- " v , . ' 1 1 1 ! S . I f : .- - ' - ! I 1 . i - - ' J - j i "1 3 4 1.' I; j -S - I P. 4! 11 Pi - - , , .-. . . , ., .... ... I ; - i lint, in tint Lrcat stm'ile jlbr'wealtli among the fitmih- of jCivilied 5 iiutlloiitt the true streugth of oaf country in U agricultnre. The Go4 of na ' tnro ha given ua hero ft monopoly with which tlitt wholo earth may not compete. v li.vl ulnninrr toward the jAtlantic Carolina Watchman. The Mississippi. Floods in the .Mississippi THURSDAY. ;MAKCH, 9, 1682. Croat Uiatresai anil destraction of pro- ' and tho Golf 700,000 sqnate miles of sun- py prcyail8 along the Mississippi nrer the levee are breaking in many piacc BradstreetV 2iEy UDXEANS, Marcii .A special Tlie Mississippi has can'ed its channel from Greenvnle, Miss., says the back nut nf the allavinia of its bed; The banks water is sua rising anu spreauiug boh vm rioti: nvfirflows. are from six inches to a foot hicner tiian .xtvu. i'"-- - I .,j , -. in kised lauds better aaaptea coinegruui ' of cotton, lice, sufcar, and tobacco t&an any other in Christendom ; vfhile for wheat; and corn and all that feeds and ' snstains animal lif we have more than I S,000,iXX) efjaare miles of . fair, fat plains, i and rolling prairie such as nowhere else iiTjritiiT nr tins nianet emergen . . ; . i bv deposits higherthan the lands in x rear wnica slope backward to, the footbills; many and cries for lieip are coming up frem the hniles distant. Throoghout its wnoie distressed. . lengiu, iron. uo ,v-.. : ; j ii t ,; j 5 I gulf, the .river; is forever swanowmg its o niu lmft informed the i,ant and bearinff downward vast quan- m ; , .. ... .' ... ..i J!j s..i Utiair nfnnvii frnm Mia nrnrflnwMl nlanLitionit P.i1iiit that bei will fior, accept uie i titiea-.-ox f maienai ownw,- ..v.. , oT- r Aoriate Josticeship of -Iie 1 Supreme I demolition. any overflow since thef cenntry waa first settled. There will be very little land above water from the river frent places to the Yazoo river. Greenville is Secure from any possible overflow, though the low points were at one time, threatened. The bed is therefore Tiot I are congregating here and our resources in the from tl primeval seas for the Happiness Assoc,a, - " I j - rr hnt ,a con. to f Jed and Bhelter hem will be severely tt . : ii.;,. w.amrv r n t i l ri m j - m Tirrr f vorv unn liiuumuu ti i v iii iim iicluiu iu w w w i 4 - w tt oar race, juere i uiib "r.V rfc " " -"V " . I ' - - . i J c is a new Egypt, watered by a new isiie, . wag Qat of the way now ' they mutt gtantly filliPg up from annual accreuoua, uucu. . u i4 ..o ttiiuto ""I. . . fn. I'AHia f t'ftr- AirhAnrrn rna frnii is Liia num. 10- i Lvuiuiuuivaiut nuu vu vvi uuvwv. magnified a hundred ifoJU m extent, aim .omet'hinff 'else for Eossie. ciorificd stilhmore by tne spieuuor bdu i 7' uCJnu. hapsheweuldpeChesUr place-l.yt ceptacle of an enormous J ofeivilition. Seven-eighths of our for- . 1 !. - more is received than is ejected. Unless tba some -gn! trade it already urnishes, u. nnvMW)r J tho state has had a the rainfall shall diminish it is evident re.; r . . cirenmstance f rniMon and inouginwi f discouragement inflicted upon lit by a I conference with Ins Council, k 1 1 1 Lt uiiu nvi uom - n t .'ill a L niiuuuu ...wm - jind overcrpwded,popnlations beyond the J of th6 state on the subject' of .con ve- eas lioiu one uieir nanus to oursio a Tj.?.laf- l n eitra .-..ion for plenty as though Uiey were mueeu an-i -o , .. -1.1. AmwI mi ti.fi vmv com of! Heaven. I the purpose of providing the, full repre- tVIO .ww t . I " - ; - ( - . . At . .ri. l : . . t .1 tt..'ct.u r. Pa All Mils wcoiui, caiuiuiu 01 juutuuuo gCD itation of the State in Congress in ac- the operations of since, although the! gulf is the fanal re anu our ooara 01 snpejrvisors uas asKea . .I . 