, ! J- . : . . I 1 . : . - -: ! - ! 1 . - - . : j - - ' i : ' : - J '. ' . . . ; .- I t i .$' i : . . ...!! --y' '.-l V"v- ' - . "''v ;' ;'. -' ': ) T.r - -i :i :W - - ! ' - . . . -i 1 'j.f ! . 1 p Carolina Watchman. tuOksOay, fei&iuarv in, High watera in Virginia have stopped ume tf the mills and factories about IV-.tersbujj-g. . - - A telegram to the, Xetcs-Obscrrer .say a that Jddse Say moor lurs beep nominated .to ! tbi vacant seat of the late Judge Ji rooks.' . ' . 1 .i . y : . J crease of in expense T c do not , GnfcAT IUxl Sale ix Texas. fhien- Staid therai.ny treather continue are, " , 'V' . nU , n" 12. J tbr"7 A ,"'",enso K - . , t I j- - - - r .- ... ..l.. i.. ii .. oti r rn u bnt that srocd for nothmsr. The American rruv nv "v iv keencrs was pay lor me erection of a new state honse h Jikeiv to la na important llieiiio tvitii those wlin d( tempt ro travel then, And in vicvf theif preseni deplorable, sou ditit;ii we trnst it may liot be whoUjiidL I The Mississippi Honse Um passed a bill ";to prevent the sale of tobacco to minors j vritboat the consent of parent or gaardian r ' A lirge part ofi Bald Mountain, N. C.t baa slid off intothe rallej below a piece half a- roile in width. Jt startled the na-tirea-'by the thundering crash. ; ), AD oruiuiirjr uaj b uusmito vu In Cliicago is the salo of abont?i 0,000,000 bashls of grain. GnSnfnrday the sales amounted to nearly y0,00,),000 bethels. '! - j rr- , ! Gen. Gordon, who resigned his seat in the -U. S. Senate, and afterward wcut in to railroading, it is said has- since made a quarter of a million of dollars by his Yen tares. . - "'' John W. GuiteauJs quoted as saying thaf the assassin has about made up his mind thartho people want htm hanged, and that there is no hone for him. He f Jliasjlet goof the pardon strawjnnd thinks j HT Scoville will give up irr despair of obtain 1 !. iuga new trial. . , a" - i -1 Mr. JCH. Bonbright, ora young ' gen tleman bearing this name, watj committed at Charlotte i yesterday, on the ebargcLof forgery. He was passing in the capacity of 4 commercial traveler, arstl foi-ged the nathe of a Charlotte merchant on which f he Jlrew tliemoner ' j 1. ':. , . A new mineral from Scran tonrpc., has ' ben given the name of phytoeallite. It wa$ found near the bottom 'of a bog; is j in eliy form, soon hardens on? being ex ; posed, burns with a flame, and, breaks ! likfe coal.; It is belieyed-this discovery ; illlstrates the first ' step in the transfor- i motion of peat into coal. j'l rt. - -'. - 1 idle to talk of their improvement. We havo frequently heard persona wjio, daring the war, travelled over fife Macadamized roa to the salt works in Virginia, speak in clowins terms of that work, and wo were tirorniftMl bv flicEr renresentatious to Write to the Postmaster at WythvilIe,7Va. requesting hini toTTnnd onrletter to some one capable of giving the lnlorjnatioa de sired in respect to the .cost of the road the annual repairs,; &ci and have receir ed the n'.thjoin'd letter, which will be fund of interest: -i i i WrxuKviiLE, VaI, Feb. 10. 182. .7. J. firuner, Esq.: I i Dear Sir Your postal of the 3rd in at. has been Landed to me by the Postmaster ei this place for reply. M J The cost of the Macadamized road, passing irooi vames liiver, at isucuanan, through this town to Seven Mile Ford, 33 nviies wc&t of this place, and about J3U miles long in alj, with ft width lof grading 21; feet and a wtth or broken stoue jot i?2 leet, was about $3,500 per mile average, lucludihg.eost 6t biidgos tho number of bridges not kuowo. ijia cost of aauual repairs i cannot state";) bat it would be comparatively small if the metah or stone. covering it, is ofgood jthickness say JO inches in the middle and b inches on the edges. In this, part oil the country, the items entering into th cost! woiiju be about as follow s, viz j Excavations of XI. I? 1? AA JL a . 