LOCAL. THURSDAY7 MARCH 2. 1882. - T MEW TERMS. FAni and after the 1st day of Jannary, IfjM the subscription price of the H atcn- fcfwm oe as iomowb: Oae fear, paid in advance, f " payment delayed 3 months, 2,00 payment delayed 12 mouths 2.50 t Wheat is looking well ia this County rather forward, it is feared. o ' cfirence Scott, a lad, had his hand shot while drawing a load from a gnu. ; , ; o L - Tie Hook & Ladder Company meets Monday night, March 6th, at 7 o'clock. James W Sumple, is suffering from a brfdsed hand occasioned by the acci dental falling of a window sash. HXm. bd. In this eeunty on the 20th Feb. Charles Hartmanf! aged about 65 Allison anil Addison again call your ! attention to their celebrand brand of fer : tilers. Mr. J. Allen Brown, their agent, i is prepared to furnish you all the goods . yenlnay desire in this line. I j ; o Af Success. See Meroney's adverise men of bis new Washing Machine, and then see the Machine in operation. Mr. Meroney, who knows a good deal about machinery of all kinds, .thinks he has a valuable thing. We have seen it at work and have o doubt of its merits, especial ly inhere the washing to be done is large in amount. 1 ' - - o Sheriff Baker of Ashe county was here Tuesday night with two prisoners for tbe pen both white. While on his way to tjbis place, one of them slipped his hand out of the bracelets, jumped out of tbe wagon and made bis escape. The Sheriff gathered a few men together, and offered an l,X" for his capture. In the ceurjse of a few hours the fugitive was again safely on his way to Raleigh. o 5- - . I ' A;Hrrcii. A number of citizens having claims against the town and desiring to use them in payment of Town taxes, are hindered by the delay of the Finance Committee to examine and pass upon them. Meanwhile t lie tax -collector is hiudered in his work and the hitch is be coming an annoyance. I 4 o MINING INTELLIGENCE. T. K. BRITNER MANAGER. Union Gold and Copper Mine, Situate iu the extreme eastern part of this county on the line of Rowan and Cabarrus, is reported sold to a Northern Company. The mine has been opened to a depth of 150 feet. The ore is e a slaty quartz, carrying; brown ore, and sulphurets and carbonate of copper. It is a. valuable property and we hope the Tel- port of its sale will be confirmed. Dunn's Mountain. Capt. James McCanless showed us last Monday rnoraiug four buttons and ene bar ef bullion, the result of last weeks work at the mine. The aggregate weight ef the five pieces was twenty .one hun dred pennyweights the bulKpn a percentage of eopper. The yield is exceeding the expectations of charge. Mr. McCanless also informed as vein in the Sice shaft had been cut feet. Vein 18 inches wide and exceeding rich. Mr. Stewart the Superintendent, is in fine spirits over if and says he now has a bonanza that will yield at least a hundred dollars a ton. He has forwarded tjpecimens for assay, the result of which we hope to publish next week, MB ' thdte fc tlialus affl DELINQUENT NOTICE. North State Mining Company. The following described stock is delin quent on account of assessment Number One levied on the Seventeenth Day of Jan uary, J 882, and in accordance with-the provisions of the Charter of the Company, will be forfeited absolutely to the use of the Comp'anv on Thursday the ninth day of March, 1883. No. of No. of Certificate. I Shore. a.22 to a.81 inch W Brand reth, tr'st. a.623 Geo Dyer, ! a.628 J J Quinlan. a.629 Nathan Allen. a.63d Wm Brandreth, tr'st a.633 Geo Dyer, a.646 Wm