y"xiii.-rHiMi series ' vj F-P (g(Mb cLP()7, irlw'i i'i 11. The:CarolinWatchnian STABtlSnED IN1TIIE YEAR 1832. f PRICK, $1.60 IN ADVANCK. T - M" :vv- TRUSTEE'S ' ;. SAiE I REAL ESTATE BY virtue of a Mortgage or Deed in Trust, executed by John C. .Connor and Sallie" j Connor, to Loke BUckmer, dated the 8th dVof April, . 1874, . registered in the office ot Register of Deeds of Rowan coun ty, ia Book No. 48, pa'ge 170, &c, and upon ivhich default has been made, I will expose - to sale at public auction, at the Courthouse H - Tdoor in the town oi naiisuurj, On the 6th dajNof KEarch, 1882, at 11 o'clock. A. 31., the following es tate, to wit; A traetjof Land consisting of one-fifth of 400 acres adjoining the lands of Aleck Miller,-Jesfe Klutta and-others, subject to the life estate of Laura Hudson. Also one-sixth v part of the land formerly Owned by John1 L. Fjeid,- dee'd., adjoining the lahds of Peter Wj Hairston, James B. Craigl and others. j Terms Cash. Dated at Salisbury this 1st dav of February, 18S2. ' ;. J7:4t LUKE RLACMER, Trustee. REMEMBER THE BEAD ! MONUMENTS TOMES, toa GREAT BED UCTION IN THE PRICES OF Marble llonnmenti and Qrave-Stcnes of J -Every Description. vs I cordially invite'the public generally to an inspection of ny- Stoek and Work. I feel justified in assert ingtht my past experience under fiist-class workmen iu All the newest and! modern styles, and that the workmanship is equal to any of the best m the country. 1 dp not say ' that my Work is superior to all others. 1 am reasonable, will not exaggerate in or der to accomplish a sale. JVIy eudeavor.is I to please and civi each customer the val -' f ue of every dollar they leave with me. xBICES 35 to 5q Per Cent CHEAPER than ever offered in this town before. Call at once or send for price list and de signs. Satisfaction iguarant'd or no charge. The erection of marble is the last work firespect which we pay tdthe memory of departed friends. , V - JOHKj S. HUTCHINSON. SalisbirTy, N. CNov. I, Icdl. -, i 1 - 'Blaciier aM Hesasrson, Attorneys, Cqunselors ; - ,i auU Solicitors. SALISBURY, N. Januav22 1879 Itt. $66 a week In your otvb -towi. 5 Outfit fre orisk. Evervtlilrir new. capital roL ro- fllltrri will fiii-T-iluH i-fiij nTrrtbJiKT Vrinr oro . making; fortunes. Ladles make as 'much as men . Kill lUlUi'IJI J lVl V'MJ Llilll. ill i 4 ' J i' , .1 anq boys and girls maKe groat pay. Header, it yon ; ; wata-buslnpRsat whlicli jt)u can make' great pay auvue ume you wonc. wnte ior particulars to . W) ; 11- IlAixjjiT & Co., Portlarid, Maine Ed & Mie R. R. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING SOLTS . f ' T J ! N0. 51 Diliy No. r.o Daily No.r,- Di-'iiy Lil Richmond L Btiie Isle ' ASJvfrkeville Life Burkevllle AfN. Danville ; A, Danville Lt - " Ari '.'Greensboro At Salisury . Af.-A-L Junction Ar. Charlott t.lO.ss a.livi 11 S5 11 i or P M P1 a :i '1.'- I"2 39p.m ;2 40 " j 4 3-ip.m;: r, oo " . 7 ia i 7 23 925 i! 9 '1111 11 15 , 1? U .1 IS 50 'U l!- 6 CO " " 9 15 " ! TOy " ill! 19 " I 9 W5 " laisaro' io 35 " p. m D&tfcTJov. 20. m ' -.! , 1 , .... : O '. : ': I -: J : 1 1. - -. rH -n - U'& 5:& ; f' J i..,.J h, ' i, ! d'iH g. O" ii i -r 1 1 1 ' 1 t i I ',No. K I No. 51 No. 53 ilHtlly j Dully Daily h9 chAnmte L A. L. Junction A Salisbury Lv Ar Greensboro LV . Ar Danville Lv .. - . . Ar North Danville Ar liurkevilie Lv " At Belle Isle 3LW A i.f ! 4 K A M ! 5 4 I'M i r si P m i T 24 P 'M i 7 27 P M j 0 15 P M : 9 35 P M 11 23 I' M :ll 31 P M 11 35 P. M i 6 Oi A M i i5 A M ! 143 AM 8 n 1 4 47 6 18 6 30 8S it) 37 il 5 i." !7 an i S 12 Mr" t slant Pit sis Ar Richmond j IGen. Pas. 'Afrat, ' I Eicbmojid. a. The Southern --Bourboiis As Described by a Northern Visitor-Lead er o befet and BestPeopU of the South. The following is an extract from, an article in the Atlantic Monthly, written by an independent and thoughtful gen tleman, whose letters ta the New York Tribnne last year attracted so ,nmcn. at tention : rf.t. "i "As used in the North j this word 'Bour bon1 designates a class of white men composed chiefly of the leading citizens of the Southern Statesj The Bourbons aie the principal business men, lawyers, physicians, teachers, clergymen, mer chants and farmers of tte South. They are everywhere the leaders of society, m 'the best sense of the word. They' sus tain the churches aud give such efficiency to the moral activities dnd discipline of the local communities5 as they i have' thus far attained. Taken broadly or general ly, the class includes the best people of the South, or most of them. They are Beurbous because in politics theyare Democrats, and act in opposition to the principles, policy or methods of the Re publican party, which has administered the national government since the time of ourctvil war. In W& Southern States the tern) Bourbon has rio distinct signifi cance. It is .applied indiscriminately by all classes of politicians to anybody who ui(Ters witli them. It is there a conven ient thpuglf empty epittiet or name of re- aoach. Every politician insists that his party