K - t I I 'it ! I 'I t-tt. S ! I fr I r Hominy FmTTEBS.--Take two tea j cupfula of cold boiled hominy, one cap of sweet milk) four tablespoon j fills of flour, a little salt and one egg; i beat vigorously and drop with a spoon into hot lard ; fry, until brown. Rice i fritters can be made the same way by Substituting boiled rice for hominy. i'L Use op Siale Bread. -A good j way to use slices of stale J bread is to .dip them in well beaten (eggs, then, after frying ham., fry the bread in the 1 ham gravy, adding a Jump of butter if necessary ; fry the breaji until it is a light brown, and send to the table ; but it is good also if fried in the fat cut from the slices of steak or roast. Pressed CincKENS.-Boil the chick ;en until the meat will separate from T . . . " . " -7 ; m ine bones reaany; use just as um water as possible to cookf it in ; after yon have taken the chicken out and removed the bones cut jit in sraal pieces, and put back into the kettle ft with the broth and boil until very tender; then put it into! a basin and f turn what little broth remains in the ' kettle over it, put on a press and leave M until cold. When cold slice - it thin t tad serve for tea or lunch. ' To Improve Roast" Beef.To flavor a roast of beef deliriously, to make it tender, and to give variety, -i : which is essential in that family where beef is the staple meat eaten to do . all this nothing more is1 required than a large lemon ; cut it n two pieces, ' squeeze all the juice upon the roast, r then after peeling the lemon roll it op in thejoast. When the lemon is used bo water is needed. The roast should be a fat one, to 4nsure good gravy, and the leinon acid will re move the oily taste sometime object edto. ; y- - f , - 5 j Compromised. Mr. J. E. Rankin, ! chairman of our Board of County Com missioners, visited Greensboro Tues day to consider a proposition of the W, rf. C. Railroad authorities for a . 1 j- : compromise of the tax (question. A ' compromise was effected, which we . think was good work well done. The road is to be relieved of taxes for 1880 J but for 1881, 1882,1883, and 1884, ; the property is to be assessed and tax ed at the rate of $2,jjD0 per mile. , Burke also agreed to the compromise, " but McDowell declined. -Cilkenl A Fearful pxplosi on. Cn ester, Pa- Feb. 17. About eicht o'clock tlm morning an explosion occur red at the Pyrotechnic works of Professor " ' Jackson iu tliis city. The jadly shattered and took building was lire and was f then totally consumed. At least fifteen. and probably more lives werglostand ; many dangerously wounded. The buil . -ding is the old j homestead of Admiral Porter. J . A number of colored families lived iu the old Porter mansion. It Reems that i ' when it first took fii and while the fire t, V roen were playing on the flames and a ' : large crowd surrounding them, the explo- sion occurred scattering destruction far and wide. The number killed is between 25 and 20;bouto dangerously and 50 y;,? nore er less senouslv wounded. Th dead are being laid in the city hall and for in various dmr the wounded eared stores, so tnat no accurate list can be ob . . .. . . - itatned now. excitement. The sclene is one of great -Dkath Confined Exclusively to Nj GBOE. QalvestonJ Fb. 17. A News special from Corsicana, eys the claims i against tlie countyJ because