Brandreth, tr'st. a.653- J Jordan fnibor. a.664-a.702 inch Calvin 4 Cowles, a.70 ) L F Hubbard, a.711 J F Davis, aJM3 G W Longstaff, a.727. O E Fitzsrerald, 1 a.994 a.995 a.996 a.998 a.999 41 81 to 75 83 to 51 100 25 20 20 10 25 10 20 14134 40 30 10 150 50 20 H D Tewksbery, 500 H M Raney, 500 CroweU Gold Mining Company 86301 CopnerokMinin Company, 85360 Ely Howard, 200 Nathan Allen, 200 Wm Brandreth tr'st. 100 do do do do do do The. town is infected with stage struck yeutb, since the organization of the Salisbury Amateurs, there have been or ganized two minstrel companies, and still another dramatic association is about to tyf organized. One is forcibly remin ded of the minstrels by the coustaut rat tle of the 'bones" on the streetB. C. C. Krider, week, that his , of Rob- teeth in her Cutting Teeth. Mr. told bs one evening last wife's grand mother, Mrs. ersoa County, is cutting ninety-first, year. It is not a very com mon incident, though we notice that a Mr. Ellas De Puy, of New York is cutting his tliird set in his ninety-fifth year. J s o i Vaccine Virus. Persons ordering vac cine matter should be careful to- ob tain it from perfectly reliable sources. The. present great demand for it has tiruhlated the cupidity of men in the cities who are less careful than they Should be in selecting it, and often either a werthlessor a dangerous article has been sent out. o At his homo near Mt. Pleasant, Cabar rus jcp., on Sunday the 19th .Feb., Mr. Moses Bakrikr, after a short illness front paralysis, iu the 75th Year of his lift! The deceased left a large family, ten sous and four daughters, and numer- ous friends both in Cabarrus aqd Rowan , te mourn the death of a highly esteemed citizen and father. He Was a vigorous and. successful man in business affairs, and his death is a public loss to the peofle in 4the neighborhood in which be lived. r i 0 : ; Last Saturday was an exceptional day iu te business circles of Salisbury. For the irst time iu some weeks the streets werf full of people some tradiug and sonfs loafing. As is usual on such oc- casns some must get drunk, and when peole get drunk.the "Cops" that's the city nams commonly known in country as police are kept .busy. It afforded som amusement to the bystanders laet Saturday when policeman Pool rolled up one tof the streets a cart of drunk. The smafl boy immediately set his brain to worc and brought out this poetical ele- gnfe: "ft made us boys laugh and yell ! J uF "Cop" jelling a cart of drank. Hp handled it so carefully well ! JWe thought he had a load of junk." .. ' o - " PkOFAHITT ON TUB STREETS. Some Aw white boys, and a great many color ed men. have made themselves answera ble to the law for cursing on the streets. Thete are certain places in town, ou Sat t nrday generally, where a lady dare not .J unless she is willing to run the ganltletof profanity which is horrid , enough: to shock a man. A great -deal oi complaint is made of this practice and we qall to it the attention of the police. Wei hope they will station themselves sufficiently near to overtake some of these jprofaaers aud tarn them over to the Wtlkorities. Several arrests and fines Will go far to cure thin discnaceful habit V. L SW : : T r-epecially its indulgence on the public '!L3& healtb- Ami ,,aHb'ei for l8dies " w,Nfc OF CARDtll " At Tl to. J . I I, North State.