1 J 1: eai hi, iiuiu id uj u cents per cuuic yarn and ?f solid rock trom 80 cents to dl per tcapic yard, i he graae of the roau shouHt be! sneli that the cuts and fills would equalize iich other, j The stone taken from the grade can be nsed for the Mac adamising. - The breaking of the stone no piece larger than frill -pass throiiffii a two inch ring 13-worth from 18 to Q cents per cubic yard. .JA road-i with 20 ft width of grading and & ft. width of bro-i ken stone would offer) 'ample room for passing of wagons, y If tlw stone for Macadamising is'not fdrnished from grad iuqr the road bed, thenjthe expense of ex tra hauliog must be added. V7ery ' Respectfully t T1103. J Botd. Thei a is no one roa4 leading into Salis bury which h more inj need of improve ment tiianthe Stokes Ferry. , Three and a half miles out on that road take us to Dana's. mountain, whero any quantity of the very bes stone may be obtained. By making this the iuitial point f hu im provement system, all the -.advantages' ueireu could be obtained. We believe the Commissioners be sustained by the people of the county 111 an enterprise began vth reference to a permanent improvement on this road would Guiteau is coming to his senses. Ho is as! docile as a lamb. -Warden Crocker aaa; 4I do not thiuk that any man nn- i jj , v. -..aef sentence of detttti ever more appreciat ed his condition than (iuitean. He has .betome greatly depressed inUpirits, and . with the iwiderstaudiiU ihnr cimiio,. ..,.t- HI- 'wa Hfnd thej:e is not a Mgn of insan-. should be uliiuiatcly done ou others. 1 ;f irl io his conversjation or actions; iofact, Ths Coniiiiis&lcuer trf the towu o'fSal ! fpnduct is enfirely different since he isbuiy comprise several members who flK:!3'?f8:feit?e1,: Pe phops that some- have Urn daring to atiempt something of I If .r;-;:ilng ' iriajr be done jiff the court in baric,." value -Mi' the leliefj of our mikerable I f Hi tally 'mnti liej is faat! losing Lope' rstieets, and it is hopd they Will give no rest to the timfd until sometiu" is asi-e- f I -. j . TL' - 1 "-- j tf peterring to the strong and long strug- - fiTo over the collectorship n District, the WasSrinpton cor t ! -1 ..f . -1- the Mott correspondent i the Ikiltimoro 6'a says: Tli C!v4l. fr.i..l 1 r..'- II- , ojorHi Larolina is a .well-known raoon aiine district, where there J is a ouairtitv of iHtcit distilling! As p. conseqneiice the Collector has a perfect army of spies, in flraeivi ilttcctives, depv.tyjnar.shals, &lc, nd iis ..contingent expensesa re enormons. tfhis accouuts for the struggle to get io. sssion of the oflice." A-niagujfkent side wheel steamer has jhst been completed I by the Harleu and llotliugsworth Com piuiy , J Wiliujjjgtou, Delaware, for service on Long Island $ound between New York and New Lou don Water lino length 325 feet over il 340 feet, beam 1G. feet,! with a tocago Rapacity of 2,485. She is 'finished up in jthe best) bossible style for freightvaud assengey service, and is unexcelled in magnificence, as a whole; or in the bean jty and perfection of her details. ed upon. An article from tile Zauesvillei fDliio says, rliHt ,lte pay of thw stoivkeepcrs wa .Ui to May it. was $4. The American claims that it! gave the da fa from which desire information could have been gained; but it evident the NeKs-Obserrcr did not see it in that light. We hope the mystery may yet jbe solved The New Scientific American I Offices. ' t We are glad to announce thai the Scien tific Amerimncame ont of the late fire in New York, like the fabled Ph ap nix, with renewed life, i TIio subacriptioa lists, ac count books, patent records, patent drawl ing, and correspondence were preserved in massive fire-proof safes! The print ing of the Scientific American and Supple ment was done in another building; con seqnently the types; plates' presses, pa per, etc., were unharmed, and no inter' ruption of business was occassioned. ,The new Scientific American offices are located at 261 Broadway, corner of War ren street, a very central ' and excellent situation. The new building fronts to wards the City Hall, the-Court House, and the New4 Ijtost-pfnce-a, magnificent structure, which cost eight millions to build. Nearly opposite, and a few hun dred feet distant from the Scientific Amcr ican offices, is the entrance to the great Suspension Bridgeoycr the East River,be tween-Jfew York and Brooklyn, which re quired teu years to cou struct and twenty millions of dollars to pay .for. In front, aso, of the.