of expenses incurred in the! treatment of small pox patients, develops tie fact that there have been 141 cases and 25 deaths, confined lex- pustveiy to negroes. Havtae fully detci-mtned tbnv, ' jfa-orCMSU.anacasho'o" .r-jo.ca.ra open Beafto esr Separator nrtiil; Drills. T tors. Jtc wandDg pultlva- ""'ujiuu jjuwers And Ipers.1 , WrAUpersbnslndrht Jt - Aiy injustwhatlsay: i -rtandEA IIotbeds of Vice. Onr jail! are ira ply Jiotbeds of vice for the inmates, and a youth detained in one of these places for n week, however innocent of jcrime he may have been jon eeribtiftaoraJ certain to bring away st Jatmilirjty with criminal ideas and methods which cannojt fail to make him a worsocitUen than he otherwise would have becng Young and old meet together in the jail corridors and exchange their most sensational experi ences , which are sure to beheir most demoralizing ones, and ithej only emula tion excited therein to exce iji vice. The jail system of the whole country need thorough renovation, and any Vboard or "conference" which tends to such a result deserves the good wishes of liliiioi'est citizens. JUilwavlee 8enticl j jj The Color and Lustre of Youth are resto ed to faded -or gray hair by the pise of Par , ker's HairBalsam, a harmless dressing high-; It esteemed Yor its perfume and purity. l t)ctOT03 J fTTT" ADMINIStoATOE'S SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. I I - ' . : ! Pursuant to surderofthe Superior Court of Rowan coda to me; directed, I will offe tor sale at public auction, at the uourt-iious door in ttye town of Salisbury, On Monday, 6th day of March, A; IK lS8i at! 12 o'clock; M., all the Real estate latelf.Qwued by Button Craigeec'd situated: partly within afid partly mlpit the corporate limits of the lownif BaJlsh bury, consisting of tAventy-three acres, more or less, on which is the residence formerly occupied by said deceased and his family.! SThi9,properfy is very valuable, and will be dirided into lots toj suitthe conve nience of purchasers. , I r jfp ' I Teems of sale ohethird f i ft iurchas money to be paid in cash!, one-third at the end of six moiiths, and. the balance at the end of ninTmbnths. Interest from day of saleon deferred payments.. Title reserved until all the purchase money is paid. . I SlOKSli HOLMES, 1 AdmY. of Burtoa Cralge, dec'4 Salisbury, 2. C, ' February 4th, 1882. ; J 16:1m j Notics To Creditors ! I Alf(riiavVc(aiiaain3t the es tate of Joscpb Miller, deceaseS, are hereby notified to exhibit the same to the under signed before the 23l day of February, 1883. This 21st day of February, 1882. j TbBfAS Miller, Executors o( Alfred Miller. Joseph Miller. 19:4t i - A Spring Oats and RUST-PROOF !I : i : .1 V onderfuUy prolific. Will yield as hle-h as from 75 to.150 bdshth to the acre, and one pound has produced as much as fire J uuBiicia. i ntssc oais grow irom toa teet in height; In fact, they are saidf to be su perior to an others. i ;i,y!rjsi ; For sale at s ENNISShDruj? Store. 