n " I J :-. ; - - ' - '-4- h-1 -; ),-. ... -... . it. ., ; , . . f s.. . .- - ..f.-( . v. : . ;.( , ; f ; r-.-1-.-,, : .v-:- r ii-.:--...r -. h--; ! i - t ----- - - . . . - - ' . 1 a m pp. - r--- -t ; v Th Dahgev ot Destroying Forests Trees. ; i 5- - Atten effect ion is Ijeibg dirccteil to the Ml . Mm lpst ruction 01 UllUillUti " fbrcsU in different part of the Union. i The Governor of New York relers, in his message, to the denudation oi northern New York, and expresses -..i uUTrtn flint unless the evil be arrested very grave consequences, wjjl ensie. tile remarks that the Adiron Hailk reffion is the natural and prin- cipal water shed of iinpotant1iavp gayiie waters, ano,!-!- w yiww UsS timber, immiiieni danger will threaten. PThe rain-falls will dimin- iili the springs and streams fail, and unaccountable loss ensue to-interests ntl immediatelylocated in that part We publish.the following small-pox from au who states he positr is personal protessionai pt this remedy vill accomplish all ihat claimed for It: Charlotte Movie. of the Stated or h" A Cure for Small Vox. i - " '--j-i--- :.- -yr ."'i, ! following ' cure for, vj eminent physician 1 itivl knows fjom l ssional practice, thit X : Eft IS HE - . ' -,i 1 . - - i- r " - 1 WE are dailr reccivijiff New Goods. - FACTS ?PEAK s THBISELVES! Ileal th i a creat blessing. Disvae ija want of ease, and without the I tainei- aid coiufort of health, what is wealth worth ? W libit hanninesn can there be in life 7 It we are aotl well, it ia a blessed thing to know how-to Re gain healtft. I uffcr this knowledge, freely I and wilhoojt price, to the whole world : "Take Brandrei's Vegetable riLLs whenever tou are sick." i It is now nearly fifty years since 1 introduced these pills to the American ACtTBE FOB?SMALTi Fo;pA H dn fnl 1 t O RPftUS be- people. Bd, f?er. using mllin.orWx. , . . f ..T . ; ' UUll h ,lall liM... otO .UO KHs . . ihe Terdtctof the gret jury of American Paris physiCiau. says ; !'l nerewitll n J r . 1 - , sorereigns iin, thai tbey are the bet aud safest annend a receipt which ha been useij J fore VOU DUV. - purgative rer known. K I . 1 - , f -VE HAVE A LARGE tock of eioihim .TO" 33 Iknd the Aaon, in a recent num. bf refers to the subject in a broader scope,. intisting that the policy of the eovernment in protecting timber Jiaa hti a most deptorajjkf result in has sling' the destruction of our timber It! sees jn the disappearance of our iofests nly evil, since their .influence uon climate and rain-fall is at once marked and beneficial for the pur j a. 1 . ; E . ixaes of agriculture. Hie action is tolbeak the force of wiuds and pre- : y&it a too rapid dryingpf the soil : wjiile a resulting iufluence is to fur f 'jrilliistaref for moderate ' rains in .'. season. Destroy' the forests aud the western gales will sweep over the ;"; central portionsofi the. continent, ab ! : sSrbing the humidity and leaving the M erth parched and incapable of pro 1 " clliction. Aiid when the winds are I f surcharged with moisture, storms will ?. T - .j 4 . i . - eme witn great rain-iati, woruing en greater devastation than. the ter rible 'drought. ' is estimated that the once superb s of Minnesota will be exhausted dozen years, and that Florida ly will not last more than thirty. Jn California the destruction of the trees has been so reckless that over 4 1 t .... - ' . greaf tracts of land the soil, stripped jtlf its natural protection, is burned illy the 8uh'-and powdered by the j wind into a hopeless desert. ; i Ve here cannot be too mindftil of these consequences, nor too careful in j avoiding them by preserving the t i in- - i-UviU i o&Vredl ' '! 