&ieufiie American h the City Hall Park and Priuting House Square, with its statue of Benjamin Frauklin, and the homes of eminent editors and newspapers,. such as; the New Tribune, New York -Times, New York Sun. New York World, New York Herald, Mail and J2jrpre$8, Zeitung, and others. Travelling: the Customary Road. , , W o are not for doing any man any in justice. To avoid the appearance of this we published lastVeek Col. Wm. John ston's half-handed card. If Capt. Chas. Price will write one We will, publish it. But meantime, notwithstanding the de nial of Col. Johnston of certain specific augnage alleged to have been uttered by him, we shall continue to believe that the statements made concerning these two persons are substantially correct. Otherwise why have they both not said over, their names, long ago, as Alfred M. Waddtll did, that they had not only not deserted tho Democratic party but do not iuteud to t That part of Col. John ston's card where the assurance might so well have been given, waft devoted after the true "independent" custom to a bill of indictment agaiust the part v. which ie says in effect, ha ceased to be good euonjrli tor him. It is against the programme for these Courier, on the wibjett of stoue roiidsaucrr6180113 to avnr t thi time, their He- has been tfiutsferred by the State duri the pa$t two days to A bwer -Taylor, Jloja; C, B. Farwell, and John V. Farwell, 'of Chicago, and !A; C. Bubcock, of Canton, Illinois,' who will furnish the necessary funds forj erecting the building. This domain is larger than the State of Con necticut,' and five times larger than Rhode Island.- :It is the Northwest corner of the State, and! the survey extends South 97 miles, with au average width of. twenty- seven miles. J Two railways are already prujecieu 1 uirougn mis section el the State. iThe i transfer of these" lands; is probably ihe'largest sale ever made' to private individuals awd- the purchasers are the largest land owners iii the 'Wo Id. A Washington corresxiondent writes: "When a lyoung la wyer unknown to faliift, Chester Arthur happened to attend the service at the, old church of St, John's1, in this eity. I There he heard for the first time the ficl soprano voice of Ella Ilera dou, as the : notes of the Venite'i rang through tjhe sh iibbyxld church. Hhe was the daughter of a naval officer, who won distinction by his services in the Mexican war and commanded an exploi iog expe dition up the Amazon. Buthiscrownini: deed of valor was upon the ill-starred steamer Central Americathat foundered near Hauua with several hundred passen gers and! more than a million ia gold. By his hfroic efforts about half the pas- weie saved, and, faithful to! his trust, the gallaut captain went down jt ith which he refused to desert. jThe le sweet voice still lingered with ar anu soon alter her great sor row he sought the acquaintance of the" fatherless girl and she became his wife. Now, every Suuday, on foot and unat tended, president Arthur finds his way to the dingy little chnrch and sits in, the pew where the beautiful Lady Miidisou worshipped so long ago. Perhaps nmid the 'Veijite' to-da v he hears Hhc soupd of a voice that is still' th "v v uuv wuose portrait hangs 111 this chamber. Amid the pressure of State duties, it is said, the President never forgets the dai ly tribute of this lady, who, hadihe lived. . . . .i .. would have graced the White IJou his ship, echo of t Mr. Arth MERRYMANS'- .4.. t T T A . : m . !ri' iocK, auk., x eu. 14. A spe qal from Helena,' dated yesterday, says tha i-iver at this point baa risen higher. Advisees from Madison and Walnut Bend indicate a rapid rise during the past 24 hours. The levee at Walnut Hill is bro- eti in several places. Not three acres of land are to bo seen in any direction. Telegrams have been sent to - Memphis asking that boats! be sent! down to take out the cattle, horses and mules. The SL Frnnria rivfr fa mnnrtmA n l. vt.lni. - , , ,i , .? 