4. A? 1. . government raiions ue Beni Need immediate. The Sheriff .9 that, in the absence of modifying causes, of Uolivar county has lodged his prison w5ii rrtr Wume more intrac- oners here. Ho reperts very few plauta- table. Hitherto, with the exception of tions in his county with even a strip of the levees which,! unaided, all exper- land above water consequently the loss ience baa shown to be a futile defense of stoek there will be almost total. The mn have . snnnlsmen I levees are thrpngea witb - negroes and Tho receipts of cottou at this port np I jtsELDOAI EQUAL 'ALL to -date, for the present crop year, foot npj 123,004 bales, as against 1035 bales for the corresponding period last - year, showing an increase of 16,772 bales up to date in favof of the present crop year. Wit. Star. ; new apportionmen A meeting of has been tst for fmentj tsd the activtiestef-nature against him- tockos;'cdnjB lfl: The destraction of forests and the cultivation of the soil have robbed the banks of their natural protection and in- .rattMl ' the hfrhtef freshets and the l; cannon, is striving to reach the- marKetsi nrAAnct trith f the of the world, but is stopped by-a JN.ew i- .. m f .fiftn j England cotton-mill filled with Canadian -r- ; 'iT , h,n lahnr. or a PeMsvlvahraoren-fur-l the Governor's Council ha ...... ' " . T, I .. - . . . . . :. l.f.l. A.! I M.V. . nace. and told tnac a noroe marite- is aw-1 the I7tn instant, a. wuicu wme Ami fiiunt anu luhl lunii uixuuuu iw vuv 1 Ar f svfM tciinn viu m aennueif nly avenne opened up whereby agricul- . An extra session will probably transportation of alluvium by expeditiag tare may be saved ! True statesmanship c" K . their passage into the river. The levees, so far as they go, guard against ordinary J., 1 j. slhiffh water, but events have demonstra- lt wouia graiuy some oi uiairicuw-tii . , - ; . tn - . -' i . . . .. I toil onM TMsnnitiir ' Troves. o i T-.i nliin thalul ..h - : reasons which induced him ito vote for says obey tho laws of political Jeconomy, and those laws point out as plainly as an angel of light that our policy is to en courage, protect and fester nir strong man. the real wealth-civer. the! tiller of the soil. .This would soon put us ahead that . the ble. As its extent becomes known this calamity begins to appall. A tax saf& cient to rebuild the levees above would be almost insupportable, bat that is only an item. Many laborers have lost their stock and movables and are in a panic J strjcken and ; demoralized condition. Could transportation be secured there would be an exodus from here to the KEVEE EXCELLED ik ADD! SOW'S STAR BRAND it COMPLETE a M; AIRIIBB TOBACCO, CORN AND COTTON. No fertilizer ever introduced has undergone severer tests, or come eat of them wits a fetter record, than the i . .,-; !: ' ' , . - . : t. . r- 7 -. "STAR BRAKD GOtuPLETE fuAUURE it. v.. s n.A 4 virtrinU tnA 1873. and durins that time has been applied to sill of soil nnder ever variety of peason. Evidence that it has given general and great sttufkfi tion is found in the1 fact that since its introduction over,20,0Q0jIUJ!S nave bfen soWM. j i r ! Bhodss BROWNE, Prest. , Wx. C. CO AST, Secr; A Hoyue CSmpany,Seeking Home Patronage. ' Strone, Prompt, BeliaWe, Lileral! Term policies written on Dwellings. Premiums payable One-half cash and bal ance in twelve months. J. ALLEN BROWN, Afrt:, 21:6m Salisbury, N. C. irginia and North Carolina, who have used it froiri one tb eight rears allcoingts 8h it as a fact that, all things considered, it is Equal to any ana Surpassed by noe. Mississippi cannot be controlled' by them hills; ' The despondency of the planters during great floods. United and, cohe rent action will-be necessary, for the en tire length of the river. The remedies t be applied are those in harmony with of all the woild ; andJas they ;were re- J placing Gen. Grant on the "retired list, quired, the arts would nourish in the with a salaryof$ 12,000 a jear. Surely, iraiu Ol iuis priest ui naium. xur mc i i . .: . . . .'j .a : ! .t... I General Grant is not in need, and ne water power is iuudciuj, iu raw i.iauieiiai - :4 . i IS in our miusE, tiie.su riaco oi uio raiw . ia-r. nf hvrtratilie enTineerinff j. w;n. L,f. onH it w,tm fJ ,nraA h',m Thr I the known laws oi nyurauiio en.meenut, full of metals nd coal : and these, under I j ... ;n lnml and I The acainst all the world, or confess at once should have made this needless donation that American manhood is inferior. But to Ulysees, to be speat in corrupting the instead of tins, the strong man of our b llot box and playing big Sam in the weaiui is weigiueu uowu uy a uu u . k.i...i .rv itm f hi. PTiatm, nnd rrv im- face ot an over burdened people. v v. " y -' ploment of his industry a tax as unwise 11 . a. J ll . 