16:tfj , : a Elf S P 1 1 Til E) ' Q A I r Ai&y U I 3l W Cf4L& I I t i ' -r n T TH H Having qualified as executor of Itkfe last will and testament ofJae0b,LinjWdM I will sell the personal nrorirt rjeiMnrinw to Ins estate, at his late residence, on Satur- day the 4th day of March, 1 882. I will, sell a buggy and harness, household And kirh. en furniture, blacksmith tools, farming tools an-I ether articles not ennmprfltAi I other articlesrnot enumerated". TEI1MS of saleCash., All persons indebted to the estate ara r quested to make earlv settlement, and oil those who have claims acraints tb are notified that they mutj)set thwm t .uo wii w ucipre ine izxu j day rebruarvi IBS'! n L" . . . . . . . T S rverr " 06 f . ; .BUchaei, Bostjan. Executor; eb. 11, 1882. 4 of Jacob Lingle.- VAi VUJJ XI Va 4 TK7iaTaaL.. -f .jl.Sj .-4 iliWeii Ike second Mondav in Jtnn.r. For circular pivin tra AtL.'J..:. ulare, applv to th r!itn.i. v , fTl RUSSIAN WHIT! OA W 1 : J. II. A J P TrrRVi?TivlhTr . j. . I - - y - " ..v.i A4U I GOLD j 2SlSi!?nr. Tho6ehd such chaocej remain m rw, V?T?Tr? men. wouwn. hnva .n 7l ll.7Zrau "" their own locaime3'ASy on?c do ttwSZ , more than ten t nniinonr . .. Jr outfit fumtsh. fVia vZr':?. Mpenave v II 5 i If ilv CO T ft -J L1 j Aiercnaiita. 1 also offer clmSv6 tte 3016 Agency tor th tollowm? named ma- i leSeeranh Ml'iers Freh ir "? iair M acniDM Ebbllwl?" and RprUigwaeuna ' r i 1882. SPRING! 1882. 17 J Dos't FAIL TO CALL 05 J.' F.' ROSS FOB THS BEST FXBTILIZESsif Hx HAS A 8UPPLT g9W0 TnKIr Salisbury, N. C, ) Feb. 7tb, 1882 f ; if "LIFE INSURANCE" MADE CHEAP. Table Showing t Actual Cost to Members of $4,000 Insurance for One Year (March 1, 1879, to March I, 1880): Frst Class, aged 18 to 30 years Second 44 . 30 44 40 44 Thiwtt 44 " 40 44 45 44 Fonrtl. " 45 44 50 44 Fifth 44 50 44 55 44 Silth 44 5 5 4 4 60 44 $17 00 21 25 25 50 34 00 51 00 68 00 J. D. IVlcneely, Ag'L eb. IZth, '81:lr. r; f i GOOD COFFEE. Everybody wants It, but very few get It, beoa9frjnost poopld-do not know how to sloO or ltia spoiled Iu the roasting or makJnfr. To obviate these difficulties has been our study. Thurbers package Coffees are selected by an expert who un derstands the art of blending various Ha- jThey are roastod in the most perfect i3f (ib'la ImposiDJe to roast .well in II uaatiUeX theqt put In pound pack Ifmthtltean, not ground.) bearing our signature as a guarantee of genuineness, and eahTpacfiage Contains the Thurber reciW Vaking good Coffee, We pack two klnda, Thurbors " No. U" strong and pungent, Thurber's "Na 41," mild and rich. One or the other will suit every taste. They have the three great' points, pood .quality, honest quan tity, reasonable price. Ask your Grocer for Thurber' roasted Coffee in pound pack- 8T or "No. 41." Do not be put iff itli any other kind your own palate tell you what Is best. Where persons desire It we also furnish simplest, bost I and cheaoost cofT.Mvnor, in eTiHnw G-roeera who sell our Coffee keep them, Ask tor descriptive circular, "'''rbint.fiill A nri ' H;-K. & F. B.'f HURBER & CO., TnMvAM whnioeu j a . . .wjassers. jser xotk. P;dAs tha largest dealers in food pro- lnthcrvrorW, we consider It our in terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods and pack them in a tidy and satisfactory manae. All goods bearing tj. purel and uAofeaome. aad dealers 1 ur name are guaranteed to be of superior a w- ayuwiMBu ins iciuw blMJ )UrUilaSo price In any case where customers have 'cause for dissatisfaction. It is therefore to the interest of both dealers and con sumers to use Thurber's brand. 