8Uaanonu uvv -o of this Standard Fertilizer on hand and ready for delivery indeed alirming, but the citizens of Hele- has maintained the same high standard and given universal satisfaction for 20 vears na are determined to leave nothiug un- 1 18 admitted to fce best in use. Persons wishing to use it will please forward us thir - - 1 . . .. m i - 1 1 . . - done to keep out the water.' iuer uy man or omcrwisc so mat we can place their nameson our Books which will I; -. --i - 1 u ucuvery wuen cauea ior. oaiisoury, if eb. 15, 1833. English steel rails, except for our tariflff-- . v ilcCTJBBINS & BEALtl For Cotton, &a f f r my It It D. R. Julian is actin? as At for.us. attention. " of abominations, could be placed on the wharves qf our 'Atlantic seaboard cities at something like $40 per ton, but our duties are so high and so nearly prohibi tory that the government fails to get ' much revenue from this -source, and the American manufacturer gets $00 per ton for aii inferior grade. In thia one item of burdensome exaction our people are niaue to pay monopolists $20 per ton on ,uuu,aj oi cons ot rails. We are at a loss to uiiderstand how any jmlitical econ- j n every town in the State. pmit cau justify such a policy. Haiti-1 inore Gazette, Dem. Orders to him or j ourselves -will have prorant -i- AO. 11 I J.R l-U j?or ine &a,e 01 isns 'W&jg&i stiles-NEW and S 1 & CO. flfiiftniinu ii saLiaBURTjiM. u., ; gines and Boileraof all tizet A Bx.UUiU ifAWD. Alo- Wmi Saw Mills andllachinerv ffmfcrallr. -. "Correspondence solicited. 1 Sub-Agents wahted! ISif - "Mention where yohi saw this notice. f JTA MM) MMM AS USuth ! . Reports from all sections of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama sustain ourctaiin that the ' j ;4:jrj' ' WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S MANIPULATED GtJANO Is the BEST and Most Reliable and CHEAPEST Fcrtilizei-inuLe.land thahe fILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S SUPERPFOSPHATE, ' , which we put out for the first time last season; has proved unexcelled bv anv ArM -SC. pKH. Cungman ;is reported to have Md that the Democratic party in this State under the leadership of Vance, Rau- jiom and Jarvis is as coi rapt as any polit ical organization thatover existed, and Uat ue ready and willing to co-operate u a moT combine in au iudepeudent 3party all those who with ihim sincerely , ieaire the Wi throw of these gen tlcmen. imuch ability, and he is now upwards of seventy years, of age, but a new party sitb him .at- the head woud be like put ting new wine into old bottlesTarfcoro yipoutherncr. 7, j. vrif5enUnmanVaidit,whicUwedonbt; he should have accompanied his assertion TTith the evidence of corruption. As a i general thing those who make railing ac cusations against other., nrethema,l res J more corrupt than the acjused. j U An oldfellow inrgSa just pulled f to market four bales of cotton which have It" h5 g5a -ioce 16G0. if In I860 he was oflVred iU eents a pound I for it, but refund to sel h . L Sjected to paying the three per cent, cot I ton tax, and since then he has Wn I ing it for higher jn ices, j - Greensboro c:. We learn tlat eight bandied parMidgcs wero kUa v I v.ucr i me authorities of DanvilU Va I pue day lat week, se" birds are said I to have Wen the property of a Preeusboro i dealer, who did not know that the Vir- giuia game law expired sooner than ouri I i ftom? to Pfwlt Pavjs was II filled Saturday ni-ht by the freight ; traiu on theorth Caroliua Ralroad, at the water tank Jthia suleof texington ji lie was terriblykiutilated. and supposed j po have been drunk at the 'time. ." Saleni J'rcsi: Oiufriday last the ope jrativeg. ip the weaving-room at Messrs l &. 