1 Z A f il a. uiBno.ie86-iu, ui? utueui ui iUUW Bakkbupt-Law. Congress can't rest nuvf av mil vuuuuv viuu invuunu . v--ii n,- .,,.i i tk without Dassintr a new bankrupt Law. It asks no protection in the shape of tariffs ; is not a measure called for by: the people. and merchants is deepening. At first this blow was regarded as a disaster in volving losses and hard times, but now it is assuming graver, and greater propor tions. The most thoughtful as well as banks must" be protected against the riiost sanguine look upon it as a dis- attack.both to prevent further additions aster! greater than has ever befallen the to the already gorged river bed and to bottom country. It will almost destroy maintain it in a j fixed position. The the feeling of security with which our lo- channel must be deepened by the aid of cal capacity to hold the levee was be- the hydraulic energies of the 6tream coming regarded. Upon thfs reliance was itself. The velocity with which". water based the railroad and other movements can flow depends upon its depth, and of capital toward the Yazoo Delta, and if t.h a Rmnnth aad I harmless tiassaire of it coes all the possible prosperity of this each. Also, tract on Broad River known, as the ".Nichols Gold Vein Mine." - lAddress W. J. MERRITT A CO., 21:1m P. O. Box 3668, New York City. he simply asks not to be taxed to death for the benefit of others. He wants to be protected against protection. i Protection, so called, a tax imposed on nine menr for the sole benefit ot one, checks the natural growth and strength of the country. I It is unnatural and unfree, in that it fetters the course of trade, denies the peo ple a choice of markets and the benefits f competition ; and a man not free to deal with his goodsjs no more a free raai than if denied the free use of his body and faculties. Jt is nnjust and unconstitutional, in that it taxes the many for the riches of the few, which is a private and not a pablic purpose. 1 1 it is.commerciai slavery, lor it gives one man's earnings without consideration to another man j and is therefore dishon est. It is repugnant to frjfeo institutions and undemocratic, insomuch as it tends to There is not a community in the entire South we do not believe there is one in the United States demanding a new bankrupt law. It is not proposed as a matter in the interest of the "greatest number,' but wholly in the interest of the debtor class, whom it virtually in vites to speculate venture make mon ey if you can- but if you fail.; your cred itors will find you nnder a government shield. It will increase the busin6ss of of the Courts and provide fees for those who live by them. It is a curse to the people to the country, rand only bene fits a few, and they unprofitable members of the community. Wonder of members of Congress are; not . thinking more of themselves, and their prospective wel fare, in getting up this law than they are of their constituents. It is not much bet- n concentrate -wealth in the hands of the few and establish a privileged chassenjoy- J ter than, the "back salary grab ug .iiuiuuuiues uenieu 10 omers, ana 10 gradually sap the foundations of vvlt re publican equality and simplicity. j It is illegal : it wars against the well Li.ll IV a .... estaousueu jaws ot political economy. which are applicable alike to the dealings of the inhabitants oi the couutry hamlet y Hoxestt AND ! Dishonestt. We. find in one of the papers on our table' two rather notable incidents which go to show that the common people who throng a and the great family of nations, and are I city pavfement, (nd as for that matter as much God's law as is the law, of gravi- Uny othir private walk of life), are more Man v floods can only be effected by means of a deep and uniform channel. The rebuild ing of the levees will be ia the end an indispensable subject, the same regard for this purpose being relatively small. Many years must elapse and much money bo spent before the completion of