3 - Remember we mean to my knowlctlge in hundreds of cases. It will prevent or cure thesmaii-pox, though the' pittings are filling. v hen Jenner discovered (cowpox in Eng- land, the .world of science hurled an avalanch of fame upon his head, but! when the most scientific-i sehoior of medicine in the worldthai off Paris published this recipe as a panacea for smallpox It passed unheeded. It is as unfailing a3 fate, and conquers in every instance.; It is harpless when taken by a well person. It will also cure scarlet fever Here is the recipe as I have ubed it, and cured my children of scarlet fever ; here it is as I have used it! to cure, the small pox ; when learned ; 'pliysicIans'SaTd the patient must die, it,? cured j Sul phate of zinc, onei grajn.; foxglove (digitalis), one grain ; half a; teas poon ful of sugary mix ' with Ttwo tablespoontuls of water. Wlien tnor oughly mixed; add; four ; oiiice3j of water. Take a spoonful every hour. ither disease Will disappear: In welvc hours. For a childj smaller i loes, according to jage. If countries irri 1 ii 1 ii. -i .1....: - Jwurcu 1, ioowk wouiu conipu. p.7..u-.? FifSt-ClaM a-edlS to 30 years. . .$17 00 it t (t t ii i it - : let S M r rit forest ita I 8MPP his, tltere would be no need of pe.-t Second r n 1 1 - 1 I rI ni'i imicoa if vim it ft 1 11 p nnvirs nni ex Ik iiirtli jenence, use thisi lor that terrible j Fifth Columbus, .Mississippi, invested Feb. 12th, 81:ly. 8300,000 in a cotton factory, and nor the capital ajuounts to i,250,-j 000. Ivery joint of view. The time wil come when the timber of NortI Carolina vijl.bea source of iucalcu- 4 1.4 1 labie wealtli. antl bv nursinir ana )revenJng - rapid destruction we .1 !- - 11 ivijl avoid the dangers adverted to am ecure better- prices with every decade ihat it stands, f i . I The -farmers of North Carolina would And t to their interest to cnl- .tivate, timber by , setting old fields in 'f- '' I I lit m young trees, we nave numerous F --."it'' ieej learing forest tree3 which grow irapidly, and should be gi ven j jchance by a little attention from land lowuers. flTawi GoId Is Hoarded. ft i -V bleeding, which was fouml in very general use in tlaa country nay yearn ago. ,1 saiu mai ne one was poisonous and the other a murderous treatment ithe remedial power of nature tad not only td cure the disease, but to eradiqate mercurial, poiftons. and supply new etreamp of blood lo exhausted patients. wJiich was itoo hOOTS nnil Stl(JlijO. treatment wa to " remove diwaae by purifying PUUAO llllU U.rV , the blood; vitliBrandreth'a Pills, for when the A. . r yi , .ci-liA'- L blood was i thna made pure, the me(cal Wrce that most be sold. Specia h iir-k,i-!r,lA f..ii ir. unl fiod 1 -u I . .1, -. willed otUirwifie, the fiatieiu wa ture ioj re cover, fanclrtth' Pill assist "nature io all her ieflbrL It U nature that cnrei diseasejand not medicine.: Ever othei cbuise of treat ment onlyj ihroLWKgre'at obstacle? in the way of the consti'tutipn. I am happy to say thatblteJ ngj whiclil aid was ahvayni improper, ha been gen ejr.dk abandoned by ihe medical pro fession, and that the poisonon.fjualities oftiitr cary have been so far recogniaetl that the use nf !t h-ia hoon ffirl.ir'ilpn ih ill i ITn5td S(nlp . ' , - i .! "":r,"". ... Ann f fill f hflV Until Army, by,thebur:eon-Ueiieral. lntliecalen UU UUll t UU Ulltll j - j lyjaj I pnliligh numerous cases of cures vl bv Brandreth s ruli, home of iheni po rcmk ClllU I alilp o tv lip Jltilp sjiort of niir:icu!ons: But they are true, and the witnewe can be seen and consulted. If Urandreth's Pills were used in everri family, each