- In answer to numerous enquiries we will state that the Nqrtlr State Milling Company own iu fee the Crowell Gold Mine, with S40 acres auriferous lands, and a plant of Machinery in Stanly County ; tho Copper nob Mine with land aud Machinery,-njnd Helton Creek and Poison Branch iron ore beds of mag netic irou iu Ashe County. While speaking of the Company, will state in this connection that Mr. Brand reth has been interviewed by the Daily Stock Report of New Y0rk, and in answer to the question : "What is the company doing about its railroad rights ?" Said : The company projected a line of rail way last summer, but could not place their bonds because of the objections made by baukers to auy Tseciurity issued byi mining company. They therefore have made contracts with, a railway company that will give through connection to Cin cinnati, Ohio, or Charleston, South Caro lina, and tne .North .Mate will receive $2,500,000 in stock of the railway com pany, which 'stock, will be divided among the North State shareholders. Q. What was the object of tbe assess ment just levied ? A. To provide funds for the erection of reduction works at the copper mine, aud the prosecution pt the general work of the company. Q. Does tho company intend working their iron mines ? A. They do, and they expect this com ing summer to erect one or-more furnaces. So soon as thirty-five! miles of railway are built, the company will have con nection with the seaboard over the Nor folk & Western R. LI. They will then erect rolliug mills, and will hare the contract to furnislL the rails for the Cin cinnati, Virginia &n Carolina Railway Company. Q. What will be the cost of making iron at the company s iron lands. A. I do not know-much about iron working, but t is stated that charcoal iron can be made for $ 12.75 per ton. Q. Can your magnetic iron ore be sold readily without working it? A. Yes. All we can ship. Q. When do you think the company can begin the payment of dividends. A. That is haid to tell ; we shall make a dividend of the railroad stock that we are to receive, so soon as wcget it, and if the ore holds that we' now have at the copper mine, we should pay dividends soon after tho reduction works are ruu ning. After-4he M5 miles railway are built we shohld be able to pay from 5 to 8 per cent, a year on our capital from the iron. Q. you seem to feel confident of the future of the company A. Well 1 do feel : confident, having been over the ground, and knowing what the company has, I have great faith in its future. do do ;i t 'idda. do do do r 4 do., do -I 95toll0 - na 116 to 131 134 to 146 14&toMi49 152 154 to 165 167 to 182 205 to 219 221 to 233 239 to 241' 249 to 258 265 to 279 281 to 283 294 to 297 299 to 323 346 to 353 355 to 370 511 to 570 581 to 610 6L2 to 640 do ' do do do - do f!l nn do do do do do " do do to doii do do de do do do do 657 to 660 751 to 794 796 to 845 847 850 to 852 854 859 to 858 860 862 861 to 866 868 to 872 874 to 878 881 to 886 888 to 895 909 to 915 926 to 933 949 to 956 964 to 965 971 to 983 989 to 991 994 to 995 1001tol027 1031 1033tor070 IO76toil00 1106toll33 1136t,oll58 1146tol200 1206tol215 1219 1226tol230 1241tol250 1261tol302 1304tol390 1401tol420 J428tol433 1436tol43S 1441tol460 1462tol471 1477tol485 1491 1493tol494 1496tol508 15lltol520 1- do do dO do do do do do do do de do do do de do do do do do do do lo do ilu do do do do do do Test for Ciold. 1539tot56jnJ Iti03tol605 1(307 tol609 Mil I in 161 o 1619tol620 1631tol637 1641tol644 1646tol647 1650tol675 1679tol706 1712tol717 1719tol740 do do do do do do do do do do do 010 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do m do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do THIS IS A FACT -WES? : ' ";- i '4.