the necessary work, but the interests at stake are two valuable to be abandoned, and in the end will make ample compen sation for their cost if, the roeaus em ployed shall be wisely applied. Feeding the Starving Flood Victims. Washington, March 6. Gen. Sheri dan has appointed Captains Lee, Ninth infantry, Benham, Seventh injfontry, Land, Ninth cavalry, and Page", Third infantry, to visit the flooded regions of the South where relief- is being distribu ted and report to Commissioner Beck upon the condition and needs of the peo ple. These officers are instructed to. re port promptly by telegraph. Postmaster Pearce, at Vicksburg, tele graphs the War Department that the levee is broken jail along the river froHt. section goes with it. Your correspondent docs: not believe that confidence or hope cau be restored without national help to rebuild the levees. New York" Stock Mauket. New York, March 7-The stock market open ed irreguiar, the most important feature being a decline from yesterday's closing prices of 5 per cent, for Richmond and Danville, li for Indiana, Blooming ton andj Western, 1-per cent, for Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland, and an advance of 2 per cent, in Nashville and Chattanoe ga, and i per cent, in Jersey Central. In the early dealings a decline ot txz per cent, was recorded, in which Louisville and Nashville, Denver and Rio Grande, Kansas and Texas, Handibal and St. Jo seph, : preferred, Missouri, Pacific and jrit were tne moss conspicuous. At n o'clock there was a strong recovery of to i per cent, the latter for Denver and Rio Grande. Richmond and Dauville is now quoted at;130 bid. - 1 The Wtaston Rf publican says : It Is somewhat a- musiDtr to note tne numDer or correspondents, all from the Western portion of the State, writing of late In the "National Republican." the Administra tion paper at w asnington, commending tne so-called Independent Movement In this State, and prom ising great resurts to tne Kenuoucan party tnere- from. We venture the assertion thai the Paesident Itotf tiw.'dt.ud Wbi-rf.J I0lf!,fl';,fot telejirapLa Oat tl peopl. of Pulaski 'S'SSSS. traction, and rapes the multiplication ta- party purposes, j The first incident illnsr county, 111., are appealing for aid, having in the Democratic party are no greater than the dis- Dle. ; . trjifint, Hii.trntli. ia tt.nl: a l?afinl,l,V 1,v ir,-flrtr from ssuwvns in our own ranss. u inaepennentism A tariff for revenue can be riffhtfnllv K..nL,t.n i."vr v I m... -il :n . . rnir,v ti.s. m TZi-:: Tt.Yn sum of 8400,000 was sent to Dorsey while The Department also ordered five w..v ..uio. m. win -wimuii' LU um iu I III I framing such a tariff. Such protection I " was managing the campaign in 1880, 1 thousand additional rations to points in as this would afford to all the industries but onlr $55,O0Q can be accounted for, Southeast Missouri to bo named by Gov of the country thev are fairlv entitled to I. i.J .-U vV have. Let them learn to be therewith ntcnt, and to know that "whatsoever means anytlilng.lt is that this army shall Ignore Its oia leaaers-setoe. Keed, uynam, smith, ll olden Keogh. and Wheeler, and follow whom? Oen.Clln&r- man. Gen. Leach, CoL Jt)hnsUtn. Charles Price et id omnr genu, old broken down, antiquated, sore-headed, disappointed offlce-sccking Democrats. In other words disband, . We are damned if we do it. V I is more thar this cometh of evil " ' ' I Free land, free, labor; free competition, ; and tree ships wherewith to seek . free markets, are the great economic truths of modern intelligence, without which the people are not free, and without which prosperity cannot be complete. liockwall County, Texas. There iserbaps, no on single county and they want to know what became of I Critteudou. the balance, tho handsome sum of $345, 000. The other; incident : a neerro bov was carrying' a bag along Wall street, the other day, containing . $5,000 and let it fall, bursting tho bag,-the golden pieces rolling! in all directions. A crowd soon collected and helped the boy gather np his treasure,! and when it come to be 1our -readers counted out at the bank, he had not lost I ras a cent Death- of Judge