box would be a magazine oi Iieallii and a petiect meuicme cuesi 1 1 ; osssilvs:, BUSINESS, you see our Stock hear owr prices, j . Respectfully, J. F. ROSS, Nov. 2, 1881. that Braiulreth's Pills, taken on an empty Mom acli, create no nausea, vomiti rifr, or gripin LlrC IrlOUilArauC UIAUL UnCHr. and agreeable tnken on going to he.!, whenlit- Tiible Shbwina Actual Cost to Members il, or better still, no wipper ha been eaiipn. U ,e, Anr ' 15. BKANDKL1II. Year (March 1, 1879, 'to March 1, 1880) .11. SO " 40 40 " 45 45 "-50 50 60 14 ( " 55 ' " 55'-' M 1 m5 25 50 34 00 51 00 03 00 J. D. IV2crO"eGl7, Ag't. CQSTlYEfiESS AND DISPEPSIA CURED. Elizabeth Falls, Maine, Oct. 31. 13S0. Hon IB. Bkakdrkth : My Dear Sir I like to hveagood suiplv of Brandreth's Pill in my house, and therefore enclose you an order for two "dozen boxes. 1 first learned th vir tues of these Pills when I Was troulikd; with obstinate cosiivenes and dvpepia. By tjiking Brandreth's Pius, two everv night, for a month, my digestion wa restored, and! I be came perfectly regular. C;tAs. F. KoM.tNS. The Color and Lustre of Youth nre resto ed to faded or gray hair by the Usui of Pari kcr's Hair Balsam, a harmless dressing high ly esteemed lor 'its perfume and parity Ocl3-JSovl3 i ! ! CURE QF COUGH. "0"DiTvrrmnxalTiiej30GaEssivE prin JTXXXl. J. JJiVKj ter 18 a new book, lull at Information by an old T2f'Vr tully lllustrat Prlnter. It it beautl- SjJ Uii. ert and trtves samiues or line joo i'naimg. Tne colored plate isj; a nue teature, ana is v.artu tne priee ci toe new boot send for It at ono'ei j JV S. Whybrew, Pub. Rochester, W. y. pfll f) G reat chance to make money. Those w always take ad vautisre ot the eood chan- I f.. iMaa Uof - nlnnMa tr n-Wrlf efor making money that are offeren generally ri T m miw oecome weaitny, wuuei those wuo do not Improve such chances reiaalo ia poverty. We want laaoy men. women, boys and kirls to wark for ;us risht in their own localities. Any one c;m do the work pso- peny rrom tne iirsv siaix. 'i ue dusiimjss win pay more than tea time ordinary wasres. . Expensive outnt furnished free. !No one who engages falls to make money rapidly. lYou can devote ,you whole time to the work, or only yourspare moments. Full lniormauon anu an max is neeoett sent tree. vWdress stinson & Co.. Portland, Alalnc. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE I i I I 1 ' I On Tuesday tlid 7th day of .Febfnnirv next, i win sen iiiq personal property I'- f longing to the estate of Margaret E. Ga ham. The sale will be at t he. Jatei residence of Mrs. Grahaoj, near the SnerrilTs Foird road, the property consists of liorsW cattle, wheat, corn, farming tonfc;vhotiBL'hold and i ; - i : i . Kiiciicii iurnnure anu many orjier articles not mentioned. riKMb ot saie-Cash. All persons; indebted to the! estate of Margaret E Grahajn, dee'd, are requested to maKe immediate settlemtnt, id all pjer- son9 having claims against , her I estate are notified to present them to tne or) or before the 15th day of January. 1883J or this ho- : :ii i. i . ... l r iivu win u picuu in imr oi Tiieir rccoverT. Wii. M. K INC AID, I Adm'r - ,1 ! v: An additional and br no means 'I adequately " appreciated case of the ijstringeticy of money is the growth of -jthes passion for hoarding gold among jthe common classes with the increase jof prosperay. 'Our immense foreign I population : i does not care half asj much for paper money as it does for goi3; Some of ! them the Italians, NOTICE TO. CREDITORS I All persona liavinc claims against the estate of Samuel Troutmau, deceased, hre hereby notified to present them to th tinuerRignetl for payment on or, before t1i otn day of January 1883. This Jariuarr Otn liX'Z. M. L. Holmes: Adrn'r. io:4t pu. ? I - the Auslrians and the Russians, for f instance had If some sad experiences I with t. .'