11, Fries woolen mills discovered a if box of olot waste hu fltej caused by spon- jatn'tms-oitiljistiou. tiiccost ot constructing tjieni ia to hand this morning; but to4 Lite for thisjjap5r. We iiigive-it iiu our next. ! ' ' " CaVGafc" -t" Not Quite Satisfactory. News and Olserver. j Dr. Jiots expenditures last year, run ning from June), lpSO, to June 0. 1681, and coveting the period.. the election can v a ss , -w ere $G;i,Si I greater lhau they were the year before Ve have ofiered to ptict any explauhtion .that either the DoctoV or the Statesville American can make of this fact. 1 : ' ! - ! In reply to this the Ameriean harrowa its soul with the stkrtliiig query, 'Can the -Hew end Observer be honest in its statements-?'. ' - i H ' j We answer' that independent of every other consideration, newspaper haviug such intelligent readers as the Xews-aad Observer cau not allprd to j be otherwise than accurate. Occasional typographical errors will occur j occasionally the best source of information opened to an editor are themselves only meagre and imper fect ; but what apearT in a newspaper must be as ti ne and as perfect and as rV liable as diligence can make it. Mistakes, however, will sometimes joccurj but' no willful misstatement can be tollerated in a newspaiKT. ! : Such figures as tile -lienca' indulges in would kill a newspaper outright among intelligent readersV that the American survives is by no means in conflict. with this doctriue.-V'. j i ; The American isf altogether correct in supposing that t wV bad! Commissioner Ranmi report before us when we prepar ed the atatistics of Dr Mott's I district and the statements !to -which it objects are Commissioner Raum', not jours. It is nouo of our business to teach the editor pi the American arithmetic; and! we shall not try. But his figuring only! puts Dr. Mott in a worse fi than before.1 2 Ruuu says that jlhere were 13,033 gal Ions of spirits made last year and deios ited in the warehouses on wli)ch.no ta had been, paid; according to the) figures of the American we tjbserye that die amount is 7ii) gallons, jmakiog a diflerence of 6,702 gallons, represeu t i ng a tax of $6,031 . Now, how aiMu that t Was that $6 -031 paid or was it; not? Mr. Ranm says that the G,702 of spirits ire not on hand, and he doerliot jicconntl for the $G,031 tax that it represents. In Tvy to the question, why should the expenses of the aismct nave increased $03,551. them tcan gives a list of the distilleries operat ea quring each month. ( That does not explain it. It is not the number of dia t'..!enes, but the number of distillerv warehouses that einke tjQ cost .unmibHtonepRiam says on page 63? 'The n amber of distillery warehouses in- rC,aioAl 1,1 tl,at 'Hstrict from 229 on julv lulvfil JuUe;f)',88?"adiff"- Why should art incieise of 24 distill ery WrfrehouseR have' occasioned an in- er- puolieauism. It is clear that they have entered j n to a dicker, by the terms which they are to parade themselves as 'inde pendents" and undemhis pretence seek to draw off strength from tl(e Democratic party. If they avowed their uew affilia tions at oce, tiey could not hope this year or hereafter when theyr first become uiuiuiics ior oiijee, 10 cany anv more votes thau the Republican! party alone could give them. Iu other words they have started by the usual ;road for that destination which the "independent" can didate almost invariably j reaches, even wheu he has become such without a pre vious bargain. So that yon! will see Price and Johnston, reader, when they rioxt come before the public as candidates, claiming to bo "independent" of any ex isting party, and after that in full and undented fellowship with the. Republican party. , : . .;. , We are for tcaribg the mask from the faces ofHill such political impostors, with out any ceremony whatever. Honest Democrats have a great, deal more respect for flat-footed Republicans who make no false pretences " about their politics. Statesville Landmark V - Wilmington star. !" " i - , ... .. ' f ' New Mexico is asking to be admitted as a btate. It has J 10,505 population. Of these 9,772 are Indiana. We agree with