a gaiu of one. North Carolina nine, a gain of one. Ohio twenty-one, a gain of oue. Oregon one. Pennsylvania twenty-nine, a gaiu of two. Rhode Island one, a loss of one. South Carolina six, a gain of one. Teunessee ten. Texas ten, a gain of four. Vermont two, a loss of one. Virginia ten, a gaiu of one. .West Virginia four, a gain of oue." Wisconsin eight. I Section 2. That whenever a new State the uuion the representation BY virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan county in the special proceeding entitled George Kluttz and others against .Tnprth Fvlntty nnrl nthers. the nndinicmfd not some improvement, the party will win Mn on Monday the 6th day of March, disband itself, aud reorganize under the 1882, at the Court Bouse door in Salisbury, banner of economy, retrenchment, re- iVtoout 200 Acr form, and popular rights." f.TjiSSS m-" S X C' ?lp' IW 1 .1 11 ii l i 1 lot A I lvAtt- Uili anH AthAM levin The news from Washington from both D ,. . V hS . .... ,i i J : I J o o sides torn me same siory concerning iur. estate of Jacob Kluttz, dee'd Price. We await further developments. TERMS one-third cash, one-third in six Tf liA ,.imoft to work with the Democrats months, and the balance m twelve months -w - . - - t i -evr i a l i a. a. jf fiirlMm Tf h. ow guMcun y ana inieraiiram date of sale on deferred pavmcnts. CHAS. FiUUJS, Corner. Salisbury, N. C, ' Feb. 2d, 1882. 16:1m HLSSIW iiuirri Hill ID OATS! takes to play the part ot Ma bone on a swell scale he will be criticised and cen sured by his former allies. It is now in order to hear from the "Mniah." As a private citizen the papers would treat Col. Johnston with silence. But if he aspires to leadership aud to overturn aud destroy the graud old party he may- lookout. Can't Aft'ord It. j Greensboro North State. (Stalwart Rep..) The great importance attached to the desertion from the Democratic party to the Republican rauks of Col. Johnston, Maj. T J il -ft nice, aim a ww omcis, is rauier am us- . Tl'MT'MTQTP A THQ CAT TP ing in some respects. It looks big proba- iiWMfIWJLBJilVJi O OALiili bly, in Washington, to see a few Colonels A Spring Oats and RUST-PROOF ! ! Wonderfully prolific. Will vield ashieb as from 75 to 150 bushels to the acre, and one pound has produced as much as five bushels. These oats arrow frem 81 to 5 feet iri height. In tact, thev are said to be su pen or to alt others. For sale at ENNISS1 Drug Store. 16:tf OF REAL ESTATE. aud Majors come iorward and announce their new nllegiance. But where is the army which is to follow them T We can- Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court not afford to take our leaders from the other side put them in commission i.i i . a i and then piace-tuem in command ot our taithtui soldiers, who, tor to these many years, have m the face of ostracism, abuse and every adversity ,bravely march ed to the polls aud voted the Republicau ticket. Who are these men who are pre sented to the President as the political of Rowan county to me directed, I will offer lor sale at public auction, at the Court-House door in the town of Salisbury, On Monday, 6th day of March, A. D., 1882, at 12 o'clock, M., all the Rea estate lately owned by Burton Craigre, dee'd situated partly within and partly without the corporate limits ot the town of Salis bury, consisting of twenty-three acres, more or less, on which is the residence formerly . . : 3 I w : .i j i I AH Ohio farmer gives his experience in im pre ring a farm that was in poor con- ? dition when he bought it. He says: tIt was difficult for me to get from 12 to 15 bushels of wheat per acre, but by saving all my manure and carefully applying it I thave raised, for the past six years, 33 1 bushels per acre on an average. My man - ner of rotation is : Break to sod, plant to - - J com, follow with oats. I apply all my manure ou the stubble and plow it under at least eight inches ; then roll and har I row, and drag and harrow and roll and drill at least three inches deep, aud seed to timothy and clover, four quarts of each, I iu March. I-seldom fail to get a good catch. Keep to grass three years. Be I sure and save all your farm manure, and I you will need no artificial fertilisers." Silver Certificates. down and rub bis horses at the cud of j or representatives assigned to it shall be the trip and feed well at night. I in addition to the number of 320. Section 3. That each State entitled un- Guiteau