! ; - 1 v. paper money at home. They f don't know anthin? nhont; tliA ty of (greenbacks, bank ' notes, bonds I and sayings banks. -AVhat; they are J anxious to get is a gold piece, and the f ,noraeVuflejr it they hide it. j Nothing but the opportunity of buy. f jiig at aT bargaiu land, cattle or a ! 'sV. cyep brings these j gold pieces out again, jilt has been calculated thar snma 5onn Ann nnn i. . T'iu uave inus j lee.n abstracted from the circulation I d?W hc: 'pt three years of grow- iog prosperity throughout the con. important factor in this lioardino- pro- I cf r,rA7Toraau of -al most any Euro- I iauj iiationamy preicrs a gold coin f Xi f 5ceof Ju"'ture, or any tiling j tfserrexcept, possibly, apiece of jew I' elrv-; An. nlil ' Prm,.!., ... i i I - - - ,. -"vtnu;iii coiu me I the other day that he avoids etfer p-0 i i linff home with a treld -'.nl ;. i.r- j I , jjocket, for he ig sure that his wife j Jwtuld steal it at night and try to I lwrstiade him next morning that the i I ohu must have rolled out of the ves i -i t . ... . I .: pocket. let wshe is a verv honest office) ; a dwelling estauie and a wert. Jau'y 14th, 188, of Marg't E. GrahaniL 14:4t ij-: GOOD COFFEE. Evorybodr wants it, but very fnw get it. because most p?oplo 'do not' know how to select coffee, or it is spoiled u the roasting or making-. -To obviate these difficulties has been our study. Thurbcr's" package Coffees are selecte 1 by an expert-who un derstaada the art of blendini various fla vors. Thoy aro roastod ia the most perfect manner (it is impossible to roast well ia small quantities), then put la pound pack ages (in the bean, not ground, b -arlng our signature as a prviaranteo or .genuineness, and each package contains tho Thurbor recipe tr m-vking gotxl OolT'jo. We pack, two kinds, TUurborV "No. 34," strong and pungent, Thurb t's ?'Xo. 41," mild and rich. Ono or tho other will suit every taste. They h;vo the three great points, flfooJ quality, honest quan tity, reas mablc price. Aslc your Cfrocer for Tkurber's roaatcd Oajfce in pound pack ages, No. 34" or "No. 41." Do not be put off with any other kind your own palate . will tell you what i3 best. . i i- Where persons desire it we also furnish the "IdcaT' Colee-pot, the simplest, bast and cheapest coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. Bespccttully, Jbc., H. K. & F. B. THURBEB & CO., Importers, Wholesale Grocers an4 Coffee Boasters, Xew York. P. S. As the largest dealers in food pro ducts in the world, we consider it our in - tetest to manufacture only pure and whole s jme goods and pack them in a tidy and j isatlsfactory manner. All goods bearing . our name are guaranteed to be of superior .. quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund : tho purchase price in any case where customers have cause for dissatisfaction. It is therefore to the interest of both dealers and con sumers to use Tkurber'8 brands, i Nonf11 Faiufiei-H, Huron County, Ohio, i . October 6, 13i). IIox. B. DriANnRETii My iVar Sir Some rears ajco I was a broken down invalid, wiih a bad cou!i, aud pain in niv side, which the doctors thought anie from liver complaint, but none of them could do any ROrd. I com menced using 'Brandri'th's Pills, taking three the first nisiht, and nicreasiuji one everv liijMit for a week, tlien rested a week, and commenced again, h In fix weeks I grew well and strong, entirely recovered niv helth, and have re mained so ever since. V. K. Jackson. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS i Principal Agency, 294 Canal Street, ; 20:1 y pd New York City. jAf j the Carolina ffatenman, Still un Jr tk Mutrwl of its old Tro- pnetor, Is Issued every Thursday ifternocn at ! I tha reduce! rates of $1.50 In Advance. Buck Horn MAS (Xcxt door Ichw J. D. McXceltfe Store) Where will be founds s GOODBEEF Jjkjs Tlio IklarKet auoi-u. '9 -i S : c. I itfn prepared to 1 furnish WAGON AND EUGGYj HAEUESS,! Made ot the best ICoHtiitrn Tanned Leather.!: .( Wericand leather rantred.J Call end eeeaie.! tippofiiteAtweUs, iialn Street, Salisbury, N. C. ; S JOHN'H. JAMES. ! Full ts an! Prompt BeliTery IS MY MOTTO. f I want to buy Fat ; Cattle ana Sheep. R3. L BEAK. - i m mi ft. '!:- H !F..- " - Ilrtvlnir fttllv tletcrminetl to convert my geiH'inl Haitlwnro business into Machine- iy, Aglicuiturni mijuenienisnuu vcmcies excltisively, fuow qfferJ'Or CVb1 iiiy en- tint stock of A - Ciinger, Uuchu. Mai drake, Stillingia. and many of the test medi cines known V com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, Into a methane of such raried powers, as to mok it the greatest TtVwut Pirn for and ths Best Health Stremrtk Bcstortr trer utea. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, &diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Unln Hoieom, ftUentirerrdifTerentfrom Mail SVUIOUI III c;, r.rnr. Essences uFtJZ&ttS'bZZ d other k lTT i. f.n. Hdo. th never intoxicates. Hiscox jutUal ookrto (ray ksir. & Ca, Chemists, N. Y. i SQe. nl tl dM. Lmt. 8Tteg Bcylng DoIlr Sl. mot tli recti v connect aud agijculfurnl i i 1 ': i" .Parker's SHELF HARDWARE, nnd nil otlier gooils til-witli theiuacliiery trade, . - : . An oxariiUititionF tnf 6tocl and priccs. U respectfully sol tucrchants. icited I from ; country AnfT. 4;ly. JDanchy. Pcrs6iia delaying pay went three mouths will ;Lo required to pay $2 per year j d- i i . - - layiig to the end of the year, $2.50. Being pressed fof storeage, I also offer for cash, aud cash only, j Two Car. Loads; Buggies at the following low prices, to wit: Open Euggies, Fifty Dollars. Top Buggies, Sixty Dollars, Pr4ees subject to :liang0 without notice! THE WATCHMAN IS Cook Stoves ot all sizes and styles always on ! hand at lowest prices. CirMake a specialty of the ACORN COOK STOVES, the best In the world. A linst-class stock of Tin and oranne Iron Ware. TIN AND COPPER SUHSHG. All kinds of House-Roofing1 and Gutteiingdcne on short notice and In tne Dest style; We keep constantly oii hand a complete stoc k of Sheet-Tin, sneet-iron ana sneer-copper, wuicn we tfer for sale cueap. aiayo&iu Tie : Best iWsinj Meflini at thi$ pint,Miaving the largest circulation f I in this and adjoining Counties. Come to the Front W.A.EAGLE ?IN3 BOOT, SHOE & GAITER MAKEH, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE ENJCISS' DliVCjl STOHE. AH Work Strictly First Class Havinz hal sixteen veais experieiiep in the htiKinecp, I am jirerartd 10 the most t'asiitlious. For .. ;- &OB IFRINTING EASH fiSD ELEGAIiGE GF FIT mv work can not be extolled. I have the sole agency for the following! mimed machinery, Sec. : llecUet ; & ifcDow- 1 ell Eugiuea and' Boilers! aud Mining. Machinery of all kinds, ! Geiscr Separators inid Horse Powers, Uickfthd L Hufluian's Grain and Guaui t)i ills, Thomas Hayj Rakes, B. V. Avery & Sous' Sulky Plows, ! Walking Cultivators, &c... Starke's Dixie L Plows,. Buckeye and Champion Mowin ; and Ueapersj-t avonto .