4 1 a "Ja juaain. ... ; v. Dec. 17:3m Tf ? J -VI. - " IK I SHOE Inviteayoui ittehlion to his ehop, opposite Maver's OOc f Repairing neatly and prompt l.don. AJ1 ifadea of goods made to order ( ... KEUR CRAIGE, L. H. CXEMENT. .Salisbury, s.c. 5 . 1381. D E OTT business now Wfm-n tb (mM 5 " inake money taster at wort for'ui than at Yon can irrT! 16 or!t oVfs tb. time. You Sl0.88 6110 Bv oml and o -""essuipayj ou nearly as J . . r Co., Augusta, Maine. SALE! 'I ITi T, TT I TIT TJ , Tin fmnnmn fir. tJLUU&Zbb: rnuf Mil ! ! "'-M-lii..'- One Lot at China Grove, containing ii i aeres; on which is a Store-house 40x20 feet aad another 26x16 fused ofBce) a dwelling house 82x20 ; a peod stable and a well. This propertv will be for sale during thenext two or three months and persons wishing nartirnlnra m address J. A. COOK. l:lm ; j China Grove, N. C. MORTGAGE 'SALE KOTICES FOR SAtjE AT THIS OFFICE It i 3 wwm ; AT niGHLIOHD PRICES, BY THE BABREIi, AT : Jno. H. Ennlss FIRE Ul SALISBURY ! -lot- THIS is to state that all the! old seeds I - 1 i 1 i that were remaining on hand were destroy ed by fire on the 1st of November last. Now have on hand fresh and reliable! I Seeds from. Land reth, Ferry, Johnson & I Rnhfiinn RnUt unft TTirawt R5M t - I- i , f , I f At JNO. H. ENNIS8V NORTH CAROLINA Compost i Homesteafl FORMULA FREE.) Ingredients will le furnished so that 1 you may make YOUR 0W1T GUA1T0 i i 1 cost you Three-Fourths less thau what you pay tor other Guano's, and which will I yield as full returns. For Sale At ENNISS'. CLOVEE a Grass Seed At Richmond prices at ENNISS' Drug Store. SCHOOL BOOKS, Letter and Fools Cap Papers at reduced prices, at ENNISS' Drug Stbre. 15:tf d 15. VASCE. - w. H. Cailey. VANCE & BAILEY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS. CHARLOTTE, NC. Practice in Supreme Court of the HnUA States, Supreme Court of North Carolina.! ederal Lourlc, and Coun ties of Al eric !nlmi v.uarru, u nion, oasion, K( Wan on) David son. j(?fifX,OfUCe. tWO UOOra JlRt nflnHatun. J--c -T. ' r I'" uence cquare. 33:tf Valu., and is a PCf ivrur1 n"'., in iiijue 1 nun n. Nimn a TvniAAi t a n diseases that cause pales in the lower part of the ?y-for Torpid Liver-Headaches - Jaundlce--DtoVaesP Gravel, Molarta, and all dlfflcultles of the . J ' v", auu Mnnary ursrans. For female EAS ES Monthly Menstruation and durtof Prejrnancy. It has no mnni if that mote the Woodland himi i-Th.,u" Pf'f'ER it is the only known remedy that cures ?S!j;?.V.betes, use WARW- GOODS ? LOWEST PRICES FOWEIL'S PREPARED CHFHIMIS Q10 raraer cai; bay a FORMULA. Foe pl (5201b8;of POWEtL'8 PREPARED CHEMICALS This.whcn mixed at home, makes OneTon ef SUPERIOR FHOSPHATE, eqniSl S plaat-life and a certain of Miccesafiil crop production a many high pHced Thotphitcs. EXTRA f No trouble to mix-iV-'EXPENSE.t Fu3 directions. Po-wmx's Chemicals have been thoroughly tried, gire universal satisfaction, and we offer leading farmers in every State as reference. Send for Pamphlet. Beware of imitations. Brovn Chemical Co SOLEf-PROPRIETORS, ' 1 Mannfkcturersf Baitimohr, Pcvvell's T!pTop Bone Fertil izer. Price only $ 3 5 a Ten, net cash. Bene Meal. Dissolved Bone, i Potash. Ammonia. And all hish-grade FertCizing Material, i ' ! COTTON GRAINS TOBACCO VEGETABLES .JAym In place of Iron Bltteri April 83 8l V contlnne to act as Solicitors tarVaitmtM rmtL' Trade Marts. CnnvDu. fE5ffi V Canada, Cuba. England. Franra rZiHrzirSF J.ewi o'a.. Hand honir ahppt