French. Wilmington Review, 6th, It is again oar! sad province to chroni cle the death of a very prominent citizen ef Wilmington.! Judge French, who, as The Virginia Legislature. Rich mond, March 7. The regular session o: the General Assembly came to a close to- A Republican correspondent of the N ' nw . m A. a- a. i . i imtB says, the sum ot $4UU,uuu was : "w-v sent to Jjorsey wnuo lie was managing the campaign in 1830, but only $55,000 can be accounted for, and they want to know what became of tho balance. ,are aware, has for many lain, afflicted on his'bed, 'P A .Ll.:V : a' r Mia1 t O rvlr in-Aav Tli alirulr ' im I nifrlit o n rl in'nfli linnA 1ia nr(ulami jciwiu wuicu we argue: it is saier I """ W.U"J' r -r . i- of the West, in which more people from to trtt4t H Pr8t impnls of an nn n? 80 J9 a lSht have been nndection t the worernor, convening the Uen liowan 'above. therefore, is likely to interest & larr mir. n county have settled than the know4 crowd tlian to put confidence in th circumstances, for the reason thathjs eral Assembln extra session, at noon . Any inewsfrom that localitv neaking, scheming party i agent who Jong beea. exacted; and it is to-day, was ead. " nas time te studv low to act thm mvj. I mm. ojodq question s Hanpv release I of friends here, readers of this paper j 'and for this reason ; we copy parts ef a letter just to hand from Mr. J. II. Klutts, i lotuicr citizen oi itewau. lie savs: - Then is a Dsrsey typo in North Garoli- na, if reports be true. Onr present County government is one "there are about 150 Rowan nonnU 1 eat ti. Li.:u . r Li: i : and about 7o of other counties of North I .tr ry ' n , . . i Carolina living hr. : ti, "St .lii10" about "ees, its workings and feels its i mL. i r. a-m am niiorirr m -k at Clerk omwltfre froto AesT ty,N. C. -Among tlie, private, citizens Ave have G.V. Bost, Geo. Barringer, Jno: Ai Canup; D7 C. Caunn. fliui'virrM.; H OaUs VopdSon; W;D. Barringer; WJll' t ClarkB6n.W.;M;Rusall It aitt m ' vr i t -41 isuiVf C - Kale, C. Klutu, M. Kluttz, ILL. Butner, 1 1 Geo. A. Fink, B. C. Jones, Jno. C. Cou- uuu:m uson ana James Wilson, all of Rowan county, N. C, besides many others, i From other porfipns of the Old North Stole, we have M. S. Austin, sher- fiJ W;Sa",nSer c?e J Wm. Triplet, Alex. Walls, Clarence Austin and Walter Austin. In Kaufman county, adjoining ?vv6i,,,aiVet' aace kfuo., . wialIac6ACS;' ' Simmons, Geo Woodson, A4-R. Shepard Alex?Sides, Geo. Barnhart, Mrs. Fannie Eller: Edward Shepard, B.W . Shepard, Robo Xem. Josey, and R. M. Peeler. At Den tonrL V Brown, Dan'l Hill, j y HiU and other's many others all around in j every direction more than I can name. . e nave ti.o "Dry Law" in thiscoun. ty and our jail has been almost' emptv Jor the Mast two years. Can vnn that much for old Rowan t j No, my friend, we are under whisky rule vet! nnfi 1 our jail is now fall to overflowing ji li, " tvfiHi Um I II v iiavc UUIV WO Of ITPnsg i i ft i in this township There were only four J : '. J - votes cast for the Republican candidates hi .r. ttlA Alt e Armn All t h A KTnV'r linians living here are doing well, so far Vs 1 fcnow, and. are well satisfied with their homes:- I J ; "We have had some cases of small pox in the cdahtr, but 'all proner care has teen taken to prevent its spread, and it causes no needless alarm.77 Art inn. . Tlnaa it 7 &r-?"4 ' -lOctobet.1865. when he was removed bv It VIOiatA 1.11 liirhfi nFanv nnf ' Ttv.. I 1 " - r - -. r - - . : " J "Ut. i.iJ-k. . ii z.: tLZ ii. m "'.'-. I luauuuio 1110 iiiuuai v uuvuuniics. nit jh us purpose oi promoting tne pun-1 vt in,Trfi Vn t?k a Jr .?Pf 7 Wilmington, where he associated himself t might be better In some respects. Can : yzi'' : -- T- r-eLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costivencss from pain, however mueh his . departure may ne mournea py tooso wno iovea ana honored him here. . In I860 Judge French was appointed by Gov; Ellis a judjge of the Superior Court j iu muiiu vtaiuiiua, wuicu uiitiuii 110 lin ed most worthily and satisfactorily until Another 1 Cotton Factory. Mont gemery. Ala, Marcn 7. wont was started by Adam's cotton factory yester day afternoon. This is the first cotton factory venturo in the city, aud caused great enthusiasm. The capacity of the mill will be about 1,500 bales of cotton per annum. La a . 