-ami uexter Corn ShclUrs, Telegraph Jeed Cutters, Bill Cane. Mills and - " Evaparators, Miller's j .. Fieitclij Burr Grist ; Mill.. Uiivisnnd ' .Weed Sew- ing'Ma- ' chines, r" i . Kentucky j IJn.Ziud Billo and Blasting Powder, Atlantic j Giant Povd-r, Scfhler &. Davis Gtmld Buggies amV Spring Wgggons, Bo Vert Lawson & C's Buggy Harness, &c ' of; every class done promptly and in the ! : ; best style at very low rates. I?A1J tnateriiil of (lie best and fmc-pt grade. Bgi-All work done in the latest tvles and fashion. i G:nt3 Tina Wcrk a Specialty. i Ready-:adc woik of the i ft i!;!ily always on hand for pale. Atitntu n fiivenior ACl W Oil K and (1 iv.. i( n B x V;ik. Kepairiiig :. !v !-nl 1'ioinj tly done al moderate nrirtK. E"D Sa I lsl:n l n.n , naran teed or no el.arcc.va Uruers v promptly 6thd. 43:ly WM, A- tACLfct All persdns indebted to nit must vume for ward by the 15 day of January, and settle. AU falling to do so icill htwei cost to pay. 1 mean just iclwt I say. iiiftpcctfttlly, '! V. SifilTHDEAL January. 1, 12:ly the Site l HISTORY mm ! Is made, from a Sim ile Tronical Leaf jof Rar Valaeandlsa POSITIVE REMEDY lor all the diseases that cause pates tn tiie lower part of the body !for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundice i Dizziness, Gravel, Molaria, and all difficulties of the Kid ne jr, Liver, and Mrln ary C) rj?a ns . tor FEMALE DISEASES Monthly Menstruations, and during Pregnancy, It has no equal. It restores the organs i that moke the blood, and hence Is the best BLOOD PURIFIER. It Is the only known remedy tuatcures BRIGHT'S DIScASE. For Diabetes, use WAO ER'S SAFE DIABETES CUKE. For Sale by Drussristsjtnd Dealers at S1.2o I per bottle. Larpest bott" in the marset. i ry it. j H H. WARNER Sl CO. Kocu ester. N. Y Dec. 17:3m FOR SALE! VALUABLE PROPERTY ! ! ' j - ; -j , One Lot at China" Grove, containing acres, on which H at Store-house 40x20 feet: An.) n 1. f 4 . r i I mm nuuuicr uiiu uscu dow as a Uoctor s I house 32x20; a'frod lhis property will jST O TICE! JOHiy F. EAGLE, --FASHIONABLE- BOOT . ASD SHOE ai A. It Kit, Im Invite yoiir attention to hin ohon. omoite for sale during the ticxt two or three months Mayer's Office. Repairing neatly and urompt- and persons wishing particulars -will please '-y 'ne A" srafc of goods made to order address , j J. A. COOK, j Oct. lst81:tf. 14:1m .1 ! China Grliv. X f! ' j Horll Carolina, . Bafiisoa Conniy. In TnE ScPEntoR Court January Special Term 1ft? I . i J 1 Order of KCint CltAIGE, L. n. CLEM EXT. -ICRAIGE & CLEMENT, lUtanuys at f aw, W. J. Loflin, Adm'r. &c. on auus. jr. Alien, )2 ''i jr. Aaaihitx x. w. i.ooKaoillCt al, VPublicatios. IDtftii't.)- At a Special. Term of tli Sn held tor the Countr of .naic i .mi rr 1 1 nnou m i - a i. a. -mm. ... . i ..vg in jjCiiiiKion. On the 9tW rift VOll. W fti!:irnnnnw.rrtirto ot h..i,. ' - ' f r - .... ..nv.v, .. w l-tll Vw L U V A n - n . I innnef nAiiu fon ... . ..... ...... . t . is the time. You give jour whole Vi ? SALISBURY. S. C. : ' I i t . JUU t I r S I "V.J " Uiiviv vii IUUUV. A VU Villi J 1 1 I U U I make, money taster at work lor us than at w ' Lilt. I jutvf.hinir f'artiit.! tint- vwwvr1 f A riii ....... ot January, 18821(f the Hon. Au". S. Scvinoiir industrious. Men, women, boys anc Jud2e presidin?i It mnru.rin 1 J-:V krywhere to work.torus.. Now is fQ.r ru nJ. : A1 . '" mos- eaawoKin spare time only or give your .whole i . W1C -urt, mat Henry E. Wylde Uine l "ie business. You can live at Lome and do late of the State of New York wa iliL,,r the work. No otherlmsiness will pay you nearly as chaser of thHands driffi'llLT f?5!"Ll?-12. enormous pa by i . , : - .