--a v M. S, BROWN I in:. 34 Has Gone FORTH to BUY HIS I SPRING STO 100 100 2900 100 900 1600 100 1600 1300 200 100 1200 1600 1500 1300 300 1000 1500 300 400 2500 1400 1600 6000 3000 2900 800 100 400 4400 5000 160 300 160 260 160 100 300 500 500 600 800 700 800 800 200 1300 300 200 2700 100 3800 2500 2800 500 5500 1000 100 1500 800 4200 8700 2000 600 300 2000 1000 800 100 200 1300 1000 700 2300 300 300 600 200 700 400 200 2000 2800 600 2200 JCLi to mi-t io m'wT i t rcfd m "1 fia i vTr I have now in hand and ready for sale ' , th :"T mm pNj fill I 'U- .ami AO 3 MM I u il COMPOSTING - d b . mat Will Sell you the entire Fall and Winter Stock AT ACTUAL NEW YORK COST ! WILL NOW SELL ALL MY Hand Made Shoes at Cost ! Fine Zeiqler Shoes at Cost ! g" DON'T FAIL TO Cone ai see low Ctieap they are Soli SHOES, MEN'S HAND MADE BSST OTTALITT $5.00 This is business. to $5.50. ;, M. S. BROWN. Mining Advertisments. ANNUAL MEETING North State Mining Co. ! The annual meeting of the stockholders of the North State Mining Company will be held at the Office of the Company in Salis bury, Nort h Carolina, on Wednesday, March 15th, at 2 o'clock P. M. EDWIN H. MULFORD, 18:4fc Secretary. WANTED""'1 experienced, capable man, not less than 25 years old, to take charge of a mine store. Must be strictly temperate and have the best of references. Salary $600 a year without board. A mar ried man without children preferred. Ad dress by mail, Jab. E. Clayton, McKee Post Office, Davidson Co., N. C. , 18:2t BUSINESS LOCALS There is a ai sapid method of the deUc- finn nf ttciMK in nnari ttrrifa mn wliinli is not generally described ia the miner-1 fSJMi 3S. 50il 97m logical text books. It is an adaptation ef 2096to2120 the wel lknown amalgamation process, and 1 2122to2129 serves to detect very minnte traces f gold. Place the finely powdered and roasted mineral in a test tube, add water and a single drop of mercury ; close the test tube with the thumb,; and shake thor oughly And for some time. Decant the water, add more aud decant repeatedly, thus washing -the drop of mercury nutil it is perfectly clean. The drop of mer- cary contains any gold that may have been present. It is therefore placed in a small porcelain capsule and heated uutil the inercury.ls volatilized, and the resi due of gold is left in the bottom of the capsnle. This residue may be tested either by dissolving in aqua regis and obtaining the pnrple o( Cassias with pro- tochloride of tin, or b taking up with a fragment of moist filter paper, aud then fusing to a globule on charcoal in the blowpipe flame. It is being shown that gold is ran more universally distributed than was formerly supposed. It has recently been found in Fulton and Saratoga counties, ISew York, where it occurs pyrites. It has also been discovered in the xrravel of Chester .creek, at Lenni, Delaware county, .Pa. Ia one of the Virginia gold mines wonderful richness is . reported, $100,000 worth of pure gold having been taken from a space of three square feet. Scientific American. After the action of the Senate yester day in parsing the bjll to retire Gen. Grant with the rank of General no man need question the potency of his name. The Senate was literally dulldozed into the support of a measure which a large majority of its members did not approve. Upon its own merits it never .would have passed. Vah. Foatr Dcm. 2125to2141 2143to2225 2227 2230to2231 2239to2298 2309to2:313 2317 ,23 2321fb 2325to2332 