thinks if his friends will send der this apportionment to the number to in plenty of money to engage first-class I which such State may be entitled in the counsel, with the Lords help, of which forty-eighth and eacbisubseeuent congress he is confident, he will get through, but j shall be elected by districts composed of he don't seem to rely upon the Lord bonanzas which the "barnac have discovered T Are they cherished Democratic leaders who have seen the error of their ways aud now espouse the Republican cause ; or are they a few dis appointed aud sore-headed office hunters who seek pastures new T We will uot attempt to give an answer, but will cou elude with one of Sydney Smith's auuec doteS. Smith said a farmer could always tell the number of a comiug litter by counting the teats provided by nature for the approaching family of swine. The wittv Sydney said that there was generally a "teat" for each pig, but some times, through an ecceutricity of nature oue Or more pigs than had been provided for. Iu this case the poor extra pigs wet: t fighting from teat to teat, driven off by the lawful possessor until driven by ban cer and desperation they would at last seize on the caudle appendage of the in different mother, aud suck and squeal and suck, uutil exhausted nature found relief in death. , We want something better than dead political pigs to add to our vigor and strength. We prefer acouisitions from the well fed Democratic litter. le brigade" ocHK?Kby said deceased and his family ... fcSFi his property is very valuable, an 1 f Reports from all sections of North and Sooth Carolina, sustain our claim that the Georgia and Alabama WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S MANIPULATED GUANO Is the BEST and Most Reliable and CHEAPEST Fertilizer in use, and that the WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S SUPERPFOSPHATE, which we put out for the first time last season, has proved unexcelled by any Acid hosphate on tftc Marxet. . . , Tt i not necessary for us to say anything about these Fertilizers, as the reports which might be obtained from our agents, or ourselves, cover the whole subject, and wjll am ply repay perusal. We will have a moderate supply oi eacn, which can oe ooiained from our Agents, payable in Cotton next Fall. If there is no Agent at your Railroad Depot, get your merchant to order it. . . 16:2m Savannah, Ga., & Charleston, S. C. ETTER KLUTTZ ARE RECEIVING STILL! RENDLEMAN DAILY, AND ARE SELLING THEM VERY, JERY CHEAP AND AT ONE PRICE TO ALL. Our Dry Goods, Notion and Clothing Departments have all been supplied in the last week or two; and we offer them very lew. New Stock of Shirts and Underware; NEW LOT OF RUBBERS. SHOES AND BOOTS AS CHEAP AS ANY US IHt! I 1 ' '. f -.1 . ft - i .vrr m a owti a xrrv a t innv a oonnTWWilT - O -nr . e. 1 tU Tf e uiuiui iu iceu juu wim mw Best Flour, Meats, Sugars, Teas, Ccffees, Symps, " Buckwheat Flour, Hominy and Corn Starch, - Prunes, Tomatoes, Potatoes, &c., &c, That are to be had. We have as Fine Flour as is made in the United States. Full stock of Corn, Meal, Shorts and Bran. r , , Now Supply oTGlass and Table Ware. See us before you buy, as we have a thousand things not mentioned. Come and see W. W. TAYLOR, H. F. ATKINS. E. F. TATUM, Salesmen. j- I ! j January 11th, T882. I HIS I ana will be dirided into lots to Ruit the conve niencc of purchasers, 1 ekms of sale one-third of tire purchase money to be paid in cash, one-third at the end of six mouths, and the balance at the end of nine months. Interest from day of sale on deferred payments. Title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. MOSES U HOLMES, AdmY. ot Burton Craljje, dee'd. Salisbury, N. C, February 4th, 1882. 16:1m JClVsSA ' m M SmmL:, - . . - - i 1 " -- -- - - -J--" ' - a i Ha vlDe fully determined to convert mr general Hardware Business into Machinery. Agricultural Imple ments and vealcles exclusively, l now oner lor uash my enure majck ui rutu pmpim j vbi aii fv:iniinnriin ni mv . um k ami rrnxs la irsutxuuiu win .n u nuiu uuuuj . - ui lie iouowihk tow pnecs: KHI 111 AT RICHMOND PRICES. BY THE BARBEL, AT Jno. H. Enniss, FIRE U SALISBURY ! Destructive Fire in Sew York. alone. f J We have had a good share of snow and ice this winter, but very few days of se verely cold weather. We have had snow and sleet all this week tbe thermometer ranging from 27 to 30 at night. Scoville Wants the Examined. Jurors