is the patty of progress, of improve ment the representative and embody ment of the only ideas ty which society can exist or civilization be maintained; aud he is of course entitled to stigmatize his opponents . as Bourbons. The word is a sham or burlesque weapon hi the South, a;)dis used there by everybody in political1 wrangling, 'fot all it is worth.' As to the Southern mc-ii who compose the clas.i K which this Danio is usually ap; plied. in the North, I aiii compelled to say that, aside from ; political- matters, they are much like our people, or like the best people iu our nothern communities They do not appear tolovc what is wrong for its own sake, nor to prefer faslehood, baseness, cruelty, or injustice to the vir tuous and good qualities which are else- where revered by good men. liiey are amiable, truthful, conscientious,! kind, public spirited, and religious, resembling very closely the foremost men in our New England towns in all tho .important h cmciUM in iersonal etraraerer. nirtftrincr only, iu general, in being commuuicative and having less reserve JJian usual among New Englanders. As; to their political action, it seems to me ! to have been for some years largely inevitable, the neces sary product and result of tho peculiar conditions of life aud society iu the South siuce the civil war. It does not appear to have been owing to" sheer depravity on their part, nor to any choice or agency of theirs, that there was ; for some vears a disturbed and unsettled state of things in the Southern States. Collisions between different classes followed unavoidably upon the elevation of the emancipated slaves iuto political superiority over the disfranchised white citizens of tho couu try. There has never been any such com pleteness of organization among the peo ple of the South since the war as many persons believe to have existed there. That part of ourcountry is distinguished by much greater feebienejss of community and a less organic "life than belongs to northern society, and the Bourbons are not really responsible for everything that has been done South of Mason and Dix- on's line. I shall hate more to sayjhere- after of Southern politics. Here I wish ouly to place the so-called Bourbon type as plaiuly as possible before my readers. The men thus designated are, as a class, eminently social, hospitable, honest, and upright men, if iwe leave their politics out of view. They have, in large meas ure, built up and maintained such moral, social, industrial, and religious organiza tion and activity as the South now jaos- sesses, and much of what is best and most encouraging in the present state of things in the principal Southern JStates is due to them and to their effort for practl cal reconstruction in: a time of extreme difficulty and uncertainty, when their re sources were most discouragingly slender aud when they had no precedent to guide them except such as; were furnished by the experience of mankind iu the long contest between civilization and; barbar ism iu the past. I think they have made mistakes and have: done wrong things since the war. I am not certaiu that we or anybody else, would have done better thau they. "In conversation With these gentlemen I everywhere expressed my conviction that illegal interference witlr negro suf frage, could not be continued without the most serious injury to all Southern inter ests, and it would be better that South ern men Democrats should mdkte the ballot entirely free to all who are legally entitled to its possession, and then en dure whatever ills j might result. They always replied that disturbance, violence and fraud were each year diminishing, and that negro poli Heal supremacy; would be utterly rnjuou, for tb. State nd for society L and insisted that, if the Kepubli- cai party in the South possessed the character and employed the methods of the same party in the North, they would . gladly cooperate with; it jjtnat tney were ready todicard and abandon their pres I ent political organization j whenever any j other party would take up he real prob lems of the South and seriously address 'u" owtwMwu. . cuarancr anu emuiuicu mic mtuiwo , xjju imuix i 'vn wiut wnt ci m vuuiuuu uu nuusc roar nan iMin rue tear its wn t tmf .i.,..i!4j "In studying the Bourbons I hare been laborer T Have not these Inien who are forced to conclude that' nothing has yet excluded from the category of America been attained anywhere much better than given us all our wealtli and all our pros it j " -r.ln.iJ i r . . penty, felled onrforests and builded our the domestic j life; ef jthh? class ;of the broads and dug our canals and made Southern people, in Its intelligence, re-- finement, beauty and! general elevation and wholesomness.n; j A Massachusetts Tbwti Destroyed. ii I $2,000,000 of Property Lost, and it is . s , . , r Feared Many ves. Boston, Feb. 18. A fire started in the business portion of the town of Haver hill Mass., last night, and spread with great rapidity. The small fire depart ment being unable to cope with the