ratentaf re T , : 7:4m. j ' T DO f Still under the etmtrvl of its old Pro- prietor, i Is Issued erexy Thursday afternoon at . tho reduced rates of $1.50 In Advance. Persons delaying payment three Months a b required to pay $2 per year ; de laying to the end of the year. $2.50. THE WATCHMAN IS Tie Best AiTBrtiaiii mm at this point.'havins the largest circulation iu this and adjoining Counties. JTOB 3FRINTING of every class done premntlr and in the best style at very low rates. HISTORY ROWAN COUNTY OT REV. JETHRO RUMPLE. We still hart a Uw copies of thia Yalua Wo littU book. wbUh ahoald b poasessed bj ererj citizen wbo feela ride in the story aid character of Old Rowan. Send for a copy before it U toojate. Price $1.25. 3!r - i t -. , t . - , ' ! : - ' , . Click Horn RE 12 K M ESP (Next door IcloviJ. D. MdNetly't Store) Where will he found GOOD BEEF i 1 Tlio - Mtwlf et AITorcls. Fnll WeifiMs M Frompt-Deliyeiy IS HY. MOTTO. I want to buy Fat Cattle S323S!S and Sheep. . lJ deah. ' Gingen Bucha, Man dake, Sti2ingia, : nd many of the best medi cines known ara con blaed la Parker's Gin ror Tonic, Into iwdianc of sach Taried powers, as to maka it th9 greatest Blood Purifier and the BestHolthAStrarta , Restorer Erer Used. It coxes Khenmatism. Parker's Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, fTi r r t Lonas.IiwJ & Kidneys, MaiP Kfl lnrril &isratWJdifierentfiom . m !ZLz2y Ui Bitters, Gmrer Essences TU Bart. Ckaaa. aad V"ct Moat leoaWtcal lUlr bra Wa Ottxar iOUJCS, as tt Bf. Kr tails mtorath. never intoxicates. Hiscox jMttAaeolcrtogimyksta. & Co., Chemists. N. Y. 80c and f 1 ttac Larga Sarteg Boytnf Dtdlar Bixe. Augr4:ly. JJauchj. RROWi& OWAi, hand at lowest prices. CTMake a st)eclaltT.of A fe, B a a A k avA.maHM n a ikaT m . c a k iwvraaW , rnn rinur in r llroaWare. TIN AND COPPER SSiTHIKS. All kinds of House-Rooflntr and CnU.eiintrdrtne nn short notice and In the best stjle. . We keep constantly 'on hand a, complete stof k ot Sheet-Tin, Sheet-Iron and SiieetCopper, which we ffer tor sale cheap. - May5 6lf Come tothe Front! W.A:EAGL' BOOT, SHOE & GAITER MAKER, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE ENNISS' DKUG STORE. AH Work Strictly First Class Having had sixteen yean-experience in the buaines. I am. prepared TO PLPAS32 the most fastidious. For EASE AND ELEGANCE OF FIT my work can not be excelled. B,A11 material of the best and finest crade efuaii worn aone in fashions. tlie latest sWles and (hnts Ymo Work a Specialty. I Red7-made work of ihe best quality alwavs V'ORK and C"hampicn Box Toe Work. repairing Jatly and rromntlv done moderate dHcpr. De& Rnt'mfn mnn . n..on s . .--.itviivii a, uaj 11 ieea or no cnarge.ff Orders bjmail prompt! v filled. -3:1 .VM. A. EAGLE. TIME TABLE WESTERN II. C. Railroad Takes effect Sunday July 17, is8l, at 4.15 M. PASSKSGER TEA IS. - ARRIVE. LKAVK. STATIONS. Salisbury Third creek Kim wood statesvliie Catawba Newton Conova Ulckory (card Morganton Glenn Alpine Brideewater Marion AKKIVE. LKAVK, 1 1120 a. m I308a.m 4 300. mi 3 S4 IS 30 13 63 140 141 IS 43 12 28 X41 107 345 4 33 - 500 1157p.m 7 501 ,1.9, 1 11 it 10 29? 10 02 45' 8 56a 8 03 717! 6 27 6 07 6 49 5 27 615 541 Old Fort S7 7.07 a.m Henry ;T6T Bl'k Mountain 814 SS9 850 900 S45 Cooper's Swannanoa Ashevllle Ju'ct AsheTlUe Frencn Broad I lzp.vt FREIGHT TRAIX." ABRITR. I.KAVB STATIONS. iMm ..... ; 5;ooiA.x.;Sallsbury ( 6 oo f..