2335to2339 234lto2344 2346to2352 do do do do do do do do do do 2500 200 f 1709 8300 100 200 6000 500 100 100 200 800 500 400 700 100 1O0 200 2000 Oscar Raamelslag, C J Cowles, Jos D Ellis, A A Fisk, HElanete;.V; G B Flint, F J Eppstein, F J Eppstein, II E Fa a shave, M A II op nock, tr'st. TKBrtrne 2361to2362 Wm Brandreth, 2.6to2385 .,W Jeandreh, ,v 2386 N L Law sou, 2389 Wm Brandreth, i;5X Wm Rnm rrth. - 239lto2400 Peter Notman, 2401to2460 Wm Brandreth, 2462to2481 Wm Brandreth, 2582to2588 G B Flint, 2590to2598 do de 2G00to2603 do do 2(05to2611 do do 26i2to2621 Wm Bcandxethi 2623to2627 Louis Seasongood. 2628to2647 i D Sprull, 2653to2657 W R Denslow. 2658to2667 M P Bestow, 2668to2698 Wm Brandreth, tr'st 2704to2716 do do 2918to2931 do do 236to2960 do do Edwix U. Mulford, Secretary, Aj Office 52 Broadway New York. f I 100 100 100 1000 6000 2000 700 900 400 700 1000 500 2000 500 1000 3I0D 14001 1400 1000 A.J. KIGBY, C. I. RIGBY 1. O. MCRPHY, E. M. A MURPHY, Mininn and Constroctina; Eiiiiieers, 'Mi .Wkft Cotton Seed, STABLE & other t n a '- td4 bdj 4$tm. 4 !w-w ? ,UtU Si i MANURE. : 1 1 1. TMs-Acid Phosphate is up to fall standard. SOLD ON TIME m 1-II t wain FOR COTTON, OR CASH. DQWN. g .1 Northern Apples at Boneless Codfish at A. Parkkr's. A. Parkek's. M ORE Y&SPERRY, GOLD & fSHYIB GRINDING i AMALGAMATING JACEINIRY HOLLAND'S PULVEEI2BE takes the clace of the crrmbarso-na Sterna v?ii Ji . ' m . a . A i i W THEO. BUERBAU1 fs.oo. Edition 1882, for general information. Penmanship, Social and Business forms, Book-Keeping, and valuable tables for reference. l:tf History oTRowwu Ceuuty, IT RET 1. RCUri.U Conies of this ioterestine book mat beJ had of T. PJ K li t rz, Thko. Bukrbacm , or at the Watchman Omce. 78 and 89 Room 49, Broadway, NEW YORK. Examine and report upon Mines. Make Working Plans and Specifications for the construction of gold and silver Mills, or will enter into Contracts for the erection of same. . Mining Machinery and supplies purchased at lowest prices and prompt attention given to shipment. Or addresg JOHN RIGBY, 49:9oi:pd High Poikt, N. C. MARRIED. By the Rev. R. L. Bown, At his resi dence on the 23d of February, 1882, Mr. William P. Arey, to Miss Mary B. But ner. Both of this county. On the lCth of February, at the resi dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Paul Barringer, Mr. John P. Bearer and and Miss Catharine A. Correll. All of this county. At the residence of Mr. Wm. G. Wat son, Feb. 16th, by Rev. R. W. Beyd, as sisted by Rev. G. B. Wetmore, D.D., Mr. Abner M. Rice and Miss Julia F. Lawrence. MONEY SAVED MONEY MADE nr-Poes not every body know that where a man has bo house rent, nox store rent, nor clerks to tore, O 10 J. L. WHIG he ca a sell low? Go such as Bacon, Lard, Sugar HT for cheap Coffee, Bfcl H mm fiSwL. fPjgjjfefl shWt We const met mils with Stamps weighing from 350 to 900 lbs. iyrnd J9T Crrevlnr. Respectfully, !! J. D. GASKILJ v j 1 ' aim -' ' im r And can be put up ia one day ready for work IT HAS BFEN FULLY PROVKD t TESTED It weighs complete 7.000 pounla. It ci rm h WlU erusfi one ton S snSfSffiffSSRS pass through a 40-mesh screen. The wear Is te tT Tii stamp mill. Its wearing parts are. plain casnnS? n'SS dropp. into posiuon tn a few momnusV ahio hfferS B aud C, no bolts or keys are required Ht eonte t 1 floor of a mill with no expense for iamVTmASkJSi to crash and wnrir in ohomg 5n osesea mate either gpia or silver ores, maklog It a 800 cheap and effective mill ; it ittlresis.horsewi Stamp Mills, ttook BreakersTonlshlri thmL aZL gainaling Pans andTenarato fS i&il?vi ores, Chlorldlzlng ; Furnaces, Retort K?k imiS nr?rtlamp8; nd descrip tion of Frames for Stamps; also Improved Double or SINGLE CYLINPER HOISTING ENGINES, With or Without Bon.mts, ' Wibb or Ukilu. Borxfiiimfs. kfMctauy ttdtfjited to Mining In - " trrettt. im for gold and silver ores. Crushing Moitars. 