the able and influential New York Times thai the Congress "should make bqrt.work of the attempt to admit" tliis new candidate for Statehood. The fol lowing gives information by which to guide one to af safe conclusion. The Times says : "The majority of the population is of the mongrel breed known as "greasers." Thia mixture is of His'pauo Mexican, ne gro, and Indian stopk, A correspondent of the Times describes the compound race as made up of the blood f of the Apache, negro, Navajo, wjhite horse thief? Pueblo Indian, and old jtime frontiersman with the original Mexican stock. There is a great gulf fixed between thia mixed race and the American settlers. In language, religion, traditions, and mental charac teristics, these two elements of popula tion are wholly dissimilar. The bare suggestion of a proposition so palpably absuKtl ought to coiurince Con- gresa that somewjicre in the scheme lurks a disreputable job." j - Let New Mexico wait for a more con venient season.' ; .Too much mongrel is not healthy. v- ? . Incuasixg Bkcf SuirMEXT.-lFivJ years ago, when the shipments of Ameri-j can beef to England began twenty (jnar-f tei-8 a week could not be sold in Uiver-i pHd. Now Liverpool alone takes be-! tween three thousand and four thousand quarter a veek, aud the whole trade amounts to from ten thousand to twelve thousand Quarters a week, wlih h nt f A mndied pounds to the 'quarter, would make say 2,200,000 pounds of beef sold each wfek in great Britain, or 'l 14,400,1 00 pounds a year. In an article referl ring to this huge shipment of beef from this countrv into the KnyJish mnri. jf n.k Mannfactiirerk' Gazette notes that ai enrir ous facjt iii foniieriion wit'i ti: tr.jde ik that even with the eost of transportation American; beet' retails much lower fi might be obtained from our agents, or ourselves, cover the whole subject, and will am ply repay perusal. We will have a moderate supply of each, whicfen be obtaiaet If there is-no Agest- v$ yoitr Railrobd from our Agents, parable in Cotton noxt Fall. ! Depot, get your merchant to order it. WICOX, GIBBS & C0., I That veterau Washington correspond? ent, L. Q. Washington, aaya Beck's au4 Uoke's speecJiea on the tariff-are the two ablest on 1 that? subiect sinrA t !. war There is no proopect of a reduction of the tariff during the present Congress not before J3S4, ir then J In the meantime the war tariff monstrosity flourishes at the expeuse of fo'rty-ninc million people.- ii a. mar. i r in Ln-'laud at a, ure than it th-es on i,L side of the water. The Gazette explains that the secret lies iu the dhTcreice ill catting. In Luglaad a side of .beeff is cit into pieces of from ten to twenty pounds weight), and ueithei bone nor tit is ror moved!. (Englishmen, when they buy meat, do hot ask for a piece of tlie ruil or sirloinj as Americans do, but for so many pounds of meat, aud are indifferent from which part of the animal it comcsj GoldJ Hill Letter. ! Gold Hill, Feb. Cth, 82. Mr. Editor : The most nainful accident jit has ever been our lot to record happen ed here 6u the evening of the 2nd inst. i he wife of W. F. McDauieis was so badly burned at 6 P. M., that shei died auouc Hi i. m;, same evening. Her hns oauu had just left her sitting by the stove, with an infant about 3 months old in her arms, in unusual good health and Stunts, tit rtl ftvr a Knnlrn- nf 4 wellabont 300 v;tids Hi Stnnf frnrn I P tile i larKfct house, j Just as he filled his bucket he !!ot necessjV"y lor us to saJ anything about thcse;Fertilizersi as her the cry of Fire." He ran to find not a building on hre as he supposed but hjs wife burned in the most shocking manner. How; she could have taken fire from the stove the only fire in the house which was closed up, and the fire gain such uemtway in so short time are matters winch must ever remaiu a mysterv. the deceased was born. in Mississippi, reared in Philadelphia. Pa., went with her parents to Misouri. where about .10 years ago she married Mr. M. who is a native ot this place. They were here on a