Washington, Jan'y 30.In the Crimi nal Court this morning the court fixed upon Friday next as the day for hearing arguments upon the motion for a new Mr. Sinith, of Illinois, made a very trial for Guiteau. sensible speecu m tne House on the 26th Scoville called attention to tbe fact that January, in favor of issuing silver certifi- oue of the affidavits in support of tbe mo- pates oi small aenommation, to take the tion had annexed to it a conv of the nit; T w f v w v- place of the cumbersome silver dollar, now in circulation. The government has been heretofore issuing silver certificates of the denomination of $10 and upwards, and they are constantly preferred to tbe specie, whether gold or silver, as being far more convenient for the purposes of trade. Certificates of one, two and five dollars would meet a public want, and there is no good reason why the. govern ment should not let the specie accumulate in the vaults and issue upou it bills of this kind. Mr. Smith shows that since tlie rehabilitation of the silver dollar the government has coined over one hundred millions of silver dollars, but has been able to force out into circulation only about thirty -lbur millions, and that it has been returned into the Treasury and bauks about as fast as it has been issued, and the silver certificates called for in its place. This is a sufficient indication of the public want, aud it is to be hoped that the bill now before Congress ena bling the officers of the government to is sue the small certificates referred to will become a law. New York, January 31. A fire broke contiguous territory, and containing as out at 10 o'clock this morning in tin nearly as practicable an equal number of building corner Park Kow and Beck man luhabitauts, and equal in number to the treot, entirely occupied by the New York representatives to which such State may I World. The flames spread rapidly and TIIIS is to state that all the old seeds that were remaining on hand were destroy ed by fire on the 1st of November last. Now have on hand fresh and reliable Seeds from Landreth, Ferry, Johnson & Robbins, Buist and Hiram Sibley. r At JNO. H. ENNISSV tor CASH, and cash only useici CArafiOAcis Open Buggies, $5o ; Top BuggicsTlao. I have the sole Agency for the following named chin' ry &c. Beckett & McDowell's Engines and Boilers and Mi ning machinery of all kinds. Oelser Separators and Horse Powers. Blekford Huffman Grain and tiuano Drills. Thomas' Hay Hakes. B. F, Avery & Son's Sulky Plows, walking Cultiva tors, tc. Stance's Dixie Plows. Buckeye and Champion Mowers and Reapers. Favorite a-ftl Dexter Corn SheUers. Telegraph Feed Cutters ' . ; " Bell Cane Mills and Evaporators. Miller's French Burr wnsi Aims,. Davis' celebrated sewing Machines. Kentucky Hazard Hide and Blasting Powder, sechler Davis Gould's Buggies and Spring wageas Robert Law son a Go's. Buggy Harness. Besides many less Important articles. fW All persons Indebted to me must come forward and settle I mean just what I say. Jan. 1st, 18S2. All falling to do so win have cost to pay. The allegation was that during the tri al that paper had been read by the jury. It bore on the margin what purported to be the signature of. four jurors who denied that they saw any newspaper during the time they were empannelled. JKe thought it important to cross examiue the jurors in connection with their admission that they had during that time given their au tographs to various persons. He asked that the jurors be produced in court, or that the court appoint a commission to take depositions, and that he be allowed to produce further testimony as to the gennineas of the handwriting. The District attorney said he did not intend the jury should be put on trial. That the gentleman who had filed the af fidavit and purloin'd the paper had already beeu bouud over for forgery in the Dis trict. He would show that this was a clever attempt at forgery, The Court said he thought he would avail himself of the discretion of tbe court and question parties making affidavits and suggested to the District attorney that the j mors be present ou Friday. be entitled in congress, no one district electing more than one representative; provided that uuless the legislature ot such State shall otherwise provide be fore the election of such representatives shall take place, as provided by law, where no change shall be hereby made in the representative thereof to the 