- m a 6 oo a.m.; 28 ! 6 66 j 7 66 ' 8 5 i 9 10 9 42 ! -0 28 ;10 401 II SO j IS 32 AM. 1 00 : 9 17 3 41 4 02 i 6 25 ! iElmwood i'1'mva.-i m KAr.u m . t : S 15 j 243 ! 1 S4 12 23! 112 09. jStatesvlllc Catawba :Nevton jConover Hlclforjr flcard Morjranton ;li 31 A.Jti 1 3S 340 (W 8 44 7 42 6 13 5 69 ;oien-Alpine ; IBrldewater i barton i Old Fort ! Henry ; 8 34 A.M4 6 60 ! 6 30 i C 60 P vJiiK Mountain eo; 6 50 r.u. Cooper's i 4 421 jLong's 4 23 iAKhevllleJnt; ;Asheviiie j iFrencli Broadi 4 00 A.M. I ty ITAins run dallj-. Sundayspxcepted. . U.AfinnETUc r. cm. w t ""i-v Norll Carolina, Bayiflson Count? IK THE St-PERlort CorRT-Jannrv Rnnni-i Term, 1882. --.It41 W. J. Loflin, Adm'r, &c. of Thos. P. Allen, PVtf. Order of Publication. Agavnut i. F. D. Lookabill ct al. DeferCU At a Special Term of the Superior Court held for tl,e County of Davidson, at the Court House in Lexington, on the Oth day ZtflV r HdlW : 11 aPPeari"g t the sati 1 f Court that Henry E. Wylde, late of the State of New York, was the pur chaser of the lands described in the plead ings herein, heretofore sold hx the plaintiff under an order of this court, 'is dead, it is Ordered that nublicarmn nf , ! ST? whi VyIdei exccutrix of the said Hen ry E. Wylde, and to the hmr, , the said Henry E. Wylde, to appear at hc next term of the Sunerior nmmF f 5C ( Sunprinr Ci y-v i . son County, to be holden at the Court 11 loJf Xln5tOD' on the l8t Monday of March 1882, and comply with th hM f ..w tator and Rn:. ,1 I" lur' their data wm?.-osiZ X" be published once . "UCT?a . in tha-Ctarii.. Waa-DTSS: paper pnbiished h Ojjjh J.SH3 ,5 - world. a flrsciaaa stock of Tin and Granite nnnTUPrinni ttifi tttJ KUVAfi CUUrHT. f lu.".tT. C. C. Krider, AdmVof Rosanna S. PlaintilT. s 'Against Fredrick Cartner and others, Ileirs U L, i it' n !. .. -!-. at law, of CatharineLBoston. fthein .r being unknown to the plaintiff), the bei at law of Margaret Mock, dee'd. rthpfr being unknown to the plaintiff), and xt vamuibouu Wile OUSal). Wasl. limits of the Stated It is therefore brd that nnKt;.; Ka kJ. f- t J r"1 weeks in the "Carolina Watchman n K Ba .acienaants. ana .all ih ! at law of Rosanua- S Cartner It appearing to the. Court that tKe'lM at law of Mary Felker, dee'd, (theif tta!2 beincr unknown to the nl&tntifTk k may be unknown to the plainUlf, traD,r at the office of the Clerk pV .thclBdSSl i " j m oi uviore Jionaay the ft dftv of Mrr h: Uo,.. lt plaint of the Plaintiff, a copy of whickb f deposited m the fhee of the RnrwriA. n.- J T 1 v - nuanri J.! B nr . ! clerk for said county, and that if they fn ti answer the said complaint, the plaiatiff wtt ,v; V ""' 1UI iue, renei demanded -This 2d day ofFebruary, 1882 I i '. - I J.'M. IIORAIT 'rL.u 17:6wj 8up-r Court Bowan Cmmty,: HORTH -In the Stpt KQWAH COUrtTr, rior CoraT. " ; Aaaimt Vance B -Miller, lather S. Miller, and U tie C. Miller, JkferCU. i . 