flames, which soon got beyond control, assistance was telegraphed for to Law rence, Newburyport, and other towns adjacent. The first direct report from Haverhill says: The First Naiional Bank, the Five Cent Savings Bank, and all of the lower part of Washington street have been burued, aud thero is no kuow ing where the fire will stop. The opera tor at the depot says the tire is getting uncomfortably close and he is al'taid ho will be forced to desert his post. Tjie fires, he says, cover at least teu acres, pretty thiekly built upon. The Smith block, Finney block, Tiltou block, Pres- Lcott building, Bishop building, Union block, Coffin building, on Washington street, the Piling building, ou Wingato street, have gone. The loss will bo sev eral millions. Engines are coming from Newburyport and Dover. A number of families on Wiugate street have been burned, ont. This is the biggest fire tliat has ever occurred iu this vicinity, The streets are liued with merchandise and furniture, and there is no doubt but that a number of poople are rendered homeless. Owing to the panicky feeling i x r no reaiiy auciienuc reports can ue &" from any persou iu Haverhill. The main telegraph office has been burued, the connection between the centre of the city and the depot telegraph office being thus severed. At 3:35 a. m. the fire was got uuder control. Bat one block remains ou YA iu- gate street, but two at the upper end of Washington street. All else in the square bounded by the Merrimac river on South Washington Square, Essex street on the East, the north side of Wingate street ou the North and Railroad Square on the Wesf is burned to the ground. This terri- tory embraces the largest part of the boot I and shoo manufactories. The loss cannot be estimated at present. W hat yester- What day was the finest street iu the city aud the principal business mart is to-day a smouldering, shapeless iuass of ruius. Some eighty shoe j firms are entirely burned out and others suffer' more or less damage. thousands are this morning penniless, " t i while the losses of others are fully or partially covered by insurance. Two thousand people are out of employment and several families homeless. The loss is estimated at two million dollars. The most dreadful feature of the ca lamity is the loss of life and the awful uncertainty caused to mauy anxious hearts. It is feared that the bodies of a score or more of prominent business I men are buried in the ruins. Thus far I three are known to bo dead. Of the buildings burned most of them are brick blocks, about sixty were occispied by J eighty-six firms. About 2,500 people are thrown out of employment. The Contest for Collector. M ii i e ' : Thelatest advices inform usthat the con test over the collectorship of this U strict for which Mr. Cooper has beeu nomina ted by the President will bo carried into the Senate, where Cooper's confirmation will be strenuously opposed by Senator Tance, Lacked by the solid strength of the Democrats. It is thought that a sufficient number ofi Republican votes can be secured to prevent the confirma tion. ' ' i " 1 ' The North State SUil waft of this week in a lengthy i editorial protests ajniiust the nomination of Coouer a- a disastrous blow at the party in this btate, which will result in the formatiou of a third party in the eveut of his con firmation. The North State is the organ of tho anti-Mott-Cooper combination which it asserts are assuming to'run the parly in tlieir own special interest, and by ivays ' and means ileat will nof lear the lights to be turned On. It has been a hotljr waged contest, and when it gets jn to the Senate, with jVnuce turned loose, we may expect some rich and interesting developments. Charlotte Observer. Jt is worth remembering that noliody en joys the nicest surroundings if in bad health. There are resemble people about to-day with one foot in the crave, when a bottle of , ''iZ 'Sicin they have ever tried. ! See adv. Ocl3Nevl3. SPEECH OF H. Hon. Zebnlon B. Yanco In the Un State Senate, February 14, 1832 COSTISUEDJ Why, Mr..Pre8ident, is fiot every nian W10 wnrkf. hT the .WHot ot bis brow a tjie &Q& blossom as the rose T" The Senator from Maine the other dav 1 astonishedjme, not so much by what he said and what he saw, but by what he did not seel and did not speak. And' he did not hare the excuse for not seeing these fact8;that Captain Cuttle? Tendered to Mr. Too!t8 when ilr. Toots came and asked him if he could see Sol Gills. "No, sir,"- said- Captain Cuttle,-"you cannot see Sol Gills." 