visit expecting to return to Missouri in the spring. She was a member of the United Baptist church, and bore her ex treme, suffering with the greatest forti tude I liave ever witnessed, praviug the while for grace to bear. C. P. : For tlie Watchman. Flagrgtfowii Letter. ii Editor )Vatchman : Our little town has presented quite a lively appearance for the last five or six mouths, aud if that ever good and true providence wilj kindly permit it to con tinue who knows how many whispered paayers will ascend to Him who rules to thei giver of every good and perfect gift. ! James D. Harris, the newly appointed' Justice for this township, has been called upon quite frequently of late to arrest the thieving propensities born iu some men ; to settle matters of fact and law involved m ae nous ot l V the reports which I : 1 med f . , ' .... ' ' l . I 'J- . 1 . j " "I;' ' . I StM " j J ARE RECEIVING . ji t : " -: P ii" - 1 1 H I .1 IK';-.. : I ' : t 1 AND ARE SELLING THEM VERY, V.ERX CH13AI! ATf fi i; r IS "Uf l3 ooas, motion ana Ulotlnng Departments have ali4cen supplied; in the; last week or two; and we offer them -very ioy. '. ij New Stock of Shirts and Undorware: i i : I . s : ' ! r iNiw LUI Of It LB BE liS. SHOES AND ROOTS AST cilEiP it ivv tv-iW JvlAKKET AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT. Winston SenUnel. j uo. Vance last week in the Senate tried to get up his resolution to iii venfji gate the Sixth Collection district. We copy he following from the Senate pro ceedings i Mr. on m I VANCE. On the 17th of January, motionthe Senate passed a resb- lutionj requiring certain information from the Secretary of the Treasury. To that resolution there has been no response, j I ask leave new to introduce the followipg resolution, and I ask for its immediate consideration: j EeJolved, Tlfat the Secretary) of the Treasury be again directed to transinit to the Senate copies of all charge, com plaints, or other information concerning any roiscondnct or irregularities lof ojfiS- ciala charged .with the collection of inter nal reveuge in the sixth collection dis trict of North Carolina which m,-(y lnive been jreceived or be ou file -in anly office ii! hia department ; and also copies of anv order or orders isaed by the collector of said district forbidding the arrest of 'of fenders against the rereune laws, or the issuing of warrants against such per sons,' ' j j 'Mr. Hoar objected on the ground that it was not respectful to the Secretary! of the treasury. If the Republicans Were not afraid of the investigation ijt would pot be so disrespectful. possession of neisona nmn- " " "Jta" l" ,tcu Juu j t erty ; and to perform that most agreeable Bat FlcttT, Heats, EtUaTS. TwsiCeffeeC, Svms ' i t luty of uniliag loViuir hearts and true lr r i - . v . i the knot that-migu tS know ,m iMeali. Buckwheat PioTir, Eotaxsy nd Com Starchj 1 xuc cCr iam uoid Mine, situated ?nLnCS." TcmatOeSi' P6t at this nlace hus Imon i ration for many months TrZLV " are W Ue "a1' V e luve ns Fl is N utS run stocic ot Corn. Mp.iI. Rhnrts nnrl Riv.n ! etiw for the holidays and the meeting of th compahy, at which the annual election of ouicers took- : place, and matters of vital importance were discussed. It is believ ed that a healthy programme for future operations was mapped out; that addi tional appliances will he put up, aud that work will be resumed in earnest iu a fw days. i Heavy rains, snow and severe freezes have place the roads in this vicinity in a wretched coudition. Tuov Maux. "WINE OF! CAR0UI " cures irregniar, painfui, or difficult menstruation. I j At Theo. F. Klutiz'R. -r. .... r-scapea convicts are thick around Old Fort, and are selling cheap. B.jB. Free man and Esq. Sullivan bought riue Sun day jfor $3.00. One of the Old iFort ne grocs found one taking shelter in a shuck pen ; he had n clothes at all, and! the Old Fort pegro offered to furhiah jiim with a coat and pants, and deliver Lira for $3.00, which Messrs. F. and S. accent- ed.,1 Tvb other convicts wei4 comine through, one