43th congress shall be elected therein as now provided by law. If tbe number, as hereby provided for, shall be larger than it was before this change, theu the ad ditional represetative, or rep resent a tives allowed to said State under this ap portionment, may be elected by the State at large, and the other representa tives to which the State is entitled by districts, as now prescribed by law in said State ; aud if the number hereby provided for shall in any state be less than it was befoie the change hereby made, then the whole number to such State hereby provided for, shall be elec ted at large, uuless the legislature of said States should otherwise provide be fore the time fixed by law for the next election of representatives therein. Section 4. All acts find parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby re pealed. riie ratio'of representation as adopted by the committee, 320, is 154,285. When the matter is taken up for considera tion in the house of representatives Mr Colerick, of ludiana, will probably offer amendment providing that the total num ber ef representatives shall not exceed involved the entire block as far as the Timet office. The latter suffered some damage, but the fire was extinguished before doing serious harm to the Times. All other buildings in the block were practically destroyed. It is know that one winau was killed in trying to escape by the window. She broke through a canvas stretched to save her, and her head was crushed. It is supposed that other lives were lost.; The pecuniary toss is very heavy. Iu tbe block were a large number of offices of weekly and class newspapers and periodicals, among which were the Scientific American, New York Observer, Turf, Field and Farm, Scottish-American Journal, Thompson's Bank Note and Com mercial Reporter, Forest and Stream, aud Italian, Spanish, Swedish. German and Portuguese weekly journals and a num ber of advertising agencies. The build ings involved are 35, 37 and 39 Park Row. Among the occupants of the ground floor are an extensive rn . bber firm aud a whole sale machinery and hardware house. The list of losers is very large and amouuts heavy. Rumors are afloat that fifteen lives have been lost, but only one corpse has beeu found so far. Richmond State : "Last week a house paiuter living on Broad street was sud denly taken with all the symptoms of small-pox. He vacciuated himself, aud theu seuding home for a change of cloth ing not daring to go himself for fear of rfio, which win make the ratio of 156,-1 communicating the disease to his family, 238. I ua l?anrai.liflltiir Tatn. f C! lU r I . . . ... . .miU,u,ui cuuiu taiu-iauu in lour oava was neau. mis was Una, intimated an intention to propose true, self-sacriliciua heroism, aud the au amend men t fixiug the total number of act is worthy of being recorded in letters representatives 730 instead of 320. 0f cold. NORTH CAROLINA Homestead: Compost ! FORMULA FREE.) Ingredients will be furnished so that you may make YOUR OWN GUANO cost yeu Three-Fourths less than what you pay for other Guano's, and which will yield as full returns. For Sale At ENNISS'. CLOVER & Grass Seed At Richmond prices at ENNISS' Drug Store. SCHOOL BOOKS Letter and Fools Cap Papers at reduced prices, at ENNISS' Drug 8torc 15:tf FOR RENT! The Store-room formerly occupied bv C. R. Barker as a drug store ; the handsomest small store in the place. Kent moderate. Apply to J. H. BUIS. 15:1m Alt I o From to-day we will commence rednciug onri LARGE FALL STOCK OF GOODS AT P BICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. AND Will be sold regardless of cost. Just received a lot of POSTER'S PATENT LACE KID GLOVES In 1 Slack and Colors. If you want a CLOTHING SHOES Now is tbe time to get it. We have a lartre line of Fresh Samnlea Snoer Extr and Three-Ply to select from, j JONES, McCUBBINS & CO. Cremation rTO MERCHANTS T f T "3 Vf AUj SEEDS In paper ten arwvra JL U XVlN close of Season. Send for condition Of this NEW SYSTEM, the Most Advantageous ver offered to both Merchant and Conumr. iLVXDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS grotm on their own Farms, OVER MO ACRES devoted to this purpose, are the r.VDARI FOR OrALITV. JS- WIIOLB- SALE TBADK PRICE LISTS for Seeds, ie bulk Other form. mn.ilrl In mprrhinti nn OPliCtlW, DAVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, 2t & 23 S. SIXTH ST, PHILADELPHIA 16:ly lRNJUWh! 4 if f s f -w