4:ly , Warerooms 92 and 94 Liberty Street, NewYork: and Syrups, Fish, Chsse, Crackers, Candles, Fruits, &c.,cc. East corner or Le Lewis Brownl late residence. t0:U aid Flnher streets. J.L.WRIGHT. ONE EVENING. TUESDAY, MARCH 14TH. MADISON SQUARE THEATRE ERRORS OF YOUTH. AGkstleman ffhu suffered for years tragi Nervous Debility. Pbematcre DeCIy. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, Mil for the sake of suffering humanity, send freeto all who need it. the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy bv which he wai cured. Sufferers wishing to profit bv tbe ad vertisers experience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 2hly Cedar St New York. Subscribe for Carolina Watchman only$1.5(Tir year iu advaucc. ; SALISBURY MARKET. Avtles Wholesale. Retail. green, per bus ... .$ 75 d $1.00 $1.09 a$l.S5 dried, per lb 4a. S a 7 Bacon country, hog round, 12 Q 14 a 15 Butter, 20 c 2S 25 Beeswax. ... to a 21 Blackberries, 9 10 Beef 4 CorroK GoodMlddUng,.... 11 11H MWUng,.... ....... 10 lox LowMldUng, 10 Stained,.... 8 $ Corn new..., 0 5 l.oc a l.io Meal, loc 1.15 a ljo Coffee, 14 a is Chickens...... 14 1 15 a po Eggs, : IS 15 15 a 80 Flour, 3.5C f- 3.75 3.75 a 4.00 Hay 1 50 (4 85 Lard.........i. 18 14 15 a 16 Pork........ J S A 10 11 a IS Potatoes Irish...... 80 4 90 loo a 1.20 do sweet. so i.oo i.oo a i io: Wue.it ....... l.co g 1.75 IW THE GREAT COMEDY-DRAMA, HAZEL KIRKE. ?'earlv 1.500 Consecutive Re tatioos Throughout the United The LONGEST RUN- ill RECORD THE GREATEST PLAY, THE GREATEST SUCCESS, BRltLI ANT OVATIONS. DAZZLING TRIUMPHS THE WHOLE WORLD ELECTRIFIED. THEATRES PACKED TO THE DOORS. SUPERB METROPOLITAN CAST, HAZEL GOES HOME TO EVERY HEART. - i W SPECIAL.! w r ..Seats can be secured at T. F. KLUTTZ'S. Esserved Seats $1.00. Admission 75cts. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Urh H.I vert iser liav i ne been permanent ly cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy 8 anxious to make known to nw leiiow aiifl'proVn th means of cure. To all who desire it, he writ send a copy of the prescription umrd, (free of ehargej.wiw ineairecuonn lotrjir ing and wing the same, which tbey will find a sure CURE for Coughs, Colus, Cossumptiow, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ska Parties wishing tbe Prescription, will pleme address, Rev. K. A. WILSON, 194, Pena St., Williamburgh, N. 20tly MORTGAGE SALE NOTICES FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE From to-dar we will commence rednciujt our LARGE FALL STOCK OF GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT EVBRYLODY. CLOTHING AND SHOES i j , -i . . " Will be sold regnrdlest of cost. Just received a lot of POSTER'S PATENT LACE KID GLOVES Iu Black and Colors. If you waut a WH er Dry 9 - " . fin Now is the time to got it. We have a large line of Fresh Samples Super Exit aud Tlireo-PJy to select from. JONES, McCUBBINS & CO. 1.1 THE UNITED STATES MAIL rincs CCI? CTADB a iSEfiBjr B Vila. To every man's door. If our SEEDS are not sold In your wn, dropusa Postal Card for Handsome Illustrated Catalogue and Prices. Adwress D.LANDRETH & SONS, Philadelphia, 16:ly