'Why or wherefore "Bekase he is inwisible." Laughter. These tacts were not invisible to theSeu ator. He said it is our duty tq protcci American labor, and showed the differ ence between -the labor of America and the labor of Europe. The European la borers are politically inferior beings, not invested with any of the privileges and franchises jof the country in which they live, but here, according to the Constitu tion, said tho Senator, the laborers! are the governors, they, are the Government. So it is, Mr. President, I agree with iim. But if he can show me under the Con stitution that the fellow who stands at the New tnglaud spindle is any more the Government thau the field laborers iu the South and West, I will agree to give u-p th question. When he asserts that it is necessary that the spinner or forge hanil should receive wages that vitlenab!fc hin to qualify himself for his duties as -X citizen in this greatest of all repullics, and in a country more than any other upon earth demanding intelli gence in those who support it aodgoveru it, I agree to every word ho says. But if lie fan show me why the man who jhoes cotton iu file S;mtl at $10 a month shjould be taxed per cent, on his shoe-leather, and ?o per cent, upon his jiick-knife, and KXipsr cent, upon his flannel shirt, aud almost asimuch up everythiugelse that he uses, in order that the wages of his brother laborer in New England should be such as hall enable him to do all this then I will laky my departure 'from j this subject and agree to hold my peace. When he can show mo the law or equity or policy for making one laborer feed an other and educate him. and his children, then is the controversy closed. i ' American labor ! Certainly, sir, I am with yon for American labor ; let us pro tect American labor and put the laborer as high in the scale of intelligence asj pos sible; but do not require the poor uegro. making cotton in the South at $10 a month to pav at least one half of that ten to the may have car- New Eujrlaud man that he pets on the floor and a piano in the , par- lor, th'at his children may go to school and all may learn to read and write. That is not the kind of protection I want. That brings the .whole subject to the condition I indicated in my opening re marks, frhat is class legislation : that is uujust legislation ; that is uuequal legis lation : that is unconstitutional legisla tion : that is dishouest legislation,! and that is all there is of it. I want all Amer ican labor to have a fair aud even chance i want my own poor workingmen atiome protected-not ouiy .against foreign pau pers but! also against brigandage. A1-, most evfciry item of foreign raw material used by pur factories is the product of foreign nau per labor," aud is admitted duty free. By the report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics for tho! three months ending September 30, 1830,; there is seen a statement ot the imports oi iron ore which shows a total of 425,000 tons, worth-$1,192,000. brought I from every quarter of tho world, all dug by pauper labor, and much of it eveu by con vict labor as l am informed, nataoiy j m, (KM) tons from the r reuch possessions in Africa. This in preference to the ore dug by free American labor in Alabama, len nessce, Georgia, North Carolina, and eth er States. It comes in as ballast in for eigu bottoms, to the detriment of Ameri can shin-owners. Iu fact Joe Smith's Book of Mormon imports absolutely veri ty by tho side of this cry of the protected capitalists of the North for the protec tion of American agaiust pauper labor. The foreign pauper is in fact the spe cial favorite of tho manufacturers, who discriminate in his behalf whenever they can possibly make anything by it. In the first place they invite him here and give him a homestead on the public do main if he will settle upou it, whil they deny this to eleven millions of their own countrymen who cannot take the iron-clad oath, citizens of the States thro' Whose in strumentality chiefly that domain -was ac quired. I In the next place, we see by the reports of the consuls that there is a con siderable and constantly increasing trade with nearly all the countries ot the world iu American-manufactures ; the meaning of which is that they are Selling their goods tpforeign paupers ',in competition with British manufactures at about one half the price thev sell the same goods to their own countrymen at home. Ameri can labor is taxed that foreign paupers mav have our goods cheap. The most distant and the most savage peoples en joy this privilege over us. The cannibal who dihes on Svdnev Smith's missionary f .i- i.;if.i. ii riil niiiinn- but. t.hi cost production, cuts him up with a free jack - l-ni ft. fm- whipii nnr ivn nponlft ! would have paid 6. per ceut. and salts him (if he uses the condiments) with the salt for the production of which we have piaid oG : per ceut. It tho missionary disagrees with him, ho has free dings for his medi cation, Ion which, we pay a duty of from 2C to 100 per cent. As for the inhabitants of the Sauwich Islands, 'we have a treaty of absolute free trado with them; and those deserving people are furnished at half price with all they need of goods, the manufacture of which is paid for by the taxation of the American people. They are all pauper according the pro tectionist idea, but littio removed from barbarism, and yet for the sake of helping nnr nvinut'ii'Mn-i.Q tjt n. market' WA. 1tt 111 i,.ir f.