white and one eoiored j the white one acting as guard and p "tending tp Jiave the other under arrit, bt a Uiey were marching down this way' some suapipion was . aroused, anJi both were arretted, aud proved to be escaped jcon- Tj ' "w v"v as me veritable Drake who was convicted at thia court some two years ago for break Ins info n C, Salislniry's hou.se. Old Fort; is.ap nu lucfcy pape for him. Marion-Lamppost. EKE0UTOBS SALE! Haying qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Jsvcob Lingle, deed I will sell the personal property belonin" to his estate, at hia late residence, on SaW dsy the 4th day of March, 1832. I will sell a buggy and harness, household and kitch en furniture, blacksmith tools, farmintobls and ther articles not enumerated TERMS of sale Cash. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make early settlement, and all those who have claims againts the estate are notified that they 'must present them to rfIb?fore .t,1e da' f February, 1883, or this notice will be plead in bar if their recovery. J Michael Bostian, Executor Feb. 11, 1882. of Jacob Lingle. t . 18:3t H03TH CAROLINA?1 th7e. ROWAN COUHTY. wokCocht. C'5j?riier Adm'r of Rosanna S. Cartner, Plaintiff, ' Agniaxt Fredrick Cartner and others, Heirs at Law, Defendants. ' t PfiTrrrox to Sell Lakd for Assets. It kppcarins to the Court thnt tt:- Ut law of Mary Felker, dee'd. (their names o """"""" m mo piainnn), the heirs at law of Catharine Boston, (their names being unknown to the plaiqtiff), the" heirs at law of Margaret Mock, dee'd, (their names being unknown to. the plaintiff); and Hen ry Cartner Sarah Emberson, John Ember son David Davault and wife Susan, Wash ington Cartner, John Hartmanand wifeSallv defendants in this cause, reside beyond tlie limits of the State, It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks m the -Carolina Watchman," Sf?. I?le Xt "I dcfcndtn8' and a heirs at law of Rosanna S Cartner whose names maybe unknown to the plaintiff to anoear Court oflS0f theCk f ihe SuK Court of Rowan county, at the'Court House in Salisbury on or before Mondav the 27tli plaint of the plauitift a copy pf Whkb ia clerk forsa,4 county, and that ifthey fail to answer the said compraintr the plaintiff win apply to the Court for the relief demanded le t b e complaint. . iiis za aay of February, t82. r 4. U:Cw atoes, ix. United States. iti r uH stock of Corn, Meal. Shorts and Bran. ;: o?vv supply ofGlar. ami 0aTIq Ware. See us before you buy, as wc have a thousand things . not incr.twmeli j Come r i and see W. W. TAYLOR. II. F ATKINS, E. F. TATUM, Salesmen. January llth.1882. . . if'- ' i -i From to-day we wilt commence reducing our! LARQE FALL ST00 OF GOODS . AT PRICES TO SUIT EVEKYBODItM 1 CLOTHING; AND SHOE !. s Will be sold regardless of cost. Just received a lU of FOSTER'S PATENT LACE KID GLOVES In Black and Colors. If you. want a I XT n. . . .. i , -1 i ; 5 u,u l,me co S't. We have a large line of Fresh Samples Super and Thrce-Ply to select from. -M JONES, McCUBBINS & CO. Extra ' ' - ' ! : .? - rui . . ' i If , ! I I F - - '. ; ' rj , " - 5 " ' . - t a ; , , . ; ; .: BT3 H II PB. flinnn e i --------j RIMCS I mm o very rnan's door. ! If our .SEEDS era not sold Irt your tovn, drop usa Postal Card for Kan d so mo tilts m-r fi n i tnia anu rncea. Address D.LflrjnDCTUf. eMft -J.l : "- m iwi0i rniiaae t ..... 4 r i - 'iL-T Founded N0sJSete5Si i ir..i- IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY! Thorough-bred Plymouth Rocks verr ir?fn ,aJ er3, an? tn others! Thev are m all respects the farmers fowl Eggs, .$1.00 per thirteen Address Lock Bos No. 250, . ' ' Salisbisry, C. J-;M. HORAH, Clerk J V oaw, iNUTICES SupV Court Rowan Count,. FOR SALE AT THIS OFPICE 8 mm IflHl OATS A Spring Oats, aqol RUST-PR " Wonderfully prolific! - Will yield as hijk as from 75 to loOlljbihels to thi acre, d one pound has nrVahided fis mkh 4ushels. Tlirs- nhtuU., tm i in 5 tea u height. In faci-ibey are said to bcff X nr s:tlfat lG:tf fclSS' d rrt: btore, fi i I S . I r f ? ' 1 I . 1