1 .1 T 1-11 mri. AArtlhn.lfla , in this market aione; snu miw io .eucja miuvw f 5,000 Farmers and Plantert of Vi tabtish We offer it willi great confidence for use on the TOBACCO, COTTON, sod CORNcrsp, to be planted in 1882. with the assurance that it is in an rwpecui ,uy equa o whsnt kst been in the past. Knowing the maienais wnicu enter in w 1"vurw:iUui "uu nsBHinm i ins h under our personal superTision, we Guarantee the StaiiaaTd. ' i i t. v U.'ik.'iim or ill connected with this Guano to produce the best possible fertile a. t mvmit vbvu - . - - - ' at the lowest possible cost, and claim that our extended, experience and unnaosl resonrcti sb facilities have ens uer with wmcn nblecost, and claim that our exienaea fsnyvrixuKv uu unuaaii resonrcti f f shied as to approadi this more nearly than has been.done in sny othtr tttii re are acquainted. Those who have been using it unite in the opinion aW I By its Use the Consumer Gets the Greatest Benefit from the Smallest Outlay, An ordinary apptlcstion of this Goano Will cause ah increase of 100 to 200 per cent, innatt FOR SALS. especially adapted to TOBACCO PLANT-BEDS. It U All the title of representatives of H. Laver- its use nromotes fcrowth, prevents the attacks of the "fly," and makes healthy, stocky phut, with thick leaves and an aounaance oi roois, wuicu wear mvuiauuiis muvu ututr loan inost raised with Peruvian Gnano. . .-r ' . .. I - Manufacturers, Richmond, V. liv r...i.w; T AT.T.F.K T5ROWN. Salisburv : R.M. ROSEB0R0, Rowan Mills: CP. ' . . . ! A. :S.t T: Mi nJ rvf V P...1 O C; upon Broad River and elsewhere, compris- LOWE, Lexington, andy ems au ynporu, a u 'V?'" 7.1? ing 12 or more entries and patents, of 640 acres I uarouns, ana ueonjia, prww - ----- ty, deceased, derived under assignment of Os car Willis aud Kemp r. Willis, to the follow mir Property: Tract of land upon the Craekford, lorK District, South Carolina, known as "Brown's Mills." Also, several tracts in Burke Co.,N. grade fertilizer. We solicit your confidence and patronage. 20;3m A SUCCESS AT JL AST, North Carolina Railroad. 1 ! CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Feb. 19, 1882. No. 51, No. 53, j : Daily. j Daily. Leave Charlotte 3.55 a.m. 6.50 p. m. M Salisbury 5.51 " 8.61 " M High Point.. J 7.20 " 10.44 V Ar. Greensboro.... 8.00 u 11.20 " Leave G reensboro . 8.25 " Arr. Hillsboro 11.04 " '1 Durham 1148 u Raleigh 1.15 p.m Lvj 1.40 " ArlGoldsboro.... 4.20 A So. 17 Daily except Saturday, Leave Greensboro o.uu p. m. Arrive at Raleigh 3.04 a. m. Arrive at Goldsboro 8.00 " Ko. 51 Connects at Greensboro with R. & D. R. R. for all points North, Eat and West, vial Danville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wilmington. No. 53 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C, It. R. for all points in Western N.Carolina; ,.i . 1. "r p "r-v T t. r .11 aaiiy ai ureensooro wiin i. a u. xv. a. ior an points North, Last and W est. I TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Feb. 19, 1882. No. 50. Daily. No. 52. Daily. Leave Goldsboro.... Arrive Raleigh .... Leave " j .... Arrive Durham .... " Hillsboro.... Greensboro.. Leave Arrive HigH Piont. Salisbury.... Charlotte.... lU.zu a. m- 12.46 p ra 4.10 5.23 .07 8.50 9.10 9.42 11.03 12.50 a.m. 7.25 8.06 9.28 11.20 . m. it INVENTED AND PATENTER BY T. J. MERONEY, SALISBURY, N. C. : : : j - i .: .. THIS MACHINE is a plain wooden tank lined with copper or galvanized iron, with perforated pipes in the bottom for the admission of steam, with corrugated Roler,1 made of same mettle, and of sufficient weight. This Roler gathers the air while iaas-j ing back and forth over the cloths, forcing air and water through the fabric. At same time the steam is thrown up through the perforated pipes underneath from the bottom p of the tank. There are wooden strips between the pipes so as to protect them and form" a smooth bottom in the tank. .1 I j' . The process is simple : any one can operate the machine. First, soap the cloths' ssd distribute them evenly about four or five inches thick in the tank. Turn on enoughrwa-: ter to cover them turn on steam, and mover the Roler back and fbrth until the water is colored. Turn the valve and let the water pass off. Add fresh water, and: repcat'thi three or four times, and you find the clothes are thorousrhlv washed without the slight-1' est injury, for there is no rubbing process employed, the Roler; having rounded edges so' as to prevent any wear or cutting. A lace handkerchief can be washed as well as abtd quilt. .f2PThis Machine is in operation at Meroney & Bros. Machine Shop, where they will be manufactured at as small a cost as possible.