-vu ... io u cu. cuSaSiuS v mice, tusujr uuiui ana lenns iree. ill 3 Herein. hiritnrnro -oAl.l K- .!. i:?L I MonfV m.ldA fdiL PUllv nnrl hnnnmhlr inra j -....... Dm u lite i i t i n r 1 it i . i -- wiui v jjuuro under an order of this court; is dead it i i Trck & CoAugusta, Maine. Ordered that nnhhVnMon f . . I i - Notice to Creiors and DeMors: the said Henrv E. VrvL1 . .i.. next term-of the Superior Court of niH All personft having claims ftffiinst the BAH I - - H-oniari. ' mldetl 1 Slie I I i r ; vfiw nuutu utter lj USH ll ? notea, but lier passion tot hoard in sr coT, is invincible I ilonVmintl it, though, fvr bhe will give it all hack if a rainy dajr conies.' V r N , -v , r - : r.uiUy,XOienoi(ien at the Court House rr,li,1",M 0.,,,,,rA n -ucceascti, are " Jinton, on the 1st Monday of March ,,en'l,r -otifiwl to preseut the wune to the lo82, and comply with the 1ml of. their lei nlS"".or bcftire the 231 day of tator and ancestor an.l rui-;!- aJa DcccinU-r, li?82, and all teriuna indebted iiieir claim l nir. will 1m , ' , 1 to paid estate ar reniieisleil to uttl ...... i- -wcim;i cu iurrpniitnii i . - ...v oe puo,iShttl onco-a week for six sneeiUtv.: Pmpt;. Bixgilvm Hart, Ad wccks in tne"CHrolina Watehmn - U " V- .! Gi pa!er pub!, shed in the 7th Judieiai Diit AUG. S. SRYinrrn t...i.j f " f t A I ' J.0.,I1. UliLSoRK. J ml toriievs-. Subscribe for Carolina Wair-I 6DDD fl mm am GOODS LOWEST PRICES POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS 6CS a Farmer caaAuy a FORMULA. For P (520 lbS)of POWELL'S pREPAKED CHEMICALS Thls.when mixed at home, makes OneTon :f SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, equal in plant-life and as certain of successful crop production as many high priced Phosphates. XI f EXTRA No trouble to jnix IM VJEXPENSE. I Full directions. f' Powell's Chemicals have been thoroughly tried, give universal satisfaction, and we offer leading farmers in every State as reference. I Send for Pamphlet. Beware of imitations. Brown Chemical Co SOLE PROPRIETORS, ! Manufacturers of Baltoiom.Mii. Powell's Tip Top Bono Fertll- f Izer. Priceonly $35 a Ton.nct cash. Bone Meal. Dissolved Bone. Potash. Ammonia. And all hih-grade Fertilizing Materials. 1 COTTON L GRAINS TOBACCOlVEGETABlES ZfAyera In place of Iron Bitter?. April 23 'si Jje conttane to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks. ConvrichLi. etc.. tar th i TmtH ct.to. Cuba. England, France, Germany, etc We wo u iiurifure j emr experience t 1 1 Patents obtained tnroueb us are noticed in th rt. Etnnc American. This large and splendid lllas mtedweekypaper,$3.20ayear,8howstbe Progress OI Science. U Terr int&rpslAnir n1 h an muhL.,. jlreulation. Address MUNN A CO, Patent Solid- iT . v ouMIinu AHEKICAH, rax itOW. II viii oualifirtl jis AdmiiiSstralor on the estaite of Mrs. Clanssa Julian, lec d, I will tifll for cash at die late; residence of the intestate, on the 25th of Jann ar.v, 188i, a quantity ol'-ot u, a Ut of hgs, ini-at, household and km-tien ; tniiiituic, etc. J. V. Mai xky, Aunt'r. Jau'y 2, 1882. 12:4t ilOWAN COUNTY ST REV. JETHRO RUMPLE. SALE OFIABP ! The undersigned will sell on the premises about live miles west of Salisbury, on the Lincolnton road, on the 25th dav of Janua ry, 1882, Seventy Acres of Land, known as the Clarissa-Julian place. There is a ood dwelling on it. TERMS One-third cash, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months. Note and security on deferred uavments and interest from date. K. P. JULIAN, M. A JULIAN, Jan'v 2, 1882. Mrs. V. UKOWN, 12:4t P. D. JULIAN. . ' ; f NORTH CAROLINA, i1?