- tr. break down the snirar . . rr"-". v . ... interests oi Louisiana, milieu is me pro duct of American laoor. in me race oi these facts t,e cry of protection to Amer - icau laftor becomes the merest sham, iJJL . ' : '' - wic Tcnesj cant inai ever was .employed m liiv Bivnii ct cu ui h nariv iiir. by forcing their own countrymen to buy irom tnem only, ana shutting off by an act of Congress all possible competition. Already they nse cheap Canadian labor, ana to-morrow they, would fill their fac torlea with Coolies and pig' tail 'Chinese to the exclusion of American labor if they were not fearful their establishments would be .burned over their heads. Away with this miserable pretext. . , As to the mext claim for protection, that it builds op a home market, keeps our money from going abroad, and in this respect increases the national., wealth, t.llArn in thin ti Ka nliiarvail Tn tltn fir: place, it does not build up a home mar- : ket, except for the manufacturer; iu the second, place, it does cot increase the public wealth in keeping our money at home and forcing us to pay double prices for all wef ueed. , The census up to 1870 shows tht the agricultural interests im mediately adjacent to the factories have increased in, the same proportion with tie lactones themselves, so, that no additional demand for fthe products of agriculture frpni Other sections of ' the ' :country lias - .i -f .vm r i ..T - . lion tor the deception of mankind: seas of the earth. Jannn. fnrM nfdn. ' Tlla nuin irl.. 2. . ' . t . J . I lied VVT , I " c"f!'r'Jm" uTnnmgo icm, wjwucu uer pons auu reversed me them off frorrthe markets of thr ,ca of the law. of po ideal economy by pur- policy of the Senator from Vermont, and h simply tJSS U iffij: t chasingrery thing they use,, eypu to , ceneented to trade and let goods come in political economy, nor justkT nwS their labrtr, in the unrestricted markets of from foreign porta. I have some recollec- UtationaHaw Uiostifft TStltlLlSfl " w m v i ivutiiv vuvw iBTiD vivui 1 vivu w& niiaL biiu lLuiuiiiriiii il 1 n iub .ifn 1 in n n ta ra sim r..i'4i.v been created by the growth of the other geuuemen represent, the iron interest, per cent.; ou his saw, 81 cents and TJQ per interest, j No market was yet found for which is protected by a tariff varying ceut.; for his ax, 40 per cent.; for So the teenting riches of our soil South, West, from 35 to 160 per cent.; railroad rails iron hoops which inclose his bale "of cot Northwest, Southwest, at home. I R sold more than 100 per cent: Now, suppose ton when made. 11 eenrk' iir minnA V t at all, they could not be purchased and consumed oy tne three or -four minions of the protected class ; they had to reach out and find a market in the hungry world, particularly among the despised paupers of Europe. It was nfauy, many years be fore transportation from the distant in terior to ihe seaports was established ou cheap au4 easy terms; and when their products did at last reach the coast, they found up American ships to take them abroad sii they did in the days of a reve nue tariff, and foreign ships- could not bring in anything to exchange for them by reason of "protection." The couse- quenco of this obstructed and unnatural state of tirade was, that the manufacturer 1 nau, indeed, a "home market" at his own a 1 - I price, both to sell and buy. iu. Foreign products were absolutely shut off from competition with him, and this iu turn shut off foreign competition for our agri cultural products. Truly, it is a lovely home market for the manufacturer; sure enough it keeps our money at home; that is po say, jn the manufacturers7 pockets, not iu the pockets of the people or in'the treas ury, oi me people. The" Senator from Vermont,! who so lately entertained us with an elaborte and ingenious speech, seems more in love with a home market than any one I have ever met. The drift of his argument, toward its conclusion, was. that wo were raising entirely too much cotton, too much wheat aud com, and provisions generally, "The South," lie says, "should curtail its cotton crop, and turn unfruitful capital aud labor into other and more profitable chanuelspf industry. The untrodden fields where capital'and labor wait to be organ ized for i the develonment of Southern manufactures and mining offer uurivaled temptations to leaders among men in search of legitimate wealth." Of the far mers of the West, he savs i f-very ship-load of wheat sent abroad tends to bring dowu foreign prices, and such far off markets should be sought ouly when the surplus at home is excessive, or when foreigu prices are extraordinari ly remunerative. - Certainly we need uot be iu haste to slaughter aud utterly exhaust the native fertility of our fields on the cheap terms now presented." Ihe meaning of all this plainly is, tor the farmers of the South to raise no more cotton than will supply the home market that is, the New Englaud factories and for the farmers of the West to grow no more provisions than would feed the operatives in those factories, and let the great benefits of a foreign market, export aud import, slin