- Any one having a steam bouer.in operation can use one of my machines at small cost and with satisfactory results. : One person can do they work ot ten wash-women in one day and do the work, better. $fIt is a splendid thing for boiling grain and vegetables for' stock, EagTTt is also a good wool-washer. -3FState and County rights for sale by the Inventor. ' 19:tf No.l8, Daily ek.Sunday-Lv. Goldsb'o 2.50 pm Ar. italeigh V.iu pm Lv. 5.00jim A r. Greensboro 2.20 pm No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C, AirjLine for all points in the South and South west, and with C. C. & A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. Nk. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. &C. Air Line for all points 6outh and Southwest; at Charlotte with C. C. & A. R. R. with all points South and Southeast. in every town in the State. N. W.N. C RAILROAD. I - No. 52 Goiso West. -No. 50 Daily, i Daily. ex. Sunday. Lv. Greensboro 9 20 pm 830am Ar. Kemeraville 10 36 " 9 41 w " . Salem 1 1120 " 1015 " ! No. 51. Goiko West. Daily. No. 53. I ex. Sun. Daily. Leave Salem I 515am 6 00 p m Ar. Kerne rsville 5 60 " 6 49 " -" j Greensboro 7 00 " 8 00 STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. Going North. No.1. Daily ex. Sun. Leave Chapel Hill Arrive. University.. Arrive Raleigh.... 7 ,30 a m 8 20 a m 10 15 a ra Goino South. No. 2. Daily ex. Sun. ! 41.. n.li.. f t. UI. T. I i T:. .1 the raler tvint nnf knar if. MnlH K. m. I . . i tA"m.:A -a.- :.:.u. !.u u,MV,,ou ucuLum u uugo orbon uerore Kno wu. w to" ww jwu lli K1U ; IUCT MI1J-U Forty-three v thousand people in the MississippiHalleytn Arkansas, Tennes see and Mississippi are reported to have been rendetexl ilestitute by the flooding higher than ever and ever since .fudge French has contin ued the practice alone. make it worse than it is. . Would it not therefore, be better to let it alone until the voice of the.people demand a change! I ' f ' Whenever inrtMn rn,hl. VJUICK worb;. in yesterday's paperan thev Are ant to'.nAnL- nt fnr account .was given of the pursuit and cap "T - ST j X'J5 -mr-mm-m -mmmm-mm wmb vm uw " 4 " 1 removal of tho jevil. They ;don't wait for office-seekers and spoils men to raise Jthe cry,they raise it themgelvea. They are making no complaint about the County government, and.it is therefore reasona ble to, suppose that they j are satisfied jith it. If it were a subject they did not understand, their silence would be excu sable ; but understanding it as well as they do, silence.must be construed as an appoval of it. Those f who seek to raise a storm to waft themj into position should, and! probably will be, defeated. The wind may blow harder than they ex pected, and land' them where it may . not be pleasant to stayi( It is not safe to pre? summon the ignorance of the people, and especially the people of this section of the State. ture of a negro man named Eury, charged with stealing a watch. The man's name was Hughes, instead of Eury, and fester day morning the Mayor sent him up to the Superior' court to stand- trial. The grand jury-waa in session, a true bilj was promptly returned, and before Hnghes had time to become acquainted with his jail surroundings he . was (taken out and placed upon trial, convicted and sentenc ed to the", penitentiary- for- four years. This is about the speediest visitation of justice upon an offender that we remem- Rev: T. page Ricaud, pastor of the Fifth Street.M. E. Church, received an otlier "pounding" at the hands of his con gregation and others on Friday night last. Wil. Star, v