- ROWAM COUHTY. mou Covm. Robert Wall tmd wife loratUxV mail Wall, and D. Ii. Alsabrook ' j ; i againut ; , , 4 , - I. Caroline CnunnTT J. Cicero 1 Petition Xhunn, Tho3r Allison and wife .j- to Divide Bettie, Jacob Thomasori & wife J Land. . Susan, Salhe Chunn, Thomas C'hunn, Marraret Chunn, and Henderson I sher. j ' . I Upon affidavit of the Plaintiff, Robert Wall, It is ordered by the Court that! pub lication be made ju the; "Carolina Watch?' man" for six weeks, notifying Thjs. Cbun4 one of the Defendants, who is a n ah resi dent of this State, to apjx'ar at-the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county on Monday the 27th day ot re bili ary, J882. and "answer the complaint, iwliica will he. filed in the above entitled actiori witlijn teu days trom the date hereof anuia he fail to f iiswor the complaint the plaitf tiffs Svill apply to Ihe Court for the relief demanded in the ceWvpIaint. - - jj Witness J. Jl. IIoKArt, Clerk 13;6w j Sup. CouiJjJlowaB Co.1 - Bui Dr. Crowe's Great Historic The TRAGEDY of -Abraham Lincob! ; OR, " I The Hiscnfall of Jefferson Davis MORTGAGE SALE XQtlCES We still have a;feir copies uf this valua- FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. hie little book, which should ba possessed A truthful account of the Abolitionary War with tlie Secesh RelM-lunion. -Sliak? speria.i style, O acts, lg stfenes, 04 pages.; Abraham Lincoln,' Win. Seward, Ediein Stat ton, U!yea G'raht, Wm. Ktitrntam Iknjnmi Butler, Parson Ikecher, Horace (JralcyTJ'' Fisl; Jr Jefferson Dati. Holt, loon1, M exander Stephen J.'ierre Beaureijard , Stone- Takes effect Sunday July 17, issi, at.4.15, P. M. PASSJSSGER TRAIX. by every eitizen wb feels a pride in the W KST AHM TI. C. Hailrfi2d Uhal, Jach Voxiii. Mrs. IJaris. Mrs, Lincoln, Mrs- Surr.ilt John Wi lt Jiooti. IHtrou, . , . history and character ef Old Rowau. Scud for a copy before it is too late. Price $1.25. AKHITX. LEAVE. STATIONS. lliU a.m Salisbury 1203 a.m: UfM. 12 53 140 X 41 SU7 S45 4 23 I5. ,541 e6 C37 7 57 814. Si9 8 50 9 00 943 00 A.M.' 128 56 9 IV 9 43 -o 23 ;ia 4r 1150 : 12 Si A M. 1 no S 17 3 41 4 02 5 2ft i 550 6 30 ARRIVE. LEAYf, 4 30 a.m i ll 57 p.n 1 1 li i 10 10 iti 4 5" S 56 803 TIT" 27 6i; 5:49 527 5 15 Tiara ureet 34 t.iuiwoo'l 3 as statesviae 2 Ai Catawba 1 41 Newton 1243 Conova 12 28 uicKory . Mi57p.ni 750 teara Morganton uieiia Alpine iBilUirewater 'Marion Old Fort 7.07a.m Henry ... iHl'k Mountain Cooper's .Hwannanoa. 1 Asherille Ju'ct .Ashevllle t rench Broad t4 i3D.tt Fillll GUT Tin IX." ARRIVE. LEAVE. STATIONS. XRBIVE. LEAVE. u w A.M. rausoury ; 5 p.m.- 6 24 i m Khnwootl i 3 15 i jstatesvllle j 2 43 iCatawba 1 ?4 i iNewton -12 25 i iConover 12 W ! jillckory jn si A.M: :icara -10 ?3, ;Moranton ; 940' Glen Alpine i 9 os1 jBrktewater : 8 44" ;Marlon : 743 lOWFort Ijienry . ;. 5591 ;BUxMountaln 5 03' 4 42 4 23 Atlzerott and Payne. Frederick Dougl'M Pompcy, Ii isey, and fir. Mary Waller. PRINCIPAL SCENES. White House ! Tronb'esr Bull Run Panic; Richmond Calico Ball ; Pompey iintl Priacj? Andeisonvillej Horrors; Richmond Darning; Lincoln Assassinated; Booth BulletetUMn Sin ratt St railed ; 1 Dais Reconstructed; Grant's Jubil j-c Speech, and Grand Trans formation Scene; "Let us have Peace. Price 15 Cfents. (Send Postage! Stawt.-) Dk. Q. W. SELDEN, Publisher; 10 3ml 1$2 Ieilngton Ave. New York tv.!i. HARDWARE 50 P M.: : 5 50 r.M. Cooper's ling's ;AshevtlleJot iAshevlile r i ; French Broad! 6 34 A.M. 4 00 A.M WHEIV VOU WA5T H A .Rl-DI'W A IB' B At iliow Figures i--n r. ii, 1niiAro;no,i xrj 9. Or"1 ,i0'- 'I ;d.a:atveW. 15 ;Cw only ! $ 1 .0(J pr year iu ad vancc. 1 01. J3yTralis run -ally, Su ndavspxcepiod A. B.ANDREWS, in.Supi Sulifbur .N. C.. Junt 8 If

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