from our hands. What a delightful nrosiect for a protected man ufacturer ! The raw material and the run; essaries of life at hie own price, and hi wares protected against the competition of all the world by a-tariff of over 50 per cent. ! Mr. President, if the task were i' posed on me of depicting a Yankee heav en, l should say that this aeecriptioo. ended my labors. Tho' utter absnrditr of such a policy, viewed iu the light of too true principles of political economy is only equaled by its shameless semen ness. Surely, Mr. President, I ueed not invoke tho great names of that scienee of sciences, of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill Fawcett Wells and the long list which embraces the brightest of mankind, to prove that a nation cauuot get rich by tradihff with itself by a policy oi aoso - lute exclusion. As well might we say tho srinnlv of water in a house could lo increased by distributing it around in different vessels. Thero is a legend I have heard which tho rabbis inform me is not to be found in tho Talmud which says that the three Hebrew children, Shadrach, Mftfil.ftpk: and Abednecro. while ' in tlie fiery furnace and excladed frdin the com rwtitirtn of foreign paupers, swapped jack- knives among themselves until each one hd made a dollar aad a half and gtt the best knife. 1 recommend this illustrious instance of the benefits of a home market to the prayful consideration of the Sena tor from Vermont. iLAUguwr.j . Surelv the Senator from Vermont can rfimfinilHir the time when there was what is called in the history of this country the of Jaoah expedition. What was tiMtT Ja- 1 pan was a nation of people toatn extreme edff of Asia I do not k the now whether it would be east or west from ur; itisowinsr to which way you travel 1 suppose whether it would be east or west ..it tiifv wro ii neonie wno uau ioib- nr.illMl the nolicv of the Senator from Vermont and believed iu a home market, and believed in chopping ofrallompeti tion with foreigners. Their qwms were closed no trade and no intercourse was allowed with -the world. They were a world unto4hemslves,and they had a right to bei ,It was none of our business 11 mey tViA not rph nroDer to trade! with usor with the lest of world, They certainly had a right to sit down and. enjoy ' the i.Ua&infra of tt liomo market. But the i "ri.i .nnntrtr t.imnoht otherwise. ( rV.i -i ii.. Tnrtn AviifiAn anil iKiiiim us bu io w j v .w " - i I llOU IIIIHi Sill I 1 lir alallftASI CALFVUIIIVU V ! Tliev fitted out the Japan expedition aud i !i.-- wiir AnA n1ftAburr"thiR Stare - sent ships of war and planted the Stars - i bcui. ; T , s aiiuoui---' -vw ,..v . and they displayed from , thef . port - of American ships, those remei-dous-Rin- .: . - - on whose roar lias been the fear as well 1 ha iiih Hiimimiinn ni munirind nn on ths ..v. iviuivuii. t I The American Iron and Steel Aseocia- ilSi?T!Lt .toOB!eM rnnoo tli eniinfcrf ! th. t,5.-. ta,ifT DaaiuK w ius urcat UCIICHLS BUOWerea a W - y - -www www vvn I m.mm II 1 1 1 1 3W sau I-r- j 1 i in mi - Ainericaa industry" turnis h sta es among other things, "that it eom- ed last ysar $21135,903 toward the air oelled Earon aIaa tn unit nm -itKn U I 'T.J.lrtt?'tM,r;?k Aa tht. thtj mt praewTMl tb baluin uu wur . TtT aoa wmn m great cause 01 our prosper i anei tkts tbey IT was the result of the tariff. altUouffh tne balance was entirely due to onproteeted agricultural products 1 V ithout desiring to do injustice to geutlemea whom I do not know, I miut say, that whether this assumption that our wealth was thus iu-" creased because $65,000,000 in gold had to be sent here to pay for Agricultural 1 preducts, instead of sending goods to be exchanged therefor, was made through ignorance or with a design to mislead, long held me in doubt. It seems to me that a tyro must know that the articles represented by $65,000,000 would consti-1 . - z - T I tute more wealth than the money itself, but for the operation of the tariff. These that sixty-five millions had had beeu ex-j fui iu Europe ior sreei raus, it would have purchased nearly 2.000,000 tons. which brought into this country: wenld have added that much to the public wealth. But coming in as it did in sold, it would purchase but 1,000,000 toils from this American-Iron aud Steel Association. S,o the country is poorer by at least 1 ,000,- 000 tous of steel raiU, but the geutlomen of this association are richer by $32,500,- 000, aud the Treasury has received not one ceut and thev call this national prosperity ! Shades df political ecouomv where art thou ! In the same line is the reasoning of the Senator from Vermont. In telling us how . A. A. - 1 t .1 1 protection has lucreased the national wealth, he instances steel. He says : "No more or all sorts than 11 ,83d 'tons was made in 1860, but 1,397,015 tousweTo made in laSO' ? : ' The average price of steel rails for that year and I presume steel bars and ingots were not less were $67.50 per ton. Its consumption therefore, at wholesale rates, cost the people $04,293,512. Iu England, minus the tariff, it could -have been bought for about oue-half that sum, say $47,000,000, or the same sum would have put twice as much steel here for the use of the people. And that is setting rich ! Does not the Senator mistake things when he useh the term -national" pros perity T Did he not mean to say the pros perity of the Bessemer steel monopoly t Suppose Congress had appropriated the money to buy that steel direetly from the ireasury and given it to the people, would that have increased the public wealth f Can a nation just buy itself rich, by taxation to make the purchases t If so, what is to hinder as from becominsr the richest people in the world, on the principle that the more we buy and the higher the price we pay the better T And what is the difference between the direct and the indirect methods of buying this steel, so far as it bears on the question I .if 4I.4. militia u.... 1 f 1. 4 I of the public wealth f If this idea of excluding all foreign trade should prevail and tho South aud Y est were to accept the policy of the Senator aud grow uo bread oj out ton ex cept for the home mar ket, it ; would be interesting to inquire what would become of ust And if we went to manufacturing, us we are advised, what would become of New Lnglaud ! Aud after we had au im plied the home market where could we ell aoythiiig else t How could: we then pay high wages aud compete with pau per labor if wecanuot do it uew f Aud if we sent out u agricultural pmdne4s or manufactures, would wo uot have to send abroad gold for all we got f Such advice of course i uot iu good faith ; it u only a feeble effort to reconcile the people of agricultural regious to a protective tar- lit. What would become of' our foreign trade if such an idea was earried out, and wberd would go that balance of trade created ior us by oax agricultural pro - ducts aloue I Yet this wholesale luttvoual ruin is gravely advised by tho disciples of iM'Qtectiou. Que orator ia tkas triff conveutiou wont so f ae to exyslaim: "We do not want a market iu Liver- i pool or in Manchester: but we want our fod to be consumed by Americans, uuder four own flag." WJiicu sentiment was received with 1 Kifciiuuu niujjnmi. jiciuuuni.i I was in favor of a home market if he did not nave common sense. Depicting the calamities that befell the commercial world in 1873, the Senator from Vermont wisely fails to tell us hew such a thing happened uuder a protec tive tariff. He only says, dogmatically, that it would have been much werse if we had been living under free trade aud adds that "American workingmen found some shelter in their homo market.'' -1 beg again to eerrect a certaiu looNoneas of expression peculiar to all high tariff men, and iuto which the Senator has unadvisedly fallen. Of course, he did not mean to leave the impression whioh his words convey, that all "American workingmeu" found that shelter from the storm, but ouly that small fraction of them who work in protected lactone those who are within the pale. Those iicje, as the without that privileged cu Senator well knows, had no shelter what ever, but were stripped to the bone to furnish shelter for those who, in imita tion ef the three tailors of Tooley street, style themselves "tho American work iugmeu." ; . Admitting, as in common honesty they are bound t"do, the abstract injustice of taxing the many for the benefit of the few, the protectionists confess and avoid by saying that protection really helps all classes by furnishing a homo market to all, and enabling the manufacturer to pay' higher prices to the agriculturist. Now, if the three milliou people engaged in mftnnfacturinir could consume all the i surplus raised on our bounteous soil, in - . a a 'nnr ii . a n i fi ce u t clunutc. uy-tne , our,.magn other - ... --r - r forty-seveu millions fortvseveu of the: Americaui r.iiil.l be some sense iu ;..'... Ji1"1":, vail But vre know thev tan not, and the at- theiinterests of great mass of the rieoDlo to ithe tonTn' lence and profit of a fraction by shuttlnj needs "proteeUot dly Take Lw cotton-planter :iu the man IS a V Kmriaml muu. .... 11,1 loain. I llitt rrroat inA.-..-- T t - ll Ik t 7 "IT" 1"" el, od own than all th mdfctar 04 pFoduets coMbined. iYet the iron and sieel nnuaeturers gel their raw mate ruil mostly and tkeir labor all free, 4d tkelr products are protected by 1 a duty raugmg rrom a to 180Ter cent, j How is, it wuu ne cotton-grower T In the first piace lie pays all the taxes,. State,, (tnd national, that all other citizens ate ref quired to pay. When he starts Out in thA spring to pitch his erop, on I his plow he pays,50 per cent, ad valorom j his traced chains to pull the plow, g cents per pound; on his wagon, harrow, and other irons, 50 per cent.; on Ins Jack-knifiCSO per cent.; on the square by whichnhe measures his work. U cent rwr MHA and 30 per ceutad valorem ; on his' fifes and rasps, 10 cents per pounp' and :5o : . w UCI u m . w m , his hammer, 2J per pound ; ! his wrought naiu, cents per pound : his cat nail H ceuts per pound ; hisJiorse-shoe natlsj, 5 conts per pound ; his tacks and "sprigs, 2 i cents per thousand ; for wood screwy, from 8 to 11 cents per! pouud ; &!Lc$st - iron hinges for his door, 2 cerits'per pound ; ou his wife's sad iron, 1 i cents per potxnd j on his cross-cut saw, 10 cents per foot. All this, averaging nearly 00 per cent., lie pays to the lnliBylvahia- iron and steel manufacturers, uot to the . Government' Ou the baggiug1 forfTiis cotton bales, he pay s-2 cents" per yard; on his cotton shirt, 5 cents Iper yard and 10 per cent.; on his wife's calico fesL 5& 'ceuts per yard and 20 per feut.;aon . her spool thread, i cent each and 30lTer cent.; on the common stone-waro ofiijs table, 25 per cent.