1 --iSALB! In pursuance of a judgment of fh Gi'' nor Curt, in the above nt;tii .i the t.h Hnnrt ;;rint u. 1 1 . u-w VI - I W W V4 If 111 0.11 I 7 on the premises' n na MOHDAYSth DajofJJirch, 1882 to the highest! bidder, the following tracts or parcels of Jand,situatedjn How an rn. ty : One tract adjoining the lands of Wlm,- Bostian, John Ketchev.i Mariraret f! TL and Jacob 5etj?er, Conjtaining' 144J acres. One tract adiounincr the lands of ret C. Best, Kuraford Wiihelin, M& V to her dower I Aiso an undivided one-third interest im tract of land; at China1 Grove, adjoinilw Frank-Pntterson and others, containing m v-ic, uptu wnicn is locared a gm house. Also an undivided one-half interest in cerram tract, or land situated i in Rowu county, adjoining the lands of W. II. font, yy. ivnnuau, ,v. ,11. Vebb, Washin-rtM bloop and G. A. J: SechlerJ cobtaininSfl OVJVO. f ... lr-iwip oi sale Oae-th rd ! pnah m. ;tliird-in six months, knd Kainnro ; ,. montns; purchaser to trive bond iiml'Mg. . : r- -7 - - vhimmi, j u tunc ruy iortne delerred oavments. with int. est from date title retained nntlt the nr ! chase money is, pajd. ! ; p , UAtca. January 20th, 1882. W. II. COne. G. A. J.fj chler. (" coninrs ijm 15,Cw fJORTrCflROLISfl, IM. ROWAN COUTYi! Jmos Cowtf. Robert Wall nd wife Dorathy Wall, aqd D. Ii. Asabrook j against . Carolines Chunn;i J. Cicero Pctitioni Chunn.Thos. Allison arid wife Lto DiriJe uettie, Jacob Thoniason i n-ifi, Land. Susan, SallilTChunn, Thomas at Chunn. irarfiraret Chnnn nl TT.m1urim.-l,iri. n 1 . - 1 A lutl. Upon affidavit of the Plaintiff, ftulwrt Wall, It is ordered by the Court that pub. '"""'. w uiaue in ine: "Carolina WakB-l man tor six weeks, notifying Thos. Chun. one oj me Leiienctant ;who fs ajmn res I dent of this Statq, to appear! at theofficeefl me v,icrK-or tne superior Court of Hid couniy on Alonday the 27th I dav of Febn. ary, 1882, and answer the complnint, wljWj will be filed in the aboVe entitled txt'ml within Jen days from tlie date hereof, aidif he fail to Answer I the comnint thVnliiU tills will apply to! the Court I for the relief! demanded m the complaint Witness J. 31; IIorah. Clerk' 13:6w Sup. Court Rowan Co. , Dr. Crowe's Great! Historic Plij The TSAQEDYofAbraiam LinccbN OBi The inisenfall of Tefierson Sarii I A ttuthful account of the AboIitinir War with the Secesh" Rebel union. (Sh speriaa style, 5 acts, 1 3; scenes, 64s pages.) PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS Abraham Lincolni Wm. Seward. Edvin St ton, Vlynses Ghaut, Km. Sherman, Baje miner rarmi Needier, IIorace Greeley Fisl;Jr., Jefferson liaiii. :i2atd. Toont4.l exander Stejthens, rierre Beauregard? Stm tcau uacicson, Hafst. E Ue, llumphrn Mq tc juosm, jam jjatis, jsn. iawi MrsSurra(t, John Ville Booth. JInrM M-iseroii ana rayne, f redericu ifovgw 1'owpey, Pnscy, and. Dr. Mary Waller. ( PEIKCIPAL SCENES, f j White IlouPe Troubles : Bull Run frn Richmond Calico Ball j Pompey and Pi1 It: 1. . ; . , 1. w.. . 1 . wl Ajiiiviun Assassinaied ; pooin uuiieieui'- burratt Strangled 2avis Reconstroctw Grant's Jubilee Speech, and Grand Tn, formation Scene; "Let us have Peace. Price 15 cents. (Bnd Postage Suoif PiDt. W. 8ELDEN. Publish 10 3ni 132 LexiDtton Ave. New VortOij; WilE M i o U WAXT At Low. Pignrea , . iCall on' the firifra5yii ' . , ' 9.: G1 Rm- t ' 7UTt L ' f iD - A'. AT WE1 xr ri . f.o .1 H ua"u,J V" V ""r-w J. M. MCCOKKLE. THEO. Mc C 0 KLH & KLUTi ft ATTORNEYS asD ddurftf i ' Salisburr. N. C. - i;.-) GAROLUmi 5 futM ttU uiucsrsconiaming jiu acres, bcin the land npon !whih. ChHstina Miller, wii s ow f Henry Miller, nowi fives, and soHm HARlAfi ,-tr 1 ., 4- Jxo. II. Welboux. J attorneys ice oa iLounriK o ''1

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