Leave Raleigh . Arrive University... Arrive Chapel Hill 3 30pm 5 15pm 6 15 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars without Chancre Ob Train No. 50, New York and Atlanta via. Washington & Danville, and between Greens boro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte Washington and Charlotte via Danville. SyThrougb Tickets on sale at Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro,; Salisbury and Charlotte, andj at all principal points South, Southwest, West, North snd East. For Emigrants rates to Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and the Southwest, address A- POrE, Gen. Passenget Agt. 21:ly Richmond, Va. 3L: UAaUttraUaKD- BY! THE PACIFIC GUAHO COMPANY. THE LEADING COTfTON FERTILIZER. Li , 1 ne;otaest ana most reliable brand sold, and of the highest grade the commercial ber as ever havinc occurred in the conntv. verai aouars nigner man nineteen-twentieths of the fertilizers in North .... ' - I Carolina. io iertiuzer nas eiven crreater satisfaction nn Mnpnl rnnil mi .11 v;n. a 1 the "Pacific'. For the last sixteen vears it has been anlrl in 'Rowan nnrl aA. It is ofiered you again thi year at same prices asked for the inferior case for the sheriff. Char. Observer, joining counties. grades. We like that news from New York j xiicT uave goi a neau 01 uieir I n,tjr vcuuhuju wuuu uuvs own and it takes something as powerful C0 Democratic, and the Democrats as truth, and as clear as the sun to con-1 elect a Senator to . the' seat, made vacant J. and Sick'li'adache. At Theo. F. Kluttz'x. vince" or lead them against the con vie- tions, ot personal knowledge and daily I iouservauon. by the death of Wagner. Let us have a few more of the same sort. Xeics-Obser- vcr. : ! THE GOHPOUnD AGID PHOSPHATE, j (Manufactured by Pacific Guano Company.) . IS of the highest grade and for COMPOSTTNG it ha a nn Rnnprinr mnA in mosa have not-enough time for making up composi heap, it can be done in the drill after pre- i m"o j b. . uu iu us, fcuiticu, uuui planting umo. . ! - 9Wf r JJ AXiIiEN BROWN, Agent, I lt OniceS front room over Crawford's Hardware. mm?mmAwmmmm J. R. KEEN & GO. SALISBURY, fl. C.f For the Sale of Encrines and Boilers of all" sizes 3 stiles NEW and SECOND HAND, j Also- f Saw Mills and Machinery generally. J j tfCorresnondcnce solicited. Sub-Acrents wanted 18tf fMention where you saw this notice. AHEAD AGAIN AS USUAL! Reports from all sections of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama . - . sustain our claim that the WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S MANIPULATED GUANO Is the BEST and Most Reliable and CHEAPEST Fertilizer in use, and that the WILCOX, GIBBS & COi'S SUPERPPOSPHATE, ; which we put out for the first time last season, has proved unexcelled by aiy Atii Phosphate on the Market. ; 1 xv is noi necessary ior us 10 say anyining aDont ines xeniuzers, as tne re pons w might be obtained from our agents, or ourselves, cbver Jthe whole subject, and will ply repay perusal. We will have a moderate supply of each, which can be obtainea from our Agents, payable in Cotton next Falu If there is no Agent at your liaiiroa Depot, get your merchant to order it. 1 V j r. WICOX,. GIBBS & CO., 16:2m v Savannah, Ga.,& Charleston, IS. C. ETTBB STIJL1L I (LUTTfZ h BEKBLIMW ARE RECEIVING DAILY, AND ARE SELLING THEM VERYj VERY CHEAP AND AT Our Dry Goods, Notion and Clothing Departments have all been supplied i , last week or, two; and we offer them very lew. - 'j New Stock of "Shirts and Underware: r NEW LOT OP TiTTRTVET?S RHOP.a A"NT1 TJnnTQ fft nifRAP AR ANY 1 MARKET AND A LARGE ASSORTNENT. ! H We mean to feed you with the Best Flour, Heats, Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Syrups, . j : i . j ; : Prunes, Tcmatoes, Potatoes,' & " That are to be had. Ve have asFine Flour as is made in the United ie.. j ; Hp Full stock of Corn, Meal, Shorts and Bran. Kew Supply of Glass and Table Wnro n ' . . .... . -' .. 1 nwnm ana oee us ocicre you ouy, as we have a thousand things not mentioneu. - j W. W. TAYLOR, II. F. ATKINS, ) f ; t E. F. TATUM, Salesmen; . f 1 January 11 tb, 1882. ji ;

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