-on his school Doyfs slate pencil, 40 per cent.;; ou his, glass tumblers, 40 per cent; on his sugar,and molasses, 49 per ceut,; on " his coarse blankets, about 95 per cent.; on his' wool hat aud flannel shirt, about the sami on his wife's- shawl, 50 cents per pound and 35 plr cent., (over 100 per cent.;), on his borax, 10 cents per pound ;is clck, 35 per cent.; his wife's; camphor, 5 cents per-pound ; her gloves, 50 per.eeut.Tu(ur pins, 50 per cent.; ou hiat glue, 20jer ceut., his grindstone, I cent' per pound; powder, 6 cents per pound aud 20 per ceut.; suspenders, 35 per ' cent.; .rubber boots for bad weather, 30. j per cent.; his leather, 25 per cent.; his kerosin oil, 40 cents per gallon, in sickness his mor phia is taxed $1 per ounce castor oil, $1 per gallon, and his opium $1 per pound. Even on. his fruit tress and his , garden and agricultural seeds he is taxed 20 per ceut. ad valorem. Nearly all of this goes into the pockets of the maim- -facturers, who claim thattheeplanteS-.-properity is increased by this searching" taxation ! Nothing is free to him. Notji ing escapes this all pervading, inevitable, protective tarirl certain us death, hun- gry as the grave, uusaHsfiable as the sea. li i. t:i.. i From the time he sees the light until that light is quenched iu tho eternal darknesi that southern planter knows r uo untaxed hour; or untaxed thing. He . is enveloped in taxation, soaked, steeped, and saturated in it; and yet his product aloue exceeds by ifar in rvalue the'eojn biued products of all the protected manu factories of the Unifed States hi the list of foreign exports, which are the chief source of our national wealth. And yet this poor deluded man, the cottou-plan-ter," is infinitely benefited by this enpr moil taxation, if he ouly knew it ! Iu some mysterious way, known only totho esoteric disciples of protection, the more money he pays to the manufacturer for the necessities of his occupation the rich er ho becomes! What a blessed thing is, protective taxation, that thus gives and receives wealth The protected man on doubtedly gets rich, as hisj palaces and summer seats testify. Ihe planter un- 1 doubtedly gets rich, says the Senator, uot- withstaodinrr his comfortless home and hard ruu surroundings tell a dtfTereut taU. :'y I . Now. if the taxation of " tho planter for the pooketof tho manufacturer really helps the planter, why would it net help I the manufacturer to be taxed tor the Iplanter's .beoeatT b appose we swap posi- tions a littio while, just to leiirii now; it mcth. wVVwv fu - v w I bale on every bale of cotton used by jau i Aiuenuau ivwijf, iui iua ciitguuiiucii I of cotton planting T It would certainly help the planter, enable him to pay uigu- er wages to the "American labor" which works his fields, and thereby enable him to 'Onpete with the pauper labor of Asia, ;. Africa, and South America and it would r enable the manufacturer to get higher prices for all he has to sell, i That is tho j protective sauce for the goose j'; why will -it uot serve for the gander T It would uot, as some might suppose, increase tjie price of cotton good ; for a tariff cheap- -eus goods whea placed on the mauuf.ve tured articles, and of course it would pu the raw material also. This is the pro tective dctriue, at least, which converts, taxation into a blessing and a means of wealth. Let 'us bo truthful. . The whole. . production of the Bessemer steel inonoplo. ly in 1830 wasl54,4(W tons, which they wcr. enabled by the tann to sell tor eo--, 72G,0T0. The increased price over Brit ish rails which ihe tariff enabled them to charge, and which may be, set down as nearly clear profit, was $31,155,320. "Ac- cording to an estimate of Mr. Spofford, in tiie American Almanac, theuet'prefit realized ou the cotton crop of -1875, the chief staple of eleven States and at least 12,()iM),0()0 of people, was only $12,000,000.r Coustrast-. this! with tlie profits of one single monopoly, of iwi and steel, and then undertake to make the cottwu jdaii- . tem believe that they to are prospering throngli the prosperity of ahait protected monopoly! And yet if theso cotton plan ters had been compelled to rely on this u .......I. ...... r t a rl li.imu ii irlr'f ;iinl liAft IIOI Jbceu able to reach out to the markets ol temptto sabonli it -V '! ...